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jim reports. >> reporter: this is the video the white house wants the world to see. osama bin laden, once the world's most notorious terrorist seen here armed only with a tv remote as he dials up old videos of himself. but these are images of an old man in a stocking cap bundled up against the cold and in spartan surroundings, nothing close to a mansion. unlike earlier videos, where his beard is dyed black, here, it's almost totally gray. in fact, u.s. officials say it's the same gray beard bin laden had when the navy s.e.a.l.s shot and killed him. >> here he died as much a prisoner as if he had been in maximum security. >> other videos show bin laden stumbling looking off camera for some reaction. how did he avoid detection for nearly five years only 35 miles from pakistan's capital and in the shadow of the country's top military academy? president obama suspects bin laden had to have had a support network inside pakistan. >> we don't know whether there must have been some people inside of government, people outside of government, and that is something that we have to investigate and more importantly the pakistani government has to investigate. >> many in congress also have their doubts. >> it is extraordinarily hard to believe that he could have survived there for five years or more in a major population center without some kind of support center and knowledge. >> and not only survived. national security adviser tom donnelley said evidence gathered at the compound shows bin laden was still calling the shots for al qaeda. >> he was involved strategically included including in their propaganda efforts. >> the evidence also shows before his death, bin laden was still intent on killing americans, attacking u.s. targets such as trains which would result in mass casualties. >> meanwhile, when it comes to the final photos showing a dead osama bin laden, most americans agree with the president's decision to keep them out of public view. nearly two-thirds back president obama with 52% strongly believing the president should not release the photos. by comparison, only 29% want the images unsealed. meanwhile, here in america, many residents of memphis, tennessee have had to abandon their homes and head for higher ground as the swollen mississippi rivers expanded. >> reporter: across memphis, the water continues to rise, pushing up against sidewalks 20 miles from the normal shoreline. >> it's overwhelming. it's just overwhelming to see it so high. >> and getting even higher. emergency teams are helping dozens move to higher ground, some loaded to city buses to push through the water. arrive to safety before all of the roads in the lowest lying areas are blocked. in downtown memphis, the fight to keep the water out continues. men and machine working around the clock and against the clock with the near record crest expected later today. jay grey, nbc news, memphis. >> now to an amazing story of survival about a 56 yield canadian woman straned in a remote part of nevada who managed to keep herself alive for seven weeks. she's regaining her strength in the hospital as the seven for her husband continues. nbc's shelly ostr alo has the details. >> it was back on march 14th when albert and rita left their home for a trade show. that same day, a camera photographed them in the store in eastern oregon. 400 miles later in the nevada wilderness, their van got stuck. >> our understanding is that they took a few wrong turns. they wanted to take a scenic route. >> their van wound up in this wilderness area of nevada, south of the idaho border. rita stayed alive seven weeks melting snow in the sun for water. after 49 days, her strength waning, rita spotted some people riding alter rain vehicles and flagged them down. >> she convinced them that she needed help and they went and got help for her. >> at this twin falls idaho hospital where she's recovering, she was able to spend mother's day with her son and daughter-in-law. >> we're praying for a mishg sxl boy, did we get one. >> now they're praying that rita's husband, albert, will soon be found alive. three days into the ordeal, he took off carrying a gps device looking for help. rita's doctors at the hospital say they are amazed at her remarkable recovery. it is unusual for us to see something in this situation to not only survive, but do be doing so well at this time. >> reporter: her children say while they pray for their mother's survival, they pray searchers will now find their fare. here is i don't a look at your first news going on around america today. cup cake frosting and pacifier on the hood of a car provided evidence of a horrific ordeal. a driver under the influence of pcp barreled through a children's birthday party. the driver never stopped plowing through an inflatable bouncer with several children inside and he collided with an off duty police officer who made the arrest. three children were sent to the hospital. a group of children playing on an inflatable slide in california saw their day of fun turn disastrous. eight kids were injured when the slide collapsed. officials say the accident occurred because too many people were on the slide. fortunately, all of the injuries were minor. in colorado, some people are facing off with gators just for the fun of it, believe it or not. at the alligator wrestling class, the animals are real and the students learn moves to gain the upper handled just in case they ever happen to encounter a gator. and running is not an option. now for a look at the national weather, we turn to nbc meteorologist bill karins with the weather channel forecast. running is not an option, but that is unfortunately what i would be doing. >> i thought you were supposed to poke them in the eyes, or maybe that's sharks. >> they're really small, though. >> we saw the story on the mississippi river. that continues to be the big story out there. as we go throughout this week, we aren't going to see any heavy rain along the mississippi area or along the arkansas/mississippi river. we're taking all that rain we had in april and sending it down the river. right now, the crest is here, just north of memphis, right along the arkansas/mississippi border. most of the damage is already done. as we go downstream in greenville, you'll have your second all-time highest crest. it will take a week only to go from memphis to greenville and another two or three days after that, it will go down to vicksburg. by the time it gets to vicksburg or mississippi and louisiana, it should be at record crest values for those regions. so still going to be a devastating story over the next week or two. now, as far as severe weather goes today, the weather pattern is rg stagnant. by that, i mean it's not going to move. whatever you had yesterday, there's a good chance you're going to see that again today. if you're in new york, philly, baltimore, d.c., virginia, back through ohio, that means you're going to have great weather. now, back in the northern plains where it's been stormy, it's going to stay that way. this is where all the severe weather is going to be over the next couple of days. right now, we have thunderstorms rolling across southern minnesota. in minneapolis, st. paul, i'd give it another hour or two hours. look at this line of storms it's going to hold it together as it goes through your region. later today, severe weather is likely in almost all of south dakota and an area sounds of chicago down through industrial illinois. so today, stormy weather in the plains, hot in texas and on the east coast, it will be enjoyable. more details on that, coming up. speak can of gorgeous weather, my mom wants to say thank you for the nice weather on mother's day. >> no problem. tough start to the business day in asia. apple bumps google, and the fat cats are getting fatter. your first look at this morning's business headlines are straight ahead. the hawks soar, and in dallas, the mavericks complete a sweep of the reigning champions. you're watching "first look" on msnbc. [ woman ] jogging stroller. you've been stuck in the garage while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. now you don't have to wait 6 weeks to get it. introducing natural instincts with our first color refresher. get healthy looking, ammonia-free color, then let the new refresher boost your healthy look 2 weeks in. it helps restore color pigments, so you can get a freshly colored look once again. natural instincts. it's all good. now get all the healthy looking color of natural instincts in our new vibrant shades. no matter when you get around to booking, will have a great last minute deal waiting for you. like at the 48 hour sale. this tuesday and wednesday only. be smart. book smart. welcome back to "first look." i'm veronica de la cruz. egypt's government is promising to enforce laws against places of worship and freedom of belief following a flareup of sectarian tensions over the weekend. fighting between muslims and christians killed a dozen and left some injured. egypt's government vowed to, quote, strike with an iron hand all of those who seek to tamper with the nation's security. pope benedict enjoyed one of venice's famous attractions. a ride on the gondolas. the first papal visit since 1985. the island nation of samoa announced it will be jumping forward in time by one day. it's switching to the line of the international date line. samoa marketed itself as the last place on earth to see the sun each day will share a similar time with its neighbors including australia. now here is your first look at how wall street will kick off the day. the dow opens at 12,638 after gaining 54 points on friday. the s&p rose five points. the nasdaq added 12. taking a look at overseas trading this morning, in tokyo, the nikkei dropped 64 points. in hong kong, the hang seng was up 176. investors will be looking for fresh clues on the economy this week after a much-needed dose of optimism gave stocks a boost on friday. after the drop in commodities, markets made a comeback thanks to a surprisingly strong employment report. commodities will be in focus again this week when the government weighs in with its inflation index telling us just how much prices have gone up on everything from food to fuel. we also also get the government's take on april's retail sales along with earnings from kohl's, macy's and nordstrom. friday's positive sentiment had faded in the face of europe's ongone woes of debt problems. in a battle for global brand domination, apple has unseated google from the four-year reign at the top according to the report out today. however, google's rule as the top driver of traffic to online news sites, that role is safe. according to a study, the search engine provides about 30% of the top new web visitors. the median value of salaries, bonuses, and long-term incentive award for the ceos of the major companies, 350 of them, surged 11% to $9.3 million. speaking of big paydays, engineers at the university of maryland are competing for a $250,000 prize for the first human powered helicopter. wednesday, the hand and foot peddleded craft has to hover 10 feet above the ground for at least 60 seconds to claim that prize. the red wings creep back, the hawks tie up chicago, and trick shots on the tennis court in madrid. plus, the lakers bow out and look like sore losers doing it. your first look at sports is straight ahead. if i ask sheila out? of course not. we broke up 6 months ago. but i don't think she'd go for a guy like -- [ ping! ] she says she'd love to. [ ping! ] she can't wait to see me. [ ping! ] she's wanted me to ask her out for over a year now! [ ping! ] she just sent me a video. [ girl's voice ] hi stephen, can't wait for our date! oh, can i see that? aah! [ male announcer ] in the network, sparks fly faster. at&t is getting faster with 4g. rethink possible. at&t is getting faster with 4g. ♪ crossing borders with ease ♪ ♪ clearing customs' a breeze ♪ ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ a-di-os, cheerio, au revoir ♪ ♪ off it goes, that's logistics ♪ ♪ over seas, over land, on the web, on demand ♪ ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ operations worldwide, ups on your side ♪ ♪ that's logistics ♪ welcome back to first look. i'm veronica de la cruz. in sports, the defending champ, the l.a. lakers are not only out, but yesterday provided an ugly ending to the career of one of the nba's greatest coaches ever. here's nbc's mario so his. hi there, good morning. we're here in dallas where phil jackson, the most decorated coach in nba history led his last game. jackson was hoping to end the career on top, but instead of chasing the mavericks, they put on a shooting clinic from beyond the arc. tied a playoff record with 23 pointers in the game. dallas led by 24 at the half and the game was virtually over. in the fourth quarter, the defending champions unravel. lamar odom throws a shoulder to dirk nowitzki. he was ejected. andrew bynum was an uncalled for cheap shot on j.j. barea. he was tossed. and we'll likely hear from the league. the mavericks complete the sweep, blowing out the lakers, 122-86 in what is expected to be phil jackson's final game as the head coach. jackson's former team, the chicago bulls fell short yesterday. the hawks pull forward late in the fourth. the two connecting for a pair of buckets down the stretch. the hawks even the series with a 100-88 win. nhl playoffs, the red wings living to play another day scoring three unanswered goals to force a game six against the sharks. the red wings win, 4-3. finally, djokovic won the madrid open, but na dad dal turned in the shot of the day. game one. after a lengthy rally, in a doll with a drop shot. djokovic returns it at the corner. only one way rafa could return that. between the legs. worth another look. with the back to the court, raffa pulls off an incredible return. djokovic went on to win the ma drill open, but it feels like nadal stole the show with one of the best shots you'll ever see. that's a look at sports on first look. i'm mario sew his. we have a nice weekend in the northeast, mid-atlantic and even the ohio valley. i'm happy to see for a lot of cities on the east coast, this is probably going to be the nicest week of the spring we're going to see. this looks perfect. if you like warm days and cool nights, this is for you. we have mostly clear skies, some skies over long island. the forecast is going to have highs just like yesterday, near 70 degrees. that's about as picture perfect as they get. humidity will be low, too. just a light breeze out of the north. buffalo, 64 and sunny. the only exception will be coastal areas of maine, new hampshire, massachusetts, even the boston area. that storm out in the gulf of maine will throw some clouds your way. talk about new york city, each and every day, right around 70 to about 72 degrees. and a good deal of sunshine where you don't have to worry about any bad weather until any or saturday. so the forecast for today, all the stormy weather to start this week is in the northern plains. that's where the storms will be. it will be hot today. kansas city, near 93. dallas, 92. we have near record highs out there. it will be warm. chicago, you're the opposite of new york city. you have stormy weather likely each and every day this week. veronica, what you see is what you get. this is one of the weeks where the weather pattern doesn't change. >> nice week here in new york? >> one of the best. >> then you and i are going to sleep right through it. >> not me. a new film starring relative unknowns wins big at the box office. your first look at entertainment is straight ahead. you're watching "first look" on msnbc. ever wish vegetables didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number? but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. kids today have superheroes that lift buildings. and superheroes that fly. but what if we could go to a place where real superheroes lived. ones who moved mountains. lifted an entire people. and taught the whole world how to fly. come see america's greatest history attraction, the henry ford. and ignite the spark of imagination in all of us. as we watch our heroes come alive in pure michigan. your trip begins at welcome back to "first look." last time on late night with jimmy fallon, jimmy pointed out the silver lining when it comes to recent unemployment figures. >> the unemployment rate went up last month for the first time since november. but on the bright side, i hear a senior management position just opened up at al qaeda. check this out. the niece of the founders of chef boy ar dee is releasing an italian cookbook. it's nice because when you cook the meals you're like, oh, just like mom used to pour into a bowl. that's right. a cookbook from the family of chef boy-ardee. every recipe begins with step one, lower your expectations. come on. oh, come on. >> that will probably be my cooking in general. tonight, jimmy welcomes chelsea handler, josh gadz and musical guest ziggy marley. that is week nights at 12:30, 11:35 local on your nbc station. time now for a look at your entertainment news. business was booming at the box office thanks to the thunder. "thor" had the best opening of the year, the action film took in $46 million overseas. its audience here was 63% male and surprisingly, 72% were over the age of 25. bad news for last week's champ, "fast five" premiered with $86 million and dropped a steep 62% this weekend to finish in second with $32.5 million. the good news, it debuted number one overseas breaking the studio's all-time record for a foreign film weekend. the wedding comedy, "jumping the broom" starring relative new byes won third place by a nose with $13.7 million. and finally, kate hudson's romantic opening "something borrowed" made for a much more expensive $34 million and it disappointed finishing fourth with $13 million. you saw that, right? >> i don't even know if that's on the rental list for me. >> stay tuned. way too early with willie geist starts right now. president obama called last sunday's bin laden raid a 55/45 proposition, meaning it was basically a coin toss as to whether osama actually was there. the question is, who won his national security team did the president overrule when he gave the order for the s.e.a.l.s to go in? meanwhile, american intelligence agencies are scouring all of the information recovered from bin laden's crib. one thing we know for sure is that he really, really liked watching himself on tv. and phil jackson's career ends in an ugly, ugly fashion. the question is, will the final analysis of jackson's run be great coach or good coach who had michael jordan, shaquille o'neal and kobe bryant to work with? it's way too early today. good morning, i'm willie geist. this is "w

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