be transparent. man:the irony of this entire thing is that robinhoodprovided a platform for all these investorsto pour into the market, and they added hundredsof thousands of new accounts. people wanted to attackwall street, and thereality of the situation is they broke robin hood. mr. tenev, you took from your customers in orderto minimize the $3 billion from being largerthan it probably would have been because you wantedto protect your position, and that is very troubling. - they had to sacrificesomebody in order to resolve this, and they sacrificed the peoplethat wanted to diamond hands their gamestop. and a lot of peoplelost a lot of money. andy barr:so if anyone has a problem with your decisionto halt trades, it's fair to say thattheir frustration should be directed towardfederal regulation. vlad tenev:congressman, you know, i'm not trying to throwanyone under the bus in direct frustrationanywhere. all i cansay is robinhood's security