because women are fleeing to other states. women of color cannot afford to do so in many instances so their death rate, it's suggested that it was going up because of the lack of ability for healthcare, but the idea of a fugitive slave law and a bounty is egregious and threatening and that's what that doctor was saying. every day she's under threat. so my position is this. one, the congress has to act. you criminalize and stop the stalkers in their tracks. and as well, the supreme court has to stop hiding behind standing. i hope their decision will ultimately come that the case can go forward in the lower court that the mississippi case is patently unconstitutional under roe v. wade but also under the constitution -- unconstitutional under the ninth amendment, which i read in the hearing today. you cannot interfere with rights that are not given to the government. and that means that the ninth amendment is constitutional. your rights are constitutional. your right to privacy. they are wrong. and we're going to fight this. we're going to fight this with

Related Keywords

Us ,Women ,Color ,Ability ,Death Rate ,Healthcare ,Idea ,Fugitive Slave Law ,Instances ,Bounty ,Black ,Supreme Court ,Majority Controlling Congress ,Doctor ,Fact ,Threat ,Stalkers ,Position ,One ,Tracks ,Sb8 ,Decision ,Hiding ,Case ,Court ,Mississippi ,Standing ,Constitution ,Roev Wade ,Rights ,Hearing ,Government ,Right ,Amendment ,Privacy ,

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