night. >> anybody know what it's like snow birds back up north so no for a mother. >> no. one noticed at first in a town >> years later the investigation was back in high gear. called pembroke pines where judy said in some corner of her donna, threes months a detecti, heart she hoped david might turn a rookie really had just been up safely some day. the detective was not inclined assigned to a brand new cold to false hope. she did not for a minute think case unit. >> the sergeant came into the he was still alive. office and dropped a box of papers right on my desk and said surely a sign of him would have here, see what you can do with appeared. no, she believed when bodies this and i began to wonder, is aren't found it's because someone has intentionally hidden this a test to see can she but david jackson might show up. really do this. >> but the case was a challenge just not alive. >> and my wheels started turning was an understatement. and i started thinking we live now all but forgotten mystery. the disappearance 15 years in florida with the crazy weather that we have and the water table that we have, if he earlier of a young man named were ever buried anywhere, david jackson. and the file offered no hints, no pointers, nothing really somewhere along the line you're going to pop up. beyond the basic file. >> maybe the detective thought even the rookie cop knew she remains had popped up. would have toco learn about the after all it had been a decade