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Escalating violence is spiraling into civil war. Snowden speaks. Guard ythe guard yathe guardia part two of the interview. I think theyre going to say ive created grave crimes, violated the espionage act, ive aided our enemies in making them aware of these systems. Whose voice is crying for help . The defense calls friends of George Zimmerman to testify about the 911 recording from the night Trayvon Martin died. Could the defense also call martins father to the stand . Well bring you the trial live whether it resumes from the lunch break. City of Second Chances. Former new york governor Eliot Spitzer is trying to reclaim his political career after being caught up in that prostitution scandal. This time is he running for new york city controller. What im looking for is a chance to be heard. Want the voters to listen to what ive done, look at the record i developed as an attorney general, as an assistant attorney general, as a governor, and say this guy assisted the public interest. Rule britainnia. Andy murray brings the wimbledon trophy home for the first time in 77 years. Fred perry was the last brit to win the singles title at wimbledon. That was all the way back in 1936. This morning andy murray told the today show his new reign at the Allengland Club was well worth the wait. Its been a lot of years since any brits have won there and ive been reminded of that most days of my life for the last five or six years. So to finally get to do it was great and i just hope it is not that long again. What a match it was. Good day, im Andrea Mitchell in washington. We are expecting new details today from National Transportation safety board officials about saturdays deadly plane crash at San Francisco airport. This afternoon the ntsb agents planned to speak with the flight crew onboard asiana flight 214. The focus is centering on the pilot who only had 43 hours logged on that 777 aircraft. Tom costello is live in San Francisco. Tom, what about the possibility of pilot error . Reporter clearly that is going to be on the ntsbs radar here as they try to figure out what happened. The reason they are looking at that is because we know this plane was coming in very low and very slow at between 100 and 116 knots. Generally when you come in to a landing here at San Francisco International Airport with a 777, you want to be at 137 knots, then add five knots for safety. Out there on the runway behind me, you see the broken shelf flight 214 out on runway 28 left right now. Investigators going through that wreckage, piece by piece, and they will do that for the next several days. This will be a long exhaustive process and you can imagine it is going to take some time but we do know that that pilot you were talking about, his name is captain cook, had he one had on hours in the 777. Hed flown it nine times and this was only his first approach to San Francisco in the 777 but he had flown it in other airplanes. He had flown a 747 in here. This was an experienced pilot. There were, we are toll, other pilots in the cockpit, not just as copilot but two others in the cockpit jump seats. Four pilots. The question is how could they allow their air speed to drop below 137 . Were they distracted . Was there a mechanical issue . In no way is this resolved yet. There are many questions to be determined but you can imagine they have a lot of those questions for that crew. There is another tragic development here we should tell you about, that is this. The Fire Department here in San Francisco says it believes its possible that one of its responding fire engines had hit and struck one of the two teenage girls who were killed here on saturday. Now we dont know if that actually killed that child and the investigation is still ongoing to make sure that that is in fact what happened, that the fire truck hit this child. But they are going on the investigation right now and looking at that possibility so it is yet another traj twist to this entire thing. Andrea . Is. Adding to that tragedy. Im no pilot, and you know this issue better than anyone, tom, but when you are going that slow, isnt there the risk of stall and wouldnt the rudders start shaking, wouldnt there be alarms going off . Was pilot fatigue a possible factor here . Listen. I think you are absolutely right. After 10 1 2hour flight theyre going to be looking at pilot fatigue. The engines were on idle. Thats very concerning to people when you look at this approach on to this runway and they were supposed to be a good 16 to 20 knots going faster than they were. Why were the engines at idle . We know that at four second they got a stall warning. The stick shaker, the yoke began shaking warning them that they were going too slow. Then at 1 1 2 seconds they tried to abort. 1 1 2 seconds before impact. Obviously it is far too late at that point. So the question is, as you back up the sequence of events, theyre going to back up an entire hours worth of events. The investigators are going to look at every piece of the conversations that were going on inside that cockpit between every pilot, every flight member, to ascertain did somebody else think that they were supposed to be watching the air speed . How did this apparently break down . Thats exactly what they are looking at. Tom costello on the scene, thank you so much, tom. In egypt today, violence is now escalating out of control after supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi clashed with the military and police leaving at least 50 dead, more than 400 wounded. Joining me now from cairo, nbc newss ayman muhyeldin. Military is saying they were returning fire. How is it affecting whats continuing to be a political and military crisis . Reporter well, andrea, we spent the better part of the day speaking to eyewitnesses, going to that field hospital, speaking to some of the people that were injured. If you ask the supporters of the ousted president twlb is only one narrative here, and that was they were simply engaged in a peaceful protest and prayer in the early hours of the morning outside the Republican Guard headquarters. It was at that point the military and the police opened fire on them killing more than 50 people. They believe they were doing this the military was doing this to send a clear message to these protesters that they want them out of this area because it is a Military Area but more importantly because they are fed up with this protest that they think is stalling the country. When you ask the military and the military itself held the press conference today, they say that isnt further from the truth, that they allow everyone peaceful protests but in fact what did transpire was that armed gunmen stormed or tried to storm the Republican Guard headquarters. Its soldiers came in under attack. In fact one soldier belonging to the Republican Guard was killed and it was only at that point that its soldiers acted in selfdefense and had to open fire. The question though that i think human rights activists and democracy activists we are speaking to are asking, why did the military use that type of force . Why do you have a death toll of nearly 50 people . Why did you use live ammunition when you over the course of the last several days knew there was a staged sitin protest outside the Republican Guards . I think these are the questions that will be the center of an investigation thats now been launched by the countrys interim president. He says he wants to get to the bottom of this and hes formed a Fact Finding Mission to try and find out exactly what happened this morning. What how do they justify keeping morsi under house arrest . Reporter well, the militarys position is he is no longer the president. If the Muslim Brotherhood is out on the secret on the streets, they fear it will lead to the riots. Other islamist politicians have been detained and their channels shut down because the military took it as a preemptive step concerned that if in fact they were disappointed with what happened last week, they would incite their supporters and followers to violence and they dont want that to happen. Right now thats one of the justifications of why president more ty si remains under detent. We understand he is the subject of an investigation under a cairo prosecutor. Hes now on a travel ban along with other leaders of the freedom an justice party. There are some who have accused him of being involved in the killing of protesters during his time in office so certainly there are prosecutors and lawyers that will also want to try to bring those cases against the former president. Eamon moil dean, thanai ayma much. Edward snowden has spoken out again. Earlier today the guardian released part two of its exclusive interview before he fled to moscow. He now has three countries offering him asylum but he remains at the moscow airport where hes been hole up for the past two weeks. He told two reporters why he leaked the information. The nsa doesnt limit itself to foreign intelligence. It collects all communications that transit the united states. I dont want to live in a world where everything that i say, everything i do, everyone i talk to, every expression of creativity or love or friendship is recorded. I think anyone who opposes that sort of world has an obligation to act in a way they can. Of course with, it is not just snowed than has put the white house and its National Security team under pressure from all sides. In the escalating crisis in egypt accused of propping morsi up and now under fire for abanening him and they say, acquiescing into what has all the earmarks of a military coup. Critics on all side. Joining me now, former defense secretary william cohen, chairman and ceo of the cohen group. Bill, this is a very tough time indeed for this administration. You have a knew National Security advisor, susan rice. She took over a week ago today. The secretary of state has been traveling nonstop in the middle east and now you have egypt absolutely in flames. Well, i think it is a Pivotal Moment for egypt and for the administration and how it deals with this. We have very limit leverage with egypt at this point 1. 5 billion isnt enough. Economic assistance that goes to egypt and military assistance going to the military. The question the administration is wrestling with now in terms whether to call it a military coup or some kind of hybrid is whether or not cutting off the ate at this point would only deepen the crisis and send egypt into a further meltdown than it is currently experiencing. I think theyre waiting to see whether or not any kind of order is going to be restored, whether or not the brotherhood is going to be excluded from the political process which would be a big mistake and whether or not at some point they are going to allow mr. Morsi to come out of confinement. He has been removed and it is unlikely hes ever going to get back into the presidency as such without causing the division to go even further but there has to be a resolution. Middle of the roaders have to come to grips an say, look, there are conservative radical islamists who have also opposed his presidency and there are liberals who want to see democracy established. What has to happen is you have to have some kind of a unity government formed and the egyptian people have to come to the realization, the old african proverb when he will fantastic fight, only the grass suffers. The egyptian people are now the grass thats being trampled on between one elephant and the other, between those who are advocating morsis cause and those who are opposed to him. The Muslim Brotherhood are not going to go away. They can only be even more radicalized but can they be brought back into the process . Or does what the military did just mean that there is no possible reconciliation between these two forces . The question becomes one of timing. How quickly can they call for new elections . For example, i heard one military official say a year. Thats really thats far too long. Somewhere between three and six months call for new elections and to insist that they be fair, that they look at the constitution that could be modified somewhat but the constitutions already been drafted, and then insist that these elections be held and whoever wins has the power to lead that country. Without that i think were going to see a continuation of a meltdown in egypt with the fracturing of the country looking more like syria than it does today. John mccain called for the immediate cutoff of military aid. What would be the ramifications . Well, others will provide the aid. For example, the egyptians look out to uae, to saudi arabia for others to help them economically. The military does have sufficient equipment, certainly to function in the short term. But i think senator mccain is correct, this is going to be the lever we have in terms of the military saying if you want to continue this reelship and we do have a long and historic relationship with their military if this is going to continue, you cant continue to be an occupying force, as such, in the political process. You have to have subordination to civilian rule. Bill cohen, thanks very much. Dire time in egypt, indeed. In other news making headlines today another plane crash. This one in alaska. It killed all ten people onboard sunday. The air taxi crashed and burst into flames after departing a small airport southwest of anchorage. The ntsb is investigating this crash as well. Teresa heinz kerrys condition has been upgraded from critical to fair as they continues be treated for an unknown illness at a boston hospital. Wife of secretary of state john kerry was rushed from the familys Vacation Home in nantucket sunday afternoon by ambulance, then flown to massachusetts general hospital. Mrs. Kerry is 74 years old and was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2009. These are pictures of her boarding a flight for europe with the secretary of state about a month or so ago. Family says that they were not releasing any more details but they are touched by the outpouring of well wishes. John kerry was due back in washington today but his schedule is now, understandably, in flux as he remains at his wifes side. A runaway train loaded with fuel rammed into a small quebec town and exploded over the weekend. 72 oil tank cars somehow came loose early saturday morning, sped downhill nearly seven miles and derailed in a small town. At least five people are dead, 40 still missing and that figure is expected to rise. Canadas Prime Minister Steven Harper at the scene sunday. My thoughts and prayers and those of all canadians are with the people as they deal with this disaster in their community. Tragically it is clear there has been loss of life, but we still do not know how extensive that is. Nbcs katie terr joins me now. It is inexplicable that this train would have been parked outside the town and those cars 72 cars loaded with fuel oil not hooked properly and then rolling right into the town, driverless, runaway train. Reporter there is a lot of questions on how exactly it happened, whether or not they werent hook properly or if there was some sort of other mechanical error going on. We are hearing reports that there was a fire on the train earlier that evening and something may have happened when they tried to put out the fire. The operator of the rail cars, the owner of them, says that the engineer of the rail cars wasnt the last one to touch it so there are a lot of questions right now. Certainly a lot of unanswered questions. But firefighters and investigators are trying to get to the heart of the blast zone today. They havent yet been able to really get in there because its just been too dangerous. The last two fires that were burning for about 48 hours have been put out. But the pressure within those two tanker cars is still so extremely high that they werent able to get close to it. As of now, five people are officially dead but that number could be deceptively low as there are at least 40 people who are right now unaccounted for. 40 people that have been roared missing. Weve spoken to a number of people throughout the day who say that they are sure some of their friends and loved ones were down there that night and they do not know where they are. This happened 1 00 a. M. Saturday morning, andrea. Thats when the tanker cars somehow detached themselves. They were northwest of town and they rolled about seven miles into town, derailed right behind me. Then five of them caught on fire. Again the company doesnt quite know what how it happened. But once they did derail, it sent a massive fireball into the air. People described it as a river of fire in some areas. 40 buildings completely flattened, decimated. 2,000 people forced to evacuate. We are hearing, 1,500 of them, unfortunately, will not be allowed back in their homes. Katy, thanks so much for the report from there. In arizona, the bodies of 19 fallen firefighters have been returned to their home base of prescott. Thousands lined the streets to pay their respects as a pro tegs of white hearses rolled through town. Memorial service is set for tuesday. Funerals will take place throughout the week. Massive blaze that killed the 19 men on june 30th was 90 contained heading into todays efforts. Investigators are still trying to figure out though what caused that tragic loss of life. Well also be bringing you the George Zimmerman trial live when we come back. 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Were you in africa working hard and traveling and experiencing all of that incredible trip. But lets talk about egypt first. Sticking with at least north africa. The white house was blamed for sticking with morsi too long. Now blamed for ignoring a coup. John mccain is all over their case, cut off the money immediately. How do they balance this . Well, i mean there is no blueprint. And even critics of what the white house are saying privately admit that there is no clearcut answer here. You know you got to do this. They made the decision not to cut off aid. So why did they do that . By saying it is not a coup. Had they done that, that would have kick in some things so they made that decision. Their first pry or here is to somehow convince them to let morsi go. They know if there is any chance and they do plan on being a lot more involved in the building of this phase two, whatever we want to call it, Second Chance at building an egyptian democracy, be more involved at trying to bring multiple parties together in some sort of unity government. But it doesnt have a chance unless morsis released. Immigration. Here the republicans have a chance to try to remake the image of their party. John boehner saying that hes going to demand at least 50 of his caucus. Is that a Holding Action while he tries to build support or is this really john boehner saying i cant do it. I think there is a legitimate he is trying to build support. Hes trying to find a majority. Hes ruling, hes made this decision that this is how is he going to rule, he is looking for majority and there is not a majority right now among House Republicans that really want any sort of realistic path to citizenship. Thats the sticking point. The question is, is there is a marco rubio type figure in the house that can do what rubio did in the senate . Is it going to be paul ryan . He has not been a guy that likes to do politically unpopular things with the base. Well see if he does that but the longer this lingers out here, you talk to a lot of people who are getting more and more pessimistic. Whats the trigger . Whats the forcing mechanic fic mechanism on bain sfer. The return of Eliot Spitzer. What is going on in new york city . Theyve got Mike Bloomberg fin irgi i finishing his first term. Wiener running for mayor, spitzer running for controller. God bless conan obrien and jay leno an our friend whos filling in for jon stewart, john oliver, thats all easy to mock and all this stuff but it really is when we look at this problem of trusting government, if i were an elected official who didnt take picture of his private parts, who didnt use prostitutes, i had absort of upset that these guys are demeaning the whole thing. Lets not leave out sanford and vitter. When you have lost the public trust for the way that you have acted, the idea that the only way back for you and your own therapy is to use the voters, you just sort of wish that some of these guys would go down their own charity, go do it another way. Dont use the Political Office because it really just erodes all of the trust in politicians and government. It just adds to whats already a sort of bad soup. Which is actually demeaning soup. It is demeaning soup but it is really bad news i think for Anthony Weiner because it brings the weird factor back. Chuck todd, thank you very much. We are expecting to hear later this afternoon from the ntsb in the next hour before the press conference gets under way though, we want to take a closer look into that asiana 214 clash with an aviation expert, american astronaut mark kelly, hes flown with many years of experience on many aircraft. Welcome back safe and sound from your tour. Talk about this flight. Issues of pilot error, potentially pilot fatigue, inexperience with that landing area. Repairs being made on that on langd equipment. What is your outside perspective on it . Well, first of all, andrea, the the weather that day was great. There is some indication that the glide slope wasnt available for the ios approach. I dont know if the pilots onboard have that information. Possibly they thought it was working. But the bottom line is they got low and slow and thats not a good place to be. And came up short. The stall the shaker, the stick shaker was warning them that they were imminently in a stall. And they were in a position where they couldnt recover from. There is a lot of issues that are going to have to be flushed out in the investigation. Apparently they didnt begin to try to abort until 2 1 2 seconds before the crash. But seven seconds before at least one of the pilots was heard saying youre too slow, pick up speed or accelerate, Something Like that. So they should have been she should have realized what was going on just from the stick shaker. They should have. But this is an interesting thing and nassauas looked at this. Certain cultural issues in certain cultures with regard to crew coordination which is how crew members Work Together effectively. And sometimes in some cultures it is hard for one crew member to tell somebody else that, hey, youre not flying the airplane right. To be 20 knots slow that low to the ground is if you dont react very quickly and positively and at full power, you could be in a place where youre not going to recover. Mark, one of the good things that came out of this is that the 777 had upgraded equipment, design, the seats were locked in to the frame so that people werent flying around. I mean the lack of loss of life, except for those two teenage girls tragically, there were a lot of injuries but they really did evacuate that plane very rapidly. Yeah. I think you got to give the flight attendants a lot of credit for saving a lot of lives. That airplane caught on fire. This could have been much worse. They evacuated 300 people in a matter of seconds. And thats a testament to the flight attendantss training and great job they did, but also boeing. You look at the wreckage, the fact that the seats stayed in place. You didnt have many more injuries as we need to be thankful for boeing building a great airplane. Mark kelly, thanks so much for your expertise on this, as well as many other things over these last weeks and months. Thank you so much. Youre welcome, andrea. Screaming or noise in the background, do you have an opinion whose voice that is . I thought it was george. As the trials about to resume, we are expecting more live testimony from the George Zimmerman trial in this hour. Well be getting an update from sanford, florida and our legal team coming up next. Youre watching Andrea Mitchell reports only on msnbc. 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Here youve got a jury thats got to decide between the mother last week and directly conflicting testimony from friends and coworkers of mr. Zimmerman today. Well, if it were up for a vote, the defense would win because they now have seven witnesses saying that zimmerman screaming for help on the 911 call. Of course it is not up for a vote. Theres three prosecution witness whose have said so and theres one prosecution witness who didnt know either of these men but said it sounded like a boy who was screaming. Add to that that George Zimmerman himself when confronted with the tape by Law Enforcement said it doesnt sound like me and add to that further that the screaming stops when the shot rings out, which might suggest that the shooting victim was the one who got shot. So its complicated. My view as is the jury will probably say we cant sort this out and simply put this piece of evidence aside, andrea. Craig melvin, what are we expecting for the rest of the afternoon and also coming up tomorrow and as we proceed this week . Andrea, so far today the defense has called five witnesses. We expect that at any moment the jury in fact is being brought into the jury right now. They are moving at a pretty good clip with the evidence. Mark omara over the weekend says he plans at some point we dont know whether today or tomorrow, perhaps even the day after but at some point the defense is going to call tracy martin, Trayvon Martins father. The state did not call tracy martin. They called sybrina fulton, Trayvon Martins mother. We expect that when the defense calls Trayvon Martins father they are going to continue to do what weve seen them do all day today, which is play that tape again because, if you recall, tracy martin initially said that it wasnt his sons voice being heard in the background of that 911 tape that weve heard over and over. Months later he would then say, yes, it does sound like my son. But initially he said it was not Trayvon Martins voice. Right now Doris Singleton is the witness who is being called to the stand. Again, the sixth witness of the day, andrea. We should also note here that at some point there is going to have to be a decision made by judge nelson over a motion that was made recently. It is the states motion an animation. Apparently the defense wants to play this animation that theyve created for the jury that in some way, shape, form or fashion depicts a critical part of the conflict that night, naturally there was an objection from the state so theyll have to hash that out at some point. We can see officer singleton taking the stand. Thanks to you, craig and lisa bloom. Well be back to you with breaks. Now we go back to the trial. Lets listen in. Thank you, your honor. How are you doing . Im doing okay. Thank you. I guess you were just sworn back in. You have testified here before the jury before. Correct . Yes. So let me focus you after you had the conversation where you took an initial statement from mr. Zimmerman. We talked about that in your initial testimony. Correct . We did. Then you were also present with chief investigate or serino when he was doing some of his workup, including a second statement taken from my client. Remember that . Yes, i remember. I was there. Okay. Was there a time that you were present where investigator serino was meeting with tracy martin . Yes, i was there when he was meeting with tracy martin. If you would, tell the jury the circumstances surrounding that. Your honor, i object. This calls for hearsay. We can approach the bench. Yes, you may approach. As we see them approaching the bench, lisa bloom, this is defense motion rather, a prosecution motion questioning something the defense was just trying to do. Right. So let me give you a little background. This is Doris Singleton. She was one of the first detectives to examine George Zimmerman after the shooting. Shes already testified at some length for the prosecution, but when youre testifying for one side or the other, you are limited to the scope that that party that called you asks about. So the defense wanted to ask some additional questions of her that they were not allowed to ask during the prosecutions case in chief. So now theyre calling her as their witness. That expands the scope. They can ask her about anything thats relevant to this trial. So i dont know, of course, what exactly is being discussed at the sidebar since we cant hear it but it is usually an evidentiary issue, an issue about hearsay that the judge will resolve in a way that the jury cant hear about. Craig melvin, as you have been pointing out, this is another one of the defense witnesses in what is moving very rapidly along this defense case. What do we know about whether omara plans to call George Zimmerman . You know what, andrea . Thats the Million Dollar question at this point. Theyre keeping that those cards pretty close to their vest. Over the weekend again mark omara did talk to some reporters an gave no indication that he was planning on calling George Zimmerman. He also gave no indication that they were not planning on calling George Zimmerman. Again, just to give you some more background here on Doris Singleton, the Sanford Police detective whos on the stand, she, again, the very first person to take a statement from George Zimmerman right after that shooting, that interview lasted roughly 30 minutes. There was also, we heard when she was called by the state, also that Interesting Exchange during the interview with zimmerman where she he apparently asked her if she was catholic. And then when she asked him, why he wanted to know that, he said because in the catholic faith, its always wrong to kill somebody. And they concluded the sidebar. Lets see what the judge decided about that defense testimony. An event with officer serino and tracy martin. You remember that . Yes, i do remember that. I think the last question was, can you tell us sort of this setting, give us an outlay, of how things were when you were there . Okay. I believe it was two days after the incident that trayvon was shot and tracy martin was there to speak to chris serino. He was concerned that an arrest hadnt been made. And chris serino was trying to explain to him the circumstances objection. Hearsay. Zblurn, zblu your honor, i would not offer officer serinos statements for the truth of the matter asserted. But lear to lay the groundwork im speaking. I apologize. She can testify as to what she has observed and what the circumstances were but not as to what anybody said. Can you repeat . Not as to what anybody said. Including the other officer . Your honor, i would need to be heard at the bench for that, your honor. I know we talked about one already, just not that one. Ask your question. Ill wait for an objection. Okay. Thank you. I think you were saying sort of the setting. So if you would continue. The setting was in the office cubicles. They were both sitting at chris serinos desk, chris in his own seat and an extra chair they had brought over to chris desk so tracy martin could sit. I believe it was his girlfriend that was with him. And they were there to so that chris serino could explain to them why at this point an arrest couldnt be made. And it was your understanding that investigator serino was still in the beginning stages of the investigation. Is that correct . Yes. I believe it was either two or three days after the incident. And where were you sitting or standing while this conversation was occurring . I was sitting probably diagonal to the cubicles. The cubicles are sitting square and there is a path between them that you can walk through. Then there is a hall. I was basically in the hall it is not real lay hall but it is where the cubicles would end before there is another wall that actually has offices that are walled. So i was probably about eight or ten feet from his desk. Okay. And did there come a time then that investigator serino played what we now know to be the 911 call from from mr. Tracy martin and his girlfriend to listen to . Yes, he played it for them. Do you recall if it was played once or more than once . I recall it was played once. Im not sure if it was played more than that. Without telling us the verbal response, what did mr. Martin do in response to listening to the call . Objection, your honor. Calls for hearsay. She can describe what she saw but not what she heard. You understand hearsay, right . And what you can and cant say. So im not asking you to tell us what mr. Martin said but i am asking you to give an observation as to his physical response. He was very upset. He was very sad. He hung his head. He cried. And did he give a response to officer serino . Yes. The next question i think might be objectionable, for record purposes, your honor. What did mr. Martin say in response to the question by mr. Serino as to whether or not that was his sons voice . Same objection, your honor. Sustained. No further questions for this witness right now, your honor, though the state may have some. Any cross . No questions. Thank you. May officer singleton be excused . May officer singleton be excused . She may be recalled. You are subject to being recalled so please stay in the building. You are excused from the courtroom. Call your next witness, please. As office ever singleton lea the stand, quick break. [ ding ] that can only be ensure complete [ female announcer ] the fourinone nutrition of ensure complete. A simple choice to help you eat right. [ major nutrition ] nutrition in charge. [ villain ] well mr. Baldwin. It appears our journey has come to a delightful end. 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They bring in the detective who was present when tracy was asked that question to establish essentially he was asked the question and that he had a very emotional response. They couldnt asked detective what his response was because that would be hearsay. An out of Court Statement offered in court for the truth. They couldnt bring that in, but they can bring the rest of it in. And this is the officer who was just testifying was sitting eight or ten feet away talking to tracy martin. Mr. Martin was asking why there had been no arrested. He had said something to the effect the investigation had just started. As hes been sworn in, lets go back to the courtroom. And i think the attorneys are still at a side bar with the judge to determine, i guess, the frame of how much he can testify to and whats going to be hearsay and what the judge would disallow out of earshot of the jury. Craig melvin, as you look ahead to the coming testimony this afternoon, how many more witnesses do you expect from the defense . Well, you know what, mark omara when asked that question last week, just how long do you think youll go, he said that he was enjoying himself, and he didnt know how long he definitely would go. He said he could wrap his case by the middle of this week or by the latter part of this week. By the way, the gentleman were looking at, again, this is chris serino. He was the lead detective in the case of Trayvon Martin, lead detective at one point. Hes also the gentleman whos represented by jose diaz, the same attorney that represented Casey Anthony as well. As you also remember during his initial testimony for the state there were a number of objections. The judge at one point had to strike a portion of his testimony as well when the attorneys for the defense argued that he was expressing more of his opinion than fact. So itll be very interesting to see precisely what they try to get him to narrow how they get him to narrow the focus and scope of his testimony for the defense. And lisa bloom, briefly as we end the hour, the important thing about this detective was that his original recommendation was a manslaughter charge, and some people are suggesting, especially after looking at the prosecution case, that they may have been better off not overcharging this case. Well, thats right. Chris serino is a fascinating character in this story. He was the lead detective, who as you say did recommend manslaughter charges be filed. Instead, initially no charges were filed. 44 days later after a special prosecutor was appointed, murder charges were filed. Chris serino testified for the prosecution that he believed George Zimmermans story, that he reviewed all of the evidence, conclude the it was a selfdefense case. Chris serino, by the way, is no longer a detective. Hes now working the late night shift. He says that was his choice. So theres a lot going on potentially with this witness, chris serino. Im sure the defense wants to bring out the entire story of what happened with him. Im sure the prosecution wants to limit it and probably the judge is going to rule somewhere in the middle. And this judge has been very decisive, craig melvin. She is very emphatic in the way shes running this courtroom. Judge nelson runs a very, very tight ship, andrea. Shes been very punctual, and she indicated before the trial started that she was going to be this way. She seems very committed to moving this process along. No small part to the fact the jury has been sequestered. Theyre now in their third full week of being sequestered. No contact with their family, no social media. Theyre not supposed to be watching the news. They missed the fourth of july. So she is obviously very cognizant of the fact shes got a group of people that very much want this trial to be over as quickly as possible. So, yeah, shes running a tight ship, and there have been a few times, especially friday when dr. Bao was testifying, the medical examiner who conducted the autopsy, there have been a number of times where shes had to mix it up a bit with the witnesses. She hasnt been afraid to on a number of occasions mix it up with the attorneys as well and cut them off. Judge nelson, as you indicated, has been a pretty tough cookie. And lisa, we have just a few seconds left, but as you look forward to this, the defense may well call the father as weve been saying, tracy martin. Yes, and im sure that they will. Theyll put him on for very brief testimony, that he initially said it was not his son Trayvon Martin screaming for help. I would also expect more Law Enforcement to go through the whole story of how initially George Zimmerman was not charged at the best judgment of all of the police officers, that it was a selfdefense case and it was only much later after a Political Movement gathered some steam that the charges were brought forward. I mean, i think that stuff is very helpful to the defense. Lisa bloom, craig melvin, thanks so much. I know youre both on duty all afternoon, as long as this trial continues. And that does it for us for this edition of Andrea Mitchell reports. Thank you so much for joining us. Remember, follow the show online and on twitter. Thomas roberts will pick up our live coverage of the trial in it the next hour as we continue to follow the George Zimmerman trial live. Is the better choice for him, hes agreed to give it up. Thats today . [ male announcer ] well be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. I was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. 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Today the news nation is following day ten of George Zimmermans murder trial. Its the first full day zimmermans attorneys have been presented their case of selfdefense in the shooting death of 17yearold Trayvon Martin. Zimmermans attorneys have called a series of witnesses and asked all of them one of the key questions in this trial. Whose voice was it screaming for help on the 911 tape . It is your own opinion apart from everybody elses that the voice you just heard was George Zimmerman screaming for help . Absolutely, yes. Do you have an opinion of his voice . I thought it was george. Can you identify whose voice that was yelling in the background . Georges. And how do you know that . Is i recognize his voice. Whose voice is it . George zimmermans voice. Whose voice do you believe that to be screaming for help . There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that is george

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