military times did recently which was really striking to me. very unfavorable views i think from active duty members, 45%, very favorable just 24%. overall under water in favorability within the u.s. military. does that surprise you? >> it doesn't surprise me. the president is on an elevator going down. i mean there's a reason why we have a website called trump is a national security threat, he disrespected a gold star family, right, he has decided he's going to bay for the border wall by taking money out of the department of defense school system. just weekend over christmas he decided he would depart -- deport family members of active duty military deployed. so it's -- you know, pardoning war criminals is par for the course in his war over the military. it doesn't surprise me you see his poll numbers inside the military going from where they were to down. and i would remind you that's a military times poll. that's a more conservative