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To start the exit process by notifying the leader states of his intention. It has two years to negotiate its withdrawal. The talks will begin new terms of trade with the eu. Cameron has already said he wont start the process at this summit. He plans to leave it to his successor after he steps down later this year. We need to determine the kind of relationship we want with the eu. That is rightly something for the next Prime Minister and their cabinet to decide. But the leaders of germany, france, and italy agreed not to start negotiations with britain nm it has notified the eu of its intention to withdraw. Translator Great Britain has to take the initiative. French president Francois Hollande said he wants britain to act swiftly to bring stability back to the eu. He said theres nothing worse than uncertainty. As uk leaders deal with the cope from the shock brexit vote, people in other countries are taking cover from the financial storm. Gene otani joins us with the business headlines. To limit japans exposure to the brexit fallout. Shinzo abe is assuring smaller firms that his government is ready to help. Members of the council on economic and fiscal policy met to discuss the risks. Addressed the gathering. Sakakibara said companies are concerned about the confusion in the Financial Markets and theyre worried theyll have to rethink their approach. Sakakibara is calling on the sectors to work together. Translator we have to nip all kinds of possible risks in the bud to keep Global Economic growth on track. Besides, we need to prevent the damage from spilling into the real economy including Small Businesses especially. Abe says his government will do what it takes to shield the japanese economy. Finance minister taro aso says in that case there was a possibility the market could run out of dollars. Many investors didnt understand where the Financial Risks lay. Translator this time the biggest problem is political uncertainty. Its possible it could turn out to be a heavier burden in the midterm. Aso says hell keep a close eye on the currency markets and if necessary take action. Checking the markets, tokyo stocks rebounded on investors hopes of the government implementing economic stimulus measures. For the details our Business Reporter jiang nguyen reports. The nikkei fell following the brexit vote. Some went buying on the dip. The nikkei average managed to close in the positive but the topix fell by a broader margin. Investments remain shaky and weve seen a fly to safe haven assets. The yield touched a record low again. Theres also speculation that the financial authorities will do something to prop up the majority. Both obayashi gained. Takata grew more than 2 . Its chairman and ceo offered its resignation following the deaths and recalls from the defective air bags. But banks and brokerages are reeling from the uncertainty over the uks economy. Shares of Nomura Holdings and daiwa securities were down. With so much uncertainty about what it means politically and economically, many investors are keeping a close look at the summit. Im giang nguyen. Moving on, the shanghai finished at 2912. A threeweek highw. Seouls kospi index also gaining by half a percent to 1936 for the closing number. Theyll propose an extra budget of 8. 5 billion to support the economy. Hong kong continuing to decline by a quarter of 1 of the brexit vote. Singapore meanwhile rebounding by almost 1 after dropping to its lowest level in nearly four months on monday. Demand for the u. S. Greenback has been soaring since the brexit votete. Japanese financial institutes asked for the largest loan. Regular dollar supply operation since the uk referendum. The boj for low interest loans. Thats the biggest amount since december 2014. Japanese banks have faced higher Interest Rates on the market since the vote. They can get a better deal through the boj. The family behind one of japans biggest Oil Distributors says it opposes plans to merge with a rival. The founders of idemitsu says iran would make it inappropriate to tie up with connection with saudi arabia. A lawyer for honorary chairman idemitsu announced the familys position in a meeting. Family members hold onethird in the firm. That could be enough to scuttle the deal. The family cites tension in the middle east for one of the main reasons for its stance. It says escalating tensions would make the merger inappropriate. Heres a a look at some of e other business stories were following. The chaiairman and ceo o of embattledapapanese air maker takata says he intends to s ste downwn. Hell vacate the position after the company is safelely on the path to recovery. The firm has been at the center of a longrunning scandal over its potentially defective air bags. Auto makers have recalled tens of millions of vehicles worldwide. The president of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank says nearly 300 more countries want to join the chinaled venture. The bank already has 57 members. He says the number will increase to almost 90 by the beginning of next year putting it well ahead of the Asian Development bank which has 67 members. Many people in japan like the idea of spending a night or two in the great outdoors. But not without the daily comforts. Theyre opting to commune with nature while still enjoying more civilized settings. Reporter the magnificence of mt. Fuji rises over lake guaguci. Visitors to the area now have a new place to stay. Thisis camp site in the woods, looks pretty typical at first glance. People can hang out and relax. Or try their hand at more active pursuits. The difference is in the details. Dinner isnt just beans and wiene wieners. The food here is restaurant quality. And then theres the accommodation. No need to pitch a tent here. Its an example of a worldwide trend known as glamping. A fusion of glamour and camping. Translatoto it feels s extravaga extravagant. Reporter kind of camping with all the trappings is taking the off across japan. Even in central tokyo. People come to this waterfront tent village for a break and to barbecue. Everything is provided and you dont have to be a boy scout to start the fire. Inside theres a leather sofa. And a very nonoutdoorsy chandelier. Weekends tend to be busy. But lots of young people come after work as well. Translator its nice during the day, but i prefer coming at night when the city is all lit up. Translator theres no hassle and i feel relaxed. Right at home. Reporter some prefer more rural surroundings and the kinds of experiences they can only get in the countryside. Hashimura is planning to open a third site this summer. And hees trying something new. Translator im planning to have customers pick mandarin oranges and make fresh juice. Translator sounds good. Reporter visitors will get to interact with nature and sample a local specialty. Most of this fruit is destined for markets in tokyo. Farmers hope that bringing city folk to the orchards will win new customers. Translator it wl be great if campers enjoy our fruit and come back for more. I think it will revitalize local businesses. Reporter hashimura has also gotten creative with the menu. It features dishes made with local deer and wild boar meat. Translator ill work with local producers to provide ingredients to campers. Glamping is starting to take off. Now is the time to expand operations. Reporter many businesses are betting that interest in glamping will increase and become a p popular choice for people who want to go back to nature but not all the way. Thats a look at business news. Im going to leave you with the markets. Chinas leaders are unhappy about a meeting between the dali lama and one of the worlds biggest pop stars. They say the leader had an ulterior motive for speaking with lady gaga. The dali lama and lady gaga shared a stage at a conference of American Mayors in indianapolis. He told the audience its important to bring more kindness to a violence world. Its a promotion of kindness through diffentnt variety of activities in t the public eyey more kind action is really bring harmony and peaceful and happiness. Ladady gaga had a similar messssage. She said kindness is the easiest way to solve societys problems. Because the mind of the United States and the body of the United States are not connected, we have disharmony. And kindness is the cheapest way to cure that. And it has a priceless aftermath. A spokesperson for Chinas Foreign Ministry said that the dali lamas true motives were political. Translator the purpose of his visits and activities in other countries is nothing but promoting tibetan independndenc. We hope people from the International Community will be fully aware of his true colors and nature. The exiled spiritual leader also drew criticism two weeks ago when he met u. S. President barack obama. It can be next to impossible for Homeless Children or those living in poor conditions to find a way to a better life. Especially in the developing world. In indonesia, Nonprofit Organizations try to change that and theyre using an unlikely resource. Yusuke ota has more. Reporter you can see a lot of Street Children. About 34,000 children are said to be on the street in indonesia. These young people were once among them. But now theyve seized on an opportunity for a Better Future from trash. The Nonprofit Organization helps them make new products from the things people throw away. They set up a workshop in a shelter four years ago. Interested children can receive an 18month Training Course on how to change goods from glass bottles and other materials. The npo hopes the training will provide them with the skills to stand on their own. Their products are on display at the hotel lobby and other places. These are egg holders made from wine bottles. The necks o of the bottles have been turned into wine glasses. This vase was made from a fishing lamp. I think its really good that we do recycling because of the global problems. Its nice its particularly nice that children are doing it. Very nice. Reporter sales of the things children make have more than tripled over the past two years. The npo pays each child between 12 and 24 per month. Translator its the happiest thing that many people buy our products. Ill try to improve my skills and make even better things. Reporter this child joined the workshop in may. He likes to draw and says workshop activities are good for running design. He is thinking about becoming a photographer. Translator i want to save enough money to buy a camera. Ill keep learning and trying to realize my dream. Translator they have great potential. I want them to learn at this workshop and change their lives. Reporter this Jakarta Hotel uses the workshops products. The management appreciates the skills of the workshop members and hired one of them. Translator making bread is similar to what we do at the workshop. The experience of making products from glass and plastic is now helping me in my job. Reporter the learning of skills gives Street Children a different future. The products theyre making will help them realize their hopes and dreams. Yusuke ota, nhk world, jakarta. The president of Tokyo Electric Power company has apologized to shareholders for delaying reports that reactors had melted down at the fukushima power plant. Translator im sorry for causing trouble and worrying so many people. The meltdowns happened after an earthquake and system five years ago. It took two months to fully acknowledge what had happened. A tepco panel revealed earlier this month that the president at the time of the accident instructed his staff not to use the words core meltdown. Tepco presidenent spokeke at th annual shareholders meeting. He said he takes the panels findings seriously and will implement thorough measures to implement a reoccurrence. He said it includes drills. Shareholders smutted ten proposals. They varied from restarting Nuclear Reactors quickly in order to reduce electricity bills to abolishing the power business to prevent accidents. Translator i agree that Nuclear Plants should be restarted as long as safety requirements are met. Translator the management isnt improving its compensation for fukushima or its plans to restart nuclear plans. About 1200 shareholders took part in the meeting. Nine major Japanese Power Companies including tepco held meetings on tuesday. Local officials in central japan say a government protected gorge has been vandalized possibly by rock climbers. City Officials Say they found at least 63 of these pieces of metal driven into the rocks at the gorge. Theyre believed to be rock climbing equipment. The area was designated a site of scenic beauty in 1934. It and other sites are protected by law and perpetrators could face up to five years in jail. The officials are considering how best to preserve the rock. They say if they remove the metal pieces, it could lead to further damage. This isnsnt the only case i in Japan Cultural Agency Officials Say theyve seen s similar incicidents att this rock. As welell as two other location in central japan. A buddhist temple that attracts millions each year in central japan has become embroiled in scandal. And for the topop priesest at t center, its not h his firstst facing serious allegations. Nhk worlds Tomoko Kamata reports. Reporter the world ruz introduced to the tememple of sengogi in the Winter Olympics of 1998. Designed in the early 1700s, it was shown off ass a symbol of japans rich history. Today people are looking at the temple in a different light. One of its top priests is c caut up in a scandal. Temple staffers and followers have hurled serious accusations at komatsu. They say the priest sexually harassed a female staffer. Whats more, they say komatsu unfairly transferred her and another employee to a different workplace last year. After the transfer they say he made discriminatory and slanderous marks about them. Now there are calls from temple clergy for comatsu to resign. Translator it should never have happened. Reporter followers have also demanded that komatsu step down. They sent a letter calling his actions unforgivable. Translator the head shouldnt behave like that. Translator i understand priests are also human, but this isnt right for someone in his position. Reporter this isnt the first time the priest has been accused of improper conduct. Seven years ago komatsu was ordered by a court to pay money after other clergy members filed a lawsuit against him. They were demanding compensation for what they called inappropriate behavior. Komatsus attorney refused to comment on the issue. So far no case has been filed in court. Tomoko kamata, nhk world. Youre watching nhk newsline coming to you live from tokyo where its overcast with a temperature reading of 20 degrees celsius or 68 degrees fahrenheit. Sayaka mori has this hours weather update starting with italy who has seen downpours and hail. Sayaka . Yeah. Heavy rainfall and also hail hit the area on monday. We saw drenching rainfall. Now, we have some footage coming out of the north of italy. Take a look. A cold froront affected n north italy bringing damamage. The worst of the stormy conditions lasted for two hours. Heheavy r rains flooded streets hail hit the area. And areas in the Balkan Peninsula were also hit by large hail. The places like croatia as well as romania. So weather was extremely bad in italy at that moment. However, its now clearing up. So conditions are actually good across italy. But instead the north of the Balkan Peninsula, these areas are seeing dangerous conditions due to a cold front. Watch for thunderstorms, gusty winds, and even some tornadoes. Now, a higigh pressure system i dominangng over the south of europe. But as you can see, theres a low in france moving into the uk so we will see windy conditions across much of the you nighted kingdom. That could affect the wimbledon tournament taking place right now. Its going to be wet on tuesday and continunues into your wednesday. Winds are going to be quite strong. 26 kilometers per hour. On wednesday its going to get drier. Through europe its going to be hot once again. Madrid, 34 degrees with partly sunny conditions. Athens at 35 degrees. Despite rainy conditions on your tuesday. Now, across japan, torrerential rains are affecting many parts of western japan including kumamoto and also kagoshima. In about 24 hours, 280 millimeters s of rain has falle. Thats a lot. Thats causing damage to crops lilike oranges orr tomatoes in kumamamoto. So w weather has been very bad since the rainy season started. More wet weather is expected as we go into tomorrow. An additional 100 mielllimeters could fall on top of that. Its going to sty well through tomorrow and the same system also affecting central portions of china. Heavy rain is causing flooding across central portions of china as well. We have some footage coming out of sichuan province. The incident left many vehicles stranded as debris from a landslide blocked off the main route. The area had been hit by intense rainfall for more than a week. It looks like rain should let up as we go into wednesday. However, more rain is anticipated for sichuan province. Now, el nino has brought heavy rainfall. But still 10 of the state is under extreme to exceptional drought. So they definitity need rainfall. Now, rain is anticipated for areas where rain is not needed. So we are looking at heavy rainfall and thunderstorms across the Central Plains on your tuesday. Watch out for thunderstorms and back behind it due to dry conditions we may see some dry thunderstorms instead of thundershowers. Temperatures are going to be in the 30s across the southeast. All right. Thats it for me now. Heres your extended forecast. For your thoughts and comments, just log onto our website and click on contact us. Bedqwueeewep 1 xxxxxx annette i am annette a young. Welcome to this hour. Expected to tell them that it is not to define britain relationship with your

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