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And maple leaf. Today our series one world introduces you to the weaver who looked up for northern inspiration. Prime minister David Cameron has conceded defeat in the historic referendum over the uks membership in the eu. He says he will step down by october. I will do everything i can as Prime Minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months, but i do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination. A negotiation with the European Union will need to begin under a new Prime Minister. And i think its right that this new Prime Minister takes the decision about when to trigger article 50 and start the formal and Legal Process of leaving the eu. Article 50 at the lisbon treaty stipulates rules for eu exit. Cameron has been in office since 2010. He said he wants the new Prime Minister in place by the time of his partys conference in october. He reassured britons and europeans that, despite the referendum result, there will be no immediate changes to their lives. Election Officials Say 51. 9 of voters in the uk chose to leave the eu, and 48. 1 voted to remain. Cameron had campaigned to stay and said a decision to leave would damage the countrys economy. People against staying say it imposes too many regulations, and they say the Free Movement of people within the bloc has brought too many migrants to britain. They accuse them of taking jobs and raising social welfare costs. The uk is the first country to vote to quit the eu. It could impact the regional bloc significantly. Now that uk voters have decided to leave the eu, here is what will happen next. The uk needs to formally notify leaders of all the unions Member States of its intention to leave. There is no time line on when that has to happen. Once the notification is triggered there is a twoyear window on negotiating the new terms of membership. Officials are concerned the first exit of a Member Nation could trigger a tide against european integration. In places like denmark citizens are campaigning for their own referendum on their countrys membership. And in other countries across the eu, including france and germany, criticism has grown over the handling of the migrant crisis. The eu has also been criticized for bailing out greece from its debt crisis. Eu president donald tusk held a News Conference after the result of the referendum became clear. There is no hiding the fact that we wanted a different outcome of yesterdays referendum. I am fully aware of how serious or even dramatic this moment is politically, and there is no way of predicting all the political consequences of this event, speshl f especially for the uk. We are determined to keep our unity as 27. For all of us, the union is the framework for our common future. I would also like to reassure you that there will be no legal vacuum until the United Kingdom formally leaves the European Union, eu law will continue to apply to and within the uk. And by this i mean rights as well as obligations. People around the world have been closely watching the referendum results including here in japan on the streets of tokyo. I voted to leave. Really . Yep. I want england to have its own government, its own legal system, its own control over who comes into the country, and for the future, i think that thats very important for england. I think its a quite a good decision for the country. In this way they can all decide what will be good for their own country. Translator i have travelled in the uk and studied in ireland, so i didnt need to use my passport to travel in europe. I just have anxious feelings about whats going to happen now. Translator it would be better if they stayed in the eu, the japanese economy may take a hit. The yen could get stronger and that would hurt our economic growth. They organized the eu to be stronger together, but by breaking apart there will be no future. The surprise outcome in the uk has rattled Global Markets. Gene otani joins us from the Business Team for the details. Brexit sent jitters to the markets. Investors can be forgiven for feeling dizzy after a day of high drama. Theyve seen stocks tumble and currency markets fluctuate. At one point in asian trading the dollar fell below 100 yen. Phoebe at the Tokyo Stock Exchange has the details. Despite conflicting polls leading up to the referendum, many traders incident seriously price a victory for the eckit camp. The nikkei lost nearly 8 and ended the day below 15,000 after suffering its biggest setback since april 2000. The broader topix fell 7. 2 . The british found plummeted against the dollar reaching levels not seen since 1985. Investors flocked to t the safehaven yen driving the dollar down to a around 99 yen, the lowest level since november 2013. Taking a look at individual stocks. The plummeting yen hit exportrelated shares hard. Hitachi and mazda both saw a doubledigit loss. A shock victory for the brexit vote caused an immediate and negative reaction in the markets. And d lets say t the decision damaged global confidence. It may prompt the Federal Reserve to hold off on a planned Interest Rate drive this year and may lead to a new round of policy easing from major central banks. I am phoby amaroso at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Other markets in the asiapacific region also tumbled. Kospi and hang seng index both fell by 3 , as we see there. The reaction from chinese investors relatively subdued. Some scooped up bargains. The shanghai composite dropping 1. 3 to finish at 2,854. Britains Central Bank Says it is ready to provide more than 250 billion pounds or 350 billion of additional funds to support financial markets. We are well prepared for this. Her ma jesstys treasury and the bank of england have engaged in much Contingency Planning and weve remained in close contact including through the night and this morning. To be clear, the bank of england will not hesitatee to take additional measureses, as requirired, as markets adjust a as the ukk economy moves forwar. The governor says it will take some time for the uk to establish new relationships with europe and the rest of the world. He says some market and economic volatility can be expected as this process unfolds. For more insight on britains decision i talked to the president and ceo of the corporation of global research. I asked him how the brexit will impact the globall market. This is certainly the most incredible day as far as the market is concerned. I have been watching the market for over 35 years,s, andnd i ha never seen the level of the volatility that we have seen in the international markets. Gold is the biggest beneficiary of this volatility that we are seeing at the moment, and its a typical flight to quality. The people, the investors, are rushing to buy the gold, and thats why the gold broke 1300. And again, another flight to equality is the japanese yen. There is a huge buying in the japanese yen, and the yen surged from 106 down to even below 100. And this is a dramatic move in the Japanese Foreign currency market. Whats going to be the impact for asia . I cannot figure out the total impact on the Asian Companies and asian business in doing the business in uk and europe. But as far as Japanese Companies are concerned, we have pretty big numbers of japanese manufacturers, the big ones, auto manufacturers and others, have the Manufacturing Base in the uk. I am sure e they are the people who have to cope with this new development in the situation. You have been looking at the numbers. Theyre very close. Do you see countries wanting to have more independence and independent decisions and a movement away from sort of a globalized economy . Well, i think whats happening right now in the uk in terms of the eu is breaking down of the value chain by the Japanese Companies and all other companies who do the business in the eu. And i its this contagion is gog to affect the rest of the european countries, that could be of potential damage to the European Market as well as the Global Market as well. So the companies who are actively doing business in the region have to think about the potential risk that this is going to contaminate the rest of europe. Thats it for business news. I am going to leave you with the markets. A deadly tornado and hail storms have battered a city in eastern china. State media says 98 people were killed and more than 100 injured and there are fears that the death toll could rise. We have more from yang cheng. Reporter the tornado struck thursday at noon. Communications were severed. When the tornado hit, it was like an ocean here because of all of the rain. It was terrible. Translator i am very deprpressed. The tornado destroyed the house i have lived in for 20 years. The only comfort is that my mother has been rescued safely. Reporter this is the site where the tornado struck. There is heavy damage all over the place. The electriric poles have been toppled d and buildings have be torn to pieces. Local media say the tornanado ao destroyed schools and factories. Some people have begun returning home but many residents have been shocked at the site of the roofless houses and fallen poles. President xi jinping has ordered official to do everything possible. About 2,000 rescuers have been deployed. They are removing debris and collapsesed buildings b by hand will continue too searcrch f fo survivors through the night. The government of colombia and the fasching guerilla have agreed to a ceasefire ending more than five decades of conflict. The president and the leader of the revolutionary forces signed the agreement in havana, cuba. Both sides said farbg rebels should lay down their arms. Translator today a new chapter opens, one that will bring back peace and allow our wounds to heal. Translator we are very close to signing the final agreement. It will bring an end to the conflict and Start Construction of a stable and lasting peace. President san toes says he hopes a final deal will be in place by july. Farc will begin demobilizing the fighters within 150 days of the agreement. The deal calls for transition zones where fighters can prepare for civilian life. The war began in the 1960s and it has claimed the lives of around 220,000 people. Artisans around japan have been working on a project in anticipation of the 2020 olympics. Theyre creating kimono to represent each participating country and region. An essential part of the ensemble is the woven sash. Today we focus on the weaver who looked up to the Northern Lights to create the obi for canada. The sounds of a weavers loom, the echo of his skill. This is the foremost master. This weaving technique has been handed down for nearly eight centuries. Ogowa specializes is the sashes featuring this traditional design. He has been recognized by the japanese government as a living nanational treasurere. The dedesign consisists of two of stripes and two geometric patterns. Every obi he weaves contains just these four elements. Translator you could say i follllow a standardized motif. Its set. My job is to figure out the best colors and sizing to use to depict canada. Its simple and challenging at the same time. Reporter ogawa has been weaving for more than 60 years. This is the first time he is using the conventions of hokata weavings to express a country. Translator the canadian flag is red and white, so i would like to emphasize these colors in my design. Reporter one by one, he sets nearly 6,000 threads into the loom. Only the warped threads are used to create contrasting colors and patterns, so misplacing even one thread who affect the overall design. Then he starts weaving, following a rhythm that has become Second Nature through years of practice. Translator if people see canada in my obi, i will be happy. Reporter ogawa has depicted canada using only four patterns. This represents the countrys national flag. Interwoven inside are cololors that evoke canadas vast natural beautyty. Ogawaa captured Aurora Borealis in delicate gradations of red, a palette that transitions from green to red like the changing colors of the seasons. A closer look reveals the extent of his artistry and skill. He has included the traditional Design Elements in hues of red. Viewed at certain angles the surface becomes luminous. The silk threads are delicate. Ogawa adjusts the tenension depending on temperature and humidity conditions. When there is not enough tension, the pattern becomes distorted. And when compared to one woven correctly, it appears dull. If the tension is too tight, the pattern looks flat. Ogawa makes minute adjustments using instincts he has acquired over time. Finally, its time to unveil the completed obi. Its paired with the kimono representing canadaa that features motifs such as the maple leaf. [ applause ] the ensemble was presented to the canadian delegation during a group of 7 event. I think it conveyed a lot of respect for canada and it integrated the four seasons of canada. Reporter ogawas creation illustrates how an artisan can use just four elements to create infinite expression. Translator i add the contemporary to tradition and pass it on. People may equate tradition with something old, but it can lead to something new. Reporter a japanese weaver has devoted his life to keeping industries of artistry alive. Now his mastery is transcending convention and bringing the beauty of it to the world. Newsline comes to you live from the studios in tokyo. Our top story once again, Prime Minister David Cameron has conceded defeat in a historic referendum over the uks membership in the eu. He says he will step down by october. I will do everything i can as Prime Minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months, but i do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our cocountry to itsts next destina. A negotiation with the European Union will need to begin under a new Prime Minister. And i think its right that this new Prime Minister takes the decision about when to trigger article 50 and start the formal and Legal Process of leaving t e eu. Article 50 of the lisbon treaty stipulates rules for eu exit. Cameron has been in office since 2010. He said he wants the new Prime Minister in place by the time of his partys conference in october. He reassured britons and europeans that, despite the referendum result, there will be no immediate changes to their lives. Election Officials Say 51. 9 of voters in the uk chose to leave the European Union, and 48. 1 voted to remain. Cameron had campaigned to stay and said a decision to leave would damage the countrys economy. People against staying say it imposes too many regulations, and they say the Free Movement of people within the bloc has brought too many migrants to britain. They accuse them of taking jobs and raising social welfare costs. The uk is the first country to vote to quit the eu. It could impact the regional bloc significantly. Now jonathan oh joins us with hours forecast starting with tornado ravaged eastern china. Were continuing to monitor the weather situation across east asia. Its been a very wet and stormy pattern. In c china on thursday we had a report of a tornado that took the lives of at least 90 people. Theyre continuing to monitor the situation, but because of the weather pattern that was in place, it led to this devastating storm situation. We had a tropical depression located west of the philippines. That was feeding in very warm moisture from the south. We had a low pressure system toward the north that brought in very cool air, and then we had just enough energy in the jet stream to create that twist, and so it led to this very powerful system. And we will continue to see the rain from it move toward the east. I dont think were going to see the same level of instability. We are going to see the change in dynamics as it pushes across the Korean Peninsula into japan. Were looking at significant rainfall through the next couple days. By the time we go into sunday, i think well see things drying up across most of japan. Here is the scenario of low pressure that was causing some instability. Its now departed out of china and continue to push to the east. As we go into saturday, we continue to monitor the depression to the south as it hovers o over the area. The instability will be something that could potentially develop, but for the moment it looks like the factors will be a little bit weak for it to really inintensify. Meanwhile, looooking at japan a the southwestern portions, the area t that weve b been concer about when it comes to heavy rainfall. It looks like, while we wilill e ra a and maybebe some isolated heavy y spots, a lot of the foc may be going to the north. Thats good news. We need for the rain to try to hold off. Going into saturday, tokyo looking at some rainfall. Drier toward beijing and seoul. Shanghai and taipei looking at rainfall as well on saturday. Throughout the weekend, notice the rain continues for shanghai. Youll see through the first part of next week. Kumamoto where you need the drier periods, sunday may be the chance for you to see a dry spell before you see rain back in the picture monday and tuesday. The forecast for north america, its been an active couple of days when it comes to severe storms. It looks like the same system continues to hover over the northern portions of the deep south. It will continue to move to the south and east. Well be watching for rain and maybee Even Stronger thunderstorms. To the north and west well also look out for a low pressure sysystem thahat has been really creating instability over places like denver. It has been a stormy few days here. A high of 35. Thats very warm for those in the milehigh city, with a chance of storms on friday. Rain in vancouver and seattle with highs in the upper teens. As you wrap things up and look at whats happening into europe, were going to be dealing with a low pressure system thats coming onshore. So thats going to bring a lot of instability as we continue to go forward in time. Also seeing some rain and some stormsms over possibly even int the scandndinavian peninsula. High pressure is going to be surging in from the south, and thats going to continue to bring some warm air. As we go throughout friday, we are seeing highs in the mid to lower 30s. 35 in berlin. 32 in vienna and warsaw. Rain in stockholm and paris on friday. Hope you have a good day wherever you are. Here is your extended outlook. A bit of uplifting news for you wildlife lovers. Japanese scientists have artificially bred a southern rockhopper pen quiguinpenguin. They are on the red list of endangered species. Researchers from the osaka aquarium and Kobe University say this is the first success of its kind in artificially breeding penguins. The team started work on the project five years ago. Three chicks hatched in early june. The team says dna tests show that one chick was conceived by artificial insemination. Translator i was really happy. We will work to publicize this technique and contribute to the preservation of the species. The group says the baby penguin now weighs more than 700 grams. It is healthy and will be able to walk around soon. For your thoughts and comments, log on to our website and click on contact us, and you can also see our special feature reports. Im james tengan. Thor wanks fching this edition of nhk newsline. Make june 23 go down in our history the seismic decision. European leaders say they are decided they are stunned by the decision, while others are ushering in an era of uncertainty for not just the u. K. But europe as a whole. David cameron we should

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