For their struggle against oppression of young people and children and childrens right to education. Children must go to school, not be financially exploited. Satyarthi has protested and demonstrated for over three decades to prevent childrens exploitation. And he also found a volunteer group to stop child labor. Malala blogs about how she and her classmates go to school under the fear of islamic extremists. She was shot in the head while riding on a school bus two years ago, but she survived. She continues to call on World Leaders to act for the rights of education for all women and children around the globe. The 17yearold is the youngest ever nobel prize winner. The committee stressed that children must go to school and not be financially exploited, particularly in conflictridden areas. Now, malalas fight has changed dramatically. She went from near death to winning one of the worlds top honors. Nhk world reports. Reporter Malala Yousafzai started writing a blog for the bbc when she was 11 years old. She described going to school under threat of attack by islamist extremists who oppose education for girls. And she spoke out about her belief that everyone should get an education, regardless of gender. Malala lived in the swat valley. Two out of three girls there are unable to attend school. Malala was airlifted to britain for treatment after she was shot. When she regained consciousness, she says the first thought that passed through her mind was, thank god im not dead. She now lives in city of birmingham with her parents and two brothers. And shes back at school. Malala is undeterred. Shes carrying on with her work, lobbying for girls and women to get the same Educational Opportunities as boys and men. She celebrated her 16th birthday by making an address at the united nations. One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world. Reporter malala has become an advocate for the 57 million children around the world who are unable to attend school. And this prize is a victory for them, as well. Nhk world. Officials in hong kong have canceled talks with prodemocracy students just one day before they were scheduled to take place. Student leaders are calling for supporters to step up their protests against authorities. Nhk worlds estella mak reports from hong kong. Reporter hong kong officials and protest leaders traded criticism after a meeting to pave the way to formal talks failed. Each side accused the other of a lack of trust. I truly regret that we will not be able to have a meeting tomorrow, which will produce any constructive outcome. Translator the government lacks sincerity. If more citizens join the protests we could put greater pressure on officials and get them to accept our demands. Reporter several hundred demonstrators continued their sitin on a major road in front of the government headquarters on friday. We are asking for the true democracy. It is beneficial for every hong kong people. Reporter the protests are causing serious Traffic Congestion in the city center. Service on 249 bus lines, 40 of all operations, has either been suspended or rerouted. Public frustration is growing as the political standoff drags on, interfering with peoples daily routines. Translator i support the prodemocracy movement but not the way its going down. Democracy is important, but it takes time. Reporter public criticism could put the protesters at a disadvantage in their talks with officials. The students say theyre ready to talk any time, and the ball is in the governments court. Theyre giving frequent briefings at a press area in front of the building. Student leaders are eager to expand their base, calling on the people to join the demonstrations to increase pressure on authorities. But if such moves create further he destruction, they could alienate the very people theyre trying to enlist in their cause. And whatever the outcome of the lingering standoff, Public Opinion will likely be a key factor. Estella mak, nhk world, hong kong. Officials in tokyo say theyre concerned about the indictment of a japanese journalist in seoul. They say the charges could harm relations between the two countries. Kato wrote an article in the japanese newspaper in august. Prosecutors in seoul say it defamed the countrys president. The article questioned the whereabouts of park geunhye on the day the sewol ferry sank in april. He wrote rumors that park was with a man. Rumors say the government reflects the intentions of the park administration. They say the move may stall attempts to improve relations between the two countries. Foreign Ministry Officials in tokyo summoned the minister from the south korean embassy. They jim yong kim the indictment is regrettable in terms of freedom of the press and bilateral relations. Ki78 said he would convey japans concern to officials in seoul. Tokyo plans to continue excuses with seoul to try to improve relations. Officials hope to arrange talks between Prime Minister shinzo abe and President Park in the coming week. The japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association has also protested the indictment. It said the move threatens freedom of expression and the media in south korea, which is a fundamental principle of a democratic society. A now powerful sigh phoon is headed toward japan. The Southern Islands are experiencing winds and high waves. Meteorologist sayaka mori joins us for the details. Sayaka . Yes, miki. First i want to show you the satellite imagery from space. This is typhoon vongfong. You can see massive cloud with the very clear eye. This was a violent typhoon at the moment. Right now, weakened a little bit, but still a very strong typhoon and its approaching japan. The southwestern islands of the country already feeling lots of rainfall, as well as strong winds and waves. This was your surf forecast into friday night. Waves are going to be up to six meters in these islands. And of course as the storm approaches higher waves anticipated into saturday. The system will likely get very close to the okinawa islands by saturday evening local time as a typhoon status and then veer towards the northeast, aiming for kyushu or shikoku on monday afternoon, thats our National Holiday and move over japan towards the northeast as we go into tuesday, as well as wednesday. And areas in the eastern hemisphere of the storm, this is the area where lots of strong winds are anticipated and this area includes the tokyo area. Now in terms of precipitation, there are a lot of heavy rain on the menu from okinawa up towards kyushu so the whole of the country are seeing a risk of heavy rain and flooding and mudslides. The Southern Coast of the country, additional heavy rain will raise the potential for flooding and mudslides because last week typhoon fan fong dropped heavy rain. And we had a deadly eruption occur several days ago, theres a potential for mudslides and rockslides as well. Now lets see whats happening in the world of business. Heres our ron madison from the biz desk. Thank you very much, miki. Fn ministers and Central Bank Chiefs from the group of 20 countries have ended their first day of talks in washington. Japans finance minister taro aso said afterwards that hes concerned about weaknesses in the global economy. The Dow Jones Industrial average marked its worse loss of the year on thursday while share prices are also falling here in tokyo. Aso said concerns about the european economy are to blame. Translator the u. S. Economy is definitely recovering with the improvement in its labor market. But the situation in europe is different. Aso said the g20 team agrees on the need to promote unified financial and monetary policies and Structural Reforms to raise the global economy. The g20 financial leaders will meet again on friday. Theyre expected to discuss concrete measures to boost Infrastructure Investment in emerging economies. And officials at the bank of japan are cautious about the future of industrial output and personal spending. Their views have emerged and minutes from the banks policy meeting last month. The meeting revised downward the banks assessment of industrial output. Policymakers said it is recovering moderately, but does remain weak. The officials warn that inventory adjustments are ongoing in several sectors, including the auto industry. One policymaker urged caution saying the trend could spread to other industries. The officials agreed that personal spending will continue recovering steadily, but some indexes indicate weakness in household sentiment. The policymakers said the bank should keep a cautious watch. The weaker yen and rising costs of Raw Materials are casting a shadow over Consumer Spending in japan. Government Officials Say Consumer Sentiment in the country appears to be stalling. The Cabinet Office surveyed 8,400 households about their Spending Outlook for the next six months. The Consumer Confidence index for september stood at 39. 9. Thats down 1. 3 points from the previous month. And it is the second straight month of decline. The figure was lower than in august, and all four categories, including livelihood and income growth. The government blames the weakening yen which is making imports more expensive, and driving up the price of Raw Materials. That, in turn, has made Food Products such as canned seafood and dairy drinks more costly. The high price of gasoline at the pumps is also affecting confidence. The Cabinet Office has revised downward its assessment of the Consumer Confidence index from recovering more slowly. It now says that its flat. Well, jitters over slowing Global Growth appear to be escalating. Investors moved out of riskier assets like stocks and oil prices are falling. Prices for brent crude slumped to a level that we havent seen since december 2010. Oil prices have been under pressure on rising in supply, as well as a more uncertain outlook for the world economy. Taking a look now at stock markets the Asia Pacific Region faced heavy declines across the board today with many markets down more than 1 . Recent selloffs on wall street worsened investor sentiment. Tokyos nikkei average fell to 15,300. It dropped for a fourth straight day and sunk to a twomonth low. A fall in oil prices dragged down shares of Oil Developer impecs. And in Sydney Energy shares taking a bit of beading with santos among them. The index tumbled more than 2 falling to 5,188 and that erased all of thursdays gains falling to a fresh eightmonth low. Also in hong kong, oil related firms such as petrochina suffering sharp losses. The hang seng index closed down nearly 2 , 23,so 88. Investor worried flared up after the government cancelled scheduled talks with prodemocracy protesters. Okay that is going to do it for biz this hour. Thank you very much, ron. Now fish exporters in northern japan are eyeing some new technology to help heat up their sales. Theyre experimenting with a new way to ship their products. And theyre now casting their sales net to markets abroad. Nhk world has the story. Reporter this japanese common squid is still alive. 36 hours after it was caught. Its traveled 5,000 kilometers by air from japan to bangkok the capital of thailand. A local customer tried its taste at a japanese restaurant. Translator this squid is very different from ours. The texture is firm. And it tastes great. Reporter the port in the Northern Island of hokkaido receives about 100 pounds of fresh seafood every day. Everything from rock fish to yellowtail is caught here. Most of it is sold here at the local market are still alive. Keeping it fresh is very important and its been difficult to ship fish for long distances. But now, a new method may bring a drastic change. The secret is this smooth pastelike ice. Officials from an organization of hokkaido products is experimenting with it. The salt in the ice lowers the melting point. That keeps the subzero temperature much longer than ice made of pure water. For the experimental shipping, wholesalers pick the freshest seafood available. Because the paste consists of very fine grains of ice it sticks and covers the fish evenly. Translator its been a challenge for us to keep the freshness during transportation. Wed like to keep the taste of the fish the same as it does in hakudate. Reporter the fish is air freighted from hakedate to tokyo. From there on to bangkok. And the boxes arrive at the japanese restaurant. The fish shipped with cold packs, the temperature varied from three to eight degrees celsius. But with the ice paste, the fish was minus 0. 5 degrees. A japanese chef cuts a piece off and tastes it raw. Translator the texture of the fish meat is very different. This one tasted delicious. Translator the first experiment was good. We would like to do a few more trials to reach even better results. Reporter as the economy of Southeast Asia grows so will the peoples appetite for exotic, fresh foods. These local fish are mainly consumed in japan so far. But they could soon be packed up and shipped off to dinner tables far away. Nhk world, hakedate, hokkaido. October 10th marks 50 years since the tokyo summer olympics. The games helped transform the city into a modern metropolis. Now tokyo is again preparing to host the olympics and an athlete who competed in the 1964 event is helping keep the spirit alive on the other side of the world. Nhk worlds noriko hokkaido reports. Reporter carlos was a member of brazils National Volleyball team in 1964. He is now the president of the organizing committee for the Rio De Janeiro summer olympics in 2016. He says he has fond memories of the Tokyo Olympics. Translator im proud that i took part in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics as a competitor. The games were perfectly organized. And the Opening Ceremony was beautiful. Reporter the tokyo games were the first ever to be held in asia. And athletes from 94 countries and regions took part. The largest number up to the time. Newsman knows japan very well. He has visited the country 36 times. He says hes impressed by the way tokyo has changed. Translator tokyo greatly benefited from the olympics. Its the best example of how the games can change a city. Reporter the Tokyo Olympics dramatically transformed the life of the japanese people. The shinkansen train linking tokyo and osaka was launched just nine days before the games Opening Ceremony. After that train travel in japan was never again the same. The road was also greatly expanded including the construction of the tokyo metropolitan expressway system. Overnight shipment of Television Sets changed dramatically leading to more interest in sports among japanese. Nuzman says he expects the olympics will have a similar effect on Rio De Janeiro. Translator tokyo was the first asian city to host the olympics. In 2016, Rio De Janeiro will be the first city in south america to host the games. Reporter nuzman says the organizers of the rio games are learning a lot from the 1964 event. He believes 2020 will be another milestone for japan. Translator i expect the next tokyo games will make history, as the olympics and paralympics did in 1964. Im sure they will bring many benefits, both for the japanese people, and for the athletes. Good luck. Rio de janeiro is with you. Tokyo. Reporter but tokyo has a lot of work ahead as it prepares for the olympics. Construction of a new National Stadium is nearly six months behind schedule because of problems with the bidding procedure. Another problem, officials initially wanted to hold a compact olympics with most of the venues centrally located. Their goal was to make it easier for athletes and spectators to get around. But because of a surge in construction costs, they are being forced to review their plan. Hosting the olympics is never easy. Officials planning the 2020 olympics are facing many obstacles but they are sure the signing success of the 1964 games will help light their way. Noriko okada, nhk world. Archaeologists in indonesia have reexamined an old find and are making a new conclusion. They say prehistoric cave drawings may be the oldest in the world. The first stencils of hands and drawings of animals were discovered in the 1950s. Up until now, scientists believe the cave art was no older than 10,000 years. The team of archaeologists from indonesia and australia measured dates of minerals covering the surfaces of drawings in seven caves. They calculated the age of some of them to be at least 39, 900 years old. They say they could predate cave drawing in spain thought to be the worlds oldest. The new findings have been published in the british journal nature. Scientists around the world are paying close attention as the study could change the common belief that cave drawings originated in europe. Its time now to check on the World Weather with our meteorologist sayaka mori. Sayaka, a strong storm is creeping towards eastern india. What can we expect up ahead . Yes, miki, this years first cyclonic storm for the bay of bengal is still churning over the waters while intensifying because its a large system, already the east coast of india is covered by clouds. Now the center will likely reach the north coast northeast coast of ander pradesh by sunday morning as a very clear cyclonic storm. Gusts are kicking up to 150 kilometers per hour, enough to cause damage and topple trees and will likely move up toward the northwest as it weakens. Now, lots of heavy rain for the coastal locations, and very high waves. This area will start to feel stormy conditions on your saturday so do brace for the stormy conditions. Now across asia, looking quite dry for most of china. However skies are dirty in beijing because of air pollution. This was the situation coming out of kube province near beijing on wednesday. As you can see visibility dropped quite significantly. And this is your air pollution forecast, orange and red indicating the air is very polluted. This is friday, and likely do so for the next couple or several hours. We need something to disperse the smog and finally on saturday, a new system coming in that will provide rainfall and strong winds. So that could disperse the bad air quality. Good news for you. Across the united states, there is lots of heavy rain cutting down over the four Corners Region through the Southern Plains into the atlantic coast. Heavy rain was reported especially in missouri, and flooding has been reported in parts of arizona, and flooding also hail has been reported in the northern parts of texas. Hail was up to baseball size out there. And rain will likely continue here as we go in to friday, as well as saturday. So flooding, mudslides will remain very high risk. To the north temperatures are quite chilly for this time of year. Only 13 in chicago. 16 degrees in denver. Drops down to 23 in oklahoma city. But still on the warm side across the south. Heres the extended forecast. Recapping our top story. This years Nobel Peace Prize goes to pakistan teen Malala Yousafzai and indian Kailash Satyarthi. They share the prestigious honor for advocating childrens rights for equal access to education. Nobel peace prize for 2014 is to be awarded to Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai for their struggle against oppression of young people and children and childrens right to education. Children must go to school, not be financially exploited. Satyarthi has protested and demonstrated for over three decades to prevent childrens exploitation. And he also founded a volunteer group to stop child labor. Malala blogs about how she and her classmates go to school under the fear of islamic extremists. She was shot in the head while riding on a school bus two years ago, but she survived. She continues to call on World Leaders to ask for the rights of education for all women and children around the globe. The 17yearold is the youngest ever nobel prize winner. The committee stressed that children must go to school and not be financially exploited, particularly in conflictridden areas. Two very courageous people. And thats all for this edition of newsline. Im Miki Yamamoto from tokyo. Well have more news for you at the top of the hour. Thanks for watching. Gg99nnwcc but the u. S. Warned ebola could become the next aids epidemic if swift action isnt taken. We get an update from the latest outside the hospital later on in the program. Turkey tooy urges allow kurds to cross into syria to protect kobani. There are reports that the kurdish headquarters in the syrian town have been captured by Islamic State fighters. And champion childrens educations childrens rights, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the loss of such ti two mal

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