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Epidemic. Israel has stepped up its offensive in gaza as they look for an officer to say was kidnapped by hamas, who denies they are holding the soldier. He stalks are set to start talks are peace set to stop in cairo and the Prime Minister says it has a chance to stop the bloodshed. Israels Prime Minister says they will not attend and it is unclear if palestinian representation will show up. A new day, and scenes of the latest devastation. Israeli missiles hit dozens of targets. One of them was the university of gaza, which israel says houses a Weapons Development center. The homes of suspected hamas numbers were also targeted and the bombardment. Jews called out to the family and called them to get to safety. Within two minutes, they fired a rocket at the house. It was a big rocket. There was an old woman in a wheelchair, an old man who was sick, and children. The search for the missing. Oldier hadar goldin continues he is believed to have been captured by militants. A situation on the ground is much more complex. Until this morning we had two main goals to a deal to thenwith the tunnels, addressed the rocket threat, and now we have a third component, to bring him home. Contact inthey lost the area where he went missing. Israel remains convinced that he is still alive and is stepping up efforts to track him down. The situation in libya is now much worse than the 2011 civil war. Fleeingwhat refugees the country say. Itia has been gathering battling for control. Foreign governments have urged citizens to leave. The greek navy has evacuated almost 200 foreign nationals from libya. Its warship is now docked in athens. The u. S. Senate is due to release a report on interrogation methods used in the aftermath of the september 11 attacks and it is expected to say the harsh measures used did not yield any significant intelligence information, but president barack obama, once a vocal opponent of the course of methods used on terror suspects, is urging critics not to judge the bush ministration to harshly , saying it was under pressure at the time. President obama was clear. The torture of suspected terrorists was a mistake and should not have happened. In the immediate aftermath of 9 11, we did some things that were wrong. We did a whole lot of things that were right, but we tortured some folks. We did some things that were contrary to our values. After 2001, the cia tortured suspected terrorists on guantanamo prison and officials called what they did enhance interrogation. They had government approval. While obama was critical, he admitted they were under enormous pressure. It is important for us not to feel too sanctimonious in retrospect about the top job those folks had. The u. S. Senate will soon publish much of a 6000page report on the methods used against suspects to try to share shed more light on what went on. The fighting in ukraine has resume theirm to work at the crash site of the malaysian airliner. Their work came after an agreement for a local ceasefire. Missing is looking for bodies and evidence on the crash. What exactly happened . 70 investigators are attempting to answer the question. Most are military Police Officers or corners, and they come from the netherlands or australia, the home country of many of the victims. Investigations have already made progress. Some of the human remains in a number of personal belongings were found at the disaster site. A search was made at a location that had been scouted out yesterday. Smallea is located in a village. It has been two weeks since the Malaysian Airlines flight went down. Western powers in kiev accuse prorussian separatists of shooting down the plane that crashed in their territory, a claim the separatists denied. Dozens of bodies have been recovered. That will give it the structure and the robustness that we need to ensure that it is as rigorous as it can be under the circumstances that we have. The fighting continues music crash site. Separatistscity, clash with troops loyal to kiev. Images show a ukrainian tank an attack. N at least 10 soldiers were killed in the firefight. Philly 65 people have been killed at an explosion at least 60 five people have been killed at an explosion in eastern china. Many are suffering serious burns. It was thought to be cost by laying being lived in a workshop filled with metal dust. Provincery in jiangsu produces car parts for american companies. Nations hit by the aadly ebola virus have crossborder isolation zone amid fears that the epidemic is spiraling out of control. At an taken by leaders emergency summit in the new guinea capital. More than 720 have died. The World Health Organization says consequences of loss lives and economic disruption will be catastrophic if the situation is allowed to deteriorate. The liberian government has made ebola public enemy number one. Workers disinfect public buildings in the capital. It is one of many measures ordered by the president to try to contain the deadly disease prevent bid to infection, many state employees have been sent home while all schools in some markets have been closed. We are now working with the medical people. If we can do that, it will help out. The ebola those affected met to address to discuss an emergency plan. They were joined by the worlds top health officials. Chan, head of the World Health Organization, has set de 75 billion euros Million Euros to help them, the money alone is not enough. Many are taking precaution, wearing rubber gloves and using disinfectant. There are not enough medical staff in countries like liberia. Many hospitals are so overwhelmed they can no longer emit more patients, and the number of new infections continues to rise. Court has called on argentina. Court says there is no way to bend the funds. Earlier this week, a judge made a ruling in favor of the hedge funds. Argentina says it might take the court case to the International Court of justice. Prospects for the Greek Economy are improving according to the Credit Agency moodys. Moodys indicated continued commitment shown by the government to financial reform as the reason for the change. The Rating Agency is predicting the greek government deficit will begin to fall in 2015 after reaching its peak this year. Trainn germany, a freight carrying chemicals has hit a passenger train, one of the country worst accident in years. 35 people were killed in the overnight collision that took place in southern germany. Two carriages derailed and overturned, but none of the chemicals aboard the Freight Train leaked. Investigators are now looking at the cause of the accident. Second division of the bundesliga kicked off with one game friday evening with newly relegated brownish brunch strife. Of frustration was all too apparent after this file on the striker. It was a clear penalty, but the whistle stayed silent. Then, dusseldorf pulled ahead in the 34th minute. They started the second half with fresh spirit and solid passing play and it paid off in the 60th minute with the equalizer. Just five minutes later, dusseldorf converted the counterattack, putting dusseldorf back on top, but braunschweig was not having any of it. They found the back of the net, making it 22, and they give the coach something to cheer about. Doesrmanys top division not get started for a few more weeks. Comes,ckoff time finally there is a team ready to put her shirt on the big and mighty Club Pressure on the big and mighty clubs. After a lake, and most of the credit goes to their coach. The coach has seen over trent has overseen a transformation. They were an also ran when he took over 18 months ago and now they are expected to break into the top four. We know our level. ,e are a long way from byron but we have learned earned a lot of respect in the past year. It was just five years ago n the bundesliga, but after that they failed to challenge for the title or even qualify until the coach came along. He guided the team to fifth place and a Europa League spot in his first full season in charge. We have taken three steps forward. That surprised us all. After that, you have to stop, settle down, and choose the right course to take. Challengee primed to the top club with a squad full cup layers and players, and money into bank thanks to volkswagen. Science have strengthened the signingst they will have strengthened the squad, but they will look forward to continuing the progress. If we manage to stay up around positions 4, 5, six, that would be another step forward, and if we can achieve that, it would be a Great Success toward our next longterm goal. The team has a chance to prove themselves at the start of the new campaign. They play in the opening game of the season against champion byron. Openerces annual season between the League Champions and the cup winners is being held outside of europe for the sixth year running. Champions holding the trophy. The League Winners are the hot favors favorites for the game with strikers and a year Going Forward in their lineup. Is trying to spread the popularity of french football overseas. Driving, a finnish driver took a strong lead into the second half of his home race, leading by just under 20 seconds at the end of day to at the rally of family finland. He is currently second in the overall championship standings behind the overall leader. Journal. Tching the before we go, a quick recap of our top story israel has stepped up its offense in gaza as it looks like looks for a soldier it says it is being held by hamas militants. Hamas denies it is holding the soldier. Political messages adorn the walls, posters, and graffiti, and in the background, the black and red star of the anarchists. People here says the district in the center of athens is different. Hardly any tourists venture to the neighborhood which is famous for being leftwing and countercultural. Representatives of the state are not very welcome. In december, 2000 eight, a 15yearold boy was shot and killed here by a Police Officer , a 15yearold boy was shot and killed her by a Police Officer, triggering protests and riots. Last december some more clashes with police. They keep a low profile nowadays, residents tell us. People want to be left in peace and take charge of their own lives. Flag hangs above the social center in a squatted building. We were warned that people here would not want to talk to us as they are skeptical of the mainstream media. Still, we venture inside. It smells of lunch, beans and noodles. Despite the warnings, we are made very welcome. Demetrius is preparing the food. When the crisis hit, he gave up being a photographer to help people in the neighborhood. He tells us they only use fresh ingredients, potatoes, carrots, beans, olive oil, tomatoes. They want people to enjoy a good, healthy meal, at a decent price. Demetrius has taken an interest in the leftwing anarchist scene for a decade now, and has always like to cook, so when the social center set up this canteen, he was happy to offer his services. He says this is an anarchist canteen. What that means is there is no till. You do not get a bill. Tin. Collect money in a he is proud to be able to offer such quality food to people without making a profit. Guests, each day. Everybody is welcome. Two euros or three euros, but if you cannot afford that, you can eat for free. He is a regular. The company that he works for went under. Now the center is like a second home for him. He tells us he had a good job and a good standard of living. Now he is retired, but his pension has been cut by 30 . There have been so many cuts in recent years. The christmas bonus. The easter bonus. Even holiday pay. Less andus people have less money. Everything is being cut. Many are poor, but the sense of solidarity is strong and the willingness to help is great. This is a small outfit that runs a social barter exchange. Freda used to work in a bank. Project. Uns the this lawyer wants to find a french tutor for his daughter. In exchange, he can offer legal advice. The idea is to provide Services Without money changing hands. We do not make charity. That is the point. Welcome here, even if he has money or even if he has not, and he has to give something, and to takes something. Perhaps someone gives everything and takes nothing. Never mind. Perhaps another one gives 80 and takes 20 . This is the point of view. Wellknowninto a writer and artist. He shows us a drawing of ancient greek heroes. Faith inus he has no the politicians. He has been politically active since the 1970s when the military dictatorship was toppled. Back then, it was already a hotbed of existence. He and his comrades operate the lock factory at the Technical University during the uprising. He was beaten to a pulp and had to be carried away. He was half dead. After the dictatorship, he says, a group of guys showed up, who played at dean politicians and ministers, all played at being politicians and ministers with no sense of responsibility. He says people must be able to live in dignity, even if they have no money. People live lives that are unconventional. The district is grungy and cool. Rent is low. It is anything but comfortable and lucia lock. It has lots of bars and cafes. A venerable institution. It has been here since the 1930s and it is much favored by students, artists, and intellectuals. A tribute to the existentialist hangout cafe to floor in paris. Eur in paris. The owner is a close observer of the neighborhood and the way it has been changing. He was here when the teenager was killed and when the riots erupted. He saw it on saw it all. Means counterculture and resistance to authoritarian and antiestablishment, and not just nowadays. It was already that way during the German Occupation in the second world war. Executive is also full of youngsters, he says. It will come here for many reasons, but above all, to be peopled independent will come here for many reasons, but above all to be free and independent. It is colorful, and it has a distinct character and feel, but there are problems in the district, two, since the crisis began. It has become a center of drug dealing. We did not dare film in some parts. It is too dangerous. It is rumored that Property Developers and gangsters sent in the dealers to make the district less attractive so that they can buy up real estate cheaply. The crisis has brought great mystery, he tells us. It has made many people very angry. Decline,so triggered a he says. There are drug dealers, lots of homeless people, indigent beg. Rants who bagged gang warfel as well. Warfare as well. Young people headed toward a career in crime also because of drugs. The massive problems in the area are reflected in the work of this health care center. It is independent and financed through donations. Lena works in the administration. She is one of 40 volunteers at the clinic. She says more than 4800 patients have been treated here so far, and all for free. She says it is in porton to offer help in these difficult times it is important to offer help in these difficult times. People that come here have nothing. No insurance. Nothing. State health insurance, but often do not have the time the money to buy medicine. The doctors are also volunteers who work at the clinic in time off from their regular jobs. Many patientss us seek treatment very late, when their diseases are far advanced. Others have been prescribed drugs but never took them because of the lack of money. The consequences are devastating. Greeksrally speaking, have because of their mediterranean diet, for many reasons, this is not the problem. They have a good life expectancy, sometimes over 78 years. , the lifeive years expectancy has gone down considerably, and apart from there is also suicides. Should not be just for the rich. Healthcarebe should not just be for the rich. It is not just for the wealthy. Clinics and farm this is from the demonstration. After the demonstration, we decided to put it to work. And he has another message that he wants to share. , we hope that some people they understand that they have to resist. Maybe after their whole experience, they could be more natural to criticize and have a political approach to their whole condition. That is exactly what many  captioning and audio description provided by the u. S. Department of education. Bokara well, i think that one of the most important traditions to learn about today is islam, because theres such a pervasive sense now of fear and confusion in the world. And so in order to really learn what the core teachings of islam are,

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