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Signing of apartment. Overd been imprisoned for a decade. Moscow with more on the Details Behind the release. Yesterday, the news came as a surprise to everybody including saidrkovskys lawyers who there was no way he signed a request for pardon. In previous years, he said he would not do that because it does imply that you except your guilt. What we are hearing from sources as morning is khodorkovsky was visited in prison by russian officials and told his mother was ill and an new case was being prepared against him. He was advised strongly to sign this piece of paper asking for a pardon. He did, indeed, do that. Earlier, i spoke to douglas putint and asked him why made the decision now. It has taken a lot of people by surprise. Khodorkovsky had been such a symbol. Knew releasing him would have a Big International residents, to say the least, at a time when russia has spent 50 billion on sochi. He has been under scrutiny for his humans rights record and new laws seen as openly discriminating against gays. Has been looking for measures to his which will burnish image in the runup to sochi. We saw him face the press. He gave as good as he got for four hours. Confident,y in strutting his steps mode. Analysts say he has had a good geopolitical year. Nothe other hand, it is impervious putin. He still has some bomber abilities. He probably has some of the Business Community whispering in his ear. Rigid he still has some vulnerabilities. He probably had people saying you have nothing to lose. You are in a position of strength. Release the guy. It will help you to stir the economy and get business back in. We have had almost 70 billion in capital outflow from russia, a tremendous amount of money. He wants to get that back and restore trust. He wants to burnish that image ahead of sochi and feels now is the time to do it. It is confidence hovered by vulnerability. He can afford to make concessions now. Obama warns south sudan is at a dangerous turning point. Violence is on the rise with hundreds reportedly killed in fighting that spread from the capital since last weekend. The u. S. Sent in 45 soldiers to secure american interests in the country. The president of the country accuses his ex deputy of a failed coup. We take a look at the challenges facing the worlds newest nationstate. Calls for national celebration. South sudan became a sovereign state. Hardwon independence following 50 years of conflict with the north. Rich inwn for a country Natural Resources with large oil and mineral reserves. Despite this, south sudan has been unable to exploit its inherent wealth and remains one of the least developed countries in africa. They have locked horns over the issues of oil revenues. South sudan is home to the majority of the deposits. The pipelines run north where the infrastructure for export is in place. The border is also a point of contention for the countries with an ongoing dispute over precisely where it lies. Corruption and longstanding ethnic divides have plagued the country since its creation sparking the sort of violence seen in recent days, unrest that could put the future of the country in jeopardy. Moving to reports of fresh violence in the Central African republic. Witnesses say christian militias attacked muslim neighborhoods in the capital overnight. Fighting continues. A chadian peacekeeper has died from injuries inflicted on patrol early in the week. We have a report from our team on the ground. It is a crisis meeting in this muslim district. People are worried. They accuse the french soldiers of disarming the rebels are mostly muslim and paying less attention to the christian militia. They disarmed them. They were executed. Not disarm the others . We want to know. A clandestine meeting in this christian area. They wear protective amulets. Some of them are very young. The soldiers did not take all of their weapons. The day before yesterday, the french army disarmed most of our men. We want lasting peace. Now they have to disarm those in the other camp. In their houses and in the fields, both sides are hiding their weapons. Suddenly, french soldiers arrive where we filmed them. Go and check over there. I am supposed to stay here until you give me the bow and arrow, the machete. That is to cultivate your land, not to kill people. It is just for my own security. The french do not find the guns and leave their knives. If they are unarmed, they could face reprisal attacks. This is why the mission is difficult. You have to follow the rules. But also use some common sense. For now, we have to leave them their own weapons so they can stop an attack before we attempt to get their. It is hard to reach this area. Along the main road, we disarm everyone. Andstians, muslims, ordinary citizens. In the Central African republic, the disarmament process is only just beginning. After years of political turmoil, madagascar is hoping for a fresh start. The island nation began voting for a new president. This is the second round runoff today. There are fears the political battling is not over. The current nominees are proxy candidates for the former president and the man who ousted him. Jonathan walsh is in madagascar covering the story for us. I am in one of the biggest polling stations in the madagascar capital. This is a crucial day for the future of the country. People have to vote for one of these two men. What people tell us is the most important thing for them is not who will be elected, it is that the new president puts in and to the economic and political crisis that started after the coup in 2009. Here is what one of the electors told us. It is a turning point for madagascar because we have been living in a lawless situation. From a constitutional point of view, i understand the candidates have signed a everyone hashich agreed to accept the election results, whatever they might be. We hope that these elections will take waste properly and be to everyones benefit. Parliamentary elections are also taking place today. This is probably as important as the president ial election because they will decide who the next Prime Minister will be. An avalanche of plaster and dust. Over 75 were injured thursday when the roof collapsed during a soldout london theater performance. 45 minutes into the show, witnesses heard cracking sounds just before the ceiling partially caved in. 700 people were in the audience of the Apollo Theater at the time. Henry brown has details. A packed Apollo Theater at the height of the christmas season. About 700 jeter goers were enjoying the performance based on the bestselling novel when the ceiling collapsed. And weere up and about saw people get up in the front row of the balcony. Quickly the next rose got up. , the whole thing just collapsed suddenly. You could not see anything. Believed thedience collapse was part of the show. We thought it was part of the play initially. It was a bad reaction, wasnt it . Rescue workers processed the wounded in the lobby of a nearby theater. We have treated 76 patients. We had taken them to hospital with elbow buses and our own staff. Seven patients suffered serious injuries. There are no fatalities. Hundreds of rescue workers remained at the scene through the night. Four people trapped have now been freed. And the suburb in the north of the country. Hundreds of migrants lived there areramped apartment blocks their hopes of reaching the european continent are being dashed. An 18yearold cameroonian fell to his death from one of these flats earlier this month during a police raid on an legal immigrants. Police have denied responsibility. These raids are part of routine Police Operations because there are Networks Among the migrants involved in drug trafficking. Second african migrant to die in the suburb in two months. Some of the migrants say they are victims of racism. We are not here to harm anyone. What people accuse us of upsets us. We are surprised by what they say about us. Short note trip to spain and the rest of europe. It has become the host city for migrants who cannot make it across. Authorities are struggling with new arrivals. Hundreds have been arrested. Ngos have been critical of the response. The government says it will grant papers to some here illegally. Rights activists say along with that there needs to be change in attitude and Better Police training. We have some outerspace chit chat for you. The first humanoid robot in space made small talk with the japanese astronaut. This taking place on the International Space station. First performing its mission and said it had no problem with zero gravity. As twoltalk in space passengers admire the view. What have you been doing in space . I have been looking at the earth. It is beautiful, just as people told me. Robots in space have previously been given mechanical tests. But his mission is to be a companion. He blasted off to the International Space station this summer to test his autonomous conversation functions. He and his earthbased twin are both processed programmed to process questions and form replies. These types of robots can convey directions to the estimates on earth. They can think by themselves to support the astronauts activities and work. Japanese people believe in a future where humans and robots will coexist. There were some awkward thees at first, conversation seemed to warm up with festive cheer. What will you ask for from santa claus . I want a toy rocket. Experiments will continue until he returns to earth at the end of 2014. Lets take a look at the headlines. Mikhail khodorkovsky is released from prison following a surprise pardon by russian president vladimir putin. South sudan on the edge. Three hes keepers are killed in an attack on a compound. Thousands are forced to flee. A terrifying night for london theatergoers after the theater lapses on their heads during a act performance grade scores are injured in the accident. The europeans summit continues in brussels this friday. As leaders meet to discuss international affairs, they have met with bad news. Standard poors has downgraded the e. U. s Credit Rating by one notch. It cites lack of cohesion. Summit, thanke you for joining us. You are a professor on age National Relations at yale and the author of security and defense policy in the European Union. The e. U. Clearly tackling a range of issues during this summit. We are seeing the Credit Rating has taken a hit, despite agreement on the Banking Union. The agreement clearly fell short with some people. The agreement on the banking was in the process, something that was going to happen. The more important discussions at the summit were about defense issues. A positive spin on it by saying certain things have been agreed, but these are things which have been agreed on for quite some time, particularly the new weapons drones, the satellite proposals, all of those things. I think the biggest problem with the defense summit, something that has been anticipated for the whole year, is that there are no new breakthroughs at all. The Banking Union is something we expected. That is happening. That is good news. The positive spin many commentators will put on it is misleading because basically the European Union has reached an impasse where it has no Strategic Vision. It has no clear view of what it is tempting to achieve. About conclusions talk the European Union being a defense and security after around the world. But in reality, it is trying to be a defense and security actor in its own neighborhood and having a great deal of difficulty delivering. Lets take a look at one specific area of defense. Isnch president whole island making his case for a european operation in the Central African republic. French troops are on the ground. He wants to make it a european affair. Is this realistic . France has alloys wished to europeanize all these initiatives. The short intervention in 2003 in the congo was europeanized were initially it was to be a french only operation. I think this is legitimate. It is a good objective. The problem is the other european Member States are not on board. The most hollande is trying to get at the moment is joint thencing on many of missions being taken on solely by france. We are now seeing it in the Central African republic. There is a major challenge for europeans to Reach Agreement on whether or not they wish to be defense and security actors. Some of them do, but some do not. Lets talk about one of the main driving forces. That is the tandem of the Franco German relation. We have heard Angela Merkel called for close out Political Union closer Political Union. Have her actions met her words . You can interpret them various ways whether youre talking about eurozone crisis or germanys reluctance to be involved in the way in which france and the u. K. Are in the defense sector. Germany is playing an ambivalent role. One of the greatest problems for europe in this area is the lack of leadership. Leadership is desperately needed in all of these major policy areas whether it is eurozone or defense. For the moment, because we have a situation where the british, french, and germans are not on the same page, it is very difficult for any nationstate to exercise leadership. You believe we will at some point come to a unified Strategic Vision . Where will this leadership come from . Most commentators assume it will collapse or it will all move forward to some new federal vision. Sorry about the word federal. Or it will continue to muddle through. The reality is europe is accustomed to muddling through and that is probably the best we can expect, but it is far from being ideal. Your book has just been released. You are a professor for international deletions at yale university. Thank you for taking the time to join us. It is time for a sports update the concernn with over the lack of european enthusiasm over football. Ifa president is disappointed in what he perceives as european indifference towards his club. Is more popular in south america, asia, and africa than europe where it clashes with the run up to christmas. Competition isp not yet protected by the international calendar. I think it is the quality of the matches. Footballeen very good in a remarkable ambience. I think it is the best publicity to get more attention. The champion has a blog got take casablanca take on munich in marrakesh. Liverpool goesl, to the top of the premier league on saturday for at least 48 hours. They host. Has analyzed his opponents. The players have brilliant delivery. Very specific on where they can put it. I know him from his time at swansea with me. Our job is to defend when we have to defend and be aggressive. Hopefully minimize the number of corners. Suarez has scored 17 goals in 11 games. He believes he is becoming wiser rather than just improving as a player. I think it is maturity. He has felt the love and support. It was extremely difficult for him to cope. He is a man that plays football because of the love of the game. Every day in training, i am fortunate enough to see that. I think he is maturing and accepting the responsibility i have given him as one of the senior players. He is not only a top player, but he is one of the pillars of the group for me. They will be without injured players on saturday. He has agreed to a threeyear contract extension which ties him to barcelona until 2018. He already has 121 trophies at the club. 12. Oined in 1996 at age the president described the news is a great christmas present. Basketball Turkish League had a comfortable win in paris. The rivals belgrade lost at home to moscow. They started strongly and led by 10 points at halftime. The lithuanian forward extended the lead. They win 9576. The french side crushed out. Says not to forget in september we had no european experience. We played 10 matches against experienced teams. We still have work to do. We need to keep our humility. Im sure there are good moments yet this season. Moscow finished with a Strong Performance at belgrade. At russians kept the host arms length from the Second Quarter onward. The american forward and former euro cup final m. V. P. Doing the damage. Keeptried desperately to them in check with the russian sasah inut with outstanding . n . no . Today on earth focus, many of our food crops depend on honeybees for pollination, but bees are disappearing, and now there is new evidence why. Coming up on earth focus. Bees, the essential pollinators for many of our major crops, have been dying off in massive numbers since 2006 and they are continuing to die. Britains our food supply and could threaten the u. S. Economy this threatens our food supply and could threaten the u. S. Economy. Of anis the underpinning entire agricultural system. When you pull out that underpinning, you see the collapse of an entire agricultural system. I think we are at the tipping point. We are one or two years away from disaster. Evidence has grown that a new class of pesticides called Charles Annenberg weingarten be despiteay warning that they may be toxic to bees. This is used on nearly all american crops, including corn. The epa says there is no evidence that it is improperly used, but environmentalists disagree. But the government slowed to act, bees continue to die. One of every three is directly dependent on the honey bee. That includes a crops like apples, cherries, cucumbers, pockets. Thatlso includes hay crops support the dairy and meat industries

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