Transcripts For LINKTV France 24 20170515

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For been a busy first day Emmanuel Macron who has named his Prime Minister and is now in germany for his first foreign trip. Nothing new for the german chancellor Angela Merkel. The two leaders agreeing they want a new dynamic in the Franco German relationship. Our relationship needs more trust and to have concrete results. And i believe the Franco German relationship needs more pragmatism and willingness in the shortterm, but also in the mediumterm. It is in the spirit we are going to work together. Ea frank, direct, and constructive heart and her. I think the success of our two countries is closely linked and the success of the whole of europe depends on it. We know the importance of the Franco German relationship area relationship. I am personally aware of the responsibility at a very critical time of the European Union that we come to the right decision together. And we have agreed to work closely together for the benefit of the peoples in our country. Our berlin correspondent joins us now. Enthusiasm in berlin for the newly elected french president. Francois see this for hollande or nicolas sarkozy. A great reception for manual whereere he hundreds gather together for the movement that is proeuropean. Shouting lets go. I think that summarizes the feelings that germans have about this new Franco German alliance that the french president macron is going to breathe a new fresh air into the and he is very popular here. Of course we saw Angela Merkel very warmly welcoming the french president and saying she hopes it is going to be a trusting and close relationship. Angela merkel is a woman of very measured words. She is not wrong when she says it is a critical time for europe. They realized it was a close shave and they may have they risk losing a close ally in france have Marine Le Pen become president area i think they realize they cant take this French Partnership for granted anymore. There was one issue on the table, the issue of eu treaty reform, something that Emmanuel Macron has said he wants to push ahead if he is to fulfill his manifesto. We heard a very different language. As he wants to overhaul eu institutions. Merkel is talking for more stability. More of a moderate term there. Angela merkel was a bit more forthcoming in this press conference about the eu. We know the government has been quite categorical. Her finance minister really world up the possibility of the eu trading changes. If they be possible were absolutely necessary, we would have to wait and see. Angela merkel is head of her election in september and her conservative support base really doesnt want any sort of dramatic changes in europe. What we have said, theyre stored of their sort of austerity. I dont think Angela Merkel has completely shut the idea to changes. I think she realizes she has to support Emmanuel Macron. Of elections and will be waiting for the 24th of september to get her new mandate if she is reelected before she makes any dramatic decisions. Reporting from berlin. Back in france in keeping with his pledge to bring new faces into the government, a relative unknown to service Prime Minister. And in member of the centerright Republican Party of the former president nicolas sarkozy. Their party described the move as ambiguous. Out with the old and in with the new. The french Prime Ministers residence. Pain should be to the french is baton. He passed the ofim leaving this as a man the left, with beliefs that were forged all along my life. My political career. These are the values i will carry with me. A move by macron to write in his a political appeal ahead of elections in june. He remains loyal to his roots on the right as he accepted his new post. Im a man of the right, which wouldnt surprise you run sure. Macron hopes this will pave the way for the Republican Party, having attracted socialist and centrist. Inneeds figures on the right the mighty to half key faces, winning a parliamentary majority for his on the move party, which is only a year world. It is the first time in modern french history the president has appointed a foreign minister from outside his own camp. A first stepped towards Campaign Pledge to end last best and less right politics. And left right politics. The role of the Prime Minister is one of largely directing the government and ensuring the implementation of laws with the Vice President working under the present that with the Prime Minister working on the president s watch. Macronsd about strategy in appointing philippe. Hes not entirely a new man but he is young am a unknown and with no governmental experience. In the newy much model of political renewal. If macron is to make his presidency work, he needs to build a broad base of support but incorporate elements of centerleft and centerright. He has already driven a wedge through the socialist party, attracting more centerleft socialists. Now he needs to do the same but the centerright republicans, reaching out to moderates who want to join him in a progressive alliance. That is where his appointment could be critical. He is the first figure macron has managed to dislodge. He made a point in his acceptance speech declaring himself a man of the right, that was in a throwaway remark. He is sending out a message that this is an alliance for the left and right. The question is who from the republicans will follow you go will get others need to follow. Macron has left open species on his partys candidate list as an incentive. Ifwhat will happen now . Is hes a member of the former president s party. Will he now be following macrons agenda were pursuing the agenda of his own party . Asked the price for being Prime Minister, he will have agreed to have followed macrons agenda. His argument would be that so much of that agenda is compatible with more from the Republican Party. Made withtment isnt the current makeup of parliament in mind, but in anticipation of the National Assembly that will leave the next modern elections where the republicans have every being the biggest political block outside of macrons party. As your package underlined, this is the first time in the history of the fifth republic that a president has reached across to appointed prime and asked her from the opposition without being forced through losing elections and having to enter cohabitation as we saw under the presidencies macron has made this choice with the election to come. But it what is unusual, is what macron has to do to prepare the conditions for an effective presidency. Mac on doesnt get image ready the parliamentary elections next month . There really are two scenarios. Either he comes close and can tune in enough support from centerleft and or centerright to allow him to get his reform agenda through even on a vote by vote basis, or he falls well short of the majority and the republicans trying to impose on him in cohabitation of the traditional sort, where we would have the Prime Minister and a strict reading of the constitution governed the country. While the president would be introduced to a role of moderator rather than initiator of policy. That is above all of the Republicans Party of leadership want to bring about. It is what macron wants to avoid. And trythe first step to bring just try to bring a rate republican with a manual macrons first day in office. Now immediate priorities over the next several years. Macron his First Priority will be to clean up public life. For parliamentary elections in june. He plans to ban elected cials by producing liberalizing frances rigid labor laws. He wants to make it easier for companies to negotiate specific deals on pay. And compensation by awarding tribunals. Start thents to school year with reforms to primary schools. s plan is to shrink class sizes to 12 children maximum. And frances educational priority. It is one of macrons key pledges to support opportunities for all. To the new level of depravity for the syrian regime. T is how the diplomatic diplomat described reports of accusing syria of accusing that of killing prisoners in the housings and building burning bodies and a large crematorium. The crematorium is being used to hide evidence of the extent of the killings. It could have been much worse. The verdict of experts as global Cyber Attacks began to slow down. Companies have been scrambling to limit the damage caused by the Malware Program launched in the weekend. Long a locked people out of their computers. Wasof the worst effects Britains National health service. The British Health minister says the problem is being fixed. Latestrding to our intelligence, we have not seen a second wave of attacks and level of criminal activity on the lower engine lower end of the range. I think that is encouraging. Clear, not is very for organizations like the nhs but for private individuals and businesses. We have never seen anything on the scale when it comes to ransom ware attacks. Can do thatings you everyone can do, all of us can do to protect ourselves against them. Crisis, a dealg has been reached with media soldiers. The spokesman for the soldier says the government has been rejected. Tying guns and cities across the country. The soldiers who helped to power in 2011 mutinies said they would keep up the pressure until their demands are met. This is not a coup. We want them to give us their money. Hes the father, hes the president. After violent clashes erupted, the situation remains tense on monday. Most banks stayed close stayed closed. Some residents called for a swift resolution to the crisis to allow Economic Activity to resume. You should give them the money so they can get back to work. We havent been able to work since friday. The population remains divided. A small group of protesters gathered on monday to demand the rebels and their mutiny. Grexit can always negotiate, but not with weapons. We are fed up. They need to live in peace. Thats all we want. The mutiny follows a january uprising over bonuses soldier said were promised by the government. Authorities agree to pay them eating thousand euros each but have since struggled to find the necessary funds. The mayor has withdrawn from irans president ial race. The hardliner is calling on his supporters to back the he is running against a moderate who is seeking a second term. There are now five candidates competing in the election. It would have been the third shot at the presidency. Lets get an update on the top business news. Brian quinn is with us in the studio. A turnaround for oil prices. Will prices have been taking a beating over recent months and years. Over 100 per barrel in recent weeks. Major markets and impacts and companies alike. The major oilproducing nations have agreed to expand actions to counter a Global Supply glut. To extend a supply cut that is in plaisance november of last year. Secular optimism because our main part in this process and our main partner without a doubt its saudi arabia. And a fully implement all the agreements the take place until now. And a fully implement all the agreements the take place until now. Putin speaking there from beijing where he took part in a twoday summit. Dozens of other World Leaders with china unveiling proposes for 100 billion for new international projects. The idea to connect asia, europe, the middle east, africa, and key trade infrastructure. China has marked 100 billion for various parts of the plan. Xi jingping using the summit to promote the plan. He said that she had a setback a setback in france germany and britain among those declining to sign reportedly over transparency and environmental concerns. She acknowledged that hurdle still remained. Still a long way to go as the belton road is a longterm undertaking. It is important for parties to work closely together if we are to make blueprints a reality and deliver tangible results. Emmanuel macron wrapping up his press conference with a test with Angela Merkel. The stake in the relationship is an much part of the European Union. Macron needs germany by her side if germany by his side. The german budget hardliner as will be unlikely to see things his way. Rebecca has this report. Quick newly elected french president a manual macron says he wants closer eu integration with strong Franco German relations the kenyan radiant in securing that goal. There is a will to build a common future. Theres no real future for france as an International Leader if we dont cooperate with germany and that cooperation must be reciprocated. Economic challenges stand in the way. Macron was to boost the eu by introducing a, and eurozone budget and by appointing a single finance minister to oversee it. The idea for eu countries to grow together, weakening the gap between rich and poor countries. A number of conservative mps are wary of the idea, fearing that germany, the eus largest economy, would be stuck picking up the bill for spendthrift and cash put states. Mondays er of a picture of macron with the headline underneath, our dear friend. While has promised to cut French Public spending is likely to appease merkel, some Officials Say berlin needs to decide between further investment in eus future or focusing on internal priorities, merkels promise to deliver a fully balanced budget. Is if we the question are so married to the idea of european integration, what is more important . Debt objective, which is an honorable objective, or the future of the European Union . It would be up to macron to convince berlin to take the eu. A look at the markets. European shares closing between two and 3 10 higher monday after record highs. Several security stocks after the rensselaer attack that hit a number of highprofile government and industrial talks friday. Crude prices rose on the rush agreement. Record highs been seen in the u. S. And the s p 500 with tech and Energy Stocks again leading the way. Cisco shares are just up under 4 10 at the moment. Lets take a look at business headlines. Greece has slipped back into recession. The economy contracted by 1 10 of a percent from the first three months in 2017. That flies counter to analyst expectations, which had predicted growth around to tense of a percent around the corner. Greece continues to negotiate with creditors over the next installment on its 87 billion euro billion. Billion patio. Not among thel is favorite bitters. Toshiba is selling its chipmaking arm to try to recover from billions in losses and has bankrupt the newly the bankrupt the u. S. Nuclear unit. Thermo is the largest scientific instrument maker and Trial Services is looking to consolidate its position as a top to bottom contractor maker. And International Monetary fund has called on germany to spend more on infrastructure and social services. Growth pointed to more potential, despite strong results in recent years. It also called for Pension Reforms for making working germansore track if for more attractive for germans as it ages. To the moste orate and interesting it is called the worlds most luxury car vending machine. The showroom was opened in december pulled touchscreen is used in december. Of the machchine will takee ones expensive vending machine. Thank you very much indeed. Taking a short break. 05 15 17 05 15 17 [captioning made possible by democracy now ] amy from San Francisco this is , democracy now recording devices in the oval office . Theres nothing further to add. Does he think it is appropriate to threaten someone like mr. Comey not to speak . Heceably stated a fact simply stated a fact. Amy the scandal over the firing of james comey grows. Are we seeing the beginning of the end of the trump presidency

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