Transcripts For LINKTV France 24 20170209

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we exist, we resist. that is the chant of protesters in the romanian capital calling for the cabinet to go. the government survived a vote of no-confidence just yesterday. ♪ >> welcome back. despite fierce debate about his civil rights record the u.s. senate has now confirmed jeff sessions as attorney general. sessions is 70 years old. he was an early trump supporter who became a pivotal figure in his campaign and transition team. he is the sixth cabinet member to be confirmed so far. here is the latest. 52 days for 47 days and jeff sessions is confirmed as the attorney general of the new trump administration. >> i want to thank president donald trump. he believes in the rule of law. he believes in protecting the american people from crime and violence. he believes in a lawful system of immigration that serves the national interest. theessions is one of president's early supporters. the men share similar conservative views wanting tougher laws on immigration drugs and gun trafficking. the former sender only collected one democratic vote during the confirmation. throughout a particularly contentious process he has been criticized as being too close to donald trump. the position of attorney general is traditionally seen as being independent from the executive. >> i oppose senator sessions who is a friend, who is someone i respect for this position because i believe his record raises doubts about whether he can be a champion for those who need this office most and it also raises doubts about whether he can curb unlawful overreach by this executive. under heavyme scrutiny for his poor record on civil rights. accused of's he was using his position to harm the voting rights of black people. grilled about his past stances during the hearing last month, he stressed he would put a law above his personal views including any supreme court decision he may not approve of. >> with donald trump in the white house officials in turkey are hopeful that ties with washington are going to improve. and trumperdogan spoke on the telephone. the conversation was described as positive. pompeo is making his first overseas visit. destination, turkey. on his first foreign trip as u.s. intelligence chief mike pompeo heads to turkey, a key nato member. when trump was elected last november president erdogan voiced hope. >> every country needs a strong leader in order to progress. we agreed there's a lot to be done with regard to turkey u.s. relations. tween the countries hit an all-time low during the obama administration. they failed to last july further strengthened ties -- strained ties. the pennsylvania-based cleric is accused of orchestrating -- trumps national security advisor has said the u.s. should extradite him. the other more pressing issue at stake is the fight against the islamic state group. the new u.s. government has not made clear its strategy on this issue. in a phone call earlier this week trump and erdogan agreed to take joint action against the group. pompeo's visit comes as rebels captured the outskirts. >> it is the world's largest refugee camp and under heavy political pressure the kenyan government had threatened to shut down the camp in the east of the country. accord has ruled today that its closure would violate international treaties. i asked our nairobi correspondent why the kenyan government is so keen to close that camp. longe government has argued the camp poses a security threat within kenya's borders. they claim it has been used by somali terror group al-shabab as recruiting grounds and to plan terror attacks within kenya. the ministers pushing to close it are saying it will keep kenyans safer. the ruling is obviously a big blow to them. rights groups are saying today's ruling is historic. the government can appeal the decision and we will likely hear whether they intend to do so. are a quarter of a million refugees living there. future very much under discussion at the moment is a lovely those people are very concerned about what's going to happen to them. >> the fate of the refugees is still uncertain. we are going into an election and anti-terror and security is likely to be at the top of those political agendas. likely be mixed into that conversation. since they announced the closure of the camp some refugees have chosen voluntarily to go back to somalia. humanitarian agencies are now warning of a looming drought and famine. they will wait to see whether or not the government is going to keep pushing for the closure of the camp. the government in romania easily survived a vote of no-confidence on wednesday despite massive protest and the fact that the prime minister was forced by public outcry to back down on plans to relax the country's anticorruption laws. thousands of protesters gathered in bucharest last night calling for the cabinet to resign. braving subzero temperatures over 5000 romanians outside bucharest parliament on wednesday. they called for the prime minister's resignation hours after his cabinet survived a vote of no-confidence. >> today was a big day in the parliament. they confirmed the fact that they are not the people that should rule this country. be here as long as it is needed. there is no other way. it's either us or them. >> romania's government controls nearly two thirds of parliament and it was no surprise that it easily defeated the motion of no-confidence. ahead of the votes embattled prime minister had issued a call for unity. you that from today onwards this government will be exclusively one of dialogue and public consultation on topics of interest for the whole society. protests were sparked by a proposed decree to criminalize a number of offenses and shielding dozens of public officials from prosecution. record 250,000 people took to the streets on sunday ultimately forcing the government to rescind the controversial proposal. the prime minister said he would announce thursday whether the decrees architects will be let toas protesters continue call for his head. romania's constitutional court will also decide thursday whether the law violates the constitution. >> we are continuing to follow this story. officials in normandy say there ofno risk to the public nuclear contamination following early reports of an explosion at a nuclear plant this morning. there are reports that five people have sustained minor injuries. a major construction operation is underway with a view to expanding it. we know the fire that was caused by the explosion has now been put out and five people sustained minor injuries. classic car enthusiast, they were more than 100 vintage currently on display. you can also buy them. be prepared to pay a couple of million euros. luke schrager has the story. it is all about cars from the old to the contemporary. if you consider yourself a lover , showing automotive history from mercedes to the jaguar to aston martin. some of yesteryears more common get a when the newa time generation are old enough to buy the kinds of cars they dreamed about when they were young or that their parents had. it is more attainable for them than for classic collectible cars. >> it seems distance is no object with visitors coming from afar. >> my first time was probably over 30 years ago in the 1980's. the important thing is enthusiasm as a quality. golfer it's a for ra or a it's the enthusiasm that you have to create. >> it's the kind of car you can't buy because it's too expensive. you can't really drive them. they're are just the cars of your dreams. of collector looking for their latest piece or just seeking childhood nostalgia, everyone's automotive dreams. consumer habits are changing and more people are moving away from mass-produced items in favor of artisan of goods. here in france a number of small businesses making handmade wares has doubled over the past decade. modern furniture crafted from woods. passion since he gave up life as a sales rep. do somethingted to i liked. i had always worked with my hands so it just made sense for me. authenticity is key and that means using traditional tools. >> you can tell straight away whether something has been made by hand or by machine. if it's handmade it has more soul. the imperfections are part of the charm. >> paris authorities have done their bit to help. >> in france we have great know-how. but very few small businesses. wes is the kind of thing should have confidence in for the future. and ancient profession practiced by just a dozen or so french people. he crafts objects from feathers like this pear-shaped carpet or this samurai costume. >> there are so many jobs these days where you don't understand what you are actually doing. with this it's different. you are creating something from start to finish and that just makes more sense. the object story becomes your story. numbers of french consumers are shunning mass-produced goods in favor of those made by hand. the number of businesses like this has doubled. in the last decade. recap of our top stories. america's top law enforcement officer is chosen. the senate confirms jeff sessions to be the next attorney general. discriminatory and unconstitutional. so says a kenyan court of government plans to close the world's largest refugee camp in the east of the country. we exist, we resist. that is the chance of protesters in the romanian capital calling for the cabinet to resign. the government survived a vote of no-confidence in parliament on wednesday. the top a check of business news stories. stephen carroll joins us now. let's start in the united states. donald trump very much in the spotlight once again for tweeting in support of his daughter. he tweeted apart a department store chain called nordstrom's. they dropped a line of clothing by his daughter. it led to a criticism that the president's intervention was unethical. the white house has responded. sean spicer. a familys less about business than an attack on his daughter. he ran for president. he won. he is leading this country. for people to take out their concern about his actions on members of his family he has every right to stand up for his family and applaud their business activities. be a shift prove to in how the stock markets react to donald trump's tweets. a pattern where he attacks the company on shares tumble. it has happened with boeing, general motors and delta airlines. -- twittertriggered target may have broken the curse. before he even took the oath of office donald trump's tweets were making the markets move. stocks for knowing when trump as president-elect threatens to cancel the order for a new air force one. they slumped again after he tweeted about lockheed martin. knocking $4 billion off the company's market value. less than two weeks later he took aim at general motors for assembling cars in mexico and the share value dropped .7%. he criticized toyota for building a new mexican plant, dealing a $1.2 billion blow. more recently he sent delta airlines stock prices down after he blames the company for the chaos in airports across the country. with more than 24 million followers on twitter trump has had an unprecedented influence on stock markets, forcing companies to rethink their relationship with white house. get in the way the president and you will be named and shamed on twitter. there are signs that the trunk tweet could be losing its power. on wednesday he criticized nordstrom for dropping his daughter's clothing line. thatny's stock took a hit bounced back after about four climbingclaiming -- nearly 4%. >> european shares trading up this lunchtime. lots of companies moving the market. some of those company results for you starting with the french bank which reported better-than-expected earnings for the last three months of last year. have been suffering from low interest rates. income was boosted by an unexpected jump in profits from the french retail bank as the lender continues to close branches. advertising giant have tumbled. took a hit inings the united states. says hef executive expects the group to return to growth in the second half of the year. the french oil giant says its decision on 2 billion dollar gas project in iran depends on u.s. policy. it was the first energy firm to sign a deal since fractions were -- sanctions were lifted. a landmark house is gone on sale. great gardens inspired a documentary and broadway musical. it was the home of edie beale and her mother, cousins of jackie onassis. in the films they were living in poverty in a decaying mansion. it has been overhauled since. just shy of $20 million. not bad for inflation. a bit of american iconography. >> thank you, stephen carroll. the press i'm joined by nick rushworth. we will start in somalia today. >> very rare to begin a press review with somalia. a man who holds joint american citizenship is now the president. he is a resident of grand island near buffalo in the state of new york. the buffalo news is headlining on that. tore is an ironic twist trump's immigration order banning people from somalia. the mainly muslim country along with 600 -- six other countries. he is a university of buffalo graduate. he tells the paper what a loss it would have been for the nerd states and for somalia had he been banned from going to school at all in the united states. got an awful lot to do when he becomes president. the washington post has a story saying the expectations of this new president are extremely high. >> when you consider that somalia is more or less a failed state, it is consistently ranked as the most corrupt country in the world. the washington post says any success any new president may have will really depend on building a broad alliance of various clans. he does not is that belong to the main clan that has led the government and controlled mogadishu for decades. the washington post hopeful but also concerned there may not be that much progress. brexit appears to be coming much closer. the lower house mps gathering. the scottish national party tabled amendments demanding access to the eu markets. they wanted amendments that supported workers rights. each of those were defeated. 52 labor mps rebelled in all. let's look at the cartoon in the independent showing theresa may being potentially about to be catapulted into oblivion. if you look closer you can see hanging onto the edge of the cliff is jeremy corbyn. the suggestion is that article 50 is triggered. but will it be jeremy corbyn falling off the cliff? this is one of the main papers that has pioneered a brexit over the years. nicola sturgeon hasn't been lashing out at theresa may at all but instead at jeremy corbyn for not getting any of those amendments passed at all. she tweeted against him. the daily mirror is sympathetic to labor. leading the uproar in parliament included at one point. scottish mps in westminster singing the owed to joy which is beethoven's masterpiece and which is the national anthem for the eu. the on in parliament as brexit gets closer. >> you have been taking a look at what the french papers are saying. >> one of the main stories concerns the plight of this young man, 22-year-old teo who was attacked. the allegations are that police attacked him quite brutally. the allegation specifically is of rape. front page on this as our other papers. police underhe accusation. it should not be an automatic knee-jerk reaction in support of the police. there has to be a broad consensus about what's going on. francois hollande went to the bedside of teo and expressed his sympathy to the young man. while we have seen this violent have alsoow there been incidents in october in which police officers were targeted. that is part of a continuing cycle of violence. i want to look at a story about the eiffel tower. the iron lady as it is called by many of the french. you can see it's going to be surrounded i a glass wall. the cost will be 20 million euros. it will be tilted in october and it will be 2.5 meters high. very much a feeling of concern about security. an attacawawawawkçkw yx

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