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The Central African republic is preparing ballot boxes and logistics. We have our report. Or suspects have been arrested, accused of planning a terror attack for new years. The men who have been taken custody are accused of planning an attack. One is accused of being a recruiter, the other incharged o with being charge of a terror cell. Brussels was already on high alert. Are there any links with todays arrest . Prosecutors Office Tell Us at this point they do not believe there are links to the terror attacks in paris. That said, there was a terror last januaryp here that was later found to be linked to the perpetrators of those attacks. I think it is too early to say they are not linked, but they say that the raids were not linked. Isis,with propaganda for as on military uniforms, and that has authorities very nervous because the january rate a year ago found Police Uniforms and the threat was against police stations. So today, they are increasing security around police and security trolls in the streets. Thank you. Guinea was the first country in west africa to be struck by the ebola epidemic. Now the World Health Organization has declared guinea free of the disease. Is an important milestone for the huge effort that has been going on for two years to stop the ebola crisis in west africa. As of today, for the worst time in two years, we can say that all three countries have stopped the original strains of beenmission which had driving this crisis and had led to such international and National Alarm last year. In all, more than 11,000 people died. Most of the victims were from guinea, sierra leone, and liberia. Ubia. Et baby ne she was born with the virus, and is the last with the virus. Her mother did not survive. Released on the 28, much to the joy of her family and medical staff. Seenam happy as i have not her since her birth rate i think god for putting her in the hands of these doctors. She will be released, making everybody happy. Since her recover, no new cases have been declared in guinea. It is now free of ebola. The Worst Epidemic of the disease to date again in Southern Guinea began in Southern Guinea two years ago. It killed over 11,000 people and affected nearly 30,000. , library, as youre a lyons were hit the hardest. But the financial and medical support proved successful. All three nations were declared ebola free in the last three months. Festivities to celebrate guinea s ebola free status are slated for wednesday. There will be concerts. The Central African republic gearing up for an election on wednesday. Many hope the vote will restore democracy in a country marred by secretary tensions between christian and muslim groups. Our reporter tells us there are some logistical difficulties. Here at this airport you get an idea of the mammoth logistical task of organizing these elections in the Central African republic. We have boxes upon boxes of voting materials still need to be shipped out across the republic, and right across this country. Deliver,allot boxes to voting slips. There are rules that will be pinned on the walls of the polling stations. All of that needs to be delivered when just one day ahead of the election. The men here have been working late into the night, but they they only received some of the materials around midnight, and have been errors printed on some of the official papers. That is why it is taking so long. The delay is down to issues of printing the balance, and the slips. But last night we were able to british of all the printing. That means that throughout the day they will be sent throughout the country. Will ship flights these voting materials to remote, farflung areas of the Central African republic. It would take too long to get them there by road. This is a real race against time. That was catherine reporting from the Central African republic. She will bring us the latest on the election tomorrow as it goes ahead. The Iraqi State Television says Prime Minister abadi is in ramadi to hail the citys liberation from Islamic State. Liberatehey plan to crush Islamic State 2016. It is an ambitious goal. They say they have won the ramadi, and it is only beginning. The army pushed back Islamic State militants out of several key neighborhoods of the western city. The Prime Minister called that success to motivate troops. The next goal, retaking mosul. Were coming to liberate mosul, which will be the is, and alow to is victory for our community. Deals Islamic State still controls much of the country, but has lost territories seen here in yellow. The recapture of ramadi is a Strategic Planning light in the fight against the extremist group. It is directly related to the retaking of other cities including falluja. As for the retaking of ramadi, it has created favorable conditions for the iraqi forces to advance towards mosul. Coalition backed airstrikes helped to drive back the fighters. Taking over territories is a long process, even after the jihadists laid. The army has to find and disarm hundreds of explosive devices in buildings and on roads. At least 21 people have been killed in a bomb blast in pakistan. Police say a suicide bomber on a motorbike carried out the attack in the northwest of the country, in a televised stronghold. More than 60 people have also been wounded in front of a Government Office where pakistanis go to get new id cards. For the first time in israel, a former head of government will serve a prison sentence. Use set to spend 18 months in jail, accused of bribery while he served as mayor of jerusalem before becoming Prime Minister in 2006. Bracing for more protests in decidedd after a jury not to indict a white officer a young black boy. We learn why they chose not to charge the policeman. A tragic set of Police Errors that led to the shooting of the 12yearold. He was shot dead within two seconds of the Police Officers arrival. He was pulling the gun from his band, and he could have been trying to give it over or show it was not real, but the officers could not have known. Indicateidence did not criminal conduct by the police. The Police Officers and the Police Department must live with the knowledge that their mistake led to the death of a 12yearold boy. The gun had been bought at a walmart by a friend, and had removed the orange tip that makes it clear it is a toy. They fail to communicate the fact that the 911 call stated the person was a juvenile, and the gun may not be real. His family is saddened and disappointed by the outcome, and they encouraged those unsatisfied with the decision to display that peacefully and democratically. Blizzards and floods, the bad weather has killed more than 40 people over the Holiday Season. It could deeply impact alabama and mississippi. There are no words to express our shock and sadness. The british rock band motor head mourns the death of its man lemmy. Front Rolling Stone paid tribute to the rock icon. Lemmy, to a lot of people, and body rock n roll. Not just his spirit, but his attitude, all the way ages 70 he never compromised. He was known for his wit and his words of wisdom. He never gave up that reference all the way to the end. If you have just trying to us, here is a reminder of our top stories. Belgian Authorities Say they have for today terrorist of ported a terrorist attack in brussels plane for new years eve. Materials were found in a house raid, and two suspects have been arrested. Guinea has been declared ebola free. There are no more cases, two years after the outbreak. The Central African republic is preparing ballot boxes in a nation torn by sectarian tensions. Iraqi Prime Minister has vowed to crush Islamic State within the year. The Prime Minister congratulated the troops who won back the city of ramadi, saying the next step now is mosul. It is time now for business news. As 2015 draws to a close, and were looking back at how the corporate world has fared this year. Especially with the business of mergers and acquisitions. M a activity top 5 trillion for the worst time ever this year. That increase was driven by megamergers, a total of 67 deals, each worth 10 billion or more. For more on this we go to our market analyst in london. Thank you for speaking to us. What happened to this year . We had a series of drivers for this big move in m a. Time of texan versions tax in versions to read on missile funds. We also had easing by Central Banks, meaning that they had the ability to borrow. Commodities, food groups were another big area. Very good year for Companies Looking to buy other farms. Do you expect to see more of the same in 2016 . What regions should we keep an eye on . Big areas will be the pharmaceutical sector. The bigger firms are looking to buy the smaller ones. Also in a while, despite the drop in oil prices, the really big firms have the cash to go shopping. The insurance sector as well as changes in the european regulations will boost in certain key areas. Those are places to watch in 2016. In terms of the broader markets, the last run on m a was back in 2007, right before the financial crisis. Some say this can signal the end of a bull market. What do you think . A little bit of irrational exuberance with m a, but if you look at the broader backdrop with luis montero policy continuing for many Central Banks it looks as if we have more to come. There is no sign yet of a bust. That said, they are a lot more choosy over which companies emerge with. It will not be a blind rush. Thank you for joining us. Now. Turn to the markets european indices are moving higher off the back of a positive session in asia midway through the trading day. Ax is up over 1 . The ftse is being weighed down a little bit by energy stocks. Numbers, of over 1 . Trees on, we are seeing birds. And this winter has been one of the warmest on record. Farmers are feeling the crunch in france. And thatnglike winter, is not good for some in the agriculture sector. This farm in the west of france has about 50 tons of produce, and the warm weather is making the green grow too fast. Edinge scheduled se has grown already, and we are worried they will not also. People are not eating solid a lot this year, and there is too much supply, and we have to alad a lotem s this year. Theres too much supply, and we have to destroy them. An oversupply means a reduction in price. Lettuce is selling 30 cheaper than usual. People are eating fewer root vegetables this season. Things like carrots, turnips, not selling well at all. People do not want to eat soup in this weather. Vegetable prices have been lower than the cost price. Trees are already budding, and the crop is under threat unless the cold returns soon. Thank you very much. That wraps up our business news. It is time for the press review. It is time to take a look at what is grabbing the headlines with our reporter. Yesterday iraqi forces claimed victory over ramadi. Papers across the world focused on the significant implications of retaking this city. Very symbolic. I put out two editorials about how this is a major boost for iraqi or sis great it is symbolic because it shows that isis can be rolled back from the center of its socalled caliphate and that is interesting is the new york times, and more liberal paper, agrees with the for once. It is talking about the importance of this victory. It gives hopes that the barbaric terrorist group can eventually be defeated according to the new york times. Sign that isis a is losing momentum. Lots of papers are focusing on the result of the largest Public Opinion poll in the arab world. This is a very interesting poll that was carried out by the qatarbased policy studies research center. This was the fourth year running for this poll. 2015 arab opinion index. They interviewed over 18,000 people from 12 arab countries and the results are fascinating. Five years after the beginning of the arab spring 72 of arabs despite its limits, democracy is the best form of government. 71 believe that it is incompatible with islam. They are in favor of the separation of religion and politics. 50 of arabs interviewed in this poll believe that societies are not quite right for democracy yes. They liked the idea, but they are not ready for it yet. Different story. After years of dispute between japan and south korea, they found a settlement over the socalled comfort women. Comfort women refers to south korea women forced into world war ii japanese brothels. This is a longstanding feud that has soured relations for decades. All the details in the japan times. The independent, the british paper, also focuses on what this agreement means. The japanese government has pledged to pay eight point 3 million toward the psychological care of surviving comfort women. But most symbolically, the Prime Minister, shinzo abe has d yourse apologies and remorse. Sorry isf the victims, not enough. You can read about that in the korean paper. They talk about how some of the terms or unsatisfied with his agreement. They say that the japanese government is just paying lip itsice and has not admitted legal responsibility. It is simply throwing money at the problem. Survivors,one of the we dont want money, they must take legal responsibility. Victims are in their 80s and 90s anyway. It isory here in france, the Holiday Season and french people like to eat well, and to drink fryinine wine. But something is changing in the wine world. It is going to be turned on saysead, is what the paper today. The wide world is in disarray over a new rule coming out of brussels that will kick in on january 1. Allowed to will be plant vineyards anywhere in france and sell wine without indicating a specific geographic place of origin. Have worry, you will still domains that are protected, regions that are protected, but there will be a third category on bottles. Essentially, wine that comes from france. It is not specific exactly what region it comes from. They say this is a cultural revolution, and with the eu is trying to do is liberalize the culture of grapes. Meaning that more winegrowers can plant more grapes, and make more wine and export more wine. It means an additional 8000 hectacres could be planted. We could even have our own france 24 wine. [laughter] some are outraged. Some say that these new bottles of wine could be disgusting because there will not be enough control over the production of the wind. A lot of people fear that the reputation of french wine abroad thed be tarnished, all in name of increasing exports brady can see that title there on the front page, in that article. Expect a storm in a wine glass. Is good the good for the economy though. Story. Sorry to end on a dark note. But this caught my eye in the guardian. As the season to be jolly, and then file for divorce. A 300 in divorce inquiries. Why this dramatic increase . It is all about the magic of christmas. Duringtrying to hold out Holiday Season to put on a good face. But as soon as the tree comes down, the gloves come off, and people file for divorce. That is really sad. Thank you for that, sorry to end on a pessimistic note. If you want to read more about divorce or lighter stories, you can log on to our website. That wraps up this is issued. Thank you for watching france 24. More news coming up in just a few minutes. o

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