Also coming up this hour in business, we will have the latest from the paris motor show. As sales start to pick up, carmakers are targeting the premium market in europe. Andre will be looking at the latest technology on display. We will be live from the pentagon to speak with rear admiral john kirby. How confident is the American Military that they can defeat to hottests jihadists in syria and iraq . Is this war even when a book winnable . We will be putting those questions to the spokesperson in a few minutes. There have been several clashes in hong kong today. In two separate locations groups opposed to the demonstrators tried to dismantle barricades saying they were fed up with disruption to business and daily lives. Police had to separate the groups. Protesters are still in the streets calling on the chief executive to step down despite his offer to hold talks. Outside the Hong Kong Government Buildings Police try to remove their kids erected move barricades erected by protesters. Workers returning from holiday have found themselves barricaded out and sometimes in. We are just working. Please dont make things difficult for us and let us leave. We have our rights too. Every hong kong person should let others exercise their basic rights. We are done with work. We want to go to we cannot leave. There have been disputes between police and protesters over allowing Food Supplies and the government complex. Students and other demonstrators were disappointed when the hong kong chief executive officer refused to step down thursday night. Students have agreed to meet with the authorities for talks. But they are proceeding with caution. We have to create the maximum room for dialogue. We will look at the process of dialogue and what can come out of dialogue. Police dismantled barricades to allow traffic to move in the causeway bay area of the city. But there is no sign of protesters returning home. While keeping one eye on the talks, the intent to maintain they intend to maintain the pressure that has brought the hub to a standstill. Hong kong is a Global Financial destination. The economy is dependent on Foreign Investment and tourism. It has already begun to suffer from the protests. Shop owners in the city center have seen sales decline sharply. Empty streets, shuttered shops. Businesses in hong kong are feeling the fallout from the ongoing prodemocracy protests. Our business is down by 70 . No customers and no business. It is quiet. Some shop owners say it is the worst slowdown in business since the start epidemic in 2003. The banks say the unrest may have cost city retailers more than 200 million euros. Demonstrations have coincided with chinas golden week holiday which usually brings a huge influx of shoppers from the mainland. They account for 2 3 of all visitors to hong kong. Chinese visitors flock to the stores sending cash registers ringing. But this year, the Chinese Government has told travel agencies to stop organizing hong kong tours until further notice. The business is worth more than 30 billion euros and account for nearly 4 of the growth in gdp into 2012. Many businesses fear they will suffer more losses if protests continue. We are going live to our correspondent who has been standing by in common, in hong kong. He has been following the protests for us. Lets take another look at the pictures we were showing as he is setting up for us. Live pictures from central hong kong. You see the crowd swelling. Numbers are purely going up judging by the pictures compared to similar pictures this morning in central hong kong. He will be joining us later on in the show. We continue to monitor the situation in syria near the turkish border. Go bonnie khobani is under increasing threats that the terrorist organization may soon move inside the town. They are steadily gaining ground over the last week. Practically all civilians have left the town. As the islamic threat edges towards the turkish border, Turkish Parliament has given government green light to carry out military action in syria and iraq. No immediate military operation has been announced, but turkey could prove a key ally in the International Coalition against the jihadists. Turkey is ready for action after parliament gave the greenlight light for intervention in syria and iraq. They debated whether to lend military support against the Islamic State organization. In the end, they voted in favor by a large majority. The country now looks to lend its support to the International Coalition already bad ailing battling the islamic fighters. Nothing has been decided conclusively. Theres a lot to iron out between turkey and allies. The president has long remained wary of potential retaliation by the Islamic State position organization. The president is also wary of assisting kurds. The gains made by jihadists in recent weeks have brought the battle to turkeys doorstep. The decision allows the arm to defend against attacks by terrorist groups. It also sets a Legal Framework for the deployment of foreign troops on turkish soil. It is too early to tell what form the intervention will take. The countrys defense minister indicated the government was not planning to take immediate action. David camerons surprise visit to afghanistan. The british Prime Minister landed in kabul and met with the new president. He thanked nato troops for their sacrifice the fight against the taliban. Britain has almost 4000 soldiers on the ground, the second biggest military contingent after the u. S. Britain has paid a heavy price for helping bring stability to the country. But this is where al qaeda trained the terrorists. This is where 9 11 and countless other plots were hatched. Afghanistan, free from al qaeda is in our National Interest as well as afghanistans. The combat operations officially end later this year when security is handed over to the afghan army throughout the country. Heavy fighting breaks out in Eastern Ukraine despite the ceasefire. Shelling killed a member of the International Red cross citizen. A dozen rockets slammed into a Shopping Center and another fellow red cross headquarters in donetsk. These are the first attacks on the city center since the ceasefire was signed a month ago. Tensions have been gradually decreasing with fighting between prorussian separatists and the army subsiding. But kiev is now saying yesterdays attack accounts to a terrorist attack. An american journalist in liberia has tested positive for the ebola virus. Hes being flown back the United States for medical care. He started experiencing symptoms on wednesday and. The rest of the crew has not shown signs but is also returning to undergo quarantine. The United States working to contain ebola on its soil. Authorities widening the search for people who have been in contact with ebola patient currently in a texas hospital. The first ebola case died made it diagnosed in the United States is an isolated case. Authorities are on alert. They are tracing dozens of people who may have had contact with the patient, thomas eric duncan. Members of the family he with in dallas have been asked to remain at home for now. Authorities are reassuring texans it is a cautionary measure. The only person who had symptoms as mr. Duncan who is in the hospital. No one who has been around mr. Duncan during the time he has been symptomatic has shown any indication of having contracted ebola. Managers of the apartment complex where duncan stayed are also taking precautions. Common areas have been taken care of. They are cleaning it. There is no fear of anything going on in the common areas because the guy was not here that long. The neighborhood is home to a large immigrant and refugee population. Local officials have been keeping them informed and say there is no panic among residents. In general, theres not much concern because people have been educated. We have a great translator that works with us who translated fliers in multiple languages and send them home with every student. Duncan is thought to have contracted ebola in liberia before traveling to the u. S. He was sent home by hospital staff on his first visit despite telling them he had returned from west africa. The disease was not diagnosed until two days later. Ebola has claimed over 3000 victims in west africa. Sierra leone is one of the worst hit countries. The medical infrastructure and resources are stretched so cuba has several hundred 65 doctors and nurses to help fight the virus. A much awaited arrival as 62 doctors and 103 nurses touchdown from havana. They have been sent to sierra leone for six months. Their mission . To stop the deadly ebola virus from spreading further. We have highly qualified persons to help. We think this is very important because what happens here has repercussions in the whole world. The battle is here. We have called on people to join everybody together. Further teams are set to follow. Cuba is already plan to deploy more than 400 medical personnel to the west african countries worst hit by the epidemic. We need as much help as possible. This would make a dent in the fight. Sierra leone is in severe shortage of not just medical staff but also basic resources. The country lacks hundreds of beds and a mere fraction of ebola sufferers are in specialized treatment centers. According to the world health organization, ebola has killed over 3300 with 600 those in sierra leone. Lets go back to our top story, the ongoing protests in central hong kong. We were looking at live pictures earlier. We will take another look at them. Central hong kong, throngs of people along the main arteries. We are joined by our correspondent standing by. We have seen some clashes between pro and antiprotest groups this morning. What is the latest on the ground now . We have seen the scuffles continued through the day. It would not be pushing it too far to say there are quite tense situations on the other side of the bank. We have seen those scuffles proved the prodemocracy demonstrators are accusing the probe asian groups of being brought in by the government to break up the protests. We are seeing an escalation of the situation before we saw the police trying to prevent them from moving too far in terms of taking over government buildings. With this third group involved, the probeijing groups, which have been more aggressive moving in, there have been scuffles did they try to take down the barricades. It makes the situation more uncertain. Earlier in the day, we saw number stored going numbers dwindling. There were fewer people in the streets. Where do you see the protest movement going from here . There was a significant drop in numbers earlier. There were heavy rain storms in the afternoon that had an effect on some protests. As we see, the numbers are still there. The situation is that the student leaders of the protest and the occupy central movement, which are in essence not connected, they have spoken to us and are aware they do not think they will get the ultimate demand, which is universal suffrage and the rights to have anyone stand for election. They do not see beijing moving on that. They dont seem to have an exit strategy at the moment. When we saw the protest numbers rise the last time, that was after the please used tear gas police used tear gas. The scuffles could reinvigorate the movement. It can also scare a lot of people away. We heard earlier the student protest leaders have asked their supporters to move to safer areas of the city. Still unpredictable. But it seems the protest movements dont have a Clear Strategy yet. Thank you. You will continue to update us on the goings on in hong kong. It is time for todays business news. Stephen carroll is back on set as promised. You are focusing on the paris motor show. That is right. Day two of previews in one of the biggest events in the car calendar. The premium sector is one many brands are trying to crack. The profitable market is dominated by german brands. But there are some pretenders in the wings. The crystal gear stick and scandinavian design. That is volvos recipe to break the german dominance of the premium car market. With the new suv the swedish brand is opening hoping to step into the big leagues. Jaguar is betting on this to boost sales. It is meant to go headtohead with midsize rivals from bmw and mercedes. It is a special vehicle bringing together this Spanish Special british design. There also i be higher margins of the premium sector. The new brand is meant to represent luxury. German competitors cannot embrace and embody what represents the best of the french culture of the french luxury. Will it be enough . Allegedly, bmw audi, and mercedes have more than 60 of the premium markets. Some say the tide may be turning for the big three. But the competition still has a long way to go. Theyre very far behind. The three leaders have about 20 each of the market. Ihs critics the premium sector will grow just under numeral 8 until 2017. More carmakers are moving up the market to tap this growth could the question is whether there will be enough for everyone. James andre is a car fanatic. He is running around the motor show and will be with us in a moment. I understand he has a guest. He is standing by. He is hooking up and will be with us for that. While we wait for james, lets look at what is going on in the market. Eight is around the midpoint of the trading day. The german markets are closed. Things are quieter on the European Market than they usually are. A big fall yesterday after comments from mario draghi despite the disappointing survey of the Eurozone Services sector showing growth slowed to sixmonth lows. Tasco is down around 3 in trading on rumors of a new rights issue. The shares have had a terrible time. Theyve lost a list half of their value since the start of the year over various difficulties including competition from discounters. Not a great day for tesco. I believe we have james andre. The man of the hour at the paris motor show. He has spent nearly two days having a look at the new models and highlights of this years major Auto Industry event. James andre, tell us what you got for us this hour. I am sitting in the new outdoor Mayo Alpha Romeo spider. It is a very compact, powerful sports car unveiled a couple of years ago. I am with the head of the brand. We are here to talk about the renewal of the brand. The premium segment of the market is working very well. Other brands trying to cut into this market to make themselves a place. Alpha romeo is going to try to go up on the market. Can you explain . Absolutely. In year, we launched the new body, the car representing a statement. It is technology, dynamism, italian style. We are set to relaunch the brand. That is the big announcement made this year. We are going to launch between 2016 and 2018 a full range of eight new products which will be competing in the premium market. This not only launching products. It is expanding the brand. We are reentering European Countries and the south american market. We are expanding into asia and want to become a global player. Things are going up in the market. It is also back to the original alpha romeo dna. We are talking about rearwheel drive with sporty engines. This is going to make a lot of fans very happy because the last 20 years that is not what has been going on. We hope so. The brand is one of the older european brands which has a huge history of technological and style innovation. We were the first one introducing the twin shaft and so on. We have decided to bring back the old values which are the roots of the brand. We are really expressing and redeveloping the values. This car we are sitting in is the first car of this new generation. It is a real statement and demonstration of what we want to do. An excellent h is iteration which is was then part of the brand value. [indiscernible] these are the things we want to promote in order to make sure what makes alpha romeo unique is the driving pleasure you can have driving the car. Does that mean the previous strategy was using different platforms with the alpha romeo body and was a failure . Not a good idea . Once again, what you cannot do is lose the synergy. If you try to corrupt the dna. We want to use the synergy in the group. We have access to the best know how in crack the ship craftsmanship and engines. It is great to use the synergy of the group our way. Thank you very much. We will bury bringing you more from the ownership we will be bringing you more from the auto show. Thank you. We will be seeing more of him over the coming days. Thank you, Stephen Carol and james andre. Lets move on to sports news. The winners at home with the gold. The italians four points clear. The manager happy with the efforts if not the final results. They lead the way in group eight. He grabbed a late equalizer. Wolfsburgs poor start continues. He recorded a second straight win in group k. They came unstuck losing. They stayed second despite their reverse. The others are already staring into the abyss. He has unveiled his squad for the phillies against portugal and armenia. He is back in the fold after 13month absence. The striker rewarded for his early season form. It was pressured into [indiscernible] the top goal scorer. I was forced to select him. I had not wanted it and would not have picked him. I selected him for the reason hes playing well and it could be interesting to see him with the french jersey. Nothing definitive about the squad i picked for these games. The french team will not be the same one as in may of 2016. The 2016 hosts are at home to portugal next saturday before making the trip to armenia on october 14. This is how the france squad looks. He will play only one of the two friendlies. That means an opportunity for others. The striker misses out despite calling three goals in five games. In spain, he has been speaking to the press ahead of barcelonas trip on saturday. There are currently two points clear and the top of the table. They had a great start to the first season under new coach. Elcome to the help show. On todays program, we bring you medical innovations on every scale, from microsurgery to one of the Worlds Largest hospital ships. Coming up, the latest in a robotic medicine using

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