Hollywood, the world paid tribute to actor and comedian robin williams. He took his own life after a bout of severe depression. Thank you very much for being with us. United nations secretarygeneral ban kimoon has urged more countries to send aid to iraq,. Thousands fled their homes under threat of death from the sunnimosley extremist isis. France has been dropping food water, and tensts. Maliki says armed groups could exploit the Political Uncertainty in baghdad to destabilize the country. Isis cut through iraq with virtually no resistance from national forces. The iraqi Prime Minister intends to ease sectarian tensions and bring stability to the country driven by turmoil. Among displaced christians, there is thought he would be a change from his predecessor. I speak in the name of all of the displaced people. We do not want the same policies. We want to see a change in policies to find a solution that has displaced christians. We heard he has been asked to form the new government. I think all of the people have hoped for such a move because iraq was slipping into a dangerous of this. Almaliki has been blamed by his former allies for alienating iraqs minorities and allowing sectarian tensions to develop on the streets of baghdad. Expectations for the new Prime Minister are high. I call upon the new Prime Minister to combat corruption. We will support each other to defeat islamic states militants. We hope the new Prime Minister will provide us security and stability. And all humanitarian necessities. Malikis party has called the appointment illegitimate and has vowed to challenge it. He must form a government within 30 days. A helicopter has crashed. Her emotional pills made her in the public voice of her community and she was injured. The pilot of the helicopter was killed when it crashed during takeoff after delivering aid. Russia said its massive convoy access into ukraine has been agreed with the red cross. One stipulations was at the agency should be on board. French foreign minister is leading western concerns russia could be using this as a way of invading the east of the country. 280 russian trucks en route to eastern ukraine. It is impossible to verify this amateur footage posted on the internet. It seems to show a convoy with dozens of alleged soldiers. Meanwhile, on russian state tv, a priest is blessing the trucks. Authorities say they are carrying 2000 tons of aid supplies. They departed near moscow and are expected to arrive at the border in a couple of days time. I hope this humanitarian action will take place under the authority of the red cross. We have agreed on all details with ukrainian leadership. We hope the west will not put a spoke in the wheel and instead will think about the people who are in need of water and electricity. Western countries are skeptical after the annexation of crimea in march. Many believe the humanitarian convoy could be a pretext to bring military support to pro russian separatists. We have to be careful because this could be a cover for russians to install a presence. According to nato, moscow has deployed 20,000 troops on its border, prompting fears of a grand intervention. 20,000, 40,000 the number of troops ready on the eastern border between ukraine and russia. The french president Francois Holland has broken to Vladimir Putin about his concerns. Lets get some analysis on the situation. Good evening to you. How widespread is this concern russia could be using this convoy like a trojan horse to invade the east of ukraine . It is very widespread. Russias credibility is probably at an alltime low. Everything that russia says is very suspicious. But i do not think anyone really knows what the trucks contained but they are actually transporting. This is the question, what is inside. Bringing in the red cross in some way to give this credibility or to cover up or to justify what is going on, it is difficult to know what the red cross role is. It has been confusing. The latest i read, they said they have not authorized the convoy and it is not related to them. And also the negotiations with Ukrainian Government are not entirely clear. Yet again everything has been cleared with ukraine. Then again, ukrainian sources say ukraine refuses to let the convoy crossed the border. Wants the truck to unload their aid at the border and taken on by other means, using the red cross or ukrainian forces. Russia has refused. So when it reaches the border it will be tetense days and hours. Is there a deteriorating situation in the east of ukraine . Definitely. The government would do well to try to take care of that. It is admittedly hard, given the situation. The insurgency needs to be dealt with. At the same time especially if ukraine is successful, then it has to it would be better to try to help them in all the ways they can. So in that sense, i am happy there is an agreement with the red cross and western powers to do something about the situation. Kadri liik thank you very much for sharing your analysis here on france 24. The World Health Organization has ruled ebola sufferers can be given experimental drugs to beat the fatal virus. People infected in liberia are first in line to be treated. A spanish priest who is being treated with the same drug in madrid has died. The World Health Organization has taken a drastic decision authorizing the use of experimental drugs in the fight against ebola without following the usual pathway. There was an agreement among the experts that in the special circumstances of the outbreak, it is ethical to offer unregistered intervention as potential treatment or prevention. Usually a drug must go through a long process before getting on the market. First, it is tested on animals and then on a Smaller Group of humans for safety and then testing moves to a larger group of people to confirm its effectiveness and monitor side effects. That is the path this drug was on at first. It was given to two american patients that are believed to be recovering from the virus. In the face of the current outbreak, the w. H. O. Chose to skip those steps. If this treatment can save lives, should we not use them to save lives . On the other hand, they have not been tested on humans. So what can we not foresee from animal testing . Strict ethical criteria would have to guide the provision of the treatment. Many other dilemmas linked to the authorization will emerge. For instance, who will get to try the treatment . Or even should other experimental drugs be rolled out in africa for other diseases . Human rights watch is calling for an investigation into mass killings in egypt last summer. 1500 supporters of Mohamed Morsi were gunned down by the military. The group is calling for an inquiry for the role played by the army chief who is now the egyptian president. More about the accusations being leveled at the egyptian forces. Indiscriminate use of live fire against civilians, for the entire hour siege, no safe cord or was allowed for people who wanted to leave until many hours into the assault. The number of weapons found inside the Muslim Brotherhood amounted to about 15 for a camp that had upwards of 20,000 people. They are charging Egyptian Security forces were under no real threat. And there was no cause to use this kind of indiscriminate, widespread life of fire. The primary allegation is this was according to plan. This was not a case of poorly trained security people or a situation that got out of hand because the Security Officers were under threat. This was always the plan, to use this force and pile up this kind of casualties. Talks continue between the israelis and hamas. The blockade of gaza has been the subject of discussion. The talks failed, and fighting will resume. The ceasefire in gaza is in today two. In to day two. Both parties back to the negotiating table this tuesday in cairo. According to officials on both sides, they are nowhere near finding an agreement to end the confrontation. Israel wants gaza disarmed. Both sides have warned they would resume hostilities if the talks failed again. The Israeli Intelligence minister threatened to expand the ground intervention. Either there will be a reasonable resolution, or if the fire resumes, well have to consider an expansion on the ground overthrowing hamas and the demilitarization of gaza by ourselves. For now, the ceasefire appears to be holding. Troops are positioned near the gaza border. And thousands of residents have returned to their neighborhoods to check if their homes were still standing. We are waiting for any chance to be more normal people. Like anywhere in the world. It is always the same thing, the same aggression, always without a solution. We have tried negotiation and it led to nothing. U N Human Rights Council has named a commission to lead an inquiry. Israel has criticized the initiative claiming the experts chosen were propalestinian. Tributes continue after the death of actor robin williams. He was found dead at his home in san francisco. He hanged himself in a bout of severe depression. Asking for privacy, his wife said she was heartbroken. President obama called him one of a kind. Many former costars have been speaking about his unique talent. For decades, this guy entertained a lot of people around the world. He is a great comedian. Some of my favorite performances, when you were just in the room with him. Serious. He could get going out of nowhere. It was not scripted. He made us laugh. Every part of our body. A reminder of the headlines france has been dropping supplies to those they are still under threat from isis. The red cross needs more information about what is in the massive russian aid convoy bound for eastern ukraine. There are concerns over an invasion. Families, friends, painter be to the actor and comedian robin williams. The 63yearold took his own life after a bout of severe depression. Much more to come. Stay with us here on france 24. Time now for media watch. How are you today . Very well. News about robin williams. Pretty much every news website today. Everybody seems to throw in their tuppence worth, theres speculation about the cause of the death, their memories etc. This was a family man. One of the most touching articles was a post by his daughter zelda. She pays homage with a quote from antoine de saintexupery in one of the stars i shall be living in laughing. And so it will be as if all of the stars were laughing when you look in the sky at night. Only you will have the star second laugh. A public moment of grief and a helped his daughter through that. I love you and i miss you, she said. Going on, people picking up on the humor of the man. This was a tweet he shared back some time ago, Kim Kardashian and he said i think i wore it better. Not quite the same, but not far off. And the new yorker a special cartoon today as well, dude looked like a lady. One of his most famous roles as mrs. Doubtfire. And the Lessons Learned from his many characters and of course for decades, certainly for generations, his characters helped people learn some lessons. Dont blame yourself. Never devalue a human being. That is a long list on buzzfeed. A lot of quotes. You are given one spark of madness. You must not lose it. Certainly he had a little bit of madness. People appreciated it. Something shakespearean about the situation. You see the funny man who often has the serious side. Robin williams clearly had this manic humor. Extremely funny and energetic and another side. A sign that was dark and hidden. That is right. The guardian has an interview in 2010. She said when he is not putting on voices, he seems gentle and kind. Even tender. Impression is one of sadness. A lot of people, are trying to understand the person and understand what brought him to this decision. Also today, they talk about the genius he demonstrated. One of the most explosively prodigiously verbal comedians who ever lived. The only thing faster than his mouth, was his mind. Others saying that showed aspects of manic depression. Often this malady is something that feeds comedic genius. Indeed. My limited experience of people with this kind of affliction is this incredible, almost rapidfire and then obviously it goes back to something. Just a horrible thing to live through. And clearly a very sad loss robin williams. Lets move on, james. Bon anniversaire, happy birthday, mr. President. It is becoming, it is a big topic of discussion in the french press. A lot of well wishes online. 10 ideas for gifts for mr. Hollande. An umbrella because he famously tends to it rains on his parade. The day of his inauguration when he had to walk down the street in rain. And why not a cardboard tie . His tie is famously often askew. Im not sure if that is something he does on purpose. It does seem to happen quite a lot. Other people say why not a motorcycle helmet. It has died down recently, as he would announce never happen. Look at that. Isnt that desperate . That is a r tunis at the a cartoonist putting a birthday cake on top of his head. Others saying it is the age for retirement. Some people on the political right would like to see the retirement age raised. Thank you very much indeed. Lets cross the studio. Kate moody is here. I will straighten my tie. Lets start with russia looking to do business with other countries . That is what they are trying to do. Latimer putin met with his egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah Elsisi in sochi where he said they would increase its own exports to egypt this year. Deborah cultural minister said imports from egypt could be doubled. He said imports from brazil would be stepped up as well. Food producers have received permission to export over the past week. Russia imposed a oneyear ban on imports of meat, fish, fruits and vegetables from the united states, canada, osh area and norway in retaliation for sanctions over the ukraine crisis. On monday, the eu said it would help its peach and neck during farmers who have been affected by bad weather this summer and they are now suffering the effects of the russian embargo. Farmers will likely be given extra funds for marketing as well as more government compensation for unsold fruit. For some farmers those measures are too little, too late. Harvest season is well underway and the eus announcement has arrived too late for some. Newman measures to support the peach industry have confused producers. I do not think they will be if. Will be you fact effec tive. This year, he is facing competition from spain where labor is 50 cheaper. The result the price he gets for his fruit is not enough to cover costs. 1. 30 not counting everything. America is happy to pay us 1 euro per peach but no more than that. I have been losing money since the beginning of july. Up until now they have been provided compensation for 5 of all unsold fruit. That will be increased to 10 . Excess goods will be given to charitable organizations. For industry professionals, that is not enough. Staff is limited. We are talking about perishable products. There needs to be a fast acting infrastructure behind this. Bad weather the influx of cheap spanish fruits, and now the russian embargo on western imports the industry has a lot to contend with. The ongoing tensions between the west and russia are taking a toll in germany where Consumer Confidence has been dragged to a twoyear low. A survey showed that sentiment had plummeted to 8. 6 points in august, less than a third of julys readings of 27 points. Analysts had expected a more modest drop. With concerns about germanys export sectors, all of which are being limited by sanctions against moscow. The Economy Ministry says it is assigned germanys growth could slow down even more than expect it this year. Thats weaker than expected data from germany has weighed on the markets, the dax get quite strongly after a surprisingly strong start to the week on monday. London and paris also ended in the red. The negative trade trend is continuing on wall street. The Major Industries reporting minor losses so far. Geopolitical concerns move the markets around the world. Lets turn to some other business headlines now. Car rental companies have been accused of charging different prices for drivers depending where they live. A potential reservation by a german could cost double a british resident for the same rental for the same site. That price discrimination broke the rules of the Single Market and said it should ask six m pacifica, this is democracy now the new iraqi leadership is very difficult challenge. It has to regain the confidence of it citizens by governing inclusively, but also by taking steps to demonstrate their resolve. We are going to continue to stand with the iraqi people. As the west on the campaign in Northern Iraq enters its fifth day, baghdad is in a state of political

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