30,000 civilians are seeking shelter at u. N. Basis to escape the violence. And champions against the odds. Portugals National Soccerr Team Returns Home to a heros welcome after defeating france in the euro 2016 final. It is good to have you with us. The past to downing street became one fast lane monday. Within hours, the race for Prime Minister entered ended and theresa may was named the leader of the conservative party. She is set to become Prime Minister on wednesday. She has been called already the second Margaret Thatcher and britains version of the german chancellor angela merkel. We begin our coverage in london. Theresa may is taking control. She is already sounding like a Prime Minister, ready to lead the u. K. Out of the eu. Brexit means brexit and we will make a successful exit. Britains next Prime Minister is known as a hardworking pragmatist. May served as your year minister for six years. After the iron lady Margaret Thatcher, she will become britains second ever woman Prime Minister. A dramatic rise for a clergymans daughter from the south of england but they will likely earn her place in history books as the brexit Prime Minister. Mays pathway was triggered year by the beach to parliament in 2015. It would turn out to be a fateful announcement. Legislation will be introduced to provide for an in out referendum on membership of the European Union before the end of 2017. May stayed out of the campaign limelight but went on the record as a remaining supporter. Taking control is about making sure our voices heard but we can only take a lead if we are sitting around the table. After the leave victory and David Camerons swift departure, speculation started then they would step in to fill the void. Less than a month later, she is stepping into steer britain through its chaotic aftermath. Lets pull in our correspondent from london. We have a woman here, theresa may, telling the country today brexit means brexit although she was against it. Who is she trying to convince, the country or herself . I think shes trying to convince everybody. The consnservative party of coue has been deeply y vided overer e issue of europe for decades, you could say. Now theresa may has two be somebody that campaigned for remain but she has to assure the vote, the majority of the electorate and she will execute on what the majority wanted so she will not backtrack. So a lot of convincing to do on many fronts. That is one point. She also has to unify the party with her conviction on brexit. At the same time, she wants to keep the United Kingdom together for she wants scotland and Northern Ireland to remain. How was she going to square that circle . She hasnt really put thatt out yet but it is a huguge task. 48 of thee populatation did not vote for brexit and a aot of people are very passionanate and they discovered theres obviously also a scare in some parts of the country for example in scocotland. They might be dragged out of the European Unionon. There is a lot of f fear in the United Kingdom. We know she had overwhelming support in parliament but there was a lot of talk that the overall membership in the conservative party may have given 51 to Andrea Letson. What does that tell us about what the public thinks about theresa may . In the conservative party, they were e fairly eveve w whenu have the latest polls and i think Andrea Letson really she didit really want toto that and thisis is why ththeresa maye ry much a Strong Majority off these. She has the power to govern. What the rest of the country thinks of her, we not might not find out so soon. For now, thats not on the table. Arts correspondent in london with a story every day. From the country and political transition to one and political chaos tonight, south sudans leaders have called on rival factions in the military to stop their fighting. It comes after a day of violence in the capital. Troops loyal to the president have clashed with those belonging to his deputy and former rebel leader. Both men have appealed for peace as the country teeters on the brink of another civil war for the civil war. Heaeavy gununfire. Rebel and Government Forces have been fighting for days i in the capital of south sudan. Then on monday, the south sudanese i informamation ministr address the country. Hehe called for the two sides to end the violence. The commanders of these forces are hereby directed to cease any hostility and abide by this order. Control their r forceses and p t the civil population and their property. The president s call was echohoed b by the vice presiden. Machar and keer are at the heart of f is crisis. S. The vice p president and presidt led opposing sides in the civil war that tore through the country for two years. They signed a peace deal under a year ago and formed a unity government. Now their forces are fighting each other again. Thousands have fleled the violee and hundredsds have been k kill. And those who are hidden or here to keep the peas are also becoming victims of the clashes. Two chinese yuan soldiers were killed when a shell hit an armored vehicle. The u. N. Says the violence may constitute a war crime, criticizing south sudans leadership in the strongest terms. The leaders of salsa dan have failed their people. Of south sudan have failed their people. My meso thsage t president and Vice President is clear do everything in your power to deescalate the hostilities immediately. Memories of the last civivil war are still fresh. Tens of thoususands were kikilld and momore than 2. 2. 2 million displaced. Refugees in their own country. Now the fear is is south sudan leaders fail to stop the fighting, history could repeat itself. Im joined by patricia. Good evening to you. We know president h here and the former rebel president have ordered a ceasefire. What is the situation of the ceasefire right now . Things are rather calm right now in juba. A bit of shooting. About 2. 5 hours ago, there was a lot of shooting around the city in different places. However, i have been told the soldiers are celebrating the ceasefire and that they were just shooting in the air. A very difficult day for juba with a lot of heavy fighting, explosions, lots of shooting. A hard day today. We know the city has seen a lot of fighting. What is the situation for ordinary citizens there . Obviously, the population is very scared. People still have in mind d the attacks s that happened d decemr 2013 when ththe civil war r broe out. Some people are staying inside their house. Others have fled, trying to get out of the city or to the u. N. Bases. Other peoplele are seeking shelter. We are going to have to wrap it up there. We have some breaking news. Thank you very much. Weve got breaking news coming in. We are getting reports now of several people being shot outside a courthouse in the town of st. Joseph in the u. S. State of michigan. One of those at reported to be a police officer. Local state police and the Sheriffs Department confirming the shooting has taken place. They have not given any more details right now. More on that as information becomes available. A shooting in michigan and one of the people shot is a police officer. A look at other stories making headlines around the world. People have taken to the streets carrying candles and torches in memory of the pakistani philanthropist. Edhi died late friday after a long kidney illness posted the foundation he oversaw provided ambulances, nursing homes, women shelters, soup kitchens across the country. Two campers in colorado facing arson charges. The blaze has destroyed three homes and forced the evacuation of nearly 2000. Authorities say more than 600 acres are burned. Hundreds of mourners have taken to the streets of cambodias capital. They have been paying their respects to murdered government critic tim league who died on sunday. Many believe the killing was political. Authorities investigate the killing. One of the most prominent government critics to be killed in recent years. Starting from today, we had lost him forever. I regret his death. What has he done wrong . In a country known for its notoriously corrupt system, he advocated a new era of politics. Though an inspiration for many. I want to see more of the Younger Generation of cambodian intellectuals to have ideas and be brave so we will have 10 kim lees, 100 in our country. Kim lee was gunned down in front of his pregnant wife at a convenience store. Many say his death is a political killing. During the government thirtyyear reign, many activists and members of the opposition have been murdered. Opposition Parliament Member sees the killing as a potentially galvanizing moment. We see that this act of cruelty killing pushes us to fight harder for the, make the cambodian people understand polilitics more clearly, and wak united with the opposition to save the country and democracy in the days ahead. The killing also comes at a time of heightened tensions between the Prime Ministers ruling party and the countrys political opposition hoping to challenge the grip on power in upcoming elections. When we come back, more news. Plus, the latest business headlines. We are back in 60 seconds. There are more than seven point 4 billion people in the world right now, a number increasing by three people every second. Such massive population growth present huge challenges and this year, the u. N. Is highlighting to fight the world will marble young women. Many of them cannot even expect to receive a basic education and more than 15 million teenage girls become mothers became mothers in 2015, a number expected to rise to 20 million the year 2035. The development of young people isnt hindered just by teenage pregnancy. Poverty and conflict are major factors causing tens of thousands to be displaced. Our correspondent met one teenage girls who fled syria and escaped to lebanon. Even there, life is hard. She is 13 years old. She works at for about five dollars a day on a farm. We work in picking potatoes. I hate this work. Me and three of my brothers provide the family with money and we work i in picking potato. My mother cannot work because she suffers from a disease in her back. Children of all ages work. In effect, they are slaves unable to leave and paid only a token amount. The numbers are huge. The recent study by nancy slavery rights group claimed a majority of the three center thousand kids not in school in lebanon are working as child slaves. They begin to think business and money and how they will bring more money. This makes them feel like they are not young anymore. They dont live their childhood anymore. Being robbed of a childhood is the least of their worries. For girls, the future holds few of hundred ofs. They are you known as marrying young to escape prosecution. Syrian refugees dont have the means to pay for residency so young girls and women are turning toward prostitution on a scale beginning to alarm a human rights watch. Even those refugees who have found work are not safe. Human rights watch found many are coerced into sex by their employers. My boss said if im willing to become his girlfriend that he is willing to do what i want. He told me i can get you a residency permit and help you with rent. On specifically concerned the increased hardship makes them increasingly vulnerable to exploitation, including sex trafficking. Writes groups fear women will fall prey to this phenomenon. The odd are stacking up against her. My dream is to complete my education, to be a doctor, to cure the sick people and give them medicine. Its early for me to marry. Im still young. I have to study. Her hopes look increasingly slender. Getting an education a and decet work is hard enough for many. Time now for business. Everyone still talking about grexit. The markets were a little happier today. Finance ministers of eu countries that use the euro are meeting in brussels and the main topic at fortis session is how the decision to leave the European Union will impact the economies of europe for that the commissioner said wrecks at old have a major impact on Economic Life in the eurozone. The britain the euro Group President referred to brexit as a problematic situation and said that as soon it is the sooner it was sorted out, the better. Meanwhile, u. N. And u. S. Officials are eating in brussels for the 14th round of negotiations on the transatlantic trade and Investment Partnership. The two sides have been unable to settle differences over very us issues amid growing opposition on both sides of the atlantic for atlantic. Pharmaceutical companies would have faster access to each others markets at the transatlantic trade and Investment Partnership becomes a reality. That is why lobby groups for big business are pressing hard for a deal but a potential exit of britain from the eu is complicating the issue. Antiglobe trade rhetoric is increasing on both sides of the atlantic bill many leaders remain committed. We will continue to pursue a transatlantic trade and Investment Partnership to help sustain jobs and growth in our countries and help reinforce the larger transatlantic relationship. We want to conclude these negotiations before the end of this year. But with nationalist sentiment on the rise in many countries, the words free trade have become poisoned. The agreement between canada and the eu once looked like a sure thing but now its safe is up to members of the eu. Already, support for ttip is fading in the united states. Hillary clinton says he is concerned it will cost the west jobs. And donald trump promises to retread all trade agreements to give the u. S. A better deal. Stateside now, lets cross over to wall street where our financial correspondent is standing by. Good to see you, jose. So far, he has reassured brexit over the brexit concerns. The u. K. Chancellor has said country will not retreat into a little mindset and defended that noneuropean u. K. Could be more outward looking with a stronger links to its allies around the world. The most important so far is the u. S. Census the longest extra nation since it is the longest largest destination for u. K. X boards. Exports. Lets not forget they use bank employees, over 16,000 employees in the u. K. So far. The s p 500 hit a record high in mondays session. What drove that . Incredible rally for the s p 500. It seems that investors after uncertainty over the brexit and european banks has faded a bit and the job report saying the u. S. Economy keeps recovering. And economists in japan say it could get tainted by the earnings season. For now, market consensus expects earnings to fall 5. 3 compared to last year. Many thanks for that update. That is all of your Business News for now for the for now. Portugals National Soccer team back in lisbon after winning in paris last night. Portugal upset france to become european champions for the first time ever. The players and their fans celebrating like there is no tomorrow. The champions paid a visit to the president after they landed in lisbon on monday. The players posed, holding the euro 2016 trophy newly engraved with portugals name. The president paid tribute to what they accomplished and what it means to the nation. Quarks the difference between yesterday and today is that today, we have more reasons to believe in portugal. Long live portugal. The team then paraded through the center of lisbon. Tens of thousands of fans filled the streets to catch a glimpse of their returning heroes and cheer them on. Portugal had never before won a Major International tournament and people were not allowed about to let the moment pass without some serious celebrations. After a short break, i will be back to take you through the day. More on britains turbo theresa may and a washington insider on the yes we can of obamas foreignpolicy. First, some parting shots on euro 2016. u more hydrometer in british politics. Theresa may will be british Prime Minister as her rival drops out of the race. More u. S. Boots on the ground as president obama appoints hundreds of troops to take back and portugal celebrates their first win in a european championship

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