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Every continent took to the streets for the firstever global march for science, including bill nye the science guy. Well bring you highlights from our special fivehour broadcast from the march on washington on earth day. And speak with some of those who attended, like dr. Mona hannaattisha, the doctor who discovered the connection between rising blood lead levels in the children of flint, michigan, with the switch to the flint river as a water source. State officials initially dismissed her findings, but she refused to accept their denials. The flint store in the story of scicience is a science to tragedy. His unreliable we need to believe in science and we need to invest in science. If not, we have the risk of seeing many more. Amy today, the march for science for the hour. All that and more, coming up. Welcome to democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. In france, former investment banker Emmanuel Macron and farright politician Marine Le Pen are headeded for a runoff after ththe first round d of vog in the french president ial elections sunday. Macron came in first place in sundays vote, with Marine Le Pen in a close second. The results were a stunning rebuke of frances established parties, marking the first time in six decades that neither of the frances two main parties advanced a candidate to the second round. On sunday, Marine Le Pen, who has campaigned on an openly xenophobic and racist platform, claimed the survival of france is at stake in the may 7 runoff. We made the first step, which will take the french people to the palace. This result is historicacal. It can mean the immense responsibility of defending the french nation, impunity, it security, its prosperity, and its independence. The french people should see the historic opportunity opening up to them because what is at stake in this election is globalization, which is threatening our civilization. Amy meanwhile, on sunday, Emmanuel Macron urged voters to susupport him against the threat of nationalists. In two weeks, i want to become your president. The president of all people of france, the president of patriots against the threat of nationalists. Amy u. S. Defense secretary james mattis has arrived in kabul, afghanistan, amid a national day of mourning, following the deadliest Taliban Attack on an afghahan military base in the last 16 years. On friday, at least 140 afghan soldldiers were killed after taliban militants, disguised as soldiers, drove onto a military base and opened fire on soldiers leaving friday prayers. Some officicials say as many as 20soldiers died. The afghanan defense mininisterd army chief of staff have resigned in the wake of the attack. On saturday, hundreds of thousands took to the streets around the world in a global march for science. More than 600 marches and rallies took place one on every , continent, including on antarctica. Massive marches occurred from coast to coast in the united states, as well as in rome, berlin, madrid, vienna, london, mexico city, santiago chile, and sydney, australia. Democracy now was broadcasting live for five hours 10 the massive for science in march washington, d. C. , after headlines. Tensions continue to rise between the u. S. And north korea as north korea has detained u. S. Citizen tony kim as he was planning to fly out of Pyongyang International airport on saturday. Kim, also known by his korean name kim sangduk, had been teaching at Pyongyang University of science and technology. On sunday, north korea threatened to sink a u. S. Aircraft carrier that is conductiting militarary drills, along with japanese ships, in the korean peninsula. President donald trump is facing criticism after he claimed to be a great friend of an italian opera singer who in fact, died a decade ago and whose family has openly criticized trump. On thursday, trump welcomed italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni to the white house and praised italys contributions to world culture during a news conference. Pres. Trump through the ages come your country has been a beacon of artistic and scscientific achievement. That continues today. From venice to florence, pavarotti, great friend of mine. Amy in fact, he died in 2007. Last summer, pavarottis widow and three daughters asked the Trump Campaign to stop using pavarottis music at campaign events, writing the values of brotherhood and solidarity that Luciano Pavarotti upheld throughout his artistic career are incompatible with the world vision of the candidate donald trump. In venezuela, president Nicolas Maduro has called for talks with the opposition amid ongoing antigovernment demonstrations. On thursday and friday, at least a dozezen people died during violent antigovernment street protests. Both Government Forces and armed opposition members have been responsible for deaths in recent weeks. Critics of president maduro accuse him of plunging the country into an economic crisis. Defenders of the government blame Falling Oil Prices and an ongoing u. S. Supported Destabilization Campaign against the leftist venezuelan government. In the malaldives, 299yearold prominent blogger Yameen Rasheed has been murdered. In his writings, rasheed criticized both the maldives government and islamic extremists. He had received numerous Death Threats before he was found stabbed to death in the stairwell of his apartrtment building sunday. Back in the united states, the new york state parole board has denied parole to prisoner judith clark, who drove a getaway car during a 1981 robbery in Rockland County that left a Security Guard and two Police Officers dead. The robbery was aimed at expropriating money from a brinks armored car for the republic of new afrika. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo commuted clarks sentencing earlier this year, making her eligible for parole. On friday, the boards that clark was still a symbol of violent and terroristic crime. Daughterse, clarks harriet clark, said parole decisions that fail to take rehabilitation into account are their own kind of violence and create their own kind of terror. My mother is not a symbol, but the dysfunctional and merciless parole board is, unfortunately, a symbol of the racism, classism, and immorality rampant in our c criminal justice syste arkansas is seeking to carry out its first double execution in more than 16 years today. Death row prisoners jack jones and Marcel Williams filed a last minute request for a stay of their executions with an Appeals Court sunday. Arkansas carriried out its first execution since 2005 on thursday, killing ledell lee on. In michigan, the Grand Rapids Police Department is under fire after video surfaced showing Police Officers detaining a 14yeararoldo unararmeafricacaamericanan boyst gunpoi, foing ththemo lie on theheavement as theoys sosoed and said they didnt wantnt to die. Stay on the ground. Keep your hands out. Pay. Come over r here. Keep your hands s were i can see them and get on the grounund. Get t on the groround. What dodo we do . . We will give you directnsns, ok . I dont want to didie. Amy i do not want to dieie. The e words ofof one of ththe rn amererican boys who were s stopd at gununpoint by grand r rapids Police Officers fridayay, while the boys were returning from playing basketball. On florida, 28yearold transgender woman chay r reed ws shotot and killed in miami onn friday. Reeds friends described her as a lighthearted d woman who lovd to dance. She is at least the nightht transgender woman whose murdered has been reported this year. British environmental activists celebrated a victory when friday became the first full day since the late 1800s that britain did not burn any coal in order to generate electricity. Hannah martin with greenpeace said the first day without coal in britain since the Industrial Revolution marks a watershed i n the energy transition. And the winners of the 2017 prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize have been announced. Among them are Community Organizer mark lopez, who forced the state of california to conduct comprehensive lead testing and cleanup of a workingclass latino neighborhood in east los angeles. Guatemalalan indigenous leader rodrigo tot, who won a Historic Court case that forced the government to issue land titles to Indigenous People and blocked the expansion of a nickel mine. Indian social justice activist prafulla samantatara, who helped organize an indigenous tribe to resist a proposed openpit aluminum mine in the eastern state of odisha. Congolese park ranger rodrigue katembo, who went undercover to document corruption and bribery in the illegal push to drill for oil in the Oldest National park in africa. This is katetembo, explaininingw hehe was arrested and tortureder over t two weeks durg g his invevestigation. They took me a a gunpoint. They tieied me up and s startedo beat me e very hard. They td me i hadad brush into my country and i would have to be killed today. I told them into my colleagues hahad are ready died. I died today, it is not a problem. I am prepared to die. Amy the goldman Prize Winners also include slovenian farmer uro macerl, who organized against the burning of poisonous waste near his farm, and the australian octogenarian wendy bowman, who faced off against a multinational Coal Mining Company and won. And those are some of the headlines. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. On saturday, hundreds of thousands took to the streets around the world in a global march for science that was endorsed by hundreds of scientific institutions, environmental groups, and unions. The hip hop caucus was also a partner. More than 600 events took place with one on every continent, including antarctica, where workers at the neumayerstation Research Center tweeting a dutch tweeted a picture of themselves holding a sign with a quote from chemist marie curie. It read nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less. The firstever march for science coincided with earth day, and comes as President Donald Trump has galvanized scientists, educators, and others with his comments calling Climate Change a chinese hoax. Meanwhile, the white houses proposed budget would cut as much as 7 billion in science funding, including the National Institutes of health, which funds medical research. Democracy now was at the march for science in washington, d. C. , where thousands braved rainy a stormy day to gather at the Washington Monument to hear speakers. You can watch our full fivehour broadcast at democracynow. Org. Today we bring you some of their voices. In a minute, well hear from denis hayes coordinator of the , first earth day in 1970, wildlife biologist sam droege from the u. S. Geological survey, mustafa ali, former head of the Environmental Protection agencys Environmental Justice program, and james balog, the filmmaker and ice photographer who founded the extreme ice survey and is featured in the documentary chasing ice. First we go to bill nye the science guy, the engineer known and tv personality best known for pbs series of the same name. Greetings fellow citizens. We are marching today to remind people everywhere, our lawmakers especially, of the significance of science, for our health and prosperity. The process of science has enabled humankind to discover the laws of nature. This understanding has an able just to feed and care for the worlds billions, built great cities, establish effective governments, create Global Transportation systems, explore outer space, and know the cosmos. [cheers] the framers ofof the constitutin has the united states, which become a model for constitutional governments everywhere, included article one, section eight, which refers to promoting the progress of science and useful arts. [cheers] its intent is to motivate innovators and drive the economy by means of just laws. They knew without a progress of science and useful arts of engineering, our economy would falter. Without scientifically literate citizens, the u. S. Any country, in fact cannot compete on the world stage. Yet today, we have a great many lawmakers, not just here, but around the world, deliberately ignoring and actively suppressing science. Their inclination is misguided and in no ones best interest. Our lives are in every way improved i having clean water, reliable electricity, and access to electronic global information. Each is a product of scientific discovery, diligent research, and thoughtful engineering. These Vital Services are connected to policy issues, which can only be addressed confidently but understandiding the nanatural laws in play. Understanding by the natural laws in play. Consider science the purview of a special or separate type of citizen, one who pursues natural facts and generates numerical models for their own sakes. But our numbers here today [cheers] science isrld that for all. Our lawmakers must know and accept that science serves every one of us, every citizen of every nation in society. Science must shape policy. Science is universal. Science brings out the best in us. With an informed optimistic view of the future together, we can, dare i say it, save the world [cheers] mayayor lindsay had shut down fiftfth avenue and basically we filled it all up. Earth day demonstrations began practically in every city and town in the u. S. Come the first massive protest against the pollution of the environment. Was thenally, eararth day largest ananmissed ratioion ever in americann history, and we e d an estimated 2 20 million acro ththe country. We are chchallenging the etcs of a socie that t waith silly 6 with onlnly 6 of the population, accounts for half utilization. Were destroying our lands and seseas. Effort. Adrenaline a people were worried about pesticides. They do not think of themselves as having anything in common. After earth day, theyre all part of an environmental movement. Denis hayes. This is a science march, so i assume you all knew there was going to be a quiz. This is about last novembers election. Meltmerica somehow vote to the polar eyes caps until the coral reefs and acicidify the oceans . No do wewe vote to reduce the epas budget by a whopping 42 . No did we vote to defend safety acting water by one third . Do we vote to illumiminate environmental work and Chesapeake Bay and puget sound in the gulf of mexico and the great lakes . No well, that is what we got. [boos] 47 years ago on n the first t eh daday, 20 million regular everyy americans, including millions of angry students, rose up and storm the political stage and amended demand at a clean, healthy, just, resililient environmnment. Later, to my astoninishment, we are back in e same spot. We have a president , Vice President , cabinet and the leleadership of f both houses of congressss who are all climate deniers. [boos] they are scrubbing Climate Change from m federal websites d ordering federal employees not to use the wordsds Global Warming in any communication. [boos] this is not conservative politics. This is the inquisition gunning for galileo. It is now Crystal Clear that the man who lives right there did not come here to drain the swamp. He is filling the swamp to overflowing with conflicts of interest, with the white house that reeks of greed and sleaze and mendacity. America has had 45 president s, but we before have never had a president who was completely indifferent to the truth. Donald trump makes Richard Nixon look like diogenes. Are racing now toward a climate c cliff and our coal loving president is punching the accelerator. Minimize are marching across america and d around the world so many of us are marching across america and around the world. Our job is clear. Today is the first step in a longterm battle for scientific integrity, a batattle for transparencycy, a battle for survival. So dont leave here thinking that you came out in the rain all of you, this awesome crowd, standing in the rain freezing and thinking now you have done your part. Because you havent. Not yet. Thisthat first earth day, earth day is just t the beginni. [cheheers] and in that battle, losing isis not an optption because if we le this fight, we will l pass on a desertrt lit, impoverished plant for the next 100 generations. Can rememberugh i whwhen people all over the earth saw america as the worlds best hope. Today, right here, right now, all of you, lets commit ourselves to becoming the worlds best hope again. [cheers] i am about to take you to jamaica real quick. I want everyone to say come and get up stand up stand up for your rights it is time to stand up, like the legend are marley said, get up, stand up, stand up for your rights. 35 years ago in north carolina, a small but committed Africanamerican Community decided to stand up and say, no more. They decided to stand up against dangerous pcb, cancercausing substance in their neighborhood. They decided to stand up and protect their lives, their neighbors, and the lives of the next generation. Today, we stand against and a ministration of places profits over people, and tells us that science is not real. That rolls back regulations that for decades has protected and given people a fighting chance for clean air, clean water, and cleanly and. Today we must stanand for communitybased programs that give marginalized communities traction to address the disisinvestment that have limitd their opportunities f for posite changege. Today we must support our most vulnerable communities on their joururney from surviving too thriving. [cheers] today we stand up for standing rock, to protect and support thats right. [cheers] coulters that honor mother earth and the lives of our people. Today we stand up for flint. Today we stand up for baltimore. Today we stand up for east chicago. Where thee devastating effects f lead will have longterm health and economic impact. Todaday we e stand with 71 of africanamericans who live in counties that violate federal and 68 ution standards, of africanamericans who live within 30 miles of a coal fire power plant. With latinos who are 165 more likely to live in counties with unhealthy levels of power pollution. Today we stand with a 24 million americans suffering from asthma and who are disproportionately at risk. Today we hold our Public Officials accountable. Today we stand for justice and make our collective voices heard. Today we stand up and we march. Everyone join me. Everyone say, get up stand up stand up for your rights [cheers] ee guy. Msam droege the b if all oflized that the bees disappeared, there is tons of unemployed scientist who will do the pollination. So heres how it works. These are all of the flowering plants in the world, thousands and thousands of them. They have a relationship, sometimes oneonone, with thousands and thousands of different b bee species. There are more than honeybees out there. You lose some of these plant species, you lose a whole chunk species. The syststem works like thisis. Ththey encapsulate the earth, te bees and the plants. Without them, you have little to nothing to live for. R. So here is what you need to do. You need to harbor all of the natural areas that are the bank of plant biodiversity with their bees that keep it together, and personally, this is w what you need to do. You are an activist. You u probably have a lawn. Nify the to d delaw world. Tons contribution is zero negative. I will do a paper on that later. But you can make a difference in just those small different ways. Remember, my main favorite quote from emerson is the world lasts in flowers. Thank you. Good afternoon. Patriot. I fight for spacious skies. I fight for amber waves of grain , for purple mountains majesty. You all are patriots. But i do that by being a photographer, film maker, and scientist. Where amet here today great battle for the mind, body, and d soul of f this country is bebeing fought. Among otother things, it i is a battlele betweenen objtitive rey and ideological fictionon. My team and i have collected visual evidence of the epic changes sweeping the earth today. I have seen how earning coal, oil, and gas cooks the air we breathe. I have seen how that altered air eats our forest hes our force until they explode and fireballs. Ive seen through more than one million frames of time lapse photography how trillions of tons of glacier eyes are melting. I have seen that melt water the season flooded coastlines of america. Nature is not natural anymore. You and i and all 7. 5 billion of us are chahanging the climate wl stop it is whahat the real world evidence says. But you know there is g good ne, too. Each one of us can use our voices and o our choices t to te us down ththe road to a better future. I susubmit to you that we the people have anan inalienable right, not just to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but to clean air, clean water, and a stable climate. [cheers] survival the mans it. And our children deservrve it. We shall fight for spacious skies. We shall f fight for him or r ws of grain. We shallll fight for m majestic mountains. And w we shall march on these streets. We shall never, ever surrender. Amy some of the voices from saturdays march for science. Among others who spoke was dr. Mona hannaattisha, the doctor who discovered the connection between rising blood lead levels in the children of flint, michigan, with the switch to the flint river as a water source. She said the flint store is a story of science. And youll hear from many others. Stay with us. [music break] amy jon batiste and stay human performing Higher Ground by Stevie Wonder at the march for science and washington, d. C. To see our fivehour broadcast, he performed throughout, you can go to democracynow. Org. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. As we bring you the voices from saturdays march for science that brought hundreds of thousands of people around the globe out on every continent. We were in washington, d. C. As we turn to the doctor who discovered the connection between rising blood leaead levs in the children of flint, michigan, with the switch to the flint river as a water source. State officials initially dismissed her findings, but she refused to accept their denials. This is dr. Hannaattishas address at the march. How is everyone doing . I am dr. Mona hannaattisha from flint, michigan. And it is great to be here. I am here to tell you that the flint water crisis is not over. We still cannot think on filtered water from power taps. [boos] so flint is what happens when we dismiss science. Flint is what happens when we dismiss s experts. Flint is what happens when we dismiss people. Flint is what happens when saving money is more important than Public Health. I am a pediatrician. Every day i use science to protect and restore the health of my patients, my kids. About a year ago, my research proved that our contaminated water in the flint was leaching lead into the bodies of our children. [boos] and i took a risk. I walked out of my clinic to speak up publicly for my kids. [cheers] and i was attacked. But when youre fighting for children, youth fight back. [cheers] and i was allowed and i was stubborn i was loud and i was stubborn. Science spoke truth to power. Science is not an alternative fact. Us totime for all of fight back against those w who denyny science andnd those who o science. It is time for all of us toto sp out of our clinics, classroom, and labs. We need to make ourselves known into the halls of government. We need to hear all of your voices. Science. March for and today, i march for our flint kids. I am fighting for our strong, resilient, readable flint kids. They inspire me to use science every day, to make sure that their tomorrows are bright as ever. And i want you to meet one of our amazing flint kids. And i hope that she and little girls just like her become scientists. But this little one has her eyes on that house, the white house. [cheers] in 2044. So i want you guys to give a warm welcome to little miss flint. [cheers] thank y you, dr. Mona. Is mari. Believe in kid and i science. Because flint kids are smart and we are brave and most of all, we are strong. Was wrong withing our water. It was brown. And it smelleded weird andnd tad grgross. It would burn my skin and giving me of my family rashes. My family and my neighbors knew something was wrong, but the state did not want to believe in science. They did notot want to listen to us. They said we were wrong. Waterided to prove our was bad and that kids just like me were getting hurt. Over 8000 kids under age six exposed to lead. Listen to me. When we dont believe in science , and especially when our gogovernment doesnt believe inn sciencnce, kids get hu. That is what happened in flint. For the sake of flinint kids and for all over this world, i march for science. [cheers] amy that w was little miss flit ,nd dr. Mona hannaattisha addressing the crorowd. I saidid down with dr. Mona and began by asking her why she came to washington for the march. How couldld i not come toto washingtonon . How could you not be a part o of the march for science . In my everyday is a pediatrician, i am moved by science. I am guided by science and by the care of patients. The flint store is a story of science. It is a science to unravel thiss unbelievable tragedy. We need to believe in science. We need to invest in science. If not, we have the risk of seeing many more flints to come. Amy explain how you used a science to ever cover uncover what took place. Ousted in my job as a pediatrician and as a researcher. What i heard about the possibility of lead in thehe wateter, i stoppeded sleeping. Lead is damming for children and for generations to come. When i heard there was light on the water, i put on my research have to see if that was getting into the bodies of our children. And it was. Instead of waiting to publicly find interview journals, we announce the findings becaususe our kids did not have a day to spare. I took a risk. Box, out oft of my my clinic, out of my lab and advocated for my kids. That is what needs to happen now every day. We need to come out t of our classrooms, out of our clinics, out of our i reach hours to use our science to better our communitieies. Amy y first, the governoror of michigan triried to discredit y. Then explain what happened. I was dismissed and a long line of folks that were dismissed in the flint story. The people were dismissed for 18 months. There were literally told to relax during this crisis. The moms, the activist, the journalist, the water journalists everyone was dismissed. When i came out with the research that our children were being poisoned, i was also dismissed. I was called an unfortunate resesearcher, near hysteriria, h isis a sexist phrase, and the state numumbers did not add up o my numbers. After a few weeks, the state looked back at their numbers and said, oh, our numbers do match up with your numbers. And realize that we did have a massive crisisis. Amy and what isapappening todaday . Oday, we a are almost in our fourth year of f this ongoing crisis. The peoplele of flint toto thisy must still use filters and bottled water. A setettlement that will guarantetee a pipe replacement. That will take years to happen. We have done a lot doubt the children. Investments in early education, literacy, health care, nutrition. But we have not yet garnered the resources for the longterm recovery of these kids. These kids need resources for years, if not decades, to mitigate this prices. Amy and the men who made this decisionon, the unelected city managers, has been indicted. There havave been about 18 criminal charges, including the emergency managers, including folks who worked in our water qualitity department, those whwo work i in our publblic healthh department. So that accountability is incredibly important. We need the ongoing investigation. Amy your here in washington, d. C. , you are an iraqi i in akin doctor. My parents immigrated here around when i was four. We have immigrants all over in many of our most vulnerable communities serving, doing our privilege to serve our commmmunitys here in the stata. It is frirightening what would happen if trumps immigration policies came into full effect, not only for the health care of our most vulnerable, but the there groupup of scieience, for papartnerships we hahave in sci, and really for the future amy you wrote a piece in the , will we l lose to prevent the next flint . I t thought it was my responsibility to raise my voice in regegards to the immigrgratin ban. In regards tos immigrantsts are totally contray to everything that our country was based on. Flint is a perfect example. If those were e in place, i woud not be here. I dont know what would h have happened to flint. I hope someone would have done the same thing i did was not an example they and a day out of immigrant serving this community. Amy we just learned this on the grounds of the mall, on n this day, the Surgeon General has been f fired. Theyre saying resigns, butut it is pretty clear he was fired. You knew him. Physicician, aat great supporter of flint. He c came out to flilint twiwice during our water crisis in support of our efforts, tried to advocate resources for us, spoke to the people, had town n hall meetinings at churches, met with our physicians. He is been a great advocate, publicic health in general. Thee need for broader support ad investmentnt in public healtlth. It was heartbreaking to hear. I sent him a message on twitter yesterday when i heard he was asked to leave. Amy he also spoke out you very much rececognized, s sex onans do recognize, violence is a Public Health issue. We need to increase, regulations on gun violence. I think ultimately, i dont of vertro, but i think that is why he was asked to leave. Amy that is pediatrician dr. Mona hannaattisha, who discover the connection between the rise of blood lead levels and the children of flint, michigan, with the switch to the flint river as a water source. She said the flint story is a story of science. When we come back, young people take to the stage to talk about the importance of science. This is democracy now back in a minute. [music break] amy jon batiste and stay human singing with jazz and funk trombonist where gonna have a funky good time by james brown. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. The were performing at march for science and washington, d. C. , hundreds of thousands of people came out on every continent in the march for science. We were in d. C. For special fivehour broadcast. These are more of the voices. We will begin with the young people on the stage. I wanant to ask you a few questions. Do youou shop online at amazon . Do you use google at least 10 times a day . Do you share pictures on instagram . Technologies would not be possible without computerr sciences up Computer Sciencece s a backbone of ththe technology e use today. I am 16 years old and a junior at Thomas Jefferson high school for science and technology. [cheers] im here today for the future of Computer Science. Computer science is at the forefront of every fieield. So why donont we have anan emps on computeter Science Education . Only 40 of our schools offer Computer Science, which means, you do the math, we are missing 60 of our future bill gatates d mark zucuckerbers anand future innonovation. To compepete as a country, we nd to compute. Without Computer Science, our economy would come to a halt. Innovation in medicine would cease, our Space Program would not exist. A hope for greener s science wod be crushed. Computer s science is the foundation for the future. It is the fufuture of robotics surgeries, driverless cars, artificial intelligence, virtutl realitity. And women should be the future of this innovation. [cheers]s] Computer Science is for all. That is why i founded girls computing league, a nonprofit that empowers gigirls to go into Computer Science. We need more girls in Computer Science. We need more diversity in Computer Science. In my future career, i dont want to be known as a girl that happened to be a Computer Scientist. I want to be known as a Computer Scientist that happens to be a girl. Today i am marching for Computer Science to be for all ages come all ages, all genders, and all races. Today i am marching for Computer Science for all. Thank you. Hi, i live in jacksonville, florida. A. I am 13 years old and im not justst a black girl who is inteterested in stem, but a blbk girl who rocks stem. I will be e an engineer, scientist, an astronaut and will evenentually go to mars. [cheers]s] i am marching because e i want l girls, e especially girlrls of r to know they can be part of stem , and even be leaders in stem. But like muhammad ali said, you bebetter get used to me. Yes, y you better get used to girls and women because we are not going anywhere. Science is not a boys game, not a girls game, it is in everyones game. I want girls to know we can educate each other and advocate for legislation to support science e and scieientists and engage o others in our communit. I stand on the shoulders of giants. Women helped us go to the moon. A rocket scientist, and the first africanamerican woman in space and wont be the last. Thank you. [cheers] look, everybody. Im a biologist. I got spinal meningitis when i was 15 months old. Im lucky to be alive today and i have science to thank for that. [cheers] the vaccine for that disease was developed after i had the disease. The only impact on my life was that i got deaf. I thrilled to be today in honor am of science. We are celebrating science and we are celebrating the fact that everyone brings their own unique perspective to how we do science. Deaf people are visual learners. There are studies being done right now by deaf scientists on birdsong. They are not listening to this song theyre looking at visual , readouts on computer screens and studying the songs through visual technology. That is the kind of impact that deaf scientists can have on our world. Hello, i am here representing rutgers university, newark. Im an evolutionary biologist and an entomologist. Evolutionary biology and entomology, the study ofof insects, a are disciplines for everyone. Im a single mom to two children. Im a black female punk rocker with an lgbt family. My sons and idenentical twin are transgender, and i belong here. I belong in science. I am parart of a global communiy of entomologists and evolutionary biologists. The study ofof insects is by definition i international, global, and collaborative. Insects do not see borders and they can cross walls. The society of ameririca is the largest insect Science Organization in the worlrld. We seek to improve t the lives f the world citizens by promoting biological diversity in and developing safer food production. We are working to save pollinators while eliminating pests and vectors of disease. E. We need to fund pest management, an aspect of entomology that ensures food safety for humanity. Entomology is a vital science. We seek to unravel past and current patterns about biodiversity, and alleviate threats to Human Health Like zika, yellow fever. Evolutionary biologists seek to understand which species are found where and why. And we need to continue to fund evolutionary studies through the maintenance and growth of Natural History collections and museums. Through funding field expeditions to go out and described the species before they go extinct. Hi, everybody. Representing Public Health. When i say public, you say health. Public Health we know science is about data that we need to remove or that data tells us stories. We all have a story. My story is that, Public Health geek in a policy wonk. Er man. O a que and science helps make sure my community and i are counted and we count in decisions that affect our lives. All of us. About it is my friend amy, scientntist whose working to break new ground in the treatment of diabetes. Citizenen myy mother, a scientist who contributes the data from her Backyard Bird feeder,

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