International law. The u. S. Abstained from the vote sparking outrage from the israeli government. That ishy this proposed resolution is bad. It is bad for israel, bad for the United States, and bad for peace. Amy we will speak to Yousef Munayyer of the u. S. Camampaign for palestinian rights. Then we look at Donald Trumps inaugural plans. I can announce the radio city rockettes will be taking part in the inaugural events. And 2005. O in 2001 i hahave been papart of the amen culture for decadeses. Theyey willl present represet many women from around thehe country. We are honorored to haveve theme part. Amy howevever, nott all of thte rocketettes are exexcited. Some are refefusing to dance for the president elect. We will speak to aormer rockette andnd the journalist wo revealed the donald trump dangleled ambassadadorships to e alist inauguration tatalent. Why is he having so much trouble . Then what will happen whehen donanald trump takakes over obs Drone War Program . We will speak with jajameel jafr author of the the drone memos , targeted killing, secrecy, and the law. All that and more, coming up. Welcome to democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. Israeli officials vowed on monday to build thousands of new settlement homes on occupied Palestinian Land in defiance of a United Nations resolution passed friday condemning such construction as a flagrant violation under International Law. The plans violate Security Council resolution 2334, which was approved friday on a 140 vote after the United States abstained, denying a veto sought by israel and president elect donald trump. Palestinian negotiator saeb erekat welcomed passage of the resolution. We hope that this your message to the israeli people is they must accept international committees call to stop settlement activities, to stop the occupation. Occupation and settlements provide no peace or security. The only way to peace and security is through a negotiated settlement to achieve a two state solution. Amy the resolution does not provide for any sanctions against israel for failing to halt settlement construction. It was introduced on friday by malaysia, senegal, venezuela, and new zealand one day after egypt withdrew the measure under intense pressure from israeli officials and from donald trump. Its passage infuriated israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who summoned and reprimanded envoys from most of the Security Council member nations who approved the resolution. Netanyahu also lashed out at president obama. As i totold john kerry thursday, france dont take friends to the Security Council. I encourage by the statements of our friends in the United States , republicans and democrats alike. They understand how reckless a d have this u. N. Resolution was. They understand the western wall isnt occupied territory. I look forward to working with those friends and with the new administration when it takes office next month. Amy the Obama Administration previously sided with israel at the United Nations vetoing a , similar Security Council resolution in 2011 that would have condemned israeli settlement building. The u. S. s abstention inn fridays vote drew criticism from many democratic and republican lawmakers. Incoming Democratic Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer of new york called the move extremely frustrating, disappointing, and confounding. Republican senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina threatened to cut off u. S. Funding to the United Nations. Well have more on israeli settlements and the vote at the United Nations after headlines. Meanwhile, in the west bank, Israeli Forces fired tear gas and rubbercoated steel bullets to disperse a protest of palestinians on friday ahead of christmas celebrations in bethlehem, where christians believe jesus was born. The crackdown came as palestinians many dressed as santa claus approached israels massive separation barrier. Protesters were demanding unrestricted access to jerusalem. They currently must apply for permits to travel to the city, which borders bethlehem to t the north. President obama on friday signed the National Defense authorization act, or ndaa, providing nearly 619 billion for war and military spending. The measure passed both houses of congress with a vetoproof majority and will bring troops a modest pay raise while increasing the number of active duty soldiers to more than 1. 3 million. The ndaa also restricts transfers from the guantanamo prison guaranteeing that obama , will leave Office Without fulfilling his pledge to close the prison. Meanwhile, press freedom advocates are raising alarm over a littleknown bill rolled into ndaa, which will create an antipropaganda center. Under the act, the state department will activelely worko recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state, and nonstick propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States National Security interests. A egypt, authorities arrested journalist friday comic using him of disturbing Public Security and spreading false news. Police said hussein would be held for 15 days while prosecutors considered whether to press charges against him. Egypt has charged a number of al jazeera reporters with crimes in recent years. Last may, a Court Recommended the Death Penalty for two al jazeera reporterers convicted in absentia with endangering National Security. According to reporters without borders, egypt ranks among the worst countries on earth for press freedom, with dozens of bloggers and reporters imprisoned by the government of president abdel fattah alsisi. U. S. Officials have quietly begun a new program asking noncitizen travelers to reveal the social Media Presence when entering the United States. On tuesday, u. S. Customs and border protections started providing foreigners on the week Visa Waiver Program on the computerized dropdown menu asking for their account names on platforms such as facebook, twitter, and youtube. Although the program is billed voluntary, Civil Liberties groups fear most travelers will feel pressured to complete the forms, and many fefear the progm threatens Free Expression and poses new privacy and security risks. Donald trump said saturday he would dissolve his Charitable Foundation before Inauguration Day as part of an effort to prevent conflicts of interest. But the effort could be blocked by new yorks attorney general, who says trump cannot dissolve the charity while its under investigation for violating state law. In a pair of tweets monday, trump claimed 100 of the funds raised by his Foundation Money went to charity. But a Washington Post investigation revealed trump used more than a quartermillion of the foundations dollars to pay off legal fees associated with his bususinesses which s illegal under u. S. Law. The Washington Post also reported trump used Foundation Money to buy advertisements for his hotels and spent tens of thousands of dollars to purchase at least two portraits of himself. Meanwhile, Donald Trumps plans to attract celebrity performers to his inauguration suffered another blow over the weekend after the company that manages the rockettes said its members will be allowed to opt out of a command performance in washington, d. C. , on january 20. The decision by the Madison Square Garden Company came after the union that represents members of the rockettes initially said fulltime members of the troupe were contractually obligated to perform at trumps inauguration. That prompted a firestorm of protest from the public, as well as from some members of the rockettes. One dancer, phoebe pearl, wrote on instagram in a popost that ws later deleted the women i work with are intelligent and are full of love and the decision of performing for a man that stands for everything were against is appalling. I am speaking for just myself but please know that after we found out this news, we have been performing with tears in our eyes and heavy hearts. We will not be forced notmypresident donald trump has struggled to find star performers to attend his inauguration. According to journalist itay hod of the wrap trumps team even , offered u. S. Ambassadorships to at least two talent bookers if they could deliver marquee talent to the inaugural. Well have more on this story journalist itay hod as well as a former rockettes later in the broadcast. The nations Largest Police union is pressuring amazon. Com to stop selling tshirts and hoodies emblazoned with the phrases, bulletproof black lives matter and hands up, dont shoot. A letter from the police union to amazon Ceo Jeff Bezos accuses the online retailer of selling offensive merchandise from Third Party Sellers who are making money by exploiting racial divisions in our country. The campaign by the fraternal order of police follows a successful effort to get walmart. Com to stop selling clothes with the phrase, bulletproof black lives matter in its online store. In North Carolina, a new report finds the states Democratic Institutions are so flawed, the state should no longer be considered a functioning democracy. The report by the electoral integrity project points to extreme gerrymandering, Voter Suppression of communities of cololor, and thehe stripping o f power ofof Incoming Democratic y cooper by the powewer of the rerepublicans. S. Writining in the raleigh newewsd observer, lead researcher Andrew Reynolds gives North Carolina an electoral integrity score of 58 out of 100 points similar to the scores of cuba, sierra leone and indonesia. , speaking on democracy now , the head of North Carolinas chapter of the naacp, reverend william barber, says republicans are fighting to prevent black and brown voters from claiming power. I believe all of the pushback we are seeing, the Voter Suppression, the redistricting, its because the extremists see the possibility of a third reconstruction. They know if we register 30 of the africanamerican voter, unregistered voter in the south, and we added that white and progressive whites and latinos, you will have changed the south. Amy in syracuse, new york, four people were arrested outside the Hancock Air National Guard base on friday at a nonviolent protest agaiainst the e u. S. Dre assassination program. Demonstrators marked the Christmas Holiday by dressing as biblical figures and erecting a 20footlong nativity scene at the gates of the air base, which is home to the 174th attack wing of the National Guards reaper drone program. The pop legend and gay icon George Michael has died at the age of 53. Michael was found dead at his home on Christmas Day of heart failure. The british singersongwriter became famous as part of the 1980s pop duo wham when michael came out as a gay man in 1998, his lyrics celebrating all forms ofof sexuality had d already helped change Public Attitudes on toward homosexuality. George michael lent his celebrity to the fight against hiv, helpiping to raise llllions of dollars for a aids research. He was alslso a vol critic o of the iraq war. His 2002 song and satirical video shoot the dog took aim at george w. Bush and his british ally in support of the iraq invasion, tony blair. And those are some of the headlines. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. Israeli officials arare vowing o build thousands of new settlement homes on occupied Palestinian Land in defiance of a United Nations resolution passed friday condemning such construction as a flagrant violation under International Law. Jerusalems municipal l governmt says it will approve construction of another 600 homes in jewishonly settlements as part of a project to add another 5600 Housing Units in the citys east, which was captured by israel in a 1967 war. The plans violate Security Council resolution 2334, which was approved friday on a 140 vote after the United States abstained, denying a veto sought by israel and president elect donald trumpmp. Palestinian negotiator s saeb erekat welcomed passage of the resolution. This is a day of hope, a day of peace. This is a victory for those who believe in peace, who believe in a two state solution. This is a total defeat for those forces of extremism in israel who believe in destroying the two state solution and achieving and sustaining the assad regime their building the west bank. We hope this message is that they must accept International Communitys call to stop settlement activities, to stop the occupation. Occupation and settlements provide no peace and the security. In the only way to peace and security for israelis and palestinians is through a negotiated settlement to achieve the two state solution of the to live sidebyside with israel in peace and security. Amy it is the first resolution the Security Council has adopted on israel and the palestinians in nearly eight years. This is Prime Minister netanyahu. Over decades going american a and israeli governments have disagreed about settlement. But we agree the Security Council was not the place to resolve this issue. We knew that going there would make negotiaiations harder and drive peace further away. As i told d john kerry on thursday, friends dont take friends to the Security Council. I am encouraged by the statements of our friends in the United States, republicans and democrats alike. They understand how reckless and destructctive this u. N. Resolutn was. They understand that the western wall isnt occupied territory. I look forward to working with those friends and with the new administration when it takes office next month. Executivef munayyers director of u. S. Campaign for palestinian rights. Welcome to democracy now how unusual is what happened on friday, the passage of this resolution critical of israel . It is good to be with you. It is not exactly unusual. We have seen tremendous agreement in the International Community on the illegality of the israeli settlement enterprise. There is a lot of International Agreement that the geneva conventions apply to the territory that was occupied after 1967, which makes the transfer of civilians to occupied territory illegal in International Law. We have seen that fact affirmed in the United Nations to get a Council Resolutions for years, since 1967, under various american administrations that either voted for similar resolutions or abstain on similar resolutions. The only president since 1967 who, prior to this week, had not done Something Like that, was barack obama. Amy when we say in the last eight years, that is true because that was Barack Obamas two terms. Absolutely. The only veto that president obama had ever used in the United Nations Security Council was used to protect israel from a resolution that was criticizing settlement enterprise. I think any objective comparative analysis of u. S. President s since 1967 has to conclude that there has been no president that has done more to protect israel before the International Community than barack obama. When you consider that Ronald Reagan allowed 21 different United Nations Security Council resolutions critical of israel, including criticizing the bombings of beirut and the siege of beirut throughout the 1980s, barack obama had various opportunities during the sieges of gaza in the bombardment of gaza that took lace under his watch to do so and didnt, you know, these accusations somehow being antiisrael of obama really raises questions about whether those accusations are not about something e else thats unique about president obama. Amy lets turn to Samantha Power, the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Who invoked Ronald Reagan when she spoke out explaining why thehe u. S. Would abstain f from this vote. Let me bebegin with a quote. The United States will n not supppport the use e of any addititional land for the purpoe of settlements during the transitional period. Indeed, the immediate adoption of a settlement freeze i israel could create the confidence needed for wider participation inin these talks. Further settlement a activity is in no waway necessary for the sesecurity of israel and only diminishes the confidence of the arabs that a final outcome can be freely and fairly negotiatated. That is the end d of the quouot. 1982 byas set in presidident Ronald Reagan. Was speaking ababout a new prpropal that he was wanting to end the israelipalestinian confnflict. While ultimately, president reagans proposal was notot rerealized, his wowords are stil illuminating in at least two respects. First,ecause they underscorere the United States s deep and longstandndg commitment to achieveving a comprehensive and lasting peace between the israelis and palestinians. That has been a policy of every administration, republican and democrat, since before president reagan and allll the way through to the presentnt day. Second, because president reagans words highlight te united statates is longsttandig posisition that t raeli settttlt activity in territitories occupi in 1967 undedermines israels secucurity, harms the viabilityf a negotiated two state outcome, and erodes prospects for peace and stabilityty in the region. Amy that is the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, explaining the reason the u. S. Would be abstaining from this resolution that was passed by the u. N. Security council. Yousef munayyer, in fact, netanynyahu, the israeli Prime Minister, is singling out barack obama and making it personal. Absolutely. What youre seeing right now, and why Samantha Power in the administration have felt the need to defend themselves by citing Ronald Reagan come even know this has been longstanding u. S. Policy, is because they are being attacked i the right in an attempt right now, and we are seeing netanyahu do this in hysterical fashion since the passing of this resolution, to intimidate any future american elected officials from even deviating the slightest bit from the everywhim and demand of israels rightwing government. I think that is what youre seeing take place today, not simply because they have an issue with the Obama Administration, but because they have an issue with u. S. Policy and they do not want to see the United States ever supporting the idea that there should be pressure on israel for itits illegal settlements. Amy netanyahu took the extraordinary step of summoning u. S. Ambassador to israel, dan shshapiro, and told the Foreign Ministry to summoned the ambassssadors of the 10 countris which voted in favor of the resolution which have embassies in israel. And now there is discussion of defining the United Nations. What does the usa, Something Like more than 1 5 . A very large portion of the United Nations budget comes from the United States. As i said, there is an effort right now to really intimidate politicians in the United States from ever deviating from the Benjamin Netanyahu line. Thisssue of settlements is not controversial. There is an effort now to make this controversial, even though it is very clear in International Law and agreed on in the International Community by everyone except for the israeli riright wing, that settlements are illegal under International Law and arne obstacle to division of an independent, contiguous palestinian state. So there is a lot of theater going on. But i think the important thing about all of this, this resolution and so on, is not so much the language about settlements as much as the language about salvaging the two state solution. The desperation that is expressed in this text about the two state solution dying. When you read that t and you consider that the incoming administratition, the trump admiministration, takes a completely different view, takes the Benjamin Netanyahu view, opposes the idea of a palestinian state, has appointed an ambassador to israel that opposes the palestinian state, supports settlements literally amy what do you mean, literally . Yes dedicated his lifes work to funneling money to israraeli settlements through raising terrible contributions in the United States. Have an ambassador now to israrael that is incapable of deliveringng the mesessage that settlements are an obstacle because he himself has helped create as obstacles. Amy i want to turn to david friedman, the bankruptcy lawyer Donald Trumps anchorage the lawyer who donald trump capped to be the next your semester to israel. In o october, he was intetervied on the israeli netwowork i24 ne. Will l donald trumpmp r ree as israells solar r capital . Yes, he s said that countless times s that he willll recogogne city of jerusalem as israels eternal l capital. He will move the embassysy from tel aviv to jerusasalem. S so trumps policies, as r as the israelijewishamerican voter, why should i israeli voters, israeleli american votes vote for trump . . Those who want to see a strtrong relationship between israel and t the United Stateses with no daylight, thohe who want to see i israel protecd at the u United Nations, those o wawant to see ththstrongestt lel of mililitary and ststrategic coopoperation between the twoo countriess, those who do not t t is he any y daylight betetween e two o countries, thoseho waant o liveve in an envirironment where United States does n not intendo impose upon israel as solutition to the palestinian cononflict against the ststate of israel, those o o want to seee jerusalem recognize as the capital of israel, vote for donald trump. Amy that is the bankruptcy lawyer david freeman. Normally, people would not care so much what a bankruptcy lawyer had to say on this issue, except that he has been cap to be the u. S. Ambassador to israel by trump. The significance of both this and that move of the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem, and then this latest news of the hundreds of homes that will be built in jerusalem . Theres something particularly fitting about putting a bank lawyer charge of this milliliter u. S. Middle east policy. It is very clear from Donald Trumps statement, from his behavior, from the donald trump campaigns effort to change the gop platform to include the most antipalestinian language that we have ever seen in a National Party platform that this is an administration that is going to wholeheartedly embrace israeli apartheid. Theyre going to give a green light to israeli settlement expansion. They are going to, as the appointee for ambassador stated, move the embassy to jerusalem. All of these things joint amy what would happen if they did that . We will find out. Things there are two that we are think about in terms of implications. Theres a reaction from the arab and muslim world. And there is reason to think that theres going to be varied reactions to that sort of move. But theres also the very clear u. S. Policy toward the israelipalestinian issue. Jerusalem has always been treated as a separate entity, separate issue by u. S. Policy. And u. S. Policy, since 1947, really that jerusalem has a separate status, a unique status that has to be resolved through negotiations by israel hes andd paleststinians. That is why there is not even an american entity in west jerusalem, let alone east jerusalem. Anif you have the move of embassy to jerusalem, what you are essentially saying is that bipartisan american policy for decades toward the israelipalestinian Peace Process has just been thrown out the window. And i think the two state solution, frankly, has long been dead. Theyve never had a ceremony to bury it. I think if they do move the embassy to jerusalem, they can have that ceremony when they lay the cornerstone for the embassy in jerusalem. Amy i wonder if trumps businesses will be bidding on building that embassy. Let me ask about this comment from the spokesperson for the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, david keyes, who told fox news the administration helpeded push the reresolution condemning settlement activity. Were rather ironclad information from sources in both the air world and internationally that this was a deliberate push by the United States and the fact they helped create the resolution in the first place. So it is deeply disappointing that this has been the path of president obama. We are deeply grateful for the military assistance that israel has gotten, but this resolution pushes peace further away. It is no surprisese that many senior democrats and republicans have condemned this resolution. Amy cozad that is david keyes. A makeup that is david keyes, Benjamin Netanyahu spokesperson, that the u. S. Initiated this so we . So what . I dont see anything particularly controversial about this. The fact that the israelis are trying to do so, make it so in this the u. S. Adamantly denies it. Theyre doing that because of the way in which this has become the third rail issue. Even the slightest bit of criticism of israeli policy has become a third rail issue in american domestic politics. The last thing i would say about this is, if the israelis want to attach themselves here in the United States, not just to the Republican Party which has been happening for a number of years but to the donald trump wing of the Republican Party, you know, that may be helpful for a couple of years. And in the longterm, i think it will send a very clear message to the American People about this notion of shared values between israel and the United States being quite bogus and being something that most americans who believe in values that are not embodied by donald trump p or Benjamin Netanyahu wl ultimately reject. Amy y, thanks for being with us execututive directctor of u. S. , campaign for palestinian rights. When we come back, donald trump is having a hard time finding performing talent for his inauguration. What is he offering to get alist performers to come to washington . Stay with us. [music break] amy soul to squeeze, by linda oh. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. We turn to the ongoing controversy around plans for the upcoming inauguration of donald trump. According to reports, trumps president ial inaugural committee has undergone a major shakeup in an effort to attract alist celebrities to perform for the january 20 event. To date, only a few major performers have agreed to sign on, like 16yearold opera singer jackie evancho, ththe rao city rockettes, and the mormon tabernacle choir. Several others have turned down the opportunity to perform at the event, including celine dion, elton john, and andrew pacelli. Up a together a list of people who agree to perform your inauguration. Mr. Trump so many great names or, really. I love them both. Amy according to a report published in the entertainment publication the wrap, the trump team not only wanted major talent. Donald trumps plans to attract celebrity performers to his inauguration suffered another blow over the weekend after the company that manages the rockettes said its members would be allowed to opt out of performing at the inauguration. The decision by the Madison Square Garden Company came after the union that represents members of the rockettes initially said fulltime members of the troupe were contractually obligated to perform at trumps the migration. That prompted a firestorm of protest from the public as well as some members of the rockettes. One dancer wrote on instagram the women i work with are intelligent and are full of love and the decision of performing for a man that stands for everything were against is appalling. I am speaking for just myself but please know that after we found out this news, we have been performing with tears in our eyes and heavy hearts. We will not be forced notmypresident those are the words of Rockette Phoebe Pearl who later deleted or message. Were joined now by two guests. Autumn withers is a former member of the radio city rockettes. And itay hod the Senior Reporter for the wrap he covers the intersection of politics and entertainment. His recent article headlined, radio city rockettes appalled over Trump Inauguration command performance. We welcome you both to democracy now autumn, youre a former rockette. What was your response when you heard the announcement that your former dance troupe was going to be performing for donald trump for the inauguration . Thank you for having me. My first reaction is i had a heavy heart. I felt very disappointed. The rockettes represent the legacy of strong, intelligent, and classy women. And that really embodies the rockettes brand. So to associate this with mr. Trump who is a public history of degrading women, objectifying women, in my opinion, really tarnishes what the rockettes and body andnd stand foror. It c cheapens ththese women. And alsoso what theyey represeso otother women, girls, and aspirg girls s ross northth america. I was really outraged initially. Amy so you are a former rockette. Could you say this if you are dancing now . Know, i could not. Amy what are the rules . When you are an active rockette, any interview with media must go through proper channels of their internal pr department. If youre going to speak about anything related to the rockettes brand. Amy so talk about your union, the American Guild of variety artists. It initially sent the imo to members of the rockettes at was leaked that said rockettes are obligated to perform a Donald Trumps inauguration. What was your reaction to that statement . Anger, because i felt the union was not protecting the rockettes and i understand they were outlining the terms of the contracts that the 12 fulltime rockettes have, but i really feel that it represents a community of artists and nation for the artist first and a performer should have toto perfm at a public event that just goes against everything they stand for. Amy h how much dissent is there among your colleagues and former colleagues, the dancers . Most of my colleagues in the rockettes who are still active performing with the line right now, they are opposed to performing at the inauguration. Amy the answer to that is, we have plenty of dancers who have signed up voluntarily. Do you believe that . I think that is a really multilayered and complex question. Here is why. You know, when you are a rockette, you are part of a corporation. You are in employee of the corporation. You have less of an artistic voice and you may have as being part of her broadway show are member of a ballet company, lets say. So anything that is ask of you by your employer or by executives who want you on stage in washington, you will feel pressured to accept that. And everything you do while employed plays into being rehired when you do have the real dish and at the end of every year. Individually, yes, i think these women are feeling pressure, even though it is a publicly announced it is voluntary. Specific to that statement that Madison Square gardens released, i think that might have been more in interest like any mail of inquiry sent out to the rockettes saying, would you be willing to think about this or be considered any more details. Amy is there discussion of go totes who do washington and say, take any, like athletes do around the National Anthem . I dont know. I cant speak to that. I think now that it has been made voluntary carino, i would gently withdraw. If i was in the line anand was foforced to do it, it is somethg i would consider doioing. Amy itay hod, talk about what you have found in doing your reporting for the wrap on this particular issue, before we go on to what has been day old before agents and alist celebrities to do the gig. Talk about what you found with the response to the announcement last week that the rockettes would be performing. Yeah, so i agree with your guest. The fact what were hearing, at least ive spoken to at least one insider futrell me that is,told me that the worry it is voluntary. At the question is, if you dont volunteer, what happens . A lot of the women are perhaps if they dont volunteer, that may affect their chances of getting rehired next year. The question now is that really voluntary or is that just for saving face . That is really the issue right now. I know some people within the groroup are worried a about tha. Of and this discussion Donald Trumps own admission of sexually assaulting women . Talk about how that has weighed in, itay hod. That is really the basis of the issue here, right . You are going to have a lot of women who are essentially dancing in front of a man that has not only been bragging about possibly sexual assaulting women, but has also been accused by several women about a dozen, who say he did exactly just that. I can imagine how uncomfortable just the idea of having to perform in front of someone like that, when youre obligated to do it and you dont really want of the 72 orw, out so dancers, i think that 36 dancers for one truth, danger, and 36 dancers for the night troupe, i think there are about 13 dancers right now who are contractually obligated to perform. So Everything Else is voluntary. Sort of like a freelance gig, if you will. The question was, what happens to those 13 women who are obligated to perform whenever the troupe is assigned to perform somewhere . What happens to the rest of the women who may not be obligated, but may feel pressured to volunteer because theyre worried they may not be hired next time . That really was the basis of the issue. The union did not side with the dancers at first. Then later, after a lot of pressure from the reporting done by the wrap, several other places including broadway world. Com and perezhilton, because that pressure, it bubbled up to the service and the statement from anson square garden came out. Madison square garden came out. Now the question is, is there still an issue or is the issue over with . I dont believe it is over with. I think a lot of the women are still feeling the pressure. The question is, what has Madison Square garden done to make sure these women dont feel like they have to volunteer if they dont want to . That they wont be punished or wont suffer any repercussions if they dont come forward or volunteer . Amy itay hod, i want to ask you. Bout your article what did you find . We got a tip and it sounded crazy a first, but we followed up and discovered the trump team was having such a difficult time finding any alist stars and you really wanted those alist stars, that they quietly sort of approached talent bookers around hollywood. Most of them are democratic leads. This is hollywood. It is a very democratic area. Help order to get them to them book these artists, they promised them first we heard about cash possibly government posts. We knew was possible it was and ambassadorships. We waited until we were able to confirm it him and him we found out that they had offered at least two talent bookers ambassadorships if they were able to help book those marquee names. They were looking specifically for the big names, the katy perry, bruno mars, Justin Timberlake old people who have been very vocal all people who have been very vocal during the campaign and some have actively campaign for hillary clinton. Trumps teamte denied offering ambassadorships. They said that . Esponse to you are not naming the people that you spoke to. He said according to the insider, there was no ambiguity over. The investo mastership my first thought was, are you joking . He said, no,o, but it was serio. T t response was expecected. My question is, if theres a many people eager, why have we not found any in our reporting and why hasnt anyone come forward . It is possible theyre holding these names as a surprise, but so far, we see no evidence of that whatsoever. In fact, what we do know is that few people he was able to wrangle, talking about andreaz boccili another names have said they might purchase a paid and after public or dissipate and after a look pressure in the articles came out, sort of backed out. Right now all we know is jackie evancho. We know perhaps others will be performing. Assuming they will have enough volunteers. There is the mormon tabernacle choir. Other than that, were not releasing those names way head of this inauguration. It will be interesting to see who he is able to get. It is possible they might really get someone last minute. So far im not seeing any evidence of our sources told us they have heard anything of that kind. That is where we see it right now. It will be interesting to see what happens january 20. Amy autumn withers, would you have performed . I would not. Absolutely not. The rockettes perform at the inauguration, the optics of that contributes to the normalization of the very derogatory things that trump has said about women, and i cannot be a part of that. I could never do that. Amy i want to thank you both for being with us, autumn withers is an actress, writer, founder of hollywood womens collective, was a member of the rockettes, radio city rockettes from 2005 to 2007. Itay hod, we will link to your pieces. When we come back, the drone memos, targeted killings, secrecy and the law. What kind of foundation as president obama laid for President Trump when it comes to extrajudicial killings . Stay with us. Amy George Michael. He has died at the age of 53. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. Syracuse, new york, four people were arrested outside the hancock are National Guard base friday at a nonviolent protest against the u. S. Drone assassination program. Demonstrators marked the Christmas Holiday by dressing as biblical figures and erecting a 20 foot long nativity scene at the gates of the air base, which is home to the 174th attack wing. Marianne grady flores is with ithaca catholic worker. Drone assassinations in our name. Today we say, we remember the message of jesus, which was the message of nonviolence. Amy we turn now to look at what will happen when donald trump takes over president obamas Drone War Program. Joining us now, jameel jaffer, founding director of the knight first amenendment institutute at columbia university. Previously the deputy legal director at the aclu. His new book, the drone memos targeted killing, secrecy, and the law. Has president tion obama built the President Trump will inherit . Startedpresident obama escalating the use of armed term, early in his first he had to build a legal and bureaucratic infrastructure for the use of targeted killing, the practice of targeted killing. And that infrastructure now exists for the next president , for President Trump to use. The real concern is the lines that the Obama Administration our lines that can be swept aside by the next administration. These are rules Obama Administration adopted for itself and it fought very hard to keep the courts from enforcing those rules or even asking whether the rules were the right one, whether they reflected International Law or reflected constitutional law. In some ways, the Obama Administration i think was very successful in carving out this authority, this Unchecked Authority to use lethal force against suspected enemies. And that powerer will not be available to President Trump. Amy you begin your book, the introduction, check off check off plus drones with a powerful program about what happened in in februaryiod 2016. In a number of different countries. Explain. I think at this point, most americans dont even notice the Drone Campaign. This is something that has faded into the background. But in a period of just a few weeks earlier this year, the Obama Administration authorized drone strikes in seven different countries. It expanded its authorities to use drones or its ability to use armed drones in libya. This is a campaign now that extends beyeyond conventional battlefieldsds. It extends to not just afghanistan and pakistan and iraq in syria, but also yemen and somalia in libya. Ththere no there is no legl reason. There is no line the obama administstration h has d drawn t the Trump Administration will have to honor. I think for the last eight years, americans have invested very broad powers in the presidency because they trusted the president. At the problem with doing that is that the powers that you invest in a presidency will be available to every president after this one, even if you think president obama has used these powers wisely. I have real complaints about some of the ways the a administration has used the powers. And even if you think the obama and ministrys and has used the powers a administrations use the powers widely, the powers may be used very different lead by President Trump or president s thereafter. Amy explain just what these memos are and how you obtained them. How difficult they were to obtain. The memos that are collected in the book include memos that were released only because of litigation. The litigation was brought to the aclu, in some cases by the New York Times and in some cases by other journalists. The Obama Administration fought very hard to keep some of that information secret. In fact, at the beginning, the position the Obama Administration took was that even acknowledging the existence of the Drone Campaign, technology and the cias role in the Drone Campaign would cause harm to National Security. That was a proposition the court ultimately rejected. As a result, some of these memos were released. Amy in an interview earlier this year, donald trump said he would continue obabamas policyf carrying out drone s strikes overseas. Mr. Ump as fafar as drones ee concerned, yes, to take out terrororists. I want thehem to get it right. Bubut to take out terrorists, yes, that is s something i would cocontinue t do. Bebeyond that, i i dt talklk t it because i do want to be in a predictable. Amy that is donald trump. Explain what most surprised you in these secret documents that you got. To me, the most remarkable document is the memo that the Justice Department wrote in 2010, july 2010, to justify the targeting of an american citizen. Awlaki, who is in yemen. This crossed the legal rubicon because now were talking about targeting citizen who is never been adjudicated by a court to or a threat a crime to the nation. So it is all dependent on the administrations determination that this person constitutes a sufficient threat to justify the use of legal force lethal force. That memo the thing that is remarkable in that memo, the administration can conclude the Justice Department can use that not only does the government not have to go to a court before hand to justify the use of legal force, but theres no theirement that administration go to a court after the fact to justify the use of legal force. The Administration Later on defended that position come a defended the idea that the identification of a target, the determination that particular person constituted a legitimate target was a determination that the executive branch should be allowed to make a loan without oversight, before or after the fact, by any court. I think that is a power the administration that the Obama Administration may come to regret or people who are in the Obama Administration may come to regret having claimed because that power w will now be availae to the next administration. Amy and in the u. S. Administration, president obama, had assassinated the son of anwar alawlaki. There was a strike in september 2011 that killed his son and another american citizen samir khan in two weeks later, instruct 400 miles away, the 16 awlaki. Son of anwar to explaint have their actions. I think that is probably the most remarkable claim the Obama Administration made in this context. Amy and how trump will use this, President Trumpmp . I should say, i think president obama is been a great president in many different ways. But in this particular context, he has claimed powers that will be abused. D. It was entirely predictable that they would be abused because the lines the Obama Administration drew were elastic. The terms they used were valuable terms malleable terms, terms of the Obama Administration invented and by manipulable. And when the Obama Administration fought to keep the courts from evaluating the lawfulness of its policies, it was fighting not just for power that it would exercise, but for power that the next administration and the administration after that will exercise as well. Amy let me switch gears to ask you about the son of some of Donald Trumps picks. Lieutenant general michael flynn. Lets go to a clip of flynn speaking eararlier this year abt the threat of islasmsm. We are facing another ism naziism and communism. Thisis is islamism. It is a vicious cancer inside the bodydy of 1. 7 billion people on thiss planet. And it has to be excised. Amy that is general flint, who would be the National Security advisor if approved. I think there is a deep is shown there. T i hope it is not reflective of the way that general flint will approach this job. That is not true. Honestly, it is not true that 1. 7 billion muslims are islamists. And even of islamist, it is ridiculous to say islamism is a cancer in that way. One of the things the Obama Administration did that i think was good was abandon the rhetoric of the global war against terrorists, abandon the easy equation of terrorism and islam. I think that was not just inaccurate in that equation, but also counterproductive. It is worrying to see someone who is going to have such a high position, such an important position in the National Security sphere articulating views like that. Amy trumpmps nominee for centl intelligence o of the cia, mike mike pompeo, said nsa whistleblower ed snowdenen shoud be given the Death Penalty. Been up to secure all the american information that we needed to and we have had the traitor Edward Snowden still of information. You shouldld be broughght back m russia and g given due process. I think the prproper outcome wod be that hehe would bee given t e death sentntence for having for friends of mine, friends of yours who serve in the military today at enormous risk because of the information he stole and released to foreign powers. Amy that is the man a donald trump has chosen to be head of the cia, mike pompeo. You worked with the aclu that represents and snowden. Your response . I see this reflective of a theder hostility toward freedom of the press and freedom of speech. President trump were during the campaign, donald trump ejected reporters from his Campaign Rallies because his perceptions of their reporting, he ejected protesters from the rallies. He is made the Mainstream Media into a kind of bogeyman. I see this sort of hostility toward whistleblowers in as part of the same pattern. I think that is all very worrying. I hope some of the rhetoric that weve seen during the campaign and over the last few weeks will not turn out to reflect the policies amy we will depart to of that discussion and post it online at democracynow. Org. Jameel jaffer founding director , of the Knight First Amendment Institute at columbia university. His new book the drone memos , targeted killing, secrecy, and earth trek is ma p possie byby the genero s suppo of f sho in, with lations thrghout the stern uned stas

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