Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 8 20170521

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♪ >> come out, your house on fire. >> we're following breaking news this morning, a tragedy in the wynnefield section every philadelphia. three people are killed, in a early morning house fire. we'll hear more. >> following development after violent night in north philadelphia. nine people were shot, and returned to area hospitals. and the ice are on the president today as he gives us a big speech today from saudi arabia. >> good sunday morning, matt, better day on top today than yesterday? >> definately, starting out better. better in the afternoon, just overall, just nicer way to end the weekend. >> great. >> cloud cover that we had yesterday, of corpse, we didn't have ton of sunshine saturday, temperatures, were cool, it really just did not feel all that nice outside. and this morning, little keel, warm in the afternoon, now we had wonderful sunrise across the delaware vale, across the entire region, because we didn't have whole lot of cloud cover out there. the little bit that we did have was hi, wisp, allowed for wonder fill start to the stay with orange and pink, and just great great sunday morning storm can three, see the thicker werth out to the west, moist tour from the west area of low pressure starts to move on in, could give us showers, maybe even few thunderstorm, not just tonight but into our monday, as well. temperatures out there, still need the light jacket. they were in the mid to up ear's, at this point shall the coolest spot, that's mount pocono at 50 degrees on the nose, millville 55, philly coming in at 57. so again, light jacket, still here this morning, but we will be getting up into the 60s later this afternoon, at 59 by 9:00 this morning. some sunshine, not ton, as we get later in the day. temperatures mid 60s by noon, 69 the high today. of course jan tracking showers and thunderstorm tomorrow. i'll break it all down in just a bit. >> we'll check back in with you, thank you, matt. we continue to follow breaking news out of philadelphia's wynnefield section, three people are dead after their home caught fire early this morning, and now, we're learning more about that family. "eyewitness news" reporter joe holden is live near the scene on diamond street. joe, you have been talking to neighbors who knew this family watch are they saying? >> well, first they're painting picture about how instrumental this family was, in rescuing this block from the grips of crime. and drugs, they say, that they were on the front lines with philadelphia police, really called instrumental on the "war on drugs" and crime here. >> this family now really deaf skated, as three members, according to the philadelphia fire department, died in this fire here at 5454 diamond street. now, neighbors also telling us that it was a fight to try and make them aware to alert them that their house was on fire. one neighbor said she saw the flames. she was banking on windows. one manna parentally tried to break windows. also, broke through a door. they could not get into the house because of the amount of smoke. we spoke to one of the neighbors a short time ago, she describes her own effort in trying to make it safe. >> like a glass pump. i ran through the back, through the front, hollering, banking on the door, hollering up to the windows telling, come out the window, your house is on fire. >> so right now it appears that most of the fire swept through the first and then into the second floor, the rear of the house, has significant fire damage, as much as the front of the house does appear to as much. also, we are working to confirm the identities of the three people killed in this fire. we have learned their names, but we are withholding them at this at this time until we can confirm them with the philadelphia fire department. of course, i'll see you back here, another half hour, for the latest on this very tragic story, in wynnefield. reporting live, i'm joe holden, cbs-3 "eyewitness news," jan. >> joe, keep us up-to-date, see you at 8:30,. >> police still investigating shooting that sent nine people to the hospital. the shooting unfolded at 23rd and huntingdon in north philadelphia around 10:30 last night. the group was reportedly at a gathering outside, when the shooter opened fire, two of the victims now in critical condition. no word on a suspect or possible motive. a deck collapsed in roxborough, came down right around, 8800 block every ridge avenue. investigators say, 16 people were on it at the time. l & i now investigating the cause of the collapse. >> this morning, police are still looking for the gunman who shot two year old boy and his dad as they were just sitting on their porch in kensington, now the boy's mother asking neighbors to come forward with information. "eyewitness news" reporter alicia has her emotional plea. bullet holes riddle the outside of his home. friday night a father and son were shot. father 26 years old, the son just two, his mother identifying him as her only child. price johnson. >> if anyone seen anything on malta street, please come forward, he didn't de is her of this. >> two men fired bullet at her son as he was in his father's arms on their front porch. >> as accident would happen, he said, i'm scared. daddy fall down. >> two year old was shot four times twice in the leg and twice in the arm. he was immediately returned to the hospital in critical condition. >> everyone on the block loves him very much. he is a sweet kid. he is in there fighting right now. >> despite massive manhunt minutes after the shooting? >> got all kind of officers. you know, plane clothes, marked, we have our aviation unit. >> philadelphia police say they've not made any arrests. authorities have had few witnesses, willing to come forward. today she is getting some comfort and help from this woman, who lost her brother to gun violence in kensington going door-to-door pleading with people to speak up. >> the whole snitching thing has got to go, any time a two year old get hit somebody has to speak up. >> after an hour and a half we were eventually able to find a witness who didn't want to use his name or show his face, but he said that two men came down the street on bikes. they had the time to stop, look at the father, and son, and yell this is our block and then they started shooting. in the cbs-3 sat center, alicia, cbs-3 "eyewitness news." crews will resume their search this morning for missing 16 year old who disappeared while swimming near pleasant hill friday. teenagers family has identified him as 16 year old antoin fox. he and some friends jumped off boat deck in the area friday. friends say they became caught in the current, and fox never made it back to the shore. his family says he was not a good swimmer. marine police searched the river all day yesterday. >> firefighters, continue to battle a wild fire in wharton state for necessary burlington county. while the flames are now 50% contained, they have scorched ruchly 300 acres. evesham fire rescue sent us this photo of the fire burning off route 206, near ding he will town road, barts bridge. staffers at the new jersey forest fire services medford tower spotted the fire around 9:45 saturday morning. now, no homes are in danger. the cause of the fire is now under investigation. >> new this morning, president trump is beginning his second day in saudi arabia meeting with arab leaders, arrived at the meeting of the gulf cooperation council. president's meetings include heads of state from bahrain, egypt, kuwait, later the president will deliver a speech that's called the centerpiece of his two day visit to saudi arabia, will reportedly call for unity across the muslim worlds to fight terrorism, and as nicky batiste report, the president did announce several lucrative deals with saudi arabia to benefit the us. >> president trump and king solomon took part in male-only dance before rule banquet saturday night capping off day one of the president's visit to saudi arab ya. the day began with pageantry, military fly over and lot of hands shakes. the president and the saudi king announce new deals between the two countries. including a hundred 9 billion-dollar arms deal, and investments in us infrastructure project. >> hundreds of billions of dollars of investments into the united states and jobs, jobs, jobs. >> president trump and king solomon's team have much to discuss including the proposed travel ban and how the deal with iran, a common enemy. >> at this point i have no plans to call my counterpart in iran, although, in all likelihood, we will talk at the right time. >> the president is expected to give a major speech on radical ideology. irradicate g isis sunday. russia's involvement in the 2016 election has followed mr. trump to saudi arabia, a washington post article says the fbi has identified current white house official, as person of interest. >> i do not have information for the person in reference. >> new york times report calls former fbi director james comb a nut job and his dismissal relieved great pressure. comey has agreed testify in open session before the senate intelligence committee. nicky batiste, for cbs-3 "eyewitness news." >> still a led right here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this sunday morning. >> a segway right into this tease, i'm pat gallen here in old city. and i'm on a segway. the fin way to take a trip around the city of philadelphia. come with me. >> in in week's case with tori, how one woman learned that food was her calling, and how that calling is giving so much meaning to the lives of the staff working in her kitchen. we will be right back. [vo] the grille is distinctive. but it's usually seen from the rear. the all-new audi q5 is here. intelligent technology can help protect it. the all-new audi q5 is here. >> steep drop in ticket sales, performers from the circus will move onto other jobs, 74 animals, are going to new homes. the final performance takes place in uniondale new york. >> back here at home now: even if you have lived here your entire live, chances are there is still so much more to see in philadelphia. so, our own pat gallen decided to be a tourist for the day, but in a very different and more exciting way. take a look. >> in a city filled with history, it can be tough to experience all of philadelphia. but philly tour hub in old city you can do it in a few hours, or less. on a segway. mike has been guide for five years, but says, every day is a new experience. >> it is a privilege to see philadelphia through the eyes of people from all over the world. so you gain a great appreciation, new appreciation, for your own town. another great thing about the segway tour, you get access to the neighborhoods, really make up the character and the on. >> it goes old city through penn's landing, the italian mark, past independence mall, also have two hour trek that goes from river to river. mike took me, and fellow rider, ray, for a spin. but first, the driving test. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> relax, loose i goosey, good. keep your head up. now it is time to hit the street. >> feel good. take little trip around the city. >> thank you so much. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> george washington, as president, lived here in philadelphia. right down here on sixth and market. >> we were cruising through the city. were we ready for the highway. >> ready to go slow? 5 miles per hour. >> just kidding. but two wheel tour continued as we saw what fill had i to offer. it is philadelphia, like you've never seen before. showing us great look at philadelphia. i'm too scared to try that out. i ' wimp. i fall over or get hit by a car or something. >> i would give it a shotment like you said, you don't always look graceful. >> no, no. but pat did great job. >> yes, did he. >> always brave, ready for a good time. >> in a was grade. look like they had decent wetter. >> sunny out there. >> looked nice yesterday. not always the case with cloud cover, it will be a better day. >> good. >> always like to wrap the weekends up on high note, if we can't be looking at great weather all weekend long, now of course we did have again that cloud cover yesterday. but the folks down in rehoboth today, going to be better afternoon to maybe get down to the beach. we will have a little bit of cloud cover later on in the day. but here, so far, this morning, not too much out there. maybe little bit of hazy sunshine. i have seen couple of people on the beach, seen couple of people on the board walk, been walking around, one person again they're exercising this morning, got the long sleeve shirt on. don't blame them. it is a little on the cool side to start the day out. it will be below average side of things, throughout most of not just the morning, but the afternoon as well. >> later portions of the afternoon and the evening, we're below average, temperatures, then our system comes in, our low pressure system moves in tonight. showers going to be moving into the region, maybe rumble every thunder for us through the afternoon hours, on our monday. our system spirals in the northern planes, cold front, draped well down to our south. now, this is the same system that caused flooding in indianna through the ohio river valley and severe weather back through the southeast and southern planes. so this system, has packed quite a punch. but, it is losing steam, as it works its way east. that's some good news for us, while we will get little bit of shower, some thunderstorms tomorrow, no severe weather is expected for the delaware valley. through today, we see that clear sky early on. we could probably get little bit more cloud cover through the afternoon hours. and into the early evening, than what we're showing on the future weather, do be prepared for. that will overall again it will be dry. that's good news for us. as we head through the nighttime hours tonight, we will probably start to see some showers develop. about midnight or so moving into the area. probably after midnight. looks like we could be seeing maybe shower or two tomorrow morning, it looks like we could possibly have little bit on the morning drive. so even though, again, 10:00 this morning just looking at cloud cover in the future weather model. dow think we could see some shower activity, in little bit even earlier than that. most of the heaviest precipitation though will be waiting until the afternoon hours, that's when we will see the showers, the thunderstorms roll on in, and they will be lasting until the overnight hours, hopefully by tuesday, though, we will be starting to clear things out. >> this sex actually what we are expecting again. the rain moves in tonight likely after midnight or so. thunderstorms likely monday afternoon. two, three, 4:00 in the afternoon, the rain and the thunderstorms could be heavy at times, but overall looking at widespread amounts every inch. or so. flooding threat extremely low, now if you do get caught in one of the thunderstorms in a area with poor drainage, or just in a low-lying spot, that's where could you look at some localized flooding because our amounts could be little higher than the 1 inch. that's widespread. but overall again widespread issues not a concern. tomorrow, that thunder symptom activity, 76 degrees, go with 75 on tuesday. slowly clearing things out, mix every sunday and clouds, rain back in the forecast for wednesday, we get to 73 degrees. and then we continue with our spring like weather on thursday. spotty shower can't be ruled out thursday afternoon with a high of 77. and then we are getting up into the mid 70s, and even upper 70s, jan, by the ends of the week and the weekend. >> so we got good days nicks in the with some not so good days, we will take it, thanks, matt. now 8:19. time to check the roads, let's go over to amanda mueller at the cbs-3 traffic center. hi, amanda. >> (no sounds). >> looks like we're having some difficulties with a.m. dan us a audio there, we will get back to her? in just a few minute, now in this taste with tour. a trip to haddon township, where comfort rains supreme. as vittoria woodill shows us, stepping inside this soul full restaurant will make you feel right at home. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> i hear you got a wait in line here. >> the wait is on for some seriously delicious soul food. mac and cheese, ribs, sides, chitlings. >> what's a chitling? >> pig intestines, ya. >> they've got it all. nice flavor. >> little different. you want to try those wings? >> i'll try the wings for sure. >> don't forget the pig's feet. >> how about a little bit? >> okay. >> you seem scared for me. >> i actually like. >> you like? >> i do. because this is more mild than the trip. >> called chitlings. >> anything you want is hot and fresh. and aunt bertha said food is her calling. >> god said i'm going to open a restaurant. guess what, one day, the opportunity happened, and i walked through the door. >> opening a restaurant wasn't the only thing aunt bertha said god told her in prayer. there is a reason why she hired staff who have been formerly incarcerated. >> another thing he said to me, i want someone not forgotten that i lover them and i want them to know that i love them. >> aunt bertha somebody could hear what you just said and say how? how did he tell you that? >> relationship. a witness. as dow it, it hasn't been easy, but as dow it it has been soukouses fell. okay, i'm on the right track. >> she sure is. with seasoned turkey wings. >> oh, my gosh. look at that, it is falling apart. >> it is heavenly. >> ribs! >> i wish i was alone to eat this. >> it is all those sweet notes, and tang. >> sides gal orr, dessert, praying for it to never ends. >> aunt bertha will you adopt me? >> yes, i will. >> well, from chitlings in vittoria's piece there to the best burying nerve philadelphia, everyone has their favorite, right? but there can only be one winner of the 2017 burger brawl today. more than 60 philadelphia restaurant will participate in the annual charity event. battling it out to see who makes the best burger, tacos, and wings, at xfinity liver philadelphia. the event now in its seventh year. so, paying custom letters vote for their favorite, after sampling some of the competitors. "eyewitness news" caught up with the executive chef of ruge restaurant to get some tips on making the perfect burger. >> fun, just brush it with butter and toast it, 12 ounces of the custom ground beef, onions, grueur cheer. >> i like the way you brush the bun, that's good tip people company do at local. >> tolls dollars bun always good for a buryinger. >> now the burger brawl benefits philadelphia area public schools, proceeds from the friendly competition will be used in a construction of new computer labs. vittoria getting around. doing a lot of taste testing. we will be right back. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. >> jessica simpson became a pop star at 16 year old, quickly became a regular on the tabloid pages, but for the past ten years, simpson has been doing something decidedly more grown up, an empire worth more than a billion dollars. here is a interview you'll see coming up cbs sunday morning. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> people say oh, i have a pair of her shoes, itch her dress, and it is really great. the way they say it, almost like they're shocked! ya. you get that a lot? >> maybe, because it is not that expensive. or maybe because i was a cheesey pop star back in the day. i have no idea. you're going to like my shoes. >> ranging from clothes, to accessories, to home, is a billion dollar a year business. house that for a cheesey pop star? >> how much of you, jessica simpson, goes into these pieces? >> i mean, may name is on it, i would never let my name be on anything, that i wouldn't approve of somebody wearing. >> she's always had a sense every humor, that jessica simpson. on special design issue of sunday morning right here on cbs-3 at 9:00 a.m. still ahead in our next half hour, a philadelphia neighborhood is waking up to tragedy this morning, and early morning house fire claims the lives of three people. we're live flaring neighbors who try to help save that >> good morning, aim jan carabeo, clouds yesterday but more sun on the way today, meteorologist, matt peter on on the skydeck with the eyewitness weather forecast, hi, matt. >> sunshine, soak it up while you can, clouds will be moving in. a little bit later on, in the day, if you're just getting up here this morning, temperatures, are cooler than where we were yesterday, but not overly cold by any stretch. but take a light jacket if you're doing anything outside here this morning, going to brunch or church do a work out outside, temperatures are in the 50's, with 55, in wilmington, 57 down at the beach in atlantic city, 55 in trenton, also, to up 50 degrees right now in mount pocono, cool but not overly cold to start out this sunday, temperature difference from today compared to yesterday, 6 n philly than we were 24 hours ago. 8 degrees cooler in millville. 7 degrees cooler in trenton. again overall cooler this morning our running theme, cooler temperatures in the morning, warmer as we head little later on in the afternoon. now, we have high pressure in control, that's why our skies are clear this morning. we have relatively quiet conditions. whether it comes to our winds, about five to 10 miles an hour, little breezy, as you head down toward dover there coming offer the water at 14 miles an hour, but in general, it will be a day where we see about five maybe 10-mile an hour winds. we were in the 90s, 60s, and go with high temperature of 69 today. again, monday, tuesday, even into wednesday, looking at the temperatures in the 70s, now, some rain showers in the forecast jan for the week, and i will be talking about that in just a little bit. >> we'll check back in with you, thank you, matt. >> peaking waking to up news three neighbors killed whether their house kate fire overnight. fourth person in the hospital. "eyewitness news" reporter joe holden live near the scene on diamond street we hear several neighbors tried to save the family. what happened? >> a panic effort, one neighbor says about 4:14, they tried to reach this husband, wife, and their adult son to alert them, that flames and smoke were coming from the house. the one neighbor tells cbs-3 that she tried pounding on the door another neighbor joined in, able to kick in the door, though the smoke too thick here in the 5400 block of diamond street. the house has considerable damage outside in the front and the back, they said that at one point, flames of course were coming from all windows, ladders left behind, by the fire department as investigators work to determine the cause of this fire at least told by deputy commissioner it does not appear to be suspicious in nature, but his is a very, very difficult morning here in whip fields. >> i'm saying come on out the window. >> one of the guys had broke kicked the door in. when we tried to get low and go in but the smoke was so powerful, it pushed us back out. >> neighbors have been unable to go back to bed, in fact, houses immediately adjacent to where the fire happened do have smoke damage, some actually not able to go back but we will be working this story all day to learn more about those who lost their lives here in this tragedy, and of course, more they meant to the neighborhood. >> sad story and incredible effort by their neighbors, thank you can, keep us to up date. >> the search on for people who shot nine people in north philadelphia. that shooting happened at 23rd d 10:30 last night. the victims were reportedly at a gathering outside when the gunman opened fire there. two of the people shot in critical condition. police trying to figure out what may have motivated that shooting. police still looking for who shot a two year old boy in kensington. boy's mother said he is her only child. sitting with his dad on their malta street porch that's when two men on bikes road up and opened fire the boy also shot. >> went to get -- anyone see anything on malta street friday night, please come forward. everyone lovers him very much. 's sweet kid. he's in there fighting right now. >> a witness tells "eyewitness news," he saw the two men on those bike else as they approach, they looked at the father and son and said this is our block before they opened fire. a report on 60 minutes tonight, focuses on sanctuary cities. here is scott pelle with more on philadelphia minister who says he answers to a higher law. >> ♪ >> philadelphia's arch street methodist church, was built by abraham lincoln's favorite minister. >> we are a sanctuary church. >> and a hundred 55 years later, reverend robin, on the same chapter, and verse. >> baptism covenant, a vow that's taken either on my behalf when i was baptized as a child or as an adult that i would take the power and freedom that god gives me to resist evil, injustice, oppression, in whatever forms they chose themselves. >> in your review, what's this, evil, injustice or oppression? >> injustice and oppression, all of which is evil. when a human being's human rights are denied, when they can't stay with their family, and they can't participate in the community, in which they have deep roots, all of those apply. >> he's talking about javier flores garcia, who has lived in the church basement for six months. he came from mexico, illegally, in 1997. he's a landscaper with a decade old dui on his record. his other offense, crossing the border repeatedly. a judge ordered him deported but he moved here rather than leave his three children who were born citizens. >> you look -- >> i think do you have keep fighting. and i'm doing this for my kids, and i would do it again if it became necessary. >> we're taking a leap of faith. right, in many respect, we don't know what will happen. >> more of scott pelle's report tonight on 60 minute, right here on cbs-3 at 7:00. the abington police department is partnering with the community to keep student safe. the department hosed its annual citizens and police together 24 hour relay. teams of student compete in the various fun activities there, this is a fundraiser for abington police community project including youth activities and crime prevention programs. >> through this program we donate about 23,000 a year to the dare program. that is still held in abington township, still a program that we are very happy that we are able to be a part of. >> this event is now in its 23rd year. >> there is still so much more to cover right here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this sunday morning, and coming up next, we check in with "face the nation" john dickerson, for a look ahead at today's broadcast. stay with us. >> a special mother-daughter found our health watch now, as they fight breast cancer together. eyewitness health reporter stephanie stahl, has their story, and a new light therapy treatment being tested, at penn medicine. >> terry and her daughter, try not to dwell on their bad luck it, started with breast cancer, they were both diagnosed, in 2010. >> it was like your hair, mom, what about your hair? >> she has two sons, and had to have surgery, radiation, chemo. >> my kids are like ten and 11. i'm scared i was going to die. >> that was hard. and i just kept thinking, it should be me. it shouldn't be her. >> even though terry a recurrence, and the other more serious bought, not the genetic kinds of breast cancer, then last year fate struck again. they both had brain surgery. >> little overwhelming. and you just feel like how, like why, in our family, does this have to happen snap why do we have to get so much dumped on you? >> benign brain malformation called tiara repaired surgically. >> driving me to the appointment. >> i no, i was all over the road. >> she thought she needed new glasses but turned it turned out she had brain cancer. >> hi, how are you feeling? >> pen neurosurgeon john lee operated using experimental flew he is end dye. >> we could see the tumor glowing in front of our eyes. >> it allows surgeons to more precisely re remove the can't err while sparing healthy tissue. >> that's been wonderful technology to find the tumor, and then to look for margins, try to improve our outcome. >> i was delight today have it, because i think he got most of the tumor out. >> terry, who is 69, getting radiation, chemotherapy, even though she is facing bad odds, remains optimistic. >> i've had real good luck. that's the first thing i said to you, i'm really okay with it. >> the flores tent technology terry received was originally developed by surgeons at penn to treat lung cancer. early results for brain surgery, are positive so far. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3, "eyewitness news." still to come this morning, here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news." cooler weather today. but the sun is out for our sunday. matt peterson back with the forecast. >> and, meisha has another dream drive. this time, to a hidden gem that's been closed to the general public for decades, until now. and this landscape is not at all what it seems. that's straight ahead. >> welcome back, john dickerson sent viewing senator marco rubio right now. see that interview coming up at 10:30 on cbs "face the nation." walkers in south jersey raised more than $100,000 for autism research. the 13th annual autism speech south jersey walk took place yesterday in mt. laurel. hundreds of people there took part. the event raised money for autism research, and to provide services for people with autism. walkers were able to raise just over $144,000 and our own natasha brown emcee the event, once again this year. and here is another walk for a good cause. rose tree park in media hosed the tenth annual walk for the wounded yesterday morning. there was walk and 5k race, want to bring attention to the challenges, wounded veterans and their families race tune raise money for them. our own ukee washington hosted this event. many of the veterans received vip treatment as they arrived in very nice cars, for the ceremony. >> matt, how are you doing. >> hanging in, there we had the cloud cover, all of the great event, unfortunately not ton of sunshine for them. today though we will get little more sunshine, starting out with some sunny skies here early this morning, and cloud cover will eventually work its way in later this afternoon, now, our eyewitness weather watchers, they're out there, up this morning, talking to us about temperatures, that are around the region in the 50's, and in many areas starting things out, weaver peter saying it is 53 willow grove, barbara saying 56, 54 also from marty in chalfont, cherry hill, lynn saying 06 degrees, medford, andrew saying it is 52. and jen any cherry hill saying it is 63. so again, temperatures are on the cooler side. also, wanted to just show you couple every quick pictures there is one came in from phil this morning, great picture of our sunrise, we had had plenty of it here this morning, who can pass up picture of cute kid from a sunday morning there is coming in from lynn. great start to the day, hopefully seeing some good sun at least early in the day, but then the cloud cover will be coming back later this afternoon. this is taking a look from the palmyra cove across the delaware river. there is the wonderful sit i have of palmyra cove. looking pretty good so far here this morning. now there is with a we are looking for the week ahead, few thunderstorms start us off monday with system coming on through, now the spring temperatures will return, we had 60s here the last couple of days, and it will get little warmer monday, tuesday, wednesday, all the way through our work week, sunshine does make few cameo appearances even though cloud cover will be throughout with our unsettled pattern with showers, thunderstorms, kind of hit and miss throughout the week. so up and down for the next seven days, looking at storm scan3, area of low pressure sitting offer to the north. this is pie rails into northern planes, cold front draped down to the south. and it is still firing up some thunderstorm activity through southern arkansas, back toward dallas, texas as well. this is a system, that brought all of the severe weather through the midwest, missouri, arkansas, oak home, a kansas, texas, got hammered just few days ago, and then now into the ohio river valley, some flooding through indianna, then also dealing with some showers and thunderstorms now into the carolinas there is cold front will eventually push toward us, as it does it will bring the chance for some stormy weather, for our week ahead outlook. see the stormy weather, colds front monday sweeping on through. will stay relatively warm. actually should see little sunshine on our actuals, quiet second day of the week for us, next system comes together as we head into wednesday, warmfront, generally down to the south, but could fire up few showers, maybe thunderstorm for us win, still lingers thursday, few more showers hanging out in the second half of our work week, by the time we get to friday, the second low finally slides well off to the north. allows cooler air, but also sunshine is going to be out there, as well. for maybe at least the ends of the work week on friday. temperatures will be remaining in the spring like range in the 70s for all seven days. forecasted high for today, 69. in philly going with 67 for high temperature, wilmington, could get little cooler head down toward the shore points there, atlantic city, 64, probably little cooler at the beach, wildwood, 62, head down toward rehoboth, probably looking for around 06 degrees or so. dover high temperature today 63, but getting up to 68 later this afternoon toward reading. not bad end to the weekends, high of 76 though, warmfront comes through, allowing warmer air to settle over the region. sun and clouds tuesday, no rain for us there, get to high of 75, that looks like it probably is going to be the nicest day of at least the first half of the work week. because wednesday, another chance for few showers, 73 degrees. our high temperature in the middle of the week, 77, spotty shower on thursday. clearing things out by friday. again, that low pressure system will move out, we will get to high of 75 there, then closing in on 80 by saturday, but another system takes over, so that could give us another chance for rain shower headed into next weekends. so jan we're up and down, up and down for the next seven days. >> indeed. thank you, matt. this week in dream drive, meisha johnson found hidden gem only open for a few years, now people can enjoyed the grounds and the vision that took decades to grow. >> we are in new castle county delaware, headed to a gardner's paradise. i can't wait to see this. >> hokessing, only been open to the public since 2013. but, as jest downing showed me, the vision for this lush, 600-acre space, was born way before that. >> this is the formal garden at mount cuba center. and this was the home of lamont and pamela copeland. it was built mid 1930's. they were exquisite gardners throughout their lives. and they became very attract today native plants. >> native plant watcher exactly does that mean? >> so it is plants that were originally and continue to grow in your natural region, and important because they play important roles in the ecology. they feed insect, butterflies, birds, bat, other wildlife. they built out their gardens, mostly natural gardens, but win area very formal in design. also, beautiful woods path, me around ers through the local forest, and down by our pond. >> this path, these flowers, beautiful. >> just the sound of the running water, the smell of the fresh air, the flowers, birds, calling in the distance, just very peaceful place to be. >> now, is this all by design or how does this all come together? >> it is very manicured, but manicured in a way to give it the appearance that it is all just purely natural. >> yes. >> and if somebody once told me, takes a lot of people to make it look like nobody has been here. >> also, how far up the eye goes with these trees. they're stunning. look how beautiful those are. >> really does, kind of intentional, we call it the cathedral effect. also have a robust olds action program, because the goal of the organization isn't just to be a pretty place to go. it is to teach people about the importance of native plants, and healthy echo systems, so that they might go home, and try native plants in their own yards. >> you just have to get out of the city or get out of the suberb that you live in, just need a break to come, walk around this kinds of beauty, amazing. >> really what the cope lands' hope for. >> meisha johnson, cbs-3, "eyewitness i'm on does weathertech go to protect your vehicle? ♪ ♪ ♪ weathertech. made right, in america >> yet the phils sent him to the mounds as the fighting as had back-to-back wins for the first time since late app. third inning, andrew, hits a line drive to right, michael saunders bobbles. that will allow adam phrase for score, game tide. to the fourth, david breeze gets ahold of this pitch. goes down the left field line. stays inside the fair pole, for solo homer. vince can't believe it. and the pirates take the lead. then in the sixth, two on for francisco. with line drive over freddie galvis, two more runs are going to score. and that is all for vince. he went five and a third innings, giving up five runs, pirates beat the phils six to three, after the game, vince was frustrated. >> judge. >> just not working out. nothing going out my way. i mean, i get there, dot it here, there, but just the game, just lack of commitment, lack of concentration, just lack of everything. i mean, geez, even the golf game, everything just a lack of everything. i don't know, i mean, just -- just clueless right now. >> second leg of the triple crown, the 142nd running of the preakness down in baltimore, kentucky derby winner always dreaming was the morning favorite. could he move one step closer to winning the triple crown? >> they're coming into the final furlong. classic empire. here, going for the upset, classic empire, computing, coming together ... cloud computing has defeated classic empire in the preakness. >> that's right, cloud computing, stepped out the kentucky -- for the preakness. the first horse since rachael alexandra to win the derby and win the preakness. classic empire, came in second, always dreaming after face start, faded and finished eighth. that's all for sport, i'm lesley van arsdall, have a great day. >> well check this out. have you ever wondered how smart your dog really is? now, there is a way to find out. and our own "eyewitness news" anchor jessica dean put it to the test. >> empty cup. here is the treat. >> monday night at 11:00 jessica introduces us to her dog, fin. together they play number of games designed by experts, to discover how each dog thinks and sees the world. from empathy levels, to how cunning fin is, see what the tests reveal, how you can do the same with your dog. that's monday night on "eyewitness news" at 11:00. time now for one final check on the forecast. matt? >> yes, we had some sunshine this morning, that's good news for us, unfortunately, some clouds do come in later this afternoon and this evening, temperatures today, high 60s, 70s though back in the forecast, next week, do start the week out with few showers, maybe thunderstorm as well, monday afternoon. and then we are up and down starting after that. tuesday, we're dry, 75. then we see showers, by wednesday. but we're 73. then we're at 77, but once again, on the drier side every things, by thursday, so we're unsettled to say the least as we get ready to move into the last full week of may. >> incredible, i know, just speeds on by, thank you, matt. that's it for "eyewitness news" this sunday morning, we may be signing off on tv but always on line at sunday morning is next. have a great day. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ giving people options based on their budget is pretty edgy... kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> pauley: good morning. i'm jane pauley and this is a special edition of "sunday morning." we're in amsterdam, the historic heart of the netherlands, by design. all morning we'll be looking at the best in design, large and small, old and new, around the world and back at home. we've chosen

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