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Trenton. Thirtynine in millville. Thirtyfive in allentown at this hour. Quakertown still cold spot coming in at 32 degrees. Mid 30s in pottstown. Thirtyseven in mount holly, new jersey. Fog is not an issue a few areas of patchy fog around the bodies of water and that is about it. There is storm scan three nice and quiet. We have had clouds around early last night and now moving off shore so a lot have of unshine on tap, if you like yesterday youll love today, 68 degrees for the high temperature. The that is on average for philadelphia, mid 50s at the shore and in the sun, and then poconos looking good at 60 degrees. Each day gets a little warm are. We are making a run at 80 degrees. We will let you know in a few minutes. What a tease, thank you, justin. Donald trump is trying to discredit woman accusing him of inappropriate sexual behavior. Two more women have come forward. Hillary Clintons Campaign is dealing with more emails leaked by hackers. Craig boswell has latest from the campaign trail. Hey yall. Reporter donald trump paraded female supporters on stage during a rally in charlotte. Trump train. Reporter he insisted he did not act in a prep eighthly toward female accusers who stepped forward this week. I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns, in the history of our country. Reporter two more accusers surfaced friday, summer was a contestant on trumps reality show the apprentice in 2006. He came to me and started kissing me open how the. Reporter another woman told the Washington Post that trump reached up her skirt in the 1990s. These allegations are 100 percent false, they are made up, and they never happened. I take no satisfaction in what is happening on the other side with my opponent. It hurts our country. It hurts our democracy and send terrible messages. Reporter Hillary Clinton has her own challenges. Wikileaks released thousands more emails it claims were hack from the account of the Clinton Campaign chair john podesta. Former michigan governor jennifer grandholmes suggested clinton shoes bus tables at dennies or work, at mcdonalds to prove shes not out of touch. Other official advised clinton to apologize calling apologies clintons achilles heel. Another urge clinton to find an emotional connection to be bold, and moth politically calculating. Wikileaks claims it has more than 50,000 emails. Craig boswell for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Septa Union Members are voting tomorrow on whether to go on strike. The contract for bus drivers, subway and trolley operators expires at the end of this month, if they vote yet transport workers local 234 says strike will begin november 1st. Main Sticking Point is pension plan, the last Time Transport workers walk with the six day strike in 2009, the twu represents more than 5700 workers. Well, that much dreaded hike at new jersey gas pumps is coming november 1st. Governor Chris Christie has sign legislation that raises the states gas tax by 23 sent per gallon. Increase will go toward an eight year, 16 billiondollar transportation funding program, now in exchange for the gas tax hike the state sales tax will be cut, and the estate tax,e limb that ited. Staying in transportation, starting to day Airline Passengers are no longer allowed to bring their samsung note seven smart phones on planes. As marlee hall reports concerns over fire hazards prompted the department of transportation to take drastic action. Leave are Samsung Galaxy note seven smart phone at home, that is the emergency order from the department of transportation which banned the phones on u. S. Flights over fire concerns. Passengers cannot carry or pass the phones and they cannot be shipped as cargo. Phones lithium ion battery can over heat, catch fire, that happened to brian greens samsung forcing the evacuation of the Southwest Airlines flight. I heard some popping that sounded like a ziplock popping open, ziplock bag popping opened, i looked around and saw where it was and there was smoke coming from my pocket. Reporter several carriers stock their planes with fire containment bags design to hold burning devices. Samsung recalled more than 2. 5 million smart phones and earlier this week, discontinued production. Marlee hall for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Well, mothers and daughters, wifes, sisters are all taking part in the the susan komen three day. It helps raises money and awareness in the fight against Breast Cancer. Eyewitness News Reporter anita oh is live at Pennsylvania Convention center where walkers have been camping out overnight, hi there, anita. Reporter good morning, rahel a thousand walkers are getting ready to begin the next leg of the 20mile journey. They spent the night at the Pennsylvania Convention center. As you can see these pink tents have been set up, joining us now is Breast Cancer survivor ann moss, she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2005. You are deck out in all pink. You tell us next week is a special anniversary for you. It is, next week is my 11th year cancer free. Amazing. So i was diagnosed from a routine mammogram, so i am a poster child forgetting your mammogram, so i hope everybody has scheduled their mammogram because you do need one. Reporter at an event like this what does the support mean for you in your own journey and your own battle against Breast Cancer, how are you feeling. Im feeling fabulous. I look forward to this every year. Do more than one event a year. Is there a community of love, and kindness and support and i have met so many wonderful people, people who are going through Breast Cancer and there is such an inspiration. Reporter we have seen tons of people coming by giving you a hug saying hi ann, good morning, what do you want to say to people who are currently, fighting this battle. Stay positive. That is the most important thing, positive outlook, means everything, you can do this. There are many, many people and resources there to support you, you are not alone. These are dozens of miles, you have done 20 different events before, you talk about kind of the physical challenges, what it takes to push through. Well, im no Spring Chicken but i can do it. People can do anything they set their mind to im a Firm Believer in that and there may be a few aches and pains along the way but nothing compared to what people going through chemo, and other things like that are up against. So, it is exilerating, you just, there is so much love it just keeps you going. Reporter how else would you like to see the Community Get involved. Again, everybody should do their self exam, get their mammograms, just support the cause, if you have the resources to support the cause, you know, dollars always help too. Thank you so much, for share your story with us. If you would like to get involved go on line and donate atco men. Org. This walk will kick off at 7 15. These walkers will do another 20 miles and end up back here at Pennsylvania Convention center and tomorrow they will do another 20 miles and end up at navy yard. For now we are live at Pennsylvania Convention center this morning, anita oh for cbs3 Eyewitness News. And, still ahead Severe Weather in oregon we will show you a rare tornado capture on camera and tell you what is next for the Pacific Northwest. Plus a driver trapped, screaming for help, see what happens as her suv goes under water, up next. And a new Research Reveals this election is stressing americans out, you probably guessed that. Maybe you feel anxiety rising at times. Still ahead hear from an expert about how to keep you are cool, calm, during these final weeks of the president ial race, we will be ri when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. But i spent my whole life fighting back. So you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say. I dont know what i said, ah, i dont remember that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. I dont want a president who makes fun of me. I want a president who inspires me, and thats not donald trump. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house with 100 meg internet. Which means in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20 oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. And right now, get our best offer ever. Super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online, cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. Welcome back. The shootout in dallas leaves a suspect dead and officer and two other people hurt. Police say officer intervened after witnessing a shooting and confronting the suspect when someone fired at him. Officer then fired back hitting the suspect died at a hospital. The officer was shot in the the foot but he is expected to be okay. No word on the injuries to the other two people, this was the first shooting of a Dallas Police officer since that ambush in july that killed five Law Enforcement officers. Incredible rescue in massachusetts when a woman is facing her sinking suv. John reports on the bystanders who pulled would the man from her car just as it was about to go under water. She was very, very scared. She knew she was in trouble. I saw that this her eyes. Reporter dan frazier knew he only had moments to act, he and two others jumped in the what the tore save would the man trapped in her sinking car. I saw a woman in a car, going down and somebody had to help save her. The first man out manages to open up the back door but the car sinks rapidly, it is 40 feet deep where it is going down and at one point they feared the worst. I lost her. I lost her. Was there just one person in there. Behind you. Reporter just then she emerges, dan swims out to save her. I could just see her with a frantic look. That women helps husband she confused gas and brake pedals jumping and plunging in the water. He and his friend just happened to be riding by on their bikes and pond, so thankful they have stopped and fearlessly went into save her life. I just stood by her and prayed and thanks for the rescue and then she was very thankful as you can imagine. I bet she was. That was john atthe water reporting. Trio of wild fires has destroyed 22 hems in northern nevada. Flames have forced hundreds of evacuations at lake tahoe and temporarily closed a major highway connecting reno to the mountain lakes. Four Fire Fighters underwent treatment for smoke inhalation. Wild fires have charred about three square miles of brush, timber and forced close another of some schools and triggered widespread power outages. People in the Pacific Northwest are cleaning up after a rare tornado hit the a beach town in oregon. As Chris Martinez reports people captured video of the twister as it roared toward the coast. Dude, that is straight up tornado. Reporter home video captured the twister as it roared off the coast, barreling into the northern oregon beach town of mansita, twisters wind caving in walls, knocking town power lines and ripping away the siding from buildings and homes. I have been here for almost 20 years and i have never seen this kind of a storm. Reporter Officials Say tornados path was ten streets wide, and moved directly through center of town destroying at least two businesses and one home, and damaging numerous others. It is estimated more than 80 trees were ripped from the ground, including this one that toppled on to a building. Many others, blocked roads this is the small town of about 600 people. Crews immediately began working to clear debris and assess damage. Only people allowed in the building, right now, for the next probably week or so will be emergency people, the police, fire, some of the buildings are in such bad shape that were concerned of collapse. Reporter fridays rough weather may be just a preview of what is to come help remnant of the typhoon are expect. Meteorologists say that the new round of is he rear storms could bring 70mile an hour wind gusts to areas like seattle, saturday along with the threat of more tornadoes. Chris martinez for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Yeah, Pacific Northwest getting pounded. Back here in the east coast nice and quiet for next several days, kind of locked in that typical october weather pattern where we will get cool nights and mild afternoon. It is going to start warming up next week but lets check with the weather watchers where we are under a from his advisory for suburbs, this morning and temperatures really reflecting that. We are down to the 30s over spots, check out these weather watchers in the backyard up in eagleville will lou, he is at 39. Thirtysix down in newark, delaware at this hour at delores house in delran, anal enis at 37 degrees, same deal in chesterfield, new jersey at this hour. Even bill chapline in philadelphia coming in at 38 degrees. Little bit milder into clementon, new jersey, cherry hill, we have lower 40s at this hour in west chester. Steve johnson is feeling chill at 39, also in medford. 39 degrees. In bath charles is in a milder spot at 45 degrees. So a few pictures, this one from yesterday, from phil chapline Beautiful Day for komen three day kicking off the event yesterday walking 20 s weekend. Another nice day today, these ladies are having a good time out there check this out from phil, this was earlier this morning of the approaching full moon, harvest moon or super moon that will be full tonight where it is making its closest path approach to the earth here about 224,000 miles away. It will appear 7 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter in the evening skies. Check it out, this evening, around 6 30, later on today, should be good shots with the clear skies. The lets go up to bethlehem at this hour where were feeling the chill there, 30s ape 40s. Looking live, from bethlehem, Hotel Bethlehem at main street, you can see flags in the moving at all so we have calm wind, that is allowing these temperatures to drop. Today we will call it practically perfect, why not. We have plenty of unshine to deal with this afternoon, temperatures on the mild side, up are 60s which is close to average for this time of the year, practically no humidity out there, wind on the light side, if you liked yesterday youll like today, really next several days, that will be the trend. High pressure over new england, that is blocking any storms from developing, we have clouds to our north and to our south, in between, and, clear skies, so it means full sunshine today. I mentioned komen three day this weekend. Beautiful weather. Perfect timing. Today in the the sun, pleasant 68 degrees for the afternoon temperature. Tomorrow is a little warmer at 73, maybe a few more cloud around so we will call it partly sunny. A lot of change in the fall color especially north of philadelphia, especially in the northern lehigh valley, poconos seeing moderate change, were already peeking up in new england. That is right on time, and usually we will peak around philadelphia, surrounding suburbs late october, early november. We have a few weeks to go but perfect ingredients for cool nights and some warm afternoons. Today on average upper 60s, mostly sunny. Tonight still chilly, not quite as cold as it is this morning. Tomorrow were back in the lower 70s, we are starting to go back above average for afternoon temperatures. Monday will be a lit front that comes through or close to us, bringing us clouds, maybe a stray shower, and then other than, upper 70es a. We will make it around 80 degrees for middle part of next week. We have quiet conditions conditions tonight, mostly clear, few areas of fog sunday morning and sunday afternoon, again, some cloud around. Today we are rebounding nicely, into the upper 60s in locations, slightly cooler, lehigh valley, poconos, 60s near mount pocono around the city. Up are 60s, 66 around media, delaware county, out jersey same deal. Gorgeous conditions, we have sunshine. Today officially up to 68 for philadelphia tonight, 52 for the low. Fortys in the suburbs. Look at the extended forecast if you like it warm wait until monday. Seventyeight. Making a run at 80 for tuesday and wednesday no big chance for any rain, probably until late next week, friday into next weekend, rahel, back to you. Cool, calming forecast. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. From 24 hour news channels to social media we cannot escape drama that is playing out in this years president ial election. It is stressing out people. Nicole brewer talk with an expert about how to keep election from affecting you. It is awfully good someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. Because youd be in jail. Reporter when you think of this election season. Almost like a war. Really divisive. I would definitely say ugly. That is why some experts say it is causing some americans chronic stress. I think at times, yes. Too much. It is something new every day. My stress comes in with what the outcome will be. There is uncertainty. Pretty much, that were stuck either way. Reporter in an article published in psychology today doctor dianne grayer says anxiety associated with campaign 2016 has influenced how we process information. Part of our brain triggers the rush of fear, anxiety, or anger, and we respond in a survival mode. Reporter according to doctors that can impair our judgment triggering defensive reactions which lead to an all or nothing, right or wrong kind of approach. I know people hoff unfriended each other, arent speaking with each other, it becomes a personal attack because of how you feel. That is what is happening. You feel like you have to be part of the one side or the other. I think there is a lot of us that are in the caught up in that and that really just want to elect a leader that will work bipartisanly. Reporter how can we tiehl with the the stress of president ial politics. There are practices that people can breathe out fear and breathe in peace. Breathe in, all of the peace. Peace. Reporter nicole brewer, cbs3 Eyewitness News. The apa released a list of coping mechanism that includes limiting your consumption of the politics, avoiding discussions where there is a potential forest lated conflict and channeling your concerns in civic engagement. As i always say it is less than a month. It is more than numbers, when we come back, i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Would you put people in jail for performing abortions . At some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Ben affleck is back in his latest film new in theater this weekend. Jk simmons plays government agent wants to learn his secret. The Susan Marquez sat down with stars of the accountant. I have a pocket protecter. Reporter ben affleck plays Christian Wolf a socially august war accounting genius who lives a secret life helping bad guys keep track of their money in the new drama the accountant. Drug cartels, arms brokers, money launders, assassins. Who survives this clientele. Unique and fresh, you know, character i have not seen in movies. We did research with people who are on the spectrum looking at behavior and talking to them about their lives and how they see the world. I need to know hoe is. Reporter oscar winner jk simmons plays ray king, a federal agent, who wants to track wolf town. He says it is a complex story line. Yeah, rays a real will alpha sleigher, you you know, so a lot of things are not exactly as they seem in the movie. I got him. Reporter Cynthia Robinson portrays young analyst who finds him. She has been given such a tough task. You will either be exposed or find this guy. I think it is one of those characters that the audience will be able to relate to and feel for, and i think that helps in terms of, you know, having a character to route for. Christian wolf. Reporter film becomes an Action Thriller as hunt for wolf picks up and pieces of the the puzzle all come together. Susan marquez for cbs news, los angeles. All right. Up ahead in our next half an hour, new video this morning we will tell you where i car lost control and crashed in the building overnight. Where thousands of young people will gather and decisions they are making for their fios is not cable. Were wired differently. We guarantee to make switching easier. Well show up on time. Youre right on time. As promised, to install fios and set up the wifi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. Thank you. For all their new devices. You cant break me. You want a piece of cake . Switching to fios is easier than ever. Now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Cable cant offer these speeds at this price. Only fios can. I cant believe this happened. Family and friend this heartache this morning after a tragedy along roosevelt boulevard, where he was trying to go before a crash killed his brother and another passenger. Another quality issues inside a local Elementary School has put some members of the community and local officials on edge, im alexandria hoff and we will tell what you will school that is and give you a look inside. A thousand walkers are getting ready to walk another 20 miles today for a great cause im anita oh in the Pennsylvania Convention center, next up, we will talk to a volunteer about why they get involved. Good morning, im rahel solomon. It should be a nice weekend to get out, enjoy beautiful weather. The lets get out to meteorologist Justin Drabick outside on the skies deck with the details, hi there, justin. Perfect fall weather, if you like yesterday you will a he love today. It is cold. We are dealing with temperatures down in the 30s. We have another frost advisory in effect for the suburbs, and the exception is right around the city but go north and west, frost advisory continues until 9 00 oclock this morning and also for parts of the interior South Central new jersey where again temperatures down to the mid 30s in some spots and close to freezing in the coldest locations. Pretty chilly at the airport in philadelphia down to 46 degrees. Our coldest temperature this month is 45. We are making a run at. That we could drop another degree before sunrise at 7 12 this morning. Thirtynine in millville. Twentynine in mount pocono. Quakertown past few hours, still sitting at freezing mark, 43 in palmyra, new jersey. Clear skies. That is part of the reason why drop off in temperatures, calm wind, clear skies, cold air to develop in the surface. We will see sun this afternoon. A chilly morning in the 30s and 40s, and then down in the mid to upper 60s right on average for this time of the year a lot of sunshine if you like it warmer, tomorrow in the lower 70s and it will feel more like the end of the summer, and we will talk about that in a few minutes. Back to you. We will check back then. New this morning an suv has crash in an Apartment Building in northeast philadelphia injuring two people. One person living there said suv hit one of the buildings of the Ashley Court Apartments on bustleton avenue around 3 00 this morning. He tells us impact of the crash scared him and his tamly right out of bed. My first thought was my kid are okay, then i thought we were being robbed. When i saw headlights i thought maybe a fire and then saw the car and i was like my god. I grabbed everybody, got out of the room and got out of the house, and didnt know what to to. We are told injuries are minor and so is damage to the building. The cause of the crash is under investigation. Well, heartache for friend and family of two teenagers kill in the crash on roosevelt boulevard. Philadelphia Police Say Driver was rushing to the hospital to see his father and ran a red light. Eyewitness News Reporter Natasha Brown went to the scene of the crash where loved ones gathered to remember the victims. Reporter somber gathering where two young lives were lost. It wasnt supposed to happen. Reporter police say the 18 yearold driver of the high unday sonata was rushing to the hospital to see his father when he ran a red lied at roosevelt boulevard causing a crash that left his brother, 19 yearold osman zeylnov, and a 16 yearold friend Maggie Lynn Goloff dead, maggie died at the scene. Drivers brother later died at the hospital. Force of the impact with an suv sent the car with the teenagers crashing into this light pole. Very difficult to handle, at this moment. Reporter maggie goloff and osman zeylnovs heart broken friend and loved ones returned to the scene of the deadly accident describing two teens, who were full of life, a life cut far too short. Really good friend, we were really close. He was always there for everybody. It breaks my heart. She always made the family laugh. He had that bright, beautiful orange hair and gorgeous smile, and every time she walk in the room she always, lit it up. Reporter two families are left grieving in what investigators say, began as a son trying to get to the hospital to see his father who had been robbed, and beaten at gunpoint trying to deliver food, just 45 minutes before the deadly crash. Just a tragic series of event, meantime the 18 yearold drivers identity has not been released, five fiveyear old female driver in the suv suffered minor injuries as did the 18 yearold driver in this case. This car crash is under investigation as well as the robbery involving the 18 yearolds father. In olney, Natasha Brown for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Philadelphia police are investigating the death of the teen after a scuffle at a Residential Academy for students. Student died at wordsworth academy, in a Treatment Center for juveniles with Behavioral Health issues. Detectives say that a 17 yearold tried barricading himself, inside of a room, and staff member reportedly put him in the head lock while trying to restrain him and he hit his head. He died 9 30 thursday night and some parents say this incident has some rethinking the center. Taking him home right now, decide over weekend whether we will keep him in the program or not. Reporter Philadelphia Police say homicide unit is investigating, no charges filed. Well, there are students safety concerns in the wilmington Elementary School. They are dealing with poor air quality. Now the Health Department is taking another look. Eyewitness News Reporter alexandria hoff spoke with concerned parents about the findings. Right now school is opened, a identify from three classrooms that have been closed off, behind me, you can see ventilation systems at work. Air quality issues first came to light at pulaski Elementary School back in august, School Record show that mold was located, and cleaning did take place, but that the issue was not entirely resolved. This week inspectors with the department of Public Health toured the interior as did we. Two classrooms and one computer lab are now off limits for students and teachers. The it is isolated but it seems to be a problem throughout the school, so there is a problem with mice, is there a problems with maggots, mildew mold and termites. Reporter these photos shared with Eyewitness News displayed what Council Woman sherry dorseywalker is talking about. She has been critical of the matter since it came to her attention. The question is would you want your children to attend school under these conditions. Reporter we spoke to parents who received a letter from the schools and some are happy with the pro active steps taken by the district. Do you think you are handling this well. Yes. Reporter Alexis Hunter heard with the matter from other parents and asked her son about it. I asked him yesterday i said have you seen any mold or anything . He said no, so, everything is good. Reporter but the true extent of the air quality issue will largely depend on the unseen. Inspectors from the Health Department did tour the school, and Council Woman walker says that she and the district agreed that whether or not the school will remain opened will depend on their findings. Reporting from wilmington, alexandria hoff for cbs3 Eyewitness News. The Philadelphia High School fair continues today at Pennsylvania Convention center, the goal, of the fair, to help students and parents find the right high school. Parent and students can connect with, more than 100 district, private, charter and Catholic High School from across the city. Normally what would have to happies they would have to contact the school and then make an appointment. Here we have an opportunity to speak directly to principals, teachers, as well as students who are currently going to the school. Estimated 10,000 parents and students are expected to attend. Convention center is also hosting people who are taking part in the the susan komen three day to raise money for Breast Cancer. Walkers have been camping there overnight and that is where we will find eyewitness News Reporter anita oh their life, good morning. Good morning, rahel. That is right, walkers are now getting ready to begin the next leg of that 20mile journey to day, you can see, they are all deck out in pink. Beef seen pink hair, pink t utu, pink shirts and this is all, of course, for a good cause. They will begin walking at 7 15 and joining us now is jim hillman, who has been involved with this event for the past three years. Jim, you have done this walk in seventive rent cities, why do you get involved. I get involved because my mom passed away from Breast Cancer in 2004. In 2008 i read komen ad and thought this was a way i can make a difference and make a difference in the fight against Breast Cancer. Reporter you also mentioned community here, the support system that you have found in the people thaw have met. How has that impacted your own journey. Well, the community is amazing. Whether you are dealing emotionally, physically, it is always there to support you and to lift you up. You talk to people about why you are there, tell your story, they tell their story to you, and after that, you can see a lot of strength because you know you are not the only one out there suffering because you lost somebody with Breast Cancer. Reporter you have not just done this once you have done this seven times, each year. What are the physical challenges and what advice do you have for other people to go the same. Mainly typical challenge is, number of walks do you in a period of time. Your body does in the get a chance to rest. But the community is out there to support you. If they see you are tired, down they are there to keep you going, cheer you on, and it works very well, it all works to keep you going, yes. Now what does it take away thaw hope our viewers and other people in the community, gain from this event. That there are a lot of people out there, who have to deal with Breast Cancer on a day to day basis, whether it is a looks of the family member, a looks of a good friend or they are dealing with it themselves, and that through communities like this, there is a place that they can gain from, they can gain strength from, they can gain support from and it is just a wonderful opportunity to be part offing on so special. Reporter thank you so much jim, for sharing your story with us. If you would like to get involved there will be a public cheering station for most of the day at dilworth park this afternoon and if you are not able to join, physically you can go on line atco men. Org and donate that way. Live from the Pennsylvania Convention center, im anita oh for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Cbs three, cw philly and komen philadelphia are teaming up once again in the fight against Breast Cancer, turning the city pink. Take a look, chopper three above three logan square where a cascade of pink lights lit up the sky line. That is beautiful. And, take a look at Franklin Square where the fountain is a pink the waterfall, october is national Breast Cancer Awareness Month and pink lights are a reminder to schedule a mammogram and state vigilant in the fight against Breast Cancer. Thinks the 15th year. For more information find it on our web site at cbs philly. Com. There is still much more ahead on Eyewitness News, including a philadelphia royalty, new purchase of grace kellys childhood home. Meet the urban dog who insists, she insists on walking himself, well, now of course he is an instagram star we will introduce you to him. And frost for much of the region this morning but justin is back to tell us what to expect much warmer temperatures in the the eyewitness weather of bad breath germs. This is 100 useful for a 100 fresh mouth. Just ask listerine® users. The very people we studied in the study of bold. People who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. Do a yoga handstand. And be in a magicians act. Listerine® kills 99 of bad breath germs so you can feel 100 in life. Bring out the bold™. Go to boldpercent. Com to join the bold percent for the chance to win a trip of a lifetime. Welcome back. A piece of Royal Real Estate in east calls neighborhood has finally sold after about four months on the market. As eyewitness News Reporter david spunt tells us the home was birthplace of grace kelly and buyers are none other than her royal family in monaco. I dont know why, but somehow undiscovered gem. Cristina is proud of her east falls neighborhood and says that the home next door makes things even better, it sits at corner of henry avenue and colter street and it happens to be childhood home of Hollywood Star turned princess of monaco, grace kelly. I remember when i was a little girl reading about grace kelly, i was never expecting at that point that some day i would be living next to this princess graces home. She moved next door to the famous home in 1994. Beautiful home, fantastically well built. Reporter john kelly, senior built the home in 1929, family lived here on henry avenue until early 1970s. Forty years later they are coming home. It has taken 40 years because of what cristina admits were dark times, but previous owner who passed away recently was cited for hording cats, animal control had to get involved. We didnt see the cats, didnt let any cats outside and in the summer when it was hot you could sometimes smell the stench inside, it was that bad. Reporter she said she recently has been in touch with members of the late princess family and is overjoyed that they know own the house. Last listed rise 750,000. She says that final plans for the home have have not yet been announced. Grace kelly died in a car accident in 1982, she was just 52 years old. As construction begins in the coming months cristina believes that grace kelly will watch over the project with firm approval. Im sure the original her tatter would have been just thrilled that it still is part of the family. Reporter in east falls, david spunt for cbs3 Eyewitness News. More and more homeowners are expanding their living space, adding patios, decks, and ovens and refrigerators. In this weeks angies list report jim donovan looks at one of the latest Outdoor Living trend, smart. Ginger can enjoy her outdoor space more often thanks to a new pergala. I could not love it move. It has been wonderful. It turned my home there being indoors to being outdoors. Reporter not your average pergala. New trendies smart pergala which allows you to enjoy your outdoor space. Regular pergala have been around since anxious rome but only recently did they become smart with man knew ofable, allowing control of the sunlight. You can have shade anytime of the day because it doesnt matter where sunnies, you can rotate them at 153 rotation toe create shade that maintaining, a opened roof. Reporter smart pergala just dont protect you from the sun but keep you dry too. Adjustable aluminum vatican close completely and built in sensors can do it for you when not at home. It is going all the way around, and that has taken away to a downspout which is inside one of our columns. Reporter ginger is thrilled with her new outdoor addition. I just love it. Reporter reporting for three on your side, im jim donovan. Well, there is a lot coming up on cbs this Morning Saturday, Anthony Mason inn Margaret Brennan join us live with the preview. Anthony and margaret, good morning. Good morning. Lets go out and get smart pergala. Im intrigued. Things you thought you would never hear. Coming up to days headlines plus building the information super highway, 150 years, after the first transatlantic cable. We will take you aboard a ship as a new line is sent under sea and see what it means for you. Simpsons will make tv history this weekend, ahead of the 600th we will show you how this became a cultural phenomenon. All that plus eye opener, dish, and music in the saturday session just ahead on cbs this morning, saturday. Incredible, anthony, margaret, 600 episode. I used to watch simpsons a long time ago but stopped. I know. Been a long time. It has. Cant wait to watch, thanks, guys. Justin, lets see what the weather watchers are saying. Cold stuff out there this morning, but over all the forecast looks good. Nothing but positive stuff for october, a lot of sunshine coming at us, if you like it warm wait a few more days, we will warm it up above average but chill think morning but we have a frost advisory for a lot of the suburbs and check out some of these backyard temperatures, out in central, new jersey tabernacle 34 degrees at johns house. Thirtyone in perkasie at this hour. John jenkins is below freezing. Eagleville upper 30s. Another perkasie temperature of 31 degrees at chuck presslers house. Chesterfield 36. Medford, philadelphia, john here in philadelphia, he is milder at 43. Look at that, 28 in gilbertsville at eileen murrays house. Shes scraping frost this morning. We will deal with that in some spots. So perfect ingredients to get that fall bright color starting to show up, around the delaware valley, here, cool nights and warm afternoon, that is what you want to get that fall color. Starting to see that change in chesterfield, new jersey. Wean get to philadelphia, we are seeing these changing as well. Heres another shot from yesterday, and good stuff, developing right there, probably give it the another week or two until we hit peak in philadelphia which is right on average every year. Lets take you town to the shore right now getting ready for a nice sunrise. But not up yet. It is coal. Temperatures in the 40s even along the coastline this hour but a lot of sun this afternoon. We should rebound nicely in the mid 60s, along the coast, so still got sometime before the sunrise, sunrise this morning coming in at 7 12, later and later each morning and by even of the month we will rise at 7 29 and then change clocks up but first weekend in november, so sunday november 6th, the sun will be rising at 6 36 but on the flip side, we will get that early november coming in at 5 00 oclock. Right now we are losing two and a half minutes of daylight each day as we move closer toward the winter season. Tonight will be the harvest moon or super moon appearing 7 d 30 percent brighter than average. It is making its closest path to the earth this year, 224,000 miles away. It looks bigger. Moon rise, coming in at 6 30 or so this evening. So it should look good when it is low in the horizon. High pressure over midatlantic, northeast keeping skies mainly clear so a lot of sunshine, in big storms coming at us anytime soon, great weather, head outside, get the car wash, enjoy that clean car for several days, poconos forecast, maybe checking out that fall color, we are seeing moderate change up there great day to day, sunny 60 degrees, tomorrow warmer in the mid 60s making a run at 70 on monday even up in the mountains with a chance for a shower. We will talk about that shower chance right now. High pressure, locked us in try conditions today and tomorrow but note thinks front. It approaches later on sunday bringing a few clouds but on monday the front never really clears. Sits over northern pennsylvania, maybe it brings a stray shower, in monday afternoon, very small chance for that, that front clears not strong at all, temperatures warming up behind the front for middle of next week. Today near average, mid to upper 60s. It will feel good outside. In that sunshine. Another cool night tonight, 50 around the city and some widespread 40s in the suburbs. Really not dealing with any frost but it will be milder then what we are dealing with this morning and tomorrows high in the low 70s. Even up into berks county and lehigh valley, nice finish to the weekend. Overall pattern heres cool air over us today but jet stream starting to ridge out here a push northward brings summer air from the delaware valley. The especially on monday, tuesday, wednesday, up are 70s to 80 degrees. That warmth last through end of next week. Very pleasant. Sixtyeight, sun, clear skies, 52 for city, 40s in the suburbs. The nice october weather coming at us next several days, upper 70s on monday, near 80 tuesday and wednesday, rahel, back to you. Thanks, justin. Coming right up we will be back to check with the walkers up early on the second day of the susan komen three day for fios is not cable. Were wired differently. We guarantee to make switching easier. Well show up on time. Youre right on time. As promised, to install fios and set up the wifi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. Thank you. For all their new devices. You cant break me. You want a piece of cake . Switching to fios is easier than ever. Now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Cable cant offer these speeds at this price. Only fios can. The walk raises money and awareness in the fight against Breast Cancer. Eyewitness news reports neat a oh is live, at Pennsylvania Convention center where walkers have been camping out overnight, good morning. Good morning, rahel. Tons of activity here this morning as walkers will get ready to walk, another 20 miles today and just a few you minutes. They will kick off at 7 15, one is lorraine mcgee, who are rain you were diagnosed seven years ago what has this event meant to you. It is giving meehan opportunity to give back to komen, i feel really strongly that all of the donations, and commitment that everybody has given to susan komen over the years that has been able to help me and my serve is eiffel with all of the extra, chemotherapy, radiation, that i can endure over that time. I feel like it is my responsibility to give back to help other people to day im fighting it and hopefully in the future that may be less people, as well. Reporter thank you so much for sharing your story. Again this walk will kick off at 7 15 so walkers are getting ready to walk 20 miles today and tomorrow final day walk another 20 miles and end up at the navy yard. Live from the philadelphia Convention Center anita oh for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Halloween is right around the corner and cbs3 pet project has advice about costumes that maskers your pets. Plus, black cats, and why they are this time of the year coming up tomorrow on the cbs3 pet project. Carroll erickson animal advocate with the pennsylvania spca will be here with that information and animals to adopt as always, tomorrow morning, on Eyewitness News this morning right here on cbs3 at 7 00 oclock hour. Well, he is arrived, instagram star, dog who carries his own leash. Sporty is nine yearold golden retriever on chicagos river walk. The his owner david duncan adopted the former championship show talk, sportys owner admits while the doggies technically on a leash he may not be fully obeying the talk laws. He wants to carry his own leash is okay with his owner. It would be okay with me too if my dog learn how to walk themselves. Smart talk. Probably not a bad week to get out, enjoy a nice long walk with the dog. Speaking of walking three daze going on this is perfect weather, you know, 68 for the high today, sunshine, good stuff there, light wind, no humidity out there. Little warmer tomorrow up to 73. Another great finish to the weekend with sunshine, and if you like it on the warm side wait until monday, tuesday, wednesday, upper 70s to 80 degrees. We have to deal with the humidity, enjoy those 80s, some people say too warm, too late, that is going to change, not happening much longer as we head to the heart of the fall season. Break out shade, light jacket. Living it up. Okay, justin. That is Eyewitness News for now, we may be signing off on tv but we are always on line cbs philly. Com. Cbs this Morning Saturday is next, have a great weekend. But pat toomey actually owned a bank. Most people owe the bank. And when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws. To benefit wall street and banks like his. Voting to gut Consumer Protections that crack down. On predatory lending and fraud. To take money from you and. Line the pockets of wall street millionaires like. Himself. Pat toomey out for himself, all in for wall street. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Captioning funded by cbs good morning. It is october 15th, 2016. Welcome to cbs this Morning Saturday. Donald trump hits back, as more women come forward accusing him of sexual misconduct. Plus, remnants of a typhoon slammed the west coast. Why the worst is yet to come from this powerful storm. Federal agents break up an alleged terror plot aimed at a kansas community. The government ground the samsung note 7. Details on the phones ban aboard all u. S. Flights

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