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, happy tuesday. Looking good in both directions. Looking good. Still very, very quiet. We have this sitting there with all the cars not closing slow slow downs. Its good as we push through the morning. That doesnt get moved out of our way. Right now no issues whatsoever. Northbound at creek road looking good. But, again, every camera im looking at even though were peaking in the 5 00 hour showing plenty of headlights out there letting us know its a pretty busy tuesday other busy monday. Boulevard, taillights moving in southbound direction looking good here. Make note that again theyre starting to heat up every so slightly. Still early though. No big concerns. There construction in cherry hill route 70 ooen right lane blocked until 3 p. M. And another one 42 northbound past 681 left lane blocked until 5 a. M. Some construction ill have an update coming up as we go through the morning and ill let you know when it moves out of our way. As you mentioned earlier its a big day in court for bill cosby a judge could decide whether or not to dismiss a criminal sex assault case against the immediate comedian. Justin finch joins us at the montgomery country courthouse in norristown. Former District Attorney castor could play a big role in toda todays hearing. Erika, good morning, thats exactly right. Bruce castors appearance what he says could be a huge deciding factor in the case against bill cosby. Due to International Interest in this case it has has moved to norristown courthouse and will hinge on agreement made between castor and cosby about his deposition. Today well hear whether or not that deposition will be admissible seeing as how it was critical in the montco da case against cosby. Headed to Court Bill Cosby was met by crowds and cameras in elkins Park District court. He left with charges of aggravate sad salt bail set at 1 million. After mosting 10 or 100 thousand he was released after surrendering his passport and agreeing to not contact his accuser. Its like that of a preyed tore his behavior. Several dozen women accused cosby of sexual misconduct. This local case dates to 2004 when temple staffer andrea ales cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her at a cheltenham home. Cosby maintains he and constand had consensual sex. When questioned by her lawyer he says hes given drugs to women before. He asked when t you got the quaaludes was in your mind you wanted to use them with young women had you sex w he responds yes. Many expect his defense team led by lawyer Monique Pressley will try to get the charges thrown out. We have hurdles to cross and so do they. And this morning the Montgomery County courthouse set for a big case the yellow tape and car barriers are up here. Monique pressley insisted from the beginning this case is not very founded. She said this is fulfillment of Campaign Promise by new da kevin steel to pursue this case this morning. Now, cause by was told that he cosby was told he would not have to face it deposition and the documents were sealed and its been undont and this could be critical this morning in direction and future of his case. The hearing is set to begin 9 30 this morning and cbs3 will be here. Coming up at 6 a look at this case and why the deposition and bruce castors alleged deal is so sensitive. Erika back to you. Thank you so much. The question this morning is it over in iowa or is it. Hillary Clinton Campaign is claiming victory over caucus battle with Bernie Sanders ended in virtual tie. Both say they are looking forward to continuing a Vigorous Campaign going into the kNew Hampshire campaign. I will stand up for you and fight for you and work to achieve the america i believe in. Given the enormous crisis facing our country, it is just too late for establishment politics and establishment economics. The outcome led former Maryland Governor martin omallly to end his run for the nomination. Iowa republicans handed ted cruz a win over donald trump a lead of 4 . Marco rubio came in 1 behind trump and cruz got a strong backing from republicans who want aid candidate that shared their values. To put into perspective your incredible victory you have won tonight, that is the most votes ever cast for any republican primary winner. After the vote count former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee dropped out of the race. Were going live to iowa in the next half hour for a wrapup and stay with Eyewitness News as coverage of campaign 2015 shifts from Iowa Caucuses to New Hampshire primary. When youre not by the tv you can check out our web site at cbs philly. Com. 8 weeks after deadly amtrak derailment a released documents is providing chews to what went wrong. For the first time were hearing from the trains engineer. As Eyewitness News david spun tells us they want more answer answers. This was taken on the night of the fatal crash that showed the last seconds before the derailment that injured 8 and killed 200 Brandon Bostian the previous engineer with a clear record isel telling authorities he remembers more about the night. In may he didnt remember what happened before the crash. In november interview made public monday he said i remember holding on to the controls tightly and feeling like okay, well, this is it im going over. And so i tried to brace myself. What caused bostian to lose control. According to federal documents there were no problems with signals, train or track itself his cellphone was on airplane road he was not connected to the internet and he didnt have drugs or alcohol in his system. Still he took the final curve 106 miles an hour more than twice the speed limit. A septa train on the same track was hit by some sort of projectile moments before the amtrak crash. Bostian heard about the incident and told investigators he was concerned. I have always believed, ive always thought that there was a tie between these two events. Attorneys tom kline and robert mongolusi are for the victims. His story was i have no recollection whatsoever and now it becomes i have memory of what occurred but mysteriously have a gap as well. But according to medical report bostian was noted to have retrograde an antro grade am nearbyia and it mentions him having a post traumatic headache and concussion resulting from the accident. We reached out to his attorney, robert gogin based here in philadelphia. Our calls were not returned. The next report is expected to come out in may. David spunt, cbs3. Eyewitness news. An investigation con nines a rock that hit an amtrak train in philadelphia last weekend. We first told about you this yesterday morning. An acela train on way to new york, a rock shattered a windo window. We dont know if a person threw it it was the same stretch of tracks where the amtrak train derailed last may. No 200 passengers on board that train were injured. A bizarre situation on the boulevard when a halfdressed man is struck and killed. This happened last night at harbison avenue and mayfair. The man was running in the outer lanes when he was first struck. The impact landed hypothetical in the inner lanes where he was struck a second time. Police have not released his identity. 5 10 still ahead cracking down on drunk driving. Well let you know about the push to lower the legal limit. And also, its a circus at super bowl media day. Look at this. Well show you all the excitement leading up to the big game and big question hoo , cam newton talks fashion and why he wore the pants and why a , cam newton talks fashion and why he wore the pants and why a campus meeting was cut short. And talk about love at first sight a couple gets married seconds after meeting in person for the first time. They explain their unique love story coming up. With Heart Failure, danger is always on the rise. Symptoms worsen because your heart isnt pumping well. water filling room about 50 percent of people die dog whimpering within 5 years of getting diagnosed. But theres something you can do. Talk to your doctor about Heart Failure treatment options. Because the more you know, the more likely you are. dog whimpering to keep it pumping. I do everything on the internet but, its kind of slow. My friends say i should get fios because its the fastest. I just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. Thats seriously better. husband were out of 2 i wonder what else could be better around here. husband i heard that. Switching to Better Internet is now easier than ever. Only fios has the Fastest Internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. Get 100 meg upload and download speeds, plus tv and phone for just 69. 99 a month online with no annual contract. Switch to better. Switch to fios. The super bowl is onch the countdown is on to super bowl 50. Were only five days away from the kickoff of the biggest game of the year you can watch it here on cbs 3678 the players have a day off after broncos and panthers took part in the media day spectical last night. It was an always unpredictable event. Super bowl media day has become as much a spectical for the players as reporters. Broncos qb stepped aside all questions about retiring after sundays game. I have not made my mind up and i dont see myself knowing that until after the season. For the panthers theyre quarterback cam newton attracted hoordz of media and plenty of questions. How do you train to be a great quarterback. I dont think you train to be its like training to be great in anything else put your mind to. It first off you have to enjoy doing it. Fans said about 30 to get to see the annual media frenzy. For some, its as close as theyll goat nfl players. Is it crazier than you thought would be. A little bit, yeah, honestly i got the tickets and didnt know what to expect. I am happy with what unfolded sod far. League went prime time with media day to for the First Time Ever airing live on nfl network. Players were required to be here one hour and fielding questions from Miss Universe helped pass the time. The teams get off day tuesday and then get down business of trying to win super bowl 50. In san jose, cbs3, Eyewitness News. As terry mentioned players fielded questions about football and more than that, too. Cam newton answered burning question of what was he thinking when he put on tight and bright streeped pants the other day. Did you look in the mirror before you walked out and said man ill kill them with these. Absolutely its super bowl 50 mantra of colors are black and cold. Black and cold attire hi in my car was extremely limited. When i looked at pants and said these are plaque and gold and these shoes are black and gold and tied it along with the super bowl 50 black and gold. Its like wedding colors he wanted to dress the part right . Makes sense to me, cam. Super bowl week off to a bumpy start when broncos team buses were involved in a minor crash. Another driver cut off a Police Escort escorting those buses and that led to Chain Reaction crash. Newspaper of the players were hurt and they said it kept their day interesting. A lot of people will be digging into pizza at super bowl parties on sunday. You can say pizza hut is setting Gold Standard for super bowl food. Check this out here. To celebrate the golden anniversary of the big game theyre give ago way special golden garlic knots pizza topped with 100 dollars worth of edible 24 car at gold. Only 50 of these pizzas and theyre not being covered in our area you cannot win one. Still, neat. Stay with Eyewitness News as we get you ready for super bowl sunday. Our sports director is headed to the super bowl and look for our report tomorrow. And you can only seat superbowl here on cbs3. Right now 5 17 heading outside to check in with indicate. Definitely its still february after all it will be a bit above average for course of the afternoon and that will help the snow to continue to melt in the dell dl valley. Youll see muddlees out there and feeling of a spring thaw. Dont get excited yet. I know its groundhog day and were waiting on six weeks of winter or no situation here. But we are definitely going to see temperatures get closer to reality as the week progressing and it comes courtsey of passage of a large storm. With that said lets start by taking you into center of the country where theres numerous alerts and blizzard warnings through portions of kansas, nebraska e. Iowa, minnesota, and thats from the storm system that will eventually head our way. No blizzard. No snow, period. For this storm for us. And it definitely is a large system. It comes through with a lot of moisture as well. Heres where it is now bringing in the snow and bringing in heavy rain. And that rain is what we really end up with here in the days ahead. Let me go to future weather take a quick peek at the time stamp. A few showers nudge in earlier. For the most part this is wednesday event and especially wednesday midday time frame towards evening right now is how future weather is pegging this as far as timing goes. Theres heavy rain throughout the day and as a result it could lead to flooding. There are, in fact, going to be flood watches that take effect in our area tomorrow afternoon. Basically for central sliver of our region. One thing good with every passing day after you hit the winter solstice you start to add time on to the amount of daylight you have. Tonight sun sets 5 21 and rises 7 09 were gaining about two minutes basically of daylight with every passing day. I know it doesnt feel like it quickly but it does. Heck hi to do a double take when i saw the sunrise for today. Last time i remembered checking specifically it was only coming up 7 30. Keep in mind guys with every passing day the days are getting long erin longer and its groundhogs day and the fact we have sunshine in the forecast that could mean more winter if you like to counts on groundhog for the future forecast. Regardless meisha it looks like temperatures will see a bit of roller coaster ride in the days ahead. Easy to get spring fever katie especially when experiencing 50s 60s despite the fact it will be quolder with rain. Happy tuesday. This is blue route and as you can see we have this hauling bed sitting here. As we heat up pushing into the 6 00 hour and into that 7 00 hour that can certainly cause slow downs. Basically everywhere i looked so far this morning, things are looked good. Blue route being one example and ive been looking at schuylkill where he had an accident. That was cleared andfy can pull a producer and get eraser board up here that would be great. Ben franklin bridge is looking g as a reminder i want to let you know we have false bridge closed. We talked a lot about this yesterday. Well talk again about it today. Falls bridge closed until friday, april 1 you have to use city avenue bridge or boulevard to try to maneuver around that situation. Again thats closed until friday april 1. Well deal with that for quite sometime erika back to you. Thank you. The amount of alcohol you can legally drink before getting behind the bheel may be lowered. The National Transportation board is urging states to lower their legal blood alcohol limit from. 08 to. 05. They say its a way to reduce alcoholrelated car accident. In the last 15 years one third of all highway deaths involved alcohol. Still ahead this morning adele is getting political. Now the grammy winner has a message for one of the leading president ial candidates. Also. I cant save my own son, why not save somebodys elses child. A mothers selfless act saves a young girl and she gets to hear her sons heartbeat again. The emotional meeting. Coming up next. I am a lot of things. I am his guardian. I am his voice. So i asked about adding oncedaily namenda xr to his Current Treatment for moderate to severe alzheimers. It works differently. When added to another alzheimers treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. And may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. Vo namenda xr doesnt change how the disease progresses. It shouldnt be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or whos had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. Before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have, or ever had, a seizure disorder, difficulty passing urine, liver, kidney or bladder problems, and about medications theyre taking. Certain medications, changes in diet, or medical conditions may affect the amount of namenda xr in the body and may increase side effects. The most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, and dizziness. All my life, hes protected me. Now i am giving back. Ask their doctor about oncedaily namenda xr and learn about a free trial offer at namendaxr. Com. Now amazing story this morning of organ donor a little girl and the connection between them. And cbs correspondent don champion says a woman as able to hear her sons heartbeat for the first time in three years. The tears flowed instantly between Heather Clark and Easter Gonzalez through their two children the mothers know too well the tragedy of loss and beauty of a second chance. Thank you. Their story started in 2013 when heathers 7monthold son lucas died suddenly. So outgoing he was a little ham. In her moment of grief heather made the decision to donate lucass organs she friends what she thought. There is another family feel what im feeling and i have the chance to make them not go through what im good to go through. In arizona its exactly what Easter Gonzalez was going through at the time. Her 18monthold daughter jordan was fighting for her life because of congenital heart defect after surgeries and seizures she need aid new heart to survive and thats exactly what she got. Lucass heart was a match. But because the donation was made anonymously the families had not met. Until this past friday. Kiss on the cheek, here, please. The moms found each other online and their bond was instant and then came a gift. Have this for you. Thank you. A teddy bear. Thats my heartbeat. That played the beat of lucass donated heart and heather got listen for herself. She would be so selfless to be able to think of another family while shes going through her grief. A family brought together by tragedy. Its so strong. But now bound by triumph. Don champion. Cbs3 Eyewitness News. Awe you can feel the mothers first grief but then their happiness and how theyll be united now forever because of that. And a brave decision when going through that personal tragedy 7monthold baby to make that decision to save another life. I have a hard time believing in coincidence. I feel like everything happens for a reason. Beautiful story. Yeah. Its 5 27 and coming up in the next half hour of Eyewitness News a scam alert for you a grocery chain warping for shoppers also. A republican upset in iowa and the democratic race is a draw. Im marley in des moines with the caucus results coming up. And it may be a dry day today but things are going to be changing in the long term as we track a large storm system headed this way. Well have all t theres the endless runny noses. The sneezes that just wont quit and of course, the biting cold of snow day play. Thats why puffs is soft. Puffs plus lotion tissues. Are gentle on skin. They help soothe irritation by locking in moisture better. So you can get out and enjoy winter a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. For softness that fits anywhere, try puffs softpack. Second chance. Thank you. Their story started in 2013 when heathers 7monthold son lucas died suddenly. So outgoing he was a little ham. In her moment of grief heather made the decision to donate lucass organs she friends what she thought. There is another family feel what im feeling and i have the chance to make them not go through what im good to go through. In arizona its exactly what Easter Gonzalez was going through at the time. Her 18monthold daughter jordan was fighting for her life because of congenital heart defect after surgeries and seizures she need aid new heart to survive and thats exactly what she got. Lucass heart was a match. S but because the donation was made anonymously the families had not met. Until this past friday. Kiss on the cheek, here, please. The moms found each other online and their bond was instant and then came a gift. Have this for you. Thank you. A teddy bear. Thats my heartbeat. That played the beat of lucass donated heart and heather got listen for herself. She would be so selfless to be able to think of another family while shes going through her grief. A family brought together by tragedy. Its so strong. But now bound by triumph. Don champion. C

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