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Deans list every semester. To make matters worse halls father said she was set to graduate later this week before she was hit. Now he fears that will not happen. Police have recovered the striking vehicle in the serious hit and run captured in surveillance pictures. Police tell us that the will silver mitsubishi galante is at inbound and investigators are looking for a person of interest. They say no suspects are in custody yet. Accident happened around 7 00 wednesday evening as hall was crossing diamond street in north park avenue. Witnesses reported that there were three young men in the car at the time and that one in the back seat toll the driver to leave the scene take a listen. The vehicle initially stopped next to the female and last seen making a right and going north on because street. Reporter now hall, seen here in her lacrosse bio picture was taken to Temple University hospital in very Critical Condition with serious head and leg injuries, at this point it is unknown if she will survive those injuries. Just speaking with her father she is in very bad shape. Of course he wants those people responsible caught, anyone with any information is asked to call police. Police saying they have striking vehicle looking for a person of interest but no suspects in custody yet. We will stay on top of it. We are reporting live outside Temple University hospital jan carabao for cbs3 eyewitness news. Cause of the deadly motorcycle crash is under investigation in philadelphia. Chopper three over the scene of roosevelt boulevard and adams avenue. Police say the motorcyclist lost control and slam in the car. What caused the motor psyched toll lose control is still being looked into. We will check with katie. I loved yesterday. Hoping for more today. What do you think. We are looking at an okay day. It is not as picture perfect as yesterday was but we are looking at seasonal conditions in terms of temperature starting off with more sun then anything but this is a little bit of the transition day for us and we can see cloud cover starting to work it way in across the southwestern corner of your screen lower left in other word and as we zoom out just one time and moisture already rolling into western pennsylvania. A sign of things to come. We are more than anything going to see a couple showers out of the storm system off to the southwest because we will get bypassed by this storm but there are indirect impacts that come witt. What you will notice here is win direction we are starting to see it turn more out of the northeast in some spots already. Fifty in ac. We are at 52 at the airport. It is cooler by comparison as is typical in the mountains right now. The as the day goes on yes we will see sunshine for majority of the day. There will be a shower here and there especially later in the day and night but not a wash out by any means. You can get out without the umbrella despite the fact that there is a Storm Brewing nearby and tomorrow does turn dreary. We will talk about that coming up justin. On this day in 1947, 3. 29 inches of rain in one day. We are not dealing with that. Just a couple showers possibly over next couple days but on the road we are looking dry. Just some cloud. T expressway, Construction Zone still taking out two left lanes. You will have to go slow around that zone. You can see that from the schuylkill to broad street. This is supposed to wrap up at 5 00 but after 5 00 it is still going. Same deal as yesterday. Ninetyfive at cottman both directions north and southbound good speeds right now at the speed limit and there is a building fire in north could have convenient trend route 724 new schuylkill road, closed at franklin road. Alternate old schuylkill red to get around that fire. Down wires closing down allentown roam between blim road mill hill alternate there. Blue route 55 miles an hour. Ninetyfive into new jersey, turnpike to 95, in problems. That is a look at your ride. Ukee, back over to you. Public protests over situation in baltimore now spreads across the the country this was the scene in new york city. Today, protesters will gather in center city to take a stand against police brutality. Eyewitness News Reporter just continue finch joins us at city had hall with more justin. Reporter good morning. About a thousand people are expect this afternoon at city hall at 4 30, they say they will be standing with baltimore going as far as to say philly is baltimore in many ways. They are protesting the death of freddie fray in Baltimore Police custody earlier this month. Lets take you now video of the scene in baltimore. We have seen it erupt since monday. We have seen protests there turn to looting and fires set to businesses. Curfew has been called there. Residents are heed ago this curfew we are told. The nard guard is on the ground there as well. We saw rallies erupt ago cross the country from new york to seattle, houston denver as well as ferguson. The these crowds are demanding to know what happened to gray after his april 12th arrest an arrest in which gray suffered a spine injury. Now some accuse police of that but new report says gray may have injured himself in the police van april 12th. That is coming from the prisoner who says he was in the van with gray on that day but he did die of his injuries about a week after his arrest and those angry protest began in baltimore after grays funeral on that monday. Back outside live, this rally is being organized by Philadelphia Coalition for racial and legal justice. It will happen at 4 30 here at city hall. Report on grays death is due out on friday but results will not be made public. We are live, justin finch for cbs3 eyewitness news. Developing right now in nepal, rescuers pull a teenage boy alive from the ruble, five days after the saturdays massive earthquake. The death toll has now topped more than 5500 people but frustration is growing. Some badly damage village is still need humanitarian aid. More than 11,000 people were injured in saturdays magnitude 7. 8 quake centered outside capitol of katmandu. Today is the the day eagles fans have been thinking about for months. It is draft day. Right now bird are holding on to the 20th pick but a lot could change between now and then. Most people expect tampa bay to pick former Florida State quarterback jameis wins exton with the first overall pick despite his off the field problems. After that is when it will get really interesting. Will chip kelly try to wheel and deal to move up so he can pick Heisman Trophy winning quarterback Marcus Mariota out of of oregon who played for chip. That is what people want to happen. Chip has said he will not mortgage the future to pick one player. We will wait and see what happens when the draft starts at 8 00 oclock. If they stay at 20, it will be a long night before eagles make their pick so we will wait ande what happens. What do you think the odd of trying to get mariota. I would love to be the fly on the wall of the war room to go down but i dont think he should give up half the team and draft picks to get this one guy. The probability is not likely but anything can happen with this guy as we have seen since he has been in town. The picks he has made so far. He had has a lot of talent. Would i like to see what a healthy sam bradford can do if he stays in an eagles uniform. Is he packaged in some other deal, we dont know. We will find out tomorrow. Someone will mess it up for everybody. It will be fun tonight. All right. Let us know, should eagles draft mariota or try to get mar yet, let us know using hash tag cbs3 and we will have your comments later this morning. Right now 5 08. Local landmark is about to get a big make over. We will see those plans first. It was a trip of the lifetime for a local family but it ignited a controversy in their childrens school. War of word over Family Vacation that is going viral. You have to check this out a gas pump goes up in flames, why police say that woman set the fire on purpose. Look at how quickly it spread. We will not see a repeat of yesterdays perfect weather but katie is tracking changes in the forecast. We will do traffic and weather together on the threes when we come right then he gets a scolding for taking his children out of classes. Nicole brewer joins us now with the fathers response which has went viral. Reporter yes, thousands of people talking about this. When Michael Rossi made that decision to take his kid out of rydel elementary school, to see the Boston Marathon he never imagined the social media fire storm to follow but after the School District called the three missed days unexcused absences and threatened to refer to a truancy officer should it happen again the 47 yearold abington township father pend a response of his own. In it he challenge the policy and insisted that his kid learn from their five days in boston then they do all year in school. He reiterated his point on wbz radio 1030 yesterday. We went to boston. They had a once in a lifetime experience. Something they could not learn in the classrooms. They learned about determination, commitment, we talk about the bombing victims, how city came together, how the the the marathon continue, how the american spirit was shown here. Reporter after being shared more than 20,000 times the district responded to the letters saying it is up to than avoid family to deciding whether particular trip is worth taking their children out of school. When that happens it is the School Districts obligation to let the parents know what the law and the policies are. Now rossi met with the principal, who he says, beared the brunt of all this. He says it is a shame people cannot have a debate and disagree without it getting nasty which often times the does on social media lots of people understand where the School District is coming from standing behind their policy. But you can see the familys side too. They did get together. Reporter they did discuss things. Once in a lifetime trip and opportunity, you can see both side i guess thank you. 5 13. We will can see traffic and weather together. We cant beat yesterday. Tough to beat it, absolutely. How about a repeat, what cow think. Sound like a plan. Yeah. Now today isnt the repeat. We have to wait a few days for that. Today is not terrible. We will go outside first and foremost and show you storm scan three which is still essentially empty here but obvious signs of life showed up here on the radar in the form of wet weather and just rain out there across western pennsylvania. That is one piece of a larger puzzle. There is two pieces of energy coming together here and they are easier to make outlooking at east coast wider zoom here on storm scan. Heres one piece over North Carolina bringing in some showers, second piece these two come together across basically the central appalachians and that is where it will be tracking. So well sentencely, get bypassed, by this storm. But the impact we do see are more indirect and we will get something out of it. I do think we are close enough to see a shower out there but some of you will in the see within drop of rain. You dont need an umbrella even tomorrow it looks like it will stay off to the south with the counterclockwise flow we will even up with northeast component with the wind and that means at best we will get in the lower 60s but we should just get there. Cooler than average to say the least. With the clouds, northeast breeze it feels chillier. We will look to saturday talk about a quick turn around high presre regains control we should get up in the 60s back to what we saw yesterday, on sunday, and it does appear that it will get warmer into early next week. For now a stray shower. But you dont need an umbrella if you are not craze bye carting one along. Late are tonight we will drop down to 48 with the northeast wind flow taking grip and tomorrow is a cooler day. But we are still talking 61 degrees. It is not horrible. We will get in the weekend with temperatures rebounding nicely, by monday and tuesday though umhmm, lower 80s, two days straight, there should be a nice surge on the thermometer those last couple of days. Wow. Just perfect. Yes good everyone got outside. So many people out and about, how could you not. So nice good tall glass of lemonade. We know you went golfing. I had lemonade on the course. He left here early. Why going to put on. No, we got you. We are seeing traffic nice and quiet. We are dealing with some closures and some fires across the region. Ben franklin bridge looking good in and out bound at the city. Good news with the quiet weather, weather wont be expecting travel this morning. Included will start to thicken up. Construction still going on this morning vine street expressway eastbound, two left lanes block right lane gets by very slowly this was supposed to wrap up at 5 00. Looks like they are extending it once again. That is two days in a row. Up in mayfair accident at frankford avenue at robbins street. Alternate charles street to get around that accident scene. Heres fire number one north philadelphia germantown avenue near pike street. It is a house fire that is under control but avoid this area if you can. Alternate broad street. Another fire in North Coventry route 724 is closed at new schuylkill road in franklin avenue. East norriton possible water main break at Colonial Drive at dekalb pike. Just keep that in mind. That is your morning. New back to you. Justin, thank you. Now a terrifying scene at this gas station in israel. Watch right there the disturbing video a woman intentionally ignites a fire as a man pumps his gas. Police say it is because the man refused to give her a cigarette. Offices rested that with man and despite how quickly that fire spread in one was hurt but incredible all over a cigarette. A amazing is right. Scare for bill clinton we will let you know why the former president had to make an unexpect stop in africa. Menu make over at mcdonalds why the fast food chain is removing half dozen sandwiches from the menu, details are coming up. Theres over two hundred thousand students in philadelphia. Jim kenney and Tony Williams are fighting over Public Schools versus charters. I think theyre both wrong. Its making sure they all get a good education. Teachers should have their contracts respected. They also should be held accountable. And its wrong philadelphia gets less School Funding than other parts of pennsylvania. Ill work with harrisburg to change that. But if they refuse ill take them to federal court. As mayor ill do whats right for them. A philadelphia monsignor quick of child endangerment find out if he has to go back behind bars. A bail hearing is set for monsignor william lynn. Earlier this week path Supreme Court reinstated his conviction over boost committed by priests years earlier. Defense attorneys say lynn was not responsible for childs welfare under state law at the time. Senator Bernie Sanders takes off his president ial campaign. Vermont independent confirms to the Associated Press he will challenge Hillary Clinton for democratic president ial nomination. Sanders considers himself a democratic socialist and believes his message can resonate across the country and trans send party lines. We will get our first look at final plans to remodel love park. The park and Recreation Department will unveil final design for 15 milliondollar renovation of the Philadelphia Land mark. Project is not expected to begin until next spring and tonights meeting starts at 6 00 at Central Library on vine street. They talk about putting restaurants in there. Plans are amazing they look great. Still ahead, three on your side with a major recall on cars and auto makers second big recall just this week. What were they thinking is what people are asking after budd light brews up a big controversy. Umhmm. Now beer maker offers an explanation, we will have that on the other side, we will be right back. 5 23. Lets get traffic and weather to go. How is it today. Not bad, we are tracking a storm system to the south and west and still coming together but pieces of the puzzle are coming together as we speak and that will bring in more cloud as the the day comes n likely scattered shower or two. But once we start off in the live Neighborhood Network a southern most beach towns here is rehoboth, and at the moment it is still dry. All is looking good. We will jump back to storm scan three where we are tracking a couple piece toes one larger puzzle from the midwest a piece oven jay cross North Carolina wet weather as well and as they come together we will have a storm developing and that will usher in a few more cloud with time. But i do think overall a decent day youve got some sunshine, we have a few cloud by comparison to what we saw yesterday, it will be more cloudier and a scattered shower. Do you need an umb no, you can getaway without it. Even tomorrow which is our most cool and most dreary day of the forecast. Would i expect that american anything we will talk a shower here and there at best. It really looks like this storm will bypass us essentially off to the south which is good news, it could be worse justin. Im with you. Looking at that guidance crazy how the storm goes right around us. If you dont like rain youll like this forecast for next few days. Traffic again Construction Zones to deal with on the vine street expressway eastbound again, looking at 76 to broad street. Still going on. This is supposed to wrap up at 5 00 but yesterday went to 5 30. That could be same deal today. Two left lanes block. Right lane gets by but very slowly. Then it opens up and then smooth sailing to 95. We have an accident at mayfair frankford at robbins street. Lanes are block. Alternate hawthorn and or charles street. We have a fire near pike street house fire that is under control. Try to avoid that area if you can. Another fire in North Coventry route 724 closed at franklin avenue. Alternate old schuylkill road. East norriton possible water main break with water bubbling on the road at Colonial Drive at dekalb pike. We have to monitor that situation. Down wires in quake even town closing down allentown road expect to be closed until 7 00. That is a look at your ride. Well, it is nfh draft day and all eyes are on marcus mar yet, chip kellys old quarterback from oregon. Bird pick 20th and mariota is expect to go in the top few picks. Voice of the Eagles Merrill Reese says there are a lot of teams ahead of the the bird in that picking order. If the eagles didnt have that much to hopscotch it is a different story but they are not the only teams that wants Marcus Mariota. There are probably six or seven who would love to get into that number two spot occupied by tennessee. That is not to say tennessee isnt the team that wants him. Very interesting evening. Phillies play cardinals in st. Louis. Game time 1 45 at bush stadium. Last night things were tied in the fourth after howard does what he he does begins his hometown team, that is howards 20th career home run against the cardinals. But card get to aaron harang in the fourth. St. Louis scored four times. They beat phillies, final score was fivetwo. History made in baltimore when orioles and white socks played in the empty stadium. Baseball made the move over safety concerns after the the riots in baltimore. Some fans peaked into see the game anyway and when they looked at the scoreboard in the end, orioles won the game, the final score was eighttwo. Must have been bizarre for those players. Yes. Coming up next on eyewitness news, we are following breaking developments in the hit and run crash jan. Reporter erika a Temple University star student athlete is critically injured in the hit and run in north philadelphia im jan carabao live outside Temple University hospital. How shes doing this morning and an update for the search of the driver. Also justin and katie return with traffic and weather together on the threes. We are back in two minutes your buddy ron once said he could install your ceiling fan. He couldnt. And that one time ron said another chili dog was a good idea. Yeah, it wasnt. So when ron said youd never afford a john deere tractor, you knew better. Now ron does too. Introducing the e series. Legendary john deere quality. Unexpected low price. He e series tractors during a drive green event at your john deere dealer. We are following breaking News Philadelphia Police recover the car involve in the hit and run that injured a Temple University student we are learning more about the student athlete set to graduate this week. Now instead shes at Temple University hospital fighting for her life. Now jan carabao spoke with the victims family, jan. Reporter ukee and erika, good morning. I expect to this young womans father just a short time ago and too shaken up to go on camera with us but he has been by his daughters bed site all night long, overnight ape says shes still in very bad condition and bad shape and hes hoping anyone with any information will come forward so police can track down the people responsible. This is rachel hall, a 22year old criminal justice student in Temple University. Her father tells me she was riding her bike from dinner to study for finals when she was hit. Shes goalie for Temple Lacrosse Team a bright student athlete here. Shes been named to the deans list every in semester to make matters worse halls father

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