Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 430 20161230

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today than yesterday? >> no doubt about it, roads are clear this morning, your said it, it will be chilly, so i wore my sweater. >> jim tells me i look like a professor. >> going to teach history class. >> so your homework is dubai 7:00. >> i love that. but you look so warm and cozy. >> i am, i'm very warm. sweating in here. >> well, you know, it is very chilly out there, certainly today. we had cold front yesterday, living up to its name. and the snow showers you're foon rag courtesy of the lake enhancement that you tends to see when you get the northwest winds flow. we'll get to that in a second. let's see how we did. look at that, pat. 5 inches fell in tonyhanna. who want to go skiing? nice fresh powder that way, allentown, an inch, gilbertsville, .3 of an inch. northern half of the region issue when it came to the snow yesterday. as we showed awe moment ago, same view on storm scan, snowflakes and snow squawls that are beginning to pick up, so travels take you up to the poconos, seeing them already. if you do find yourself caught in a snow squawl today, it will be pretty scat nerd nature. but as these things tends to be, could cause a little bit of poor visibility. not talking about this the widespread concern, but again, if you see a snow squawl, rolling through, traveling through it, it could trip you up visibility wise. keep that in mind. thirty-five the current temperature at the airport, into the 30's pretty much everywhere else say for mount pocono little colder. but, when you factor in the winds, you are going to have to, you know, basically account for extra five to 10 degrees that get shaved off the daytime miles. technically expect to go hit the 40's here today, pat, but it doesn't necessarily feel like that through the better part of the day. >> did feel chill when i got out of the car this morning, but i think we can deal with 47 degrees. i haven't dropped any meishaism, so happy fryiyay everyone, got it in in the nick of time. the vine, open already. usually not until 5:00 a.m., but wide open, nobody on there this morning. also, columbus boulevard, again, this is like eight, nine days now, penndot says they're going to be out there today. and they're going to work on it, two right lanes, continue to be block, people just getting by on the left lane. so it has caused slow downs this week. so, fingers crossed, penndot get out there. also the ben, beautiful site as you head from camden into philadelphia, or the opposite. but no delays here. there are some delays because of construction, 295 northbound, the ramp to route 44, that slows until 5:00 a.m. also, construction all the way down at the shore, route nine is closed at tilt on road because of construction, you can jump on the garden state parkway to get around this until 6:00 a.m. one more bala cynwyd, city avenue between lancaster and 54th, right lane block, that starts at 9:00 a.m. jim, jan, over to you. >> thanks so much, pat. funeral services will be held to the for beloved grandmother who was gunned down inside her south philadelphia grocery store. >> police have a suspect in custody for her murder. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do is live outside police headquarters this morning, for more on the suspect who investigators call career criminal. good morning, trang. >> reporter: well, good morning, jan, jim, yes, 31 year old maurice green already 15 prior charges to his name. he now adds murder to that list. investigators started to case surveillance video and tips from the public. those things quickly led them to green. all happening just before buck's family prepares to bury her later today. but dozens of mourners gathered outside the funeral home to pay respects for marie buck at her viewing last night. now this was on the same day police announce arrested in the 81 year old shop owner's murder inside her grocery store christmas eve. officer arrested 31 year old maurice green in overbrook. police say buck's grandson believed to have stole answer necklace from green word thousands of dollars and they believe buck's grandson was the initial target. >> the grandson was actually supposed to be working that morning, so we think he went there with the intention every killing the grandson. he opened the door. he saw the grandmother. at that point he made the choice that he was going to kill the grandmother. >> a second viewing for marie buck scheduled for later this morning, from 9:30 to 10:30 at baldy funeral home, funeral mass will follow at 11:00 in south philadelphia. but for now, live from police headquarters, i'm trang do, cbs-3, "eyewitness news", jim, jan, back to you. >> very sad story, specially around the holidays, thank you, trang. >> south jersey grandmother and her great granddaughter are still recovering this morning after being stranded in virginia for days. seventy-one year old barbara briley and five year old la miri briley left mays landing christmas eve headed to visit family in north carolina and never arrived. they were found wednesday in a heavily wooded area of continue witty county virginia. the man who found them in the woods spoke out but didn't want to be identified. >> the great grandmother was obviously in trouble of some sort. she was moving, moving her hands, but she wasn't speaking. >> when they got lost, and ended up in virginia, the cause of that still remains a mystery. family members have said briley was a former driver for new jersey transit and had made the trip from new jersey several times. well, in other news this morning, the obama administration has slapped russia with sanctions for launching cyber attacks to interfere with the us presidential election. cbs news correspondent x-rays boss well reports, refresh is vowing to hit back. >> president obama has ordered 35 russian officials out of the united states within 72 hours. in retaliation from meddling in the presidential election. >> they'll have no protections here, have no diplomatic immunity here. >> us intelligence accuses russia of launching cyber attacks to harm hillary clinton's campaign, and thereby, help elect donald trump. the officials were assigned to the russia embassy in the dc and the consolate in san francisco. us is also shuttering compound in new york and nun maryland. white house says there are additional sanctions that will not be announced because they are highly classified. >> russian president vladmeere putin vowed russia will retaliate. >> russia will probably find some cause, decide to send some of our folks home as well. >> president-elect trump repeated his call for the count troy move on, but added ill meet with leaders of the intelligence community next week in order to be updated on the fact of this situation. republican senators, lindsey graham, and john mccain, promise to push for tougher sanctions in congress. >> there is no doubt that they did attempt to hack into our system and i think when donald trump sees that, he will take appropriate action. >> us officials say they've no reason to believe the russian cyber attack will stop. craig boswell, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> the russian embassy and the united kingdom shared it outrage on tweeter. saying "cold war" dejavu, as everybody, including the us people will be glad to see the last of this happen less administration, that tweet included photo after duck with the words lame across it. in other world news, russia and turkey have declared a cease-fire in syria. russia currently backs the syrian government while turkey supports the rebels. the cease-fire could be a breakthrough in the six years of fighting in syria. the conflict has left more than a quarter million people dead and has triggered a refugee crisis across europe if it holds, peace talks will take place next month in cabbing sick stand. >> secure tim for new years, celebrations will be extra tight this year. sixty-five sanitation trucks filled with sand will surround times square to stop vehicles from driving into the crowd. one hundred patrol cars will also act as blocker vehicles. police say they want to prevent truck attacks, like those in berlin and nice. nearly 2 million people are expected to fill times square on new years eve. >> once new years ball drops, philadelphia will have tighter rules for selling tobacco. new provisions starting january 1st will include tobacco-free school zones for new retailers. also, anyone who is caught selling tobacco to minors three times within two years will be suspended from selling tobacco products for a year. the city health commissioner says these stronger measures aim to keep cigarettes away from children. >> most people who start smoking start smoke whg they're children. so it is particularly important for us to protect children from this kind of marketing. if children go into scores every day to buy a pack of gum, or carton of milk, and they're seeing cigarettes, advertising cigarettes, more likely to pick up smoke whg they have an opportunity to buy those cigarettes. this is about protecting children from that marketing in the tobacco industry. >> now, density cap on the number of tobacco retailers per neighborhood will also go into effect, that's on february 15th of 2017. researchers monitoring a volcano, see more than they expect. >> yes, we will show you the rare images they caught on camera. also ahead: new years is -- tomorrow is new years eve, but already raining confetti in the big apple and we'll tell you why. >> this is no ordinary snow plow. why this machine is being used to clear snow in the midwest when we come >> two forces of nature captured on camera. researchers, in costa rica, large meteor overnight. they estimate the meteor about 3 miles from the grounds, and it was quite a surprise. >> fast moving storm ripped through part of northeast georgia, leaving behind a path of damage. the rain and wind packed storm split earned trees, knocking down power lines, damaging homes, started around the atlanta area wheres several trees blocked a number every roads there. resident north of the city suffered most of the damage. no one was injured in the storm. >> meanwhile, a major winter storm continues to pummel the northeast. the powerful storm began bringing heavy snow yesterday to up-state new york, and new england. so far, seven states are seeing up to half a foot or more of snow made even worse by strong wind creating snow drifts. >> winter weather in idaho has official breaking out the big guns, moscow, idaho, bringing out snow plow that they called the bermanator. it is used after other snows go through. the paddle wheel is more efficient way to remove heavy snow. well, snow caused traffic jam, still wednesday night, interstate 80 in the poconos. and one family used the time to build a snowman. the family from north dakota figured just put on gloves and hats and fun, also let fido get some exercise while they were at it. there may even be little more snow today in in northeastern pennsylvania. >> time now 4:43. >> katie here with another check on the weather, katie, i worked in up-state new york. those snow banks got so high along the bang there, it was hard to make turns, so the berminator, good thing. >> classic lake effect snow belt, when you get that machine in action, and it is in effect right now, in fact, and you can actually see the storm system, guys, just talked about this, still impacting maine, now moving into atlantic canada. there is your storm circulation, cold front that passed through here is actually well out to sea at this point. but with that return flow, you get west to northwest winds flow. that helps to kick in the lake effect snow. and we are finding some instances of this already, through portions of central and western pennsylvania, not it mention ohio, and michigan. but, this is just classic set up for us to see some snow squawls, or left over flurries, because we are seeing this kick in, as it is, we are actually going to see little bit of that survive and roll our way, enough of persistent winds flow. if you see a snow call out there i wouldn't be shocked. if you finds yourself traveling in one, slow down, that can obviously really reduce your visibility if you are stuck in one. we are not expecting any kind of widespread coverage on the radar, certainly, not any additional accumulation out of it. that wintery atmosphere gets added to the mix after a cold front like this happens. but as the day progresses, worse of the winds is eventually going to taper off. high pressure will regain control. another front will cross through new years weekends, but at this point, it looks somewhat lack luck he is with moisture content here. we're ringing in the new year, into sunday morning, perhaps spotty stray of sprinkle or showers. i think we get our fireworks displays without any hits. you won't have to plan around. that will then we clear things out into the first day of the new year. meanwhile for now, snow shower in the mix, but scattered in nature, windy, cold, guys, really the bigger story, just going to crack 40 degrees, at best. and then rebounds takes place. take a look at that, pat, by tuesday, flirting with 60 degrees. sixty again. >> that's crazy. should not be at this time of year, but i guess it happens. >> good morning, hope you're doing well. at quarter to 5:00 doing well on the vine street expressway, clear between vine and the schuylkill. normally closed at this time because of construction, they've opened it up early. so if you are jumping out on the roadways, taking the vine you can get on there right now. also the boulevard at the schuylkill expressway, no delays at this early hour of the morning. and the same holds true for 42 in new jersey, if your headed toward 295, no delays here either. so things to tell but in the future cents we head toward news years eve, for septa, regional rails special late night service. they'll have that on new years eve. check septa.ornament same holds true for the city buses and trolleys, on modified schedule for new years day, patco, special schedule friday, monday, friday overnight on saturday, river line as well, going to change up their service. we have construction, 295, the northbound ramp to route 44 closed until 5:00 a.m. so it will slow you down about the next 15 minute or so. jim, jan, over to you. >> thanks, pat. up next we go to wall street for live look at preview of the last trading day of 2016. >> and hold the pastrami, last day for this new york city institution. but jim, don't worry, we can tell you where you can get carnegie deli famous sandwiches near here. >> okay. if you're headed out the door stay with katie's forecast on "kyw news radio 1060". plus, collegeville teen wait to go see if an app he helped create will win him a big award. pediatric oncologist will ride in a float in the rose parade next week. a look at what you can do with the kids this new years weekends. check in two, three, four times a day on "kyw news radio" 1060 on your a.m. dial. this story just breaks jim's heart. after nearly 08 years in business, the famed carnegie kelsey closing it doors today. the eatery famous for its 20-dollar pastrami sandwich, closes at midnight. other cash did i restaurant across the country including one in bethlehem will remain open. >> thank goodness. >> the deli has been featured in film like danny roseanne law and order. bringing back a lot of memories. >> lock if he size that far sandwich. i mean, i used to work near there, those sandwiches, hey, they were -- if twitter was around back then, people would be taking pictures every day over there. time now had ooh. time for check on business news. >> money watch's jill wagner joins us live this morning, from the new york stock exchange. good morning, jill, so, what are investors expecting for this last trading day of the year? >> reporter: so, it will probably be another pretty light day in trading. us mark vets come along this year. right now they are trading at near record high levels. and there is a lot of optimism in the weeks every donald trump winning the white house. far cry from january 2016, it was one of the worse starts ever for the markets, if you remember. investors were very concerned about the chinese economy. so definately different mood here on wall street. >> i don't think we'll hit the 20,000 today. that would be a long shot. >> i don't think so. >> too far? >> too light after trading day, but not that far off. maybe the first week of january. >> we'll see. jim, we understand japan is taking measures to make sure its workers don't work so hard next year. what's that all about? >> reporter: okay, so the country is launching a premium friday campaign, asking that companies let workers finish early on the last friday of every month. this is an effort to cut back excessive hours in japan. also, encourage workers to go out and spend money. >> i like that. >> start that campaign today, like after the morning show, you know, like at 7:05? >> thanks, jill, we'll check back with you. >> i'm on board, i'm on board. >> national movement will be starting shortly. we'll check in with you in the next hour. >> well you thought the manaquine hal ankle fad was over, now the challenge has been taken to zero gravity. >> well the six-member crew aboard the international space station froze for the camera yesterday as crew members floats completely still. if he petition 50 is on six month mission, studying the genetic properties of space grown plants. >> i like that one. >> i don't know. ya, i don't know how they did, that because they're always flowing and bee bopping around. >> all tethered in some way. pretty cool. >> wow. >> impressive. >> coming up after the break, another check on weather and traffic. >> plus, we'll show you more new years preps in the big apple. we will be right that sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. >> welcome back everyone, expect to go see overall just chilly, windy day. but you see waist going on over my shoulder here? we actually had the possibility for little bit of snow. now i don't want you to worry about accumulation, rather, this is lake effect picking up, and as a result, a couple of flurries or straight up snow shower or squawl is possible here today, which could lead to some poor visibility, not everyone sees it, but if you fine yourself traveling in, that i want you to slow down, other issue, again, not terribly widespread. but because we've got temperatures near below freezing, any standing water from yesterday could leave behind some slick spot out there on the roads, on the sidewalks, on the train platforms, so be cautious out there. if it looks wet, i guarantee if you has frozen over at least for now, but eventually pat we rebound to what's still pretty chilly 40 degrees at best. >> driving in this morning, not too bad, though, but yes, if you see any of those spot, please slow down. no slow spots right here on the ben franklin bridge. looking great as you head from camden into philadelphia. no delays this morning. no delays on 95 at girard avenue. but, as the morning progresses, and the rush hour picks up, you know that the traffic will pick up here. mass transit, something to look forward to this weekend. regional rails, special late night service on new years eve. go to, these city buses and trolleys will be modified on new years day, the subways will have extra service on new years eve, same old super patco, new jersey river line and dart, check those schedules before you head out on new years eve, jim. >> thank you, pat. when planning the biggest new years eve party on the planet, do you have test the confetti. >> wean yesterday's rain the confetti floated during yesterday's rehearsal in mid town mat hand and. they're good to go, new york will drop 3,000-pound every confetti expected to ring in 2017 in times square. >> well, all week we've been recapping some of the big moments of 2016. >> and this morning, we're looking back at some of the hy lit from the world of hollywood. the top stories in entertainment. >> also coming up. free money, you may be entitled to some and not even know it. how you find out if there is a class action cash ready for to you claim. we're back at the top of the hour. (saying good-bye, community pace its final respect toss marie buck, 81 year old grocery store owner shot to death on christmas eve. the memorial taking place later today. >> tougher on tobacco, three big changes going into effect in 2017 that will affect how cigarettes and tobacco products are sold in philadelphia. >> securing the square, how the new york police department is work to go keep 2 million spectators safe tomorrow night. and the two other big cities taking precautions for new years eve. >> tgif, good mornings i'm jim donovan. >> i'm jan carabeo, katie and keeping an eye on wetter. >> yes, looks so far so good, although we have a lot it tell but with new years eve, and all of the regional rails, and septa and all of that, just a bunch of changes. >> at least now nor things are looking better in the traffic department. certainly when it comes to the weather, don't have the active storm scan like we saw yesterday. but there are these aftermath issues that came along with the passage of the cold front. in short, your a going to have lake effect snow? here. not talking about accumulation, but storm scan, you can see some of the snow squawls and flurries, rolling their way as far east as the alleghenies, central pa. but we should see some of that survive as it rolls toward us. not terribly widespread issue, something that some you may see specially if you get caught in snow squawl. that will can reduce your visibility. >> snowflakes begin to fly, visibility gets reduced go with your gut, slow it down out there, right? meanwhile the other issues affecting temperatures below freezing in a hands full every

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