Dont. It is fridge they had morning. Absolutely, only gets colder from here. The weekends will end up being worse when it comes to the chill, at least for now, you still have to bundle up. I actually broke out my own earmuffs for the first time so far this winter, yes, theyre pink in honor of Valentine Day, ya. Lets start things off, quick peak at storm scan, at the moment, actually pretty quiet. We did have yesterday those flurries, those snow showers, snow call hill us. High pressure solidified. You wont g dealing with as much wind today, how much, it is still cold. So it is not as harsh today. Regardless you will need to bundle up now. As we take a look at the windchill thats going to be the issue over the next couple of days, actually windchill watch takes effect across the poconos specifically. I know a loft folks might be headed up toward the mountains to do some skiing specially for the holiday weekends, you will likely ends up with windchill values as low as 35 below zero. Thats not below freezing, thats below zero, folks. So, really brutal stuff here. That does mean if you are out on the mountains, on the slopes, could you see frostbite set until in less than half hour. Definitely the kind of colds that can be dangerous, as we approach the weekend specially, for now, feels like values arent so hot either. Already feels like sub zero in allentown as well as mount pocono, not much better at the airport, 7 degrees at Philadelphia International airport. If you are standing out eventually waiting maybe for the economy shuttle bus in the parking lot, there you got to make sure you have the heavy coat on. Current actual temperatures 18 degrees, so your a still about 10 degrees colder when you factor in whats thankfully at least somewhat of a diminishing winds. Later today cold air reinforcements come along, will trigger couple of snow showers as a whole, lingers into saturday morning before the real deep freeze settles in, meisha, a over to you. Oh, the word deep freeze on cold friday morning. No good. All right, well, thank you, katie. Well get ready, get warmed up, because Valentine Day as we know is sunday. At least thats something to look forward to despite the cold. Still early out, there the schuylkill westbound and city avenue, see early risers, overall, roadways looking fairly dry, doesnt mean that there is not black ice out there, just know they are looking fairly dry this morning, and looking quiet as they should. 422 headlight moving in the westbound direction, near collegeville, again, early risers out here, as well, kinds of seeing this all week, a loft early risers around the 4 30 mark. We can expect early risers here, we sure do have them, a lot of people getting jump start to their day. Get on to the weekends, i dont blame them. Construction underground explosion last night. Because that far we have construction here, walnut tweet 19th and 22nd blocked, you are going have to use alternate. Samsung, spruce street, probably your best bet there. Also some construction in jersey route 42 northbound past route 481, left lane blocked until around 5 00 a. M. Again, for those every in you jersey should lift right around 5 00 a. M. I know it did yesterday. Hopefully we see the same thing again today. Other than that, nice and quiet on this friday morning, erika, over to you. Meisha, thank you. Classes are canceled again today at ursinus Montgomery County as officials work to get to the bottom of the Mysterious Illness sweeping across campus. Justin finch joining us now, at the college in collegeville, where nearly 200 student now and student and staff, theyre all sick. Justin, good morning. Reporter good morning, at last check, ur sinus counts some 18 a student and staff have come down with this mystery illness, and they say over the past 48 hours, they are reportedly feeling better. Now, again, classes are canceled this morning and today, as this infecting disinfecting effort get underway, and awaiting test result. Those could take a week to come back. Widespread bug first made its marks tuesday, symptoms including stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting. Among the first precautions closing the dining hall for fear the outbreak could be food born. And now, after passing a series of Montgomery County health tests, the dining hall reopened on thursday. Meantime area restaurant including wawa and wegmans served free food to student and many tell us theyre watching for their symptoms, and trying to keep their hands and environments germfree. If i do get sick, i mean, we have the Wellness Center on campus as well as i know urgent care. So im not too worried about it. Now, thats the vista staff and student here and also staff to abide by here. If you feel, check in with the wellness enter, Urgent Care Center or hospital. It is very important that ursinus have a count of these report of illness. Now, again, many student are not on campus because classes are canceled, but there are a few who are remaining and using campus services, they are to be assured that effort are underway to keep this campus germprepare, erika, back over to you. Dont want more people to get sick, justin, thanks so much. New jersey governor christie is seeking federal disaster aid after last months winter storm. Hes telling president obama the storm caused the garden state 82 million. Christie says because of beach errosion, destroyed dunes, and weakened barriers, some of new jerseys coastal areas are at risk of further flooding if another storm blows through. Peco crews continue working to restore power after a transformer fire in center city. Black smoke poured from underground at 21st and walnut. As you see right here in this eyewitness video shot by chris peters. No one was hurt. About 400 homes and businesses were without power in the immediate aftermath yesterday evening. Were told that number is now down to about 90. Philadelphia mayor, jim kenney has ended socalled brown outs, thats the temporary closing of firehouse toss save money. Audit from the silly Controllers Office considered the brown outs jeopardized safety by increasing response times. What is more it ended up costing the city millions. Brown out policy start in the august 2010. Now, the mayor is also weighing in on the assault investigation involving former eagle mccoy. Cell phone video reportedly shows the running back in a brawl at the recess lounge in old city last weekends. Police say two off Duty Officers were severely beaten during a argument over a bottle of champagne. So far the District Attorney has not filed any charges. Mayor kenney also says hes seen some of the video. In addition to the punches being thrown, there were some kicks that looked as if were being leveled. And thats unconscionable, it is cowardly. If he wants to pound our officers and stomp our officers, then he needs to pay the price and answer for his actions. Now, there is no time line on the decision as to whether or not arrest warrants will be issued. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders clash in their second oneonone debate. It is the first and in sanders won the New Hampshire primary in a landslide. As marry maloney report, clinton is hoping the debate in milwaukee will be a spring board for her come back. Hillary clinton takes a page out of Bernie Sanders play book. We both agree that we have to get un accountable money out of our political system, and that we have to do much more to ensure that wall street never wrecks main street again. But she tried to portray his plans on healthcare as unrealistic. Thats a prom thats cannot be kept. Sanders made sure to check his rival. Well, secretary clinton, you are in the in the white house yet. And called clinton out on her stumbled speeches. Has been going around the country saying Bernie Sanders want to dismantle the Affordable Care act. I have fought my entire life to make sure that healthcare is a right for all people. We wont dismantle anything. Clinton turned to discrimination as way to appeal to much needed debate. Latino, africanamerican, and women voters. Im running for president to knock down all of the barriers that are Holding Americans back. As both candidates look toward the nevada primary, sanders attempted to keep his young base with his debate pearl form ands while also courting the elderly vote. Ifee elected president , i will do everything i can to expand Social Security benefit, not just for seniors, but for disabled veterans, as well. Im marry maloney, reporting. Meanwhile, republicans are holding their first post New Hampshire primary debate at the peace center in greenville, South Carolina face the nations John Dickerson will be the moderate over. Airs tomorrow night at 9 00 on cbs3. Much more to come here on eyewitness news, pope francis heads for mexico. First he makes a trip to cuba for a historic meeting. Also while scoreless goal drought ends for one of the flyers, details on this when we come back in two minutes. Good pope france cyst is head today mexico by way of cuba. On his way to meet with the Russian Orthodox patriarch in half and a the meeting will be the first in history between the leaders of Russian Orthodox and catholic churches, in hundreds of years. It is expected to focus almost entirely on religious reconciliation. Then, the first latin american pope is expected to make pastoral and political messages, during his fiveday trip to mexico, which is 81 catholic. Right now, 4 42, in the middle what feels just like this cold arctic air, katie. Absolutely, being reinforced. It is getting colder, too, right . Yep. Full of great news this morning. I know it, yes. So perfect excuse to snuggle up this weekend, Valentine Day right around the corn earn, sunday specifically the code he is day that we experience. Say inside, no fancy restaurant. Light a fire, maybe nice fauxfur blanket, hot chocolate. Keep going. Sounds like great idea. But that said, yes, very, very cold air settling in. All jokes aside there is can be the kind of colds thats actually dangerous, if you are not smart about it. So take care of your pet. Take care of any kind of car issues you might have, get the tire pressures checked, and also of course make sure you have a full tank. Always good idea, too, because you never know, in case you get stranded we want you safe out there. At the moment, storm scan3, thankfully, nice and calm and collected for the most part. Do you still have few Little Pocket of snow currently breaking out, really, right around the point where the ohio river meets the missis epi. We are eventually going to seat next arctic cold front come through our area, fresh round of some scattered but locally potential heavy snow showers, squawls, much like what we had yesterday, in the one little zone. I want you ready for that. But that doesnt happen until later on today and into tonight, very likely lingering tomorrow morning, too. In the meantime, the dangerous windchills that come along with this are as such. I mean, it will be brutal up in the pocono region, but not much better at the shore where you have actually got the most moderation courtesy of the warmer by comparison ocean water. Soap, very, very cold. Seeing a lot of nectar tori out here, make sure that youre smart about this. Adequately prepare with all of those extra Winter Weather accessories, earmuffs, hats, scarf, gloves, all of the good stuff. If you have to be out for more than couple minutes you will thank yourself. 28 degrees the high, not terribly blustery wind, hint of it, nothing more. Then we start to see the wind picking up again turning more westerly, eventually turns nor northwesterly, watching for snow shower, happy Valentine Day, lovely festive graphic for you, frigid, guys, 19 degrees, with sunshine. And it likely specially the morning wont feel any better than sub zero territory, as we showed you. Though there is new storm system on the move for more day, turning heavier, eventually turns over to heavy rain, as temperatures spike tuesday. Thank you. Checking sport right now. The flyers are back in the win column after an offensive explosion against the sabres at the well. The flyers opened the scoring in the second period, when rj bumm burger lit the lamp first time in ooh games, there he is, pretty excited, last goal in january of last year, and celebrated with him. Teammate nick cows inches also scored very first nhl goal. The flyers beat buffalo five to one. Flyers and devils at the well tomorrow afternoon. Meanwhile, the best of the best will gather this weekend in toronto for the nba allstar game festivities. But the sixers noel will sit out tonights rising stars challenge, he has a sore knee. His teammates, okafor, will be in the line up. And, to sole college basketball, and the temple owls staging big come back. De cozy had 23 points, including the owls last nine points, temple rallies to beat the uconn huskies 53 to 58. The towels fourth straight win. Moves them into a tie with smu for first place in the afc. All right, coming up this morning, on eyewitness news, valentines day not just about a box of chocolates. What else are people buying for each other . First, heres whats coming up tonight on cbs3. Ursinus college is cancelling classes again today. 185 student, faculty, staff, have come down with the Mysterious Illness spread on campus. No word yet on whats cause that outbreak. Also, governor Chris Christie is asking president obama for 82 million in federal aid, to help new jersey recover from last months storm. The storm dropped at least 2 feet of snow on the state and flooded several communities on the jersey shore. And, Hillary Clinton is accusing Bernie Sanders of diminishing president obamas record and short changing his leadership. Sanders calls that a lowblow. Two democratic president ial candidates debated for two hours last night in milwaukee. Right now, 4 48, time to get a check on business news, money watchs jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, jill, here we go again, another day of big losses on wall street. Hate to ends the week like this. What are investors watching . Reporter investors morning are waiting for the government as release data about retail sales . January. So americans spent more money last month, it could help ease fears that the us is headed back into a recession. Concern about the economy here, and overseas, is sending stock markets across the globe much lower. Erika, looking at the big board, i can tell you right now future are pointing to higher open. So maybe we will end this week on a high note. Heres hoping. Also, a val end type day of course coming up on sunday. But not just about chocolate and roses, this real estate blog, stately, looked atmore popular and unique gift ideas that are googled at each state. What do you have here . Reporter this is so interesting, because it really tells awe lot about each state. So californians searched for couples pajamas in hawaii tandem kayaks, how cute is that, kentucky couples tattoos, and in maine, lobster recipes, massachusetts, people looked for cups cooking classes, in pennsylvania, edible underwear and hershey kisses, and new yorkers are looking for romantic motels. Is that does that exist . I dont know. Back to pennsylvania though, i mean, i thought we were the quaker state. Edible underwear . Who knew . All right. It is two sides, because then you get the hershey kisses, sweet. Two sides to every coin, jill, thanks. Well see you later on this morning. Thanks so much. Coming up after the break, 4 52, checking the forecast, cold start, katie. Indeed, very, very chilly day unfolding for us. Really getting things started with the kind of arctic colds that we will be experiencing over the course of the weekends, really where the real chill settles in for our area. We started off, though, very quick peak here, storm scan, all calm, collected, High Pressure on your side for one more day. How much, there is cold front that is set to cross our area. And once it does, it is going to be bringing with it, some cold air reinforcement here, in our area. Lets take a look, jet stream dives south, what we end up seeing are some scattered snow showers with this, the core of the cold, though, is going to really sort of just make a glancing blow, i guess you could say, around our area. So we get stuck in the coldest air that weve seen not just this season so far, but the coldest air that this system is going to have up its sleeve. So 20 to 25 degrees below average in terms of temperatures, youve got to be prepared for this. Make sure youre preventing frostbite by the by bundling up adequately. Check the car batterie take care of your pets, your children, obviously not the only one that can get cold if youre out and not prepared for. This and also, prevent frozen pipes. You can actually leave your drawers open where the pipes are located to help get some of the heating thats in the house into that area. So, that will help. Maybe little trickle on the faucets, that peps along, as well. Meanwhile, next couple of days, low 20s at best tomorrow, winds picks up, feels no better than the single digits, at best. Sunday, pretty brutal. Morning low, a degrees, bad enough, but again, still hint of breeze out there. It means it will feel sub zero. Then tracking new storm system, good stuff, as we head into the early part of the week. It is busy couple every days here, meisha. Throwing curve balls at us for sure. Katie, so glad you mentioned, bring the animals inside. Your dogs, your cat, the horse, doesnt matter where you are, whatever animals you have, bring them inside andres those kids appropriately for the playgrounds and at the bus stop. It is going to be cold. Now, in terms of your vehicles, i would start them early. There always gives our cars a little bit after break. And also, just make sure, you have some stuff packed inside those vehicles, just in case you ever were to be stranded, and to that ends, just remember, when do you get stranded do not leave your vehicles. Stay in your car. Ninetyfive north at the airport looking pretty good. Looking nice and quiet this morning, bullying toll bristol bridge, scheduled to open 4 45. We are still waiting for. That will well let you know when it is confirmed back open through traffic, now, it is said to be still up. In the northeast upper darby area, blue route, tail light past broomall, see how quiet it is here. Couple of early risers, for the most part, seeing it pretty slow in that area. Now, we do have water main break in west philly. Sixtythird street between haverford avenue and master street and girard avenue between 62nd and 61st street. Those are the afflicted areas. Ultimate lansdowne avenue going to get you and maneuver you around the area, make note, we do have water main break right now. Trying to get the areas cleared up for you. Construction last night underground explosion, because of that, weaver some construction here walnut st. Between 19th and 22nd, it is blocked, you will have to use alternate such as samson or spruce street, probably your best bet. Erika, back over to you. Meisha, a thank you. Time to check stories our sister station kyw news radio 1060 is following. Former swimmer who wants had hopes of qualifying for olympic trials is suing germantown ac admit, accusing the school of tolerating physical and mental abuse. Also, Camden County Officials Say a dredging project on the cooper river will be red any time for spring rowing competition. And, with more banks doing more and more business on line, many are getting a digital make over. Check in two, three, four times a day on kyw news radio 1060 on your a. M. Dial. Coming up right here on eyewitness news, we are live with the latest on the campus outbreak thats canceled class action again today. Also, calling them school bus heroes. Hear how some new jersey students stopped their run away bus. And sealed with a kiss. Check it out if you k how you can get your hands on these one of a kind hippo kiss paintings, just in time for from the cbs Broadcast Center in philadelphia. This is cbs3 eyewitness news. Good morning, crank up the heat this morning. Were waking to up temperatures in the teens. And it feels even colder. Katie lets you know just how long the dangerous cold grips the region. Also, classes are canceled today at Ursinus College as mystery illness sweeps across campus. What Health Officials think is making so many student sick, while the school tries to stop the outbreak. And this will help you think of warmer weather. Check it out, moving day for the phillies, team heads south to florida for spring strange. Bags are packed and ready to go. Well show you what theyre taking on that long, long road trip. Good morning, it is friday, february 12th, im erika von tiehl. We want a quick check on your traffic and weather g. It is cold out there. It will just get worse. Good morning. Absolutely, yes, good morning, it is very, very cold, the good news is if there is any, a, it is friday, b, our roadways are looking dry. Doesnt mean that there is not black ice out there in certain areas, but looking dry. Not dealing with any condensation, katie, you can expand on this, how long will this last for us . Definitely stuck in the deep freeze here the next couple of days, and that really is our big weather story. It will be sort of complimented i guess you can say hereby additional snow showers that move in for us with time. Start things off quick check on storm scan, which at the moment is empty. It is quiet. It will stay that way. We have High Pressure at least on our side for the majority of the day. Staying that way i should say at least initially, eventually however have no arctic cold front that will be crossing through the area. Temperatures right now, 18 degrees, 15 in trenton, it is only three, though, the actual air temperature, 3 degrees, in mount pocono. Now, the winds arent super strong. But there is just enough of it, okay, so that it does make it feel bit colder

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