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In New Hampshire giving Bernie Sanders his first win on the national stage. Also in your head lines this morning the zika virus is close to home we have latest on the out break which states are affected and why the virus matters to everyone not just pregnant woman. Good morning, it is wednesday, february 10th im erika von tiehl. I want to check with katie and meisha with the the latest on the the forecast and roads. There can be some slick spots. Yes, good morning. Making it over the hum top day, so glad it is wednesday almost to the gate the way and roads are looking wet this morning. Same thing as we ares seeing yesterday. The katie, question is it cold enough to stay frozen. Absolutely, yes. When you have cover of darkness and kind of temperatures we have got and certainly just a nate before having dealt with some snow and presip, you have to watch out for that black ice issue. Our road crews have done a fantastic job. I personally didnt encounter anything all that icy but watch for side street. We will take you out to our live look at sky scan three, this is Spring Garden broad street intersection shot here but there is a hint of the sheen on the roadway. You will wills find that every where as we go next to storm scan three this system, yep, it is still here trying to make its retreat. We are basically done with it at the local level but we are finding a handful of flurries and heck call that a straight up snow shower between wilmington and baltimore on i95 with you were basically done with what that storm had up its sleep for us and that has left behind some snow. Primarily on unpaved surfaces but we are finding it out there in some spots where it the might lead to black ice. Temperatures are near or below freezing in spots. The that means anything that was left over could refreeze. When you dont have the sunshine glaring down it can be difficult to spot. Be extra cautious, we want to you play it safe. Taking a look the at area temperatures, here you you go at or below or slightly above freezing but mostly hovering close enough that you have to watch for that cold ground to have maybe refrozen over. We will see some sunshine but wind is kick nothing as this storm finally makes its retreat and in the meantime you are likely to see snowflakes flying out there but at any point any accumulation we had expect had long since already fallen to the ground, meisha, back over to you. Yes, black isis going to be the story of the morning. You are right the about that. It is looking slick. You can see the shiny, glare from the head lamb president s looking down at the roadways. The just as we talk about yesterday give yourself a couple extra minutes. You will need it, in doubt about it. When we dont have snow dont think driving at posted speed is always a good idea when we have slippery conditions and we will, as katie pointed on it it can be still frozen. This is vine, taillights moving in the the westbound direction before the schuylkill looking nice and quiet as we would expect at 4 30 in the morning. This is blue route at mid county also looking nice and quiet. Still looking at all that snow, letting you know that not all of it is melting oregon just yet, letting us know that temperatures are still chilly. Delaware county, i95 north, 452, bird eye view, Early Morning travelers in that neck of the wood for those just tuning in. Ben franklin bridge moving in the westbound direction from new jersey looking good. We have some bridge restrictions down to 35 miles an hour, so make note, we will touch base on that in 15 minutes. Erika, over to you. Week after conceding defeat in iowa donald trump is celebrating victory in the New Hampshire primary. Business mosul one decisively in the granite state. Trump got supporters from voters who tells it like it is. He pulled in punches in the the victory speech in manchester. Trump is promising to fix is what broken with the economy. I am going to be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. Remember that. Ohio Governor John Kasich placed a solid second, he told supporters that change is in the air and that he is working toward restoring the spirit of america. Were going to solve the problems in america, in the the just by being extreme, not by being first republican or democrat but reminding everybody that we are americans, dedicating to shining up america. Senator ted cruz who won iowa was third in New Hampshire, senator marco rubio and jeb bush were close behind cruz. Bush will continue his campaign in south carolina. Governor Chris Christie is heading back to new jersey to take stock of his president ial campaign. He spoke to supporters after placing sixth with 8 percent of the vote. We have decided that were going to go home to new jersey tomorrow, and we will take a deep breath, see what the final results are tonight because that matters. Christie spent more than 70 days crisscrossing new ham share trying to emerge from the back of the pack. In the democratic primary, hillary clinton, you might think shes feeling bern from Bernie Sanders. Senator from neighboring vermont was at least 20 percent of the ahead of the former secretary of state. Sanders swept majorities of men, women, independents and young voters. In his victory speech sanders took aim at his frequent target wall street and Political Action committees. There is a government of our great country belongs to all of the people and not just a handful of wealthy, campaign contributed and their super pacs. Exit polls suggest clinton has problems being trusted and relate to go younger people but shes not ready to give up the fight. But i also know what it is like to stumble and fall, and so many people across america know that feeling and we have learned it is not whether you get knocked down that matters, it the is whether you get backup. Clinton is expected to do much better in south caroline, the palmetto state holds its primary next sat the day february 20th. Stay with Eyewitness News for continuing coverage of the campaign 2016, we are on air and on line at cbs philly. Com. Pennsylvania state senate votes on whether to remove attorney general Kathleen Kane from office. The resolution will require support from at least 33 senators to pass. Unlike impeachment, this move does not require action in the states house. Eyewitness news spoke with state senator art heywood, a democrat, who initially supported kanes removal from office but has since changed his mind. In this process of determining whether she should or shouldnt be rehalved, i havent heard anything convincing that should suggest that she should be removed. What is it that she cannot the do that is important to the job and i havent heard that. It is unclear if Governor Wolf will sign off on the measure if it passes the senate. He has called on kane to resign. Kane spokesmen says that the axis unwarranted and unconstitutional. She is scheduled to go on trial in august when she will face charges for allegedly leaking confidential grand jury information. The zika virus has made its way to our region. A woman in delaware tane pennsylvania residents contracted the virus. The delaware and Pennsylvania Division of the public health, says that all of those infected, traveled to area affect by the out break. The mosquito born illness is generally mild, but can cause birth defects, and affect pregnant woman. At the present time there is neither treatment nor vaccine but the cdc and pharmaceutical companies are working rapidly to create a vaccine based on the successful vaccines for other viral infections. Experts say zika is not the as big of a threat because u. S. Has better mosquito control. New this morning an overnight fire send one man to the hospital, in the point breeze neighborhood. The flames broke out on the 1700 block of reid street shortly before 1 00 a. M. One man inside that home was taken to Methodist Hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation. Fire fighters quickly got the that blaze under control. Were waiting to hear if prosecutors will charge former eagle lesean mccoy with assault following a nightclub brawl that left two offduty Philadelphia Police officers seriously injured. Cell phone video right the here shows violence at recess lounge in olde city early sunday morning. Incident reports say officers were injured during an argument with mccoy and three friend all over a bottle of champagne. Mccoy has retained a high profile attorney to represent him. Friday night, Bruce Springsteen concert may be sold out but there is one way to get really good seats and help local schools at the same time. We will tell he you how just ahead. It has been more than two months since federal officials collected evidence in the San Bernardino, massacre and new we are learning a key clue is still escaping investigators. We will tell you what it the is. A days licensing ordeal for one man stuck inside of a newspaper stan, how he was finally discovered and freed, we will be right back. Back on Eyewitness News and we are checking area roads this morning. Mobile three live on the schuylkill expressway heading westbound, not many cars out this morning. There are some slick spots out there so leave yourself some extra time, go below those posted speeds if you can. Meisha and katie will have the latest on the the black ice situation coming up. Toy day is Ash Wednesday, beginning of the season of the lent for christians around the world. Catholics will receive ashes on their forehead to repent over next 40 days in preparation for easter celebrations. More than 200 parishes in the archdiocese of philadelphia will offer the ashes, including mass at the cathedral basilica in center city. Thousands of partyers took to bourbon street, opposite of the Ash Wednesday here to celebrate mardi gras. The streets of the new orleans were filled taking part in the annual tradition. Were told it was colder than normal in the lower 60s in the big easy this year. Much warmer inside Franklin Institute where visitors took part in fat the tuesday celebrations. The exhibits, delved in the science in the second gluttony of the holiday. It is part of the museums science after hours series. Sold out crowd of more than 2,000 attended the event. You get to learn history of it, play some games. Absolutely. Love that idea. Older i get the more i appreciate this kind of stuff. The Science Behind it. Absolutely. So fascinating. Yes. When head willing out, watch out for slick spots, right. We verified very well with the estimated snowfalls. We will see the amounts that we ended up here but we are still tracking a little bit of activity on storm scan three which will get you and blast of cold in time for valentines day weekend. We will start off with just a short list. Very short list, with the snow amounts. We had a half foot, folks, elverson was a big winner, boyer town had four and a half, hockessin 3. 3, three in doylestown and ewing had just over an inch. Again, that steady, heavier band ended up just southwest of philadelphia and that is where we ended up doing the best in terms of the amount have of snow. Storm scan three as we take a regional wide look, bulk of any moisture is off to the south but it will be rolling through delaware, although, this is another bark is worse than the bite kind of scenario. We will not deal with any kind of heavy snow but snow shower, granted but maybe a couple flurries and not any kind of accumulation left at this point. There is quiet weather on the horizon, a little bit of snow will not mess with us but it indicates where cold will be centering its focus here. Then we will see High Pressure take the place of this system here, briefly before another blast of cold comes from the arctic and that starts as early as thursday but toward weekend where temperatures will struggle to get to the freezing mark let alone hit them. We will be dealing with temperatures easily 15 to 20 degrees below average with this next reenforcement coming in here and that does mean we will not break out of the 20s for a couple days. Coldest air mass this winter. What did Punxsutawney Phil say again . Early spring. Right. Well, liar. Yes, cant trust rodents. Morning flurries, high reaching 38 degrees. We will drop down in the the zeros tonight. Yeah, that is cold but your highs are likely to be flirting around that area the next couple of days. Look at saturday and sunday. This is rough stuff. Cuddle alert, as we say on sun take, chilliest day on the pack on valentines day and we have a new system tracking it looks like early next week. Erika, back over to you. Federal officials have in the been able to access encrypted cell phone of one of the killers involve in the San Bernardino massacre. Testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday fbi director james comby says his technicians are still working on the device. Fourteen people were sailed when said farouk and Tashfeen Malik opened fire. A contaminated water crisis in flint michigan will take a lot of money to fix. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder says the city need 55 milliondollar that are leaking led lead in the water supply. He will ask the state for that money to day. Snyder want more than 100 million to upgrade old water pipes, natural gas lines, and waste Water Treatment facilities across michigan. Philadelphia mayor jim kenney, hey, he is donating his suite at Wells Fargo Center for this friday nights sold out Bruce Springsteen cons court go toward fund raising for the School District. Fund for the School District of philadelphia is offering kenneys tickets for 556 on his web site. Pre seed will support public education. They are 18 seats in the mayors box. So, helping public schools, there we go. Heres a question, just how much will you spend this valentines day, fellows. We have results of the new survey in your money watch report. But first heres what is ahead tonight on cbs3. In your head lines, Bernie Sanders and donald trump take New Hampshire as first president ial primary wraps up. Next contest takes place february 20th with the Democratic Caucus in nevada and g. O. P. Primary in south carolina. New jersey governor Chris Christie is planning to return to new jersey today to reassess his campaign. Also, the zika virus Takes Center Stage on capitol hill today. Federal Health Officials will brief lawmakers about the out break which is now reported in more than a dozen states, including delaware, and pennsylvania. The virus is commonly spread through mosquito by the. State senate is scheduled to take a historic vote on whether to remove attorney general Kathleen Kane from office. Two thirds vote is required, there is no word if the governor will sign off on the measure. 4 50. Time for a check on your business news, money watchs jill wagner joins us from new york stock exchange. Another down day on wall street. What are investors watching today. Reporter so todays fed chair janet yellin will testify about the economy. Investors are looking for insight whether the fed is still on track to raise Interest Rates about four times this year, and there are some more Earnings Report out like twitter. Now yesterday we heard from disney, earnings soared thanks to no surprise, star wars, the force awakens. Erika. It turned a tidy profit. Valentines day is around the corner and new study find one group in particular is ready to shell out some big bucks, right. Millennial men want to spoil their sweethearts. They surveyed thousands of americans about valentines day, on average, americans who are celebrating are going to spend about 180. Millennial men though they will be shell out more than that, 371, on everything from gifts to meals. I find this to be incredible, and this is another stat, more than half of the americans think that men should pay the entire bill on valentines day. Jill, we need to start drinking cool aid, i get happy about a dozen roses. I will start dating younger men im thinking there. There you go. Jill, thanks very much. See you late theyre morning. California man is recovering after spending at least four days trapped inside a newspaper stand with no water and no food. Lapd shared this photo of the 84 yearold who somehow became locked inside that stand. The passerby heard him crying for help and called officials. He was hospitalized with dehydration. Authorities credit unseasonably warm temperatures over the weekend with helping keep him alive. Wow. We will be right back with the check of traffic and weather, go good morning everyone. Were still tracking if you can believe it the same sluggish storm system that brought the snow yesterday. Thankfully came through in such a scattered fashion that it was not too tough to keep on top of throughout the course of the day. Even now we have lingering storm showers and flurries on storm scan three but that is all that is left of this storm at this point, guys. The lets walk through what you will find on the road. I will give you the caution light for not just flurries but potentially reducing your visibility but icy spot. Mainly just wet roads this afternoon as you climb well above freezing but tonight there could be refreezing that takes place. It is sort of that cycle that you tend to go through. Look at the chill that settles in, valentines weekend is absolutely going to be frigid, coldest air this entire season and then by monday night into tuesday we may have another large storm brewing, we will keep you posted, katie. I said it was frigid cold here. You have to wait, girlfriend. Yes. Good morning, everyone. Happy wednesday to you. This is a live drive shot for you 422 westbound past king of prussia area and as you can see a great shot because it is letting you know what the roadways look like. You can see it is wet, slick and were still seeing snow. It is not warm enough to melt all that snow letting you know that there will be pockets of black ice in certain areas. Live shot, 422 westbound. Ninetyfive south at girard, it is only 4 55 in the morning and already a steady stream of headlights. The busy morning, erika, back over to you. Heading out the door tune into kyw news radio 1060 for todays forecast. We will have more on the vote to remove embattled Pennsylvania Attorney general Kathleen Kane. Also, washington d. C. To increase minimum wage. An event hopes to raise money for, awareness for a local home for these women and children. Check in two, four, four times a day on kyw news radio 1060 on your am dial. Coming up on Eyewitness News we will look at is what next for governor christie after a disappointing finish in New Hampshire. Also remaking a fill landmark, we will let you know about big changes coming to love park coming today. And overcoming obstacles, you have to hear that voice, priceless reaction to his first trip to the skate park. We are back at the top of the hour, marry pat and i spoke tonight and we have decide that had we will go home to new jersey tomorrow, and were going to take a deep breath, see what the final results are tonight because that matters. Heading home, governor Chris Christie returns to new jersey today after a disappointing finish in New Hampshire, we will tell you what is next for the governor in campaign 2016. Also, fear of the zika virus are hitting closer to home now that several cases have been confirmed in our area. What you need to know about the the virus even if you are not pregnant. Be careful heading out the door this morning there could be slick spots for your wednesday morning commute after last nights snow, still quite chilly. It is wednesday, february 10th im erika von tiehl. Sidewalks could be ice think morning so be careful out there katie and more than ace keeping an eye on that, good morning, ladies. Good morning, happy wednesday indeed. It is slippery. We are seeing a lot in the cameras showing a lot of it looks almost wet but it is frozen, it is black ice. There is flooding in delaware. So katie, what is in store for us. We are still watching retreat of this storm system. The storm is still large but sluggish. It just takes its sweet old time to get out of here. Worst of what it had up the sleeve already happened. Aftermath issues. The lets talk temperatures, folks. In the wake of the system temperatures will take a hit but as we move forward, we actually get reenforcement coming from the arctic and take a look where we will end up here. Our normal high this time of the year, starts to rebound a little bit. Back to the low or mid 40s around the region but were goto

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