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Depaul and August Dempsey outside their homes where there was a growing outpouring of support, here. Police released coyle after an initial interview where he claimed selfdefense. This shooting happened overnight on july 16th after some kind of a neighborly dispute, accord to go family members. Since then they have posted a banner outside home accusing victims neighbor of murder and since been taken down. Dempseys son age 20 and 15 were visibly emotional at a recent vigil. Attorney for victims family says they have many questions including why it took 13 days, to file these charges. Difficult speak with family and friend of the victims and they say they are relieved by these charges. As i can see live at the murder scene, this is, the home where there are balloons and flowers, lined in honor of these, two victims, shot and killed, by their neighbor who has been identified by district attorneys office, and as kenneth coyle. We expect to learn much more about these charges and hear from the victims family later this afternoon. Is there also another vigil here scheduled for these victims tomorrow at 7 00, right here outside of their homes. For now live, im anita oh for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Thank you. We are following some breaking news this noon, japan s Prime Minister said north korea has fired a suspected missle and may have landed in the sea off of japan pentagon spokesperson in washington confirmed a launch of ballistics missle has been detect. According to Prime Minister shinzo abe officials are analyzing the launch and called a meeting of the National Security counsel. After mostly cloudy start to the day our rain chances will increase as the day goes on. Meteorologist Katie Fehlinger joins us now looking very festive with a better idea when wet weather will begin, hi there, katie. Do i love a good theme, i had to break out my very new favorite dress because this is a very indication of the kind of accessory you want to have on hand but later on today and tonight. Good news at the timing of this is bulk of the steady heaviest rain comes primarily overnight into early tomorrow. Many of you will be inside safely tucked away inside for bed for the night. Rain does get underway as early as this evening, and again, it comes with the brunt of the precipitation into the early overnight hours but as of 2 00 p. M. Just shy of two hours from right now a Flash Flood Watch is already going into effect. It lasts a solid 24 hours, before the southern half, specifically of the delaware valley. What we will notice on storm scan here right south of the baltimore and northe of d. C. Right along beltway and 95 corridor here very heavy thunderstorms have been developing, and we will see this continue to be a theme, it continues to develop, showers, thunderstorms, as the day progresses and with time they will work their way in to our area, 82 current temperature at philly international. Eightytwo in trenton. It feels steamy outside. We have a few more degrees here for daytime high with you just for the rest of the day is that we will see increasing cloud, rising humidity noted and rain does move in, late, toward evening but especially through the overnight hours. Of course, this is our summer if he, we will be at long wood gardens but rain moving in. Good drink for the gardens, i think but if you come out to the gang that is out there bring along some rain gear, rahel. Good advice, thank you. G. O. P. Seven year quest to repeal and replace obama care could be over. Moa lenghi reports three republicans sided with democrats to vote down what many considered to be the last chance to repeal the Signature Health care legislation. Republican senator john mccain was back at work friday morning, after casting the deciding ballot overnight. His thumbs down vote doomed the g. O. P. s lates tempt to repeal obama care. Ayes are 49, nos are 59, motion not greed to. Fellow republicans Susan Collins and lisa more cow ski and every democrat voted against the skinny bill that aimed to repeal selected parts of the Affordable Care act. This is, this is a clearly disappointing moment. Now imagine many of the collogues on the other side are celebrating. We are not celebrating, we are relieved. Reporter Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says it is time to move on but did not rule out working with democrats to fix obama cares problems. So now it ace pope eighth to ask what are their ideas. We are saying to Mitch Mcconnell, to speaker ryan, any republicans that we stand here ready to bring down cost of prescription drugs, making health care more affordable. Reporter President Trump was clearly disappointed with the outcome. He tweeted three republicans and 48 democrats let the American People down. President now says he is ready to ileto bam a care implode. Moa lenghi for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Local reaction now Pennsylvania Republican senator pat toomey says he is disappointed with the vote. He says in part for hundreds of thousands of pennsylvania suffering, from the higher costs and fewer choices caused bio bam a cares collapse, Congress Must not give up honorary peeling and replacing the failed health care law. Meantime pennsylvanias democratic senator bob casey says in part it is now time for democrats and republicans to work together, on common sense solution toss make our system more affordable and bring down cost for families. I commend senator mccain for his courageous vote. And in other news this noon Philadelphia Police are investigating circumstances surrounding a man who was found stabbed overnight near Pennsylvania Convention Center Victim was stabbed three times in the chest. They found him injured at 12th and race around 3 00. Victim was taken to Jefferson Hospital in stable condition, right now police are searching for a suspect and a motive. Philadelphia police are also investigating robbery of the rite aide in the fairmount neighborhood. Though say two male suspects were armed with guns, and, got way with 1300 time in cash and 300 worth of cigarettes from the store on 20th and fairmount but fortunately no one was hurt. A robbery quickly turn into a shootout between suspect and Police Officer in New Castle County delaware. This started on 19100 block of west over road, around 7 00 in wilmington. That is where a officer tried to stop one robbery suspect. Suspect allegedly began shooting at the office shore fired back. Suspect took off on foot and officer ran after him. The officer was able to take the suspect into custody, without any injury. Once the Police Department was able to locate two suspects whom we believe are possibly involved, in the initial robbery. Total of three suspects were taken in custody, no one was hurt. The state of new jersey is aiming to stop gun violence, before it starts, this is video from previous gun buy back events, this afternoon, events like this will collect guns, no questions asked, one buy back event is at 2 00 at at the Baptist Church on ferry avenue in camden and another at 3 30 at friendship Baptist Church in perry street in trenton. Guns will be destroyed. Police are investigating an alleged Sexual Assault in the north philadelphia home involving an is is 11 yearold girl. It happened on the 2200 block of sideham street. Suspect and victim lived together. Officers arrested suspect at 7eleven at broad and diamond street. At this point the relationship between suspect and victim is not yet clear. Overseas now more than 50 people are in hospitals, in spain after an Early Morning commuter train crash. Officials say 56 peer people received medical treatment after the train slammed into a bumper at station in bars loan a this happened at height of the morning rush around 7 15 local time. One man was seriously injured but Officials Say his injuries are not life threatening, the cause of the accident is under investigation. Major development to day resulting from an ongoing cbs news investigation headed by, chris van cleve. National highway traffic investigation say number of complaints in injuries related to possible Carbon Monoxide leaks is much higher then previously thought. Reporter this 2016 henderson Louisiana Police explorer was badly damaged in the crash after officers say that its driver passed out from Carbon Monoxide exposure in april. When she was treated at the hospital we had requested testing for Carbon Monoxide and her levels came out near lethal. Reporter yesterday that officer filed suit against ford. And many more owners of 2001 through 2017 are reporting Carbon Monoxide appears to be seeping into their vehicles. The national highway Traffic Safety administration, now says that more than 2700 complaints have been, lodged against the auto maker and 41 people reported injuries. Like New Port Beach california Police Officer Brian Mcdowell who crashed into a tree in 2015, after passing out, behind the wheel. I just went out, just like that. Just like that. Sergeant Zachary Lahoud in austin, texas whose dash cam was rolling as he called for help. Just got a headache. Reporter lahoud was first of 18 austin Police Officers to be treated for Carbon Monoxide exposure. City has removed 67 explorers from service after they set off Carbon Monoxide detectors. But it is not just police vehicles. Bulk of the complaints come from regular ford owners like stacy jones. She trade heard 2014 explorer in for a 2017, and says the problem didnt go away. Frustrating because at this point i dont know what im going to do. Reporter they contend they dont have any proof injuries reported were caused by Carbon Monoxide but investigators say levels of that gas may be elevated during certain driving scenarios, ford says safety is its top priority and has a teamworking with police and regulators continue on investigate reported issues and solving them. Chris van cleve for cbs news, washington. Coming up next, beach gate blues, do you remember, that viral photo, yep, that one, governor christie now talking about the backlash of visiting his summer home, even when the public beach was closed to everyone else. Hear his fight back. What do doughnuts and fish have in common . Well, apparently fish loves federal doughnuts so much they had them brought to new york. We will explain it all when we come right back now on Eyewitness News with a special tribute at unusual venue for one of the philadelphias favorite treasures, Madison Square garden loves phillys federal doughnuts and so do i. Federal doughnuts is favorite of the jam ban pfish, 13 night bakers dozen shows run through , next week at the garden. Bandies handing out federal doughnuts at the show and the flavors, dictate the set list. That is cool. Ban got hooked during a trip to philadelphia and signed them up for baker dozen shows. And, cbs3 summer if he rolls on this afternoon with the visit to spotlight Kenneth Square, from places to eat and shop to the exciting and exquisite, long wood gardens is there plenty to sianni do in this Chester County town and from exploring Green Gardens over at long wood to heading out on the green over at Kenneth Square golf and country club, cbs3 is ready to showcase it all. Speaking of golf our very own pat gallen caught up with the next generation of great golfers at the club who are learning ropes, with the help of adults volunteers, Junior Golf Program introduces young people age seven to 17, to the joys of golf. They are usually between 80 and hundred golfers in the program and they learn it all. I can help them with the basics, aiming, you know, try to avoid the water, help them out of the sand, you know, keep encouraging them to try their best and they will get down when they have stroke after stroke after stroke. Yes. We have to keep in line but also encourage, right. We try. And we will have more from path at and young golfers tonight on cbs3 Eyewitness News at 6 00. We will see if pat learned anything. Probably. And see what else Kenneth Square has to offer on Eyewitness News at 5 00 from the food to the fountains at long wood gardens it is a summer if he to remember, jessica dean and chelsea in gram will be there again at 5 00 right here on cbs3. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says backlash over socalled beach gate episode, hurt his family. You may remember christie was photographed over his fourth of july weekend by nj. Com at island state beach park where state provides summer home to the governor but that public beach was closed at the time during new jersey government shut down. Well, during his call on new jersey 101. 5 the governor says outrage was especially hard on his children. I made this decision but i will tell you they were more hurt by this latest episode then they have been hurt by anything else that happened to me in eight years. They dont understand peoples unfairness and quite frankly their ignorance. Christie ordered the shut down of nonessential state governments including state beaches and parks during a budget impasse. Still ahead on Eyewitness News, too fast, too furious, tour just about having to pay for all of that damage what made this wreck so unfortunate , katie. Well, we have a weekend that looks like a half and half here, rahel, we will be dealing with heavy rain right into tomorrow but we will dry out, thank goodness on sunday for a really nice second half of the weekend, however it will be cooler then it recently has been, top off in the upper 70s tomorrow, lower 80s come sunday but key here is that rain tracking it for you. We will do that on the other side and we will let you know how much is on the way and who will see the brunt of the rain coming welcome back. Katie, it is friday, people are excited and heading to the beach. Absolutely. Might be dicey. I would say so into early tomorrow but i will say if this rain will come hit us hard like it will, it looks like it is coming at best possible timing overnight, it is when brunt anyway of the rain will hit. I will get more specific on it , because yes, so many of you i cannot tell you countless tweets, personal requests for forecast is i have gotten in the last 24 hours. I have t time at 11. Poor pat good will just wants etan. I promise you will get beach time in here as long as you spend the whole weekend there we will show you is what happening with the a look at storm scan three which at the moment isnt that active locally, clearly though storms are beginning to ignite back toward d. C. And in between baltimore and d. C. This is what will continue to blossom with time, and roll in , slowly but surely from the south and west. We could still see stronger thunderstorms and given the fact that this cloud cover has thinned out, we will get some good instability. We could have gusty storms around this as well. This is taking more organization then it had been from the miss sip one but it is taking a little bit more shape. Soy, sill if that Development Phase but by the time it reaches us, we are going to get douse by this. 2 00 p. M. As you might recall is when that Flash Flood Watch goes into effect and start future weather. I dont think we will get on the brunt on this until toward evening time. That is where we will see this coincide poorly with summer fest here we will go to Chester County, thinks just removed further ease, and, and , really western counties and delaware get hit first, of course, the phillies are getting underway at 7 00 oclock, 7 05 to be exact might see a delay at some point throughout the game but as long as they dont go into extra innings, you will probably get a handful of innings in. I will keep my fingers crossed here that they end up playing. Lot rainfall we are talking about as of 11 00 tonight, specifically for delaware, southern most new jersey you will be bear the brunt of this storm because it is a midatlantic system. If you go further north there may be wrap around heavier showers into tomorrow morning, but you are not going to be dealing with the flash flood potential like we will see off to the south. Even by noon time tomorrow this looks like it is trying to depart. You might see some sunshine before the day is all said and done but sunday by far nicer of the two days. Lets walk through impact and timing on this later on tonight, flash flooding becomes the main threat, heavy rain, i wouldnt be shocked to see beach erosion coastal flooding, so keep that in mind heading to the shore for weekend. Fifteen to 20 miles an hour winds expected as well on saturday as this storm rotate as way. Lets talk about how much rain, once things get underway, we will pick it up some good rain here from two to locally upward of 4 inches over the span of the next 24 hours, yeah, that will lead to flooding. We say turn around dont drawn just a half foot of water, in a puddle could pool very quickly and that could just allow to you lose total control of your vehicle. Play it smart. It is turning into a decent beach afternoon in rehoboth but it doesnt last long. So with time pack up umbrella and head back inside, meanwhile sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, heating up with every passing day and they look beautiful with sunshine for workweek. Yeah. Thanks, katie. Check this out that pile of melted ruble on your screen that seems to be a ferrari, unidentified driver apparently crashed in the british roadway , one hour after buying it, just one hour, 60 minutes, Police Say Car was burning when they arrived, driver surprisingly just suffered minor cuts and bruises. Authorities say Road Conditions were wet and that speeding was likely national a factor. I feel like obviously it is unfortunate that was an hour after the crash but fact that the driver survived that, yeah. That does not look good. I wouldnt have known that was a ferrari until you told me. So fortunate. Gender reveal party for a panda. I love my pandas. You are protip chop all your veggies for the week at once. Super protip buy your veggies prechopped. Boom. The best food at amazing prices, giant. Giant has unbelievable pro tip produce prices. so youll never have to choose between your favorites. I thought i was your favorite. Take a fresh look at giants produce prices. Well, we now gend over the two red panda cubs just born at the zoo in binghamton, new york. Red pandas dont look like usual black and white panda which looked more like their, these cubs were born june 11th and 1 ace boy, one is a girl. They were planning a contest to pick their names. That is Eyewitness News at noon im rahel solomon. For katie and all of us here thanks for watching. Eyewitness news continues at 5 00. We are always on line at c fios is not cable. Were a 100 fiber optic network. And with the new fios gigabit connection. You get our Fastest Internet ever. With download speeds up to 940 megs 20 times faster than most people have. Switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for 79. 99 a month online for the first year. 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Unless you count cutting education funding, raising the gas tax, and sending more of your tax dollars off to trenton instead of south jersey. If youre tired of typical politics, stop electing typical politicians like Steve Sweeney. Because weve got fun for everyone in the family. Adventureseekers check. Magiquesters yep. Nevergrowolders double check. The only thing were missing is you. Great wolf lodge. Everybody in. Cane i wont be blackmailed by you, okay . Jesse then well call it a payment for services continuing to be rendered. Cane and how much do you want for these services . Jesse i believe my continued silence is worth at least, uh, 25 grand. Charlie do you have any idea how much hair your leave in the drain . Mattie do you have any idea how many Hair Products you leave on the sink . I swear, if you get sunscreen on my dress. Cane hey um, are you, uh are you excited, you know, to intern . First day at hdub mattie hdub . Cane hdub, you know, hamiltonwinters group. You know, its, uh. You know, its cool that your grandfather and your uncle are letting you help out in the office, right . You know, you got home late last night. Its summer, sweetheart. You dont have to spend all your time in the

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