Ninan good evening. Im reena ninan. Hillary clinton and her running mate virginia senator tim kaine made their first joint appearance today. It was ray boisterous rally at Florida International university in miami, florida, of course, a key swing state, as is caebs home state of virginia. Kaine, was on president obamas short running list in 2008. Nancy cordes has more from miami. Reporter the clintonkaine ticket emerged to massive cheers in miami, lavishing praise on one another. I have to say that senator tim kaine is everything donald trump and mike pence are not. cheers and applause reporter kaine is one of 20 senators in history to also serve as a mayor and governor. He is qualified to step into this job and lead on day one. cheers and he is a progressive who likes to get things done. cheers thats thats just my kind of guy, tim. Reporter the virginia senators mastery of spanish was seen as one of his assets. Bienvenidos a todos. Reporter he wove the language into his address today. Im feeling a lot of things today, most of all, gratitude. Reporter clinton and kainedescribed similar life stories. We both grew up in the midwest. We were raised by fatherrers who ran small businesses. Im a catholic, and hillary is a methodist, but ill tell you her creed is the same as mine do all the good you can. Reporter the 58yearold father of three is known in congress for his sunny persona and has jokingly described himself as boring. Make no mistake behind that smile, tim also has a backbone of steel, just ask the n. R. A. Reporter kaine showed today hes more than happy to attack. Weve seen again and again that when donald trump says he has your back, you better watch out. cheers from Atlantic City to his socalled university, he leaves a trail of broken promises and wrecked lives wherever he goes. Reporter trump blasted the pair on twitter arguing Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the choice of tim kaine. The Clinton Campaign pushed back, noting that kaine has a 100 voting record with progress ivgroups likes planned parenthood and the Brady Campaign to end gun violence. Ninan scott pelley will have the first joint interview with Hillary Clinton and tim kaine. You can see that sunday night on 60 minutes. Sunday morning on face the nation, john dickersons interview with president obama at the head of the Democratic National convention, which gavels to order monday in philadelphia. The podium is in place and final preparations are being made at the Wells Fargo Center in philadelphia. That will be our home base for convention coverage. Scott pelley will have a special edition of the cbs weekend news sunday night from philadelphia. Our primetime coverage begins monday night, and well have gaveltogavel coverage on cbs neez. Com. In munich, germany, investigators are learn more about the gunman who killed nine people on friday before turning upon gun on himself. 27 people were injured. The suspect is 18yearold german iranian david sonboly. Seth doane is in munich. Reporter German Authorities say the 18yearold munich shooter academied alone, had no links to terrorist groups, suffered from depression, and was obsessed with mass killings. A search at the shooters family apartment today turned up reading material about mass murderers including rightwing fanatic. Many of the victims of fridays shooting were teenagers. The first bullets hit the boy next to me, 29yearold huseyin bayri told us. I tried talking to him while the shooter continued his ram taij and i thought im next. This video apparently shows bayri trying to save the teenagers life i tried to put my hands in his wound so he wouldnt bleed to death. Bayri heard the shooter yelling, im german you expletive foreigners. Police say the shooting that unfolded here was premeditated, that the gunman had hacked into someones Facebook Page and had made it appear as though there was a promotional offer, trying to lure people to the scene. The killers body was found not far from the scene. Hed shot himself and had a backpack full of ammunition. Huseyin bayri says hes traumatized. You werent able to save him . The boy said i cant go on any longer and he drew his last breath. Yet again, sidewalks have been turned into somber memorials, and another major european city is left shaken. Seth doane, cbs news, munich, germany. Ninan terrorist bombs exploded in afghanistan saturday. Two sides bombers blew themselves up during a demonstration in the city of kabul. More than 80 are dead, hundreds more wounded. Its the deadliest attack in the Afghan Capital since 2001. Isis claimed responsibility. In louisiana, Police Officers from across the country attended the funeral for sheriffs deputy brad garafola. He was one of three Law Enforcement officers killed in an ambush last sunday. The gunman was killed in a shootout. Deputy garafola was 45 years old. Well, much of the nation is being smothered by what forecasters call a heat dome. From coast to coast, temperatures are well above 90, even above 100 in many places. In the west, dangerous heat killed a 12yearold boy hikingg in phoenix. The heat is also fueling wildfires. Heres carter evans. Reporter flames broke out along a busy freeway north of los angeles at the height of the heat wave. This view, from an l. A. County fire helicopter, shows fire engines arriving on scene. Look at that. That is some ingenuity right there. Hes got one of the big nozzles, driving along trying to put that fire out. Reporter but temperatures, up to 110 degrees, and strong wind gusts made it impossible for firefighters to stop the massive wall of flames. Hundreds had to evacuate, including kurtis bell. It was just like in the movies with fire and smoke around. It absolutely looked like the apocalypse. Reporter firefighters tracked the flames from the air, as they ripped through miles of droughtdried brush. L. A. Fire captain daniel curry. This is just an example of our of a dry of a dry plant, and you can just grab it and break it. And you can see theres just no noyce mois in this whatsoever. Reporter as these flames continued to grow, firefighters are looking forward to cooler temperatures tomorrow here in the west. Now Errol Barnett has more on the National Heat wave from washington. Reporter tourists in the heart of american democracy are feeling monumental heat. Very hot, very hot. Looks like it was going to be record heat and we were not hoping for that what we came up here. Reporter high summer temperatures are mixing with an extremely humid air mass moving eastward. In many places, it resulted in dangerous tripledigit heat indices. New york is keeping people cool with sprinklers. It was 70something years old. And this tennessee mans father died on thursday. His home had no air conditioning. We should check on our relatives and friends and family and neighbors with the heat. Its tough out here. Its hot. Reporter now, most people are just not used to this type of heat. Here in washington the temperatures have been in the upper 90s, but with 50 humidity, it feels like its 105 degrees. Menacing conditions for the most vulnerable infants and the elderly. Reena. Ninan Errol Barnett. Lets bring in Pamela Gardner of our cbs boston station wbz. Pamela any relief from the heat wave in sight . Reena the hot temperatures continue. We have heat variesy in effect from new york, st. Lucie, and chicago. A heat dome continues to build. And notice it starts to flatten out as we get into sunday. What that means is the heat will progress, even into new england and southern canada, but also tracking the intense humidity levels. Dew point temperatures in the low to mid70s with the southwest south air flow and that means it will be downright oppressive with actual high temperatures in the 90s from new york to d. C. Columbia 100 degrees. Oklahoma city, also 100. Also keeping an eye on whats going on in the pacific ocean. We have Tropical Storm jarvi thats going to continue to track westnorthwest, affecting the big islands and the rest of the islands of hawaii. Monday morning 50mileperhour winds and 10 to 15 inches of rain. Ninan Pamela Gardner from our cbs boston station wbz, thank you. A russian balloonist set whats believed to be a new record, flying around the world nonstop in 11 days. His 21,000mile journey ended with a thud in the australian outback. The pilot survived temperatures of minus 60 in antarctica. His first order of business back on earth . A hot shower. Coming up on the cbs weekend news, they want affordable child care. Now, many immigrant families turning their children into satellite babies. 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In some immigrant communities, parents are making an even greater sacrifice for child care sending their babies overseas until theyre ready to begin school here in the u. S. Jericka duncan has more on the socalled satellite babies. How many children in this room are satellite babies . Reporter at this Elementary School in queens, more than 60 of its summer students are known as satellite babies. Theyre children born in the united states, sent away to live in their parents home country. For several years, they are raised by relatives, in most cases, grandparents. They return to the u. S. When they are school aged. Its a common cultural trend in many chinese immigrant communities. And then she said, here is my mother, and i was confused. Reporter we met eightyearold twins matthew and rachel cai, and jenny zhuo. They were sent to chine as babies and came back when they were around four years old. Do you understand why your parent sent you to china and then brought you back . You dont understand. I understand because, like, my mom had to work. Reporter many parents of satellite babies send their children overseas in part to preserve their culture, but experts say the overwhelming force behind this expodus is the lack of affordable child care. No parent wants to give up their child but its a lot of sacrifices immigrant have to make to have a better life here. Reporter lois lee is the director of the chinese american planning council. Its a nonprofit which runs child care programs that help satellite babies adjust to life in america. It was difficult for the child because they havent seen their parents. Reporter lee mentored vicky pan, now taken years old. I remember, like, the first night when i went to my house in america with my parents, i realized that my grandparents are never going to be here. Like, im in a new place now. And i was, like, crying and stuff. Like, even no its like that. Reporter are you upset because of the way they brought you back . I feel like they know that if they told me straight up that i was going to my parents, i wouldnt have went. Because i dont know who they are. Reporter 24yearold david chen says his transition was so traumatic, he began having suicidal thoughts in the third grade. Youre so closed off. You start thinking very depressed thought and very dark, dark, dark thoughts. And, you know, being bullied and youre suffering and, you know, your parents dont understand that. Reporter now a medical student, chen wants to share his story with other satellite babies so they understand theyre not alone. On the ride to our house, i realized that i didnt know where i was going. They were complete strangers, and i felt really, really scared. Reporter lee says experiences like chens are common and contribute to some behavioral problems. There are a lot of angry people in america, and you dont want to add to the anger. You really want to, you know to lessen it. Reporter one of those ways youre doing that is identifying these satellite babies. And why go through separation anxiety . So weve really got to keep these families intact. Reporter jericka duncan, cbs news, new york. Ninan still ahead, a disease steals their ability to speak, but theres a new way to preserve their voice. To severe rheumatoid arthritis, and youre talking to your doctor about your medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . Talk to your rheumatologist. This is humira at work. But zzzquil is different have Pain Medicine because why would you take a Pain Medicine when all you want is good sleep . Zzzquil a nonhabit forming sleepaid thats not for pain, just for sleep. Year are diagnosed with als, a disorder that affects the nerves and muscles. Its also known as lou gehrigs disease. There is no cure. As the decease progresses, patients lose their ability to speak but as jon lapook reports, they dont have to lose their voice. Reporter alspositive shaz robbed Michael Hubner of her arm and leg strength but shes determined to preserve her voice. I think my collection of phrases finds the center between the words and phrases i love, and the things i know im going to need to say. I need my eyebrows tweezed. Reporter before her speech becomes impaired, she has come to boston Childrens Hospital to speech pathologist john costello. He gives als patients a voice recorder and tells them to think of phrases that reflect who they are. Recording messages in your own voice is a huge way to not lose that self, to not give yourself up fully to the disease when at every turn the disease is taking. Can you understand me okay . Reporter als has also taken a lot from 42yearold todd quinn. Until four years ago he was a home builder, an avid outdoorsman and a nature photographer. He was one of the first als patients to bank his voice. Hey, sawyer, how are you . Reporter enabling him to talk to his wife, cat, and his son, sawyer. Hey, sawyer, how are you . Thats todd four years ago. Did you have a good day . Reporter a computer recognizes which words he is looking at on the screen, allowing him to pick the phrases he wants. Did you have a good day . Reporter yes, i did, so far. Good night, babe. Reporter oh, so when you hear good night, babe what do you think . It always brings me back to when we first got diagnosed, when we had that voice. Cant say that i dont miss that, so i do miss it, but i feel more than anything appreciative for that we have it. All this talking is making me thirsty. Reporter would you like me to get you a drink . Todd wishes he had saved more messages. That makes the messages he has all the more precious. Dr. Jon lapook, cbs news, blairs town, new jersey. Ninan well, up next, a hiewskal that raises the curtain on anxiety and depression. Thats all i crave. E thats where this comes in. 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Make sure your doctor hears you too i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. If you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, dont suffer in silence step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. Tell em cedric sent you. Ninan more than half of all americans will suffer from some form of Mental Illness at some point in their lives. A woman from new york city named Rachel Griffen is among them. Shes actually written a musical to inspire others to turn their pain into power. Marlie hall has her story. Reporter Rachel Griffen can turn just about any emotion into a song. I lost barbara and the children god i miss them and who i used to be. Reporter thats really sad. I know, isnt that sad. Reporter the new york city music teacher suffers from anxiety and depression. Now its her mission to fight the stigma of Mental Illness. Its okay to not be okay. Reporter she was diagnosed 10 years ago after she flunked out of school. I felt like i was defective. I felt like there was normal and then there was me. Me. Reporter psychologist Joseph Cilona says Mental Illness is often viewed as a character flaw instead of an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Stereotypes have persisted and really seem to be pervasive in our Society Despite the scientific knowledge that we now have. Reporter thats why griffen poured her shame and frustration into writing and producing a musical with scenes inspired by her own life. Welcome to your new life welcome to the psyche ward reporter we have apples is a comedy set in a psychiatrist ward. The lead character, jane, is a young writer who checks herself in, and in an unsupporting role a character called depression. Along with the musical, griffen started a social media movement. Imnotashamed has been shared nearly 100,000 times, and inspired other others to shed tr shame. Not being ashamed is one thing, but writing about your life and putting it on a stage, thats a whole different level. Why cothat . I know im willing to be vulnerable if i can help that one person who is in pain thinking this is never going to get better. Reporter for Rachel Griffen it got a lot better. Shes newly married, recently earned a masters degree, and her musical debuts in new york city this september. If you had told me when i was really struggling that my life would look like it does today, i would not have believed it. So were here to say happy admission day reporter marlie hall, cbs news, new york. Ninan and thats the cbs weekend news for this saturday. Later on cbs, 48 hours. And a reminder our coverage of the Democratic National Convention Begins tomorrow. Scott pelley will have a special edition of the weekend news from philadelphia. Our primetime coverage begins monday, and, of course, our digital new york cbsn at cbsnews. Com will provide gaveltogavel convention coverage. Im reena ninan in new york. Thank you for joining us. Good night. Announcer the following program is sponsored by operation smile. Every three minutes, a child is born with cleft lip or cleft palate. In many countries, they cant get the surgery they need. Interpreter i feel bad when they stare at her. They say, look how ugly she is. I feel very happy. I dont know how to explain it. She looks brandnew. Interpreter he gets upset when he drinks because it falls out of his mouth. Before, he looked so different, but now he looks good, and that makes me happy. Hes very handsome now. Interpreter people say he was born like a monster. We have prayed for this moment to happen. Hes gorgeous, precious very precious

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