Transcripts For KYW CBS Weekend News 20160514

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From campaigning, but its in the a quiet weekend for the Presumptive Republican president ial nominee. There were concerns about trumps tax, mysterious recordings that have surfaced, and a new report featuring who have worked with him. Julianna goldman gets us started tonight. Reporter an explosive story from sundays New York Times paints a complicated picture of how donald trump has treated women over several decades. Interviews with more than 50 women, including employees, former girlfriends and Miss Universe contestants reveal unwelcome romantic advance, unending commentary on the female form, a shrewd reliance on ambitious women and unsettling workplace conduct. Were going to. Cotogether. Were going to be successful. Reporter the article is only the latest in a series of controversies that have boiled over in the last few days, just as trump is making inroads with establishment republican leaders. Theyre creating a grab bag for hillary clinton, Whose Campaign today released this new web ad highlighting the different executions trump has made over the years for not providing his tax returns. Its none of your business. Reporter the ad picks up this contentious interview from friday, where trump refused t disclose his effective tax rate and rejected the idea that voters even have a right to see his rush. I dont think they do. When the audit ends, ill present them. I hope its before the election. Report meanwhile, trump is under fire for denying a Washington Post report that he posed as his own publicist in the 80s and 90s, like in this 1991 audio reporting where he allegedly talks to a reporter under a pseudonym. Whats your name again . John miller. Reporter the story says trump admitted decades ago that he was john miller and called it a joke gone awry, but pressed yesterday, he said it wasnt him. I dont me anything about it. Youre telling me about it for the first time, and it doesnt sound like my voice at all. I have many, many people that are trying to imitate my voice. Reporter in another interview with Washington Post reporters yesterday, trump was asked if he ever employed someone named john miller. The phone then went dead. And reena, when the reporters called back, trumps secretary said they had gotten disconnected but he couldnt take the call. Ninan Julianna Goldman in washington. Julianna, thank you. And john dickerson, face the nation host, joins us now from the college of william and mary in williamsburg. I want to start off with news thats been buzzing this week. Not since pacquiao faced off with may weather has there been more buzz about two men getting together. Trumps big meeting with ryan. Both sides called it a productive meeting, but there is no endorsement from paul ryan and others. Whats going into the speakers decision in delaying not to eastbound doors him here . Well, first of all, there are serious policy differences between donald trump and paul ryan on immigration, on entitlements, on taxes and on trade. And so they have to fig were out where they beth stand on that. Theres a real gap. And then theres also just Donald Trumps unpredictability, and paul ryan has concerns about what it means for him to be a candidate and say the kinds of things he says when hes now attached to the entire republican party. Ninan youre also going to be speaking with rnc chairman Reince Priebus and a panel of Congressional Republicans on sunday. Both democrats and republicans. They both struggled with uniting historically, especially after a bruising primary. What makes the current g. O. P. Divide so unique, and how do you see this playing out . Reporter both parties, it looks like it will be arranged marriage when they get to the position where theres a nominee. Inside both parties there are groups that are uneasy with the nominees. On the republican party, whats happening is you have a group of people who believe that donald trump is not a conservative, that he is so unpredictability that he not only will hurt the republican party, but that he also will damage the conservative brand, and there are a lot of people who believe in the ideas more than they believe in the party. And so thats part of whats causing some difficulty. Also one other thing is its just all happened faster than people thought. So some of the problem coming to unity may just be that republicans are. Need a little bit more time. Ninan john, thank you. For johns conversation with Reince Priebus and a panel of republicans and former secretary of defense robert gates, make sure you watch face the nation this sunday. Dramatic footage has surfaced of a plane crash in lodi, california. The plane was carrying a group of skydivers when it went down in a vineyard on thursday. Marlie hall is here with the story. Incredible images. Reporter if those skydivers wither looking for a thrill, they certainly got one. Is that a man . Open the door open the door reporter its hard to believe that all 17 skydivers escaped with barely a scratch. Moments after takeoff, the cessna 208 started to experience engine trouble. Thats when the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing. The plane nose dived into a vineyard, clipped a truck and then flipped over before finally coming to a stop. All 18 people on board made it out okay, including the pilot who suffered only a bloody nose. I spoke earlier with one of the skydivers, sebastian alvarez, who cap captured this on his helmet camera. He told me after the crash hes just happy to be alive. We never panic. We put our seat belt back, helmets back on, and were ready for an emergency. You realize, oh, wow, its like, wow, this just happened. Im alive and everybody is alive. Reporter alvarez, a professional skydiver and a former military pilot, says the pilot is a hero for getting them on the ground safely. Alvarez seems unfazed by the ordeal. He even went skydiving earlier today. The federal Aviation Administration is investigating what caused the plane to crash. Reena. Ninan pretty gutsy. Thank you very much. Reaction has been mixed to the white house guidelines allowing transgender students the use bathrooms that match their gender identity. Demarco morgan is following this. Reporter across the country there have been protests for and against transgender students being allowed to use restrooms and locker rooms of their choosing. State leaders, including texas Lieutenant Governor dan patrick, are flat out rejecting the obama administrations new guidelines. We will not yield to blackmail from the president of the united states. Reporter patrick is urging the States School districts to ignore the policy completely. You cannot resist democracy. Fort worth, the states sixth Largest School district, says it will enforce the new rules. Taxpayers and parents should be outraged at this shocking violation and breech of the public trust. Get back to education, repeal the policy. Reporter but the schools superintendent says the policy could prevent bullying. Unfortunately not every child comes from a safe and supportive home. Reporter currently eight states plus the District Of Columbia have laws regarding gender and bathroom use. California and new jersey are the only two states that allow students to choose a restroom based on their gender identity. North carolina recently made headlines with a bill the critics say restriction transgender peoples rights. Back in forth worth, some believe matter should be handled on a local level. Allison kelly has two children in public schools. Its not a federal decision. This is a state and this is a local decision. Reporter the directive sent out by the justice and education departments is not lost, but the message behind the letter is clear. Follow its guidance on transgender sensitivity or possibly lose federal funding. Reena . Ninan interesting questions on how funding could be cut. Isis has declared state of emergency in raqqa, syria. The city is the terror groups selfdeclared capital. There are reports that isis is moving equipment and fighters in and around raqqa. Preparing for a possible invasion by local forces. Across the border in iraq, u. S. Troops are training and assisting iraqi soldiers fighting against isis. Charlie dagata saw some of the fighting firsthand. Reporter on the outskirts of baghdad, iraqi soldiers opened fire on the enemy. Which in this case was the shell of a vehicle in the distance. Training them to take on isis for real is the job of Sergeant First Class josh mcspadden, the soldier from fort walton beach, florida, has been here before. In 2004, he fought in some of the fiercest battles of the conflict. Why did you volunteer to come back . You want to make a difference. You dont want to just sit around and say, well, i could have done something. Reporter hes got his work cut out for him. All these recruits had to train on was a rusty russian tank and handful of soviet era armored personnel care yes, carriers. Hes one of thousands u. S. Troops sent to iraq capable of taking on isis and stopping the kind of attacks that killed close to 100 people in baghdad this week. He is in an advise and assist role. Yes. Im advise and assist trainer assist trainer whatever. Reporter even if that whatever means combat, he says, although he doesnt think it will come do that, and he has faith that one day at least these new recruits will be capable of taking on isis on their own. Charlie dagata, cbs news, near baghdad. Ninan in washington state, two wildfires have destroyed hundreds of acres. About a dozen homes had to be evacuated today near the town of gold bar. Another fire is burning in a logging area near the town of oso. Hot, dry weather is fueling the fires. In San Francisco bay, its been a great week for whale watching thanks to some special visitors. Theyre seldom seen in these waters. Heres carter evans. Reporter it is an unusual sight, humpback whales frolicking in the shadow of the golden gate bridge. Its pretty dramatic and delightedful to have wildlife of this grandeur in San Francisco bay. Reporter the executive director of the bay areas Marine Mammal center says the migrating whales are following food into shallower waters. The problem occurs when our yield to get close to them interferes with their natural behavior. Yeah reporter terry park shot this video while kite surfing near two of the whales. Right underneath me. There were a couple of times there where you cant see where theyre going to submerge, and then they come up pretty close to you. Reporter over fast few day, boaters have seen whales breeching in the bay. Another one. Reporter and while the 60,000pound whales are considered docile. All of these animal are unpredictable, and these humpbacks can be aerobatic, as well,. Reporter and that can be dangerous as these kayakers inmont ray bay found out last fall. Another concern for scientists is that the whales could continue to swim inland, up the sacramento river, and get stuck as a humpback named humphrey did back in the 80 and 90s. Tide can shift relatively quickly, leave the animal in water thats not navigable. Also as they move up into rivers and fresh water which can start overtime to have effects on their skin. Reporter biologists say warmer water temperatures caused by el nino are drawing in Marine Mammals that would typically only be seen in deeper water, but how long these whales remain in the bay, reena, is still in the bay, reena, is still unclear. I accept im not 22 in the bay, reena, is still unclear. I accept i do a shorter set these days. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But i wont play anything less than my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, im going for it. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Thats what i wanted to hear. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. I accept i dont play quite like i used to. But im still bringing my best. And going for eliquis. Reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. This is lloyd. To prove to you that the better choice for him is aleve. Hes agreed to give it up. Ok, but i have 30 acres to cover by sundown. Well be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. Yeah, i was ok, but after lunch my knee started hurting again so. More pills. Yep. Another pill stop. Can i get my aleve back yet . For my pain. I want my aleve. Get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. Youthats why you drink ensure. Sidelined. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. But ive managed. E Crohns Disease is tough, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. And when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe Crohns Disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Ninan the u. N. Estimates nearly one million syrian children are now on the run from the countrys civil war. Many have risked death the reach turkey, where Holly Williams have a discovered refugee children pressed into sweatshop labor for a little more than 50 cents an hour. Reporter in a Textile Factory in istanbul, workers toil over sewing machines. Look closely. Because these workers are children. Filming with a hidden camera, we found scores of factories using child labor in turkey. Most, perhaps all of the children, from syria. Some told us they were as young as 11, refugees from a war now easily exploited. A turkish worker on the minimum wage earns around 450 a month. A syrian child working 12 hours a day earns as little as 160. At a school for syrian children in istanbul, these boys, age 10 to 12, are just beginning to learn to read and write because until recently most of them were fulltime workers. How many of you guys have worked . Wow. Reporter the schools founder told us he offers free tuition to encourage parents to send their children back to class, but sometimes that is not enough. Parents arent earning enough money to feed their families. No, so they are being forced to send their kids to work. Reporter out of desperation. Yes, yes. Theyve got no choice. They have to send their children. Reporter layla is a psychologist who treats syrian child refugees and their families, and told us many factories prefer to hire children over their parents. You can overwork the children and theyre not going to be oppositional. Theyre not going to ask for their rights. They dont know their rights. Theyre just going to work like slaves ann its easier to keep them as slaves than doing it to an adult. Reporter turkey has taken in around 3 million syrian refugees, spending billions of dollars to shelter and feed them. But while theyre safe here, theres very little stable work, and not much hope of building a future. Thats why so many syrians have risked their lives in rickety boats to reach europe, but now the European Union has promised turkey nearly 7 billion in return for its help stopping the refugees, and the crackdown has worked. The for syrian, the door the europe has slammed shut, but the factories that prey on them appear to be operating with immunity, and hundreds of thousands of syrian children in turkey are growing up ill it will illiterate and powerless to change their fate. Holly williams, cbs news, istanbul. Ninan still ahead on the c jay knows how to keep his nice shorts dad. They dont make em in adult sizes . This is what the pros wear. Look at the lines. Uhhh. Look at the other line. Mm. Mhh. Thats why he starts his day with those two scoops. In deliciously heart healthy kelloggs raisin bran. Ready to eat my dust . Too bad i already filled up on raisins. By taking steps towards a healthy heart, jay knows hell be ready for the turns ahead. Hey dont forget to put up your kickstand. Ring bell sighs. Kelloggs raisin bran. And try kelloggs raisin bran crunch now with more crunchy clusters. I will change you. Change your goals to get you home earlier every day. Sometimes i will give you superpowers. But sometimes, ill make you feel like the weakest man in the world. I will test your patience to make your heart softer. And your limits to make you tougher. But i promise dad, it will be the greatest journey of your life. Ninan olympian dave loud was shot dead by her husband. His wife admits to pulling the trigger, but was it murder or selfdefense. Erin moriarty investigates the death of an olympian. Reporter dave lout brought home a medal in 1949. Lout of the u. S. A. May be able to do it. Reporter but in the Early Morning hours of august 2009, lout was shot and killed in his own backyard. 911, whats your emergency . Reporter dave lauts wife jane told a 911 operator that a prowler attacked her husband. He was shot. You heard shots being fired . Yes. Reporter but not long after daves death, jane admitted to shooting him herself. I notice you dont call this a crime scene. Its in the a crime scene. Its a where a woman saved her life. Reporter a defense Attorney Says jane hid years of abuse, but Oxnard Police detective mike young says jane is a coldblooded killer with an ageold motive. He was looking up divorce lawyers. There was some web activity of divorce lawyer research. Reporter six years after his death, jane laut stood trial for the firstdegree murder of her husband. Now in her First Television interview, laut tells 48 hours what she says happened. Why did you shoot him . Well, he was going to kill me. I didnt think i was going to live that night. Reporter you can see erins full report tonight on 48 hours. Ninan up next, the pentagon recruits a few good these little guys . They represent blood cells. And if you have afib an irregular heartbeat that may put you at five times greater risk of stroke they can pool together in the heart, forming a clot that can break free, and travel upstream to the brain where it can block blood flow and cause a stroke. But if you have afib thats not caused by a heart valve problem, pradaxa can help stop clots from forming. Pradaxa was better than warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke, in a Clinical Trial without the need for regular blood tests. And, in the rare event of an emergency, pradaxa is the only oral blood thinner other than warfarin with a specific reversal treatment to help your body clot normally again. Pradaxa is not for people who have had a heart valve replacement. Dont stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. Stopping increases your risk of stroke or blood clots. Ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before any planned medical or dental procedure. Pradaxa can cause serious, and sometimes, fatal bleeding. Dont take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding. And seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if youre 75 or older, have kidney problems, stomach ulcers, a bleeding condition, or take certain medicines. Side effects with pradaxa can include indigestion, stomach pain, upset or burning. Go with pradaxa, the only blood thinner that lowers your stroke risk better than warfarin and has a specific reversal treatment. Eligible patients could pay as little as zero dollars on copay. Ask your doctor about pradaxa today. When agerelated macular have degeneration, amd we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression. And everywhere i look. Im reminded to stick to my plan. Including Preservision Areds 2. My doctor said Preservision Areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula that the National Eye Institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. After 15 years of clinical studies. Preservision areds 2. Because my eyes are everything. Msame time tomorrow, fellas . New dr. Scholls stimulating step insoles. They massage key pressure points with each step, for all day comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. Dudes got skills. New dr. Scholls stimulating step insoles. Ninan we close tonight at the pentagon where officials recently challenged hackers to invade their Cyber Security system. David martin now with the revenge of the nerds. Reporter walking the halls of the pentagon in his hoodie, chris lynch has been mistaken for a repairman, as in how long will it take you to fix my phone in this is the weirdest moment of my life. I never thought id show up in government. I never thought that id be working at the pentagon. Reporter a Software Entrepreneur from seattle, lynch was brought in by defense secretary carter to head a new office called the defense digital service. The title on the door says Rebel Alliance. I like to say the Rebel Alliance is anybody who wants to be part of working around and changing bureaucracy, and i believe that is our mission. If we dont, i dont know who else will. Reporter just as in star wars, this rebel aligns, actually a staff of 12, is out to do battle with a mighty empire, the old and slow pentagon bureaucracy. Were a swat team for nerds. Reporter bureaucracy bust centers we have actually a type of person, one of the skill sets that we hire, is actually a bureaucracy hacker. Reporter lynchs first project was called hack the pentagon. Pay a boundry to minute who can find a way to hack into five of the defense departments public web sites. So hack the pentagon doesnt even sound legal. There were a lot of people who didnt like that name. Reporter most hackers i think are seen as malicious. Not every hacker is bad. Thats the big change. Were now allowing people that want to that are not malicious to do it. Reporter in six weeks, 1,400 hackers uncovered 90 vulnerabilities in the software, flaws which could be exploited to tamper with the sites. We had our first vulnerability that came in 13 minutes from the launch of the program. Reporter were just going the map things out. Reporter lynch has covered an entire wall with plans to overhall software that go far beyond public web sites, which is why joe roman cape looking to a Software Solution to the paperwork of recruiting. This will be fun. You dont speak your language. I dont speakers. Ill try to speak slowly and loudly so you understand. Reporter lynch finds out theyre creating files the oldfashioned way. So theyre printing and scanning . A lot of printing and scanning. Reporter another potential project with lynchs great white wall, which ends with this admonition governments hate two things change and the way things are. David martin, cbs news, the pentagon. Ninan thats the cbs weekend news for tonight. The news continues now on our 24hour Digital Network cbsn. Im reena ninan in new york. For all of us from cbs news, thank you for joining us and good night. Announcer the following program is sponsored by operation smile. Every year, hundreds of thousands of children are born with cleft lip and or cleft palate. Dr. Bill magee why should any child, anywhere on this planet, have to live a life of misery. Kathy majette a lot of people think that children that are born with these deformities are cursed. Just imagine a life alone, that nobody wanted to be around you. Norrie oelkers and we had children coming in for screening with brown bags over their head. Theyre never allowed to leave their house unless they have a bag on their heads. Kathy majette some children dont live, because they have problems with eating, and drinking, and die of malnutrition. Mel and they see us as their last resort. Dr. Jill gora every child deserves a fair chance at life, Peggy Stillman it may only take an hour to do something that will change their lives forever. Noreen kessler and you just see a whole new person,

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