World in 90 seconds. This is the grownup world now. If he can not handle his job, he needs to turn in his security clearance and go back to doing real estate in new york city. Jared kushner faces agreeing scrutiny. I dont trust the story. We dont know if its true. A shoving match on the state floor in texas. Tempers flared. Isis is claiming responsibility for a deadly bombing in central baghdad. The man accused of a deadly attack after an antimuslim rant on a train in portland, oregon, is due in court today. Former panamanian Manuel Noriega has died. He was 83 years old. Tiger woods is charged with driving under the influence in florida. He claims an unexpected reaction to prescription medicine. Hes taken quite a fall, and im hoping that this might be the bottom of the fall. A tiger killed a zoo keeper in england. The zoo is calling it a freak accident. This is human failure. In illinois, fire destroyed a good portion of the former joliet correctional center. The prison has been closed for years. All that whoa, bryce harper wants a piece of hunter strickland. Here they go. Bench is empty. That was a real fight. Open punches thrown and punched landed. My goodness. And all that matters. The sense was incredible. A minute of silence has been held in manchester. For manchester and the people who have come here to remember the enormity of what happened a week ago will never be forgotten. On cbs this morning. President trump marked memorial day at Arlington National cemetery. We pay tribute to those brave souls who raced into gunfire, roared into battle, and ran into hell to face down evil. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Presented by toyota. Lets go places. Captioning fund welcome to cbs this morning. Norah odonnell is off so alex wagner joins us. We begin with breaking news. Cbs news has confirmed Communications Director mike dubke is out. This move comes as the role of President Trumps Senior Adviser and soninlaw Jared Kushner is also under crosssuit scrutiny. The fbi is focused on kushner for allegedly trying to establish back Channel Communications with russia. Major garrett is at the white house with more on the story. The mike dubke move has been in the works for a good long while and by itself in no way constitutes a major shakeup of this White House Communications team but more big moves are in the offing and could happen very soon. Here yesterday, trumps First Campaign manager, Cory Lewandowski were here. They met with all west wing senior staff. Both could be brought into this white house or assigned by this white house to create a war room to deal with the ongoing russia investigation stories. In his first memorial day speech as commander in chief, President Trump called fallen u. S. Soldiers heroes. We can never repay them, but we can always remember. Present. Reporter the president paused after laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Later, he met families and a mother memorializing her son. You take care of yourself. Thank you so much. Reporter the solemnity of the day contrasts with continuing drama inside the white house. Top adviser and soninlaw Jared Kushner is now a focus of the investigation into possible collusion between the Trump Campaign and transition with russian officials or operatives. Cbs news has confirmed that when kushner meat met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in december, the two discussed setting up a back channel for communications between the Trump Transition Team and russian officials. Administration aides describe that as standard procedure. I dont like it. I just dont. Reporter but republican senator john mccain said whats standard for the trump team isnt. I dont think its standard procedure prior to the inauguration of a president of the United States by someone who is not in an appointed position. Reporter the negative publicity has made kushner vulnerable for the first time and made space for chief strategist steve bannon to regain some influence. But kushners allies argue that President Trump considers the best part of his recently completed foreign trip the three legs that kushner organized. Saudi arabia, israel, and rome. That work, like the 110 billion arms deal with the saudis jared helped negotiate is valued most by mr. Trump. The president told the New York Times about Jared Kushner, he has told confidence in him, adding, he is a very good person. Alex. Major, thanks. Frances new president used his first meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin to deliver a sharp message. Emmanuel macron met putin outside paris yesterday. Macron criticized the use of chemical weapons by syrias russianbacked government. He also took aim at two russian state media organizations. He accused them of spreading false stories during frances recent president ial campaign. Putin has denied interfering in that election. Politician has taken an ugly turn inside the texas State Capitol. The confrontation happened after one lawmaker said he called immigration officials about protesters in the gallery. A member, a republican from dallas, also threatened to shoot a democratic colleague. He claimed it would be selfdefense. The flareup concerns a new state law that effectively bans sanctuary cities in texas. It gives larw enforcement officers the right to question immigration status of anyone they detain. David is outside the State Capitol in austin. David, good morning. Reporter good morning. There were a lot of protesters in the State Capitol and they were loud. At one point, a republican representative claims he saw a Protester Holding a sign that said, i am illegal and im here to stay. That representative then told his colleagues, i just called federal Immigration Police on those protesters. Thats when things got ugly. Decorum was lost in the texas house monday as elected officials started pushing one another during the final day of the legislative session. I did shove him around a little bit. I pushed him because he needed to get out of there. Reporter the democrat and republican dustup came off he said he called immigration officials to report protesters gathered in the house chamber. He said, yeah, i called i. C. E. And then he said, f them. You say things to incite people and thats exactly what i did. Reporter an estimated 1,000 people were inside the capitol monday, protesting the state law which forces texas sheriffs to help enforce federal immigration law. The house business stopped and protesters were ordered to leave the gallery. Some were physically removed by texas state troopers. These folks understand that what is going to happen in the future is exactly what matt renaldi demonstrated. He saw the crowd and he awe illegals. Reporter House Democrats are not only laying the blame squarely on the representative. Members say he escalated the situation. There was a threat made to put a bullet in one of my colleagues heads. Reporter but on facebook, he said, represent Poncho Nevarez threatened my life on the house floor and representative romero threaten medici threatened me physically. He said he made it clear. Whats not true is that i threatened his life. Reporter lawmakers families were in the chamber to celebrate the final session. What they saw, many say, was an em barsment to the state. There are enough of us here who remember a time in texas when respect and decorum ruled the day. Reporter we reached out to representative renaldi at least seven times but he never got back to us. He says he now fears for his safety and this morning, he is being protected by texas state troopers. A suspect accused of stabbing two men to death and seriously injuring a third on a portland, oregon, train is due in court today. President trump called these attacks unacceptable. He tweeted this. The victims were standing up to hate and intolerance. Maria is outside the Justice Center with how a third bystander helped save the victims life. Reporter this morning, Jeremy Christian is set to be arraigned in court on several charges, including murder but this morning, we are learning more about the lone survivor in this attack and the man who helped him in the situation. Micah came running out, holding the left side of his neck, going, somebody help me, call 911. Reporter marcus was waiting for the train with his family friday afternoon when he suddenly heard people screaming and running for safety. Thats when he spotted 21yearold micah fletcher, one of three Good Samaritans who police say was stabbed by Jeremy Christian while defending two young teens during a racist rant. I wrapped my hand over his to try and keep pressure on his neck and then somebody tossed us a little toddler jacket to put over the wound. Reporter micahs family credits the iraq war veteran with keeping the College Student alive. Hell be with us forever. Hes hes a lifesaver. Reporter micah is now recovering at home. The two other men who stood up against christian died from their injuries. Clearly what happened on that train was an act of terrorism. What happened on that train was a hate crime. Reporter portland mayor ted wheeler says he hopes the tragedy will inspire change. Hes calling on the federal government to revoke the permit for a rally later this week organized by the same altright group that planned the protest where christian went on a hatefilled rant last month. Yes, its protected by the First Amendment of the constitution, but im also asking people to use common sense and have some decency out of respect for the fact that this community is still mourning and were still angry. Reporter the rallys organizer right now says he does not promote hate speech and he is not associated with Jeremy Christian. At this point right now, he is not canceling his event. The aclu was also weighing in on this debate. Their director saying that government censorship is not the answer. Charlie, so far, more than 1 million has been raised online for the victims and their families thanks. Tiger woods is blaming his dui arrest on prescription medicine. Woods said in a statement, i want the public to know that alcohol was not involved. I didnt realize the mix of medications had affected me so strongly. Police in south florida pulled him over early yesterday and took him to jail. Woods is recovering from back surgery last month. Were at Jupiter Police headquarters north of West Palm Beach with the golfers recent struggles. Manuel, good morning. Reporter good morning, and that Statement Released last night, woods also apologized and took full responsibility for his actions. Now, police here are expected to release the arrest report and possibly dash cam video later today. Those items could shed light on woods behavior during the arrest. Disheveled and unshaven, tiger woods mug shot is a sharp departure from his usual carefully crafted public image. The 41yearold golfer, winner of 79 pga tour events was arrested around 3 00 monday morning, not far from a restaurant he owns and his estate. Woods said he cooperated with Jupiter Police. His life has been, you know, chaotic and difficult, i think, for several years. Reporter golf world editor in chief says woods hasnt been the same golfer since he crashed his suv on thanksgiving weekend 2009. Tigers a guy that is in trouble and needs help. Reporter that accident, which happened outside his orlando home, reportedly followed an argument with his wife over his infidelity. They eventually divorced and woods sought treatment for sex addiction. Its hard to admit that i need help. But i do. Reporter woods has not played on the pga tour in four months. Last won a major title in 2008. There will come a point in when, yeah, physically, i wont be able to do it. Reporter in october, woods told charlie rose his health, not his personal struggles, was to blame for his decline. Ive had three back operations and thats taken its toll on me. Not the athlete that you physically no. Torn achilles throughout the time. Blown knee. Torn miniscus so ive gone through a lot. Reporter in april, woods went through a fourth back operation. On his website, he said, i havent felt this good in years. If tiger were to play well again, i think most of the public would sort of overlook what just happened and maybe thats what hes banking on. Reporter even though police took woods into custody around 3 00 a. M. , he wasnt booked into the county jail until around 7 00 a. M. He was released four hours later without bail. Alex . Manuel, thanks. Severe storms hit eastern North Carolina overnight injuring at least 14 people. This morning, a National Weather service crew will survey damage to see if it was caused by a tornado. At least one home was flattened and nearly a dozen other buildings were damaged. Strong winds also knocked over trees blocking roads. Isis claims responsibility for a massive bomb in baghdad that killed 17 people. Surveillance video cap chutured moment of the blast outside a Popular Ice Cream shop. The bomb in a parked car was set off by remote control. 32 people were injured here. A new car bomb this morning exploded near a Government Office in baghdad and that blast killed 14 people. Stepped up the tax as u. S. Forces battle for the last areas of mosul under isis control. Charlie is now in erbil, iraq, and joins us. Reporter good morning to you, gayle. What weve seen in the fight for the old city is simply guerilla warfare at its very worst and each day that it goes on becomes more dangerous for those trapped inside. Iraqi security video shows what this battle field has now become, dense urban terrain. Close quarter combat waged through rooftops as troops inch forward, theyre capturing more than ground. They showed us what looked like a sales lot for isis car bombs. Armorplated tractors, suvs reinforced with steel only in the front to protect suicide bombers from being shot dead before reaching their targets. Just one danger facing a u. N. Estimated 200,000 residents effectively held prisoner inside the old city. Leveling whole neighborhoods with u. S. Air strikes and artillery isnt an option. At a front line command center, a general and his men observe a drone camera pinpointing a suspected isis position. Theyre hiding among the residents and preventing them from fleeing, he said. Civilian population is the biggest obstacle slowing down our forces. Iraqi military has urged residents to leave, but militants with booby trap trapped homes and hoped fire. To isis, theyre simply a mass of human shields, far too valuable to give up easily. Normally what we see in mosul is once these neighborhoods are liberated, the residents come rushing out but we havent seen that mass exodus. At this point, there doesnt seem to be any escape. Thanks. British police have released a new photo of the manchester bomber. They are trying to recreate his movements before last weeks attack. Their surveillance camera image shows salman abedi wheeling a blue suitcase. Police are trying to locate the bag. They say it was not used in the attack. This morning, manchesters mayor placed a wreath at the train station. Victoria station had been closed since the night of the bombing. A candlelight vigil last night marked the exact moment one week after the blast that killed the 2 the people. The u. S. Navy has identified the s. E. A. L. Who was killed over new york harbor. He died sunday after his parachute malfunctioned in midair. He was a member of the elite Navy Parachute Team called the leap frogs. Officials are investigating the cause of the accident. Peters family says he was an angel on earth and a role model to all. He is painfully missed. Very sad story over the weekend and you saw the whole thing unfold. Investigators have new information on a deadly tiger attack in england. Ahead zoo visitors describe what happened in the moments after the animal suddenly grabbed a zoo keeper and wildlife expert the pentagons efforts to protect america reach all the way to greenland. Were deep inside the Arctic Circle where the views on the ground are stunning. But here, the militarys looking far beyond. Im jeff glor. Coming up on cbs this morning, a look at a 250 million space surveillance and missile detection Warning System and the mission at tulle air base in greenland. The sunll come out tomorrow. For people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow in the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure. Kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow ask your heart doctor about entresto. And help make tomorrow possible. Youre only a day away. 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Allstar bryce harper starts a massive baseball brawl. The emotional reaction after two this is cbs3 eyewitness news. Good morning, im rahel solomon, 7eleven employees being treated for gunshot wounds and person of interest g being questioned. This happened at the 7eleven, torresdale avenue about 4 00 this morning, police say clerk opened one register but shot when he couldnt open a second. The suspect got away, and that person of interest was found on nearby roof. Now, checking the for was can with katie forecast. Night we see the sun today . It will be tough on day like this today, rahel do, have frontal boundery stuck in place, we do, also, have couple of ours of low pressure that work their way along that front, stays cloudy with on shore flow, few raindrops also telling the tail outside Kutztown Area Middle School where it is 53 degrees at the moment. Now, as the week progresses we not only warm up, but do start to brighten up, too, even as early as tomorrow, still left over shower come thursday, beautiful day, and that lingers through at least the Daylight Hours on the friday before the next systems comes. Loving that thursday, all right, katie, thank you so muchment looking outside, still busy out there. Do have disable vehicle before bridge street. Ninetyfive south, push in the southbound direction at cottman. It is pulled all the way off to the shoulder but that in with this congestion really going to slow you down. Accident cleared here, but we have residual backups, past ft. Washington, rahel, over to you. Meisha, thank you. Next update at 7 55, up next on cbs this morning, the americans followed by cbs news as they climb mount evrest, celebrate as they reach the summit. Ill rahel solomon. Good morning. Whoa. History. And bryce harper wants a piece of hunter strickland. Here they go. Strickland lands a punch. Bryce harper, the baseball gloves came off yesterday in San Francisco. Bryce harper did not like hunter stricklands 98 miles an hour fast ball, charged the mound and slugged the giants pitcher. The teammates cleared the dugouts. The last time he pitched to harper, he hit two home runs in the playoffs. Both players are likely to be suspended for fighting. Look at that. Just because he thought he was pitching too well. Nobody will defend him for having bad hair, bryce harper. Go, mr. Bryce. Welcome back. No, no, i was just going to say drag it out of him. Now we want to know what it is. No, i cant say. Im not moving on. Were going to have a long silence. One, mississippi, two mississippi. Getting awkward. No. No, i dont. Welcome back to cbs this morning. We are getting new information about how President Trump gets his daily intelligence briefing. You win that time. The Washington Post reports the president is impatient during the classified oval office meetings. The paper says he demands previewty from intelligence officials. Mr. Trump also likes to focus on maps, charts, and pictures as well as what the cia director calls killer graphics. The president interrupts with questions but also with, quote, random asides. Heres a look at some of the mornings other headlines. The boston globe says Robert Mueller emphasized integrity in his graduation speech at a massachusetts high school. If you are not honest, your reputation will suffer and once lost, a good reputation can never, ever be regained. As the saying goes, if you have integrity, nothing else matters, and if you do not integrity, nothing else matters. The Justice Department has appointed mueller as a special counsel. He will oversee the investigation into russian interference in the election and possible collusion with the Trump Campaign. The former fbi director did not mention the president or the investigation. Muellers granddaughter was one of the graduates. The wall street journal reports more homeowners are refinancing their mortgages and pocketing the cash. Freddie mac says nearly half of borrowers who refinance their homes between january and march chose the cashout option. That is the highest level since the financial crisis. Some experts say the refinancing boom represents a healthy confidence in the economy as unemployment drops. A Los Angeles Times says the it was a deadly weekend along the kern river in central california. Three people died and 24 were rescued in multiple incidents. The wet winter is creating powerful rapids on the river. Two of the dead were rafters. Officials fear that the death toll could climb in the summer as more of the snow starts to melt. Newsweek says a tiger killed a zoo keeper in central england. The animal attacked a woman in an enclosure. Officials called it a freak accident. A visitor says they heard a scream and people shouted, run. Some people hid in a zookeepers room until they got the all clear. Longtime skoo director jack hannah calls the attack human failure. When these kinds of things happen the protocol has either been broken or someone made a mistake. Its not the animals mistake at all. I cannot blame anything that happens in the Zoological Department on an animal, basically. They are who they are. I must say, this is human failure at a park when this happens. The tiger has not been put down. Officials say the animal did not escape and never put visitors in danger. Today, for the first time ever, the pentagon will try to shoot down an intercontinental range missile. The move is partly a response to north korea, which has test launched three missiles in the past three weeks. Its official news agency said this morning that dictator kim jong un threatened to send a bigger gift package to the u. S. North korea is not the only new concern for our military. Russia recently opened a military base in the arctic. This puts attention on the pentagons northern most base located in greenland. It was originally built as a buffer during the cold war. Jeff glor recently returned from a special tour of that base. Reporter Thule Air Base is not easy to reach or maintain. But the u. S. Did just complete a significant upgrade for space and Missile Defense there. One of several early Warning Systems being improved worldwide. With developments in north korea and russia coming daily, thule is not just on top of the world, its on top of Many American military minds. On one of the most isolated pieces of land on erarth, a bas with no roads leading in, an island covered more than 80 ice, the air force needs to stay constantly connected to the sky. 900 miles from the north pole and only five hours flying time by jet bomber away from russias industrial heart is the american airfield at thule. Reporter at the height of the cold war, Thule Air Base was a vital part of u. S. Strategy and symbolism. Today, as new chills settle in. As you can see right now, were kind of socked in. Reporter we were invited on base by colonel christopher ebegan who took charge of thule, part of air force Space Command just last year. We have a unique access this far north that the department of defense does not have anywhere else. Reporter in training sessions, airmen learn to surveil the sky, always on alert for the worst case scenario, a missile fired from asia. Heat signals from launches are typically first picked up by satellites in space. But radar on the ground remains essential to track after that. And no u. S. Base sits farther north than thule. It is the Halfway Point between washington and moscow, the location of the 12th space warning squadron. Thules 250 million radar just got a 40 Million Software upgrade. One of six early Warning Systems like this around the world being improved. More than 3500 antennas here can see 3,000 miles into space. Why is this upgrade so significant . Because our Missile Technology has changed, they become more accurate, and with the proliferation were seeing across the globe, theres more interest in being able to actually take some sort of defensive measures against them. With the evolution of time, weve gone away from aircraft to Radar Systems that do Missile Warning and Missile Defense missions. The mission may have changed by the access, the location, remains the same. Reporter thule is now home to only about 200 military personnel. They come for a year at a time. The climate and conditions are considered too harsh beyond that. I got here last june. Reporter michael is the base chaplain. Its an amazing mission. Who else gets to say you went to the top of the world . That said, its an adjustment for a lot of us. Oh, yeah. You dont hear birds right now, for example. Theres no trees. Reporter never mind not saying daylight for four months. I tell you what, that is when people said that not seeing the sun for 100 days was hard, as a chaplain i was thinking, we can get through anything. But it was hard. Reporter those willing to make this trip often cite the brutal beauty of greenland. They are also keenly aware of the mission. Reporter when you see how much more attention folks are paying to the Arctic Circle now, especially from a military perspective, its to put you on edge. The increased interest in the political side of the house is interesting, but weve invested for the last 60 years in the capabilities here. When our most important resources are people and theyre that trained and they want to be here, it makes you rest comfortably at night. Reporter the sun wont set again in thule until august. It wont rise from november until february. It may seem hard to believe, but the vast majority who serve there volunteer, sometimes for multiple tours. A lot of people believe thats going to be a venue for real conflict in the future. The white house is reviewing Missile Defense capabilities now, and so i think theres some who would not be surprised to see more focus on thule at some point in the future. Lot of action up there in the arctic. They normally dont let people in. Was it your charm that got you in . Yeah, right. Shes absolutely right, jeff. It was charm. Its only one american passenger plane we aper week an its mostly a cargo plane, only about 30 people on board. Theres not many people going in and out of there. He was dropped down in a cargo package. Fascinating stuff. Thank you, jeff. Great piece. The fda is expanding the use of an effective cancer drug. Our dr. David will explain which patients can benefit from it. And next, conquering one of the worlds greatest challenges. Ladies and gentlemen, not only is my phone not dead, but that is Adrian Ballinger with no oxygen on top of the world. Weve been following two americans who just made their way up mt. Everest. Theyll tell us how they helped each other out during that final push. Youre watching cbs this morning. That one right there. For those who create their own path. Always unstoppable. Ykeep you sidelined. Ng thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. Give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh im so proud of you. Well thank you. Free at at discover. Com creditscorecard, even if youre not a customer. My left to rememb. Hatsnara. What. She washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain. Now available in matching scents across your entire laundry routine. This is what my day really looks like. 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Tell your doctor if youve ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. Ready to let go of hep c . Ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. Two climbers we followed for more than a year have reached the top of mt. Everest together. Adrian ballinger and Cory Richards attempted the climb last year but only richards was able to finish. After a final push that took nearly 12 hours, they both made it to the summit over the weekend. Everest is, of course, the highest point on earth at an elevation of more than 29,000 feet, and ballinger was able to match a special achievement that his friend recorded in last years climb. Dana jacobson followed them as their shared their journey on snapchat. Good morning. This year, both cory and adrian reached the worlds highest peak, but it was adrian who accomplished their ultimate goal of making it without supplemental oxygen. The grueling summit push took more than 40 hours roundtrip. The highs and lows of it all shared with the world on social media. Here we are. One year later. You did it. Reporter their bodies push theed to the limit, cory and adrian spent less than 15 minutes on top of mt. Everest, taking in a view few others have seen. Ladies and gentlemen, not only is my phone not dead, but that is Adrian Ballinger with no oxygen on the top of the world. Reporter while both climbers made it to the top, only adrian did it without supplemental oxygen. During the final push, High Altitude sickness forced cory to turn back. Theres adrian right there. The summit is just through the clouds. Up above us. Reporter on his way down, cory met a group of climbers who supplied him with supplemental oxygen. The oxygen gave cory the energy to reach the summit first. From there, he cheered on his friend as he made the final push. Hes about 8,995 feet right now. Ive never seen somebody work so hard for anything in my life. My brother, the summit behind. So close. Reporter in 37 days, adrian logged nearly 140 miles while acclimating to the High Altitude. He consumed just under 23,000 calories on a special diet that allowed him to breathe air comprised of less than 8 oxygen. Safely back at advanced base camp, adrian reflected on the experience. I feel super emotional. I cried so hard yesterday on the summit. In the last 10 meters to the summit and in the 20 meters off the summit. I would never will climb everest without oxygen again and i am so proud and happy. Reporter he said corys support in the final minutes of the ascent gave him the energy he needed. It was just so amazing to be up there with cor. We did it together. It was always planned. So a fitting ending. Reporter definitely fitting. Adrian joins cory and a select group of less than 200 others who have scaled mt. Everest without supplemental oxygen. The eddie bauer alpinists are now off the mountain and making their way back to the u. S. And theyll join us here onset to tell us about thier experience early next week. It was such a team effort when i tell you it came down to who was giving the oxygen to cory later, adrian being on the headphones basically saying on the walkie talkie, please, cory, use the oxygen and come and help me. We have lots of oxygen here. Amazing story. You said you never doubted they would make it. I didnt. I was wondering. I just knew that they wanted to achieve what they had not achieved together. Its so great. Cant wait for them to come back. Thanks, dana. Ahead, a scare at a wisconsin parade when frightened show ponies just bolted for the crowd. Plus a california baker says he has a bread recipe that is tastier and healthier. He shares that secret ingredient [beeping] wow. Good to know we have that on our prius [beeping] and lane departure alert. See what i mean . With so many safety features like pedestrian detection and lane departure alert, toyota doesnt need us test dummies as much. Oh, i get it, man hey, i gotta get my thrills somehow. The 2017 prius with Toyota Safety sense standard. Toyota. Lets go places. [ ominous music playing ]] ah ah ah [ children laughing ] wooo yea have a despicably delicious breakfast with these special edition jars of nutella. I was wondering if an electric. Better than a manual, and my. Theyre not all the same. Turns out, theyre really. Different. Who knew . I had no idea. So, she said look for. One thats shaped like a dental tool with a round. Brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to. Gently remove more plaque and. Oralb crossaction is clinically proven to. Remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels so clean. 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No biting required. K9 advantix ii. Wise choice. I caweekly tee times. Our y but ive been taking osteo bi flex ease. Its 80 smaller, but just as effective at supporting range of motion and shows improved joint comfort in seven days. Which means youre in big trouble, son. You will bow to my exquisite short game. Cower at my majestic drives. I will make you question everything, son. So dont worry about dads joints. Worry about your dignity. Love, dad. 80 smaller, just as effective. Osteo biflex ease. Made to move. The bathroom. When things go wrong here, you remember. Quilted northern is designed to work so well, you can forget your bathroom trips. But sir froggy can never forget. I used to be a prince. But no princess would kiss me now. Frightened show ponies caused quite a commotion. The ponies temporarily broke away from their handlers. Unclear what spooked the animals. Three people including a 77yearold man and a 9yearold boy were treated minor injuries but theyre okay and the ponies are okay too. Glad to hear that. Al franken spent years making fun of republicans. Now he is working with them in the senate. Ahead, the minnesota democrat talks with us about getting things done and why the senate is different with a republican in the white house. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Z282uz zwtz y282uy ywty this is what my day really looks like. On Weight Watchers, i can live my fullest life and still lose weight. In the first two months, members have lost 15 more weight than on our prior program. Join for free and lose 10 lbs on us hurry, offer ends june 5th bmilk and fresh cream,a. And only sustainably farmed vanilla. What is this . A vanilla bean . Mmm breyers the good vanilla. We use nongmo sourced ingredients in some of americas favorite flavors. Mmm true radiance comes from within. New radiant toothpaste by colgate optic white. Whitens teeth both inside and out. For a radiant, whiter smile. Be radiant by colgate optic white. We asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Good morning, 14 year old boy dead and another teen wounded after a double shooting in kensington, the 14 year old shot several times along the 2,000 block of orleans street about 9 30 last night, pronounced at st. Christopher hospital. The 16 year old in Critical Condition. So far police made no after he cents, and a check with katie, and seems like another dreary day. Yet another one. More cloud out there, rahel, do i take the umbrella or not . You really have to . Today is one of the days where there will be few sprinkles here and there, see showers in the parts every sussex county, across the bay, quick sprinkle in cape may county. This is not a wet day, far cry from wash out, will you also cool and cloudy, should brighten up, but watch for another shower or under this earl storm, thursday, looks beautiful, most of friday, does, too goes downhill again this week glenn sure are on repeat, arent we, katie . All right, thank you, looking outside, looking busy, yep, on repeat as well, single vehicle here 59 southbound at girard, pulled off to the far right shoulder. It is slow by the way another disable vehicle, southbound near bridge street, so just heads up, be minds full of the people Walking Around outside the vehicle, burlington bristol, should be going up, as well, over to you. Thank you, next update 8 25, coming up on cbs this morning, fda expanding use after drug that could fight cancer. Im rahel solomon, good morning. Theres nothing like trying especisnacking. It comes to thats why were introducing cheese dippers. The creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. Cheese dippers by the laughing cow. Reinvent snacking. For years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. But for many businesses, its out of reach. Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. We do business where you do business. It is tuesday, may 30, 2017. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Ahead, new staff changes at the white house while the president s soninlaw faces fbi scrutiny. Plus the treatment that helped former president jimmy carter become cancer free. Dr. David agus on the procedure the fda just okayed for wider use. But first, heres todays eye opener at 8 00. Cbs news has confirmed Communications Director mike dubke is out. More big moves could happen very soon to deal with the ongoing russia investigation story. There were a lot of protesters and they were loud. The republican representative called federal Immigration Police. Thats when things got ugly. Isis claims responsibility for a massive bomb in baghdad that killed 17 peel. Surveillance video captured the moment of the blast. What weve seen is simply guerilla warfare at its very worst. Woods apologized and took full responsibility for his actions. Now police here are expected to release the waiarrest report an possibly dash cam video later today. The baseball gloves came off yesterday in San Francisco. Nobody will sunday him for having bad hair, bryce harper. That is very true. The coopers held cheese rolling and wake is an annual event held in england. Cheese is rolled, competitors start racing down the hill after it. The first person at the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese. An obvious drinking game. Im charlie rose with gayle king and alex wagner. Norah is off. President trump is shaking up his white house staff as he considers a new communications strategy. Cbs confirms white house Communications Director Michael Dubke has resigned. His last day has not been determined. The president is also considering changes to his Communications Approach for stories about the russia investigation. He and senior staff met yesterday with former Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski and deputy Campaign Manager david boske. Bosse is being considered for a job inside the white house. Sources say that, though, no decisions about those changes have been made. The shakeup follows new scrutiny for the president s soninlaw and Senior Adviser Jared Kushner. Cbs news confirms kushner discussed setting up back Channel Communications between the Trump Transition Team and moscow when he met with russias u. S. Ambassador in december. President trump says he is confident in kushner. Julianna goldman is at the white house with a look at Jared Kushners role. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Jared kushner only has a few months of government experience but in that time, hes become one of the most powerful people here in the west wing and in the country. But current and former National Security Officials Say that his vast and undefined portfolio in the midst of the fbi investigation is cause for concern. Jared kushner is a constant presence alongside his fatherinlaw, wearing several hats. As a Family Member with the ear of the president of the United States to a policy adviser who led a recent 110 billion arms deal with saudi arabia. If you cant produce peace in the middle east, nobody can. Reporter the president has positioned kushner as a Senior Adviser and tasked him with some of the most sensitive issues he wants to fast track. Kushners portfolio includes trying to secure middle east peace to leading the White House Office of american innovation. His contacts with russia are now making headlines, but hes also been a main point of contact with other foreign officials in mexico, china, and canada. Qualification number one, trump trusts him. Reporter New York Times reporter Sharon Lafraniere says kushner and his fatherinlaw are similar. They value loyalty. Reporter kushner built his business with his own father, a relationship he discussed in a 2014 commencement address. A lot of what im going to speak about today are lessons that i learned from the best professor on how to get the most out of life, which is my dad. Reporter ten years earlier, his father was arrested and later found guilty of tax evasion and witness tampering and now that kushner finds himself embroiled in an fbi investigation, lafraniere says how he approaches those storms depends on who you ask. Reporter if he feels someone has crossed him or treated him unfairly, he will be, friends would say, tough and his critics would say vindictive. Reporter for now, its unclear how the fbi investigation will affect kushners many roles here at the white house. Its undoubtedly a distraction, and charlie, some Top Democrats are now calling for kushners security clearances to be reviewed. Thanks, julianna. The notorious former dictator of panama, Manuel Noriega, died last night. He ruled with an iron fist in the 1980s. He was an american ally until he was accused of Drug Trafficking and money laundering. A United States invasion in 1989 removed him from power. Vladimir duthiers of our streaming network has noriegas complicated relationship with the United States and the law. Reporter former panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega was a fiery voice on the world stage. Known for passionate nationalist speeches and a lavish lifestyle. Born in panama city in 1934 and abandoned by his parents at an early age, he formally took control of his native country in 1983. Noriegas relationship with the United States was complicated. At one point, he was a cia informant, but later the u. S. Accused him of Drug Trafficking and tried to force him from power. In 1988, he told mike wallace on 60 minutes that the accusations were a political ploy. Have you yourself never profited from the shipment of drugs from colombia to panama to the United States. Never. I directed our armed forces to protect the lives of american citizens in panama and to bring general noriega to justice in the United States. Reporter a year later, president george h. W. Bush sent troops to overthrow noriegas regime. He escaped the initial attack but later surrendered to u. S. Soldiers. A new breeze is blowing. The day of the dictator is over. Reporter the dictator went on trial and then to prison. First in the United States on drug charges, and then in france for money laundering. In 2011, he returned to his native panama where he remained behind bars. Manuel noriega died last night at the age of 83. Many march, he fell into Critical Condition after suffering a hemorrhage after surgery to remove a brain tumor. No official cause of death has been given, gayle. Thank you very much, vlad. The new cancer fighting approach could help thousands of patients with advanced disease. Ahead, our dr. David agus shows us how targeting a get ready. Doodling and light is making a bright comeback. The art of neon, its been around for a century, and now undergoing a renaissance. Im mark straszman and coming up on cbs this morning, well show you the artist behind the magic of neon signs that light up the american landscape. The opioid my doctor prescribed for my chronic back pain backed me upbig time. Before movantik, i tried to treat it myself. Spent time, money. No go. But i didnt back down. I talked to my doctor. She said one, movantik was specifically designed for opioidinduced constipationoic and can help you go more often. Number two . With my savings card, i can get movantik for about the same price as the other things i tried. Dont take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. Movantik may cause serious side effects including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. Tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. Movantik may interact with them causing side effects. Dont back down from oic. Talk to your doctor about movantik. Remember movantik. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. We all drive, some just for the fun of it. Give extra. Get extra. Ykeep you sidelined. Ng thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. An important weapon for fighting aggressive cancers now has new promise for many patients, immunotherapy. Its a treatment that triggers the bodys own Defense System to fight cancerous cells, mutations. T the fda has expanded the uses of immunotherapy, a drug that has treated certain lung cancers and melanoma former president jimmy carter took the drug and reported a few months later that he was cancer free. Dr. David agus, good morning. I remember people being very excited and very encouraged by jimmy carters progress. Tell us exactly how it works. First, tell me how to pronounce it. Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy. And this drug, get a load of this, the drug were talking about with the new fda approval is called pembrolizumab so obviously it rolls off the tongue. Every cancer cell is born with a dont eat me signal on its surface, and the immune system cant recognize it and these drugs block that signal to allow the immune system to be activated and attack the cancer. And its a whole new weapon in our arsenal thats really had tremendous advances. David, it sounds like immunotherapy challenges the idea that cancer should be treated by body part and instead says cancer should be treated by the type of cancer, is that right . Yeah, its so amazing. Last week, for the first time ever, the fda approved a drug not by body part, breast, lung, colon, but by what was molecular defect. In this case, they had a gene that allowed dna to repair itself that was turned off or faulty and there were a lot of dna errors and then the immune system recognized it and attacked it so it was a new advance. In the 1800s in germany, we started to categorize cancer by body part and finally were changing. David, that was a front page story in the Washington Post over the weekend about a 23yearold woman who had colon cancer, a very bad case. Somehow, luckily, she got in touch with a program that was understood way at Johns Hopkins and talked to the geneticist and they said, get over here right away and it was exactly that result. They found out it had to do with a particular tumor, not the location in the body. Are we going to see this kind of thing, as i just told you and what you just talked about jimmy carter, spreading across all cancers . Yeah, its about 4 to 5 of all cancers and this particular woman actually inherited a dna defect from her mother where it had the dna repair genes turned off and so she was very lucky in that the group at hopkins had done remarkable work to identify this as a possible treatment with immunotherapy. How do you know if its a good option for a cancer patient. What should we be asking . Every cancer patient should go to their doctor and say, what are the options and ask, is immunotherapy an option and more and more, its becoming an option. For lung cancers, for obviously colon cancer in this case, for melanoma, for kidney cancers, were learning how to use it better and literally, every few months, were learning a new indication david, you say its not a cure, though. Why is that . Well, it turns off the the immune system turns off the cancer and over time, though, in almost all cases, the cancer comes back. And so, it buys one to two to three years. It does have side effects but it certainly buys time and patients who have no other hope. Dr. David agus, thanks as always. Senator al franken brings a distinctive style to capitol hill and we are lucky to have him in our toyota green room this very morning. Just ahead, how reallife politics compares to making jokes about politicians. Plus a california baker fights the lowcarb diet trend. Why he says you get a healthier loaf by treating the wheat like coffee. Youre watching cbs this morning. Happiness is powerful flea and tick protection from nexgard. A delicious chew that protects for an entire month. Ask your vet for more information. Reported side effects include vomiting and itching. Nexgard. The vets 1 choice. I am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Got a minute . New aveeno®. R you. Positively radiant® 60 second in shower facial. Works with steam to reveal. Glowing skin in just one minute. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® [ ominous music playing ]] ah ah ah [ children laughing ] wooo yea have a despicably delicious breakfast with these special edition jars of nutella. This is the joy for me. I love bread. I love bread. Us too, oprah. Us too. We love bread. We love bread too. In one of her Weight Watchers ads, she speaks for a whole lot of people, but low carb diet trends have led others away from eating bread. This morning, we continue our real food series, looking at ways food is being grown and prepared. In the case of bread, it might make people feel a little less guilty to indulge. John blackstone met a baker whos on a mission to bake delicious bread thats also packed with important nutrients. Reporter at San Franciscos popular tartine bakery, the smell of fresh bread can draw a crowd. As long as im making bread, theres always something new for me to learn. Reporter chad robertson, tartines coowner and chief bread baker is part of a movement to get americans to stop thinking about bread as a guilty pleasure by changing the way its made. What most of this countrys been eating is a really refined, you know, fast processed bread that just it doesnt have much flavor and it doesnt have much nutrition. Reporter to make better bread, he uses something that, for now, is hard to find in america, freshly milled flour that is not stripped of grains vital nutrients. Milling fresh flour is like grinding fresh coffee or fresh spices. Its a stronger flavor and aroma depending on what grains were using, it will give you this very flavorful, really digestible, highly nutritious loaf of bread in the end. Reporter you may be thinking robertson is just another San Francisco foodie pushing another artisanal fad but hes just one of a group of bakers around the country changing the way they make bread and science is on their side. Youll recognize the sort of all purpose flour, your normal sort of pure white flour. Reporter David Killilea is a scientist at Childrens Hospital oakland research institute. So in the white flour that were accustomed to. Theres not much there. Its mostly sugar. Reporter all purpose white flour was developed during st l industrialization to extend shelf life but to make it last months or even years, two main components of the wheat must be discarded, the bran and the germ, and that means losing most of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Looking at the iron, copper, zinc, calcium, it is a really big difference when you go from all purpose to the whole grain, which has much more, sometimes double for zinc, four times the amount of zinc, six to eight times the amount of manganese and all those minerals are essential for health. Reporter the author of the best selling book told cbs this morning that replacing white flour products with whole grains is simply replacing something harmful with something slightly less harmful, and it doesnt mean that whole grains are good for you. Bread has had a pretty Bad Reputation for a while. Yeah. Right now, its definitely looked upon suspiciously, but at least in my opinion, a lot of that has to do with the way that the bread is made. If we could get people eating whole grains, we would do a lot to address the actual missing nutrients in our population. Reporter but getting more whole grains into the american diet means changing the way flour is milled, distributed, and stored. Chad robertson is working on that, encouraging the development of more local small batch flour mills. Coffee is a really good example that i always go back to. 20 years ago, would you think that everybody would be grinding coffee fresh in their house. All over the country, people know what fresh Ground Coffee tastes like and that was a relatively quick transition. Reporter with the opening of his newest San Francisco restaurant, robertson hopes to be part of a similar transition to a day when its not necessary to go to a highend bakery to get bread this good and this good for you. All you have to do is taste it and its pretty easy after that. Reporter for cbs this morning, john blackstone, San Francisco. Let them eat bread. I could tell by the way he cut it, the way it was crunchy and then soft. We know that sound. We love that sound. Canadas Prime Minister wants pope francis to apologize, ahead, what they were talking about at the vatican. Your local news is coming up next. This is cbs3 eyewitness news. Good morning, im rahel solomon, police hope you can help them track down a man who robbed a wawa. Shows the man enters the store about 11 00. Makes his way around the counter cents goes into only area and helps himself to to two cases of cigarettes. Man claims he was armed with a handgun and got away on foot. Katie, looks like at least more of the same today . Yes, you know, we have a lot more cloud cover out there, still quite cool, i dont expect that our daytime highs will have easy time breaking out of the zero six area here, normal daytime high hit about 78 degrees this time of the year. Yes, it is cool, feels like cooler than average, certainly is you can see hint of activity, more blossoming up, scattered showers here and there to the south. Some that far is going to impact us throughout the course of the day. This is far from a wash out though. I think you can get away without an umbrella with that said, spec the clouds and daytime highs certainly off to cool start. But not really going to rebounds from here all of that efficiently. Sixtynine at best for daytime high. Tomorrow brighten up, still shower left over, even under this earl storm. Sunday looks great, the day to save or. Looks like lingers into part of friday, too, meisha. Okay, all right, at least a little bit on friday, too. Looking outside hazy out, there little foggy, burlington bristol bridge got a late start. Going up for those every you headed out there. And also truck fire northeast extension past language dale, pulled off to the shoulder, but you can bet, youll slow down right now because of it have a lot of gaper delay. Plus we get some flooding here route 130 closed in new jersey, brooklawn circle. Your alternate, 295 your best bet, rahel, over to you. Next update is at 8 55, ahead on cbs this morning, senator al franken discusses new book and the combination of come bye and politics. Im rahel solomon good mornin it is so close and yet so far for this baby bear. The cub found itself stranded behind the Backyard Fence in california in a los angeles suburb. Its mother reached down in an unsuccessful attempt to help, leaving the cub with his arms outstretched. But they were soon reunited. The cub grabbed a vine and apparently cleared the fence on its own. Growing up. Thats nice. Welcome back. Very cute. Welcome back to cbs this morning. In our green room, you saw him a little bit earlier, thats minnesota senator al franken who proudly writes in his book hes the first one in his family to own a pasta maker and when he took a Personality Test in high school, they said youd be a jazz musician but here you are on capitol hill. Britains guardian said the Prime Minister of canada urged pope francis to apologize for socalled residential schools. Justin trudeau met with the pope yesterday. The pope seemed to be open to the idea of apologizing. Native children were placed in the schools in the 19th century. Trudeau invited the pope to make the apology in canada on a future trip. The miami herald looks back on frank defords brilliant sports writing career along with his public radio commentaries. He received the National Humanities medal back in 2013. And she charl he and charlie discussed his writing back in 2004. When i came up, it was easier to find heroes. And if anything has changed, we take sports in a much more matter of fact and even crass way. Because of money. Yeah. Money. I think its harder being a Sports Writer today. I dont think you have as much i know you dont have as much access as you used to, so if you did montana today, he would be separated from you by three or four Public Relations people. Not like hanging out with dimaggio for a while. You could do that. You could go into the locker rooms and all that has changed completely. Wow. He was a great guy. He was. Really something. Changed the game of sports writing. Had a gift with words. Brilliant writer and very handsome man. Deford died sunday in key west, florida. He was 78 years old. Usa today says a former team usa Soccer Player is making big waves coaching an english soccer team. David wagner took them to a big victory yesterday. The team won a penalty shootout that is said to be worth up to 220 million. Their win qualified the team to be in the premier league, englands number one soccer league. Putters field has not played in the top division in 45 years. Hows cousin dave doing, alex . No relation to me. Dont not claim. I guess thats the one wagner i should take under my wing. The New York Post covers a protest at the fearless girl statue. An artist created a dog that seems to be using the girls leg as a fire hydrant. The artist is supporting the sculptor who claims fearless girl takes away from his work. Minnesota senator al franken is revealing how he changed to a leading democrat on capitol hill. Franken was elected to the senate in 2008 by a razor thin margin. His tough questioning and occasional jokes set him apart during trump cabinet hearings this year. If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump Campaign communicated with the russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do . Senator franken, im not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and i didnt have did not have communications with the russians. The proficiency is if theyve reached a, like, third grade level for reading, et cetera. No, im talking abut the debate between proficiency and growth, what your thoughts are on that. I hope you are as much fun on that dais as you were on your couch. Well. May i are rephrase that, sir . Please. Please. Please. Oh my lord. Oh my lord. Well, i think we found our saturday night live sound byte. His new book, al franken, giant of the senate follows his path from saturday night live to congress. Senator, welcome. Thank you. Pleasure to have you here. Thank you all. Great to see you. Lets talk about washington. Oh, yes. Where i am half the time. Tell us where you think the Jared Kushner circumstance is. Well, he didnt disclose a lot of his contacts with mainly, i guess, russians. Against the law or not . I think it is. I mean, youre supposed to in getting his security clearance, youre supposed to list those, and then theres this peculiar one where he is trying to set up a thing within the Russian Communications system so that our own intelligence couldnt be part of it, which is very unusual. Look, we have a special prosecutor. Were going to be looking at this. You know, this this might be come out to when, you know, what did the president know and when did his soninlaw tell him. Should his security clearance be taken away . I think we should look at that. This is a pretty bad breach. Look, they these guys, the administration, theyre not acting like people who have nothing to hide. And so but we have a special prosecutor. We have the intelligence committees in both the house and the senate that are looking at this, and, you know, we have to see where the facts lead us, of course. But we dont know yet. No, we dont know. Senator, health care. Its a hot potato. Its now gone from the house to the senate. Is anything going to happen . I hope so. What we have in the house, well, what came out of the house is just dreadful. Its just awful. I am cochair of the rural health caucus. I go around minnesota all the time. People in rural minnesota, all over minnesota, but man, they are terrified and should be. This is this is unconscionable. 830some billion dollars cut from medicaid when trump said he wouldnt cut medicaid at all to pay for a 900 billion tax cut for people the richest people in the country. Jeopardizing protections for people with preexisting conditions. This is just an awful bill. And i hope we can get in the senate to working in a bipartisan and open way. You think bipartisanship in the senate aint dead . I dont think that the republicans can do this themselves. I dont think they should be doing it by themselves. I think we can work in a i think we should be working in a bipartisan way on this very obviously very, very, very important issue to everybody. You know what i took from this book is how much you really like this job, how hard you work at it. I was very, very touched by that, senator, how much what this job really means to you. But theres also times when you struggle because being funny is in your dna and your staff sometimes has to say, okay, al, lets keep it here in the room. Yeah. The question i wrote this book to answer a question i get asked a lot, which is, is being a United States senator as much fun as working on saturday night live, and the answer is, no. Why would it be . Its your best job. But its the best job ive ever had because you get to do things for people, whether my first bill, two weeks in, i got service dogs for vets from iraq and afghanistan with ptsd. I did that with johnny isakson, a pretty conservative republican from georgia. Getting Mental Health for kids in the new reform of no child left behind. Those things mean stuff. But you also say the gop and democrats can work together. Theres one of your colleagues that said theres an 80 rule. That 80 mike enze. But you said really its 64 that we can work together. He says that in any given piece of legislation, democrats and republicans agree on 80 . And you say its 64 . I say 80 of the time we agree on 80 . So, thats 64 . Its a math joke. Which comes out of the book and gayle was referring to it before you got here. It is that you and Jeff Sessions are friends. Your wife is friends with Jeff Sessions wife. Tell us more about that. Its hard not to like a guy whose wife knit a baby blanket for your first kid. Is that all it takes . Just a baby blanket . Thats all it takes. Ted cruz, knit me a baby blanket for my next one. But that doesnt mean i cant be tough on him. No, i like you played that. I like ted cruz more than most of my other colleagues like ted cruz, and i hate ted cruz. Thats one of the chapters. That chapter is about sort of ted is sort of toxic and this is a workplace with 100 people in it. Its like a small town. And a lot of the stuff ive done, ive done with my republican friends and you may not agree with them all the time, but i wrote a country song with orin hatch, for goodness sake, and then we went on to try to write something about getting principals in schools. It is said that every senator gets up in the morning and sees a future president. When you go and start to shave and look in the mirror, you see a future president . No. No. Would you like to be a future president . No. I see a future fiveterm senator. Five terms . Who is the future president . Who do the democrats have . Isnt that a fun game to play . On national television. And i think many of my colleagues may run, and my goodness, it wouldnt help me very much to single one out, would it . No favoritism there. No, because i want to get things done. Because thats why i like the job. Senator franken wanted to send a note to a constituent that turned 110 and said, dear ruth, you have a Bright Future ahead of you. I talk about the dehumorizer and a woman in minnesota was turning 110 and i went whats what i wrote. Dear marge or ruth, you have a Bright Future ahead of you. My its funny but very, very as hard as you try not to be funny, youre still a complete delight, senator. Oh. Al franken giant of the senate best title ever is on sale. Neon lights have been around welcome to maxx you. You are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. We see what makes you unique. So we have something for everyone, at a price thats just right for you. Maxx you. Maxx life. T. J. Maxx one hesave snack time. Ion to watch babybel in the great snack rescue. You want a piece of me . Good, im delicious. Creamy, delicious, 100 natural cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. Its been nearly 100 years since this countrys first neon sign was imported from france, but Mark Strassmann went to austin to see how a new generation of neon lovers is making america a little brighter again. Reporter it doesnt really advertise the brand. Its getting closer to art than it is to signage. What evan voyles calls doodling in light has lit up the austin skyline. What im known for is south congress. This is where south congress starts. Reporter this is your turf. This is my turf so this is saying, you know, welcome. Reporter the 58yearold designed this fishriding could be for yeti, the popular cooler company. That was the first one i put up on this strip. Reporter on south congress avenue here, his canvas of neon runs for blocks. That was the first outdoor commercial sign i ever built, and when i finished it and we lit it up, i jumped up and down. I was amazed. It looked so great. I couldnt believe i had done it. It was like pulling off a magic trick i didnt know how to do. Reporter since then, his hometown skyline has taken on a growing glow. So, look, this is art, but its art that has a job to do. Its got to get people in the store. Its primary job is to communicate an idea, form an impression in your head that will make you go into the store. If i dont get people in, then i have failed. Reporter as american folk art, neon found its heyday in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. But when cheaper plastic and l. E. D. Signs came along, neon fizzled until recently. People have always loved the american roadside and the attraction of that glowing neon sign in the distance. Reporter neon historian Eric Lynxwiler wrote a book about its glory days. Neon is making a comeback right now. Every neon artist and neon vendor that i know in Southern California is working more now than they have in the past few decades. Reporter throughout the u. S. , new and newly restored neon signs now light up businesses, stadiums, and hotels. Along with Art Galleries and museums. I think that neon is definitely representing a retroamericana that people are embracing but its a technology that people havent seen for a while and theyre falling in love with it yet again. Reporter but the technology has barely changed in over a century. I find it a great irony that in this day and age, i am essentially building something from the age of buggies but to me, its like i am bringing you the past. I am tying you to something you dont even think about. Reporter voyles designed this signs blueprint but bending neon tubes is a special skill. Kirk and Rory Tunningley own big dog neon in lockhart, texas. How long did it take you to figure it out . In weeks i was producing tubes that functioned, but to make goodlooking tubes, probably took a year and a half. Reporter its a feel that comes from experience. The glass tube between the fingers, the slow and steady breath control that keeps the tube from collapsing in on itself as its heated up to 1200 degrees and then bent. The red. Yes. Reporter the pure neon. Pure neon gas, yep. Reporter once the glass takes shape, gas is pumped in. Most signs today are actually filled with argon gas, which is more versatile, but the iconic, vivid red color is all neon. What is the romance of neon . To me, its that line drawing with light and color. And theres no better way to do that yet. I just dont think theyre going to invent it in our lifetime. Reporter voyles has brought this city a new glow with his take on the blurry line between art and commerce. For cbs this morning, Mark Strassmann, austin, texas. I love me some neon. Well be right back. You can hear more of our cbs t donald tmeet phil murphy,by former Goldman Sachs bankers. Another wall street banker running for governor, whose firm helped trigger the financial meltdown that put millions out of work and out of their homes. Murphys trying to buy the election, paying off new jersey bosses. My names john wisniewski, and im running for governor of new jersey. John wisniewski, the son of a millwright, who uncovered the bridgegate scandal and exposed Chris Christies corruption. The choice insider wall street politics or main street, new jersey, values. Live from the cbs Broadcast Center in philadelphia. This is cbs3 eyewitness news. Good morning, im rahel solomon. Jury deliberations resume this morning in Camden County in the trial of david creato, jr. , accused in the murder of his three year old son, brendan, his body found in cooper river park in 2015. Deliberations ended last week, jurors had just re watched with detective, and he faces life in prison if convicted. Sends it over to Katie Fehlinger with a check of the forecast. Looks like another gray day. Another gray day. We do have some showers out there, throughout the course of the day, theyll be very, very scat nerds nature f youre about ready to hit the road right now, and looking for weather whether or not you need to take the umbrella, i dont think you need to take the umbrella today. Looking damp outside in our Neighborhood Network in Whitfield Elementary School in reading. You can see the damp pavement very obviously, at the he same time, the clouds and the cooler air, i would say, are the bigger headline here today. Notice the winds flow, pretty light allinall. Thats how the wind flow stays throughout the day. It is on shore. Thats going to help keep us under the clouds. Tomorrow, should begin to brighten up little bit. Also warm up, 78 the high, where we actually should be, but again, could still be left over shower if not thunderstorm. Thursday looks beautiful. Enjoy it. Friday, most of the day, not bad either, meisha. But showers, storms, return this weekend. At least we have thursday. Yes. Just dig our nails into that. Thank you so much, good morning, everyone, still looking pretty busy. Accident on the boulevard, roosevelt boulevard, near fifth street. Looking pretty slow around there, between ten to 20 miles per hour, you will have bumper to bumper there. Also do have car fire here 422 eastbound at san towing a the right lane compromised there. It does look however right now still traveling around close to or around posted speeds, you will start to slow down if you have to head out there, i would say right now give yourselves some extra time. Ostriches dont really stick their heads in the sand. A peanut is not a nut. And a real john deere. Is actually real affordable. You learn something new every day. The surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. Now you can own americas tractor for just 99 dollars a month. Learn more at your john deere dealer. Announcer its the doctors makeover show starting with dr. Travis. Are you all ready to see the new dr. T . Announcer how he transformed from an addict to an ironman. And fully, relently over her condition. Its hard to look in the mirror and say, you are beautiful. Announcer the makeover that brought everyone to tears, thats today doctor, doctor give me the news show time [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ]. All right mwha you are bringing it, you are bringing it [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] audience whoo [ applause ] dr. Travis hello, and welcome to the doctors

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