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A currency manipulator . In august. Im going to instruct my treasury secretary to label china a currency manipulator. Reporter but yesterday the president told the wall street journal, china does not manipulate its currency to hurt u. S. Workers and his administration will abandon that pledge. As for china and its leadership overall, this was day one of the trump campaign. Chinas killing us. Reporter and this was day 84 of the trump presidency. As you know, president xi is a terrific person. Reporter mr. Trumps stance on russia has done a 180 also. I dont know putin. But wouldnt it be nice if we could get along actually . Reporter yesterday. Right now were not getting along with russia at all. Reporter on Inauguration Day President Trump outlined his America First philosophy. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone. Reporter but on wednesday mr. Trump explained why he launched missile strikes against the Syrian Regime of bashar al assad. Thats a butcher. Thats a butcher. So i felt we had to do something about it. Reporter there have been promises kept, including the confirmation of Supreme Court justice neil gorsuch. And i got it done in the first 100 days. Thats even nice. The keystone pipeline. Reporter and approval of the keystone xl pipeline as well as withdrawing the u. S. From a Free Trade Agreement with asia pacific countries. Theres another big Campaign Promise the president is trying to keep, repealing obamacare. Hes tried new policies. Hes correlated democrats. Hes even threatened republicans. But scott, so far no combination of president ial flexibility has produced the desired results. Major garrett at the white house for us. Major, thanks. A federal judge has again struck down texass voter i. D. Law. Ruling that it is actually meant to keep minorities from voting. The state is expected to appeal. And Omar Villafranca has more on this. Reporter 86yearold floyd carrier served his country in the army. But in 2012 he wasnt allowed to do his civic duty. He was denied the right to vote at the polling place near his beaumont, texas home. You felt like you werent a citizen. I wasnt a citizen no more. I wasnt. Reporter carrier says he wasnt allowed to vote because of a voter i. D. Law passed in texas in 2011 which required one of seven types of approved picture i. D. S to cast a ballot. For more than 50 years carrier had used his Veterans Administration card that had no picture, but suddenly it wasnt enough. In 2012 federal judges ruled that the law violated the Voting Rights act, but republican lawmakers fought repeatedly in federal court to keep the law in place, saying it prevented inperson voter fraud. But again this week a federal judge ruled that the law was unexplainable on grounds other than race. Jenae nelson is with the naacp Legal Defense fund. This new strict requirement is based on an idea that there is voter fraud in texas, and weve debunked that many times over. Reporter Texas Governor greg abbott responded on twitter saying, yes, texas will appeal the erroneous voter i. D. Ruling by a liberal obama judge and we should win. Supreme court has already approved voter i. D. Floyd carrier now has a valid picture i. D. And hopes no one else is denied the right he fought to protect. To me you have your right to go vote. Reporter if this latest ruling stands, scott, there are consequences. Texas elections could go back under federal oversight. Omar villafranca, thanks. A 9yearold boy shot in his classroom is recovering well, according to his family. On monday a gunman in san bernardino, california shot his estranged wife, who was a teacher, but he hit two children as well. The teacher and one student died. The gunman committed suicide. The violence recalled the horror at Sandy Hook Elementary School in newtown, connecticut. Its been four years since 20 firstgraders and six educators were murdered. Recently 60 minutes returned to newtown to speak with parents who can never move on but are finding ways to move forward. Among them david and francine wheeler, who lost their son ben. A parent who has lost a child has one fear left. The end of remembering. And so many of the families have created projects that introduce their child to new people. Ben wheeler now lives in the work of bens lighthouse. His mother, francine, creates Service Projects for newtown kids. What a wonderful way to honor him and continue to be his parents. Continue to be his parents. Yeah. I cant live the rest of my life not talking about him. I mean, imagine you having a 6yearold and then you dont anymore. Are you going to stop talking about them . The worst thing you can do to a grieving parent is not to mention the child. Then youre not acknowledging his existence. And so when people do acknowledge it im so appreciative. Even if im crying, theyre like im sorry i made you cry. Im like no, you didnt make me cry. You brought him back. Its like having him back for a minute. Yeah. Reporter the wheelers wanted another child, a sibling for their oldest. And almost two years after ben was killed Matthew Bennett wheeler was born. You try to make the world into the place you want it to be, and many times the only area that you have any control over is the Square Footage of your own house. And so you do what you can. Returning to newtown. This sunday on 60 minutes. Coming up next, heritage or hate . The debate over confederate monuments. Lysol max cover kills 99. 9 of bacteria, even on soft surfaces. One more way youve got what it takes to protect. Two kids barfed in class today. It was so gross. Lysol disinfectant spray kills 99. 9 of bacteria, even those that cause stomach bugs. One more way youve got what it takes to protect. [car engine failing to start] [wind blows] yo wh ah he [gas pouring] [slurps loudly] [engine starting] [loud slurping continues] rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. New pantene doesnt just wash i wiyour hair, it fuels it. Gain. Making every strand stronger. So tangles dont stand a chance. Because strong is beautiful. You dont even want to know protection detergent alone doesnt kill bacteria but adding new lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99. 9 of bacteria with 0 bleach. Lysol. What it takes to protect. There are more than 1500 memorials to the confederacy. Some see them as symbols of Southern Heritage while others see them as monuments to racism that should be torn down. Jan crawford has been looking into this. We must go reporter in charlottesville city councilman wes bellamy has led the fight to move the towns nearly 100yearold statue of robert e. Lee. Its a symbol in my personal opinion of White Supremacy and its a symbol that we cannot have in the middle of our city. Reporter but opponents led by attorney Charles Webber argue the statue symbolizes something else. You dont have to agree with the cause to understand that these men fought and died. Reporter webber points to a virginia law similar to others across the south that blocks cities and towns from removing War Memorials. This statue could never be moved . It has to stay here . Yes. Forever . Yes. Even though many people find this terribly offensive. Offensive is the is a way to stop a conversation about the meaning of the statue. Its not a way to start the conversation. Reporter for years these fights focused on the confederate flag, which largely has disappeared from public spaces. Here in charlottesville memorials to the confederacy are all around and opposition to change runs deep. Ive been told i should be taken behind the watershed. Reporter supporters of the statue unearth crude tweets written by bellamy as a younger man. And he also was targeted with Death Threats. But bellamy feels his fight is justified. Weve seen, theres still a lot of issues in regards to race here in this community. And the only way for us to move forward is to deal with them head on. Reporter a conversation many communities across the south are just beginning. Jan crawford, cbs news, charlottesville. Up next, how badly hurt was that passenger yanked off the United Airlines flight . Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. You dont even want to know protection detergent alone doesnt kill bacteria but adding new lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99. 9 of bacteria with 0 bleach. Lysol. What it takes to protect. Do you think im gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field . Defy expectations any day with always infinity. Made with flexfoam. Absorbs 10x its weight. Rewrite the rules. Always. Today a lawyer said dr. David dao suffered a concussion, a broken nose, and two front teeth lost when police violently removed him from a United Airlines plane last weekend. Heres kris van cleave. Were horrified and shocked and sickened. Oh, my god. Reporter dr. David daos daughter crystal broke the familys silence. What happened to my dad should have never happened to any human being regardless of the circumstance. Reporter their lawyer Thomas Demetrio accused united of a history of bullying passengers and said he will probably file a lawsuit. At a certain point was there a moment where he could have complied with the uniformed officers asking him to get off the plane . Could he have . Sure he could have. Should he have . Yes, he could have. But he needed to get home. Hes a physician. He had patients to see the next day. He didnt want to get up and comply. Reporter Chicago City Council members complained about the use of City Security officers to evict dr. Dao. Chicago employees should not be doing the dirty work for the friendly skies airline. Reporter adding insect to injury or at least an arachnid it appears a United Airlines passenger was stung by a scorpion during a flight to calgary. Hes going to be okay. But scott, they think the scorpion may have come out of the overhead bin. Kris van cleave, thanks very much. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, it could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now to request your free decision guide. Ive been with my doctor for 12 years. Now i know ill be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. See why millions of people have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Dont wait. Call now. First snail mail, then email. Now the post office is about to deliver something new. Premail. Heres jericka duncan. Reporter when you hear the word post office, what comes to mind . Antiquated. Oh, my god, i have to go to the post office. You cant find where you have to go and people arent very friendly. Reporter but for all of its shortcomings the United States Postal Service does provide a lot of comedic material which just may have inspired its latest feature. If i could talk to the post office, if i could say to them, if you really want to be helpful to us, just open the letters, read them, and email us what it said. Reporter it wont be doing that. But starting tomorrow the post office is taking the snail out of mail, going nationwide with a new Service Called informed delivery. And if you sign up, you can see who sent you mail the way you view practically everything else. Online. The Postal Service will email you a picture of every piece of mail you can expect to get that day. Its just one way to stay relevant at a time when mail volume has dropped dramatically over the last decade. Tom rose says there are other benefits too. I mean, it will just help with the fraud, dont you think . Because youll have proof that its coming to you. Reporter proof or no proof, postal worker Sharon Sanders says shes old school. When they have unbreakable, unhackable internet, i will do email too. But until they do, ill take my chances getting my mail snail mail. Reporter but for some the slow slog to innovation is a welcome delivery. Jericka duncan, cbs news, new york. Thats the overnight news for this friday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city im scott pelley. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news. Im anna werner. The pentagon pulled out its heavy artillery in the battle against Islamic State fighters in afghanistan. The target was a complex of tunnels and caves used to attack u. S. Forces. And the weapon . A gbu43. Its the most powerful nonnuclear device ever used in combat. Sometimes referred to as the mother of all bombs. David martin reports. Reporter the bomb, all 21,600 pounds of it, was aimed at the center of an isis cave complex in afghanistan. When it detonated at 7 32 in the evening local time, it set off a massive pressure wave that would have literally crushed the life out of fighters hiding in the caves. The Massive Ordnance Air blast, as it is officially called, sent a mushroomlike cloud towering into the sky. General john nicholson, the u. S. Commander in afghanistan, said he used the bomb so afghan troops and their american advisers wouldnt have to go in on the ground to clear out the caves. There are an estimated 600 to 800 isis fighters in afghanistan, most of them located in an area right across the border from pakistan. Pentagon officials said the strike had been in the works for months and that the bomb itself was moved into afghanistan during the obama administration. Authority to use it had been delegated to general nicholson. Although he notified washington in advance. As shown in this 2003 test, the bomb is dropped from an mc130 aircraft. Using a parachute to drag it out of the cargo bay. The sled detaches and the bomb falls to earth guided by a gps system designed to be accurate within ten yards. This test conducted on open ground shows the pressure wave set off by the bomb. It was specifically developed to attack cave complexes and for its pure terror effect. Tomorrow is a National Holiday in north korea, as the communist nation marks the 105th birthday of its founder kim il sung. The north usually puts on an elaborate military parade but this year could be different, with china warning the north to back off on its nuclear ambitions. Ben tracy is there. Reporter these new satellite images show that north korea may be preparing to conduct its sixth nuclear test. A u. S. Based Watchdog Group says the country is primed and ready after analyzing telltale signs of activity at the remote underground test site. Exploding a more powerful bomb or launching a new ballistic missing could be timed to coincide with this weekends celebration of north koreas founder, often marked by a massive parade in which the country is not subtle about showing off its military might. Kim jong un, the current north korean leader, made an appearance in pyongyang thursday in front of a crowd so large it appeared to be everyone who lives in the city. He cut a ribbon to officially open a newly built neighborhood with more than a dozen new highrises, some 70 stories tall. Its an attempt to show economic progress in a country where the reality is that most people live in poverty. Kim jong un did not speak at this event, but he didnt have to. He let these buildings do the talking, and his message to america is your sanctions dont work, we will keep building our buildings and our missiles. North koreas goal is a nucleartipped Intercontinental Ballistic Missile capable of reaching the United States, which experts now say they could accomplish in the next few years. President trump has made several dramatic policy reversals that are at odds with his talking points on the campaign trail. Mr. Trump says since taking office nato is no longer obsolete, china is no longer a currency manipulator, the Exportimport Bank is not unnecessary and janet yellen might be invited to stay on as chairman of the federal reserve. Major garrett reports. I like to think of myself as a very flexible person. Reporter just over a week ago President Trump hinted at his recent reversals of several Campaign Promises. On nato, candidate trump. I said heres the problem with nato. Its obsolete. Reporter President Trump yesterday. I said it was obsolete. Its no longer obsolete. Reporter how about china as a currency manipulator . In august. Im going to instruct my treasury secretary to label china a currency manipulator. Reporter but yesterday the president told the wall street journal china does not manipulate its currency to hurt u. S. Workers and his administration will abandon that pledge. As for china and its leadership overall, this was day one of the trump campaign. Chinas killing us. Reporter and this was day 84 of the trump presidency. As you know, president xi is a terrific person. Reporter mr. Trumps stance on russia has done a 180 also. I dont know putin. But wouldnt it be nice if we could get along actually . Reporter yesterday. Right now were not getting along with russia at all. Reporter on Inauguration Day President Trump outlined his America First philosophy. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone. Reporter but on wednesday mr. Trump explained why he launched missile strikes against the Syrian Regime of bashar al assad. Thats a butcher. Thats a butcher. So i felt we had to do something about it. Reporter there have been promises kept, including the confirmation of Supreme Court justice neil gorsuch. And i got it done in the first 100 days. Thats even nice. The keystone pipeline. Reporter and approval of the keystone xl pipeline as well as withdrawing the u. S. From a Free Trade Agreement with asia pacific countries. More than 150 years after the civil war theres a new push across the south to take down confederate monuments. Critics say the statues celebrate slavery and secession. Supporters insist they honor Southern Heritage. Jan crawford has the story from charlottesville, virginia. Reporter this statue of robert e. Lee was put up nearly 100 years ago but here as in other cities across the south these confederate symbols now are at the center of a bitter debate about how we define our past as we move forward as a nation. Theyre relics of a painful past. Memorials to a war. Generals whose names are etched in history. Stonewall jackson, robert e. Lee. Lee must go lee must go reporter but now there are new battlegrounds, from charlottesville to new orleans. Confederate monuments have been vandalized, and some cities have voted to remove them. All part of a public debate over whether these statues memorialize racism. Symbolism matters. When you say symbolism matters, thats a symbol of what . Its a symbol in my personal opinion of White Supremacy and its a symbol we cannot have in the middle of our city. Reporter charlottesville city councilman wes bellamy has led the fight to move the towns statue of robert e. Lee. But opponents led by attorney Charles Webber argue the statue symbolizes something else. These are War Memorials that exist for one purpose to honor the men who fought. Its not to promote a cause of the war. Its not to glorify a war. Its to honor the men who fought. Reporter now, while this legal fight continues, city officials in charlottesville will review a plan next week with recommendations on where to put the 28foot statue if its ever allowed to be moved. A problem other cities across the south are likely to have to face. Degree has redefined deodorant with motionsense technology. So that i can redefine. Power. Footwork. Range. And the more i move, the more it works. Giving me superior protection. On, and off, the court. Degree. It wont let you down. Ok honey you play with your monkey while i get your little brother cleaned up. Daughter uh oh. Monkey swimming. Irreplaceable monkey protection. Detergent alone doesnt kill bacteria, but adding new lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99. 9 of bacteria with 0 bleach. Daughter uh oh. Lysol. What it takes to protect. Makewith instant moisture utes from ky ultragel. This past election the nation was assaulted by impostors masquerading as reporters. They poisoned the political conversation with lies on the left and on the right. The fbi says the kremlin alone employed 15,000 hackers to post fake news online. And it wasnt only foreign enemies getting in on the act. Scott pelley has the story for 60 minutes. Reporter this past December Edgar welch opened fire in a washington, d. C. Pizzeria. He told police he was there to rescue children forced into prostitution by Hillary Clinton. The story of secretary clintons child sex trafficking operation in a pizzeria was invented before the election by fraudulent news sites and shared by millions. James oliphantus owns the restaurant. It started on november 4th, 2016 where i started to get strange messages directly into instagram and facebook. And these direct messages were saying all kinds of very strange and bizarre things. Like what . Many of the threats, Death Threats i think were some of the worst. People saying they wanted to see my guts cut out and spill on the floor of my restaurant. One person said that they prayed that someone would come and kill everyone inside. And it was terrifying moments. Reporter edgar welch fired into the only locked door in the restaurant and found, much to his surprise, no sex slaves. No one was hurt. Unless you count oliphantus, an innocent bystander at a character assassination. It went from a few people buzzing about something online or inside of chat rooms that we never would have seen before to suddenly being blasted to millions and millions of people. Reporter the police say there is no sex trafficking conspiracy but millions read about it on dozens of websites including one called danger play, which wrote, clintons iner circle includes child traffickers, pedophiles, and now members of a sex cult. Danger play is written by michael cernovich, a Southern California lawyer who describes himself as right of center politically but who has become a magnet for readers with a taste for stories with no basis in fact. These news stories are fakes. Theyre definitely not fake. Theyre lies. Theyre not lie at all. 100 true. Do you believe that or do you say that because its important for marketing your website . Oh, i believe it. I dont say anything that i dont believe. That doesnt seem like a very high bar. Its a high bar because im an attorney. I know how to weigh and measure evidence. Heres the story of my life. Reporter cernovich streams commentary daily and publishes on social media. He reached twitter users 83 million times last month. That was a slow month too. We hit 150 million sometimes. What im doing is its punchy, its fun, its counterintuitive, its counternarrative, and its information that youre not going to see everywhere else. Reporter in august he published this headline. Hillary clinton has parkinsons disease, physician confirms. You dont think thats misleading . No. You believe its true today . Oh, absolutely. Reporter that story was sourced to an anesthesiologist who never met clinton. It got so much traction it had to be denied by clintons doctor and the National Parkinson foundation. She had a seizure and froze up walking into her motorcade. Well, she had pneumonia. How do you know . Who told you that . Well, the campaign told us that. Why would you trust the campaign . The point is you didnt talk to anybody whod ever examined Hillary Clinton. I dont take anything Hillary Clinton is going to say at all as true. Im not going to take her on her word. The media says were not going to take donald trump on his word. And thats why we are in these different universes. Reporter cernovichs website is just one of hundreds publishing nonsense on the right and on the left. We were curious how a particular fake news article breaks out from one website and becomes a popular trending item on facebook or twitter, for example. And we discovered that one of the reasons is fraud. Some fake news publishers use Computer Software called bots to make their articles appear much more popular than they actually are. Bots are fake social media accounts that are programmed to automatically like or retweet a particular message. Jim vidmar knows all about bots. Hes a consultant who helps products or people get noticed on the internet. So when were talking about these bots, these are twitter accounts masquerading as real people. Thats right. By the thousands . Millions. Reporter we did an experiment with vidmars help. We bought 5,000 bots from a russian website. They cost us just a few hundred bucks. Weve set up an experiment so you can show me how this works. And im going to tweet from my account what happens when 60 minutes investigates fake news. So tweet that out. And there it is. Reporter normally i would expect real people to retweet my message a few dozen times. Vidmar programmed our bots to retweet our message and then he turned them loose. Hit it with everything youve got. Ill hit it with everything ive got. Youve got 3. 2 thousand retweets. I went from 300 to 3,000 . Uhhuh. 3400. Now its 4400. 4. 4 thousand. Yeah. So people real people start seeing it and they start retweeting it and responding to it. And it takes off. And it takes off. Reporter that matters because facebook and twitter select articles to present prominently based mostly on how popular they are. They can be fooled by bots. Our impostors expanded the reach of our message 9,000 . But our tweet didnt catch fire the way so much fake news does because our message was not salacious. You need to talk in their language about very specific words that get that emotional response. Thats really the key to it all, the key to all of the fake news. Reporter Justin Koehler says a fake news headline has to make blood boil. Hes not afraid to admit he made real money on fake news. Hes known for two fake news sites. One called national report, the other denver guardian. Where he pushed peoples buttons on issues such as abortion and obamacare. We did a piece on rfid chips being mandated through the obamacare exchange. And what are those . Essentially a tracking device. So as part of signing up for obamacare you had to be implanted essentially with this tracking device. Reporter that story was read 1. 6 million times. You can see scotts full report on our website, cbsnews. Com. The overnight news will be right back. Lysol max cover kills 99. 9 of bacteria, even on soft surfaces. One more way youve got what it takes to protect. Two kids barfed in class today. It was so gross. Lysol disinfectant spray kills 99. 9 of bacteria, even those that cause stomach bugs. One more way youve got what it takes to protect. This clean was like pow everything well . My teeth are glowing. They are so white. Step 1 cleans. Step 2 whitens. Crest [hd]. 6x cleaning , 6x whitening a i would switch to crest [hd] over what i was using before. Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. Its league night . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Bowl without me. Frank. im going to get nachos. Snack bars closed. Gah ah, ah ah. Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Ok honey you play with your monkey while i get your little brother cleaned up. Daughter uh oh. Monkey swimming. Irreplaceable monkey protection. Detergent alone doesnt kill bacteria, but adding new lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99. 9 of bacteria with 0 bleach. Daughter uh oh. Lysol. What it takes to protect. Some vineyards in california are now using flying predators to protect their harvests. John blackstone explains. Reporter its no wonder jack london once wrote about California Wine country, i have everything to make me glad im alive. The rolling hills, the endless blue skies, and the perfect weather. Its a nature lovers paradise. But all that nature can be a problem. This is what were guarding against here. Reporter just ask ramsgate vineyard manager ned hill. Deer, rabbits, coyotes, foxes, birds, you name it. Grapes are tasty when they get ripe. Reporter so like any cash crops grapes need protection. And here bo bastion is the muscle. Armed with a noisy motorcycle and a determined terrier named gus, bastion patrols the grounds. That a boy reporter but perhaps the most important member of his Security Team is the one who patrols the skies. This is zook, and zook is a male jeer peregrine falcon. Reporter zook is here to protect against starlings. Im just looking over there. Whats this coming across here . Those are starlings right there. Hey, hey reporter if henhouses have foxes, vineyards have starlings. European starlings. An Invasive Species that first appeared in Northern California in the 1930s. As the vineyards grew, they spread out like a picnic lunch for the birds. Big flocks like that come into a field, theyre voracious and they can take care of stuff pretty quick. Reporter at first ramsgate tried the traditional methods like noise makers, colored tape and netting. None of it worked well. And i just figured there had to be a better way because i was getting frustrated. I was getting frustrated with the amount of time and effort that we were putting into doing this bird netting. Even though it was somewhat successful the birds were still pecking through it. So hill brought in reinforcements. This is larry. This is larry. Larry bird . Larry bird. He doesnt look so big and scary. He doesnt when hes sitting but birds arent designed for sitting on the ground. But when hes in flight hes pretty scary. Hill hired Kathleen Tegan and her apprentice bo to help protect his crop. What do these birds think when they see a falcon . Well, in nature falcons are prone to hunt other flying birds, and those flying birds are prone to know that when a falcon is flying that its hunting. So when those birds see a falcon in flight they know theyre being hunted. Reporter tegans company, tactical avian predators, also puts falcons to work at airports and golf courses that have bird problems. Why does it work . Falconry abatement works because its nature. Were not doing anything different than what happens in nature. Were using nature against nature. Reporter and vineyard manager ned hill says its a pretty good matchup. Can you quantify how much better this has made things . I think it solves 50 . Reporter which translates to saving about 250,000 a year in production. The lack of yield we would get because the birds are physically eating the berries, the compromised clusters that come in that we need to sort through and get rid of is a 50 difference now, having the falcon work for us. Reporter because falcons can be dangerous, theyre highly regulated. Its illegal to possess a falcon, a bird of prey. You actually must be in possession of a permit issued by the federal government. Reporter to become a licensed falconer like tegan can take years. You undergo a twoyear apprenticeship to become a falconer, and then at ten years you become a master falconer. Reporter bo bastion is serving his apprenticeship with tegans company in the hopes that one day hell be a master falconer himself. You get to watch all your animals doing their job, and they love their job. At the end of the day when youre putting your birds up and youve done a good job protecting a vineyard, that feels good. You know . Its all cool stuff. Reporter in case you were wondering, no starlings were harmed in the making of this story. Steve hartman now with a love story about a man and his goose. Reporter ive heard of lakes where the fish jump right into your boat. But this was ridiculous. That is a tenpound canadian goose. A little disconcerting. Reporter her name is kyle. And she has a huge crush on the owner of this boat. A guy named mike givanji. Mike and his stalker goose friend here live on lake oswego outside portland, oregon, where every day mike tries to tell her its over and every day kyle says oh, no its not. Kyle first fell for mike two years ago as a gosling after she was abandoned by her mother. One of my friends noticed her drowning in the water, almost desperate, alone, and at any minute she would have been run over by a boat. Reporter so mike took her in and took her everywhere. I just figured i would keep it alive long enough to be an adult and to fend for itself. And then it would just go on its way. Of course. Didnt work out that way . No. She never left. I tried to get rid of her. Ive driven her miles away and left her in the middle of nowhere and when i come back shes already home before me. So theres not a lot we can do. Reporter obviously the goose has imprinted on mike. Like you cant get away from her really. No. Shes everywhere. Reporter even when we went into town to a coffee shop kyle was right on his heels and mike says she would have stuck even closer if i was a woman. When girls come around and she senses theyre a threat she lets them know. And shes smart enough to know actually who the threats are and who they arent. So she definitely thinks this is serious between you two. Oh, yeah. Reporter and if truth be told, at this point mike is equally smitten. Today their little cat and mouse game is just that, a game. A chance for kyle to get some exercise and for mike to enjoy an incredibly Close Encounter with an incredibly trusting friend. Kyle really has fallen beak over tail feathers for this guy. But shes not taking any chances either. See, unlike humans who believe if you love someone you should let them go and see if they come back, kyle seems to believe if you love someone why chance them getting away when you can fly faster . Steve hartman on the road in lake oswego, oregon. Thats the overnight news for this friday. Captioning funded by cbs its friday, april 14th, 2017. This is the cbs morning news. The u. S. Brings out the big guns in its fight against isis, dropping the largest nonnuclear weapon ever used in combat, reportedly killing dozens. Its time to call out wikileaks for what it really is. The cia director goes after wikileaks calling it a hostile intelligence service. Two Georgia Police officers are fired after cell phone video of a man being punched and stomped on the head during an arrest. Ing

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