Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20170612

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>> pelley: late today a pennsylvania jury began deliberating bill cosby's fate. after his lawyers presented a defense consisting of one witness and six minutes of testimony. once one of america's most beloved entertainers, cosby is accused of drugging and sexually assaulting a woman in his home in 2004. more than 50 other women have accused cosby, but this is the only criminal case. jericka duncan is at the courthouse outside philadelphia. >> reporter: for the first time in the trial, bill cosby's wife camille walked arm in arm with her husband as he entered court today. cosby chose not to take the stand. instead, his attorney brian mcmonogal told jurors, "the accuser andrea constand told a stone cold lie and cosby cheated on his wife but did not commit a crime. " as his lawyer said, "you deserve better." prosecutor kevin steele countered by using koskoff's -- cosby's 2005 and 2006 deposition where cosby described giving quaaludes, a hypnotic truck, to women. steele went on to say, "drugging somebody and putting them in a position where you can do what you want with them is not romantic. it's criminal." cosby is accused of drugging and molestic constand at his pennsylvania home in 2004. last week constand told the jury cosby gave her three blue pills which left her feeling paralyzed and unable to fight him off. cosby spokesperson andrew wyatt. >> mr. cosby is very confident. he's confident in his legal team. >> reporter: cosby claims his sexual encounters with constand were consensual and she never told him to stop. the judge said jurors will have dinner here tonight at the courthouse as they continue to deliberate. scott, if convicted, cosby, who is 79 years old, could end up spending the rest of his life in prison. >> pelley: jericka duncan awaiting the verdict. thanks, jericka. in another important story tonight, tomorrow attorney general jeff sessions will testify before the senate intelligence committee, a seek seek -- sequel to last week's appearance by fired f.b.i. director james comey. here's our chief congressional correspondent nancy cordes. >> i did not have communications with the russians. >> reporter: the last time sessions testified was at his confirmation hearing in january. since then he has acknowledged meeting with the russian ambassador in 2016. >> two meetings, one very brief after a speech. >> reporter: and has recused himself from his own agency's russia probe. >> i should not be involved investigating a campaign i had a role in. >> reporter: but the former f.b.i. director suggested last week that there might be more to it than that. >> we also were aware of facts that i can't discuss in an open setting that would make his continued engagement in a russia-related investigation problematic. >> reporter: senators on the intelligence committee will push sessions for details tomorrow. maine's angus king outlined the other key question. >> what role did he play, if any, again, in the comey firing, because at that point he was supposed to be recused from this investigation, have nothing to do with it, and to the extent the comey firing had something to do with the investigation, i think that's an area we need to explore. >> reporter: sessions may also get asked if the president really does have a recording system in the oval office, as mr. trump suggested in a tweet last month but refused to confirm again today. >> mr. president, are there tapes of you and james comey in the oval office? >> thank you. >> reporter: his press secretary was no more forthcoming. >> what is he waiting for? what's the delay? >> he's waiting -- he's in the waiting for anything. when he's ready to further discuss it, he will. >> reporter: the secret service discussed it this afternoon, revealing it is unaware of any recording devices in the oval office. spicer declined to comment on that new information saying only that the president will weigh in at some point in the future. >> pelley: nancy cordes on capitol hill. you can watch the attorney general's testimony right here on cbs. it's expected to begin at 2:30 eastern time tomorrow. today the state of maryland and the district of columbia sued president trump, accusing him of violating anti-corruption clauses in the constitution. margaret brennan is at the white house. >> never in the history of this country have we had a president with these kinds of extensive business entanglements. >> reporter: the democratic attorneys general of d.c. and maryland accused president trump of breaking a promise to separate his private business interests from his public duties. >> it puts democracy at risk when the president is corruptible. >> reporter: president trump retained ownership of the trump organization through a trust, managed by his sons. the lawsuit alleges the president is in violation of two anti-corruption provisions of the constitution known as the emoll youment clauses, because his position has enabled them to benefit personally from payments made to the company. >> i deal with the chinese all of the time. the largest west bank of the world is in one of my buildings in manhattan. >> reporter: one example cited in the lawsuit is that the president's company still receives lease payments from a chinese bank. to address such conflicts, the trump organization has said it will donate those profits from foreign entities to the u.s. treasury. >> why is that not good enough, and do you have any evidence so far that there has been an influence on policy? >> the point is that the appearance and the fact of his taking payments from foreign countries violates the constitution. >> reporter: the suit also claims that the u.s. government has granted mr. trump financial favors, such as allowing him to keep the lease on the old post office as the site of his washington, d.c., hotel, even though the original contract, made when mr. trump was a private citizen, barred any elected official from remaining on the lease. >> the suit was filed by two democratic attorney generals. the lawyers driving the suit are an advocacy group with partisan ties. >> reporter: white house spokesman sean spicer dismissed the legal filing as dirty politics. >> i think we'll continue the move to dismiss this case in the normal course of business. >> reporter: while president trump has declined to follow the tradition of publicly releasing his tax returns, the attorneys general will ask the court to demand their release in order to show the extent of his business interests, including any loans. scott, this is the first lawsuit of its kind. really no precedent to prejudge its outcome. >> pelley: margaret brennan at the white house. thanks. today anyone can book an event at a trump golf club or hotel with the profits going to president trump through his trust. so who is doing this? here's julianna goldman. >> reporter: turkish airline, half owned by the turkish government, paid for its annual tournament at the president's miami golf course in april. >> is far everything has been picture-perfect. >> reporter: a member of the ruling family of the united arab emirates and turkish airlines were among the sponsors last month of this turkish-american conference at trump international hotel, just a few blocks from the white house. and the government of kuwait financed their national day celebration just a month after the inauguration. the site: that same trump organization-owned hotel in washington. the president still owns his company, so he still benefits from business generated at his property, but some legal experts say that money from foreign governments like turkey and kuwait spent here might run afoul of the constitution. kathleen clark teaches government attics at washington university law school. >> because donald trump was unwilling to sell his businesses and he continues to own them, foreign governments continue to have a way of channels money to him in an effort to influence him and u.s. policy. >> reporter: the clause, which forbids foreign governments from funneling money to the president, was designed to prevent presidential bribery. back in january, one of mr. trump's attorneys spelled out how he'd avid a violation. >> he is going to voluntarily donate all profits from foreign government payments made to his hotels to the united states treasury. >> reporter: the trump organization created this glossy handout to guide its finance team, but some legal experts say the guidance is written with loopholes. it says banking, defense, energy, healthcare, and other sectors may not be reasonably identifiable as foreign government entities, and therefore may not be included. >> reporter: the pamphlet that the trump organization put together regarding the cause reads like a road map to foreign governments on how they can channel money to the president. >> reporter: we asked the trump organization if they consider money from turkish airlines to be from a foreign government, but they didn't get back to us. scott, the justice department says the clause shouldn't apply to mr. trump's organization because it's an existing business and customers are paying market rate. >> pelley: julianna goldman, thanks. today a second u.s. appeals court blocked the president's travel ban from six mostly muslim nations. a three-judge panel from the ninth circuit wrote, "immigration, even for the president, is not a one-person show." the supreme court is expected to make a final ruling. later this year. in russia today, police hauled away one of vladimir putin's political rivals just as he was about to lead a protest against government corruption. but it didn't matter. tens of thousands still took to the streets and more than 1,500 were arrested. elizabeth palmer is in moscow. >> this is exactly what the government was trying to headoff when it banned the protest from moscow city center. but huge crowds of demonstrators ignored the ban and crashed the country's national holiday celebration chanting, "putin is a thief." dozens were arrested, thousands stood their ground. this is the front line of what's become a standoff. the protesters managed to get into an area that was specifically banned to them. then the riot police have showed up. now they're trying to stop anybody else from joining the massive protest. as for the leader of this movement, alexander navalny, police arrested him at home before he could go anywhere. but across russia, more than 1400 protests inspired by him went ahead. this one is 150 miles from moscow. it may not look like much, but, in fact, it's a triumph. when we visited organizers a few days ago, they and their only promotional booth had been banished to a remote parking lot by hostile local governments. danil beylakov, who is 15, was helping to spread the word. why did you get involved in the movement to support navalny? "russia is an authoritarian regime," he told me, and i want the change it into a democracy." it's a tall order, flu is no question navalny has touched a nerve. a protester being led away by the police summed it up. en "russia," he said, "will be free." as for the man who set all this in motion, alexie navalny, scott, he was whisked to his court hearing today, and he's been handed a sentence 306 days. >> pelley: liz palmer at the kremlin for us tonight. liz, thank you. in orlando today... >> bianca, drayton. eddie jamal. eddie sotomayor, jr. >> pelley: they read the names of the 49 dead one year after america's worst mass shooting at the purls nightclub. mark strassmann spoke to those who have suffered so deeply. >> a girl gets shot right behind me, and she falls on the floor. >> reporter: two days after the pulse massacre, demetrice naulings told scott pelley about the mayhem inside. >> you could hear the bullets. i even hear the clip fall on the floor. and for him to just reload again and then the rings of shots just keep going. >> reporter: naulings and his best friend eddie justice had walked in at 2:00 a.m. for last call. the next person to enter the club was gunman omar mateen. it was only when you got outside you said, "where's eddie?" >> right. realizing he's not behind me. >> you can hear shots fired in the background. >> reporter: a year later, naulings still we willives the unthinkable. [gunfire] do you still hear those shots? >> do i hear gunshots? i do all the time, because i'm always afraid, am i next. >> we got about 20 gunshot victims. >> pelley: justice was killed. he was a 30-year-old tax accounted nt, a jokesster and wilhelmina justice's only son. >> he was smart. he was loving. he was my world. >> reporter: justice wounded and hiding in a bathroom texted his mother. >> it was 2:06 when i got the first text saying, "i love you, mama. " he was saying, "tell them to hurry up. i'm going to die." that was it. 2:39, last text. i grieve every moment. some days are better than others. and some days are just not good at all. i will never be who i was a year ago. >> reporter: justice and naulings have a special connection. they find comfort in each other. >> i got demetrius, and i can't imagine what he goes through, but i love this guy. i love him. >> reporter: and make no mistake, something similar in orlando also came alive after all the carnage. >> you feel the love here, if not just disney world and seaworld and universal studios anymore. now it's about orlando strong. >> reporter: in the drizzle behind me, you see people gathering for the pulse victims, part of a day of remembrance in this city. scott, the names of all 49 people who were killed will be read allowed one more time here. >> pelley: mark strassmann for us this evening. mark, thank you. coming up next on the "cbs evening news," 10% of the people on our planet are obese. and later, a shakespearean tragedy with a modern controversy. provide the same omega-3 power. il supplements introducing megared advanced triple absorption... it supports your heart, joints, brain, and eyes. and is absorbed by your body three times better. so one megared has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. new megared advanced triple absorption. ♪ ♪ [laughter] we all drive... some just for the fun of it. ♪ [ bell rings ] come close, come close. 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[ upbeat music playing ] you can't quit, neither should your pain reliever. stay all day strong with 12 hour aleve. check this sunday's paper for extra savings on products from aleve. >> pelley: a report out today says one out of ten people on earth is obese, which, of course can, lead to life-threatening diseases. so we asked our dr. jon lapook to weigh in on this. >> reporter: when 31-year-old carlos lazos left the army reserve, it didn't take long for him to gain 70 pounds. >> i started eating more fried foods, a lot of fried foods. >> reporter: his lifestyle as a long-distance truck driver was putting him on the road to diabetes. he's now dieting and exercising, but his experience is shared by millions across the globe. today's report found that worldwide in 2015, an estimated 604 million adults and 108 million children were obese. in the u.s., almost 13% of children, the highest rate in the world, the highest in adults was in egypt at about 35%. professor azeem majeed from immeral college london is one of the study authors. he says diets high in calories are a major reason, but there is another culprit. >> many of these countries, there's been a change in employments away from high physical activity jobs like farming or labor toward more lower-active jobs like working in offices. >> reporter: excess weight accounted for four million deaths worldwide, 70% from cardiovascular disease, and it turns out almost 40% of those deaths were in people who were overweight, not obese. >> i think people probably now know being obese is bad for your health. i think less people know that being overweight is also bad for your health, as well. report someone five 5'9" is considered overweight. 203 pounds or more obese. dr. bruce lee is a global obesity expert at johns hopkins university. >> reporter: the health effects include different types of chronic diseases like type two diabetes, heart disease, stroke, many different cancers are associated with increased weight or being overweight or obese. >> reporter: this is a global problem that requires more than individual willpower. one successful strategy in some communities has been having everybody work together to change the environment, putting in walking paths, getting rid of junk food in schools, offering better choices in restaurants. scott, making it so people just trip over a healthy lifestyle. >> pelley: jon lapook, thanks very much. when we come back, we'll show you where ski season may never end. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. but do they need help making more of their own tears? 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june. the sierra nevada got up to six inches over the weekend, and ma'am mouth mountain resort says it will keep the ski slopes open until august. up next, you'll remember what should never be forgotten. juno beach pier (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a coupe soup. 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