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Pelley americas long pause from launching humans into space may change with a bold mission to send two private citizens, paying customers, around the moon and back. The announcement came from elon musk, the entrepreneur who created tesla electric cars and spacex, a rocket maker that already sends unmanned cargo capsules to the space station for nasa. Musk plans to launch late next year, about six years after the space shuttles last flight and nearly half a century after the last apollo astronauts left their foot prints in the lunar dust. Heres don dahler. Two, one, zero, liftoff. Lawsuit spacex will attempt to lawn two unnamed individual, said to be very serious about traveling ash the moon. Theyve already put down whats described as a serious deposit. Cbs news space expert bill harwood. Talk is cheap. Launching a mission like this safely is a tall order. Reporter the company has not released what the weeklong journey will cost, but it says it will take the amateur space travelers near the moons surface and further out to space before looping back to earth, a distance of 200 to 300,000 miles. Theyll be aboard a fully automated spacecraft with no human pilot. Three years ago spacex founder elon musk told scott pelley for 60 minutes his friends were dubious. I had so many people try to talk me out of starting the company, it was crazy. Pelley what did they tell you . One good friend of mine collected a whole series of videos of rockets blowing up and made we watch those. He just didnt want me to lose all my money. Reporter in fact, spacex added to the collection of explosion videos with two spectacular failures, but recently the company has had a string of successful launches and landings. Still, musk is known for making bold predictions that dont quite come to pass. In 2011 he vowed to put people in space in three years. That has yet to happen. Elon musk makes no secret of his desire to send humans to mars. This is a major step in that direction. Rawfort to that end, musk says these private ends will produce significant revenue from the company and hopes to launch passengers into space once or twice a year. Scott, such trips must be licensed by the federal aviation administration. Pelley don dahler for us tonight. Don, thank you. Tonight Philadelphia Police are hunting for whoever damaged more than 100 headstones at a Jewish Cemetery on saturday night. There was a similar attack last week in missouri. And today there were 22 bomb threats to Jewish Centers and schools in 13 states. Justice correspondent jeff pegues is looking into this. Reporter in cherry hill, new jersey, another Jewish Community center was evacuated this morning after a threatening call. Since the beginning of the year, there have been at least 90 similar phone calls across 30 states and one canadian province. A u. S. Official says the calls appear to be coordinated. Some may be originating from overseas. They range from individuals phoning in threats to machinegenerated or altered calls. It is a bomb. Report in whats described as one of the telephone threats made on january 18th, the voice appears to be altered. I think i told you enough. I must go. Reporter last month there were 57 calls. One of them came to the switchboard at the Jewish Community center in rockville, maryland. Were told that there was a bomb in the building. Reporter the centers president , michael feinstein, says it was first time they received such a threat. This is an example of antisemitism, and its a hate crime. Reporter the phone threats have targeted Jewish Community centers in waves from east to west coast. Scott, they usually come around late morning when centers are in full use. Pelley jeff pegues in the washington newsroom. Jeff, thank you. There are questions tonight about whether the white house is trying to itfluence congressional investigations of the 2016 president ial election and possible contacts between russia and the Trump Campaign. Our Congressional Correspondent nancy cordes has the latest. What would be the problem of the white house sending me a number of a press person to call . Reporter intelligence chair and republican devin nunes is leading the house investigation into possible collusion between Trump Campaign officials and russian operatives, but he insisted today there was nothing wrong with him and his Senate Counterpart richard burr making a few calls at the request of trumps aides. All it was was a White House Communications person passing a number and name of a reporter over, if i would talk to them. Reporter but that combined with reports that white house officials made similar requests of the c. I. A. Director and f. B. I. Officials prompted fresh accusations from democrats about white house tampering. We have to do this investigation bipartisan. Reporter virginias mark warner is the top democrat on the intelligence committee. We have to not let a white house or any other political interference get in its way, because its too important. Reporter White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer would not confirm or deny that c. I. A. Director mike pompeo was asked to defend the campaign im not going to discuss what we did internally. Reporter nunes argued the probe is probably a dead end anyway. From what ive been told by many folks is that theres nothing there. Reporter is he right that theres no evidence . Well, first of all, we have not obtained any of the evidence yet. Reporter adam schiff is the top democrat on the house intelligence committee. We cant draw any conclusions, nor should we. We shouldnt be prejudging where the facts lead. Reporter schiff added that he is not convinced yet that the f. B. I. Will share all the information it gathers with congress. Scott, cbs news has learned that its the f. B. I. s Counterintelligence Division that is leading this investigation. Pelley nancy cordes on capitol hill. And at the other end of pennsylvania avenue, our chief White House Correspondent major garrett. Major, we learned some details today of the president s domestic agenda. Reporter yes, on the political front, scott, the white house and Top Republican leaders trying to put some muscle back behind the nowstalled effort to repeal and replace obamacare. Now, details are sparse, but the goal is for both the house and senate to act by midmay to create a new Transitional Health insurance marketplace, one with no individual coverage mandate, fewer regulations, more tax credits, fewer tax subsidies. As the president said today, its all very complicated business. The president will also ask congress for 54 billion in additional defense spending in this budget year, and at the same time, scott, ask congress to cut that same amount, 54 billion, from domestic programs and foreign aid. Pelley the president said who knew health care was so complicated. Major garrett, thank you. Cbs news will bring you President Trumps first address to a joint session of Congress Tomorrow evening. Our live coverage begins at 9 00 eastern time. The white house said today that the military is conducting three investigations of an antiterrorism raid one month ago in yemen. Navy seal ryan owens was killed along with a dozen civilians. Other americans were wounded and a u. S. Aircraft was lost. Well, now, owens father is demanding answers and jan crawford is following that. His family was there, incredible family, loved him so much, so devastated. Reporter President Trump earlier this month described meeting the family of Navy Seal Ryan owens when his body was returned to the u. S. But owens father bill declined a meeting with his sons commanderinchief. In an interview with the miami herald, he said, i didnt want to make a scene about it, but my conscience wouldnt let me talk to him. He asked, why at this time did there have to be this stupid mission when it wasnt even barely a week into his administration. Under the cover of night on january 28th, seal team 6 became pinned down outside the al qaeda compound. They were forced to call in a helicopter gunship to silence the fire. 14 al qaeda operatives and at least 15 civilians were killed in the firefight. Owens also was killed in a 72 million evac air crash landed. The timing was linked to a broader offensive were pursuing in yemen. Reporter david martin was told preparation for the operation was thorough. The raid was monitored in realtime. Some people have called this success. Some people have called it a failure. What would you call it. Again, the object was to go in and collect intelts. We accomplished that. From that perspective it was successful. I certainly understand how the family would look at this in a different light. Reporter now, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the pentagon is conducting a review of the bat until yemen, which is standard whenever a mission results in losses of life. And scott, spicer also offered his condolences to the owens family on behalf of the president. Pelley jan crawford, thanks. Terrorism is one reason the secret service is tailing the president s children, but when his Adult Children are running global businesses, the taxpayers bill runs high. Anna werner has looked into that. Reporter by wednesday eric trump will have gone to four countries on Trump Company business since january 1st, each with secret Service Agents in tow. In early january it was a trip to uruguay for a glitzy party to promote a new property with a reported 100,000 in hotel bills for secret service and other u. S. Government personnel. Then just a few weeks after the inauguration, he flew to the dominican republic, but not before secret Service Agents reportedly went for a routine advanced planning trip. Within weeks eric and his brother donald, jr. , flew to dubai for the gala opening of another trump property. And tomorrow night its vancouvers turn, a new trump hotel that will be the citys second largest skyscraper. Both brothers are expected to attend. And their secret Service Protection goes with them. The secret service wont say how much all those trips cost the agency, but taxpayers are footing the bill. The law requires protection for the president and Vice President and their immediate families, but secret Service Coverage for Adult Children is optional. They could decline it. Ronald reagans son ron reagan eventually did just that. The taxpayers are stuck. Reporter Washington University law professor Kathleen Clark teachings oneth knicks government. The bottom line on how much it is costing the taxpayers, absolutely is something that i believe the public and congress has the right to know. Reporter we asked the Trump Organization if they expect the president s sons to keep up their pace of international travel, and whether eric or donald, jr. , have considered reimbursing for the cost of secret Service Protection on their business trips, but we got no response. Scott, the secret service told us it has effectively adapted to the unique challenges of each administration. Pelley anna werner, thanks. Today the Japanese Company takata pleaded guilty to fraud charges for concealing a defect in its air bags that caused some of those air bags to explode. Takata also agreed to pay 1 billion in criminal penalties. At least 11 deaths are linked to the air bag, which led to the largest recall in automotive history, 42 million vehicles. Coming up next on the cbs evening news. Accountntants take the blame fa screwup at the oscar, and moonlight gives hope to inner moonlight gives hope to inner city kids in the sunshine state. Dayquil liquid gels dont treat your runny nose. Seriously . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture. I can tell you prolia® is proven to help protect bones from fracture. But the real proof . My doctor said prolia® helped my bones get stronger. Are your bones getting stronger do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. 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Pelley Faye Dunaways question to Warren Beatty in bonnie and clyde takes on a whole new meeting after last night. Heres kevin frazier. It was a perfect hollywood ending with a twist starring Warren Beatty and faye dunaway. And the academy award. Reporter Warren Beatty hesitated and handed over the envelope to his partner in crime. For over two moments while the winners gave their acceptance speeches, chaos behind. Two accountants responsible for counting the ballots are frantically talking to Warren Beatty and horowitz takes the mic. Theres a mistake. You guys won best picture. The wrong red envelope, labeled best actress, had been handed to beatty. This is not a joke. Im afraid they read the wrong thing. Reporter it was a televised scene of shock and confusion as moonlight cast and producers made their way to the stage. Even in my dreams this could not be true. To hell with dreams. Im done with it. Because this is true. Reporter there are two sets of red winner envelopes carried into the oscars under lock and key by price water hows coopers account btds martha ruiz and brian cullinan. They are in charge of handing out the envelopes. One is for those entering stage right, one stage left. Immediately after emma stone won best actress, cullinan tweeted out this photo and then handed beatty the wrong envelope. The hollywood reporters matthew belloni. I think theyre really going to struggle to get past this. There needs to be some kind of a fall guy, some kind of a accountability here, no pun intended, and i think ultimately if i had the guess, i bet the academy will sever its relationship with price waterhouse. Reporter tim ryan, the Accounting Firms u. S. Chairman, said he spoke with cullinan at length today and he added in a statement late this afternoon he is very upset about this mistake and it is also my mistake, our mistake. Meanwhile, scott, no word on whether mr. Cullinan will be back at the oscars next year. Pelley kevin phrasier with the story everyone is talking about in our los angeles bureau. Up next, where the sun and exwife and muhammad ali detained because of their detained because of their religion . Ady to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me with onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen. And i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. Trulicity is not insulin. It should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. 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Reporter 66yearold khalilah camachoali and her 44yearold son muhammad ali, jr. , say customs agents detained then after asking about their religion at Hollywood International airport. They took me aside and asked me my name. I was like, muhammad. And i was like, what are you asking me my religion for . Reporter alis mother says she was taken to a separate room and asked the same questions. She says she showed this picture of her former husband, the legendary muhammad ali, hoping it would ease tensions, but it did not. What do you think your former husband, muhammad ali, is saying. Hes probably trying the fight out of his grave and come and knock trump out. Reporter attorney Chris Mancini represents the alis. Its very clear the alis were selected specifically because they had arab names for secondary inspection and then they were asked about their religious beliefs. Reporter a Law Enforcement official told cbs news the alis were not detained because of their religion or name. U. S. Customs and Border Protection released a statement which read in part, all International Travelers arriving in the u. S. Are subject to c. B. P. Inspection. The alis say they were not given an explanation as to why they were held. Their attorney said theyry received over 50 calls this month, scott, from people who say theyve gone through similar incidents. Pelley Jericka Duncan for us tonight. Jericka, thank you very much. Up next well show you where a up next well show you where a hollywood dream was born. R e in 10 hours and 2 minutes you are going to be 67. And on that day you will walk into a room where 15 people will be waiting. 12 behind the sofa, 2 behind the table and 1 and a half behind a curtain. Family surprise but only one of them will make a life long dream come true. Great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. At humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. Or is it your allergy pills . 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Movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. Tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. Movantik may interact with them causing side effects. Why hold it in . Have your movantik moment. Talk to your doctor about opioidinduced constipation. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. And the oscar goes to viola davis. Pelley with viola Davis Academy award last night for fences, she became the first African American to win actings triple crown an oscar, an emmy, and a tony. As we mentioned earlier, the top prize last night, best picture, went to the African American comingofage movie moonlight. It is a story rooted in miami, and Manuel Bojorquez tells us the success of the film is giving some innercity kids another reason to hope. Im your blood, remember . Reporter moonlight follows the life of chiron, a young black man who struggles with his sexuality, a drugaddicted mother, and the tough streets of miamis liberty city. The three of you are student here, right . Yes. Reporter the streets these kids call home. How many were shocked . In a good way . In a good way. Reporter kamal anibello, amanda ali, and Larry Anderson attend the same school the movies director, barry jenkins, directed. All three were also cast in the film. Anderson was one of the bullies in this pivotal scene. When you come the miami, you think of south beach, you think of the cars, but you dont see the real people inside miami, like liberty city. Reporter Terrell Alvin Mccraney based the script on his experiences also growing up here. What might be the reason why we start rehearsal in this way . Reporter hes returned since the films success to speak with aspiring actors and writers. Last night both men paid tribute to their roots. This goes out to all those black and brown boys and girls and nongender conforming who dont see themselves. Were trying to show you, you and us. Wow. Reporter Natalie Baldie is the artistic director of northeastern highs performing arts program. What does this represent for those students . They can actually see past the violence and the guns and start believing in their gifts. Reporter now they can see clear to hollywood, all the way from miami. I can have chance of winning my own oscar. So hope . Yes, a lot of it. Reporter and a belief they too can reach the same heights. Manuel bojorquez, cbs news, miami. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, well see you tomorrow from washington. Tonight, theres a mistake the most awkward oscar moment ever explained. I dont mean to start oh my goodness. The stars backstage account of the best picture mixup. I actually saw it before. Thats what they get for hiring jimmy. We get answers from the people in the center of the controversy. We stand backstage and we hand the envelopes to the presenter. Plus, our awards for the best red carpet fashion. I have my own gold statue already. I win. Everybody go home. Turn it up. Confessions from couples youll only see her. She can sing better than you think. Its e. T. At the oscar now for february, 27th, 2017, this is entertainment tonight

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