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Number one fan. They finally meet. Im shaking. This is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley we have breaking news tonight. A federal Appeals Court in San Francisco has ruled against President Trump. Trumps ban on refugees and travel from seven predominantly muslim countries will remain on hold. Mr. Trump, who once vowed to ban all muslim immigration, says this limited ban is essential to americas security. Yesterday, before the decision, he ridiculed the Appeals Court judges, saying that a bad High School Student could understand the law better. Our chief Legal Correspondent jan crawford is following the case. Jan. Reporter well, scott, weve just gotten a copy of this opinion. Its 29 pages. It appears to be unanimous. Its unsigned. All three judges in agreement rejecting the administrations arguments that it should reinstate that travel ban while the courts considered whether or not it was in fact constitutional. Now, the Trump Administration had urged the Appeals Court to reinstate that ban, saying that courts typically give broad deference to the president on matters of national security. Thats a pretty powerful argument. But the Appeals Court in this decision said, yes, while courts do give denchance to president s, their decision are not unreviewable, and then it proceeded to review all the arguments against the travel ban that were being made by two states, washington and minnesota. And it looked at those arguments and the arguments were many constitutional arguments, including due process and in fact the religious ban amounted to rdiscrimination, and it concluded that there was no evidence that the government a strong likelihood that it would prevail on the merits. This case now will go back to decide if it is in fact legal. The government could try to take it to the supreme court, but at this point, scott, i think thats unlikely, while the lower courts consider its legality. Pelley jan crawford with the breaking news tonight. And so the president s travel ban will remain on hold. It is probably likely that the administration will appeal this to the speak, but we just received a statement fromlet jums, saying that, jups saying that it is reading the judges orders and weighing its options. In other news tonight, the reaction was almost unanimous among both teams and republicans today, after the president s senior adviser, kellyanne conway, promoted ivanka trumps clothing line on tv this morning. Heres nancy cordes. Im going to give a free commercial here. Go buy it today, everybody. You can find it online. Reporter it was a sales pitch more suited to a board room than the White House Briefing room. 30 seconds go buy ivankas stuff is swhat i would tell you. This is a textbook violation of the federal ethics rules. Reporter chris lu say former Obama Administration official who says his staff was told on day one that an employee shall not use his Public Office for the endorsement of any product or for the private gain of friends. Its a wonderful line. I own some of it. Reporter within hours, the office of government ethics revealed it had received an extraordinary volume of contacts from citizens, and the republican chair of the Government Oversight Committee called conways comments, wrong, wrong, wrong. Clearly over the line. Unacceptable. Good afternoon, everyone. Reporter the white house appeared to agree. Press Secretary Sean Spicer kellyanne has been counseled and thats all were going to go with. Shes been counseled on on that subject, and that thats it. Reporter the controversy comes a day after President Trump himself blasted the retailer nordstrom for dropping ivankas brand. And a few days after conway justified the immigration ban by repeatedly invoking a kentucky terrorist attack that never happened. I would like to know a little bit more about what the counseling was, and but that would have been a the bare minimum that would have happened in the Obama Administration. Reporter late today, the Top Republican and top democrat on the Government Oversight Committee sent a letter to ethics officials, calling on them to determine whether conway should be disciplined. Now, the president will have the final say, scott, but they noted here that he has a conflict of interest because conway was hawking his daughters products. Pelley nancy cordes on capitol hill. Now, to the battle over the president S Supreme Court nominee. Margaret brennan is following that. Judge gorsuch is an exceptionally qualified nominee, probably there has really been anybody that is more qualified. Reporter as President TrumpS Supreme Court nominee neil gorsuch tried to build support on capitol hill, the president did schis own outreach to a Bipartisan Group of senators at the white house. The meeting came a day after gorsuch privately lamented mr. Trumps attacks on the judiciary, criticism that the president said was made up. You misrepresented his comments totally. I asked you what you thought. His comments were misrespected. Reporter but former senator kelly ayotte, who is guiding gorsuch around the capitol hhours earlier confirmed that gorsuch had, indeed, says sade he found any criticism of a judges integrity and independence disheartening and demoralizing. Republican senator ben sass, also said gorsuch was upset. He got a little bit emotional and he said that, any attack or any criticism of his brothers and sisters of the robe is an attack or a criticism on everybody wearing the robe. Courts seem to be so political. Reporter mr. Trump has lashed out at federal judges who have questioned his immigration order. White house Spokesman Sean Spicer in other words, the president will continue to speak like that. Of course, he will. The president s going to speak his mind. It goes back to Thomas Jefferson that president s have commented on judicial nominees. Reporter earlier today, the president hit back at republican senator john mccain for his criticism of a u. S. Raid against al qaeda in yemen, which killed Navy Seal Ryan owens and several civilians. Mccain said the operation was not a success. On twitter, trump wrote, mccain should not be talking about the success or failure of a mission. Hes been losing so long, he doesnt know how to win anymore. Now, those words could backfire on the president since the senator chairs the powerful Armed Services committee, charged with overseeing the pentagon. And, scott, on gorsuch, democrats say his comments may simply be a ploy to show his indianapolis. Pelley Margaret Brennan at the white house. And we now have more breaking news. It does look like the travel ban case will be headed to the supreme court. Donald trump has just tweeted and i quote see you in court. The security of our nation is at stake. This morning, mr. Trump declared that the days of gangs and drug dealers are over. He was watching the swearing in of his new attorney general, the nations top Law Enforcement officer. Jeff sessions is a hard line or immigration. Hes 70 years old, a former prosecutor who spent the last 20 years as a u. S. Senator from alabama. I wish that the rise were seeing in crime in America Today were some sort of aberration or a blip. My best judgment, having been involved in criminal Law Enforcement for many years, is that this is a dangerous, permanent trend. Pelley we wondered whether Violent Crime is a rising, permanent trend. So our Research Department went to the sowshes the f. B. I. Uniform crime report. Well it turns out, Violent Crime peaked in 1991, and was in steady decline, as you can see, until a small uptick in 2006. Then the trend continued to drop. There was a small rise in 2015, and thats the last year for which the f. B. I. Has numbers. So for the record, the rate in 2015 was half of what it was in 1991. One of the president s recent orders prioritizes the deportation of Illegal Immigrants who have committed crimes. Well, carter evans found a woman caught by this order who had been allowed to remain in phoenix under president obamas immigration policy. Reporter a crowd of angry protesters tried to prevent Guadalupe Garcia de rayos from being deported. One even tied himself to the police van, but it was fiewtal. Activist Carlos Garcia delivered the news. She has been deported, and this has been one of the first victims of President Trump. Reporter rayos has been living in the u. S. Illegally for more than 20 years. She has two children who are u. S. Citizens. She was arrested after reporting on wednesday for her sixmonth checkin at the phoenix immigration office. Aaron rayos, is her husband. Do you wish she honor gone . No, she made the right decision. We are good citizens and she decided to show up. Reporter in 2008, rayos was arrested in a local water park where she worked and found guilty of using a fake Social Security number. She was allowed to stay in the u. S. Because she wasnt consider aid security threat, but under new rules, President Trump has made any criminal offense criteria enough for deportation. All she was doing was trying to work to support herself, support her children. Reporter her lawyer says the new rules could easily apply to many other immigrants. So youre saying this will push people into hiding. Undoubtedly it will push people into hiding. If they know theres a chance of them being deported, who is going to show up. Reporter 14yearold jacqueline just wants her mom to return home. Do you think shell be back here some day . I hope so. Reporter in a statement, immigration and Customs Enforcement says rayos had no legal basis to remain here in the u. S. And, scott, the agency says its going to focus on continuing to identify other felons like rayos, and deport them. Pelley carter evans in phoenix. Carter, thanks. Today, in the northeast, a blizzard how old in from the west. 50 Million People were in its path. Some got up to a foot and a half of snow, and thousands of flights were canceled. Many schools closed, and offices, too. Anna werner is in plymouth, massachusetts. Reporter people here have been in the thick of this blizzard most of the day, with heavy snow and high winds not only whipping up those waves, but leaving many people here would you want power. Vehicles large and small were slipping and sliding. Hit the brake hit the brake reporter on the snowcovered roads in plymouth, massachusetts. Its pure ice underneath the snow. Snow on top of ice. Reporter wind gusts estimated at 65 Miles Per Hour knocked out power to street lietsdz looits and 1200 homes. You have been out today . Yes. Reporter fire chief ed bradley drove through town to see how residents were coping in blizzard conditions. Hopefully everybody would stay off the road. Eventually, the conditions would get so bad, you wont be able to see a couple of feet in front of the vehicle. It will be just complete whiteout. Reporter Rob Mcclellan lost poweritarilily worried about his 13monthold baby, connor. Get the gas down, and if we have to get the generator going, but least weve got some heat now for our son. Reporter the States Emergency Management Agency says more than 55,000 massachusetts homes and businesses lost power during the day. Along the coast, sixfoot waves battered homes. In south boston, where some 12 inches of snow fell, schools and some government offices closed. And in new york city, at least nine inches of snow fell. Scott, due to this blizzard, schools in boston will be closed again for a second day tomorrow. Pelley anna werner with todays toughest assignment. Kris van cleave has the travel mess. Reporter crews battled to keep pace with the snow piling up at new Yorks Laguardia airport, where more than 70 of the days flights were canceled. It quickly became a you cant get there from here kind of day for weary fliers. More than 3500 flights were canceled nationwide as the storm raged through the northeast, virtually halting flights in and out of philly, new york, and boston. Greg bell is trying to get to d. C. After flying 12 hours from israel. I just want to go home. Thats all i want to do is go home, and its just bane very, very long 20 hours. Reporter the roads were treacherous as the snow and wind reduced visibility, but amtrak saw a spike in riders as it continued normal operations independent busy northeast corridor between washington and boston. Im a little frustrated, but what can you do . Reporter Scott Gralnick came to new yorks penn station after his flight was canceled. Hes trying to make it to his own Bachelor Party. Were going to catch a 2 00 train to philly and then were going to headline out. We have a 6 15 p. M. Flight to arizona, and maybe ill be able to begin my Bachelor Party weekend. Reporter still a lot of red on this board, but some flights are moving again. Scott, the airlines expect to be back to normal by the weekend. Pelley kris van cleave, thanks. Coming up next on the cbs evening news, more than 1,000 families were heartbroken when their Adoption Agency closed. And a hockey fan breaks the ice with her hero. To f. Nerve pain shoots and burns its way into your day. I hear you. When that pain makes simple errands simply unbearable. I hear you. I hear you because my dad struggled with this pain. Make sure your doctor hears you too. So folks, dont wait. Step on up. And talk to your doctor. Because you have places to go. 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Two years and 15,000 later, brandi and her husband received this email from the independent Adoption Center saying that the company filed for bankruptcy and closed its doors with little notice. Im angry. That its gone. Im angry that we wasted a lot of time. Reporter nearly 19 money clients nationwide got the same message. In a statement, independent Adoption Center president greg cole said, the climate of adoption has changed radically in recent years, and there are fewer potential birth parents. Thats especially true for international adoptions, which dropped 75 in a decade from nearly 23,000 to under 6,000, while the number of adopted infants under two remains around 18,000 in the u. S. National council for adoption c. E. O. Says the rise of the internet makes it easier to secure an adoption without an agency. There have been a substantial number of closings of agencies within the last several years. So you have this huge demand by americans to adopt, and in terms of infant adoption and intracountry adoptions there arent many options. Reporter what does this do to you . My hope is gone. Im like, thats it. Im not meant to be a mom, and it was really hard. Reporter she said the shock has turned to determination. Our dream is to have a family. Our dream is to be parents, and i cant let somebody else destroy that dream for us. Reporter the daveiga family joined the bankruptcy case out of sacramento, california, as a debtor. They dont believe they will get any of their money back, but they will be in court representing all of the affected families that cant travel here. Pelley Mireya Villarreal in our los angeles newsroom. Thank you. Up next, dramatic rescues in the west. Small cell lung cancer, previously treated with platinumbased chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene whove tried an fdaapproved targeted therapy. This is big. 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If you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash,. Swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing,. Stop taking and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems,. Are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. Tell you doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine,. Or pain while you urinate. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, serious urinary tract infections, low blood sugar, and kidney problems. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away. If you have signs of ketoacidosis. Which is serious and may lead to death. Im in this for my family. Im in this for me. Ask your doctor about farxiga. And learn how you can get it for free. Pelley more heavy rain in northern california. In the town of orenda, a hillslide rolled into a home. In Fresno County yesterday, a man and his car were fished out of a creek. Heres the Silver Lining a year ago much of the state was severely dry, but now only about 11 is in severe drought, and less than 1 , that area there in red, is extreme. Great news tonight for for us ad our friend and colleague charlie rose. Charlie had a heart valve surgically replaced today. It all went great, and charlie expects to be back at cbs this morning in march. Up next, a hockey players young journey from the u. A. E. To the nhl. Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Trintellix has not been studied in children. Do not take with maois. 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Reporter its not every day you see the washington cap tolz, who have the best record in the National Hockey league, practicing with a woman. Meet 27yearold fatima al ali, captain of the United Arab Emirates Womens National team who discovered hockey six years ago. The speed, the scoring, the pazzing everything about it is amazing. Reporter you love scoring. I love scoring. Im known back home for doing crazy celebrations. Reporter and thats not the only crazy thing. She also does this. Wow. Reporter peter bondra, forme capitols allstar who was in abu dhabi is a good will trip saw her and was mesmerized. I said, wow, whats this . Reporter he recorded it, posted it and it went viral. The capitols invited her to d. C. And this week she watched her first game, saw Alex Ovechkin score a goal, and then. Alex, nice to meet you. Reporter . She met ovechkin, her hero, face to face. It was a moment she will remember for a lifetime. The next day it got even better. They skated together. Lets switch sides. Reporter do you feel like youre having a dream . Its better than a dream. Reporter she loves hockey so much, that back home, she even referees mens games. And my last two games before coming here, we had two fights. The first one did not end up well. Reporter really . I got punched in the face. Reporter but nothing deters her from her mission to tell the girls, especially girls and young women, how important it is to find your passion. Just put a goal and keep chasing it. Reporter set a goal, she says, and never give up. Chip reid, cbs news, washington. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org tonight, george, amal and the news we have all been waiting to hear. Congratulations are in order for george and amal clooney. The twins are due this june. Plus, is Michael Jacksons mom a victim of elder abuse . Why she says shes afraid to go home. Her restraining order against a family member, and how janet is coming to her moms aid. Then our countdown to the grammys, were with host james cordon. Its been the grammys like that for a long time. What he is telling us about beyonces big performance. Are you kidding me . Kelly clarksons cancer scare. And lady gagas new man. Hollywoods strangest pets. Anthony anderson takes e. T. Behind the scenes of his new show. I wastt

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