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Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Odonnell good evening. Scott is off tonight. Im norah odonnell. The worst fire to hit tennessee in 100 years has killed at least three people and sent more than a dozen to the hospital. 14,000 fled as a wall of flames closed in on gatlinburg. One resort was destroyed. The dollywood theme park, named for dolly parton, was spared. Demarco morgan is in tennessee. Hit the gas hit the gas reporter youre watching cell phone video taken taen by two brothers as they escape from a vacation resort area in the mountains of gatlinburg, tennessee. They say they had no warning as the wall of flames surrounded them last night, and their only choice was to ride through it or die. Please, lord, let us get off this mountain. Reporter by early evening, wind speeds suddenly doubled, turninturning into hurricanefoe winds that topped 87 miles per hour. Fire quickly spread in this droughtstricken area when burning embers blew and toppleled trees ripped down power lines. This community is at the edge of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, most visited National Park in the country. The smoke is really bad in here. Reporter logan baker was at the vita hilton hotel when flames came right up to the building. Theyre keeping us in here for now. Reporter bruce wilson is the Sullivan County fire chief. What is it like to actually be there . Its horrible. I mean, its devastating to you know, all the people lost their homes and business and everything else. I mean, things they worked hard for. Reporter this is whats left, more than 100 business and homes were destroyed. Just take a look at this. It was once an apartment building. Neighborhoods were left in smoking synders. At this red cross shelter, more than 1,000 showed up, anxiously waiting to see whats left. Greg lanham and his family escaped with their pet and the clothes on their backs. You know, possessions are possessions. As long as ive got my family, thats all that matters, really. Reporter norah, unfortunately, dozens of families wont be returning to places like this behind me. This home that was completely destroyed. But firefighters may get some help tonight as heavy rains and thunderstorms are expected. Odonnell lets hope for that rain. Can mother, thank you so much. Now to the tragedy in south america. A soccer team that had won the hearts of brazil was on its way last night to play for its first championship, but the chartered plane crashed in the mountains of colombia. 71 were killed. Here anna werner. Reporter video taken after the crash showed little remained of the jet. Workers carried body bags over hilly terrain. The pilots requested a priority landing at 15,000 feet while flying over a mountainous area of colombia in poor weather. The plane was carrying most members of a brazilian so, team, as well as 20 journalists flying from bolivia to medellin. Six people survived. This morning, the soccer clubs Vice President said for a tragedy like this to happen, it is very difficult. The sadness is great, but we will have faith in god. The can chapecoense real soccer tam represented a cinderella story in brazil, a team that rose from the Minor Leagues to make it into this years sudamericana championship finals. Video posted to Facebook Live on monday showed team members checking in for the flight, and some seated on board the plane minutes before taking off. Its going to start player Felipe Machado said. The trip to colombia is going to begin. Another player seen in video yesterday, helio zampier neto, was one of only three players to survive the crash. A photo making the rounds on social media today appears to show a few team members who did not go on the trip. And on the teams twitter page was this, with the heading, let this be the last image of our warriors. Three players, a journalist and two crew members survived. In a tribute to the players who died, the Colombian Team that was set to face them in play on wednesday has asked that the brazilian team, norah, be declared tournament champion. Odonnell wow. Anna werner, thank you very much. Late today, president elect trump settled on four more cabinet picks. Major garrett is covering the trump transition. Reporter cbs news has confirmed that hollywood financier osca Stephen Mnuchin l be treasury secretary. He has also donated to democrats in the past. This will be mnuchins first government possible. The president elect also intends to nominate billionaire businessman wilbur ross to lead the commerce department. This is a system thats not working for the american people. Reporter mr. Trumps pick to lead the department of health and Human Services is a leading congressional critic of obamacare. Georgia congressman tom price was an early trump supporter and draft the the most comprehensive alternative to the Affordable Care act. We want a system thats affordable for everybody, thats accessible for everybody, thats of the highest quality, and provides choices for patients. Reporter prices plan would abolish the expansion of medicaid under obamacare that has provided Insurance Coverage to 15 million americans. Price would also roll back guaranteed coverage for patients with preexisting medical conditions. He would use tax credits and promote Health Savings accounts to help americans purchase insurance. The president elect also named elaine chao as transportation secretary. Chao served eight years as labor secretary under president george w. Bush and is married the love of my life, your senator, mitch mcconnell. Reporter to Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. For secretary of state, mr. Trump continues to deliberate among mitt romney, retired general david petraeus, and rudy giuliani. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman bob corker was also at trump tower today. The president elect is dining tonight with mitt romney, their second meeting in as many weeks. The president elect also took to twitter this morning to denounce burning of the American Flag and said it warranted prison sentences and revocation of citizenship. Norah, the Supreme Court ruled in 1989 that flag burning was symbolic protected free speech. Odonnell all right, major garrett, thank you so much. Tonight there are growing evidence that the somaliborn student behind yesterdays car and knife attack at the Ohio State University was inspired by terrorists. 11 people were injured before a Police Officer killed the attacker. Dean reynolds is in colombus. Reporter hours before his rampage Abdul Razak Ali artan went on facebook to praiseradical muslim cleric anwar alawlaki, whose sermons still inspire attacks even though he was killed by a u. S. Drone five years ago. Saying he had reached a boiling point, artan wrote, i am sick and tired of seeing my fellow muslim brothers and sisters being killed and tortured everywhere. I cant take it examine. I am willing to kill a billion infidels for a single disabled muslim. One of his victims yesterday, iraq veteran and current o. S. U. Senior, anderson payne, was trying to help car Crash Victims when he was slashed. I initially saw him, i thought he was just angry because he had just wrecked his car, but then when i saw him starting to swing and i saw the knife i knew there were it was not just an accident. Reporter hisham ouhammou said he was a regular customer at his market as recently as sunday. He seems a very, very nice nigh. I never expected anything from him at all. I mean, hes very friendly. Reporter it certainly saemed sooemed that way at artans graduation from a local community college, but his neighbor, louann carnahan, recalled seeing him with people she hadnt seen him with before and noticed some unusual behavior. The last interaction my family had with him was on thanksgiving day and he had a gopro on his head and he had made a comment about the people that he was going into that house with, that if something was to happen to him, you know, the gopro was his proof. In hindsight you sort of look pack at that and its like, what . Reporter now, cbs news has learned that artan purchased the exwiestles he used in the attack just hours before he he carriedt out. When and while no direct ties to terrorist organizations have been discovered so far, federal authorities are increasingly confident, norah, that he used the internet to help him ipspire his actions. Odonnell all right, dean reynolds, thank you so much. In less than to months, donald trump will inherit americas war against isis. The u. S. Is training and assisting iraqi and Kurdish Forces in the liberation of mosul. Now, that is the last major city in iraq that is controlled by isis. This operation is now six weeks old. Reporter Lieutenant General Fran Townsend served here in Northern Iraq during the u. N. Occupation 10 years ago and now hes back. The commander of the u. S. Coalition against isis, visiting troops manning a battery of how theiters in the desert. Heres inside the city right here. Heres the east side of the city. Reporter a new generation of americans in iraq, this time around, aiding iraqi troops who will do most of the fighting on the front line. How tough a battle is this . Um, this fight would challenge any army. This fight would challenge the United States army. Reporter but then he broke off our interview. Theyre about to fire over there . I think we might be about to fire. Reporter should we just have a look over there . Because his men had isis in their sights. There are now around 6,000 u. S. Troops in iraq, supporting over 40,000 iraqi fighters in the battle for mosul, an offensive crefsed by president elect trump for its lack of secrecy. Whatever happened to the element of surprise . Okay. We announce were going after mosul. Ive been reading going after mosul for, how long is it, hillary, three months . Reporter is a battle that size something you can keep a secret . No, i dont think so. Its hard to move 40,000 troops and all their tanks and trucks and artillery into position and it not be noticed by somebody. Its really hart hardto do that. Reporter Donald Trumps stated solution to isis is to bomb the hell out of them. But at this command center where they launch air strikes on isis, every strike must be approved by senior officers. Do they look like people to you . About Center Screen . Reporter it can take minutes or several hours, and sometimes theyre refused permission. Captain matt lyles explained why. We need to get it right for us. We need to get it right for them. Reporter you want to avoid killing civilians at all costs. You dont want to try house if you dont need to. Reporter correct, correct. Reporter american airpower is playing a decisive role in beating back the extremists, but the simple truth is there is no easy solution to isis. And, norah, the battle for mosul will be long and deadly. Odonnell holly williams, thank you. There was emotional testimony today in charleston, south carolina, when former Police Officer, michael slager, took the stand in his own defense. He is charged with murdering walter scott, a man he had just pulled over for a broken tail light. Jericka duncan is there. Reporter Michael Slagers voice cracked at times as he described the events that led up to the death of walter scott 19 months ago. Reporter a day that gab with this routine traffic stop. Your license and insurance card. Reporter and ended after a chase and scuffle and a burst of gunfire. It was captured on cell phone video by someone passing by. I was tired. Reporter slagers argument is selfdefense. I was on the fight, on the ground. Mr. Scott was coming after me with the taser twice. You know, my mind i dont my mind was like spaghetti. Reporter prosecutor bruce dur ant. From watching the video, sir, do you concede at the time you shot mr. Scott he did not have your taser . Yes, after learning information now, i do. Reporter one of the lingering questions is what slager may have picked up and dropped near scotts body. I dont remember dropping the taser. I dont remember anything. Well, you have a pretty clear recollection of what went on here. It seems like youre just not remembering the things that are bad for you. We need justice for walter. Reporter scotts brother, anthony, says the video leaves no doubt. To me, its a man being shot in the back by a coward Police Officer. Reporter slager used his taser 14 times in five years. Now, the scott family was in the courtroom as slager testified. The family decliendz to comment. Norah, the jury starts deliberations tomorrow morning. Odonnell all right, gereek athank you. Coming up in on the cbs evening news, siewba dissidents hope for a new cuba after fidel castro. When youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. 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Reporter while thousands of cubans mourned, Antonio Rodiles was being half theled outside his havana home by a man he says was a government official, a warning not to use Fidel Castros death to promote change. When you found out fidel castro was dead, how did you react . Reporter rodiles hosts an opposition talk show that is distributed on dvds through an underground network. He says he was detained 50 times last year, and in 2014, was beaten and jailed after opposing the u. S. Deal to reopen relations with cuba. He says it failed to address human rights abuse here and is hopeful president elect trump will change course. Reporter you think trump would do that . I think so so. Reporter not all cubans feel that way. The society is slowly opening up, and interaction with the u. S. Is generally welcome here. Economic opportunity could be the strongest catalyst for cubans to turn the page from the castro era. Reporter but do you see a free election happening here, say, in your lifetime . You do . That will not be easy, judging by this crowd. Norah, tens, prps hundreds of thousands of cubans have gathered here at revolution square, joining heads of state for a massive tribute to their late leader. Odonnell manuel bojorquez, thank you. When we come back, pipeline protesters ignore the weather and orders to go home. When you have 7. 95 online u. S. Equity trades lower than td ameritrade, schwab, and etrade, you realize the smartest investing idea isnt just what you invest in, but who you invest with. You realize the smartest investing idea a farmers market. Ieve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Imy moderate to severeng crohns disease. I didnt think there was anything else to talk about. But then i realized there was. 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Odonnell protesters near the Dakota Access pipeline in north dakota are ignoring orders to leave their camp, despite bitter cold and snow. Michelle miller is there and filed this a short time ago. Reporter norah, the conditions here are simply brutal. Thats why the governor of north dakota says he has issued a mandatory evacuation for the more than 5,000 people who are camped out here at the ochochee sakoin. What we can tell you is some of the people we spoke with say theyre not budging. The governors order comes just days after the u. S. Army corps of engineers, which is managing the site, set a december 5 deadline for the protesters to leave the area for a safer location. Norah, with that evacuation deadline just six days away, the army corps of engineers and the Sheriffs Department here say they will not forcibly remove any of the people mere from this camp, but as they like to be called, these water protectors, if they do stay, the Sheriffs Department says they stay at their own risk. Odonnell incredible. Michelle miller there. Thank you. Today, the worlds oldest person celebrated her 117th birthday. Emma morano, who lives in italy, is believed to be the last person alive who was born in the 1800s. Get this she eats few fruits or vegetables, but she says she has enjoyed three raw eggs and biscuits a day for 90 years, along with a glass of brandy. All right, next, out of this bucket came an ocean of good. Fifty years ago, humpback whales were nearly extinct. They rebounded because a decision was made to protect them. Making the right decisions today for your longterm financial future can protect you and your family, and preserve your legacy. 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And it really got started with this a blue plasket bucket Jeannette Senerchia used to mop her floor. She did the challenge for her husband anthony who suffers from the degenerative disease. That was the first documented connection between a. L. S. And the ice bucket. Reporter Bonnie Lilienfeld is curator of a new exhibit petroleum smi museum of American History called giving in america. You look at this and think why would the smi collect a mop bucket . You know, it really helps us tell the story that, you know, objects can really help us understand our history. Its displayed next to a boch from the 1800s that people would have used to raise money. And we have the march of dimes can, that someone would have marched around their can Community Going door to door asking people to contribute to the march of dimes. That money they collected would go do a much bigger pool of money collected from their community into a bigir pool to a bigger pool so in that way its not much different from the ice bucket challenge. Reporter it shows one contribution when put together with so many can make a huge difference. Yes. It seems like the proverbial drop in the bucket to do it once but when you do it 17 million times, it really has an impact. Reporter drops in a bucket or from a bucket can become a deluge of good. Jan crawford, cbs news, washington. Odonnell and that is the cbs evening news. For scott katy perrys secret engagement . Showing off a giant ring on that finger. E. T. Has the exclusive shots beaming with orlando. Onny we can tell you about the ring. Then dollywood in danger. Go, go, go Dolly Partons theme park surrounded by wildfire and frightening flames inching closer. What shes telling us today and she reveals never before told stories of childhood trauma. We thought we were going to do. Behind the scenes with Natalie Portmans Jackie Kennedy transformation. Will playing first lady win her another oscar. Its very scary to take on someone that people know so well, and we are in new orleans with hgtvs hottest hunk, the property brothers. Whats sexier . Popping your pecks. No. Or slapping your keg. Now for

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