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Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening. The governor of missouri is beefing up the National Guard in and around ferguson tonight. He is trying to head off a repeat of the convenience that broke out last night after a grand jury keclined to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson in the Fatal Shooting of unarmed Michael Brown. Governor jay nixon ordered in 2200 guardsmen, more than triple the number there last night. This is a live picture of some of those troops standing by. Representatives of the brown family denounced violence and the grand jury decision that sparked it. We have extensive coverage tonight, beginning with Michelle Miller in ferguson. Dont shoot reporter the eruptions was not immediate after Darren Wilsons fate was known there were cries of injustice, taunts, even bolses thrown at the force guarding fergusons police department. But then two hours in, when crowds overturned two squad cars and rounds of gunfire could be heard, Police Responded with warnings and volleys of tear gas. 12 businesses were burned, including this pizza takeout on north florissant. The store manager did not want to be identified. My my question would be is where were you . Why did you promise me that youd be here to protect my workers, my crew. Reporter today, the man in charge of the Missouri State highway patrol, colonel ron repogle, admitted the Police Response was not what it should have been. Last night was a disaster, and were prepared to team up again with the National Guard, with the other local Law Enforcement, to address this tonight. Reporter the National Guard was activate last week, but not enough were deployed to satisfy fergusons mayor, james knowles. The National Guard was not deployed in enough time to save all of our businesses. The decision to delay the deployment of the National Guard is deeply concerning. We are asking that the governor make available and deploy all necessary resources to prevent the further destruction of property and the preservation of life in the city of ferguson. Reporter missouri governor jay nixon, who just yesterday reassured Business Owners he would protect the community, said today there was a larger guard presence than many people realized. We certainly had guard at the command post and as i said, later in the night we had guard at the Ferguson Police department. But well we will have more out outthere tonight. Reporter some blame the unrest on the timing of the announcement. It was released at eight m, the time of day when protests have flareed for weeks. Reverend al sharpton criticized the county prosecutor robert mccullough. In a town that has been tense na town that has been forecast to have all kinds of problems, his solution is lets announce it at night after dark. Reporter police made 61 arrests. Only two were from outside the st. Louis area. Pastor robert white was on the front lines. He says it was his Worst Nightmare come true. So who did it . The folks who were frustrated. The folks who had agendas that none of us agree with. We dont agree with the looting. We dont agree with the rioting. But i can understand that this community, this town, this country is a little upset right now. Reporter and the social unrest here in ferguson is having an impact in other communities. Across the river, over in east st. Louis, a mandatory curfew is in effect for anyone under the age of 17 tonight. And, scott, the annual thanksgiving day parade in st. Louis has been rescheduled. Pelley and after all of that, only three persons injured were admitted to hospitals last night. Michelle, thanks very much. Late today, president obama repeated his call for calm. This was the president in chicago. Burning buildings, torching cars, destroying property, putting people at risk thats destructive, and theres no excuse for it. Those are criminal acts, and people should be prosecuted if they engage in criminal acts. Pelley well, all day, we have been looking through the evidence that convinced the jurors. In an unusual move, the prosecutors released the grand jury evidence, which is normally kept secret. It is the first time that we have seen officer wilsons account of the shooting. And heres mark strassmann. Reporter the grand jury heard from 60 witness, including four hours of testimony from ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson. Wilson testified that riding in his patrol car oning a 9, he encountered two young black men walking in the middle of the street and told them to get on the sidewalk. Then wilson claims he noticed Michael Brown holding cigars and connected them to a theft a few minutes earlier at a nearby convenience store. He put the car in reverse to confront the men again. Wilson says brown reached into his s. U. V. And began punching him in the face. In one exchange, wilson testified, the only way i could describe it is i felt like a fiveyearold holding on to hugk hole hogue an. Prosecutor holding on to a what . Wilson, hugk hog an. Thats how big he felt and how small i felt just from grasping his arm. Benjamin crumb, the attorney for Michael Browns family says prosecutors never challenged wilsons testimony. You know, that he said it was hulk hogan against him being a fiveyearold child, and you look at their dimensions, theyre both fairly big guys. Reporter do you believe prosecutors tried hard to get a criminal charge . A first year law student could have did a better crossexamination of the Police Officer shooting an unarmed person than this prosecutors office. And its just troubling to this family. Reporter crime scene photos showed evidence of the struggle inside the officers s. U. V. And outside on the street. Photos also show wilsons injured face. When you saw the the pictures, you expected to see worse . I expected to see worse, based on what they told us at the beginning a blowout, orbital fracture to his eye socket voarpt. Reporter and what you saw instead was . A picture with a blush on his cheek. Reporter wilson also described the two mens struggle over his gun. He testified, its any off. When it went off tshot through my door panel, and my window was down and glass flew out my door panel. One shot grazed browns right thumb. He ran. Wilson gave chase and fired at brown. He says brown suddenly turned around. Wilson, at this point i start backpedalling, is and again i tell him get on the ground, get on the ground he doesnt. I shoot another round of shots. At this point it looked like he was almost bulking up to run through the shots like it iss it was making him mad. I remember looking at mysitis and firing. All i see is his had and thats what i shot. At least one of the eyewitnesses did corroborate this account. Others had conflicting memories. One said she saw brown put his hands up and say, i give up q before wilson shot him. Some witnesses admitted they didnt actually see the shooting or only saw a part of the shooting. Others stood by origin statements even those their statements were completely discredited by the physical evidence. Reporter benjamin crumb told me the brown family plans to file a wrongful death suit against officer wilson, the city of ferguson, and the Ferguson Police department. Scott, with the grand jury decision, they believe its their only recourse. Pelley mark, thanks very much. Well, the federal government is pursuing a recourse of its own, and bob orr is here with more on that. Bob. Reporter scott, in fact, the Justice Department now investigating on two separate tracks. First, theres an investigation specifically focused on the Fatal Shooting event of teenager Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson. The f. B. I. And u. S. Prosecutors trying to determine if theres enough evidence at all to prove that wilson intentionally deprived brown of his civil rights. Thats a very high bar, and most legal observers weve talked to believe theres very little chance the officer will in fact face charges. The other investigation is a broader review of the entire Ferguson Police department. The Just Department is looking at arrest records, training, use of force incidents to determine if Ferguson Police systemically act with an unlawful racial bias. If in the end a pattern of discrimination is identified, Ferguson Police could be forced to make changes to things like policies and even hiring. Now, over the past five years, the Justice Department has conducted similar investigations in about 20 Police Departments across the country, and, scott, in many cases, changes have been mandated. Pelley bob, thanks very much. The protests in all of this went far beyond ferguson. In nearby st. Louis today, hundreds swarmed the federal courthouse, before fanning out through the city streets. Last night, another demonstration wound through the streets of washington, d. C. , ending up across the street from the white house. A large group in oakland, california, blocked an interstate, then set a bonfire. While in los angeles, demonstrators lay in the street, their bodies outlined in chalk. In new yorks times square, marchers stopped traffic. One man was arrested for throwing fake blood on Police Commissioner william bratton. The decision not to indict officer wilson reinforces a perception among many African Americans that justice is not always applied equally. And we have more on that now from jeff pegues. Reporter today, black americans walked a path many have traveled before. There were protests in towns and cities across the country. Jan gatejens was in chicago. Its not overt racism. Its its its a structure and its a system that disproportionately affects young black men and women. Reporter over the last decade, the system has been on trial, too. In 2006, sean bell was shot and killed by new York City Police in a barrage of 50 bullets. He was unarmed. In 2012, teenager Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in florida. The man who killed him, george zimmerman, was acquitted. And in august, Michael Brown in ferguson. Three highly pub lisized cases which served to reinforce what georgetown law professor paul butler says communities of color believe. Often African American victims dont receive equal protection of law. Regard to police, a lot of black people feel that the police are not there to serve and protect them. They have very different experiences with cops than white people do. Reporter according to a cbs news poll conducted shortly after the shooting in ferguson, 71 of blacks believe police are more likely to use deadly force against a black person than a white person, while a majority of whites do not believe race plays a role. A racial divide seen on twitter where comments ranged from, i love our justice system, not perfect but tonight it is based on facts. To we protest because we are being slaughtered. In the days after the brown shooting, just 35 of blacks thought that the investigation would be conducted fairly. Scott, last nights reaction was not one of surprise. It was disappointment and outrage. Pelley jeff, thank you very much. The holiday rush begins early as travelers try to get the jump on a major storm. And if you only had the nerve and lots of money, you could have bought this costume. When the cbs evening news continues. Ugh. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. 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Pelley tomorrow is one of the busiest travel days, but theres a noreaster coming with as much as 13 inches of snow. Some folks decided to hit the road the day before day before thanksgiving. Heres vicente arenas. Reporter with the winter storm fast approaching, Connecticut Governor Dannell Malloy sent out this warning. If you could complete your travel plans today, youd be far better off than you would waiting till tomorrow least based on current forecasts. Reporter Patricia Novy was anythingoing to drive to no, but decided to fly out of new Yorks Laguardia airport ininstead. We planned on driving until four days ago and then book aid flight for tomorrow and today i rescheduled it for today. Reporter already, nearly 2800 flights across the country have been delayed, over 100 cancel. Wbz meteorologist eric fisher. This is an east coast event. Weve seen big thunderstorms, heavy rain in florida today that will climb right up the east coast, especially from South Carolina up towards massachusetts, maine, new hampshire, and this is where main reign is and snow is going to make for some really difficult travel. Reporter the cold weather is expected to drive more passengers to amtraks trains and top last years passenger record. There will be extra emergency crews and equipment on standby all along the railroad lines. And, scott, by with thanksgiving day, this storm will be over. Pelley vicente, thank you. If you knew how many calories were in those pancakes, would you order them . The governments big bet when we come back. Could protect you from cancer . What if one push up could prevent Heart Disease . One. Wishful thinking, right . But there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease pneumococcal pneumonia. One dose of the prevnar 13 ® vaccine can help protect you. 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Cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Pelley youre about to learn things you never knew or never wanted to know about popcorn, pizza, and most Everything Else you eat. The f. D. A. Announced today new rules that will require posted calorie counts on menus. Its part of the president S Health Care law, figuring that you might be healthier if you know what youre eating. Heres dr. Jon lapook. Reporter the new rules require calorie information on menus and menu boards at chain restaurants or any Food Establishment with 20 or more locations. This applies not only to restaurants but vending machines, amusement parks and movie theaters. The calorie content of alcoholic beverages must also be listed if those drinks appear on the menu. F. D. A. Commissioner dr. Halima. When you go to a restaurant, you really have no idea whats in the food that youre consuming, and with americans eating about a third of their calories outside of the home, thats a big gap in information, and information that can matter for health. Reporter new york city enacted a similar measure in 2006. One study found about 15 of patrons at fast food restaurants reported using the calorie information and they bought food with an average of 106 fewer calories. Dr. Walter willett at the Harvard School of Public Health says the rule could be an eye opener. Sometimes that cup of coffee, it has a huge number of calories coming from it because its been loaded up with sugar or cream or salad that looks perfectly healthy could be 1,000 calories or more. Reporter 106 calories may not seem a lot but if you save that every day it could translate into a 10pound weight loss in a single year. Pelley and these new rules are due to take effect in about a year. Jon, thank you very much. Someone found the courage to bid high for a piece of hollywood history. The cowardly lion costume, famously worn by burt lar in the wizz add of oz 75 years ago sold for more than 3 million at auction. The suit is made of actual lion pelts. The buyer remains anonymous. And well be right back. 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He offered himself as a president who could lead that conversation, and theres been no shortage of events testing that promise or the president s leadership. When henry louis gates, a harvard professor and friend, was suspected of burglarizing his own home in cambridge, massachusetts, from the white house, the president was blunt. The Cambridge Police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. There is a long history in this country of African Americans and latinos being stopped by Law Enforcement disproportionately. Thats just a fact. Reporter the president was accused of commenting prematurely. The resulting beer summit fiasco between gates and the Police Officer taught mr. Obama the limits of his own rhetoric and symbolic power. Then came Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teen killed by a neighborhood watchman in 2012. The president interjected more than once. But my main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if i had a son, hed look like traton vonn. Trayvon martin could have been me. Reporter the shooting death of Michael Brown introduced new caution. Mr. Obama used markedly tempered rhetoric last night, mixing deference to the judicial process with sympathy for the public outrage. We need to accept that this decision was the grand jurys to make. There are americans who agree with it, and there are americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. Its an understandable reaction. Reporter americas first black president has willingly shouldered the burden of a nation fractured along racial lines. An example of genuine racial progress himself, mr. Obama carries the Unrealistic Expectations of healin healing t divide, a president with a singular perspective is tested once more. Major garrett, cbs news, the white house. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for this night. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org well a reason why a lot of people come from philadelphia to Atlantic City is because its so close, its like a quick getaway. The ocean is a big draw. You can come and get some exercise, get some ice cream. Love to come to the casinos, get some good food, put your feet in the water, and of course fishing. I love to fish off the pier. Im a great fisherman. Flounder, sea bass, striped bass, you name it, ill eat it. And you can, like i say, be home within an hour. Done it many times. Hollywood outrage grows over the ferguson decision. Nischelle turner joins me as the media gets caught in a riot. They sure do, nancy. Were talking to a reporter dodging tear gas and bullets. Thats on fire. Tear gas. Whether its a few moments that got very tense. How the press is trying to stay safe as stars protest and plead for peace. Violence is not an answer. To violence. Then some far less serious news. J. Law, after dating gwyneths ex, is she now with mileys ex plus, do you think your kid is a star . We go inside the acting studio turning children into superstars

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