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This is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening. After the beheading of a second american by sunni muslim terrorists, president obama said today whatever these murderers think they will achieve, they have already failed. The president said americas resolve has been stiffened by the horrific acts of the group known as the Islamic State of iraq and syria. The execution of reporter Steven Sotloff was shot on video and posted yesterday on the web, just like the beheading of journalist james foley last month. But mr. Obama, who was criticized for not having a strategy for attacking isis bases in syria, sent conflicting signals today. Major garrett was traveling with the president in estonia. Reporter president obama today called the beheading of Steven Sotloff barbaric, and say said the killers would be brought to justice. We will not be intimidated. Their horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen our resolve to take the fight against these terrorists. Reporter the president used some of his strongest language to date to describe the u. S. Goal of defeating the terror group also known as isil. Our objective is clear and that is to degrade and destroy isil so it is not longer a threat not just to iraq but also the region and to the united states. Reporter but later, the president stepped back from that language. If we are joined by the international community, we can continue to shrink isils sphere of influence, its effectiveness, the financing, its military capabilities to the point where it is a messengerrable problem. Reporter white house officials explained the president meant that before isis can be destroyed, the u. S. And its allies must manage to degrade its finances and roll back its territorial gains. It remains unclear if mr. Obama will expand air strikes against isis from iraq into its stronghold in neighboring syria. Today, the president called for a united front. It is very important from my perspective that when we send our pilots in to do a job that we know that this is a mission thats going to work. And weve got allies behind us so that its not just a oneoff but its something thats over time is going to be effective. Reporter the first day of nato meetings here is supposed to be about ending the war in afghanistan and beefing up longdeficient nato defense budgets. But, scott, confronting isis is likely to dominate a special sideline meeting the president has organized with the leaders of great britain, germany, france, and italy. Pelley Major Garrett in wales for us tonight. Thanks. President obama ordered more troops into iraq to help secure the embassy and airport in baghdad. Mr. Obama first returned troops it iraq in june to help iraqi forces with intelligence and advice on isis. With todays addition, it will soon be up to 1200 americans. The most dramatic language about isis today came from Vice President biden in new hampshire. When people harm americans, we dont retreat. We dont forget. We take care of those who are grieving, and when thats finished, they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice because hell is where they will reside. applause hell is where they will reside. Pelley but the question is how do you make them go . Members of congress are pressuring the president for a strategy. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill for us tonight. Nancy. Reporter and, scott, the beheading of a second u. S. Journalist was really a galvanizing moment. We saw a huge increase today in the number of lawmakers calling for swift military action. And republicans in particular are pushing the president to devise a strategy quickly, to articulate it, and to act on it. Most of them tell us they do not believe the president needs their approval to launch air strikes in syria, at least not at first. But just in case, several lawmakers plan to introduce proactive legislation granting him that authority when Congress Returns next week. Republican frank wolf of virginia is one of them. This group is moving. They are a violent group. You cannot negotiate with them. You cannot sit down and reason with them. So i think theres been a dramatic change. Reporter the president tried to get congressional approval to strike the Syrian Regime last year, but he didnt get it. Lawmakers tell us they believe this situation is different, and they see a clear threat to national security. Scott. Pelley nancy, thanks. Early this evening, we heard from the sotloff family for the First Time Since his murder. At their home in suburban miami, a statement was read by the family spokesman barak barfi. Today, we grieve. This week, we mourn. But we will emerge from this ordeal. Our village is strong. We will not allow our enemies to hold us hostage with the sole weapons they possess fear. Pelley the familys statement also said that sotloffs reporting tried to give voice to the weak and the suffering. At the nato summit in wales tomorrow, the allies will also be addressing the crisis in ukraine, where that government is battling prorussian rebels. In response to that situation, the president is sending more u. S. Air force units and aircraft to the baltics, and the u. S. Will contribute troops to a nato rapidresponse force in Eastern Europe. We have more now from mark phillips. Reporter theres been a lot of saber rattling in Eastern Europe lately. Nato exercises with troops from all over the alliance staged deliberately in poland, lithuania, estonia, countries on the front line with russia. Now nato says its going to make this kind of deployment more permanent with its new rapidreaction force. About 4,000 strong, a spearhead, they call it. The spear clearly pointed at Vladimir Putin and his Eastern European ambitions, which were apparently not satisfied when he annexed crimea earlier this year. The west was caught flatfooted then. What theyre deciding on now is something that can respond much more quickly. Reporter alex nicholl of the International Institute of strategic studies if the situation arises where an ally comes under threat, perhaps in the baltic, that nato is able to respond very quickly, 48 hours notice, and take some action, which might deter any further action by another country. Reporter might is a big word. Well, i think that the yes. Reporter Vladimir Putin, visiting mongolia today, has proposed a peace plan for ukraine, but one that would leave promoscow rebels in control of the areas they now hold. Putin has a strategic advantage in this standoff with nato. He doesnt have to get agreement from 28 countries before acting. Putins more nimble. Hes absolutely able to be more nimble, and, of course, thats not going to go away. Reporter natos new rapidresponse force is designed to be nimble, but it is still a conventional military response to a russian leader who has been using unconventional means, and who, scott, has had nato scrambling to come up with a strategy to reassure its new eastern members. Pelley mip in london for us tonight. Mark, thank you. Back here today, home depot told its customers to take a close look at their credit card accounts, as it investigates a possible security breach. It is not yet known how extensive this may be or how many customers could be affected. But Elaine Quijano is looking into it. Reporter late today, home depot said it was working with leading i. T. Security firms, including semantic, and fish net security, to investigate the possible breach. It also poste posted this warnir customers. Were looking into some unusual activity that might indicate a possible payment data breach and were working with our banking partners and Law Enforcement to investigate. The possible data theft was first reported by brian krebs, the same security blogger who uncovered the breach at target of 40 million debit and credit card account. It took months before the retailer fully understood and disclosed the scale of the hack. Sally greenberg is executive director of the National Consumers league. We cant continue to have situation wheres consumers find out in dribs and drabs over a prolonged period of time that their data may have been compromised. Thats why we need to all agree on a National Data breach information standard which says these are the steps you have to take if your companys data may have been breached. Reporter almost half of all adults in the u. S. Have been affect the by data breaches in the past year. Most states have their own laws governing how companies notify customers after a cyber attack, but there is no uniform national standard. Efforts to pass one stalled in congress this year. Whats more likely is the move to cred and debit cards embedded with computer chips that are more secure than cards with only magnetib stripes. Scott, we spoke to the largest u. S. Maker of those cards today. They say demand this year has tripled. Pelley seems like theres another one of these every week. Elaine, thanks very much. The the c. D. C. Said today the Ebola Outbreak is likely to spread to more countries. Ebola has now killed more than 1900 people in africa. Among the latest to be infected is a third american missionary. Jeff glor tells us about him. Reporter dr. Rick sacra has been making trips to west africa since the mid80s. On august 2 this year he posted a facebook message sending well wishes to his friends kent brantly and nancy writebol, after theyd been diagnosed with ebola in liberia. Sacra then volunteered to go himself. Bruce johnson runs the sim aid group. I remember the day i got the word that rick said, send me back in. And i just i just literally kind of went, wow. What commitment of an individual knowing that he was going into potential harms way. Reporter sacra was not working in an ebola clinic. He was delivering babies in an obstetrics wing. Sim says upon diagnosis, he immediately isolated himself and is now being treated by some of the same doctors he trained. Its not know if hell come to Emory University hospital for care. Writebol, release released fromy two weeks ago spoke to us. Probably the darkest moment was the night they put me on the airplane. It was a very not knowing whether id ever see my husband again, not knowing whether i would live on that flight. It was a very dark moment. Reporter doctors have told writebol it could be another six weeks before shes 100 healthy. A lot of people are wondering, would you go back . Do you want to go back . We havent made the decision yet. Reporter bit youre considering it . Of course. Those are our liberiaian brothers and sisters. I think the worlds reaction right now and our reaction is not to stay away but to help. Reporter with the c. D. C. Saying this week the Ebola Outbreak is spiraling out of control, roughly 200 american aid workers remain in west africa. Jeff glor, cbs news, sharyl, on the North Carolina. Pelley two brothers wrongfully convicted are tasting freedom for the first time in three decades. And while the queens away, the guard plays when the cbs evening news continues. I wish. Please, please, please, please, please. [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above all for ourselves and those we love is health. So we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. 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Pelley in North Carolina today, two brothers were released from prison after serving 31 years for a crime they did not commit. One of them had been on death row. Michelle miller tells us science set them free. Thank you, jesus reporter leon brown was 15 when he was arrested. With the help of god im here today. Reporter Henry Mccullum was 20 when he was sentenced to death. They took 30 years away from me for no reason, but i dont hate. Reporter his first lesson in freedom was how to buckle his seat belt before driving off from prison. You pull it down like that. Reporter the halfbrothers were convicted for the rape and murder of 11yearold sabrina buie, a child who was found dead in a soybean field with her underwear stuffed down her throat. Brown and mccullum signed a confession written by police after hours of questioning. Why did police zero in on them . Basically it started with a rumor at school. Reporter ann kirby is leon browns attorney. What went wrong here . Well, there were so many things that went wrong. Number one, no physical evidence tying either leon or henry to the crime and she basically the Police Stopped after the confessions. Reporter the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission picked up the case and two months ago linked d. N. A. Evidence on a beer can and cigarette butt found at the crime scene to another convicted murderer and rapist. He lived close by. applause yesterday, a judge threw out brown and mccullums convictions. The men, who are described as mentally challenged, still had to spend one more night in jail but there was no containing the joy of mccullums stepmother, priscilla. Our prayers are out for the sabrina buie family. We are praying for them and we are so glad justice was served and the truth finally came forth. Reporter today, the District Attorney said he will reopen this case and look at that new evidence in determining whether or not to charge rosco artis, the man linked to that d. N. A. Evidence. Scott, hes already serving a life sentence in prison. Pelley michelle miller, thank you, michelle. Cvs drug stores stopped selling Tobacco Products at midnight this morning. In some of the stores the cigarettes were replaced by products that help people quit smoking. In a moment, hows this for news we found waldo. Its one of the top speed traps in america. Oh hey, neill, how are you . [ male announcer ]. Youd expect us to have a highly skilled call center. Kevin, neill holleys on line one. Ok, great. [ male announcer ] and we do. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. Why suffer more than you have to . You can do something different. Because the landscape of options has changed. Brisdelle is the only fda approved, nonhormonal option proven to reduce moderate to severe hot flashes during menopause. And the bedtime dose provides 24 hour relief. Brisdelle is not for everyone. 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Targeted nutrition to feed your active life. Ensure. Take life in. Pelley our next story is for every driver whos ever been caught in a speed trap. The police in waldo, florida, are under investigation for their ticket writing. Vicente arenas drove there, slowly, to check it out. Reporter two of the countrys worst speed traps, according to aaa, are on this 20mile road. Its so bad, a Drivers Group posted this warning. Pat burgess lives in waldo, a town of 1,000 people and one stop light. Theyre just waiting to catch people because they they have to write so many tickets in order to meet the budget. Reporter waldos seven Police Officers wrote nearly 12,000 speeding tickets last year, collecting more than 400 400,000 in fines, a third of the towns revenue. The problem is there are six different speed limits in just a couple of mile pup come in at 65, drop to 55, then 45, and then 35. Now florida is investigating whether the Waldo Police Department violated state law banning ticket quota. Gordon smith is the sheriff in neighboring bradford county. That doesnt ring well with you, does it . It doesnt because basically what youre doing is youve created this cash cow, or this Cash Register justice. Reporter smith was put in charge of patrolling hampton, nine miles down state highway 301 after the citys Police Department was disbanded this year. Several town officials are suspected of stealing some of the money raised by fines. Thats legalized robbery and we shouldnt be doing that. Reporter the investigation in waldo gan after Police Officers there filed complaints. The mayor declined our request for an interview, but a spokesperson tells us waldos Police Department will also be taken over by county sheriffs deputy for the next 30 days. Another sign of change the town has asked the state to post just one speed limit here. Vicente arenas, cbs news, waldo, florida. Pelley the guards at Buckingham Palace are known for their discipline but look what happened while the queen was on vacation. A tourist captured this guard gone rogue. The ministry of defense is investigating, but it is not known for its sense of humor. And we will be right back. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. And for many, its a struggle to keep your a1c down. So imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar . Imagine, loving your numbers. Introducing oncedaily invokana®. Its the first of a new kind of prescription medicine thats used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Invokana® is a oncedaily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. Heres how the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. Invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. And while its not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. Invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. This may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. Other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. Do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. Symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. Using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. Its time. Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Imagine loving your numbers. Ask your doctor about invokana®. Pelley 50 years ago today, president johnson signed the wilderness act to preserve millions of acres of americas natural beauty. Now, with that same goal in mind, google has used modern technology to map our ancient lands. Heres chip reid. Reporter they tower 300 feet into the sky, the length of a football field. And at almost 2,000 years old, northern californias old growth redwoods are some of the tallest and oldest living things on earth. Ben blom is the land manager here at the headwaters forest preserve. Theres a blue stripe on that enormous tree behind you. What exactly does that mean . Thats a mark to cut. So that tree was going to be cut down until headwaters was protected and acquired by the federal government in the state in 1999. Reporter that Beautiful Tree was going to be cut down. And every other every one in this stand. Reporter there are more than 3,000 acres of oldgrowth redwoods in this remote area, far from the beaten path. The wilderness societys Warren Alford is capturing the beauty of this forest for others to see. Hes a volunteer with googles backpack trekker program. The tech Company Started the Initiative Last year to allow people to see a panoramic view of scenic but hardtoreach places. Alfords backpack is equipped with 15 highdef nition cameras, which are constantly taking pictures. A lot of times ill look at a still photograph, and ill think, whats on the other side of that . And so this thing actually allows us to go through the landscape and give people a chance to really look around. Reporter alford hikes with this 45pound backpack about 18 miles a day. There are special places all over the country. And we need to connect americans to these places. Reporter google has partnered with conservation groups around the world to record breathtaking scenes. Heres a view of the grand canyon from the Colorado River and the underwater world of the galapagos islands. Is there any limit to what you can do here . I think the limit is your imagination. Reporter luc vincent is googles street view director of engineering. You dont want people to just sit back and enjoy this. You want them to get involved. That would be my hope, yes reporter thats Warren Alfords hope, too. We need to inspire a greneration of folks to help us protect these places. Reporter by bringing nature into the digital age. Chip reid, cbs news, eureka, california. Pelley and for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. The tale of two wedding covers. In people, dozens of angelina shots and details. Jenny mccarthy and us, not so much. This bride sweet, this one, oh so sexy, her six kids, her one son, a family affair, a boy band reunion. The biggest difference, coverage. Why is jenny stuck in a little box . We are gonna have that. And look at who is here. The amazing races phil keoghan. Thank you for having me. I will have some news about our cast. Speaking of reality stars, here is kim k. Topless. Somebody leaked inside shots of her naked. Great timing in the middle of all of this photo hacking, nude shots from celebrities. Then, Melissa Rivers update today on her mom, joan and e

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