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The report based on 41 studies and 42000 young people highlighted concerns about how addictive behavior could have consequences for mental health the research has said 23 percent of young people had a problematic level of phone use the former Japanese prime minister yes a hero Nakasone has died at the age of 101 he led the country for much of the 1980 s. He pushed through the privatization of several state owned companies improve relations with the Soviet Union and China and revitalized pride in Japanese nationalism but he came up against intense political opposition when he sought in vain to amend Japan's post-war pacifist constitution restricting the use of the military sure Lanka's new president goes a buyer Rajapaksa is visiting India for his 1st foreign trip he's expected to reassure Delhi that despite the island's close relationship with China India's interests won't suffer b.b.c. News. The European Council has a new president from today when the former prime minister of Belgium shall Michel takes over from Donald Tusk the e.u. Council brings together the leaders of the member states in a decision making body and its president to act as its convenor Mr to scare has been a passionate and vocal opponent of Brecht's it 2 weeks before the British general election a router has broken out between the governing Conservative Party and the television network Channel 4 after it held a party leaders debate on climate change without any conservative representation the prime minister Boris Johnson had earlier said he would not take part and it said center cabinet minister whom Channel 4 refused to seat saying the debate was for party leaders only. For the 1st time in more than a century a manuscript featuring the writing of Queen Elizabeth the 1st of England has been discovered it's a translation of a book praising monarchy by the Roman historian Tacitus Dr John Mark Philo of the University of East Anglia verified the discovery as Rebecca Jones explains established it was written on a very specific kind of paper used by the Tudor court in the 1590s a further clue was the presence of 3 water marks which were also found on the paper Elizabeth the 1st used in her posts and all correspondence but the clinching only meant was the handwriting the translation was copied by one of her secretaries but it's covered in corrections and editions which match the Queen's highly distinctive indeed rather messy hand one of New Zealand's most successful rugby clubs the Canterbury Chris Seders has changed its logo of a sort carrying night after the shooting at 2 mosques earlier this year which killed $51.00 people the killings prompted calls for the club to change its branding which has been associated with the wars between Muslims and Christians in the Middle Ages after a review the club changed its crest to a merry inspired letter c That's the latest world news from the b.b.c. . You're listening to the news ream from the b.b.c. World Service with me Charlotte's Gallagher sedan has taken another significant step in its move toward civilian rule and democracy the army deposed president Omar al Bashir in April after months of street demonstrations now the transitional forces have formally dissolved the ruling party and repealed a controversial Public Order Act some of him a Barack is from the Sudanese Professionals Association which spearheaded the protests. Really. Every person. When I heard the other buyer. Theory crowd millions of people. Present closure Well we're joined now by reporter David Bamford So David how significant are these changes but I think this is a reaffirmation of what is being clear in Sudan for the past 12 months or so that it's on a very different path to the one it's had over the last 30 years where it's been under the control of the National Congress Party these very harsh Islam is regime led by sheer where life was very tough for very many people women in particular they were under this very strict regime not allowed a lot of freedom and by dissolving not only the party but the all the institutions surrounding it they're moving towards they hope a new kind of democratic system and what's been the reaction to this when all night on the streets of Khartoum have been celebrations and hope of the this who move the country towards a new reality and when this transition period about if 3 year transition period toward civilian rule is that on track. Well so far so good it's a way to go yet to get as far as they have the civilians of have to do with the military and the military still have a lot of influence but what seems to be happening is that step by step the dismantling of the old regime is taking place and the hope is is that in 3 years time there can be elections which will bring about a democratic system David thank you that was David that protests are getting underway around the world as part of the Fridays for the future climate change movement just 3 days before the u.n. Climate change conference in Madrid marches and sit ins are planned in Washington and other u.s. Cities as well as countries across Europe and Asia the day of action began with rallies in Australia from Westville message sent this report demonstrations have been held across Australia in regional towns and cities as well as the biggest centers such as Sydney many of the campaigners are making the link between Australia's continuing bushfire crisis and global warming protesters say that climate change is making the fires here more intense much of the anger is directed towards the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison he is being accused of doing too little while the country burns Earlier we spoke to a young woman from northern New South Wales who lost her home in a bushfire this is climate change is in the climate crisis where feeling the impacts from it right now we need desperate and just to climate action I am outta here is one of defiance it's also a mood of anger frustration and despair especially among the young many teenagers taking the day off school to join the rally in Sydney and those feelings best summed up by one of the teenaged. Because the Bush might have definitely linked to climate change you can just see that with the drought that we've had in Israel yeah it's just made the bush so much worse so far the bushfire emergency here in New South Wales has claimed 6 lives almost 700 homes have been destroyed protesters want Australia to phase out the use of fossil fuels coal continues to generate most of Australia's electricity and the country's Prime Minister Scott Morrison says his government is meeting its international emissions targets however many protesters say that the prime minister needs to grow up and listen to the science of climate change that was Phil Messer and just looking at Twitter what's trending in Australia and the top trend is climate strike lots of teenagers putting up photos of themselves at process and of course that's taking place really across the world for the rest of today next Sri Lanka's new president got to buy a Rajapaksa is visiting India for his 1st foreign trip since taking office less than a fortnight ago his message is that the door was a wide open for the Indian as well as Chinese investment Jill McGivern reports the symbolism speaks for itself less than 2 weeks after becoming president Mr Rajapaksa has chosen Delhi for his 1st overseas for his 8 he's well known there as defense secretary in the final stage of the Civil War He was a frequent visitor although he and his brother the former president Mahinda Rajapaksa also gained a reputation for being pro China courting Beijing's investment in infrastructure and allowing treeline cut to become an important commercial and naval staging point for China that raised tackles in Delhi but since assuming office President Rajapaksa has sounded a careful diplomatic note he wants Sri Lanka to be a neutral country he says involvement with China is purely commercial and doesn't want to do anything that might threaten India is security. He has every reason to build bridges with India one of his immediate challenges as president is to address the island's economic woes a major issue for voters in the recent election his message is that the doors stand wide open for Indian investment as well as Chinese That was Joe my give ring next we've long known that our domesticated dog is descended from wolves the question that's not yet been settled is when now a new clue has been unearthed literally an 18000 year old puppy corpses been found in the permafrost of Siberia the animal which was 2 months old when it died is incredibly well preserved its fur and face intact Dr Dave Stanton is from the Center for paleo genetics at Stockholm University and has been studying the animals' d.n.a. So is it a dog or a wolf at present we can't say whether it's the one or the other with Goddess of what it turns out to be I think it's very valuable an interesting sample and that's just because of the time period that it's from say 18000 years ago there was a lot of things going on in all and dog evolution we know that there were more genetic lineages evolutionary lineages of all prior to that time which went extinct around then we think that's probably to do with the rapidly changing climate of time it seems like there was a lot of extinction events then and turnovers in populations of wild animals like these walls we also know that dogs were probably domesticated from one of the lineages of was that when extinct and that's why it's such a difficult problem investigate there's certainly nothing around today that is anywhere near as close to dogs as walls are but what we're talking about is sort of extreme regional variation in both populations and the other thing with cane it's it's very able to hybridize very easily between different. Between coyotes and a lot of different evolutionary lineages can integrate So I mean that complicates the picture as well and if you want the photo shows. That puppy had to the science section of our website now Tom has some other stories from our news desk researches in Brazil say smoke from burning forests in the Amazon can intensify the melting of glasses threatening water supplies to millions of people assigned to study the movement of smoke particles and their effect on and day and glaziers they found evidence that snow and ice was being darkened accelerating the rate of melting Dyson has chosen the historic ascent James power station as the site of its new global headquarters in Singapore the firm best known for its vacuum cleaners said in January it was moving out of the u.k. To Asia it's found us a James Dyson a prominent advocate for Bracks It was accused of hypocrisy but Dyson said the decision was made for commercial reasons and a small Canadian town has decided to change its identity because its current name is pushing off investors the town of asbestos was named in the late 19th century after the mineral that was mined there before its disastrous health effects were known and now the town is to consult its 7000 residents as to what its new name should be. Thanks Tom one of New Zealand's maced successful rugby Cup's the crease Ada's has changed its logo of assault carrying night after the shooting at 2 mosques in its home city of Christ Church any this year the killings in which 51 people died prompted scrutiny of the branding which has been associated with the crusades in the Middle Ages I had more about the changes from Brian Ashby He's a New Zealand sports journalist and Chris 8 is commentator and I've done a complete brand's review by Sydney that stripped the whole organization back and brought back to sort of like a what our values what makes us tick and there's an awful lot of talk about community being and inclusive welcoming others into that they found out for family their culture those sort of things being leaders in the sport but in the community being there for each other winning rugby is just the result of all of those things so that's kind of what it's been about the name itself that I have talked and someone looking on certainly the tragedy that the horrific events that much Festing mosque attacks in our city you know that's that's certainly not what we're about now we're going to undergo the brain review anyway that this really accelerated the whole thing but you know they've talked about the wood crusader crusaders but in a positive way you know for example you know Kate ship and crew cited for the women's vote the 1st place in the world to get it out of Christchurch New Zealand Tariana Turia prominent now related crusading for youth. You know at the moment with you know the environment and climate and so on crusading for that so that crusading for positive things and hence the name is starting and the logo that's going to be changed isn't it because it was and knights and that everything different now oh yes it will they did step not long after the much 15 mosque attacks there was gone any symbolism with Knights with helmets and swords and China and so on. It is gone forever I have a new symbol or logo the top it's based on that sort of natural landscape it sounds a bit eerie theory to be honest if truth be known but it's kind of shaped like you say it's an read it's in black the colors of the franchise and the byline that goes with it as much as the arrow got it or more he would say is with black with read we will achieve and what's the reaction been from fans because you know news event here in the u.k. Ever in the world people are so attached to that sports teams and even minor changes can upset people here was the franchise you know did it's the most successful franchise in Super Rugby possibly in world rugby since the professional era looked largely speaking people except today they're one of the name to stay there has happened they accepted the fact that the logo and the imagery and all of that had to go but then it either remained You had those that know why don't change anything the stis wasn't about us this was someone else's fight the risk that we're just a sports team but largely speaking the vast majority of people are accepting of it that was Brian Ashby a selection of Beatles memorabilia is to be sold in an online auction hosted by some other bees in London next month that part of a collection owned by one of the band's former employees more details from Jason Carroll Allan herring worked as a driver for a ring go stand George Harrison in the late 1960 s. John Lennon once left a pair of sunglasses in the back of Ringo Starr's Miss eighty's and invited Mr Herring to keep them there expected to sell for about 8000 pounds Gabriel Heaton from southern base says the rather humble sunglasses are so representative of the cultural moment also being sold is a creased parking ticket left on Ringo Starr's car outside Apple Records in Savile Row in central London that 2 pounds tickets is expected to fetch about 1500 pounds . Other items in the sale include a cigarette lighter they kept in the car some shirts and one of George Harrison's guitars which is expected to make about $60000.00 pounds Allan Herring says it's been an emotional decision to sell the objects but he can still treasure the memories that was Jason Carroll pushing and if you happen to have a few spare 100000 pounds you can see that lots online at so the bees if you're a big fan of The Beatles. Every year thousands of people many of them children travel unaccompanied along the migrant reach from Central America into Mexico many just disappear the days now mothers of some of those migrants have been traveling through Mexico looking for their loved ones that visiting 15 states from which that children sent the last signals that they were still alive we'll grounds our correspondent in Mexico City told me more about their journey while they've been doing this for you know at least the past decade I think it's many as 15 years they have had some success they do things like go to prison as they go to public squares they display photos of their children they go to you know Muma of different states I'm just looking at some of the around the list Chiapas better clues San Luis Potosi can you know drug controlled parts of the country drug cartel controlled parts of the country so it's dangerous for the mothers themselves but of obviously the symbol of them as mothers looking for their missing children looking for their missing loved ones is a very potent one and they are generally well received where they go by at least to the local people if not always the local authorities or see the drug cartels and so there have been cases of mothers finding back children went to an extent yeah I mean there's been I think 310 migrants have been found over the course of 15 years that's how it was reported in the local media and now you know I wouldn't have to say for sure if they were all found alive obviously that they go to areas of mass graves it is it is a very harrowing experience and can you going to bit more detail about the kind of dangers that facing while they're on the road unaccompanied Yeah it is the most treacherous journey perhaps in the Americas or certainly one of them just by its very nature it is very difficult to avoid drug cartel controlled regions of the country as a result. They end out you know in the hands of these cartels if they're not paying people traffickers then the cartels forced them to sort of pay and many don't have money many end up getting disappeared at that stage quite often what happens is that cartels have simply murdered groups to to send a warning to others to not come this way you know without paying off or without going through our people it is an extraordinarily violent process that was will grant fans of the k. Pop superstar q. Harra a calling for more to be done to help the victims of so-called spy camera crimes in South Korea the singer and actress took her own life early this week she spent the last year in a public court battle claiming her ex-boyfriend had threatened to release a sex tape of the couple thousands have now signed a petition calling for tougher penalties the people found guilty of digital sex crimes which have reached epidemic levels in South Korean society also correspondent Laura big has this report 28 year old in Julie took her in life just weeks after finding out a male colleague had been secretly filming her in the nurse's changing room she suffered from frequent nightmares or do she felt he was still watching her her father told me Q What are your users having or am I was having you can still kill someone without using weapons particular impact of this crime can differ from person to person some might be able to pull through others like my daughter my not really her than her parents played me a foreign call in jihad in her final days which they believe she was the effect the crime had on their daughter's mental health. She'd accidentally run into the culprit on her way to the hospital for you when you're all. In a panic she told the hospital's union representative who taped the cold or even all just. Just leave the hospital know her colleague tells her look at the little account she says I just can't I'm afraid I'll run into him again. Her parents are furious that the pepper traitor of their daughter's digital sex crime was sentenced to 10 months in prison he couldn't believe that people don't take it seriously even me I used to think something like this can be manageable but when it became my issue if felt huge the sentencing is so weak you know tens of thousands of funds of k. Pop superstar would agree with that. The 28 year old singer and actress took her in life earlier this week she spent a year battling the high profile court case claiming her ex-boyfriend was threatening to really stick to just the couple having sex he was found guilty of assaulting her intimidation and coercion his sentence of one year and 6 months was suspended Harris funds believe she was let down by the courts and the lawyer and say Young told the b.b.c. That the sheer number of trials means the court reserves harsher punishment for what it deems to be the most serious cases reported and one by one. Yes the sentencing is too lenient it's because there are just too many cases the subway the bathroom and so on because it's so prevalent the courts don't take it seriously and also because men do not experience it was the lawyer a young ending that report by Laura because. The social impact of adult content like pornographic videos and images is often debated particularly the effects early exposure can have on young people but now as Stephanie Prentice reports a new Canadian study suggests its influence can be far more damaging than previously thought films videos and photos pornographic material comes in many shapes and sizes but the various mediums all have one thing in common according to new research and that the ability to hijack our neural wiring impacting brain development learning and memory a study from the university level in québec says people who regularly consume adult entertainment develop damage to the prefrontal cortex a vital part of the brain that's implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior in short it's in charge of processing feelings like empathy shame compassion in killed as well as executive functions like impulse control because this region doesn't fully develop until the age of $25.00 damage to it essentially rewires the brain into a juvenile state and has even deeper implications on developing minds according to the study the hyper stimulating effect of porn or a trigger for plasticity the brain's ability to adapt and change as a result of experience changes to the prefrontal cortex could cause users to struggle with controlling compulsive behavior and with decision making in a statement leave research Rachel Barr concluded it's somewhat paradoxical that adult entertainment may revert our brain wiring to a more juvenile state the much greater irony is that while porn promises to satisfy and provide sexual gratification it delivers the opposite Stephanie Prentice now it's time to get your cash and credit cards out because Black Friday is here the annual sales day which. Follows Thanksgiving see shoppers from all over the world head to high street stores or get online in an attempt to find the best deals but how did Black Friday get its name the news rooms Kate Gregan has been investigating . The annual Thanksgiving dinner rush to discounts deals and overflowing shops Black Friday is upon us you may have heard about it before and you might have splurged on some deals or read a scene as Black Friday tends to start early in the wake but how did the spin didn't speak to who get it start the turn Black Friday was actually 1st associated with financial crisis not shopping on Friday the 24th of September 869 to Wall Street finances but a significant amount of u.s. Gold in the hope that the overall price would soar and in return they'd be able to sell out the huge profits and stayed the gold market crashed and lived many people bankrupt it wasn't until decades later in the 950 s. The Black Friday was actually sociate had with The Post American Thanksgiving period police and the Us city of Philadelphia were 1st to might the length large crowds of tourists and shoppers came to the city the day after Thanksgiving for a football game it created chaos traffic jams in shoplifting opportunities the officers weren't able to take the day off instead to head to work long shifts to control the candidate as a result they used the term Black Friday to refer to it however the term was coined it's now become a global phenomenon but beware shoppers came to beg a bag and a bane warned the very few deals actually genuine That was Kate Greig and you've been listening to the news room on the b.b.c. World Service with may shock out of. This edition of the b.b.c. World Service in the us is made possible by American Public Media producer and distributor of award winning public radio contact a pm. American Public Media with support from Forex dot com helping traders find opportunity in currency trading for over 18 years Forex dot com It's your world trading forex trading involves significant risk of loss. The intimacy of someone's voice coming through your car speakers your headphones however you listen to something special show was you think so too and make a donation on Giving Tuesday you'll make this one of a kind mix of stories and music available to everyone donate at Cap radio dot org. This is kept Radio 90 point night Sacramento and 91.3 stop in Modesto your n.p.r. Station Good evening I'm Antonio millionaires Thanks for tuning in have a classic car or a motorcycle that you can't keep up with anymore or how about an r.v. Donated kept radio provides a hassle free way to donate your vehicle and you'll be supporting the music and shows you love cap radio dot org slash cars. Thank you for joining us this evening on listener supported Capital Public Radio It's 930. A b c News with Tom what's people in the Sudanese capital Khartoum celebrated well into the nice after transitional authorities announced they had formally dissolved the former ruling party they have also repealed the largely hated public order law used in particular to regulate the lives of women President Trump has made an unannounced trip to Afghanistan telling us troops the Taliban wanted to agree to a cease fire in his 1st trip to Afghanistan as president he said Washington was substantially reducing troop numbers in the country. Research by psychiatry suggests that nearly a quarter of young people a so dependent on their smartphones that it becomes like an addiction a study by King's College London warns such addictions have serious consequences for mental health. Trying his new president go to by Rajapakse is visiting India for his 1st foreign trip since taking office less than a fortnight ago his message is this the doors are wide open for Indian as well as Chinese investment North Korean state media has released pictures of the country's leader attending Thursday's firing of what he said was a successful test of what's the news agency called a super large multiple launch rocket system the event appeared to be timed to coincide with the American Thanksgiving holiday. The former Japanese prime minister yes a hero Nakasone has died at the age of $101.00 he led the country for much of the 1980 s. And was known for his close relationship with the u.s. President at the time Ronald Reagan he famously wants to scribed Japan as America's unsinkable aircraft carrier in the Pacific. And for the 1st time in more than a century a manuscript featuring the writing of Queen Elizabeth the 1st of England has been discovered it's a translation of a book praising monarchy the queen enjoyed classical history as academic suggest she may also have been looking for guidance on how to rule that's the latest b.b.c. News. It's not the fault of people who has missed it was amazingly this exuberant kickoff anie of madcap sounds came from the midst of war torn it live Syria's last rebel held province still gripped by conflict that were compiled and broadcast by a very extraordinary man. Right Faris and laughed at Al Qaida gunman and led peaceful protests against President Assad's regime his weapons were his radio station and indomitable sense of humor and an optimism that never faded right up to the day almost exactly a year ago when extremists gunman took their revenge they executed it so quickly when I raised my head I saw that the road was motionless. I tried to resuscitate him I tried to scream I tried to call for help and Mike Thompson and in this week's assignment on the b.b.c. World Service I'm looking at the assassination one year ago of the remarkable Syrian activist and democracy campaigner right ferrous. I'll never forget the moment to November last year when I heard of his death I simply couldn't believe that a man so full of fun defiance and extraordinary vitality with whom I chaired many warm and often very funny conversations could possibly be dead killed silence forever by some unknown men with guns. And. I 1st came across the strange sounds of rides radio fresh f.m. Based in the town of Catherine Bell in January 2017 when investigating how the war was being reported in rebel held it live it was like nothing I'd ever heard before . Who was behind these weird Dr Who style news bulletins and why were they broadcasting what sounded like gobbledygook given that right faddists had rapidly become a kind of celebrity in Italy it didn't take long to find an answer to the 1st question. Given the bombing and extremists Catherine Bell wasn't safe to visit so I had to depend on often scratchy and unreliable phone calls to speak to riot and others there. Well I'm like I am good thank you how about you. Good right explain to me why broadcast from his station had come to sound like recordings for bazoo following threatening visits from al Nasra and Al Qaida linked to extremist group later to become high attorney or Al sham or h.t.s. They were just one of a variety of red. Militias spawned by the revolution some want to democracy and others like. Demanded hardline Sharia law tried to force us to stop playing music. Says the music. Is forbidden in Islam and we have to listen to them because. We want. But instead of that we can play songs we don't mean. We did a lot of some plastic songs of sheaves kind. Of like. Like. Something like that in the. House. Reacted to this little thing. How have your listeners taken to hearing goats and sheep takes he said music some of the little things like. We don't use. All the time in. The morning like. Just to see we are not Islamic. But Radio freshens music broadcasts with the extremists and he complained the 2nd point was we have to think through the station. News and that sort of thing the song the voices of the. The female voices no voices just think some thoughts on a recent American drone program voted to repeal your metaphor about how go on the demos a lot lately they try to take from us our most valuable asset which is our voices good little more remarkable hipper Abood is one of radium freshens winning news readers people started hearing these voices and different noises and this aroused a lot of curiosity people started wondering why are we hearing these noises in serious news reports but this was probably one of the most effective ways of highlighting the pressure we were and still are suffering what did you think the 1st time you heard your voice through one of these software programs I burst out laughing I couldn't believe that my news reports after all my effort and training would come out sounding like this I categorically refused to have my voice come out this way but then I looked at it and so the funny side his uncle the radio fresh reporter Sal and. These animals under part of noises were really really annoying right Ferris had this idea he said how can we put pressure on unarmed. And he knew that the best way to do this was to do something creative and this was his way of putting pressure on X.T.'s and embarrassing them this seemed like a very dangerous policy so I asked right wasn't he wore read that these gun toting extremists might kill him they tried to do that for us. But they never succeeded yet I think they will do it in the future and. They want to do. My. Thought was that. It's. Ok. Salah just says such a statement was typical of the right forever the optimist. Right has always received threats of killing kidnapping explosions and blowing the building to pieces but he would always play down the gravity of these threats saying that none of this would actually happen just a great cloud that is passing by is how he described ISIS bats in January 2014 the Islamic state group who were later pushed out of Catherine Bell by other rebel forces lost what little patience they had after the ride repeatedly defied their demands to stop broadcasting music to have their fighters sprayed his car with bullets as he arrived back from work I had never let me he got home at around 130 at night I wasn't asleep yet but the children were. When I heard 3 loud bangs I thought maybe a bomb had fallen on a White House his wife Muntadhar and some Mohammed rushed to the scene when I got downstairs I sort out its car was empty I thought he had been kidnapped but then we found him lying under the car. He had been shot and the bullet had penetrated his lung I put my hand on his head and said it's going to be Ok but I wasn't sure it would be it was such a difficult thing to see for the children to witness and at last it was horrific like after that he developed a phobia of coming home he felt that he was being followed all the time this was a surprising time where again. Writes sense of humor Ok now he's reported to have said after this shooting. They were terrible shots you know why they missed my nose and it's very large Do you remember him making that comment. He wanted to make one of the. He said that despite my big nose they shot 40 or 50 bullets and they missed they may have been out of the but they were the ones who were scared. It was over. Despite several months in hospital recovering from gunshot wounds to his chest right continued his campaign against all who abused human rights that he'd become taking some precautions when moving around such as wearing disguises often much to his wife's amusement well has fear bad he would come to see us under the cover of darkness this Geist and on a motorbike I was worried sick but he was careful he would drop a scarf around his face so that he wouldn't be tickled nice sometimes even with the didn't recognise him. With coordinate his visits over the phone I would look right and left to ensure no one was there and then I would open the door and would start laughing because of the way he looked in the sky that very city we were really happy absence really does make the heart grow fonder if you're totally honest with me were the moments when you wish you had a normal husband who lived a quiet life and just sat in front of the fire when he wasn't working. Definitely 100 percent he was away all the time and there was left with the children but I knew the threats against him were real and his safety was the most important thing to me. Well not confronting local extremists right concentrated his energies on promoting women's rights and highlighting the injustices of President Bashar al Assad's regime which had vehemently opposed since the very start of the Civil War and once again his biggest weapon was humor was. On the part of the All this is one of several anti Assad videos he made and posted online it's called the Syrian revolution in 3 minutes it depicts lots of befuddled and jibbering cavemen killing each other. Watching on is a somewhat detached and disinterested audience represent the international community that is. Desperate for outside help to stop the carnage right often traveled abroad taking his pro-democracy campaign to the USA where he received funding until last year Norway and just about anywhere else that would listen. Stepping up his efforts after Russian former planes took to the skies in September 2015 in support of Assad's forces but a rise never sought asylum always returning despite the many dangers to Catherine Bell and his beloved radio fresh Well the obvious solution. To station broadcast news bulletins comedy programmes and discussion shows but one of its current manages Abdullah Kaleido says it began with one main objective that when we started the idea was really just to warn civilians about attacks by a said what are planes I took training courses in order to learn how we could do this best in the beginning we had only 11. Station now we have many of these fellow pilots radio communications and also enable us to track the movement of planes themselves from takeoff to landing whenever a programs are being broadcast or interrupt them to warn our audience of imminent strikes as the bombing has grown more deadly regular fresh has begun progress thing where bombs are expected to for the next now we have learned how Russian and regime planes operate so will you manage to listen in then to Syrian air force high command or the Russian high command or less it wasn't me it was the one telling the station that do this and we've learned on the job what the pilots code mean and what they are up to we can then want people that they are coming so listing to your radio station could be a battery of life or death if you don't listen could be very costly Absolutely and I can tell you that most people probably were not very interested in listening to our programs but were sitting there waiting for our next air raid warning. Ready or fresh also runs many popular phone ins these deal with the sky sions about the big issues of the day and of course complaints given the constant bombing and lack of electricity and people's fears of being identified many listeners would write down their views and then put them in special boxes attached to lamp posts around the town. Under the reign of this particular Jeems people are not used to using social media or voicing their views openly so the suggestion boxes were fantastic I can remember one specific incident where one of the suggestions concerned a road that needed to be fixed the listener wanted a fresh asphalt spread on it because a lot of accident had happened there sounds like the old potholes. Problem I'm told that the person who submitted that complaint was invited onto the program along with the head of the local council the resulting published a-T. Apparently led to repairs being carried out swiftly another result for radio fresh those airstrikes increased holes in the road with the least of anyone's problems there really are fresh presenter Hiper Abood again only your walking around town down the streets all the houses are destroyed everywhere look it's total destruction the area and its entirety is unrecognizable there was a famous square there once it was buzzing with people and with cars it's completely empty when I went there I didn't even recognize it it's so difficult to explain how I felt when I walked past the shops all the shutters distorted twisted out of shape I couldn't see a soul I couldn't see the people who used to lurk around on the streets not a single child on the street it's a soulless town even the cats you can't see them but you can feel that they have made new homes under the rubble. Was was President Assad had made numerous threats to retake every inch of Syria including the country's last opposition held province given Katherine Bell's position near the front line in southern Italy I asked right virus if he feared for the fate of radio fresh they will come here. Along with the core. No encumbered. So we can do it. Right ourselves. In the field. But the biggest dangers faced by right came from closer to home where local extremists were tiring of his provocations in early October when I'd been trying to arrange another interview with him he suddenly stopped answering my calls then a little later hurried and brief texts from him began arriving on my phone. Sorry I'll explain tomorrow said the 1st then Mike I'm sorry h.t.s. Arrested my friend followed by I don't sleep in my office anymore I don't move just hiding. In one of the last and most chilling He simply stated it's personel this time. During this frightening period his wife and 3 sons saw a less of a raid and became increasingly worried about his safety and good luck and every time I heard a gunshot I would call him and ask if he was Ok. Can you imagine just how were they was all the time the threats kept growing there was no stability no security he was so startled everyone including his relatives would tell him but I'd leave leave Syria but with the flame of the revolutionary going that he stayed put before when things got hot he would leave and go to Turkey for a few months. But this time he refused to leave government Bell alley dent douche was a close friend of rights and also lived in fear of retribution from h.t.s. No one knew because we kept changing where we stayed we would go to the adjacent tiled and spend the night there or we would go to abandoned homes or farms we need to throw a couple of lettuce is that out of sleep in places like these but I knew that we were being followed our strategy was to only go back to radio fresh between nude and the early evening because we knew h.t.s. Would probably come to kill us at night. Finally on the vent but the 23rd last year the worst happened. I remember it was a Friday I mean we were sleeping in the office. Work up around 10 am our friend how good your date was with us when we would heading towards the farm and I was sitting in the back seat and I was sitting in the driver's seat next to her mood for the moment we got there and parked another car pulled up just a meter away opened fire and I thought I'd been shot and threw myself down between the seats. I tried not to breathe and faked being dead I held my breath. So I don't know for how long as everything went so fast. That when I finally raised myself I saw that the ride was motionless. While I was finally able to find help. It put them both in the car and rides cause it helped us to hospital there by . All the way there had moved past our. Ride still showed little signs of life but I tried to resuscitate him I saw there was some sort of froth coming out of his mouth he was still alive when we got to the hospital and we rushed him into the operations room. I was at home I had spoken to him 15 minutes earlier. He was waiting to pick up his cousin then I heard a gunshot and felt a tug in my heart when it sounded so very close. It was the moment that rights wife and older son Mahmoud had been dreading for so long. I had a premonition and somehow knew that right had been assisting they to get me I rushed outside but he had already been taken to hospital I had gunshots but I thought it can't be and I went to the hospital and he was in the intensive care a doctor asked for blood donations one of my dad and we were preparing to do that and then another doctor came out and told us there is no need anymore the shock was overwhelming too much for anyone to get right 2nd son Mohammed was away studying at college when it happened I don't learn to his father's death on social media. Facebook at this little Can you imagine reading on Facebook that your father is dead. I tried to get back to Catherine Bell but by the time I did is funeral had already taken place Brady a fresh presenter Hiper Abood a book and I started having hot and cold flashes when I heard the news I was in a state of denial I said to myself right can never die he would never die he will never die his uncle Salah was equally traumatized along with the whole community we had dreams we had dreams that he might take us to places that we would never even be able to imagine we even thought that he might run for high office after sads gone and could even lead the country and then he was assassinated in January this year just a couple of months after Wright's killing h.t.s. Crushed other militia groups and took control of it lead in April the latest Russia a sad offensive began finally to incessant airstrikes many local families fled and it was decided to move radio freshers main studios to another town an hour's drive away HIPPA was among those who left the she recently returned to visit the town she loved and was particularly shocked by the condition of the station she used to work in I was standing inside and imagining the ghosts of those people who were once running around that beehive now I look at it and it looks like it's a got 1st taken place it's completely deserted a big shards of metal is still large then the wall I later joked with my colleague if you'd been sitting in your old seat would have lost you I couldn't help the tears streaming down my face I couldn't believe what's happened to us what time has done to us the shelling and the bombarding is everywhere and all the flowers have withered. I can still remember how this place was full of life and now it feels like it lost so hipness uncle Salah is among the very few who have stayed in Catherine Bell from where he continues to report for radio fresh was speaking to now 2 helicopters loaded with barrel bombs are dumping their explosives you can hear it in the background. There's another explosion now all the neighborhoods have been completely evacuated since May 2 helicopters sent by the Assad regime have already dropped 4 barrel so far today these are harsh day. The most difficult month that we've experienced this year was June all the bakeries closed we had no bread we had no supermarkets we had no shops we had no provisions I remember at the time by the end of June there was no one left except for people guarding their homes or others who still had a specific job in the town center with radio freshens form a building in Catherine Bell now wrecked and deserted the town largely empty of people the bombs falling heavier than ever and right fighters the man described as the flame of the revolution dead has the hope he inspired died with him it's the Denver the 20 set as exactly a year to the day that right Faris was gunned down in cuffs from Bell and I've come to France where his wife and 3 sons have been given asylum and one thing's clear not only have they of course not forgotten their father neither have they forgotten radio fresh the churning in now so. Yeah. It's us yes. If he was here now he would feel a great he would feel so proud that the radio station is continuing that it's all welcome all the challenges tourists as of the regime Russian Wimbledon and he would see it as a victory that there was his all of the people are just that being here he would be so happy that trade you fresh is carrying on and is a still helping people even after his death he would be rejoicing he was an inspiration and the symbol of the revolution and he still is thanks to the Internet rides radio fresh can reach his family's new home in France and. Others in every corner of the globe. Just. Watched by their mother writes 3 sons that sing along to the old song my homeland that their father loved and sang wherever he went with it on the lines will I see you when I see you safe and comforted sound and honest. My father always used to say. That you shouldn't is and I. And idea cannot be kept. You've been listening to assignment presented by me Mike Thompson and produced by Joe Kant . From Sacramento State this is Capital Public Radio 90.9 k. X. Jay z. F.m. In h.d. Sacramento 91.3 f.m. An h.d. Stock in Modesto 90.5 k.t.o. Tahoe City Reno and 88 point one k. Q. And c Quincy streaming radio dot org. We can support from the Calaveras Visitors Bureau offer a year round outdoor recreation shopping in historic towns and 36 wineries listeners can experience the gold country and hometown events this holiday season Moret go Calaveras dot com. We thank you for tuning in to listeners supported Capital Public Radio this evening it's 10 o'clock. 2 2 It's 6 o'clock in London Hello and welcome to News Day on the b.b.c. World Service with Carney Sharp James Copnall thanks for joining us our top story today major changes in Sudan where the party that govern the country for decades has been dissolved as has a law under which women was sometimes blogs for the clothes they wore will go live to Khartoum also on a surprise visit to Afghanistan President Trump reveals that negotiations with the Taliban have restarted to find out how likely they are to succeed we'll go live to Nazareth in Iraq where 25 protesters were killed in one of the deadliest days in the country since the protests began last month and as the shopping madness of Black Friday kicks in put it here about the store where you could pay a lot to get absolutely nothing coke but it's not as crazy as it seems coming up on news sports and business true after this bulletin of the latest world news. Hello I'm Tom what's with the b.b.c. News people in the Sudanese capital Khartoum have been celebrating on the streets after the transitional authority has announced they had formally dissolved the formal ruling party they have also repealed the largely hated public order law used in particular to regulate the lives of women the dismantling of the party was a key demand of the Sudanese Professionals Association the protest movement toppled Omar al Bashir last April their spokeswoman some of him a barrack welcomes the news it's very very hard for him you think it isn't really for a small case is it not really because. Every person. For the former or the other fires feeling that Martin he only crowd millions of people. It's like a closure for presidents Trump has made an unannounced trip to Afghanistan telling us troops the Taliban wanted to agree to a cease fire Mr Trump spoke to u.s. Troops field on his.

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