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Harris said that the u.n. Chief regrets the American decision and that the UN's longstanding position that Israeli settlements are a violation of international law remains unchanged the European Union has also made clear that it hasn't changed its policy concerning the illegality of Israeli settlements during the meeting many Security Council and other un members are expected to express their disappointment with the u.s. Change secretary of state Mike Pompei o. Said that the u.s. Decision would not prejudice the ultimate status of the West Bank which would be determined through negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians for n.p.r. News I'm Linda sued in New York you're listening to n.p.r. News from Washington. The u.s. Military says that 2 u.s. Service members were killed today in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan the military says the crash is being investigated the Taliban are claiming that there were militants downed the aircraft but the u.s. Military says initial reports don't indicate this was caused by enemy fire the man who sold armor piercing bullets to the Las Vegas mass shooter and 2017 has pleaded guilty to illegally manufacturing and selling modified bullets N.P.R.'s Melissa Romo reports Douglas Haig an aerospace engineer from Arizona admits he sold the ammunition to Stephen Paddick in the weeks before the mass shooting a combination of armor piercing bullets and 720 rounds of tracer bullets those are designed to allow a shooter to see a bullets trajectory during night time firing the ammunition was found unspent in paddocks Mandalay Bay Hotel room after he killed $58.00 people and injured hundreds more investigators found Haig because of a shipping box with his name on it among paddocks possessions hit insisted he had no clue about Patrick's plans saying I had no way to see into his mind Haig will be sentenced in February he faces up to 5 years in prison and a $250000.00 fine the NASA Romo n.p.r. News later this morning the recording academy will announce its nominations for the 62nd Grammy awards there are $84.00 categories the Grammy Awards are set for January 26th in Los Angeles will be hosted by musician Alicia Keys I'm core of a Coleman n.p.r. News in Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include c.v.s. Health or pharmacies are just part of what they do from many clinics to home care visits to administering intravenous treatments in patients homes learn more at c.v.s. Health dot com health is everything. The men to. Thank. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I know we'll King good morning yesterday 4 witnesses testified in the House impeachment inquiry it was hours of testimony and today Congress will hear from 3 more including one of the central figures in this investigation Gordon Sunland president trumps ambassador to the European Union n.p.r. Congressional correspondent Susan Davis is here in studio with the latest good morning Sue Good morning to you Ok so today everyone's eyes really are on Gordon Sunland what makes his testimony so critical someone is as one Republican lawmaker explain to me a wild card in that neither Democrats or Republicans are entirely certain of what he's going to testify today because he is the 1st and only witness so far in this investigation to change his original testimony someone originally told Congress behind closed doors that there was quote never conditions placed on that military aid about a month later other public testimony had jog his memory and in an official writing to Congress he said he didn't know or call a September 1st sidebar meeting with a top aide to Ukrainian president's Olinsky in which he did inform him that getting that aid was likely conditional on announcing investigations sought by President Trump Ok So lots of questions for him today we're also going to hear from 2 people Laura Cooper and David Hale not exactly household names who are they and where do they fit in here these are sort of secondary witnesses to the investigation lark hoopers a Pentagon official she was the top official in charge of Ukrainian military assistance she testified already behind closed doors that about the confusion that was at the Pentagon related to the aide and why it was held up she did not she was not able to offer any testimony as to why that decision was made David Hale is the 3rd ranking official at the State Department he's the highest ranking official Congress will probably hear from in this investigation he's as close as they'll probably get to Secretary of State Mike Pompei Oh sort of his role potentially in this process and specifically he spoke of. Out in his closed door testimony about the circumstances and motivations surrounding the firing of former ambassador to Ukraine Marie on a bitch Ok let me bring you back to yesterday's hearings which were notable because there were 3 people testifying who directly heard that July 25th phone call between President Trump and Ukraine's president I want to play some tape of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander in Maine describing how he felt after the call frankly I couldn't believe what I was hearing it was probably an element of shock. Maybe in certain regards my worst fear of how our Ukraine policy to play out. Was playing out how this is likely to have significant implications for u.s. National security is he was considered a strong witness in many ways what else did Lieutenant Colonel them until the committee didn't essentially told the Congress that he believed that the president's asked was in his words improper or inappropriate and the 2nd he heard that phone call he knew he had to report it he was a compelling figure a Democrat sort of portrayed him as this hero he was in full military dress they noted he was a Purple Heart veteran that he was a patriot Republicans took a very different tack they sort of questioned his motives in this they suggested he might have been politically motivated because he didn't like the policies of President Trump and sort of questioned his loyalty to the country and whether he might have had some interest in Ukraine because he comes from that descent he speaks Ukrainian so very very much a different sort of character assessment of him and in the hearing yesterday there were also 2 witnesses Kurt Volker and Tim Morrison who were requested his presence was requested by Republicans let's hear what Volcker said in his opening statement since I gave my testimony on October 3rd a great deal of additional information and perspectives that come to light I've learned many things that I did not know at the time of the events in question Ok so he says he's learned many things what did lawmakers hear from Volcker and what did they learn from him you can ask. Bulger sort of portrayed himself as this guy out of the loop that he was just trying to do the right thing he was aware of the president's concerns about Ukraine but he saw himself as just a conduit and an advocate to try to get that White House meeting because he thought if Donald Trump and the Prez Ukrainian president Lindsay sat down together all these other concerns would be washed away in terms of sort of the nitty gritty of whether the what the White House decision making was he just kind of said I didn't know I just wasn't the guy in the room and just quickly. A little bit of analysis did these 2 witnesses last to help the Republican case they certainly gave Republicans their best talking points in the investigation so far they did not really give them anything that goes to the heart of the question of impeachment that the president was acting of his own personal gain to Mars and then to see official testified he was also on the call and he said when he heard it it did not raise any red flags for him which is obviously a very different take on the call than people like than men and p.r. Susan Davis thanks so much Sue You're welcome. Over the next few years around $100.00 prisoners convicted of terrorism related charges are scheduled for release across the country they were part of a wave of arrests that were made after $911.00 the beginning of the so-called war on terror as they finish up their sentences many face complicated homecomings N.P.R.'s henna Alam has the story of one family from Minnesota everywhere Deca has seen goes the whispers follow she hears them at the mall at weddings pretty much any gathering place for Minnesota's large Somali American community some people there was the lady who was us me a week ago I swear to god she came to my face. I just want us we will witness what she said you have. To work for this the I said. I don't know if that Myers snitches f.b.i. Informants those labels have turned us family into outcasts and Somali immigrants society the reason Deca son Sammy was among 9 young men from the Twin Cities who sought to travel to Syria to join ISIS the f.b.i. Disrupted their plot and slap them with serious terrorism charges each man faced a decision to cooperate with the feds or not a lot of people in the community they had a med because you tell the truth doctor's son I'm to resign helped prosecutors and appeared on 60 minutes denouncing ISIS and exchange he got a break on sentencing some of his co-defendants ended up with 30 plus years in prison after I got 30 months he was released over the summer but still lives under strict conditions he wasn't allowed to be interviewed his mom Deca is always reminding him not to squander his 2nd chance except a lot of mistakes guess what you got up to they just follow the rule. You know wrong most of the World Vision's that is well a little but in the some Ali community Deca says there's a different set of rules her family has broken them for her son it's the unforgettable act of helping prosecutors in a case that many Somalis see as overreach they say the government came down too hard on recent high school grads with no criminal history Deca sympathizes with their pain but says it's not fair to blame her family I did buy the rice I still buy the price this equalities niche they still call in me like I'm a better person they wish me dead long as there are voices that speak to people as anyone who works for the government that is going to survive that's handy Lugar the former u.s. Attorney from Minnesota who led the prosecution he's now out of office but he saw firsthand how difficult these conversations can be Lugar remembers a meeting where 125 Somali mothers and grandmothers sat face to face with police and federal authorities I said to them I said there are voices in the community that don't want you talking to us what do you say to them and a grandmother raised her hand she said we're here we're talking so there's that mean back out and her son won't be on the side but many know but that the flip side the other side Deca says her son up to resign is doing well he works he comes home she says he doesn't trust anyone he apologizes a lot for what he's put the family through Decca says he already feel so guilty that she can't bring herself to tell him how bad the backlash has gotten She didn't tell her son that she was on the dance floor at a wedding recently when another guest stared and made a throat slitting gesture that says it's no longer just painful it's scary it's going to flow it has been for yes I cannot have any more I mean I can. I can't have any more some days she considers filing a harassment complaint other days she meets with real estate agents Decker says after nearly 25 years in the Twin Cities maybe it's time to go ahead Al lamb n.p.r. News Minneapolis pts. The expression Ok Boomer is a way of dismissing the baby boomer generation and the way they do things some people find it funny some don't but either way it's gone viral so companies are doing what companies do they're trying to make money off of it N.P.R.'s Yuki Noguchi has the story Josh Groban has an unusual pastime he likes scrolling trademark applications sort of a hobby of a trademark attorney you've had to watch for interesting filings a few weeks ago he saw an application from a clothing maker trying to trademark Ok boomer then Gerben started seeing references to the phrase pop up in all corners of the Internet for more trademark applications followed including another for apparel plus one for stickers and decals then last weekend he saw a filing from Fox entertainment in the application it said that it could be anything from a reality show to a game show he tweeted a screenshot of the application that too became fresh grist for the knee mill Urban says it's not uncommon to see people trying to trademark things that go viral but he's on Fox's application surprising it's relatively rare to see a large company move in and try to protect them even as well with the trademark Fox declined comment it's likely going to have some competition including from at least one Hollywood producer Gerben is skeptical any of this is going to work he says it's highly unlikely the u.s. Patent and Trademark Office will grant anyone the rights to Ok boomer typically a trademark has to be unique to a particular company I don't have to be registered in this case it just would not be the phrase of popularity in other words works against any application even if it were granted he argues the trademark would be virtually impossible to enforce Gerben is $38.00 and identifies with Generation x. He hasn't found a way to work Ok boomer into conversation just yet though I might have to ever thanks. Now in what context you both see yourself using this stuff in politics Good luck with that you can be our News Washington. This is n.p.r. News. On the next fresh air. It's so beautiful. We talk with Mariel Heller about directing a beautiful day in the neighborhood starring Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers based on the friendship that developed between Rodgers and a cynical journalist assigned to profile him join us my neighbor. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Ancestry supporting the great listen and Story Corps mission to preserve and share humanity stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world and Sastry dot com slash n.p.r. From Ebsco celebrating 75 years of supporting libraries their communities and the role librarians play in making a difference learn more about herbs go out of scope dot com From the little market offering artisan made goods and home decor with a commitment to fair trade a nonprofit founded by women to empower female artisans in marginalized communities around the world more at the Little Market dot com and from me any Casey Foundation . It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm too well King good morning South Dakota has a problem many of its residents are suffering from addiction to methamphetamines So the state started a new anti meth campaign Governor Christie Noem unveiled it earlier this week and the slogan is meth we're on it. So I my is not someone else it's everyone in South Dakota and we need everybody to get. There was a backlash to that it was called tone deaf confusing offensive The governor says the point of the campaign is to raise awareness and so it's working with me now is South Dakota Social Services secretary Laurie Gill Good morning Ms skill Good morning very briefly let me ask you meth we are on it what is that meant to telegraph. Yeah that slogan was specifically designed to be provocative and to get awareness of the issue. Really is all of our problem solved Dakota and it's the sceptically is naming you know we've got a lot of things that are coming together a lot of people that have issues are falling around that together this is our problem and we're we're the solution we need to work on this together there's been a lot of criticism one of the more poignant complaints I thought is that this just makes South Dakota look bad that it made the state itself an object of mockery Do you understand the criticism. Yes we do understand that however we feel that this is such an important issue that as we were designing a campaign and it is designed to be an educational awareness campaign we were after something that would get people's attention stop them in their tracks and get them understanding and listening that we do have a problem there have been many attempts at anti-drug campaigns over the decades and there's so much out there right now in terms of advertising and social media that we were looking for something that would bust through that clutter and get people's attention and stop them in their tracks so we knew that the governor has said I mean openly we'll look guys it started a conversation and to that end you're saying she has a point. That's right we do feel that. You know this is something that they haven't seen before the public hasn't seen before and it is using a plan word. And we feel that the end result at least right now this campaign just started on Monday so we're in day 3. And we are creating a lot of buzz and I have band able to talk about the issue and talk about where we want to go with this for 3 days now because we have people stopping and looking and listening and asking well what's next well let me ask you for listeners who are not from South Dakota who may not know the specifics what is the what is the problem with methamphetamine in South Dakota what's going on. Yeah well you know we have a governor that just came in in January and as she's been looking at the statistics it has been alarming to her and really this is not Ok with her and so you know one of the statistics is that we have twice as many South Dakota 12 to 17 year olds that report using meth in the past year than the national average. We are focused on trying to make South Dakota a great state for the next generation and everything that we do we look at through the lens of how is just positioning us to be able to be a place where the kids can stay and raise their families and when we have an issue that affecting our children and our youth we're going to get it Ok And so over the next couple of days you hoping that the fear will die down and you can get to the real the heart of the issue. Well we know that this has a lot of story going on right now and we continue to talk about it and use this momentum to be able to push people to the website that we have developed it's on best outcome and that is another one of our goals that when people become aware of the issue they're looking at the resources that are available where you get the messing so much and we've got to cut you off there for a time where you'll Social Services secretary for the state of South Dakota thank you. It was an unconventional item on her do before 40 list buy a centuries old Italian villa and she did it a financial advisor from Chicago named Meredith Tbone is the proud owner of a house in Sicily The address is number 5 her favorite number and she won it at auction for a bit of just over $6000.00 the house was built kind of one room at a time so all 6 rooms are different floor levels there are 2 main floors a ground floor in a 2nd floor but every room in the entire home has a different floor level because it was kind of built into the side of other homes Tbone had heard that the town of Sambuca in southwestern city Sicily was auctioning off abandoned buildings to try and get people to move in the town's population was shrinking but they were auctioning them off site unseen so it was a month before she actually saw her new house when you go up the stairs a kind of curves around so you can't really see ahead of time what you're getting yourself into by those initial steps I was you know very excited but also very scared very pleasantly surprised when I got to the top of the stops and saw the condition and the size of the rooms and the ceiling hide and just the uniqueness of the space was kind of a fixer upper the 18th century building which sat abandoned for more than 100 years doesn't have electricity doesn't have running water it does have horse stables though conveniently situated in the basement the bone plans to put another $50000.00 into restoration there is a beautiful floor tile that's still in good condition and there's faults and ceilings throughout to bone says she's always dreamed of owning a house in Italy and she wants to get dual citizenship eventually she also has a special connection to this town where she bought the abandoned house a few visits ago I got to see where my great grandfather grew up and it happens to be about 2 blocks from where I purchased my home I also found out that I still have family that live. On that block in the same area that my family has lived for centuries that is serendipity eventually she plans to retire in Italy and live in her house at number 5 for now though she says she will use her villa as a vacation home. You're listening to n.p.r. News on the next insight new research from the u.c. Firearm violence research center Chris Nichols examines the cost of building a new home in California a new episode of insight is available online by podcast and on air at 7 pm I'm Beth react join us for insight. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Dave Mattingly the u.s. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon somnolent will be testifying today to members of the House Intelligence Committee he's the next scheduled witness in the public impeachment inquiry into President Trump and Ukraine the next 2020 Democratic presidential primary debate is tonight in Georgia N.P.R.'s Ozma Halid says 10 candidates will be facing off in Atlanta in the last debate and Lizabeth Warren was criticized for her lack of details on health care since then she's released plans on how she intends to pay for Medicare for all and how she intends to transition to that system but she's already faced criticism from a number of her opponents so how that plays out in the debate stage will be key to watch for the u.s. Military says 2 American service members were killed today in Afghanistan in a helicopter crash the Taliban are claiming they shot it down and listing International says the number of people killed in Iran and protests over gasoline prices now tops 100 Here's N.P.R.'s Peter Kenyon amnesty cites credible reports for its claim of triple digit fatalities which Iran's mission to the u.n. Described as baseless allegations and fabricated figures Amnesty said video evidence emerging from Iran despite a block on Internet access shows a harrowing pattern of unlawful killings by Iranian security forces a 50 percent hike in fuel prices sparked the demonstrations this is n.p.r. News from Washington. Police in Malta say they've arrested one of the country's most prominent business executives as Christopher live say reports the arrest stems from an investigation into the killing of a journalist 2 years ago sources tell Reuters that police detained energy magnate you're going Fenech after intercepting his yacht off the Mediterranean island His arrest comes after the Maltese government offered a pardon to a suspected accomplice if he provided hard evidence of who killed journalist Daphne Koller run with a car bomb in 2017 several months before her death. Wrote about a mysterious company allegedly making payouts to politicians in Malta after her death it was revealed that Fenech the suspect now in police custody own and the company in the past Fenech has denied the allegations for n.p.r. News I'm Christopher live say in Rome the American Medical Association is calling for an immediate ban on all the cigarettes and babying devices the a.m.a. Cites a surgeon vaporing by minors in the us and the rising number of lung illnesses and deaths linked to vaporing the Federal Reserve is approving the merger of b.b. And t. And Sun Trust Banks the deal is valued at $66000000000.00 and is the largest bank merger in the u.s. In a decade the new company will be called truest bank its headquarters will be in Charlotte North Carolina Dow futures are down 115 points this morning I'm David Mattingly in Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Trader Joe's where holiday products like jingle jangle and step up to the bar mix are arriving in stores and episodes of inside trader joe's arriving at Trader Joe's dot com and wherever podcasts are found and from c 3 dot a i c 3 dot Ai software enables organizations to use artificial intelligence at enterprise scale solving previously unsolvable business problems learn more it see 3. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Noel King and I'm Rachel Martin good morning calling citizen who worked for the British Consulate says Chinese secret police tortured him earlier this year accusing him of being a spy for the u.k. Simon chain told the b.b.c. He was detained blindfolded and beaten after joining protesters in Hong Kong the British government says it's outraged by Tang's treatment and it has summoned China's ambassador to the u.k. To answer questions about the incident For more we're joined by N.P.R.'s London correspondent Frank Langfitt Hi frank and good morning Rachel so this man this consulate worker was detained earlier this year remind us of the background of this case so what happened is Simon Chang is he was returning from a business trip from the mainland and he was detained by Chinese police at a rail station in Hong Kong taken back to the mainland and he says well he was accused of soliciting prostitution that was sort of the the formal reason they so they detained him course he disappears into China's opaque detention system he's eventually released now China's going public for the 1st time as you said talking to b.b.c. Also writing extensively on Facebook and saying the Chinese secret police tortured him and try to get him to implicate the u.k. In helping to incite the violent violence in the democracy protests have been going on now for many months in Hong Kong and it's I think it's important to remember Rachael that this is the Chinese Communist Party's narrative that there is the shadowy foreign forces the United States the k. That are driving these protests and it's not really about democracy from the Congress party's perspective but it's really about weakening China right. So we're saying that he was he was detained I mean he was abused What are the specific allegations he says and I would recommend people read the Facebook post it's very vivid He says he was taken to a remote location when he was talking to B.B.C.'s John Sudworth he said he was forced to squat and stand for hours with no sleep if he stopped he was either beaten with the tongs were punished by being forced to sing China's national anthem and. And apparently they the secret police want him to confess of trying to incite helped incite protests he also says that when he was in detention he heard he saw and heard other people who were being yelled at by a jailer who spoke Cantonese suggesting they indeed had also attended Hong Kong protests Chung doesn't it Mitt that he did support the protests he attended rallies but says he's absolutely not a spy but it's interesting right because you mentioned that you know the Chinese government is is trying to use him in their own narrative about shadowy forces driving the protagonist away but he he is illustrating the protesters point because he was he was arrested in Hong Kong this is exactly right and I think the bigger picture here for people is this case if what Simon Shanks's Astrue is exactly why the Hong Kong protest started you remember it was there was this extradition treaty people from Hong Kong would be taken to mainland China they were very afraid of this because the mainland system it's 99 percent conviction rates authoritarian system Hong Kong system it used to be a very good legal system as good as any in the West and so what's happened to chang basically says to all the people Hong Kong this could happen to you this is why the democracy protests began in the 1st place this is obviously going to put another level of tension on the relationship between the u.k. And Beijing Yeah well remember you know Hong Kong was a British colony and from the British perspective China is going back on its treaty which promised that Hong Kong is would be able to enjoy their freedoms and way of life up until 2047 and what's interesting is of course as you mentioned Britain's demand is the Chinese ambassador to London over this China is not only denying Chang's account but refusing to send its ambassador to the foreign ministry here today and instead wants to summon the u.k. Ambassador to quote express their indignation they're saying you should apologize we have nothing to apologize over N.P.R.'s Frank Langfitt thank you happy to do it Rachel. All right the s. And p. $500.00 hit another record high this week it's up almost 25 percent for the year but but the s. And P's index of oil and gas stocks is down more than 20 percent it's a sign of trouble for this country's oil industry Darrius Rafi Ron has a story some of the most successful companies in the oil business are household names think Exxon Mobil or Chevron but the boom in shale drilling that has helped turn the u.s. Into the world's largest oil producer that has been driven by smaller independent operators companies that have pushed the limits of drilling technology and taken big risks on unproven oil fields today shale accounts for about 2 thirds of u.s. Oil production and nearly all of the industry's growth but many of the companies that made that growth possible are now struggling to stay afloat David Dekel bomb analyst at investment bank Callan says that has a lot to do with the business model of u.s. Shale and this is an industry that you know for every dollar that they brought in they would spend 2 for years operators focused on drilling lots of new wells very fast prioritizing explosive growth over profitability and until now they've been able to rely on deep pocketed investors who are willing to pour fresh capital into the industry despite years of lackluster returns it's a story that may be familiar to anyone who's been following the tech industry in recent years deco bomb compares it to a kind of prospector mentality there's a lot of romance I think because there's always this idea of this brand new play that's going to have billions of barrels of ups and then you know you can just get in early then it'll pay off in the long run of course oil has always been a boom and bust industry in 2014 for instance a catastrophic price crash left the industry reeling but even then billions in new investment flowed into u.s. Shale today shrinking global demand for oil is driving the price down once again what's different this time around investors no longer seem willing to write the industry a blank check I think. Now you've seen a lot of pressure of we want you to be a real business your cost structure is too high you have too much that I'm not funding your drilling anymore with external capital you have to live within your own means without access to fresh cash many producers are pulling back on new exploration the number of rigs drilling for new oil is at its lowest point in 2 years that's bad news for people like Ron Fountain who works on a drilling rig in the bokken shale of North Dakota he thinks back to a few years ago when the price of oil was over $100.00 a barrel and companies were drilling with abandon that's when we were still boom and there was rigs coming out every month we couldn't keep but there were so many so much work going on today though with more and more rigs sitting idle life has become uncertain for fountain and his fellow drillers we went from having you know 3 year contract to well to well contract which means you drill one hole and if you did a good job then they'll give you another one or they drop you and you've got to figure it out from there and he's not the only one feeling the pinch how Burton one of the biggest players in u.s. Shale drilling has laid off nearly $3000.00 workers in the Permian Basin the country's most prolific oil field employment has almost completely stalled out that's after growing more than 11 percent last year Meanwhile many of the smaller producers who loaded up on debt are struggling to pay it back leading to a wave of bankruptcies more than 3 dozen so far this year all of this is adding up to slower oil output data from the Department of Energy shows that production was flat in the 1st half of $21000.00 after growing more than 20 percent last year in theory as production slows and supply shrinks the price of oil should go back up which could provide a much needed boost the question says Ron fountain is how many companies will be able to survive until then I think as an industry we're going to be Ok but I think there's a lot of people. There kind of holding their breath Darrius Raffi on n.p.r. News Washington you are listening to n.p.r. News. Impeachment hearings continue u.s. Ambassador to the e.u. Gordon song is due to appear we'll talk with our political strategists That's next on here in the. Mornings don't always go the way we want them to but now the news starts when you wanted to Morning Edition from n.p.r. News is now available on demand weekdays from 7 to 3 just say Alexa play Morning Edition. Good morning I'm Rachel Martin grizzly bears are some of the top predators at the Oakland Zoo so visitors were worried to see that the window to the Bear's enclosure was covered in these cracks that looked like spider webs but it turns out another fearsome creature is responsible as a spokeswoman said it was a human child who cracked the glass by hitting it with a rock officials say the glass is still strong enough to hold back the Bears as for the kids who knows It's Morning Edition support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from little passports their new science junior subscription for kids aims to inspire curiosity designed to bring projects to life while utilizing new science concepts more at little passports dot com from my drive maker of remote p.c. Providing real time remote access to computers anywhere and featuring remote p.c. Vision and augmented reality support tool learn more at remote p.c. Dot com. And from Americans for the Arts. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Noel King and I'm Rachel Martin 10 Democratic presidential hopefuls take the debate stage in Atlanta tonight at the largest black owned film studio in the country Georgia Public Broadcasting Steven Fowler explains what the location says about the 2025 the sound stages that Tyler Perry Studios have been home to what conned the White House and The Walking Dead acclaimed filmmaker and producer Tyler Perry bought the expensive property near the airport in 2015 thanks to the success of his Medea movie series and other projects Tyler Perry is the only black owner of a major film studio and has the largest production studio in the country just how big is it 330 acres and and 12 sound stages and I've dedicated them all this weekend to people that have paved the way that motivated inspired me and that's Perry speaking last month to Jimmy Kimmel after the studio's official grand opening when you drive past the outside of Tyler Perry Studios it kind of reminds you of a fortress That's because it was from 1905 to 2011 Fort MacPherson served as a u.s. Army base and till its closure which left a void in the community but now the film industry is taking off in metro Atlanta and the region's economy and politics are shifting along with it. Cleena bowler's says she's not surprised the growth has attracted a high profile presidential debate there saying Look pay attention to the south pay attention to Georgia pay attention to these so-called fly over states that you used to think were just pushed to the side bowler is a recently retired location manager who spent 15 years scouting out Atlanta locations to film movies music videos and t.v. Commercials the film industry has taken an increasingly prominent role in politics here earlier this year several Hollywood actors and production companies called for a boycott of the state after its Republican governor signed a bill tightening restrictions on abortion but Perry made headlines when he said he couldn't just up and leave the place he called home. Last year's tight gubernatorial election in Georgia show that Democrats have an opening in a fast growing state Boler says that has to include voices like Perry's you cannot look away from the black Democratic vote you cannot credit and you cannot ignore how much of a contribution we're making to the country as a whole the debate is being held in a predominantly black neighborhood in a predominantly black city at a black owned venue with the support of a black female mayor and state party chair medication Lance bottoms lobbied the Democratic National Committee to bring the debate to the city Atlanta is really the crown jewel of the South in so many ways that to personally that it reflects our economy in the metro area she said it was a no brainer to bring presidential candidates here and what's shaping up to be a huge political year in the state there is opportunity for Democrats in Georgia that we've not seen and likely won't see again for many years and that's the opportunity to have like 2 senators as well as cast a vote for a presidential candidate the debate is not the only big ticket item coming to the Studios in this corner of the city several movies are actively filming there and the Miss Universe pageant once owned by President Trump is coming in December for n.p.r. News I'm Stephen Fowler and Atlanta. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Noel King. If you have a kid with a birthday early in the new year you may want to buy the toy now Marketplace Morning Report is supported by the New Economy Forum this November people with the power to change the world gather in Beijing to chart a new path forward New Economy Forum dot com. I'm David Brancaccio in New York at morning to you 1st the World Bank has given the global economy a health check up 10 years after the recovery began from the great financial crisis globally the recovery has been an even which has consequences for the next recession which will happen someday Marketplace's Kimberly Adams reports this is especially true for the economies of developing countries and emerging markets World Bank researchers found many emerging markets were well placed to respond to the recession relatively low deficits manageable public debt so countries like India Brazil and Mexico looked really good to investors who started throwing money at them and with low interest rates a lot of governments took it. Show glue is with the World Bank now they are in a weaker position both in terms of higher that more fiscal deficit to be able to react to if there was a global downturn governments now have fewer tools to respond to an economic shock Leyla Mosely teaches international politics and economy at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill as global investors get more nervous they might be less willing to allow countries to refinance their debt as it comes to and with the trade war on going and protests cropping up all over the globe many are already dialing back their risk in Washington I'm Kimberly Adams for Marketplace. General Motors is not liable for punitive damages over accidents involving vehicles with its faulty ignition switches if those accidents happened after g.m. Went bankrupt in 2009 Marketplace's Erica Barrett has more on this federal appeals court ruling the court ruled that because a new g.m. Emerged after the company filed for federal bankruptcy protection it isn't responsible for alleged misconduct that occurred before hand under the old g.m. That misconduct faulty ignition switches that caused engine stalls kept airbags from the playing and have been linked to 124 deaths and 275 injuries and a lot of litigation this may set a precedent and could be a defeat for those suing g.m. Punitive damages are meant to punish corporations for intentional wrongdoing and g.m. Acknowledged that it knew about the ignition switch problems for more than a decade General Motors has recalled more than $2600000.00 vehicles in the past 5 years over ignition switch problems and has paid out more than 2600000000 in related settlements America Barris for Marketplace Let's check the markets the 100 year index in London is down 1.3 percent year Dow and s. And p. Futures are down 4 tents were sent the Nasdaq future is down about half a percent Hong Kong's Hang Seng index went down about 3 quarters of a percent overnight it's down 3.4 percent over the last 2 weeks given escalating political unrest and Hong Kong. Marketplace Morning Report is supported by Cloudera the enterprise data cloud company who believes that data can make the impossible possible Cloudera enables organizations to transform their businesses improve lives and advance human achievement through the power of data learn more at Cloudera dot com And by t.d. Ameritrade you can get smart with your investing with customizable tools and education design for you at t.d. Ameritrade where smart investors get smarter member s.i.p.c. . What has been designated as the biggest shopping day of the year is a week from Friday we all say it again as a chorus she wears Thanksgiving is late this year and toy store owners have an eye on international affairs with a 15 percent tax on toys imported from China set to take effect December 15th Now this won't affect prices this holiday season but it will New Year most likely Marketplace's Nancy Marshall Genzer reports from a toy store in suburban Maryland Mike Brady owns 2 toy stores about 20 miles north of d.c. I meet him at the one in Laurel Maryland there's a wall of puzzles remote control planes and lots of toy models of tanks jets and artillery Ray is $55.00 trim energetic and a bit hairy I just got started like on something that I have to get to the end up close a lot of what Ray sells at his hobby work stores is from China he says the next round of tariffs would eat up almost half of its profits take a model Soviet missile the next time Bray places an order the price will climb from around 46 to over $50.00 and that's a threshold he doesn't want to cross $46.00 in the in a consumer's have you know is they act differently then when it gets over $50.00 as in they put it back on the shelf Bray says he'd shoulder a little of the tariff himself to keep the model under $50.00 big box stores like Target have said they will force their suppliers to pick up those costs but brain doesn't have their bargaining power so customers like send me money Saturday who just bought for model rockets would have to pay more money spots than made in China right oh yes I'm in Poland pray says with your 15 percent tariff just over a price would go from about $24.00 to just under $30.00 money Zandi says he'd still buy the rockets especially since the price hike would be caused by tariffs it's more palatable than saying oh it's a markup. Where someone is like price gouging along the way that's comforting for Bray but he's not just worried about his toy business free also manufactures specialty carrying cases for things like remote control airplanes his bags are made in China and he now has to pay a 42 percent tariff up from almost 18 percent last year that added almost $9000.00 to the latest order of about 2000 agues I was like holy moly except I did say moly. What are we going to do about this has thought about making his bags in Mexico to avoid tariffs but it would be a big logistical challenge and cost more so he's staying in China and hoping a trade deal brings those tariffs back down it's like it's gambling you're just guessing nobody knows what's going to happen am I going to make a profit on this or not or he says he might get out of manufacturing bags and just focus on toys in Laurel Maryland I'm Nancy Marshall Genzer for market price and with Democratic presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders among those calling for increasing taxes on the very wealthy there are other or additional ways to get rich people to pay more make them pay what they already o.o. Under present rules a new research paper predicts the richest one percent of American taxpayers will avoid 5 trillion dollars in taxes over the next 10 years that's from Penn law professor Natasha Serin and former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers who doesn't like the new wealth taxes being talked about in the presidential campaign the i.r.s. Is hurting for more auditor's and i.r.s. Audits of especially millionaires way down over the last 8 years in New York I'm David Brancaccio with the Marketplace Morning Report. From a.p.m. American Public Media on the next insight new research from the u.c. Firearm violence research center Chris Nichols examines the cost of building a new home in California a new episode of insight is available online. By podcast and on air at 7 pm I'm deaf react joined us for insight. You can hear insight every weekday morning at 9 on Capital Public Radio. From Sacramento State this is Capital Public Radio 90.9 f.m. And Sacramento 913 stuck in the dust 090.5. And 81 k.-q in sequencing. Good morning more testimony in the impeachment inquiry today including that of a key witness Gordon song the president trumps ambassador to the e.u. Who changed his story once before It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Initially Sunline testified there was no quid pro quo on a 2 Ukraine I'm Rachel Martin and I'm no well King later he said other witnesses refresh his memory and that aid was contingent on Ukraine investigating the Bidens . Barack Obama recently offered some unsolicited advice to Democrats running for president and will the 10 candidates who debate in Atlanta tonight take it and the story of a woman who ran across Australia it's Wednesday November 20th Joel McHale who starred in the t.v. Show community is 48 today. And the news is next. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington encore of a Coleman the House Intelligence Committee resumes public testimony this morning in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump N.P.R.'s Winsor Johnston reports 3 witnesses will testify including the much anticipated u.s. Ambassador to the European Union before he was named ambassador Gordon Sandland was a top donor to Trump's Inaugural Committee he is said to have 1st hand knowledge about the president's efforts to press Ukraine to investigate a political rival and his alleged attempts to use military aid as a bargaining chip Lawmakers are expected to questions on Lindh at length about a phone conversation he had with Trump about the status of investigations that came a day after the infamous July 25th call between Trump and the Ukrainian president in a separate hearing the House will hear testimony from Defense Department official Ari Cooper and the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale Winsor Johnston n.p.r. News Washington the House has passed a short term government funding bill and advanced it to the Senate N.P.R.'s gyal Snyder reports the federal government runs out of money at midnight Thursday the Senate is aiming to approve the spending measure before the Thursday midnight deadline and send it to President Trump it's a 2nd stopgap funding measure since September it would keep federal agencies from running out of money while Congress works to come to an agreement on a series of must pass appropriations bills and P.R.'s Giles Snyder the Israeli military said it struck dozens of Iranian and Syrian targets in Syria this morning Naomi's of a loft reports.

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