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Some people milling about brick streets in the Oregon District left flower bouquets in front of the bars at one store a few purple flowers were tucked into a bullet hole N.P.R.'s Bracton Booker has more hundreds of people gathered and they were down district Sunday evening for a vigil It was here in the wee hours of Sunday morning a gunman opened fire killing 9 people in the dream 27 others during the vigil musicians sang songs to uplift mourners 10 doves were released one for the survivors together 9 to represent those lives lost politicians were here to including Ohio Republican governor Mike De Wine as he began his condolences many in the crowd begin to do something do something in an effort to urge him to tighten the state's gun laws. N.p.r. News you know why all the investigation continues into yesterday's mass shooting at a Wal-Mart in El Paso Texas 20 people were killed and 26 were wounded a suspect is in custody officials say they are treating as a case of domestic terrorism they are investigating whether a race has essayed posted online was written by the suspect President Trump says he plans to make a statement tomorrow about the shootings N.P.R.'s Frank or Donya as reports President Trump said he has spoken with Attorney General William barn f.b.i. Director Christopher Ray about the shootings he said a lot of work is already underway 8 has no place in America. We're going to take care of it some Democrats including several running for president blame Trump for fueling division and racism which they say played a role in the El Paso shooting President Trump didn't say what steps his administration would take but he emphasized that he saw it as a mental illness problem he said that ministration has already done a lot to keep guns out of the wrong hands but he added quote perhaps more has to be done Franco or Downey as n.p.r. News Washington Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is recovering at his home in Louisville after falling and breaking his shoulder this morning Kentucky Public Radio's Rylan Barton reports McConnell's office released a statement Sunday afternoon saying the 77 year old tripped on his outside patio and suffered a fractured shoulder the statement said that McConnell had been treated at a hospital released and will continue to work from his home in Louisville while he recovers McConnell's communications director David Pop said the majority leader had contacted Senators John Cornyn of Texas and Rob Portman of Ohio to express his sympathies following the mass shootings in Dayton and all passed so McConnell is in his home state to speak at a political event in western Kentucky on Saturday for n.p.r. News I'm Rylan Barton in Gilberts Hill Kentucky this is n.p.r. News from Washington. A French inventor compilation of 1st today crossing the English Channel on a jet powered fly aboard N.P.R.'s Eleanor Beardsley reports Frankie's a pod across the 22 miles in 22 minutes a day without the French television broadcast this feat live Sunday morning the 40 year old inventor from mob say a 1st became known to the French public on July 14th when he flew over the best deal day military parade like a super hero Zapata failed on his 1st attempt to cross the Channel 2 weeks ago after pitching into the water when he tried to refuel but today the European jet ski champion succeeded in a spectacle that looked more like a futuristic film The helmeted black clouds of pop though whizzed through the air at 100 miles an hour as helicopters followed above after landing near the White Cliffs of Dover the POTUS said he had realized his dream and that's huge the French military is looking at incorporating the concept of the bad as fly board into the armed forces Eleanor Beardsley n.p.r. News Paris a general strike is underway in Hong Kong with extensive traffic in rail disruptions the city has been rocked by pro-democracy protests for weeks it began as a call to withdraw a bill that would have allowed Hong Kong residents to be extradited to the mainland for trial demonstrations have expanded into demands for greater democracy in Hong Kong and the resignation of Leader Kerry Lam electrical service has been restored to much of Jakarta Indonesia after a 9 yard power outage the blackout affected most of the capital in neighboring provinces it cause disruptions in cell phone service and cash machines the subway system had to shut down I'm nor rom n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the Charles Stuart might foundation for more than 90 years supporting efforts to promote or just equitable and sustainable society more admire dot org and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Well. This week he said he takes a break from the present and breaks into the archives to share a classic episode world class wordplay with our original host Richard sure. To send you a game of bluff and bluster words and whimsy on the. Wall join our panelists and your host Richard sure. The one. You. Know if you. Bemis Hall in Lincoln Massachusetts welcome to says you a simple game with words played by 2 teams the 1st of which sits Steria right he's an up and coming insider who's never done an out Tony. She's a forward thinking backward compatible performer who loves the movie Sideways Lenore Shannon and he's a downright upright gentleman through and through Mr Barry Nolan. Who is going to leave today tell me Well well the Occupy Tony group. Tony will be the dad an addict Yeah Ok Tom I left him to she's come from the upscale town next door where she claims it's a case of a blonde leading the blonde kero in favor of Fox He's ferry didn't from the islands to be with us today the slightly nauseated on the recent and she packed up the dog and turned down the heat at home so she could turn up the heat right here Miss Paula Laurie. With through. Who is going to lead today our cousin from Wellesley Yeah I'm preoccupied. Carolyn and will be the captain correct answers are worth 10 points or whatever fraction thereof deemed appropriate we always advise new listeners to grab a pen and paper let's begin with a round of odd man out great thanks to Christopher Reese of Lexington Kentucky for his contributions and to Kim Chalupa of Houston Texas for urging us by putting pick me pick me pick me all the way down many bottom of the email which of the following does not belong in the list 5 points for the correct answer 5 more for telling me why Carolyn Lem you will benefit when you and then it Samuel Beckett Samuel Beckett. Robert c. O.b.b. Robert. Richard Foster F.O.'s t.-e. R. Richard Foster and finally Sweden's King Oscar the 2nd. We didn't see anything you're the 2nd let me you will Benedict Samuel Beckett Robert. Richard Foster and sweetens King Oscar the 2nd Ok I think Samuel Beckett is the odd man out now why would you think that it's just a wild guess. And I think you're right I think you're right to be where you are right. Now. That. You know my name I recognize. There for Actually no it's not and that's part of what this is all about Oh then you'll Benedict was nicknamed eggs now must. I mean Robert problems Corny's closer than you realize right every oh I don't even foster or no no no it's a 4 is it for food all name for a poem and it is how the n.f.l. Star and Haster Meyer wieners and Noah. And Mr Cobb salad no deal Oscar that sales actually right 10 points very quickly I'm sure. You. You have that's a limb you will Benedict that slow Eggs Benedict or Romney are named for Robert Cobb of the Cobb salad Richard Foster created bananas for well it was bananas for were created for him and Sweden's King Oscar the 2nd Israel Oscar there's no Anyone know a Beckett dish that on the right right there I know dishes named after Samuel Beckett that we could find I'm sure I'll get mailed try this one Tony what's the odd one out of college. Achievement. Hit the charity or miss M.I.'s s. College he didn't hit or miss sat in a word was my experience at Harvard. I kind of covered it all and I went through Harvard in approximately 7 weeks yeah that's there you go in the front door out the back the guy support your leader Yeah there's a scholastic achievement Oh yeah I know that's out there to have trick college cricket cavemen trick Miss trick do I remember Mr Minister if. It's a 2nd word that goes with 3 of those words and does not go with the 4th that's that's true yeah Ok that is fair There you go Tony take not it's not for a. College the odd one Joe college Joe achievement. Which I'm going to get I'm going to take care Carolyn root and take a wild guess and say that the one that's out of this is Miss Unfortunately you did not do as well that's Ok. But that does narrow it down did they do. That so North says it's achievement No I said it was college which one of us is right. Let's try to think if we were to follow his mistress or you know I would say . A lot of mis spent spent. I don't think we're going to get it you know I may have to go to the other side who has just despicable smugness Oh hell yeah this is the odd man is hit because the other ones are old junior and that's exactly right you're on your shoulder junior college Surely he meant junior miss you're in your midst is the Ouyen out I am so sorry how quickly it's at the minute instead of Miss I would have gotten Yeah right I'm. I don't think there was a junior male I forgot about your meds too I said I didn't even think of it. All right Arnie Mims Here's the tribute to you this week what's the odd one out 3rd one . Ah. John Adams Ok Thomas Jefferson James Monroe and Calvin Coolidge. That's the only one that's always me I've got John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Monroe and Calvin Coolidge if you'd said Calvin Klein this would be easier yeah sure. Oh my goodness are we talking geography we are not talking geography we'll really gets the hardest thing always was Munroe ever a foreign delegate of some sort because Adams was Jefferson was right Coolidge Yeah I think the legend ever was your dad I mean I mean are you going I wasn't going that well you know this had to do with their wives not at all. Well I think Calvin Coolidge was a good guess and well covered Coolidge is right all right Ah Ok well the reason I was one of the good for the Blind But Now I have to I guess what you meant we had to guess what you meant 3 points for the blind yes on Calvin Coolidge if you will stay on your I don't know it went offline it was based on our original think thank you how do you how do you know you think other position think it was Ok to have 3 points for your original thinking. About it somewhere. And it's not where they're from and it's not it's something they all where they have their army they all did it with a farmer well in a way it's something they all did Jefferson and Monroe almost contemporary and so much almost Yeah well their contemporaries in a very interesting all right on the same day well you know Jay Leno and July for example or hooligan of course who are who was born on July 4th That's exactly right that is exactly right. And and Adams and Jefferson died on the exact same exact same day 26 on the 50th anniversary of the declaration that's right and one of history's c.d.o. Weirdest coincidence is 3 u.s. Presidents John Adams Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe all died on July 4th Calvin Coolidge on the other hand was born on July the 4th of July right try this one line or. Adults. Say it's pronounced a little they. Say don't say the let's say whatever I know what it is a lemonade Yeah him and cheese on Ronnie. In a peanut butter sandwich. What is the odd one out a don't say that it will say do say the legislature eliminate him and she's on right in a peanut butter sandwich Well let's start with the most obvious does it have anything to do with the ingredients to start asking if you quit or not way yes you know you have an I don't want to throw you have to do with country of origin No Ok the odd one out is ham and cheese on the odd man out is ham and cheese on Raw and that's partly so so so we get something for that 5 points Ok sure there's not a dish we eat the daughter did let you when it falls always falls on the door say side. Peanut butter jelly always falls with that peanut butter sauce and lemonade he should hold onto it because if it falls on. I'm going to leave that as quickly as possible Barry do you have an. Idea of the sort of I think are they all ice cream flavors except ham and cheese no they are not ice cream flavors I go to you already an ass. No one knows Lang faces no sir re there is no him and she's Girl Scout cookie Oh I really doubt it yet any girl scouts all become law now. But certainly don't change the mood in this room didn't ring. The Girl Scout Girl Scout cookie was at lemonade I have my 101 years of faithful service this is what the Girl Scouts That's right 299 my sash and I didn't know that now I know and I'm going to head this off right now 7000000 people are going to write me and say it's not a peanut butter sandwich it's a dos Edo because they just changed it no it's not it's a peanut butter sandwich maybe it has been you said you called it a Girl Scout cookie by its incorrect name which is a reason. They drum girls out of the Corps for that yeah. Let me just ask with 2 extra points keep it quiet. But it will provide a good shot after a glance for that 32 extra boards to keep it quiet a bargain for 3 I tried this one Paula. What's the odd one out miles and my alias Connors c o n n o r s Matthews and Hamilton this is so nasty I'm apologizing ahead of time to do with a 1st name yes let's hear Sarah Miles doing Sarah Miles but that's not who we are thank you Jimmy Connors is another to Matthews and we remember Jim Matthews used to work with us Joe. I thought you would said I thought Arnie would get the Connors in no time flat Jimmy Carter No not Jimmy Connors Chris. Who is a tough one c Sarah my house now. Let me give you a hint and let me get you started here the miles that Kim was thinking of is viewer a mile Veera So does that help at all well here Miles was kind of like a 2nd banana type and now there's the other side of any theory Miles let's see these are these were the real names of the Got bored sisters are these my views of some margin or others no I don't think there's anyone in the audience have a thought about this well Arnie I thought you would get Chuck Conners shock fear of Chuck and Dave you're going here at the bottom. Is exactly did I now can you explain that to the audience Well now I got it salad to Beatles song itself out I'm 64 I don't actually explore grandchildren on my knee. Chalk and day and the odd one out is Hampton That's exactly right I'm sorry I can't give any points to that but I well know how to reach we've been left to live on really is a reply that it was a hey it's I've been up and finally Barry try this one what's the odd one out plumb . Apricots and. Green. What g.r. Even. And White Oh. Oh Ok so it's a word right so you know before or after where it is not it's not a word plum apper cut green and white sports teams. Because least of. You want to come by. Let's pick a time. Let. Me guess is here right it's not if that's not right you with me has it Ok alcohol have I and I got my chops only these are oh these are apricot is the odd one out apricot is the odd one out and these are names of suspects. Yes can you be any more specific in it is it clue yes. Right yes. Mr Green let's go on to round 2 which is played with a little musical help from the North Shore a capella Thanks guys for being here it's the 1st of the Says you bluffing rounds Carolyn each of you will receive a card defining a word only one is the actual definition the others have cards that say please bluff those poor souls have a few seconds to make up a definition on the spot good enough to fool Tony's team 10 points up for grabs Tony if you can find the bluffer or do you Carolyn if you can't a few seconds I'm just going to come up with a definition for the word Dundreary. D.-u. n d r e a o r I c s Dundreary these. Gentlemen. Don't feel like they do with anything good to. Do I just want to. Fit in and do the. Donkey like make it up. Leave a message at the job because today I swear I'm not going to wait that thing no meet up standard fare trying to do y'all go my hand in the band nobody's going to tell me to act it out me no great girder here with great lives missed says you his rereleased are archived so many years from which to choose unlike podcasts these hours you'll never lose shows that pacing lost but never forgotten were removed from the store reorganized and we have had to down to be offered lots more nearly 500 hours of listening pleasure all waiting at the online register that's all the new shows that says you've got a net follow the menu and stop at the shop we are certain you'll find something to guess and say Why yes why you do not know where I'm gonna do it and the no. Says your returns after this from home. Massachusetts resident Ayana legs did not know she had a cousin and Congo partly because their ancestors were taken from their homes in central Africa and sold into slavery because it's found each other through a genetic test our 1st conversations had nothing to do with slavery it had everything to do with your tribe full of strength and bitches they meet on the world. Tomorrow afternoon at 2 here on capper a d o 90.9 Sacramento and 91.3 Stockton Modesto your n.p.r. Station. We get support from a court appointed special I think it's of Sacramento County Sacramento recruits and trains volunteers to advocate for children in Sacramento County foster care system This is Camp radio. No no no no no the. Jamie go to strike they sue. Was come on oh yea egghead. Very short you're. Gonna. Let us. Vinnie struts Jimmy Martin gotcha pony and Paul Lopes thanks very much guys I want to take a moment thank our scorekeepers for this game that's Benjamin sure on the right and Miss Cricket flicker on the left Thank you guys the people in the school. We've had a few moments with the word done dreary So we will go 1st to Carolyn Fay Foxx Dunder he's a form of depression brought on by drinking mediocre Scotch. Now done juries Dunder he's come to us from the wide world of facial hair. Universe sideburns handlebar mustache Snidely Whiplash moustache mutton chops Dundreary is our long flowing decorative side whiskers about the size of a small sheep. A lot of I love the small she long flowing side whiskers are Dundreary Yes 'd. Makes sense whatever quite quite possible or it could be something else let's say your name I guess this must be a slang term for some kind of pair of overalls with a lot of pockets or something because it's basically work pants worn by grave diggers work pants worn by grave diggers when they still want to take something with you. It's a good possibility for it could be yet a 3rd alternative Paula actually Dundreary stare those long aprons with deep pockets worn by 1900. Watts for women long aprons with big pockets 19th century a she kind of thing. That's what it is it could be that it could be the work pants worn by grave diggers or the long flowing side whiskers one thing is certain it's one of those 3 and the choice Tony is yours Well we already are deep in discussion on this one I at 1st I thought maybe it was a nautical term like being in the doll drums and like the done Jerry's would be that that's a terribly long wait on a cruise ship between mid afternoon buffet number 6. And I'm really not naming. Brunch number 4 yeah. Well you know I'm inclined. My father many years ago wrote an article on beards and how men shaped beards and there are pictures of every letter of the alphabet that have been done and I think for that reason if only sentimental side whiskers are the done tree Ok what do you think Barry I think Tony's right. Wow Let's go let's do it it's that simple that simple or pandering has spread after all you know pants and aprons with pot both those things have pockets so they may be trying to well you know they were all think they were sitting next to each a where I might think a very different from the other but they tried half rabbit she had tried not that feel or. Look we're going to go with side whiskers for really no good and we'll go with our captain's choice kero and the captain has stepped forward and said that done trees are long flowing side whiskers is that in fact what done troops are Dundreary depression brought on by the other side having the right answer. You know I'm going. On the side whiskers very good never win this round what happened and Dad were a part of that overall had warned by grave diggers that was great is I mean what they show up in a 3 piece suit Yeah Ok You know what else are they doing that and I think right let's go on to run 3 little history with Benjamin says Hughes resident scorekeeper brings a little age of discovery to us with his round titled explore this I'm. Set in a fit of pique right. You know he's just come out of that unit you know. Please answer the following questions concerning the explorers He's currently learning about in school Carolyn Frenchman Robert Lasalle did something that every Broadway producer knows not to do what did he do he went to Florida. You actually didn't you don't know. Wednesday robbery of the Sun 19 robbers I sounded something every Broadway producer knows not to do what did he do he sold too many tickets he he well you're in the year he got too many investors he did not know and didn't get enough investors and that's for sure though I can't believe you don't know the feeling succeeded in saying I have been circulating about you 1st have show business the 1st I saw a show business you know the entire slaughterhouse curse more Broadway don't do it now. I'm going to give you 6 points because you're the 7 points because you're pretty much there but we're looking for Mexico and discovered Canada other side what's the 1st law of Broadway he said Macbeth in a theater oh yeah I know that I had struck a star you know that's not it I know that your thing must be the 2nd. No no this is the 1st law of the Lord when He forgot his lines I think this workers do know the answer to this. He paid her for his own rhetoric and as every Broadway producer knows the 1st law of Broadway No Never put your own money in the show you know what the 2nd law is. The stuff that you. Get said you got 7 points for that even if he financed his own expedition answers on expense which was not often done but he thought he had said. All right try this did he go oh yeah let's see how anyone know when you've got them it's a significant actually went down the presidency that was Desoto it went down the Mississippi up try this one Tony what's the truth behind one pun stilly own search for the fountain of youth. What's the truth behind that well that actually Poland Springs got there 1st that's exactly right do you believe he knew that. Well clearly I'm in trouble here did he know it was a fit to begin with No I wouldn't characterize it that way I don't think he knew that it was a fit although I think he believed it right in there when he believed he had didn't see the evidence was was wrong but he misinterpreted the evidence this was about as much as anything his Sayaka as soon as he got there it cleared up. It did not actually but as soon as he got where there where he found this interesting gun where the where where the weather was not cold and damp is siad it got better now it's not that so much only on his willow bark because there is something to be said about fountain of youth that you know I will give you that Ok there was some chemical in the source of this water which actually had a specific in the salicylic or it had will of aspirin willow branch you know what a seed is Allison like acid I don't know what it had been going to give you 8 points for that but she did do it you did a pretty good job on that anybody on the other side no matter how many points do we get. You look at any plane I know Benjamin knows Benjamin What was he looking for I'm not really sure. If your classroom right is then we clearly got the right answer yes. I think that this. Was something else that's what it is that's exactly right he was looking for the waters of Bimini and which were he was told by the natives who obviously wanted to get rid of him and get him out Dorothy that these were mineral springs and they would be good for what ailed you the waters of Bufferin the. Others of old kale I think he was headed in that direction he was saying he was heading for the waters of Bimini because you were told that they were mineral springs and they would help his lumbago and Sadoc and whatever Yad you know make it better and he thought they were in for it Ok That's right try this one or any corps not 0 is generally considered the least successful can kiss the door of all. Why. He died in Alaska. No he didn't actually in fact he says well he fell over by Sandy Eggo and they put a hotel on this. Sound couldn't sell any merchandise from his expedition no t. Shirts no how yeah right that's part of it yes yeah he got to the point of that believe it or not. I think with the name welch on paying him when he get the plague as soon as he landed in front of me and even said that previous conquistadores had given the plague too and so he died yes Cornetto had a court of netting. I could see were get no place fast with Spanish explorers here but you know what why would it can casted or be just considered totally unsuccessful and find any Going to you know I need money to go Larry Allen and find anything valuable and they didn't find any go well nothing he found you know going to give you a I'm going to have 7 points for that I already up for the other side couldn't speak Spanish. And I went in the audience you get killed no he did not actually 7 points for that anyone know what he what else who were else could there be he didn't claim any live and he didn't have enough riches he got lost a half a dozen Carmen's half his people went one way the other people but worst of all he was looking for the 7 cities of gold remember that the subsidies of gold because the Native Guide told him about it when he couldn't find it he had the native God strangled Oh that's going there hands and for that cruelty and many others he was tried and imprisoned when he got home to Spain so not only was the unsuccessfully wound up in jail one of the few rare punishment just a justice justice at last. Lynn or what is the great paradox surrounding Christopher Columbus that he actually all his expeditions lost were unsuccessful lost money and didn't he have to return in shame several times over the 1st couple of times no no no that's not that's so much this is a great big paradox here and we're all going to discover America oh well. You know what that's exactly right 10 points he did not. A lot of happy thought here is the man Americans celebrate Columbus for the discovery of America he never set foot in America as as most about no judge you know where he did land yes he's into modeling he was in the Senator Levin's in what was a history I knew all that I was not a Native American Republican you know you know you made it to the northern coast of South America but never that he set foot and Americans and what we call and United States soil shall we have great acting try this one Paula they sailed over 40 years apart yet the voyages of John Cabot and Jacques r.t.a. Determine the course of history for the 1st 200 years for Europeans and North America why. Were they the map makers Well they were map makers but there's a reason they set that they determine the course of the 1st 200 years Carty and cache Yeah Ok well I have it was also Italian that doesn't really has a major Ok so catchy it did not find any diamonds here we know that. It's for 200 years this was the concept of the map and what it looked like for the new world that's a great answer it's not correct that that's you know it but I know where he's coming from and that yeah I was mostly in Canada there was a tremendous amount of activity in Canada with all the trappers our folks yeah and say nice sick jokes I do believe. But Cabot was more in New England right so is it just because the 1st 200 years were mostly in the Northeast and in Canada I know but I'm giving you points because you know exactly where they were and that that's a big part of it anybody else would take a shot of the insult strongly believed that the source of diamonds is maple syrup. But he had you there for a while. There for a couple of day engaged in trying to find a northwest passage Yes they were they both were and that I would not that's not a that's not give them 7 points because they got a long way their audience what do you think. That it does with the original territorial claims on which 200 succeeding years of war were fought when they both landed there Cabot 1st landed for passed by I should say New Finland and Nova Scotia by car Ga went right down past gaspé down the St Lawrence and founded québec and Montreal and they both claimed land that overlapped and starting from there and moving on there were always territorial squabbles which resulted in 200 years of war so it was those 2. Original claims that really did a lot toward. Determining our character up here and finally Barry the Dutch hired Englishman Henry Hudson to find a northwest passage through the continent Henry had a plan a plan which required a very sunny summer why oh oh he was going to try and go the northern route and for the northern route to be ice out long enough. You had to have a very warm sunny summer that is exactly right. If you think about where Hudson Bay is that's what he was trying to do he was trying literally to go across the top of the globe the theory was if the summer was warm enough he could that ice would be out and you could literally go across the top of the globe However after spending a winter on James Bay his crew mutinied and he was cast adrift and Henry Hudson was never seen again you know as an idea of how to deal with unsuccessful C.E.O.'s. James. This has America has some merit All right let's go on to round 4 which is Tony's team's chance to have a little fun at Websters expense one of you will correctly define the following word to will bluff 10 points Carol and if your team can find a rose among thorns take a few moments. To create a definition for the word hippie Hoppa. J r I p r e j p a hippie Hoppa like a gentleman I went with the bird Tara. And you're. Going on. And on up thank you. Pete we can come up. We'll be good from there the walk there. Will be. Well. When it says you are coming to our town where can I find a new action or shows who played that music I heard this week so many questions all answered on our website it says you. There you can find tickets to tapings dally on the Daily News or access our complete archive you can also contribute a question to the show and absorb the ridicule on a national scale this signal or an s a y s y o u got next week or visit us on Facebook. Really. Just long enough for a few interstitial announcements will be right back. Here what it's like to travel the old Silk Road trading route on a bicycle cycling in particular exposes you to the world around you in a way that you are modes do you enjoy street bazaars in Turkey that is where you would get to see the real action and the real people and the singing market vendors of Sicily. The next traveler. That's next at 9 o'clock here on cabaret d.-o. 90.9 Sacramento streaming it kept radio dot org. We get support from the Sacramento yellow mosquito and Vector Control District reminding listeners to report neglected pools and other mosquito breeding problems learn more at fight the bite docs net. Thanks for listening to radio. Well we'll be having some fun. Then. Oh well. That is good for. You guys. We have had a few moments with the word hippy Hoppa we will go 1st to a puzzle Tony Well I thought it was. Me because it's a state of indifference between Whoopi and Joy bay. That's a big. Difference. Very large you know actually it reminds me of a of a sport that my father invented nobody decided to pick up on called guts Frisbee where you throw a softball a. 5. For. Most of the groceries but you know all right let's get serious. Apparently it is not so easy to catch a boomerang because g.p. Job is a game where you have to catch the boomerang catch the game with a boomerang and I believe it's catching to catch the Boomerang the game is hip. Hop could be that were could be something else going on what So you well when I 1st saw it before I looked at my car and I thought it might have something to do with a little dance that you would do if you had ants in your pants. But then I looked at the definition and in fact it is sort of something to do with the dance it's a way to predict the future by watching mice runaround. Like my situation yeah like predict like Hatcher of the mice mice I'm. Sure didn't dream. You have any many many babies. That's right you eat lots of cheese. You watch the mice run around in this divine is the fact in a certain way if they all grouped together that means it's your mother in law's going to die I don't know. It could be that kind of doubtful but you never can tell . Very hippy Capa Matthau branch cross hot sand. I don't know if you. Actually. Hip hop but it's just it's a form of hat it's the Panama style hat and it gave rise to that familiar phrase that you would hear if you're walking down the Boardwalk Inn. Where they would say tap their buddy and go dip your hip hop up Poppy. And ladies walk by a. Common phrase heard often here you know if you narrow. Down to 0 down to me know if you're hip be happy Yeah Ok I'll be happy. As a topper. It is to predict the future by watching mice. Everybody Ok over there if the bank does if it's to predict the future by watching my scurry about or just to catch the Boomerang the old game of catch the boomerang it's one of those 3 and the choice Carolyn is yours Well listen to Tony's and I don't think hip hop a sounds Australian cats that have boomers North definition watching my son predicting the future seems like something a cat might do. If. You're my future Yeah right. Yes then and then we have Barry who had time to be really funny so I think he had the. Fact that this is how the show works. So you think it's a Panama style Panama style half because I heard hippie hop and I thought it might be something South American. You know what So never mind the 82 Aboriginal languages and voices trail Yeah hippie have to tip your coffee. I don't I can't think of another language that takes the j. Sound and makes it and except for something Spanish I think all right yeah I'm going to write and Paula it's a sure fire her well that's. The tip of the old hat Barry and hippie have to hardwire as a mouse when it spins as they say. They've rejected the mouse they've rejected the boomerang and they say that at hippie hop a is a Panama hat is that in fact what it is. A hat for mice. It is a it's a Panama hat the palm from named apparently from the palm leaves it is made from. Boise. And points to Carolyn for successful sleuthing this happened let's close tonight a round of cryptic destination script destination the following ridiculous puns clues and references please tell me the international tourist destination I have in mind for example leave Lady would be Liberty Bell It could be any it could be an item it can be any of our other guy that your big just about anything Robert Turner this one what tourist destination is brought to mind by the clue duo leaves out do leaves out that would be too. To exit to omit to now 20 cities to. Tucson to. Man to man to some tissues 2 minutes later minutes man. Gets rid of his lady it's going to be despicable you know that ahead of paramedics pyramids here are there if they're out here and they're. Very. Rude. Or as we say in this game headache I did. Do a leaves out pair omits pyramid says the pair o. Men I'm sorry in the north her locker right. There and that was the best one I had to. Try this one Tony Rushmore now the Rushmore that is not Mt Rushmore and your dreams a tourist destination brought to mind by the clue enrage a steamy scot free He's God mad mad no missed steamy Scott. He had a little room it's quiet out there and you know it's hard to hate is this to me Scott a person's name yes it is McGregor not McGregor You got it and said it was a got a car you have something if there's a reason or used steam here this is really hot Oh and I'm like no so. No I don't think they're going to get it I may have to go to the audience on this one audience what do you think. What. James Watt is a scholar is the finance guy who look on for anger what's bearish kind of or very What is the matter oh close what not all Reagan's James not a current Scot not occurred so I don't know me. Very well there are going out there now well if you think that's bad Where do you hear this one. Already the tourist destination brought to mind by the clue are buckles able to ogle long. Are buckles able to go whole hog fat fatty c c t c c t how to live any that city that anybody says a fat city Well Fat City. Fatty sitting fat Fatima sitting you have a fatty I've got out of my can city have got to have that not cancer city fat I can see. How bad it can sit back and say Ok 30. 5 years ago. Our book was able to. Fatty Ken c.t. Vatican City. They're just going to get worse and worse ladies and gentlemen. Try. This one line or I one by the length of my Oxford something should something shoe. I one said almost that like a braggart fashion said you. Almost as a certain quality to this one. As in Nina Nina Nina Yeah kind of and I'm not like. You have another son No Miss Don't say it out loud Does anybody have this issue no you got it excellent Ok I won so it struck braggy like it's already in n n n n n n If you buy a shoe I know I was little or no idea Tony I didn't. Know. Tony's doodling. Actually I was drawing a picture of Richard's no one. Giving him for I want to get in the shoe audience what is it. My shoe breach you yes my shoe rehear luck I won by the length of my Oxford My sure goodness you much you preach you should get there yeah I said listen let. Me take the names after even though they seem to. Match it all right try this one Paul ask him poetic prominence perhaps poetic prominence perhaps but very good at repeating. It's a political She used to be a witness to the political elements perhaps perhaps this is harder than I thought something that sticks out is good versus Mt Ararat here. Ers who I think someone has said I just heard it over there I didn't hear it how good. Errol won now that's right I mean how wedded what do we think poetic Kotak his right wrist right verse verse Vermonter cybersex are is all right very good read it you get that verse I went home and it's his 1st sinus verse side. What worries me is that you're right in here I am going to. Keep going side by side always size as I see each side I was going to do was nice but now 1st stars high and finally very late this is this is for pride lot on the line cool kitty dispatches woman. Oh. You got it. Yeah really Yeah I think it's probably not the one you want but it's a good one I. Pulled Kitty dispatches woman something kills are well you know oh see Carolyn's not right but it's better than mine if I. Tell her just how that going on dispatch is going be Sandor like center Yes Ok So center at something center cats and her. Cat Now that you get in there cool kitty cat Wow I don't think they're going to get a thing of the city were very cruel given 5 points for the Center audience who. Have had sent her yes cat sent her ever thought thank for. That is they. Happy can't have that wasn't there was a tough way to end always Carolyn. Always Carolyn what was Carolyn's Carolyn telling Catskills the Catskill. With which I think was much better. And they deserved to win today it was a 77 point day and a 14 point victory for Miss Carolyn Faye Fox When is this week of 3. 30. 5. That is all we have time for this week thanks so much to Neil Feinberg and all the folks at Bemis Hall here in beautiful Lincoln Massachusetts for making it fun sure and Salk and often right and Tonio only our captures the moment and Zach Moore is back from Scotland finally timi. Our closing thought on this occasion you know you're from Massachusetts if you think using your turn signal is a distinct sign of weakness by and of just hearing the words New York puts you in a bad mood over there. That's how it is up here and we'll see you all the way. Thank you thank you Bill. Given the scale of. British. State Capital Public Radio. Sacramento 91.3. Point 5. Point one. Travel with Rick Steves is next. From the u.c. Davis Department of Emergency Medicine severely injured patients. May be enrolled in a research study under emergency exception from informed consent. Trial . After trial. For the b.b.c. a 10. It's 9 o'clock. You could make a case that Sicily has. One reason is the many different traditions they've inherited. Coming up will tend to lies your tastebuds with great things to eat in Sicily when you take a commuter vary across the new can say you had an intercontinental cruise so. Just. Minutes or do like Paris and keep heading east on the legendary Silk Road on a bike it's a great way to see this day. Food in Sicily but in Turkey and biking across Asia it's just ahead on travel with Rick Steves. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm nor Rahm vigils were held in El Paso Texas and Dayton Ohio after 2 mass shootings in 13 hours left at least $29.00 people dead and dozens injured in El Paso the district attorney says he's charging the 21 year old suspect with capital murder after the deaths of 20 people at a Wal-Mart Police Chief Greg Allen indicated they're closer to concluding the suspect wrote an essay post to the Internet before the shooting started N.P.R.'s Martin costy has more if the suspect basically signs of some sort of confession saying he wrote that or signs a confession saying some of the same things that are in that manifesto that it becomes easier for the federal government to come in here and make the case that this was a instance of domestic terrorism John bashes the u.s. Attorney here and he made it clear that the feds already see it that way as domestic terrorism as defined by federal law and P.R.'s Martin Kosky in El Paso the n.s.a. Railed against what the writer called an invasion of Hispanics coming into the u.s. .

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