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Rockefeller plaza. Good morning. Welcome to today on this sunday morning. Im chanel jones. Im harry smith alongside Kristin Welker and dylan dwyer. Lets get right to the top story. Terror fears in the wake of the San Bernardino massacre. The president will address the nation in a rare sunday night address after huddlingith his closest advisers saturday at the white house. Hes expected to lay out his game plan to keep america safe as this story develops rapidly both here at homom and abroad. From the Nations Capital to San Bernardino to pakistan and london. We are covering this story and new terror attacks overnight from all over the world thik morning. Lets begin with nbcs ron allen at the white house. Ron, good morning. Reporter good morning. We expect the president to try to reassure theation that keeping the country safe is his expecting him to explain exactly what happened in San Bernardino and to prevent it from happening again. President Obama Meeting in the whe house situation room on turday with top advisers to discuss the San Bernardino attack. The president in his weekly address all, but saying the massacre was terrorism. It is entirely possible that these two were radicalized to commit the act of terror. It was possibly to say a workplace shooting and calling for stricter g g laws and last month telling the nation in the wake of paris attacks. Right now we know of no specific and credible intelligence indicating a plot on the homeland. Reporter today according to the white house, the president ll update the country with the latest on the investigation, discuss the broader threat of terrorism and argue that isis, quote, will be destroyed. Republicans running for president warning the commander in chief is not up to the challenge of defeating the socalled islamic state. This is a war. Were in a war. Polls says hell stop immigration programs like the one malik used to enter the u. S. As a fiance. That vetting and missing someone who can carry out such a horrendous crime, that should be the end of the argument right there. Reporter while other contenders vow to take t fight directly to isis. If im elected to serve as commander in chief w w wont cower in the face of evil. Reporter his military strategy is straightforward. We need to do saturation, carpet bombing directly at isis. Reporter we expect the president to say that his strategy to degrade and destroy isis with air strikes and local troops on the groined will be successful in time, but mostly, expect the president to talk about w wt happened in San Bernardino and about the threat america now faces. Harry . Ron allen at the white house this morning. Thanks. Now to california where the fbi raided a house belonging to suspect syed farooks childhood the guns used in the massacre. Miguel almaguer in San Bernardino. Good morning. Reporter good morning. With so many indicators pointing to a clear act of terror, were warning signs missed . This as were learning more information about the shooters and where they got their highpowered rifles. This weekend an overnight raid. The fbi storming the home of syed farooks childhood friend. Agents ripping open a garage door and unable saturday to interview the man who originally bought and then sd these assault rifles to the gunman more than three years ago. Though the friend is not a suspect in the massacre that left 14 dead and 21 wounded, it is another lead into what may have been the deadliest terror attack in the u. S. Since 9 11. Investigation. Reporter today investigators are still poring through sye lives. He was born in chicago, a she was born in pakistan, met farook in saudi arabia and just before the massacre, pledged allegiance to isis. Women are no longer wallflowers. Theyre not only playing a key role in support, theyre playing a key role in limited instances in operations. Together malik and farook am as amassed an arsenal. They had tools to build ieds and they had more ammunitions than some gun stores stock. On victims and police they unashed round after round from highpowered rifles. You got ten rounds at a time and you load it up and shoot it and if you shoot it and bam, bam, bam, bam, you can go through ten rounds in matter of seconds. Witnesses say the shootout with police that left farook and malik dead was over in seconds. The bullets echoed through your body. Pow, pow, pow. But the bloodshed they left behind inside this Office Complex will be felt for a lifeme. This morning the gunmen are gone, but so manyny questions remain. Reporter those who knew farook say they never appeared radicalized, but they knew very little about his wife. Miguel, thank you. Many questions remain about tashfeen malik. This is new video of her former home in pakistan where a Family Member tells the Los Angeles Times malik began posting extremist views on facebook after arriving in the United States. Nbc news has obtained a photo of thee pakistan i. D. Card listing birth dates as well as a scar on her right lane. Bill neely is live in islamabad with more. Good morning. Reporter good morning, harry. Mystery in pakistan as she is in the u. S. She wasnt on anyny Government Watch list. Shed done nothing wrong here or in saudi arabia where she grew up. She wasnt a very private p pson and we have few photographs of her and one of her pakistani identity card. She actually destroyed nearly all of her photographs showing her without a veil. She became a deeply religious person. She almost switched from her pharmacy studies to deep stud of islam, but you know, none of that explains what she did. Her background only tells us so much. Nothing explains how she went from pharmacy student to terrorist. How she went from a softly spoken suburban mom to a blackclad terrorist who murdered people and shot at the police. Was she radicalized here . We simply dont know. Did she lead her husband on or did he lead her on . She pledged allegiance to the leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and there is n n that isis led her or knew of her existence. Her history in pakistan and college days will tell us who she was, but not why she did what she did. She was from here, but as a terrorist she came from absolutely nowhere. Harry. Bill neil ney islamabad. Thank you. New to london where Scotland Yard says it is treating a slasher attack in a stub station as a terrorist incident. The grisly attack who reported hearing some disturbing words om the suspect. Nbcs keir simmons has more from london. Keir . Chanel, good morning. Witnesses say people ranor their lives from the subway station where this happened fearing it might be the latest terror attack in europe. After the attacker was arrested some onlooker shouted at him, a message spread on social media and police are still investigating the attackers real motive. In a london subway station an assailant armed with a knini arrested by two police officers. Video of the dramatic moment captured on social media. Witnesses heard shouts of this is for syria as commuters were attacked apparently at random. I just hear him say this is for syria. Reporter there was panic as people escaped what appeared to be more jihadist aggression targeting members of the public. It was scary. Really scary. Reporter one man suffered serious knife wounds while one other received minor injuries. Londons terroro police are investigating the case. They have been on a high state of alert meaning a terrorist attack is highly likely. This morning downing street says it is monitoring the investigation as police try to establish the true motivation and the most severely injured victim is not in a lifethreatening condition. Dodoors say while some witnesses say the attackers knife was just three inches long, understanding how easily panic and fear can be spread with the current anxious atmosphere across europe, chanel. Eir simmons, thank you. Evan coleman is an nbc terrorism analyst and senior partner at flashpoint. Good morning. Good morning. Appreciate you coming in again this morning. Yesterday an isis Radio Station claimed some credit for the attack of these two calling them soldiers of the caliphate. You see this as an isis or isil operation or does that even matter. What would seem so far from isis is marketedly different than the reaction after the paris attacks or the downing of the russianairliner. We have t tbe clear here. This isis radio report is one of their media units, but they didnt actually claim credit. They didnt say we did it. Western media accounts are saying these people are islamic if we would have called them jehovahs witnesses, they would have said jejevahs witnesses. Theyre getting information from our reports and rebroadcasting it. Theyve issued no claim of responsibility. Theyve not said they trained these people, dispatched them or armed them and everything that weve seeee from these folks, the fact that they built explosive devices that didnt work and the fact that they went after a target that makeso sense and the fact that they killed people they knew persosolly, none o o this fits the isis model and the question is were these people inspired by isis . Were theynspired by another group . Was it radical jihad . We dont ow. Theres a lot about these folks that we dont know and this does stand in contrast to other homegrown attacks weve seen previously. Theres so much speculation at this point and so many fingers, at least, are pointing to her. Yeah. As this possible black widow, so to speak. Does that have credence with you . U . Another thing is we dont really know. Even if she was the one that was radicalized. We dont know when that took place. According to relatives she began posting extremist views on facebook after she arrived in the United States. There is a report that she may have pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. If she was going to carry out this major terrorist attack and wanted to be known as an isis member. Why would she delete this and why would she post this under an account that wasnt under her own name and it doesnt make sense and these are the questions we have to answer before we label this as isis. How do you combat things like this, sleeper cells or lone wolves, this is not easy. This is the challenge. The white house has put so much emphasis on theampaign a it es not appearo be worki and it does not appear to be efefctive. Panels of outside experts have said as much and we have to go back to the drawing board here this. Not just here in theu. S. , but broader across the world. Appreciate it. Lets turn to chuck todd, moderator of meet the press. Good morning. Good morning, chanel. This is a sunday night and doesnt often do this. Why does the president feel he has to do this right now in this way . I think that San Bernardino coming soo soon after paris has the country as jittery. You see it, the issue of security and terrorism has risen on the ljst of issues that are most i iortant to americans right now and frankly, there has been a vacuum of sorts, a void. The president has been very hesitant about being too out front on this and being too outspoken onn this issue, and i think they realize that they need to reassure the public that if theyre not out there doing it, if theyre not out there talking about dt target good Muslim Americans and things like this. There saying it, someone else will fill the vacuum and thats whats been happening over the last couple of weeee and they now realize the president needs to use the bully pulpit here to calm the public down. Beyond calming theears and beyond see something say something, do they have a strategy to deal with the lone wolfs . They dont yet. Thats a line of questioning im going to have later this morning with the attorney general. Shes on the show and thats one of the questions, you know. They dont seem to. You saw that the head of the Homeland Security department basically said we need a whole new strategy. This code. You heard evan say this fight to try to fight the ideology on some educational grounds hasnt worked. What more can be done . What more can change . What tools do they need . Do they need to start monitoring more people, if thats the case, does the fbi have rources for that . U. S. Constitution and what point do you go too far in violating the rights of american citizens. We want to talk about tone in this country. Its chahaing quickly and weve heard what the candidates have had to say on the campaign trail, but theyre not alone. We heard jerry fallwell, jr. , president of liberty university. He was urging people on campu to arm themselves. Take a listen. Ive always thought if more good people had conceal carry permits then we could end those muslims before they go out to try and kill. I should clarify. He did say he was referring to the San Bernardino killers when he was referencing the muslims. Is thithe rhetoric that the president is trying to avoid the whole us versus them. He has and dont forget before him, president bush and there are a lot of people that will tell you that if the rhetoric becomes us versus muslims that thats what isisi wants to put out there. Thats what isis wants to do. They want to say, see . I can tell you, that is why the president has to come out and talk to the American Public right now because theres a lot of fear and anxiety and guess what . People are concerned about their security and theyre thinking about taking their security procedures into their own hands anddot trusting the government anymore and thats a dangerous place to be and thats why i think the president has to come out and address the public tonight. Make sure to tune into meet the press this morning when chuck will have an exclusive interview with attorney general loretta lynch. Kristen is tracking another terror attack, this time overseas the same place where the uss cole was attacked. Ice sis claiming responsibility for another deadly attack in yemen. It hit the he and seven of his aides were killed. The band eagles of death tal will play in that city for the band was performing at the bataclan when islamic terrorists openedire killing 90 people. U2 canceled its own performance. Eagles of death metal has said it wants to be the first band to play at the bataclan when that site reopens. It is graphic video. We want to warn you. Police surrounded a suspect after a bank robbery. He was hit by taser and moments later by gun fire. The manad raised a straight razor. The plane had to make a crash landing in misssippi after a tire blew out. Freeman said he was okay, but the private plane was badly damaged. Here at home, major news out of hollywood. The big moment coming a little kanye west. Thth superstar couple announced the birth of a baby boy in postings on twitter and facebook. Even though he washree weeks early, one of kims selfies shows how eager she was for this birthday to arrive. Very sweet. Another little boy is getting excited about the christma holiday to come, in a hair, personal interview. Prince william describes an extremely bouncy Prince George who will probably give him no sleep on christmas eve, probably not like lots of litite boys. The princes comments were to a Young Journalist when she was homeless. He promised to giveeer an interview if she achieved her dream of becoming a writer. Its election d for playoffs when clemson, oklahoma and Michigan State will be paired off for semifinals and bowl games. Action on the field can still be wild even as the season winds that was evident last night. The baylor bears and the Texas Longhorns got into a benchclearing brawl in their match. Check this out. Texas won 2317 to knock baylor out of bowl cocoention. The season windingng down,ut a lot of heated emotion. The hawk eyes last night. Lets get some weather, please. Weve been talking about el nino and we are in a typical pattern with storm after storm coming off the pacific and making things very messy across the pacific northwest. Look at the heavier rain and the mountain snow and its at the highest elevations and the rain is the biggest concern along with the wind and the surf. Look as we go through the day today were looking at more heavy rain to make its way onshore and wee could see 60 to 70 mile per hour wind gusts and 17 to 22 feet high and that can lead to some beach erosion and we could seestormtrack 7 wwather team aaweak 40. Well start off the day with in the mid to upper 40s and a week on this system. From the here ik additional forecast front are tracking east across expected to be l lht with totals 44 well start off the day with will stick around for tonight to the possibility of morning the rest of the week looks to tracking a storm system to move 7 weather team. See the screen information frommhe kwwl storrtrack 7 weather team a weak showers are possible throughout mostly cloudy skies everywhere with highs reaching just above develop. Areas of dense fog may mostly cloudy skies monday due gu and thats your latest forecast. Thank you. Coming up on today, theyre one of the hottest phil oh no. under his breath hey man hey peter. unenthusiastic oh. 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Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Stormtrack 7 weather team a weak ranging from a trace to 0. 25. South winds but once the front with areas of fog expected to develop. Areas of dense fog may will be around 30. Staying with mostly cloudy skies monday due gusting over 15 mph at times. The rest of the week looks to tracking a storm system to move in for the you updated throughout the week on this system. From the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team. See the screen weather information. Here is additional forecast low pressure system and cold front are tracking east across iowa this morning. A few rain rain amounts are expected to be light with totals ranging from a 40. Well start off the day with will stick around for tonight with areas of fog expected to develop. Areas of dense fog may be possible for the morning commute tomorrow. Lows morning fog. Highs monday will be in the mid 40s with a south wind gusting over 15 mph at times. The rest of the upper 40s and a mixture of sun agreement on location of this low pressure system. Well keep you updated throughout the week on this system. From the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team. See the screen for your complete weather information. Here is additional forecast information from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team a weak low pressure system rain showers are possible throughout the day. Rain amounts are expected to be light with totals ranging from a trace to 0. 25. Mostly cloudy skies everywhere with highs reaching just above 40. Well start off the day with northwest up to 10 mph. Clouds will stick around for tonight with areas of fog expected to commute tomorrow. Lows tonight will be around 3030 staying with mostly cloudy skies be in the mid 40s with a south wind gusting over 15 mph at upper 40s and a mixture of sun and clouds. Were tracking a storm system to move in for the weekend. Models are not in agreement on location of this low pressure system. Well stormtrack 7 weather team a weak ranging from a trace to 0. 25. Mostly cloudy skies everywhere with highs reaching just above 40. Well start off the day with may be possible for the morning mostly cloudy skies monday due gusting over 15 mph at times. The rest of the week looks to tracking a storm system tt move low pressure system. Well keep stormtrack 7 weather team. See information from the kwwl iowa this morning. A few rain showers are possible througut excuse me. I love it. Do you remember the sdory we did you discover him, harry . Well, there we are at the apollo theater. Fantastic performance from leon bridges on snl last ninit. Remember, we caught upp with him and also actor ryan gosling tore the place apart last night. Incredible. Lots of laughs and well have a clip of that in just a moment. re back this sunday morning, december 6, 2015. Huge holiday crowd out here. Wow right . Andnd a pretty nice morning for december. Not bad. May i just say yes . What . That i look like a highlighter . I do. I feel like a highlighter this morning, but we need a little brightness. I asked if i touched it if it rubs off. My kiddies. A coloreded nut foundndn nature. Thank you for waking up with us this morning and thank you for coming out this morning. Your headlines this morning. President obama set to address the nation tonight in a rare sunday night address. Hes expected to lay out the battle plan against isis and the steps the white house is taking to keep americans safe in the wake of the San Bernardino massssre. This as the fbi conducts a new raid on a house belonging to one of the suspects childhood friends. Investigators say the friend is believed to be the person who actually purchased some of the guns that w we used in wednesdays massacre. However, the fbi says the friend is not, for now, considered a suspect at this time. Police in london say they are treating sasardays stabbing at a tube station as a terrorist incident. A knife wielding man slashed bystanders and the suspect then screamed this is for syria, brbrain is on the second highest alert level with a militant likely we begin with one of the hover boards. Theyre s s popular, ebay says it some experts wonder how safe they really are. Nbcs Janet Shamlian reports. Reporter part skateboard, part segway. Hover boards are the coolest new holiday gift and depending on your point of view, tons of fun or terrifying. [ laughter ] hold your horses there you go. Jimmy fallon tried one with a little help from jamie foxx. T tre you go Justin Bieber makes it look easy, but are they safe . Theyre unregulated products and they introduce newazards and you are moving yourr body to 5 Miles Per Hour and youre introducing the potential for injuries. The Consumer Product Safety Commission says it has reports of more than 20 fallserious enough to require a trip to the emergency room. Hover board is on fire. Its investigating at least five reports of hover board board owner timothy cade. My only safety concern at the time w meurting myself, like falling off. I ner thought that these hover boards would explode or anythihi like that. Reporter boca raton, florida, a hover board fire caused major damage to a family home. No one was hurt. In harris county, texas, anotherrire caught on video. And in lafit, louisiana, he got a hover board for his 12th birthday and when he put it the on charge, it burst into flames turning their home into an inferno. No one was hurt, but the family losteverything. Hover boards are so new regulations havent caught up. In new york city riding one in public can get you a fine. The cpsc recommend protecting yourself with a helmet, elbow and knee pads and dont charge your hoverboard overnight and report it to saferproducts. Gov. Have the latest, greatest thing and wait to see whats going on with these products and which ones are safer than others. Reporter tantalizing or terrifying, youre likely to see more hoverboards whizzing by. Janet shamlian, nbc news, houston. I want to try it. I think i would struggle to stay on. Ive seep people doing it in airports. Ive seen people riding around. I saw a guy boarding a plane on a hover board. I was stunned and they let him do it. There you go. Help us out. T t weather . Is that what i should transition to . It is going to be a mild day across most of the country. Were talking about this el nino pattern and normally we see aboveaverage temperatures in the plains and even into bismarck, north dakota it will be 16 degrees above average and denver, 57 degrees and over in the northeast, temperatures will be running five to 15 degeges above average and matching that there is a front, but its not producing a whole lot of bad weatr. In fact, were just seeing clouds and showers through iowa and its the pacificstormtrack 7 weather team a weak 40. Well start off the day with mostly cloudy skies monday due in the mid to upper 40s and a week on this system from the here is additionallorecast front are tracking east across expected to be light with totals 40. Well start off the day with will stick around for tonight to the possibility of morning the rest of the week looks to trcking a stormmystem to move 7 weather team. See the screen information from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team a weak showers are possible throughout mostly cloudy skies everywhere with highs reaching just above develop. Areas of dense fog may mostly cloudy skies mooday due gu and thats your latest forecast. Big night on snl last night. Actor ryan gosling hosting for the first time and it seems like he hit it out of the park. Of course, snl had to poke gosling played the scarecrow from the original wizard of oz who gets lost in the land of the wiz. Im looking for my friend dorth. My names dorothy, too. Does your friend know how to whip, dab and do the nae nae . [ laughter ] yeah, i have no idea what those words are. It was really funny. It was like a real ray bulger act. You guys arent even old enough to remember. Okay. He had some impressiveoves at the end. A lot of people think hell be back. Up next, our sunday stories from a pay what you can restaurant in florida to the king of the cowboys. And later, well take you back to the days o othe pioneers and get on a real western grilled chicken and bushs baked beans. Mom totally forgot to give us vegetables. I know. Its awesome. Booyah. Blow it up. Bushs baked beans. Slow cooked according to our secret family recipe theyre the vegetable kids love. Theyre totally eating their vegetables. Booyah. Blow it up. Whaaat . Bushs baked beans. The veggie kids love. Try our newest flavor, asian n q. Available for alimited time only. [elf] heres one of our best elves, hard at work. [kid] whats back there . [elf] nothing. [santa] touchdown. Come on. [elf] santa, the davidsons are here to see our workrkop. [santa] oh. Well. Hello uh, this is my sleigh its how i deliver all the presents by myself [team member] santa, you got anything else going to albany . [santa] by myself [santa] muffled noises [vo] ship with fedex ground at fedex office. Its how the holiliys arrive. Just head around the corner to Walgreens Walgreens has great gifts like toys, beauty gift sets and photo gifts, and its all just a hop, skip and a bark away. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the ur to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Nicoderm cq. Its the season of kindness and one florida restaurant is the spirit. Thereffering customers good meal even if the customer cant afford it. Heres nbcs kerry sanders. Reporter it sits on main street. You get two sides with that. In barto, florida. A restaurant with a busy kitchen that at first glance looks like any other except for what it says on the menu. Prices are a sugugsted donation. Cant afford a meal . Then pay what you can or for one hour, lend a hand. 79yearold Marjorie Simmons husband is disabled. Her two Adult Children still live at home. Money is a little tight, and it does help me as far as that is concerned. Reporter how does it all add up . 60 of diners pay the suggested price. 20 actually pay more while 20 get a free meal. And that works that you can balanced. It actually does. Libby comby a onetime meth addict runs it with employees. Those who cannot afford a meal are not turned away. They just have to volunteer some time like washing dishes. And half and half, right . Melanan donohoe is one of thth many volunteers. Nine months ago, she was a drug addict. She knows the struggle. What it means to be hungry would be digging out of the garbage cans, looking in dumpsters, hoping somebodys thrown something out that you can actually eat. Youve done that . Yes. By design, no one knows who is volunteering or who is an employee. Same goes for those eating for free and those paying. Its all a purposeful mystery. Amazing things happen at the table when people start breaking bread together and theyy start getting to know one another because we are so busy being busy that we dont even know our neighbs anymore. Those who buy theeals say restaurant in town and those who pay extra says their meal fills their stomach and their heart. It makes me feel good. Ive been fortunate ando let someone else get what they need. The Mosaic Community cafe where dignity is servedith every free meal. For today, kerry sanders, nbc news, barto, florida. I love that line, we are so busy being busy we dont know our neighbors anymore. Some people pay more. The most decorated cowboy in the citi double cash card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. Earn once whwh you buy, and again as you pay. Thats cash back now, and cash back again later. Its cash back d\j vu. The citi dououe cash card. The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. This is big, big stuff, all right . Notice the super bowl of rodeo. Its the National Finals rodeo currently going on right now in las vegas. One special cowboy is vying for a record prize. Kristens back with his story. Thats right. Its a great story. He is known as the king of the cowboys, Trevor Brazile at age 39 has won more gold buckles than anyone in all of rodeo. For a rodeo. For Trevor Brazile, this is the biggest stage of them all. This is where the top 15 contestants in every discipline come to compete for the World Championship. Its the pinnacle of our sport. Reporter a true superstar, brazile is known as the king of the cowboys and the Michael Jordan of rodeo. 6 milian are onin career earnings, highly valued endorsements, a record 22 World Championship titles. Rodeo has been a part of my life since i went to my first rodeo at 11. It has to be an extension of your body. Its the mechanics of what your hand does translated into what your rope does to almost an art form. Preparation is huge to me. Thats where i get my confidence. Its aeverending cycle. It seems like the more you win, the more its yours to lose. Brazile is married with three children. He says family is his foundation. Role model seriously as a world champion, but being a dad brings role mel to a whole other level. They never quit watching you. Busiest guy is the man sitting to my right. Trevor brazile. He is the king of the cowboys. Is it now the house that trevor built . Do we say that now . Dont give him any ammunition. The phrase king othe cowboys is something i never get used to. Sounds awkward because i know my peers, and i know how talented they are. He probably is the face of rodeo these days because he is a winner. I think trevor is an icon for the sport of rodeo. Opening night of the National Finals arrives, trevor prepares backstage. Its a really delicate situation right before i go in the arena because i haveo bring myself up to be able to compete at that level so when im back there and im amped up. Ive got to be able to be despite his allaround work in rodeo, trevor is known for event. Calf. Whwh i get there i c c block the calf off, flanking and putting the string on his front foot and tie him up and all of that neeee to happepe in seven or eight seconds. How about 6. 8 seconds, to be exact. A new record. The fastest roundone time in finalist history . Hes the champ. P. Its not my first rodeo, but its definitely not my last either, and i just want to leave the sport better than i found itit whatt an inspiration. Brazile is in position to do something nobody has ever done which is to complete a grand slam winning all his events and the all around in the same year. Impressive. Hes a role model to his kids and everyones kids and hes been working on this since he was 11. Have to be a really amamang athlete. 6. 8 seconds. I mean, it was really good stuff. Well take it. Up next, sundays with harry. Hell introduce us to a man who builds custom stage coaches, but first i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. Never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. My dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded realal scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, its kind of a onetime shot and you have to care for it. He told me to use pronamel. s gonna help protecec the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. Most people know the four cs of a diamond. Now, kayayewelers brings you. The newest c chocolate. Levian chocolate diamonds. Save up to 20 on select levian styles at kay, the number one Jewelry Store. In america. I absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. Good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. With great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. Delivery. Hey. Lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. Have a good one. Ah, these small new york apartments. Protect your belongings. Let geico help you jeb bush heres the truth you will not hear from our president are at war with radical islamic terrorism. It is the struggle that will determine the fate of the free world. The United States should not delay in leading a Global Coalition to te out isis with erwhelming force. Their aim is our total destruction. We cant withdraw from this threat or negotiate with it. We have but one choice to defeat it. Vo right to rise usa is responsible this morning on sundays with harry, how often do you hear someone say they just dont build things like they useded to. When you hear that, its because they simply just dont make those things anymore. On the south dakota prairie, outside of mitchell, a this feels pretty good. Yeah. Doug hansen has the reins. Up front, a couple of considerable horses. Is it big and rich . Big and rich. Well, look how wide he is, you know . Yeah. Soon were moving right along just like in the old days. This is the stage coach that was used to the dead wood trail and then it was just a pile of bones when we got it. If you need a stage coach fixed up or built from scratch, doug hansen is the guy. I feel like im in a movie. There you go. You are in a movie. [ laughter ] take one. Quentin tarantinos new movie features a hansen stagecoach. Got room for one more . And so does wells fargo. They have several, in fact. I do it all with a block plain. Mike teaches with the old masters, the guys that built thats who my instructors were. I have it a little bit longer here. Except they didnt leave any instruction manuals. Its not like you can type into a computerer no. You cant go to the smithsonian. You cant google it. They do everything from the ground up. Everything. It takes time. And a keen sense of adhering to what is authentic. There are no shortcuts. We couldnt take our eyes off the wheel right. This is how you make a wagon wheel. Same as centuries ago, and this is how you get from here to there back in the day. Theyd cram nine passengers inside. Nine people in here . Let me just see jump in there, harry. Nine sweaty passengershat havent had a bath since they left st. Louis . [ laughter ] airplane. It takes six m mths or 1500 man hours to build a stage coach and they dont come cheap. You can probably buy a couple of new pickups for the price of a stagecoach, you know . Once a month, the folks at hansel wheel and wagon have lunch the oldfashioned way. Off the back of a chuck wagon. Its a welcoming feast where there are no strangers. How do you not think of the pioneers when you are surrounded by all of this . The rig, you know, the wagon and the horses and how to navigate this country. It just opens up a whole new appreciation that you cant get om reading , from seeing it in a museum. You go out and the do it, and it wakes you up. Wow thats awesome. I know, right . What a good day. So where do you park your stagecoach . . [ laughter ] what did it feel like to be it looked fantastic. It was really fun. It was really fun to be way up on the top. Wouldnt want to be down below. Can you imagine that . They used to post rules for people who were on the stage coach down inside their compartment including if youre going to chew tobacco, make sure you dont spit into the wind, and if you bring along some booze, you cant drink it yourself, you have to share it with everybody else. Th all nine folks inside. What a treat. Its such an amazing thing because here is this thing, its not like you can look up the schematics. I thought that was interesting. You cant google it. He gets the old wagons he can get his hands on and takes them apart to see oh, look at this. Heres another t tng that was interesting. You find the imprints of old manufacturers, Like International harvester who was a big tractor manufacturer. They used to make those things back in the day. There were a a kinds of people ended up in the automobile and trucking business. Harry, we appreciate you. You know that. Those are Great Stories that you dont hear about every day. Every day out of the building is a victory for the good guys. Before you go, we want to tell you about dylan. Look at that great cover some fun tidbits about dylan. Go to boston. Yeah. Yeah. Reat shot, dylan. It comes out wednesday, im being told. Well go to boston. So embarrassing. Embre it. Take it. Meet the press forterroism. Hear what the republican president ial hopefuls had to say on the subject while here in iowa. Plus. We have the very latest on the and

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