In that case, lets get to the news. Donald trump called Ford Motor Company a disgrace in an economic speech today after the Company Announced it will open factories in mexico because Everybody Knows that Reputable Companies make their products in china. [ light laughter ] Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail today and told reporters sitting at home was pretty much the last place i wanted to be. Said bill, we have so much in common. [ laughter ] donald trump taped an episode of the dr. Oz show yesterday. Big deal, i tape it everyday, said jeb. Im just kidding. I watch it live. [ laughter ] when asked by dr. Oz this afternoon who he sees when he looks in the mirror, donald trump replied, i see a 35 year old. A 35yearold jackolantern . [ laughter ] today and said he stays healthy on the Campaign Trial by getting up there and using a lot of motion. Yeah, but you know who is never in great shape . The guy who parks really close to the gym. It was announced on the dr. Oz show today that Donald Trumps testosterone levels are high. Though i dont know if we can trust that, because so is his doctor. [ light laughter ] yeah, man, youre good to go. Hillary clinton said in an interview this morning that donald trump has willingly aligned himself with right wing fringe group and every deplorable thing they represent. So hillary, youre sticking with the word deplorable . You feel like thats working out for you . You think mike dukakis is still wearing that helmet . A new report has found that bombsniffing dogs at ten different airports failed tests meanwhile, the drugsniffing dogs are working double shifts and killing it. [ laughter and applause ] woo yeah, here we go. Drugs there drugs there woo woo i love working at airports Hillary Clintons running mate tim kaine released his medical records yesterday and the result are in, hes a cardboard box. [ laughter ] all these health records. Its so exciting. Such an exciting time to be doing comedy. So much talk about medical records. And finally Rapper Snoop Dogg recently posted a video calling donald trump a punk ass, while donald trump recently posted a video calling snoop dogg, nelly. [ laughter and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show. For you tonight. Hes one of our favorites. Senator Bernie Sanders is joining us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] she is a fantastic actress. She in the new oliver stone movie snowden. Shailene woodley joins us. [ cheers and applause ] and weve got music from a fantastic california rock band. Young the giant is back with us. [ cheers and applause ] also, this is very exciting, we will be taking our show on the road for the very first time. Well be going to washington, d. C. At the warner theater the week of october 10th tickets are available now on our website. Go to latenightseth. Com and sign up. We would love to see you washington. Now moving on, ever since the financial crash eight years ago, americans are still wary of wall street. Virtually every major bank has, in some way, been tainted by allegations of corruption or malpractice. But there one bank that was supposed to be different. Wells fargo. They have always had a sterling reputation as an ethical company. Which bring me to a new segment now anyone who has seen the movie, the music man, has warm memories of the wells fargo wagon. The wells fargo wagon. The wells fargo wagon . . The wells fargo wagon is coming down the street . . Oh please let it be for me . Seth what are they so excited about . Whats in that wagon, better outfits . [ laughter ] the dog is not that psyched. Over the years, wells fargo managed to hold on to the squeaky clean image. Thats still the case, right wells fargo . One of the countrys biggest banks, wells fargo, busted for creating millions of phony Bank Accounts to get fees for doing that. And moving peoples money around and putting it into other accounts that they didnt know about. We are talking about 5300 employees, some of these are managers, who are essentially [ light laughter ] they set up ghost accounts . Oh im sorry, mr. Johnson, your money died ten years ago. [ laughter ] on a night much like tonight. So Bank Employees fraudulently creating Bank Accounts in customers names. Ghost accounts. And transferring their money without telling them. All so they could meet sales quotas and get bigger bonuses. Please tell me it was just phony Bank Accounts. This company and the people who worked for it who got these inceiv and pin numbers without the customers knowledge. They also had people make fake emails. Seth dammit [ light laughter ] they created fake email accounts too. Oh look here, one of our customers wants to open up ten new accounts. His email is totallyrealguy rocketmail. Com. [ laughter ] but when customers notified the bank of the suspicious activities they took complaints seriously, right . One person said he got three out. Seth dammit [ light laughter ] they lied right to the customers. You guys are a bank, not the gap. Talking to you, sarah. That turtle neck you sold me was not slimming. [ cheers and applause ] i was happy to wear it. Wore it for my new head shots. Now wells fargo was at least fined 185 million. It did issue refunds to customers which must mean they also formally admitted wrongdoing, right . Wells fargo for its part doesnt admit any wrongdoing. Seth dammit [ light laughter ] you paid a fine and refunded millions of customers but you wont admit any wrongdoing. Thats like buying your wife diamond earrings out of nowhere and saying, i neither confirm nor deny this is because i cheated on you. [ light laughter ] but what about that 185 Million Dollar fine . Thats a pretty big deal right . We print the numbers, that profit for wells fargo. Right . So this is something it can clearly take in stride. Seth dammit well, surely with over 5,000 employees involved, someone went to jail, right . Are we going to see a very high level executive take a fall because of this . I mean at this point it does not look like a high level executive has stepped forward to take a fall for this. Seth dammit also, thats how it works . We just wait for someone to step forward . Hey, wells fargo, its the fbi. We were just wondering, does we have cable. [ light laughter ] alright, fine, nobody is going to jail but that has to be the end of the bad news, right . The wells fargo executive in charge of consumer banking, carrie tolstedt, is walking away with a 125 million retirement package. Seth oh, dammit [ light laughter ] 125 million, well i bet shes not going to put it in a wells fargo account. Come to think of it, where do i keep my money . Oh, dammit this has been dammit. [ cheers and applause ] well be back with our friend, senator Bernie Sanders. . . . . Power, power to the lord . . Power lord . . . . . . . Pasta lovers raise your forks its Olive Gardens never ending pasta bowl starting at 9. 99 enjoy endless combinations of your favorite pastas, sauces and toppings. And now for the First Time Ever grilled chicken alfredo. Plus as much salad and breadsticks as you want. Never ending value, starting at 9. 99. Is only for a limited time. At olive garden. . Dry spray . . Thats fun. . Its already dry no wait time. This is great. Its very soft. Can i keep it . laughter all the care of dove. Now in a dry antiperspirant spray. Awarded best of beauty by allure. Thats charmin ultra strong, dude. Cleans so well, it keeps your underwear cleaner. So clean. You could wear them a second day. [ cheers and applause ] . Everybody. Please, give it up for the 8g band sitting right over there. [ cheers and applause ] seth also, all week long weve had an incredible drummer sitting in with our band, from animals as leaders matt garstka, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] animals as leaders has a highly anticipated new album, the madness of many, releasing on november 11th. So be sure to pick that up. Thank you for a fantastic week, matt. Thank you seth. Seth our first guest tonight is the United States senator from vermont, he received more than 13 million votes in the decr please welcome back to the show, our friend, senator Bernie Sanders. [ cheers and applause ] . . How are you . [ cheers and applause ] good. Im great. Seth good. Now, i want to ask, weve had you here, this is the third time weve had you here in the last 12 months. Dont have a whole secret service detail. Thats true. Seth is that nicer . Well, i wish i still had them. I wish i had won the nomination. Seth sure. And i wish i was on my way to becoming president. But having said that, those guys were great, and i very much appreciated their help. But you know what, its nice to be able to go to the Grocery Store and buy some strawberries without being surrounded by eight armed guys, so yeah. [ light laughter ] seth that probably makes the rest of the guys buying and when you go to the Grocery Store, people must be very happy to see you. I know youre not one to brag but a recent poll came out and youre the most Popular American senator right now. So when youre back, certainly in vermont, people must be so excited to see you. You know, vermont is a small state. Kind of like a big family. Only 630,000 of us. And i probably have met every one of them at one point or another. So you know, part of the crowd there. And one of the things that i want to talk to you about is, theres been a comment floating around about trump supporters, the word is deplorable. And, i want ask you about the people supporting trump who are saying deplorable things but who also have things to genuinely be angry about. How do you feel about these people . I think you described it right. Look, do we have racism this this country . Absolutely. Do we have sexism, do we have homophobia . We do. But i think the vast majority of people who are hurting and theyre angry. And theyre looking for answers. I think trump is the wrong answer. But these are people who in many cases are working longer hours for low wages. They seen their jobs go to china. They cant afford health care. And they want to know why. And you got this arrogant guy coming up there and he knows all the answers. And he lies a whole lot. And he says Different Things everyday. But he is giving forth a message which people are responding to. Campaign progresses, i think what people will understand is that as we look at the real issues facing the American People, the decline of the american middle class income and wealth inequality, Climate Change. You got a guy like trump who denies the reality of Climate Change which the scientists tell us is the major Global Crisis that we face. So i think more and more people will catch on to what mitt romney, i dont often quote mitt romney, but [ laughter ] and that is he called trump a phony and a fraud. And i agree with that assertion. Seth now on that topic, one of the things trump seems to be doing, and i do think it is because of this angry White Working Class that has so many things to genuinely be upset about, how do you feel when you see someone like donald trump frame himself as the working class hero . Its pathetic and laughable. Of his business career. Here is a guy who claims how concerned he is about American Companies going abroad to manufacture products, a very legitimate concern and yet his own clothing manufacturing is done in other countries around the world where poor workers are being exploited. So i think that, you know, then he talks about hes going stand up with working people. He puts his Business Advisors Council Together and theyre all these billionaire conservative folks. So i dont think theres any reason for anyone to believe that trump is going to stand with working people. He is a billionaire. His proposals call for massive tax breaks for the wealthiest people in this country. This is not a guy who in my view is going to represent working people. Seth how much do you wish you were about to debate him . Very much. Seth yeah. [ cheers and applause ] you know, seth, ive got four kids and seven grandchildren. And this country faces just enormous crises. And thats the reality. We cant run away from that. For 40 years and middle class of america has been declining, we have 46 Million People living in poverty. We got 28 Million People without any Health Insurance. We are worried about global warming. You just had a segment on wells fargo. And whatou system is basically fraudulent. Thats the fact. And these are the wealthiest most powerful people in this country. We got to bring our people together to tell these damn billionaires they cannot continue to destroy this country. And i wish i was part of the political process today in terms of running for president , because if elected, those are issues i would have love to have dealt with. Seth but youre talk about bringing people together which is, of course, what role youre of donald trump. Most of your supporters when youre asked, you going to go with Hillary Clinton . You going to go with donald trump . They say Hillary Clinton. When you add people like jill stein. When you add johnson it splits a little bit. What do you say to your supporters right now . What do you want them to do moving forward . Because obviously theyre disappointed. Yeah, seth, this is what i would say. Is look, what media does is focus on trumps personality and clintons personality, and my personality. What is personality . We got to get beyond personality. You dont like clinton, fine that impact your life. What Hillary Clinton is saying shes going to make public colleges and universities tuition free for all families earning 125,000 or less and deal significantly with student debt. You know what . That is a very big deal in this country. Shes going to double the number of Community Health centers in america so working class people and low income people can have access to health care. Thats a big deal. She is going to address Climate Change. So what i would ask those people who voted for me, even if you have concerns about clinton, you dont like this aspect, i understand that. But look at the hard issues that impact your lives, and your neighbors lives, and then think whether or not you want donald trump to become president. And i think if you frame it in that way, people will end up voting for clinton. Seth and now [ cheers and applause ] seth and then, how do you get back, if, hypothetically, and i want to talk about other hypothetical later, but if hillary wins, how does the Democratic Party go to those people behind donald trump, that were supporting him who are going to be angry and say, despite everything that says we believe were the party that can help you, how do they make that approach . Thats a very good question and the answer is the democratic that. And what does that mean . It says to a working class person whos trying to get by on 10 an hour and you cannot get by on 10 an hour, you know what, you stand with us. Were going to raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour. You say to those 28 Million People who have no Health Insurance and many more who are underinsured, high deductibles, high copayments, paying the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs the Democratic Party is going to stand up to the drug companies. And were not going to allow their greed to continue to afford medicine. You tell, we deal with the trade issue and that is we tell Corporate America that instead of investing in china youre going to have to start investing in this country and create decent paying jobs here. So to answer your question, seth, and to be very frank with you, i dont think the Democratic Party has been anywhere near as strong as it should be. It has got to stand up with the working people of this country who are hurting. Have the guts to take on the billionaire class, these guy at wells fargo. To jail . Seth zero. Well there you go. But you smoke marijuana in this county youre going to get a criminal record. Thats pretty crazy stuff. Seth and id smoke marijuana if i found out that my bank was making a ghost accounts. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] when we come back i want to ask you about what the Democratic Party will do if it breaks the other way. Well be right back with more from senator Bernie Sanders. . . . Dont try to change me in any way . . Oh . . Dont tell me what to do . . Just let me be myself . . Thats all i ask of you . The new 2017 corolla with Toyota Safety sense standard. . You dont own me . Toyota. Lets go places. Discover card. Hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection . Re unauthorized purchases on your discover card, youre never held responsible. You are saying frog protection . Fraud. Frog. Fraud i think were on the same page. Nhl fans, show your team pride at discover. Com nhlcard. Im jamie foxx for verizon, introducing lte advanced powering americas and im also jamie foxx for sprint. And im also jamie foxx for tmobile. both also americas largest, Fastest Network ever. 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[ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back to late night, we here with senator Bernie Sanders. You, rightfully so, receive a lot of credit for pulling hillary to more progressive positions than she had in the past. Do you feel as though, do you have confidence that shes going to hold these positions as we go into the general . I do. And the reason for that is you know, she has been very public on these positions. But the second reason is, were going to rally millions of the truth of the matter is, seth, real change never takes place in this country unless millions of people at the grass roots level demand it. If you think about the history of the workers movement. Of the civil rights movement, of the womens movement, of the environmental movement, of the gay movement, only way change takes place is when people have the courage to stand up to the powers that be. So no matter who the president will be, there is going to be enormous pressure on that person. And our job is to rally millions of americans to say and you cannot allow wells fargo and these other banks to continue what they are doing. You cannot allow our kids to live on a planet where Climate Change will wreck their lives. Weve got to do something. So our job is to rally the American People to push the next president who i hope and believe will be secretary clinton, to stand up for working families. Seth if Hillary Clinton wins the election how many days do you give her before you show up and make sure she is pushing towards those progressive [ laughter ] well, i think everyone is entitled to a day off. Seth yeah, there you go. Well give her a day, but heres the point, and let me be clear, you have in washington, an incredible amount of money. People dont even appreciate how much money is coming in in campaign contributions. You have right now, the koch brothers, who are literally trying to buy the United States senate. Of millions of dollars to elect candidates who represent the wealthy and the powerful. You got lobbyists coming out of the woodwork for the drug companies, for wall street, for the military industrial complex. These guys have enormous power and the only way we effectively push them back is when millions of people stand up and really say, enough is enough. This country doesnt belong to you. It belong to us, it belongs to off, let her rest a bit. But on the next day we are going remind her what we got passed in the Democratic Party platform which is the most progressive platform in the history of american politics. And were going to go forward to implement those policies. Seth now i was speaking to a supporter of yours a few months ago, who was obviously disappointed with how it had turned out but one of the things theyve been inspired to do is run for local office. They never even thought about that as something they wanted and do you feel like this is the future of progressive politics . As people are understanding its not just about the top of the ticket, its about getting involved in a very low level and thats how you started, right . Absolutely. First of all, we are trying very hard for people to understand just what you said. It is important that you have good local school board. Good local city councils. Good state legislature. And i think as a result of our campaign youre going to see many, many, many, hundreds of people running for those offices. And a, we need people in those second of all you get the experience and you move up. A lot of you run for congress, you run for the senate. So i would hope that everybody understands, you know, sometimes we forget this stuff and it sounds kind of, little blas . To say it. Democracy is a big deal. You know, its a pretty new phenomenon. And people fought and died to create a country where you and you have the right to determine the future. Not a few people on top and what i worry very much in this country with the koch brothers, with these billionaires. Is we are moving t you know what i mean by that . Seth mmmhmm. Where a hand full of billionaires, control the economy, they control our political life, and all due respect, they control a lot of the media. And the only way we fight back is when people get involved in the political process, reclaim our democracy and defeat oligarchy. Seth what was your first election . What did you run for first . Ill tell you, i ran on a Third Party Ticket in state of vermont in 1971. [ light laughter ] got more than two votes. Seth well, 2 in vermont is six votes, right . I ran a year later and i got 1 . Moving in the wrong direction. Seth what happened . What did you do wrong the second time . I actually got more votes. But the turnout was larger for the general electure. [ laughter ] but, theres a lesson to be learned. You know, the last time i ran for the United States senate in vermont i got 71 of the vote. So even if youe, up. Stay with it. If you believe strongly, in what youre fighting for, it eventually resonates and people will respond. [ cheers and applause ] seth now, what do you think happened, if trump wins this election, what happens . Oh, please dont make me think seth well i have to at least ask what will happen. What happens to the future of way to reconstruct what their message is . I think so. I mean i think if we cant beat donald trump then you really have to go back to the drawing board. [ light laughter ] seth yeah. I mean, and again, if you knew me well enough, i dont go around, you know, people in washington i strongly disagree with, i like personally, you know, not every conservative is a terrible person or a dishonest person. People believe Different Things, and thats fine. But this guy, he is a fraud, a he is a showman and if we cant beat him then i think there has to be a real reevaluation of what the Democratic Party is about. Seth and youll be out on the road in the next coming months . I will be out very, very as strongly as i can. I just, you know, as i mentioned, i got seven grandchildren and i do not want them to be growing up under a trump presidency. And ill tell you, it is not the reality of Climate Change. It is, he has made bigotry, bigotry, the corner stone of his campaign. This country has struggled since its inception, in terms of what we did with the native americans. In terms of slavery, in terms of all kinds of discrimination. We have fought so hard to try to become a less discriminatory society. And in many respects we have succeeded. We have come a long way. Gay rights. Womens rights. I do not want to see this country recede and go back to where one group is scapegoating another group. That is not where we can go and im going to do everything that i can to prevent that from happening. Seth well i look forward to seeing that. [ cheers and applause ] and if you dont mind sticking around, Shailene Woodley would be very upset if you left. Well be right back with Shailene Woodley. Ill have that goat cheese garden salad. That gentleman got the last one. Sir, you give me that salad and i will pay for your movie and one snack box. Can i keep the walnuts . Sold. But i get to pick your movie. Can i pick the genre . Yes, but it has to be a comedy. A little cash back on the side. With the blue cash everyday card from american express, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Throw. Cash back. Its backed by the service and security of american express. Cash back. This is basically nothing. And yet, its everything. Introducing pepsi zero sugar. Zero sugar. Zero calories. But max pepsi taste. [ on the road again, by Willie Nelson ] . On the road again . [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] . Just cant wait to get on the road again . [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] . On the road again . . Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway . [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. The 2017 passat s for just 199 a month. How do they make starburst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. . [tv debate chatter] alexa, ask kayak how much is a oneway ticket to canada. When would you like to fly . Now. Roboboy 3000 to the rescue alexa, order more aa batteries. Okay. Ugh. Alexa, ask uber for a ride. [crash] . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest has starred in movies like the fault in our stars and the spectacular now. Starting friday, you can see her in the new film snowden. Lets take a look. What is this . Just, leave that there. Its russian hackers, agency says they can activate webcams now. Thats creepy. Yes. Bothering me. Whatever, its not a big deal. It shouldnt bother you. Its not a big deal . No. What, that someone could be watching you right now . Seth welcome back to the show, Shailene Woodley. [ cheers and applause ] . Seth you look fantastic. Thank you. Seth what an excellent outfit. Thank you. My friend actually beaded this tie. Seth really . Pretty dope. Yeah. Its a tie. Seth yeah. No, its a bow tie. Seth well, its fine. Youre doing fine. Obviously, you havent worn this a lot. Clearly, i dont mens wear out very often. Seth yeah. So first of all, congrats on this movie. Thank you. Much about. You wrote a letter to oliver stone just when you heard he was doing this movie. I did. I just wanted to thank him. I was 23 at the time. And i wanted to thank him for his bravery and his courage as a hollywood director, to make a movie about Edward Snowden, that depicts the narrative that none of us have heard about, which is the life of Edward Snowden and why he chose to do what he did. Not that it of mainstream medias perspective of him. Seth and then do you think the letter then sort of indirectly or directly led to you getting a chance to audition . [ light laughter ] seth and now but you like auditioning . I do. I like auditioning because, you know when you get the role, that you are the only person who that director thinks is right for that role. You can be a fantastic actor and get chosen because youre a fantastic actor, but you might not be the correct person to fully bring truth and honesty to a particular character. Seth and i would imagine if you dont audition, and someone just offers you a part and you take it, there is that terror that youll do the first scene, yeah. [ light laughter ] seth that is not what i expected. Its a certain pressure. Because youre auditioning for the first time onset instead of knowing youre fully validated in your presence there. Seth so Edward Snowden asked for a pardon this week. You believe that he deserves some sort of clemency, yes . Bernie yes. Seth and what you would grant it out right . What would be your process with him . Bernie well, i think he is also entitled to a trial by his peers. I think he has the right to make and i think that the issue is, as shailene indicated, and by the way, shailene played a great role in our campaign and we appreciate that very much. [ cheers and applause ] it was my honor. Bernie what this guy did was extraordinarily brave. And it really was very impactful. It educated the American People, to the degree that we are under constant surveillance. That it is not only the government, as bad as that it, it is the private sector as hard for our privacy rights, the right to live our life without somebody else not watching us all the time. Seth you mentioned that shailene worked on the campaign. You have not been particularly political before this. I was the antithesis of political before bernies campaign. I was always a grass roots activist who felt like no one in the government was listening to the voices of the people on the ground. And bernie was the first candidate, i voted for obama because my younger brother couldnt. He was like, please vote for me. But i didnt really seth s that might technically be fraud. I learned a lesson. Seth yeah. But, you know, it was a really interesting eye opening experience because a lot of people talk about politicians and there is the rhetoric surrounding many people, saying that they give millennials voices and bernie was the first person, whether politician or not a politician, but i felt like heard the voices of millennials. And not just millenials, for that matter. Heard the voice of 99 in this country and elevated their seth did you, when you went into this, senator, did you think to yourself, im going to kill it with millennials . [ laughter ] did that bernie at 74 years [ laughter ] seth yup. Well thats and they found you pretty quickly. Bernie and here is one of the ironies. Seth yeah. Bernie i have spent a lot you know, obviously i was always concerned and am concerned about young people and all of those issues. I spent a lot of time fighting for senior citizens. We ended up doing terrible with senior citizens. [ laughter ] for whatever reasons. But we did great with the youn and i think is these young people have so much hope and vision, and desire, to see this country become what we all know it can become. And that was an extraordinary experience. Seth now i want to ask because you are of this millennial generation, which of the bernie supporters, it seems as though they are the slowest to migrate to hillary. What do you think the Clinton Campaign has to do for voters Current Situation she is the right path . Millennials are interested in democracy. And the beauty of living in a democracy, and the luxury, and the privilege of living in america is that we get to hold our politicians and our government accountable. And i think, because of technology and the because internet now, anyone can be an investigative journalist, you know within the rules and restrictions of what they find online, how Much Research they do. But millennials are really savvy in that way. And i think that what would benefit Hillary Clintons campaign is, if she uses opportunitli right now there is a pipeline being built, actually Obamas Administration just temporarily halted construction. Seth this is the Dakota Access pipeline. This is the Dakota Access pipeline in north dakota, on native american reservations. And hillary has a platform that says she honors the sovereignty of native american nations and she wants to work with native american nations. She also has a platform with Climate Change and in opposition of continuing down this path with fossil fuel as in switching to renewable energy. This is a brilliant opportunity on this particular issue. I think that people want to vote for her. People just want to see that what she says is actually going to be followed through. Seth now youve actually spent time doing protesting this pipeline. Yes. Seth what has that experience been for you being on these indian reservations . Or this indian reservation . Its been remarkable. Its been one of the greatest experiences of my life. A lot of people dont know this. There is a lot of talk out there about violence on the front ne i was there for a month and a half and there was not one ounce of violence. For the first time in history, since before colonization, when before we colonized america, native tribes were at war with one another, many times. This is the first time that you have this many tribes gathered in one place, standing together united, to stand up for not only their rights but human rights. And the access to clean water. All they are doing is protecting clean water. So ultimately, you know, obamas department of justice, the army corps of engineers and said theyre going to temporarily halt construction. Thats beautiful. But thats not a win. A win is when they say were not moving this pipeline to some other location to affect clean water, but were going to stop it. Were going to nix it like we did with keystone xl. [ cheers and applause ] seth i also have a question. Because youre a millennial, i want to ask one more thing. This is an argument my wife and i have all the time. Do you think i could pass as a millennial . [ laughter ] well, i mean, im not one for labels and definitions and hard lines and boundaries, so why not . Seth im going to stop through and take it as a yes. [ light laughter ] wait, wait, wait. But really quick. I brought you guys shirts that say i stand with standing rock, which is the reservation being affected by this pipeline right now. Seth great. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much. Yeah. Seth and thank you so much for being here, both of you. I think you are obviously both symbols of what people can do in so thank you so much for being here. [ cheers and applause ] give it up for Shailene Woodley. Snowden opens in theaters this friday. Well be back with music from young the giant. [ cheers and applause ] . Red 97 set red 97 did you say 97 . Yes. 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With another new flavor you never saw coming. Grilled, glazed korean bbq shrimp. And try as much as you want of flavors like new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. Just come in before it ends. Electrical charges live at the heart of every hybrid. Only a few. Electrifying the road forward for over a decade with over one million on the road, lexus hybrids are always charged and always ready. . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back to late night, everybody. Playing in new yorks radio city music hall this saturday, in support of their just released album, home of the strange, which debuted at number one on the itunes alternative chart. Back shown the to perform something to believe in, please welcome, young the giant. [ cheers and applause ] . . . It gets old when you talk to the sun in a tongue understood by no one . . Can it be that i hear what hes saying is there a reason why im still awake . . And he says ive got you written in a black book by the Railroad Track . . You see i know your fate and i say youve got to listen im a songbird with a . . Brand new track you underestimate ill give you something . . To believe in burn up the basement full of demons . To your mind break free now give me something to believe in just give me . . Just give me something to believe in everyday when i speak to the moon . . Pale as a ghost in the afternoon tragedy has a hold on my mind but i can see the . . Lie between the lines and i say youve got to listen im a songbird with . . A brand new track you underestimate ill give you something to believe in . . Burn up a basement to your mind, break free . . Now give me something to believe in promise me see im afraid . . Im a slave to my mind you give me something to believe in ive got you written . . In a black book by the Railroad Track you see i know your fate and i say youve . . Got to listen im a songbird with a brand new track you underestimate . . Ill give you something to believe in burn up the basement . Realize youre a slave to your mind break free now give me something to believe in . . Just give me just give me something to believe in . . [ cheers and applause ] seth young the giant, everyone. Home of the str, head over to youngthegiant. Com for tour dates. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to senator Bernie Sanders, Shailene Woodley, young the giant, everybody. Special thanks to miller lite who sponsored tonights music. Matt garstka and, of course, the 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow. . . . The morning on nbc which means it is time for last call. Im carson daly. Thanks for being here. Were at 230 fifth nyc. It is our backdrop for a great show tonight. Coming up, chef bruce kalman is in our spotlight. Wolf parade, awesome music. They tear up the state at the fyf fest in l. A. Were going to start things off with two legends of the small screen. We got the great William Shatner and the incomprable henry winkler. They stop by to talk about their nbc show, better late than never. From no vacancy, lets meet the

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