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G.m.t. Welcome to the newsroom from the b.b.c. World Service I'm Alex Ritson the world often after a new trade deal between the u.s. Mexico and Canada has been signed a win win win agreement which will provide stability for workers in all 3 of our country meanwhile the official mechanism for resolving international trade disputes is out of action indefinitely as the u.s. Blocks the appointment of new judges there's no question that right now as of today the appellate body is effectively dead and the question is what comes next more tremors were felt in the vicinity of New Zealand's Kyllo White Island volcano the last day of campaigning in Britain's general election and calls for calories to be counted in necessary periods of exercise on food labels do I really want to back you out. If the topic really were you listening to the b.b.c. World Service live from London. New nurse with the baby seniors the director general of the World Trade Organization Roberto Azevedo has collapse of its appeal system is a big blow which will take months to fix but w t o o's highest courts can no longer function because the United States has blocked to be appointment of new judges the u.s. Has longstanding concerns about the doubler to Euro Jonathan Joseph reports political trade tensions have never been higher with the world's biggest economies the us embroiled in several disputes but the head of the w.t.f. Is optimistic the dissolution to its crises can be found Roberto Azevedo said it was clearly a big blow that the apple a body no longer had enough judges to rule on issues that affect billions of dollars worth of trade he said significant changes in the dispute settlement mechanism will be needed and that intensive consultations will start immediately but the wide ranging nature of these changes and disagreements from other countries mean impairment in solution could be difficult to reach. A panel of foreign experts is stepping down from its advisory rule and investigating the police in Hong Kong you know maybe just started back for the Beijing back to government Robin branch has more details the foreign experts was supposed to help demonstrates objectivity and something approaching independence as the conduct of some police officers here was examined ballots in a statement the panel said it had taken the decision to fully stand aside from its role the experts from Australia the u.k. Canada and New Zealand were brought in to advise on reports in January on claims of police misconduct during the confrontations with protesters they raised concerns about the powers of Hong Kong's police complaints process last month volcanic tremors have increased of New Zealand's wanting to own a learned man intended to further delays to the recovery of the victims of Monday's a rupture 6 people are dead prime minister hopes recovery teams can reach the island on Wednesday that things are saving and some action advice from Jamie's from technically expats is to. Base my property time for them to be opportune to Weiland time to take their recovery back having spoken to many of those involved in that operation they are very very get to keep back they want to bring people up on time beyond ends of Bougainville in the South Pacific of voted overwhelmingly in favor of independence from pop when you get in a referendum Commission said almost 98 percent of the votes cast back to independents in the non-binding poll the result will trigger separation negotiations between the 2 governments the referendum was part of a peace agreement struck in 2001 following a decade long war between bogans will rebel militia and the popular New Guinea and army world news from the b.b.c. . The u.s. Has restricted the training of somebody many tree aviation stoop. 3 bases The move comes after the defense secretary ordered a review following Friday's fatal shooting of 3 sailors at a Florida base by a Saudi air force left hand and Peter Bose reports there are currently about 850 Saudi students in the United States for military training according to a Navy spokeswoman a safety stand down and operational pulls for those studying aviation started on Monday it's unclear when the Saudi students will be allowed to fly again although that classroom training is expected to resume soon the f.b.i. Says it's believed the 21 year old gunman who was shot dead by police acted alone Investigators say they're working on the assumption that it was an act of terrorism President Trump has had to the u.s. Senate to try him sooner rather than later after Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives on veiled the 2 articles of impeachment against him they charge Mr Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress and allegedly pressing Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 u.s. Election as a rally in Pennsylvania Mr Trump ridiculed the articles as flimsy and pathetic he accused Democrats of trying to prevent him from winning next year's presidential contest a suicide bomber you know I've got his start has dirt to make it explosives near the background airbase north of the capital Kabul and African officials said the bombing targeted a u.s. Military convoy the NATO led mission said there were no u.s. Or coalition casualties but a military base built for local forces was badly damaged in Chile President Sebastian Pinera has mocked human rights today by promising compensation for thousands of protesters who have been injured in weeks of protests he said there would be no immunity impunity for members of the security forces b.b.c. News you know listening to the news or from the b.b.c. World Service with me Alex Ritson we stay. In Mexico where officials from the u.s. Canada and Mexico have signed a new free trade agreement the u.s. M.c.a. As it's known to more than 2 years of negotiations and the replace the NAFTA deal that's been in place for 25 years this new trade agreement was a key objective for us President Donald Trump who held this as the best and most important trade deal ever made by the u.s. The u.s. Trade representative Robert lie ties there was at the signing ceremony in Mexico City he said the deal will benefit all 3 countries wish bad hours and hours and hours and the result I think is the best trade agreement in history and to get all of our teams did it is something that's going to break North America richer it's going to make America richer risk or make Canada richer and it's going to make Mexico richer Canada's Stephanie prime minister Chrystia Freeland echoed the u.s. Is sentiment and said it was a win win win deal for all 3 parties all of us together have finally accomplished what we set out at the very end for. A win win win agreement which will provide stability for workers and off 3 of our country for many years to come our correspondent to Will Grant is in the Mexican capital and began by telling us how it's being received there I think we need to split the response between the Mexican government and the Mexican people certainly the Mexican government are welcoming it I think these negotiations dragging on any further was very unappealing to the government of President under this man well Lopez Obrador he felt it had been going on for long enough and he wanted to sort of get into new issues a new relationship in terms of trade with the United States and with Canada how. When it comes to makes complete will particularly those who is Industries perhaps rely mostly on parts coming from the United States finished products going back up north you know they are we watching and waiting I know it's a cliche but it's very very true I mean they just have very little sense of exactly what this will mean for them they're told that it's essentially NAFTA in new clothing but they still don't know and they won't know until next year exactly what it will mean on a day to day level for their family incomes their job security and so on I remember Donald Trump describing NAFTA as the worst trade deal the u.s. That ever done this is now the best one apparently what are the changes here but I think one of the key changes is in terms of the protection of workers' rights and ironically enough from a Mexican perspective will potentially make it less competitive than some of its neighbors to the least in the short term because of see the low wages that make so on can offer kind of quite an attractive option for many multinational companies but I think President and his men were not as open as or as a left of center leader had his own reservations about NAFTA very different to Donald Trump but nonetheless you know perhaps wanted to see many parts of the NAFTA deal read through and I think will be satisfied that it's going to have both President Trump on the Democrats are claiming credit for this deal how significant is it politically in the u.s. I think we're going to hear a lot about it in 2020 which is of course an election year north of the border from where I am certainly don't trump is going to play very very hard I think on the concept that this was something he set out he would do in his 2016 presidential election campaign and has achieved it in his 1st term and you know that's going to bring him a lot of satisfaction even if the Democrats are going to be saying quite the opposite that ultimately the only thing that was beneficial in this new deal with the provisions that they added to it as Nancy Pelosi put it it was infinitely better the one that they achieved today than the one that was proposed by the tri. Administration will grant in Mexico when the World Trade organization was founded nearly 25 years ago it was established as an international body to regulate trade between nations one of its functions is to educate and trade disputes and it does this through an apple 8 body of judges this is ground to a halt because the u.s. Has blocked the appointment of new judges a minimum of 3 needed and today there is just one in place w.t.f. Director general rabbet So as of a day told the b.b.c. This was a big blow but said work to fix this apple late body was going to start immediately and this conversation will probably require significant changes in the dispute settlement mechanism changing considerably what we have today into something different that accommodates the concerns of the us and that everybody else can live with and I think there is open mindedness in Geneva about that but it's a tough conversation Jennifer Hillman is a professor of practice at the Georgetown Law Center also recently one of 7 judges on the applet body she explains what options are now available to the w.c. Members in settling disputes there's no question that right now as of today the appellate body is effectively dead and the question is what comes next I think it is too early to tell how dramatic an effect this is going to be my own sense is it's going to affect the debate here in 3 ways One is what our country's going to do now and the question is are they going to choose various other work around mechanisms like using arbitration instead of a formal appeal process or they could agree in packs that we just won't appeal any decisions will simply live with whatever the panel has come out with if countries go down that road that are less desirable but nonetheless work arounds then I don't think there will be as dramatic an effect but countries may choose instead to go. Hadn't file a notice of appeal which will have the effect of blocking the adoption of Aperol port and blocking the outcome of a given dispute and if that happens countries made it very well then take matters into their own hands and start retaliating and then the other side retaliate against the retaliation and you start into a little mini tit for tat trade war over every single dispute it's not clear yet which of those road countries are going to choose to go down Professor Jennifer Hellman officials in New Zealand say volcanic tremors have increased on the whites island and there's a 40 to 60 percent chance of further eruptions in the next 24 hours it means further delays to the recovery of the victims of Monday's fatal eruption the director of civil defense and emergency management Sarah Stuart Black said while this was a priority it would be easy we all agree that retrieving bodies of the deceased from the island is an excellent Pyrrhus have. Every day that passes with those bodies are recovered is a day of anguish for the loved ones who have been ethic that we recognize this and we are doing everything we can how we are. The preservation of human life and the prevention of human home must be taken into account 6 people are confirmed dead 8 others are missing presumed tears and their families a said to be desperate to get them back but the deputy police commissioner John terms said the recovery efforts had to be balanced with the ongoing risk place or perhaps it will be committed to removing the bodies from the oil and the family and friends we have sort of voice on the current environment requirements of those going to the oil and the Kiran transport patient of bodies from when they are recovered. The involvement on the on his changed increased activity since early this morning 25 of these. Injured people meanwhile are in a critical condition the prime minister just into our Dan said the focus was ensuring they got the optimum treatment at the burns units to which they've been admitted they actually made the moment is ensuring that we have a very. Ancient. Result of the eruption so our. Individual. Plans to Cross Hospital in New Zealand to ensure that we're making the use of the expertise. And he said I have said Prince units around the seal and New Zealand's prime minister had just and Neil has some other stories from the news desk officials in Jersey City across the river from New York City 6 people have been killed and 3 wounded in a shoot out that moved from Assam a true to a kosher grocery store and last several hours the dead include a police detective and 2 suspected gunmen along with 3 customers up the shop just the city's police chief Michael Kelly said he didn't think there was a terrorist motive that's part of the investigation I can tell you we have no evidence that pointing in that direction at this time but that's certainly on the table Somali police say they have ended an Islamist attack on a hotel in the capital Mogadishu killing only in far you've got men 2 members of the security forces and 3 civilians were also killed during the fighting at this Somali youth league coach Carol. One town says that President Trump has warned Moscow not to interfere remarks the year's presidential election during a meeting behind closed doors with the Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov is to Trump tweeted that election meddling featured on the agenda of was he called a very good meeting but at a news conference Mr Lavrov did noid that elections had been discussed at all so this next I said we've come to one of the most famous restaurants in London if not the world is the baby sea canteen in this nuclear bunker like room with shelves laden down with delicious temptations this is the setup for the next story because the Royal Society for public health is now calling for exercise information Turkey place the calories the nutritional content on food and drink packaging and other was the food that we see here should tell us how much exercise you need to do to turn it off with me is our reporter Ed who is in Ed let me pick something at random a Mosbacher how much exercise would I need to do to burn that off without Miles contains about $229.00 calories that would take you 42 minutes to burn off fuel if you're running at 6 miles an hour that's about Nonono off kilometers an hour would take you 22 minutes to run it off that's about 3 and a half kilometers is Ok let's throw here pasta cakes on the flapjacks to the cans of soft drink has a famous want to read can you know what it is how much running would I need to do to burn off a can of Coke more on account of the Early on a regular can of sweet fizzy drink and things about $250.00 calories that's 50 minutes running or about 7 Hoffa kilometers or so on and off so one of the research is serving a purpose well Amanda day is a professor of behavioral medicine at last for university and she did the research what we want to try and do is kind of a let the public to the end if you. Lack a. No I really wanted you out. If the topic really was that when you given that information and that why then 200000 that may be good from Canal. So that's the research I'm on the daily Ed come with me down to the hot food air I've seen you here before how about a hamburger and chips Well of course this program at 2 30 in the morning I'll probably get one and I have no regular size cheeseburger with chips comes in about $695.00 calories I'm I want some ketchup I'm not in a regular sashay is about 10 calories so you're talking about almost $700.00 calories and that would take me an ounce 40 minutes cycling to burn it off if I was running the 66 minutes and if I was cleaning my house would take me over 4 hours since this information isn't there at the moment getting people named this will these people in Manchester seem to think is a good idea to tell it to the house but I want to get rid of it now they said to me I had a little girl about 9 months ago she is now i'm trial is why is it be nice to know like what he calls up to and I've known you for a long time so I feel I can ask you this let's imagine it's well after the program how about a wind down glass of wine my legs I think your 250 mil gonna go right on the last loss of wine not contains $214.00 calories which would take you about 35 minutes to walk it off and once again about 20 minutes to run itself and you are the keep of the devil's lot I With that we will walk back towards studio one it's about $200.00 metres which by my calculation is about 2 peanuts with something about it holes in with the facts and figures and he will be pleased to hear I will be cycling to get my glass of wine after the program is coming up to $520.00 g.m.t. . Ever since he took office in 2017 Donald Trump has been embroiled in endless acrimony. Nears Rouse with the Democrats who are now a step closer to making him only the 3rd u.s. President to face a trial in the Senate his rivals in the House of Representatives have unveiled 2 articles of impeachment or charges which accuse him of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress the White House said the charges were false and the president expected to be fully exonerated John say pull our North America editor sent this report from Washington. To sound day and I recall that the 1st order of business for members of Congress is the solemn asked to take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and with those words the speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi set the stage for a dramatic announcement articles of impeachment had been through an op against the 45th president of the United States the language seemed to belong to a bygone era of constitutional I's were dotted and t's crossed the charge sheet was read out by the Democratic chairman of the Judiciary Committee Jerry not law today in service to our duty to the Constitution and to our country the House Committee on the judiciary is introducing 2 articles of impeachment charging the president of the United States j. Trump with committing high crimes and misdemeanors the charge is that the president abused his office for personal political gain a number of senior officials the late in the course of the impeachment hearings that Donald Trump withheld vital military aid to Ukraine until Kiev launched a corruption investigation into the president's potential 2020 rival Joe Biden and the Ukrainian energy company that the former vice president's son had been a director of the 2nd is that the White House obstructed Congress by doing everything to thwart him blocked the impeachment investigation President Trump has reacted with fury and denied. The wrongdoing if the House of Representatives votes to impeach Donald j. Trump he'll become only the 3rd u.s. President to be sanctioned in this way but there's very little chance that in the next stage the Senate will vote to remove him from office where such a move would require a 2 thirds majority that is for the history books it's what happens next that matters a grievous blow to Donald Trump winning a 2nd term or will the American people see this as a political hit job against their president the language is of upholding the Constitution but don't be gulled there is rule political calculation to. Jon Sopel a 6 week general election campaign comes to an end today in the u.k. With just over 24 hours to go before the polls open party leaders will try to sell their key messages for an election which has been described as the most important for a generation the opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn will say Labor offers a vote for hope while the prime minister Boris Johnson will say the conservatives are the only party which can get bricks it done opinion polls suggest the conservatives retain a solid lead over Labor is a political correspondent been right behind the competing slogans speeches and last minute rallies lies one common truth tomorrow's election presents voters with that Stark is choice for many years both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbin a promising to radically change the way the country is run for the Tories That means ensuring Britain leave the e.u. At the end of January hungry for a Commons majority that would enable his brakes a deal to pass Boris Johnson said another hung parliament would mean more division delay and deadlock Jeremy Corbyn will tell a rally later that the richest and big business would pay for many of his party's spending promises and the Labor leader will keep the n.h.s. At the center of his pitch he will also say Labor would get breaks it sorted by renegotiating a deal and holding another referendum in her final speech of the election the Liberal Democrat leader Joseph Winston will say that to stop breaks it voters must stop Boris Johnson getting a majority Meanwhile in an open letter to Scottish voters Nicolas Sturgeon said the s.n.p. With the only party in Scotland able to lock Boris Johnson out of Downing Street then write Myanmar's they fact leader Aung Sang Suu Che will appear at the International Court of Justice this morning to deny that her country has carried out genocide against 3 hinge of Muslims around 3 quarters of a 1000000 of them fled to Bangladesh to. Years ago after a violent crackdown by me on Mars military correspondent Nick Baek reports from The Hague the Dutch city where the court is based on this day 28 years ago Aung San Suu Kyi accepted the Nobel Peace Prize while under house arrest as a political prisoner today at the International Court of Justice she would listen to allegations that on her watch me and Markham it in the grave east of international crimes genocide if a fall from grace has been hard to take in so too is her choice to defend in person an army she doesn't control and one that kept her captive for nearly 2 decades but traveling to the Hague to stand up for the country has been a popular move domestically in a predominantly British country where a hinge of Muslims a widely despised and emergency ruling from the UN's top court against Myanmar could not be enforced and would not lead to individual arrests but it would add momentum to the growing international legal effort to seek justice for the Ranger Nick Baek tens of thousands of Czechs have turned out in the capital Prague calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister Andrei baptise the protest was organized by a student group which accuses him of corruption Terry Egan reports. 1000 winces list square in Prague as up to $60000.00 protesters came out onto the streets although the police put that figure lower the protest was called after prosecutors last week reopened a case of alleged fraud against the prime minister and a bad bitch he suspected of hiding the ownership of one of his firms a decade ago so that it would qualify for a $2000000.00 euros subsidy as well as being prime minister Mr Babbage is also a billionaire but a leaked by the European Commission has highlighted a conflict of interest between his business empire and his. Political responsibilities Tuesday's protest was all by a student group called the 1000000 moments for democracy Association some of the banners that it's really mocked Babbage by saying everyone else steals except me I receive subsidies and some of the protesters were chanting We don't want a thief the group meanwhile has mobilized demonstrations on 2 previous occasions at a quarter of a 1000000 people each the biggest since the end of communist rule 30 years ago it's accuse the Regional Development Ministry of covering up for Mr Babbage and is demanding that it is Congo out of $100.00 firms loses its funding Terry Egan Greenland is losing ice 7 times faster than it was in the 19th ninety's that's the assessment from an international team of polar scientists who reviewed all the satellite observations over a 26 year period they say at the current rate by the end of the century Greenland's melting ice could increase sea levels by 7 centimeters Professor Andrew Sheppard from the University of Leeds in northern England lead the assessment it's quite depressing really. The ice sheets have been heated by in Greenland case by the oceans sphere for several decades and it's got to the state that we're in today it's going to get worse not better and it's going to continue for decades research was released at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco from where our science correspondent Jonathan a most reports we've been looking at this for a little while now what's interesting about this report is it's really with the polar experts all of the experts on Greenland who study that place with with satellites coming together reconciling with the data sets that they've compiled up through the years you know over 25 years and saying this really is what is happening and as you say the melting now is following the upper pretty. Actions which means that you know come the end of the century they'll be an additional 7 centimeters from Greenland every sense of meta every single centimeter you lied to global sea levels you bring $6000000.00 people additionally into risk of and you'll flooding gives you a sense of what we're talking about here if you take Antarctica in as well because this group has done exactly the same thing in Antarctica they say from top to get this going to be an additional 10 centimeters. Correspondent Jonathan a moss in California plenty more as always in the global news podcast For now though thanks for listening to the newsroom distribution of the b.b.c. World Service in the u.s. Is made possible by American Public Media producer and distributor of award winning public radio content a.p.m. American Public Media with support from Progressive Insurance offering a way to buy a home insurance with her home quote Explorer tool custom quotes and rates are available online learn more at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive No that sparked arrests. When 2 people get married probably the most important thing is that they understand each other but then one of them me is Iranian and the other my dry South Korean There are national histories that can be as important as personal ones our countries have slumped fates and this has hugely affected the psychology of our peoples join me Hussein sherry for my big Korean Iranian wedding after the news. B.b.c. News with Neil Nunez the director general of the World Trade Organization Roberto Acevedo said the call Absolutely its appeal system is a big blow for w t O's highest court can no longer function because the u.s. Has blocked the appointment of new judges the terms of 2 of the 3 remaining judges ended at midnight on Tuesday a panel of foreign experts is stepping down from its advisory role in investigating the police in Hong Kong the international panel had been appointed to ensure the police once dog conducted an objective investigation into allegations of excessive force by police during the recent pro-democracy protests increased volcanic activity on Wiley's island off new northern New Zealand has prevented the recovery of those killed in Monday's eruption 2 of the 6 confirmed victims have been identified as a mother and a daughter from Queensland Australia the islands of Bougainville in the South Pacific have voted overwhelmingly in favor of independence from Papa New Guinea the referendum Commission said almost 98 percent of the votes cast back to independence in the non-binding vote Somali police say they have ended Islam is the attack on a hotel in the capital Mogadishu killing old 5 gunmen 2 members of the security forces and 3 civilians were killed during the fighting at the Somali youth league Hotel which is used by officials and business people a suicide bomber in Afghanistan has detonated explosives outside the us by Graham airbase north of the capital Kabul 5 Afghans were injured in the attack which was repelled after a 30 minute clash the u.s. Has restricted the training of Saudi military aviation students at 3 military bases The move comes after the defense secretary over to the review following Friday's fatal shooting of 3 sailors by a Saudi air force left hand and b.b.c. News. Feelings at the wedding ceremony for the same enemies circle immaturely father may say to make yourselves help. People who were both Korean people don't know much about Muslims but Muslim is negative. Which itself in my shoes I just find out my daughter is going to marry some rock. To virtually all be very appreciative of the so far in some far life. But in a minute it wouldn't matter if I don't know what's going to happen is that I searched the internet about Iraq that's my Korean mother in law it's all about nuclear bombs in the times I'm not so much why do I pick up the phone and call the main and the thing so. She said I'm already sick she says that I'm only a loser Ok so. To speak is news discreetly digging up the phone to tell me I ask is it true men have more than one wife in the us this is a dangerous country she calms me down she says it's not like what you think she says I know you are right and I know Iran has fallen on difficult times now but it once was a great country don't worry about the new kapan trust and a choice. Please welcome the bride and here she comes the love of my life she said. I'm going to marry in 30 minutes talk almost sane Shareef and this is my big Korean Iranian vetting on the b.b.c. World Service. Everything looks perfect from the outside that is but in. Side Well if you grew up in the Middle East like I did there is really no such thing as a truly private moments there are thoughts fears things gnawing at the back of your mind which always follow you around even in your most intimate moments we don't talk about those though at least not in front of white people but if you want to know what's wrong come back meet me now to the beginning. I knew to say was interference so I asked one of my friends you know to give me some names of some high priority films to impress him told him I loved him down with his coffee and cigarette although I had been the what's that have you know what's there to this day. For example ask other people with you. But why did no one from the other or I was already in love him. As this one I somehow made it from that 1st Rocky meat scene to our reading in South Korea through 5 years of conversations and as we all are started sharing our stories I couldn't help but notice the crisscrossing histories of our home countries. Take the 1950 s. For example in the cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo they were hitting the road with cannons and bombs as my mother says grandmother was running away from North Korea she didn't even pick much of her stuff before fleeing her village because she thought she's going to go back Little did she know her village will become North Korea and she will begin a life in South Korea so that's how she came down to the south. As he sues grandmother was running away viewed her life on her back my Uranian grandfather was walking around in swinging London buddy buddy in the 1st thing that caught my eyes was the meaning. Of that it was my 1st trip across Europe great fun I'd heard that started the miniskirt I mean from London I went all over Europe England Germany Switzerland it's really it was great my grandparents were the lucky ones by no means rich but part of the burgeoning middle class in Iran enjoying the fruits of a currency propped up by oil money 4000 miles away he's whose father had a different take on life no I didn't have a hamburger until my 1st year in university I remember in school I would have to go collect bottles and bottle caps and plastic rubbish and whatnot I think it was like 100 bottle caps to get some free Rahman So that's what I did. When I was in uniform Nike shoes were very popular but me and most of my friends we didn't have money and we couldn't buy them my sister who was finally earning some money got me the shoes I was so happy I still remember the color the shoes color was white and the Nike logo was. Red color. But as Iran stalled South Korea big. Again to catch up the beginning of what is known in Korea as the miracle on the hand. You are really in a country that I was an old she and my wife Susan mother was in Samsung when I was in university Japan was towering over my life I remember there was this Japanese but can a pencil and whenever I was going on a work trip to Japan I would buy and bring a few back and there was this rice cooker from Japan people would bring it from Japan whenever they could I remember the 88 Seoul lympics and how it felt like a turning point we didn't have to buy these pencils and rice cooker from Japan anymore or skyline or course our homes our life had all changed we had done it I felt proud. Before that line never travelling people would always ask me if I'm Chinese or Japanese It's as if they hadn't even heard of Korea but not that they now know us we don't have too much gold oil. Fighting we've had a lot of that the only thing we have is us so we have to work hard and fast. Capital. It's one my grandparents still fondly remembered the democratically elected prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh who took Britain to the international courts and reclaimed Iran's oil industry you know. This is me Baby baby come and see yeah that is my hat and this is me I just joined the police academy I was just passing by in front of the parliament and I suddenly. Someone said this is on the hands of people right in front of the parliament I can still hear him he stood up and shouted wherever. You go this is me Baby baby come and see yeah that is my had and this is me I just joined the police academy I was just passing by in front of the parliament and I suddenly saw Mossad this is on the hands of people right in front of the parliament I can still hear him he stood up and shouted wherever people are that's where the real parliament is I was a kid but I still like the only prime minister who had the guts to stand up to show . Them what is he he was honest he was a fighter a hack he said what was right and he won Ted what was his people's right that's my grandmother after he nationalized our oil we thought if we can keep on a course like this we can rise and become a nation in the world it was as if there was something on the horizon something to look for for in the future we thought we finally had that the story of death like all of the reformers in Iran did not end well and I feel the urge to look away when I see my grandparents talk about him I have never known if they long for the man or the dreams that they're buried to get him. Back to them every day and I was a kid I was at home I certainly heard machine gun they were shooting at my side that's supporters. And I remember later when this happened I was in a show about the street the thugs with their famous leader Shaab on the brainless were advancing and supporting this show. He tried to run away from one house to another but they got him at the end he was arrested and it was all over. We wanted to write but we fell behind every day no matter how hard we tried we gave everything and we lost our way. It is true that the Korean miracle coincided beginners' of peace protected by American guns and the cash injections from the u.s. And Japan and it is true that Iran's relationship with foreign powers hasn't been as an acquittal and so when it comes to finding the culprits for our democracy many Iranians vacillates between greedy superpowers and incompetence leaders however and this is the bit me don't usually share with white people there exists a 3rd suspect in this mystery drama in. Japan and Korea they use their brains we didn't. We won't change until our culture changes our people should change because you look and see the merchant is stealing the salary man is stealing the boss is stealing the lawyer is stealing what do you think will happen if the 8th a disaster. You want me to be painfully honest with you we are not good people whatever has happened it's because of us it's us. It's us that needs to be fixed. We get. We this. Oh you. Long. I just keep pushing it keep pushing it to my grandfather be plenty of blame he's like them. That is us is there something wrong with us you know sometimes I feel like I don't know you might have something similar or you might have it but you might not notice it you know something that was in use by you look at me and you see that in me yeah. It's interesting. But then I feel that you know like you talk about this a lot is you think about this a lot and you know you can see the frustration from your parents that means there is mirroring from yourself that yes you might have it is one of the rare things from you that you don't really touch it. Or you don't want to touch it. But you know I think it got to the point that. In on the need to figure out what it is. You're basically telling me that you feel that this frustration is much closer to me than actually actually use you recognize it. In my need to. You probably need to go find out where Dischord from or how exactly they feel about. New. Things is wrong with. These laws and wrong. But there. I gotta make it prove. Any of. Its costs that needs to be fix the walking through the floor marked and I can escape his words out of my head. All of us stuck in a never ending cycle of revolution and reform only to see others pass us by you can never ditch these lost souls following us around the ghosts of glorious past who constantly whisper in my ears is there something wrong with us this. There's something wrong because I can't sit this one out and pretend it is not always at the back of my head I need to sort this out before already I'm going to seek answers in Japan not just because it is on my way to the voting ceremony in Seoul and not only because Japan was the 1st Asian country who made it but because Iran and Japan are roughly began to modernize around the same time as a matter of fact Iranian obsession with Japan has a long history let's go back a 115 years to downtown Seron at a street corner the wards of the historian Mohamed. Whenever a newspaper comes out with news of Japan's war with Russia more than 30 people gather around one copy on the streets in the alleys through the bazaar one reads out loud the news of Japan standing up to Russia and everyone listens once I saw an old man crying while hearing the news people of Iran are over the moon Japan had now found its way into the Persian language as noted by historian. The story of the Russo-Japanese war was told in the newspapers and people would read it and find happiness in it this is story has shaken the rain Ians to their core you can hear names like Port Arthur and Marshall Yama under streets of Tehran from the communists if someone seems to be too proud of their actually meant Nowadays one tells them what you think you have conquered Port Arthur. To. To. Of got Triggs until the reading in front of me a stands the world's oldest department store it's a question in the saying 364 years that Dimitri family has been selling kimonos here 6 dynasties in regimes have risen and fallen in Iran the rain Ians haven't lucky when it comes to foreign invasions but I refuse to believe that is the only explanation for Arctic line there must be other reasons and to discuss one of those reasons I'm on my way to meet you recall you could be arm processor of Japanese urban history. Class your. Last June. Son can call time is a system that was introduced in the early 17th century so each warlord time you would have to come and live in the capital and do every other year in reality it was to centralize power and to prevent revolt the sad fact sank in Costa however was to marginalize all corners of Japan tyrant clan what's researcher in Japan's National Institutes of Informatics when they come to $80.00 they will bring something from their home town and then Bendel if they ever try to bring something back to their hometown and that's how everything spread in the country the central government in Japan loved keeping tabs on the local warlords and thanking Qatar wasn't the only means to such an end Masaki. Professor of Economics at Tokyo University every scene where they documented everyone and specified every single farm who was the farmer what they were cultivating even the quality of the soil. For each inspection official summer I was sends another source of information that is very interesting is the temple registers how did began the practice of forcing people to register at the temples they were originally introduced to Oman it's a Christianity but they became the tool of the show for gathering information on every single citizen each village had a registration book and then dates all households were recorded essentially the same as the modern national survey Meanwhile back in Iran the central government didn't even know how much tax it was collecting overall. Historian of modern Iran mortgaged. His finances the Iranian government high the American Morgan Sure but he didn't even last a year Russia threatened to invade Iran if just the wasn't removed interest desire as their Iran was not officially a colony of Russia or Britain in reality she suffered all the injuries of being a colony without receiving any of it said Minister to benefits. It is a scorching hot almost unbearable and I can't believe how many tourists are here in one of the last remaining post towns in Japan this town is a remnant of sank in Cotati 248 rest stops just like this spread across all of Japan at one of their war lords and summarize we spend the night on their way to the capital and ancient wants her mil is a still a spinning and across the street a lady is tending to the fire burning in the middle of the Creech the old hotel there summarize used to sleep are travelling summarize wouldn't have known war as years of peace had made them accustomed to city life under shoguns rule organization rate had quadrupled and the capital was home to half a 1000000 samurais and he told the war insights these soldiers had no choice but to turn to books paintings and poetry. And thus came the dawn of kin Roku culture soy sauce or you know so I saw sort Japanese sarky you cue a paintings that the famous great wave painting by how Kasai most of these things that today we know is quintessentially Japanese actually appeared in their current form in the 17th or 18th century this was the again Roku culture the very 1st imagining of modern Japanese culture out there that can route to culture for the very 1st time was about normal people art was made to them and then was sold to them thanks to high literacy rates and the advent of printing which made books and drawings cheaper cycle the circulation of books created an integrated cultural identity in the Japanese people were already in the same things this prepared Japan for early modernization. This is this book was written by focus our who was crucial in Japan's modernization his influential book an introduction to Western studies came out in 870 warm the 1st edition sold 220000 copies to a population of 35000000. That is one copy per $160.00 Japanese people and that's only the 1st edition Yeah yeah Wow And that's that's really interesting so when focus Rhodes That's book there was already a network of publishers and booksellers and people who would rent books rentals books you could go and borrow books basically there was a network that would enable everybody across Japan and most people across Japan to have access to his backside to ideas could travel in very fast because at the time you had similar intellectuals back in the Middle East back in Iran but the books David writes wouldn't travel as far because the infrastructure to Rense the books to sell the books was not there was. An Iranian villager in 1900 would be born and die in the same place and would eat what they sold his Japanese counterparts would most certainly have travelled eaten and consumed things produced far away. As far corners of Japan became ever closer in Iran after the 70 collapse of weakened central government had left people to their own devices as Japan through an organic network of Rose an ever tightening social bonds morphed into a new whole mean Iran Bicheno markets oscillated islands drifting farther every passing day. The famed British diplomats or Percy Sykes had noted that after a road is built in Iran villagers would up and leave to move away from it so as not to be visited by government officers many deaths why they began doubting ourselves because we got so distrustful of one another. Thank you to a really nice figure I pray I don't so we're over here. 3 What was your name it's about it Ok so I'm going to tell you what I'm actually going to get married in Korea reread this in a few days Order know the next song that you want to play I'm going to go I'm played in the Benny Ok so through Sunday Good morning we're going to come for your favorite so far and I mean. You. Know that I'm nearing the end of my story we told the puzzle pieces fitting together I feel somewhat at ease it's still a sad story don't get me wrong my home country is still not there yet and political turmoil means I can't even go back and have to watch everything from a far but I'm calmer now maybe because it's much easier to be angry at historical accidents than people and perhaps because it's easier to salvage a lost cause than to redeem a lost soul. Lost because we were not ready and that you can always change. You or your children.

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