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And they were in helmets, in long guns and rifles. It is like whats going on here . Reporter the suspect jumped the fence into this Mobile Home Park where officers arrested him. Police also located his handgun they say had been reported stolen in a burglary in 2013. The actions of this suspect, they were appalling. And the continued violence towards Law Enforcement officers is also equally appalling. Reporter this comes three days after police shot and kill add double homicide suspect in willow glen. They say he pointed a handgun at officers. A day before an officer shot a 28yearold who police say charged at them with knives following a family fight at a home in East San Jose foothills. It seems to be more and more lately every time you turn around something is happening. I noticed all the traffic. Im like what the heck is going on . I mean its not even surprising anymore. Thats whats sad. Reporter the suspect in todays incident is believe today be homeless with prior charges of assault and robbery and also believe today be mentally ill. Its crazy. Police need to bring things down. And they need to talk to people like theyre human beings, especially if youre mentally ill. Reporter Debbie Walker lives at the Mobile Home Park and believes the Police Officers were overly aggressive. The chief says they are required to have mandatory of 40 hours of crisis intervention training. There is no amount of cit training thats going to really truly assist in these types of situations where these individuals have immediately taken the fight to the officers. Reporter and we have learned the officer who fired his weapon is a 16year veteran of the force on paid administrative leave. Now that makes three officers who are on paid administrative leave given the three officer involved shootings that have happened in just one week. Ken and heather . Azenith smith live in san jose, thank you. Well jurors in the sierra lamar murder case. They plan to resume their deliberations tomorrow. Antolin Garcia Torres could face the Death Penalty if convicted. He has plead not guilty to the 2012 murder of sierra lamar and three other counts of attempted carjacking and kidnapping involving three other women in 2009. Jurors only worked half a day on friday before going home over the weekend. The trial has lasted for 14 weeks. The Court Administration says they will tweet when the jury has returned a verdict about an hour before it will be announced in court. Of course we will pass that along on our twitter accounts. The head of the marin county Coroners Office has been arrested. According to the marin independent journal, chief deputy coroner Darryl Harris was arrested on thursday in eureka. The newspaper reports the alleged crimes happened in marin county between may of 2008 and march of 2017 with girls between the ages of 14 and 17. The cases are being investigated by the Santa Rosa Police department because of his professional ties in marin. Harris is scheduled to appear in Court Tomorrow. And a hefty donation by a San Francisco nonprofit aimed to reduce homelessness in the city. The Tipping Point has pledged 100 million to cut chronic homelessness by 50 in five years. The donations are the largest amount of money ever raised to reduce homelessness in the city. Officials have received. The money will be used to create new housing as well as improve the mental health, criminal justice, and Child Welfare systems. Fire damages a home in berkeley and reportedly leads to the loss of the prize win collection. The house on Martin Luther king way near cedar way. No one was hurt. The cause of the fire remains under investigation. The issue of fire inspections have been front and center in oakland following the deadly ghostship fire in oakland last year. Well today oakland mayor libby schaaf joined us in the studios on mornings on 2. We asked her about reports several city fire inspectors do not have the appropriate certification. This is something that does not worry me because we will absolutely have it corrected. I am thinking more wholistically though about all of our fire services. Since that ghostship fire back in december, we have been working diligently to really ensure we provide the best fire service of any city in this country. Now those inspectors reportedly have until friday to submit their valid certificate or face termination. 36 people died in the ghostship fire following the tragically mayor libby schaaf says they plan to increase the number of fire inspectors from 6 to 20 in the next two years. San rafael police have arrested a man posing as a landlord and demanding money and sex for nonexistent rentals. He went by the name of Roberto Mendez and would post ads in the canal neighborhood. They caught up with him during a sting operation and told an undercover officer he wanted 2,000 a month and sex to rent an apartment. Police identified him as 38 yearold defano rudanaldo. He faces fraud and prostitution. Were learning more about secret slush fund kept by the office of the president. Last week they revealed 175 million in secret funds connected to president janet napalitanos office. They are upset to learn the money from that fund has been used to pay uc employees salaries. The San Francisco chronicle did an analysis finding more than 9,000 employees were paid more than the 173,000 the governor was paid in the last fiscal year. Well new figures show two different trends when it comes to robberies from the bay area transit. Bart has been struggling with recent highprofile robberies. The agency said there has been a spike in the theft of iphones and the ipads. Overall they said crime though has been trending down for two years. In the meantime crime is also trending down on muni. Crime is at a fouryear low. The passengers are still giving the agency a b minus when it comes to safety. As the fate of the American Health care act hangs in the balance, republicans are weighing in on how they will affect the health care system. Under this bill no matter what you cannot be denied coverage if you have a pre existing condition. House Speaker Paul Ryan said, obamacare is collapsing and republicans are trying to make sure they create a system of choice, competition, and affordable premiums that will work for everyone. The president S Health Care bill has moved onto the senate. Today a number of senators made it clear regardless of what the house passed they plan to start from scratch. The topic is all the talk this morning on sunday morning news shows. Californias senator defended obamacare one of those today saying only minor changes are needed to fix the health care system. Well in San Francisco, Emmanuel Macron defeated far right candidate Marine Le Pen in the president ial election. 39yearold macron won with about 64 of the vote. The former president of france francois said the large margin of victory confirm asthma jr. Ty of citizens had rallied around the around the values of the pacific. Hundreds of french nationals in the bay area spent a restless night looking forward to the results of the election. Some backing the man who never had public office. But as ktvu rob malcolm tells us, macron defeated the odds and made the possible possible. Hundreds of french nationals in the bay area spent a sleepless night waiting for the french elections. Some are backing a man who never Held Public Office and also a lack of support from an accomplished party. In the end though he defied the odds, making the impossible possible. With a stunning 66 of the vote, france elected Emmanuel Macron. And while the country celebrates, elation was felt here in San Francisco at the restaurant. The french people who live here in america and they have done a lot for macron and i think it will be a good way in the future for me. Reporter joining the large number of french nationalists who called San Francisco home. Voting saturday in the National Election and woke up to sundays results. Its a big relief for the country because everybody was extremely scare you would end up with the next one in power. Reporter that extremist is Marine Le Pen leader of the french nags n. The party dreamed of pulling france out of the eu, returning the currency to the french frank, cut canning immigration to 10,000 en and cutting the immigration to 10,000 a year. Some those were invited here this afternoon, also reminded how close this election came to changing the picture of their country. It showed no, it is not the end. Reporter le pen believed her brand of politics would protect the country and some werent buying the Election Results demonstrated the far right. Millions of people still roted for her. So they havent rejected it. Reporter San Francisco now has a centurist in macron. While he is differ from trump, she finds similarities. Trump and macron have something in common. They are not politicians and they both won. Two years ago we didnt know they were a candidate and they both won. Reporter neither had ever before Held Public Office and both won and both are also ushering in a new era for their countries. Many believe they avoided the worst. Macron now heads to the palace without a parliamentary and also without a single voice to his name. Rob malcolm ktvu fox 2 news. Well violent Anti Government protests are escalating in venezuela as that president s country clings to power. Thousands of women protested in major cities across the country yesterday demanding freedom from repression. The country is dealing with the deep recession, hyperinflation, and massive food shortages, creating a humanitarian crisis. Tension grew yesterday after the Supreme Court stripped power from the oppositionled National Assembly and essentially put the democratic election on hold. Reporter he wants to avoid what no politician could avoid a popular vote. The only thing we cannot avoid is the people to judge us from our votes to a popular vote. So they will continue until they understand they must listen. Reporter clashes between protesters and police have left three dozen people dead in a month of unrest. North korea has detained another american over unspecified hostile acts against the country. The american identified as kim hak song works for the Pyongyang University of science and technology. He was taken into custody yesterday. Last wednesday north korea announced the detention of an accounting instructor at the same school. That american was detained for allegedly, acts of hostility aimed at overthrowing the country. At least four americans are now being detained in north korea. President trumps travel ban issue is back in Court Tomorrow. The order that aims to keep people from half a dozen mostly muslim countries out of the United States and said to be reviewed by a federal court. Ellison barber has the preview. Reporter the judges in richmond, virginia are set to hear arguments on president trumps controversial immigration order that stopped travel from six predominantly muslim nation. The Fourth Circuit u. S. Court of appeals will decide if his travel ban violates the constitution specifically religion clauses of the First Amendment and due process clauses of the fifth. The administration argues it does not. They say the ban doesnt harm anyone because it only applies to foreign nationals. People outside the country without current visas. In a statement secretary of Homeland Security john kelly defend it had like this. Unregulated unfitted trials. Especially when National Security is at stake. Reporter opponents say it is nothing more than a targeted religion ban violating the First Amendment. All those arguments will play out in Court Tomorrow afternoon. When the president took office, he issued a travel ban almost immediately. But quickly as he signed the executive order protests came. From los angeles to chicago to new york. Then the courts got involved in the administration, which they issued a revised travel order. That second order is whats an issue now. The president historically has a lot of authority when it comes to immigration. A big reason for that is a law passed in 1952. The immigration and nationality act. Tomorrows hearing will test that power. The Fourth Circuit is not the only court looking at this. The ninth Circuit Court of appeals in california is looking at similar challenges. Their hearing is set to begin next week. They will come up with different rulings. Legal experts say it is likely this will head to the Supreme Court. In washington ellison barber fox news. A pretty nice sunday out there. Still mostly clear skies with a bit of a warming trend and a roller coaster of temperatures. In fact were talking about other cooling trends. Well update everything in five days in just a little bit. All right, now to the weekend box office. Guardians of the galaxy volume 2 brought in an estimated 145 million making it more successful than the original. The latest fast and furious film in theater for a 4th weekend came in at number two with a much smaller haul at 8. 5 million. Rounding out the top five. We are bridging the gap between Law Enforcement and community with baseball. How a Little League game in arizona brought players and officers together when the games volunteer umpires were nowhere to be found. Well explain what happened next. It was amazing. It was awesome. Reporter a Fountain Hills Little League team is practicing today after almost not even being able to take the field at all last night. Yankees were set to take on the cubs, but they ran into a problem. We were waiting on a volunteer umpire. Unfortunately they never showed up. Something must have happened. Reporter and luckily two deputies happen to be at the park and the teams coach had an idea. They were standing there with their arms folded and jokingly i walked over to them and said officer, do you have body armor on . He said yes. I said good now you can be our umpire. Reporter turns out he happened to have played semi pro baseball once upon a time and after being briefed on a few rule differences, he agreed. And he had his gun and tasers and his pepper spray and he had everything on him. He still is squatting down like he had nothing on. He did a better job as a volunteer than some of the pro officials weve had come to this park. And i couldnt thank them enough. Reporter a second deputy also pitched in as an umpire in the field. Both not only working as umps, but giving the kids some pointers. An experience parents said will help the kids on many levels. They were all straight and looking and listening to them and they actually enjoyed it. They really liked it. Did you enjoy the umpires . Yeah. Reporter even the parents were on their best behavior. Not one parent gave any grief to the umpires last night. [ laughter ] not going to dispute one of those calls . Nope, absolutely not. [ laughter ] mostly clear skies across Northern California and the bay area right now. But yesterday at this time it was a different story in the sierra and even earlier this morning. They picked up some snowfall. They were under a Winter Weather advisory the scene at squaw earlier today with some fresh powder about seven inches of new snow. The miracle winter continues into may. Take a look at the temperatures back here. Back home we had 60s and 70s. Warmer compared to yes. Thatll be the trend as we head towards monday and tuesday. On the satellite theres a weather system to our south. The main reason we would have the showers in at least the snow in the sierra is because of that moisture wrapping around that area of low pressure not producing the snow in the sierra. Not much in the way of cloud covers here in the bay area. The showers have been at least diminishing in coverage down to our south and down towards san diego. Still a few scattered showers earlier this evening. Right now though, were in the clear here in the bay area with a lot of sunshine coming on board for your mondays forecast. As far as temperatures right now 50s and 60s. San jose right now 61. We have walnut creek at 61 as well. Santa rosa and novato both in the lower 50s. San francisco downtown checking in at 53 degrees. Here is our live camera looking out towards the estuary here with the bay bridge downtown San Francisco out here in the distance. So a bit of some haze out there and maybe a patch or two of fog developing neither the coastline. Right around the bay tomorrow morning, most areas are starting out for tomorrow morning in the 40s to the lower 50s and that will be the plan in San Francisco. 7 00 a. M. Fair skies, 52 degrees. Our sky cast is still showing you mostly sunny skies by lunchtime. 65 and then flirting with the 70degree mark by about 2 00 tomorrow afternoon. The area of low pressure down to the south. They have the most interesting weather all weekend long with the showers and the thunderstorms. Thatll scoot out to the east and as it does this area of High Pressure will warm us up for monday and tuesday and tuesday will be the warmest day of the week. Then later in the week we will be tracking this guy in a sharp drop off in temperatures. So a cooling trend will begin on wednesday. More clouds on thursday. And that will bring in a more significant dropoff in temperatures on thursday and into friday with mainly some 60s out there. Here is the forecast model tomorrow. Showing you the clear skies for your monday afternoon. Same deal into tuesday and then on wednesday you see the approach of that frontal system with a few sprinkles approaching. But for us probably just partly cloudy skies. Definitely youll feel that cooingoff beginning on wednesday. Temperatures for tomorrow though, we will be headed up the other direction. 60s, 70s, warmest locations in the upper 80s out towards santa rosa and antioch and brentwood. Half moon bay 56. San mateo will check in at 73 degrees. Here is a look ahead at your fiveday forecast. Warmest day of the week. Thatll be on tuesday and then look at that what happens here on thursday and friday and just some 60s out there with partly cloudy skies. More clouds on day seven into sunday. May, its not unheard of to have showers activities. Some of the models are hinting at the long range and maybe not this week, but next week we could be talking about shower chances here. And so yeah. After this winter im not surprised anymore. Its funny because i have been looking at footage the past few months. Looking back at the first rain, october 2. Heather read a story, maybe a few showers in the north bay and that, we had no idea that event would be the beginning of just a big winter for us. Thats early. Yeah. And then it has not gone up. Still going. Thank you, mark. Sports wrap coming up. Heres jason and scott with a preview. We will talk about what the warriors general manager had to say about steve kerrs procedure on a spinal fluid leak. Giants outscore 3d 15 this weekend in cincinnati. Well try to explain whats going on coming up at 11 30. Coming up next though a special honor for a teenager. The risk he took to save a driver who crashed into the Sacramento River. New at 11 00, this man saved this womans life after a car crash. That teen was recently honored for his actions. Reporter talion rooney had to get down the road. Headed for a halloween celebration. Hi plans at night to go hang out. Reporter the 16yearolds plans quickly changed when something in the Sacramento River caught his attention. I noticed a car in the water. Reporter a closer look and what callahan saw was even more startling. There was a lady in the car. Reporter the High School Junior said theres no time to waste and he ran down to the water to help. Her car sank. I got her arm and pulled her out of the car. Reporter fully clothed. Hes only 15 to 20 feet out there getting the woman out there safely. Slamming her back with her head above. And she was pretty unresponsive. Reporter the chp said the womans car traveled off the road for an unknown time. She was treated at the hospital, okay now. But if it wasnt for callahan, the chp says the woman would have died. The teen was honored friday with the award for an act of terrorism. I feel good. I did the right thing and i helped someone who has a lot more life to live. Reporter the womans family thanked callahan with dinner and a 500 check, but he just did what he had to do. It was just another day and i was in jeans and a button up. Impressive. Yes. The sacramento area hair stylist pitched in to help a little girl with stage iv cancer. They donated their time for a cutathon in roseville, raising money for 3yearold frannie militano. She was diagnosed with stage iv cancer. Doctors were trying all new kinds of treatment. Part of the money raised today will go to the cancer research. The rest will help pay for her extensive medical bills. Her grandparents say despite this difficult fight for her health she remains feisty as you saw in the picture. Very sweet and full of life and we wish her all the best. And it is nice to see a Community Come together especially for a family struggling. Thatll do it for us tonight. Thanks for joining us. Stick around, mornings on 2 coming up next. And sports wrap. Their coach keeps failing. Even the doctors are incredibly sure every time. Why a collision course with the cavs appears imminent. A nightmare weekend for the giants. How the teams strength has become their glaring weekend. The as on the other hand are dreaming of walkoffs. We are walking off from the second day in a row. How the tide is turning in oakland. The daily grind. Finally it will pay off. How a former fans favorite turned back the clock. Some say it will be for the birds, but we say it is for the kids. Sports wrap now. Fox 2 nissan sports wrap will start now. And away we go. Welcome to sports wrap

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