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today the community is rallying for a transgender leader. amber lee is live where the woman says the two people attacked her. >> reporter: she asked us to conceal her identity and to call her mia. it was 10:00 on a busy friday night. mia told us she was walking by when she was verbally harassed by two men. then one grabbed her smart phone. >> daryl: did they attack from the front or from the back. >> they were like right here. >> next to you? >> yeah. >> i saw the moment she was getting punched in the face very violently. >> reporter: he says she heard one of the men comment on mia's sexual organization skw-z oh i hate men dressed up as a woman or something like that. he said something to that effect. >> reporter: mia was taken to the hospital. police credit witnesses for following the two suspects and helps officers. >> through the course of the investigation the police department confirmed with the police department. >> reporter: mia says she doesn't want anyone to feel story for her but rather that people treat transgenders with respect. >> i'm from a small town and i came to san francisco hoping that there would be more safety than i found. >> reporter: tonight ella is making signs for a rally scheduled for tomorrow night at 6:00 in response to what happened to mia. become here live, these surveillance cameras captured the attack. they said it's evidence so they are not releasing it. the two suspects are now in jail. the state senate passed a bill to add gays, lesbian, and transgender people to the group of history. the law allows the school what to include and at what grade levels. the utility tells kt srurbgs has expected to raise $2.2 billion eve the next two year -- the utility tells ktvu that it expects to raise $2.2 billion the next two years. the increase taking effect may 1st. the public utility's commission approved the rate increase about gas transmission and storage issues. twice a year over the next four years, pg & e will have to file a pipeline safety report. among other things, pg & e will need to report which lines are being replaced and detail which pipelines are high risk. the federal agency looks into the san bruno explosion released 500 pages of testimony. there is new fall out tonight on the latest incident of an air traffic controller falling asleep on the job. the head of the air traffic system resigned today. ktvu's john sasaki is live at sfo where he's been asking about controller staffing. >> reporter: look back there and you can see a virgin american plane. air traffic came and went all day with no problem at sfo but that was not the case early yesterday morning in reno. >> they are not answering if phone line either. >> we're going to have to land. >> reporter: the lone airline controller was asleep while a medical flight with a sick passenger wanted to land. >> this is ridiculous, this is outrageous. travelers inside sfo's international terminal were surprised by the news. >> you scared me. >> doesn't it make you feel safe, no. >> falling asleep, that's not good. >> reporter: one reason for the apparent fatigue is how often air traffic controllers work. working two shifts in a 24 hour job. >> you have to be on the ball for eight hours then like having to unwind and sleep and come back on again. >> reporter: i talked with the faa by phone today and said both sfo and oakland have two controllers overnight and san jose's tower shuts down overnight. live at sfo, i'm john sasaki, ktvu news. continuing coverage now of a story out of vallejo that we first brought you last night. demolition groups have torn down demolition groups. last night's blaze was the fifth fire. fire officials decided it wasn't safe to remain standing. when we were there last night we learned the building had been a shelter for as many as 50 homeless people who scrambled to collect their belongings today. >> we didn't have a governor or mayor, but we all helped each other. we survived by helping each other. >> reporter: they believe the latest fire started when someone was using a torch or saw metal to sell for recycling. there's been a deadly accident in oakland's mcarthur. the accident blocked the left hand lanes on 880 heading toward the bay bridge and san francisco. a car hit a pickup truck and then the pickup flipped over several times. the driver of the truck was killed. the driver injured. the highway patrol tells us theinvestigation is going to take some time and that drivers can expect traffic to be backed up. today the house and senate passed legislation to cut a record $38 billion in federal spending. it finalizes the deal reached last week and keep it is government operating through the end of september. but after that, that's when things get really difficult. koch and the president will try to forge a budget for last year. >> we've got to look at everything including our security spending in order to achieve the goal that we need. republicans are pushing for even larger cuts in spending with designs on over hauling medicare and medicaid. state lawmakers are about to lose a popular perk. a state panel voted today to take away their state purchased vehicles. instead they get a $300 a month transportation allowance. tomorrow is april april 15th. but don't worry if you haven't filed your taxes yet you are getting a few extra dayless. washington, d.c. celebrating imancipation day tomorrow so postoffices will be closed. check with your local office to make sure the hours on that day next phoápbd. m onday. the median price of a home in the area dropped 10% in march compared to last year. the median home cost $350,000 last night down from $380,000 a year ago. that is a 5% drop. fore closures accounted for nearly 32% of last night's sales. on wall street. stocks ended mixed after the federal department -- he says he did nothing wrong. police arrested a vallejo man who was using a cell phone to take video of a police arrest. >> what's up? >> reporter: it was saturday night and duchine and a friend had been working in the garage of his home when they noticed a man being arrested down the street. >> i started recording the actions and an officer pulled up and came into my garage. he said he wanted my phone for the evidence. >> reporter: you can see officer scott yates walking up and demanding the phone. duchine refused giving the phone to his friend who took it inside the home. he was arrested for interfering with evidence. >> we all have a constitution right no take video tapes of the police officers in public as they do their official duties so that we can create an objective record of that. >> reporter: duchine says he feels it's everybody's right to record police action from a distance, and says he would do it again. >> we're citizens and we have rights. >> reporter: using your phone or any recording device to video tape them is not illegal as long as you don't get in their way. as for the officer in this case, they say he may face corrective action. sal castaneda, ktvu channel 2 news. a fire at a popular waterfront restaurant forces people to evacuate tonight. this fire could not have come at a worse time. we're tracking down new details about an accused killer's history here in the bay area. i'm live with why a former fbi agent believes there could be more victims. he has never spoken publicly about the case. what this former police officer told the jury in the chauncey bailey trial. new at 10:00, a fire tonight forced restaurants to close early. the problem started when a water heater leaked natural gas. the waitress says the fire came at a bad time. >> we're kind of bummed out because it's the busy week before the boat show so all of us are probably not going to be working. >> reporter: patrons had to evacuate the restaurant. we're told it was done in an orderly manner and no one was injured. police are looking into whether a serial killer could be connected into more murder cases. ic is live in piedmont today with what he's uncovered. >> reporter: frank, public records led us here to this street in piedmont where naso lived for more than 30 years. naso coached t ball. certainly not someone who would be a serial killer. >> reporter: naso doesn't seem to like the attention he's getting with the serial killer case. >> i think it's unnubble unusual because of the initials. >> reporter: the fact that there is a nationwide task force means there are other victims. based on information authorities revealed about discovering photos and writings at naso's home in reno. >> they found some stuff. not just these four matters but also other cases which they think there's viable evidence that connects him to other cold cases throughout the country. >> reporter: investigators as far away as new york are taking a close look at naso considering the double initial murders of young girls. including one victim carmen colon. it's just one piece of the puzzle. >> there's obviously something more than those officials. they think that the method in which this person killed people, and other aspects of the case link them to believe that they can make these cases with him as a suspect. >> reporter: i also spoke to naso's ex-wife on the phone. she did not want to talk about the revelations about her ex- husband. she did only say that her reactions to the charges against him were simply bad, just bad. eric rasmussen. the death of a napa state worker is prompting a stiff fine. cal-osha fined the mental health department. a patient is charged with killing and robbing donna gross last october. the state mental health department has 15 days to appeal the fine. ? san francisco today, a young woman was reunited with the people who are credited with saving her life as part of national crime victim's rights week. lauren sholler's heros received special recognition during a ceremony. in may 2007, a man who was just paroled from san quentin prison stab her in the head, wrist, back, and jugular vain at a bakery. an attorney jumped to her rescue and was stabbed several times as well buzz probably ended up saving lauren. and other people got involved as well. >> i love them so much. they are very, very special. literally each and every one of them are the reason i'm alive today. >> reporter: schaller is a college student now. she says she will never forget the attack but wants to move on. the attacker is serving a life sentence. the looting of a jewelry store after the mehserle verdict -- the state sued them using a little known law that protects an owner's right to property. and homicide investigation took a stand in the oakland courtroom this afternoon. as rob roth reports, it's the first time he's spoken publicly about the chauncey bailey case. >> reporter: the officer said he would often visit your muslim black bakery to form community relations. >> there was nothing particularly unusual about that relationship. i don't think it was a close one. longmire is suing the police department for tarnishing his reputation. in court today, longmire testified that the same day bailey was killed, bailey's news editor told the police chief that bailey was working on an unflattering story about the bakery. longmire allowed bey fourth to meeting with broussard. the defense wants the jury to believe broussard is lying. >> broussard has made claims that he was in some sense victimized with the sergeant, was denied council. it was physically touched by him. and allegations there was coercion. i suspect that's not the truth. i would think that's another lie. longmire testified he didn't record the bey-broussard conversation to give broussard quote a private moment. the trial resumes tomorrow morning. and there's a few clouds out there right now. 52 in santa rosa. clouds are the weather story this next week. we had clouds out today. temperatures increase. these were the highs for today. we'll see plenty of mid- and upper 60s. maybe a few low 70s tomorrow. friday looks like a cloudy day. not calling for any showers as we move into the bay area weekend. the computer shows you the clouds. you see this sprinkle up to the north bay. then we get into the afternoon hours and you see mostly cloudy conditions. your friday, warmer as we head into the weekend. i have the forecast for your neighborhood and a chance for a sprinkle mainly north. we'll see you back here. supporting early education took the way of fun today. hundreds of parents and kids attended today's jump start for the bay. the jump start program works with san francisco schools to improve language skills among low income children. the alameda county community food bank had a full refrigerator full of eggs tonight. new cal foods donated 26,000 eggs to the caltrans food bank today. eggs are a hot commodity because they are not high on people's list to donate. good news tonight for the bay area's commercial fishermen. regulators are -- the pacific fishery council says forecast calls for more than 27,000 salmon to return to the sacramento river to spawn. last year that figure was 20,000. and a giant's fan critically injured in l. a. what his family is hoping he will do sometime in the coming hours. now that baseball's home run king has been found guilty of obstruction of justice. many people are wondering how much time barry bonds will serve for the crime if any. patti lee explains why bonds could receive a light sentence. after 16 days and seven plus years, there's still no end in sight. >> there's going to be an appeal. robert talbut says the drawn out drama may be in bonds future. >> the ninth circuit is the slowest in the country for finishing up an appeal. it is unlikely bonds will be tried. but looking back anything is possible. martha stewart spend five months in jail and five months in house arrest. >> i think they're just making an example out of people. it's a waste of time. >> i could have used some of that money to pay my school tee wig. >> how many people are going to be thinking, how much of my tax -- i could have used some of that money to pay my school tuition. >> how many people are going to be thinking, how much of my tax money has gone to these cases. the family of san francisco giants fan bryan stow says says doctors are no longer inducing his coma and are hoping he will wake up tonight. tim lincecum is giving a sizable check to help the injured stow. the two time sy young winner is donating $25,000. los angeles police implemented their new security plan at dodger stadium tonight. it comes as a team played its first home game since the giants series when stow was attacked. >> it isn't about placing the blame for why that happened. it's about how do we move forward. how do we move forward to make this the kind of place that we all want it to be. the team says it now has a zero tolerance policy toward misbehaving fan. the biggest change is in the parking lot where police patrolled on horse back and brought in large lights. officers even sighted vans driving cars with expired license plate. family and friends of a popular swimming coach in fremont are stunned by his sudden and mysterious death. 28-year-old joseph martinez got sick on monday at his home and was taken to a hospital where he ended up dying. martinez coached the boy and girls swim teams and polo teams. >> i couldn't believe it i thought. he fell, he's going to be okay. he appeared -- from what i heard he was all right. >> i just keep breaking down every class period. i couldn't tell you what i've done in any class this week. you can't concentrate after something like this. >> reporter: the medical examiner's office says it could take six weeks to determine the cause of his death. students in three bay area counties performed worse on math tests this year. school has declined in alameda, contra costa and santa clara county where students in third grade through middle school. researchers say the findings are a cause for concern because math is critical to global competition in science, engineering and high tech jobs. cal state university sacramento students got part of what they wanted today a chat with the university president after an overnight protest. the students had spent the night in a campus building. and tonight they ask class president gonzalez to support legislation taxing oil companies for money for colleges. gonzalez said he couldn't take a public stand on state legislation. the san jose hockey play offs. wait till you see -- he's burning, constantly his skin is peeling constantly. the mother of a basketballson makes a plea. how a trip to disneyland turned tragic. these days it's about as close as a sure thing than anything there is. the sharks making the stanley cup. >> at the brick in downtown san jose pandemonium as the sharks scored in the first 29 second in the game with the los angeles kings. >> it's the first l.a. and san jose is the first play offs. i'm enjoying it real good. >> die-hard sharks fans. >> why is it that you are here and not in the tank. >> because the tickets are too expensive that's why i'm here and not the tank. >> reporter: one per chant says the stanley cup play offs boost their business 20 to 25%. >> we have to actual little have every single person that works here on staff. we order a lot more. san jose was all decked out in teal tonight. some fans were painting their faces to display their loyalty. a police officer told me they bumped their presence up to 18 officers from the normal 11. shark fans were more concerned with a number 20. it's the 20th year when the stanley cup finally comes to san jose. >> you're going to have to be a complete fan. >> you have faith that this is the year? >> reporter: it's a long run to get to the stanley cup finals. so there's still a lot of time to get sharks fever. believe me a lot of people have it tonight. live in san jose, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu channel 2 news. you saw in lloyd's piece how the sharks scored in the first 20 seconds. and the game ended up going into over time. coming up in 30 minutes our sports director mark ibanez will have highlights and tell us who won. the welfare commission is considering a new tactic against animal abuse. they came up with a registry that would keep up with repeat animal abusers. speakers pointed out that drunk driving can be a choice between life and death and is completely preventable. directors named an interim general today as they conducted a search for a gm. he started at bar in 1973. he became the general council in 1987 and retired four years ago. wakeman has served as interim general manager twice before. he is replacing dorothy duggard who stepped down yesterday with a severance package of $9 million. the marin independent council has rejected an emergency building and expanded parking. there is no word yet on the estimated cost. the improvements are expected to be finishing in october of 2013. a new study from the journal of pediatrics is recommending major changes in invitro fertilization process. the author says fertilizing just one egg could go a long way toward reducing expensive pregnancies and premature births. often up to five eggs are fertilized which could lead to multiple births. restrictions would be unfair bauds because of the low odds that one egg has of succeeding. a teenage boy's trip to disneyland turns tragic as ktvu's janine de la vega tells us the high school basketball star is now on life support. >> he got on the flight and i'm waving to him. and i'm thinking, look at my baby taking a flight by himself with his friends. he never made it to disneyland. >> reporter: miguel now lies in the intensive care unit. he suffered an aneurysm on the plane. he suffered two surgeries. >> he does not look like my son at all. >> reporter: he is blistered all over and is now blind. winley is running out of money for food, hotel or transportation. >> so they tried to send him to berkeley burn university. berkeley wouldn't accept him because he's not a resident of california. >> reporter: crystal fidel saw finley crying in the hospital and wanted to help by opening up a trust fund. >> her story broke my heart. what a mommy. and i couldn't believe what she had been through. >> i think that is such a blessing. that is such a blessing for her to do that. >> reporter: if you would like to help windley while her son is here at stanford you can go to our website at and click on web links. >> reporting from palo alto, janine de la vega. it is not good news for the libyan leader gadhafi. what the u.s., britain and france all said today and how it will impact him. lots of clouds out there today. showers roll into the bay area weekend. i'll have the answer for the forecast in the area where you live. plus the two long running soap opras that are being cancelled. go! go! completing an atm deposit in record time... that's a step forward. go! go! with deposit friendly atms, you can make ultra fast, secure deposits with no slips or envelopes. take a step forward and chase what matters. the u.s., britain and france issued a joint declaration saying they will keep up the military campaign until gadhafi steps down. libyan state tv showed mr. gadhafi riding a car through the streets of tripoli pumping his fists to the cheers of his supporters. meantime in tripoli there were several explosion. a university was hit and there were casualties. roiters reported today, that it could take years for them to form a military that's capable of forcing out the gadhafi regime. in other news of the world tonight, searchers swarmed the area for the search of hundreds of victims. in london, protesters turned up today to bp's first annual shareholder meeting since the gulf of mexico oil spill. they included five coast residents who said they wanted to tell investors about how their livelihood was hurt. japan lost about $50 billion as a result of that disaster. heavy rains triggered a mud slide that forced a bus right off the road and into a ravine. at least 12 people were killed. this year's rainy season has been the worse in colombia's recent history. 2million have been forced from their homes. a man who was a local critic of the united states, ritter was arrested tonight. the oldest man in the united states has died. to put bruins longevity into perspective he retined in 1963 and has been living in a retirement community since 1980. berning credited his long life with embracing change, helping others and eating just two meals in a day. the end of the line for susan lucci's erica cane and all my children. >> you've been through all the time you possibly can. >> reporter: abc announced today it was canceling all my children which debuted in 1987. and one life to live. abc says they plan to air food and lifestyle shows. they are the safe flower and they are in full loom right now at the presidio. but we'll tell you why they are the wrong color and why that's a problem. and chief meteorologist bill martin will have the complete bay area forecast. the state flower the california poppie is in full bloom this year. but in one corner of san francisco the flower's bright color is creating an interesting problem. david stevenson explains why there is too much orange. the bloom is on for hundreds of species and flowers. a great favorite of visitors is the state flower the california poppy. some of these deep orange poppies hitchhiked in from the central valley. >> the poppy that is truly native to san francisco and other parts of the coast of california has a lot of yellow. >> reporter: damian raffey says the poppy popped up in the park about a year ago. he says it might have been imported by a presidio resident might have been brought in by a law breaking visitor. the theory is that the hybrid will be destroyed. >> the flowers are beautiful. i will be ashamed to see them go. then again they are only around for a month or two during the year. >> the long term goal will be to ensure that those poppies are replaced with something that's botanically appropriate for the park. >> reporter: and presidio officials say the goal of removing nonnative plants is to preserve the park's native poppy. terminal two took three years to remodel at a cost of $383 million. it is home to virgin america. and a few clouds out there right now. that's the story the next couple of days. live storm tracker 2 you see it across the napa valley. there's a few clouds. it's not that cool is it. temperatures on the mild side because of the cloud cover. right into sunday as well, showers should stay north. temperatures will swaoebg up a few degrees each day. increasing clouds tonight. kind of cool in the north bay but kind of mild. upper 30s overnight in the north bay. clouds shoot down over the top and they just kind of linger. despite that temperatures stay in the 60s and 70s. a few sprinkles in the north bay. none of this should shut down your outdoor plans. so tonight at 10:00, you see the rain north then you see the clouds. this is tomorrow morning. you see -- look how close the showers are. there's a lot going on in eureka and mendecino. the issue is the rain is just right here. then we get into saturday. saturday the clouds drift south. then here we go into saturday afternoon. clouds. i'm not sure this is just an anomaly here. not forecasting rain. but forecasting plenty of cloud. sunday looks like a pretty nice day in terms of cloud cover. i think you will see more sunshine on sunday. then you see a few showers. as you look into the santa clara valley, 70 degrees. a beautiful day tomorrow throughout the bay area despite the cloud cover it's going to be nice. forecast highs you're going to see lots of 70s tomorrow. upper 50s. 70 tomorrow in the livermore valley. then you're going to see 70 in the san jose area. and a five day forecast with your weekend always in view is a dry one for the most part. there might be a little bit of drizzle showing up some where. but really just a cloudy deal. mid-70s by sunday. >> i can deal with clouds. >> you'll be fine, yeah. a reproduction of a long hidden mural of mission dolores is now in view for the public. the original mural was created in 1791 inside mission dolores. the reproduction was created from a photograph. paul mcdonald's american idol dream came to an end tonight. the 26-year-old old from alabama was unable to secure enough votes to stay in the competition. fans must not have been impressed with his the performance. you can see what he has to say right here on ktv u mornings at 2. mark will tell us who won. plus it's one of the most famous sports trophies in the world. where it was on display today in the bay area. one of the sporting world's mostprestigious trophy is making a rare appearance. the america's cup is being displayed and continues through monday. the america's cup will be held in san francisco in 2013. >> it's beautiful. >> it is. hopefully from the america's cup to the stanley cup, one to go. 36 second into the gate and it looks like they were going to make a huge statement. but they need another 73 minutes, 46 seconds to complete the sentence, sharks win. that's the sentence. they take the lead but they meet in over time. barely dropped the pick. shot on goal, danny heatley will smash it back and the sharks have themselves an early 1-0 lead. after that. a little physicality. ben eager and kyle clippered. you don't see a will the of fighting in the play offs in the nhl. the rookie sensational rookie logan couture looking like a season ender. they have a scoreless third period. then it is a beautiful shot from joe, upper shelf. glove side. our fred inglis just a couple of minutes ago talked to pevelsky the late hero. >> everybody was trying to race back. i don't know who was back there. i was just trying to get up and get in the lanes. try to shoot as hard as you can and find it open. it feels good to win. no doubt. obviously any time you can get that first win it helps you. be on your toes and get serious. and it helps you get two at home. that's the bottom line. >> we have to give kyle some credit there. he assisted. he was just out of gas at the end there. made the beautiful assist. the a's have plenty but couldn't hit a lick. defense got a little sloppy late. and the series does not start what you call crispy. and scoreless into the seventh. gonzalez excellent six innings of work. but rayburn with a shot. brings home the tigers first. bases loaded for detroit. ramon santiago the catch. nobody is there. and two runs scored only three hits on the night for the a's. bill coax goes seven strong for detroit as they win it 3-0. as the a's start the home stand on the short end. what you might call an unproductive off day as they head to arizona to start a weekend series friday night. the rockies sweep a pair from the mets back in new york. colorado now kind of edged out to a four game lead in the west. but it is early over the defending champs. plenty of time left. they'll face the rockies monday night. that's the sporting life for a great night for the sharks. >> so exciting. >> it's all about san jose right now. >> you can see that crowd just -- yeah. >> it got loud, the decibel level unreal. >> and join ktvu morning news at 2. they'll be following bryan stow's recovery. >> and the news continues on good night.

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