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help the crabs grow. lloyd lacuesta has our report. >> reporter: the crab pots are piled up here on the fisherman's ward. the boats are ready to set sail and fishermen are ready to go. >> can't wait, excited. heart's pumping, it makes an old man go. anticipation, there's a will the of crab out there. >> reporter: behalf moon bay was bustling with active activity tonight. crews were stocking the boat with the materials and equipment needed to start catching dungenous crab. >> we have so much to do to get ready to take off by 6:00 a.m. >> reporter: the standard for recovery is to make sure that 25% of the crab is meat. >> you see how the color has changed different. >> reporter: crabs from bodega bay and san francisco were tested today. the average recovery turned out to be 26.8%. the agreed on wholesale price is $3.49. >> last year opening day i got $5. there's excitement tonight at the crab landing restaurant. the ships are firing up the flames under the crab pots. the menu lists the number of dishes and the price of crab depends on if they sell or not. the crab season is looking for a bonanza season. lawyers of mehserle are h helping to get him freed on bail. mehserle was sentenced to two years in prison for fatally shooting an unarmed passenger oscar grant at the fruitvale station on new years day. his attorney must prove mehserle is not a flight risk or a danger to the community and that the appeal is not merely a tactic to get him out of serving time. an airport security video has gone viral now. a california man frustrated made a cell phone recording as he refused a body scan and then a pat down of his groin. >> you can do it out here, but if you touch my junk i'll have you arrested. i don't know how sexual assault can be made a condition of my flying. >> this is not considered a sexual assault. >> it would be if it was the government. still there is a growing revolt here among travelers that consider the new security measures offensive. everyone people who fly for a living are upset. >> frank those full body scanners are already in use here at oakland airport as well as san jose and san francisco airport. there are 300 of those scanners at 60 airports across the country and 500 more scanners will be deployed by the end of the year. the new procedures require passengers to go through the x- ray machines or a pat down. the issue prompted a weekend protest at a german airport. the video posted on you tube shows people disrobing. we saw one passenger in oakland who doesn't see it that way. >> it's definitely not more than you get at the beach. i'm a nurse, i've seen mirs, i know what that stuff look like. >> reporter: it also means having an agent run a hand over your body including up your interthigh until -- >> they stop until it meets what one tsa agent refers to resistant. so they do make contact. >> you know everything that is security, what are is quick works for me. >> tsos who you see in the airport are really the last line of protection as we move into this busy holiday travel season. >> reporter: there is now a facebook protest under way, people are being urged to refuse the full body scans and to get the pat downs instead on the day before thanksgiving. possibly creating huge back ups at security airports at one of the busiest flying days of the year. the tsa calls that irresponsible. ken wayne. we posted more information on holiday travel and what to expect on our website on kt police say a man died in a work accident involving a woodchipper. police say a rope being used to lower tree branches got caught in the machine. the victim got tangled in that road and was fatally injured. officials are not releasing his name and say he was not pulled into the chipper. the 55-year-old operator was on board an out of service cable car in china town near mason and jackson street around 4:20 p.m. when he was attacked. he is expected to survive. george leong was released after witnesses led police to his pardon me. police arrested five people, 27 yield jones and 18- year-old carpenter were taken into custody along with three juveniles on saturday. the three used pepper spray to attack people who were on sidewalks sidewalking and were distracked while using their cell phones. we heard from the officer who arrived first on the scene on last year's notorius gang rape of a 16-year-old. the officer broke down in court, he said he thought the girl was dead. the testimony comes on the first day of the hearing. >> reporter: there was extraordinary appearance when sheriff deputies escorted into court the seven suspects. a hearing began today to determine if there was enough evidence of a trial on rape and rape with a foreign object. most of the defendants are teenagers and all by one face enhancements that could send them to prison for life. the first witness was the first officer on the scene. richmond officer todd keiser broke down crying, quote, i thought she was dead when i first saw her. but when he shook her, she moaned. the officer also testified that when her father was trying to find the girl, a male answered her cell phone telling her father how good she was at very specific sexual acts. >> can you talk to us? >> i can't. i would love to but i am not able to. >> reporter: then quote just go ahead and kill me. the seven defense attorneys said the girls level of intoxication quote is highly relevant on the question of consent or participation in the charges alleged here. >> i'm anticipating approximately 20 witnesses and i'm assuming it'll fake two weeks. >> reporter: the teenage girl was not in court today and is not expected to testify in this hearing. in martinez, rita williams, ktvu channel 2 news. smoking in the sun, record temperatures today but we are tracking big changes on themorr minutes. a disturbing discovery, police are now trying to solve a mystery. i drank and drove a million times, and i took three to get caught. >> cracking down on repeat drunk drivers, coming up at 10:30, ktvu investigates the length of one county is going through to stop drunks behind the wheel. san francisco police are investigating the discovery of a severed arm in golden gate park and and other human remains. >> police are calling this a mysterious death investigation. they told us a man walking here near the polo fields made the disturbing discovery. >> reporter: at night there is an eerieness in this area. it's dark, trees and shrubs make it difficult to see. but a man walking saw manager in the bushes. >> he came across what he believe to be skeletal arm bones that appeared to be human in nature. he alerted the police department. >> reporter: when police arrived, they found more decomposing bones. the arm bones and the rest of the remains appeared to belong to a man. that's really unfortunate. that's somebody's loved one. >> reporter: this woman tells me she comes to the park frequently to exerciseful she says she would love to see the city do a better job to maintain the park. >> there's a lot of people that are drinking and other activities that they shouldn't be doing that. in the daytime you come back and find human filth and you know something is going on. there's a lot of people in the park that are making the park very dirty. >> how long have you been sleeping in the park? >> a couple of years. >> reporter: russell murray tells us he's homeless and lives in the park. he says strange things happen in the park and is not surprised that they found human remains. one woman says she takes precautions. >> when it's dark i go from right there lincoln to there. i don't stray from there. >> reporter: police say at this point, they have no reason to suspect foul play and that there's no indication that the park is unsafe. still they are urging visitors to be aware of their surroundings. amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. the antioch man accuse of threatening to blow up his car pleaded not guilty today to more than a half dozen felony charges including kidnapping and false imprisonment. carlos valentino was urged to stay away from his family. his bail was set at $20,000. his next court hearing is set for november 30th. closing arguments are set for tomorrow in the shaundra leavy case. the defense rested its case today without guandique taking the stand. the case made headlines when she was linked to then congressman gary condit and effectively ended his career. senate minority leader mcconnell says he will support -- >> it's time for us in washington to show in every way possible that we mean what we say about spending. six buses dropped off the newly elected members of congress. they covered topics ranging from ethics rule to how to set up their offices. a dozen spending bills are also on the table they include a defense appropriation bills with language overturning don't ask don't tell. jerry brown returnedded from a postelection vacation today to begin dealing with a problem that only got worse while he was away. the governor elect is now facing a looming deficit that's twice as deep as he had thought. political editor randy shandobil has our report. >> reporter: back from vacation, governor elect jerry brown met privately with advisors to plot how to attack his new reality. the $12 billion shortfall he thought he had inherented is actually closer to 25 billion. >> this is a very damaging budget deficit and there are few options. >> reporter: few options says saken because after years of cuts to the schools and the needy there's very little left to cut. >> the cuts have been so severe, in the last years and the economy is in such bad shape right now that many more cuts and you're talking about permanent damage. >> to cherished constitutions such as universities, what would californians cut. >> i would cut some of the officials pay. >> i would cut some money spent on prisons. >> reporter: brown was vague on how we would tackle the budget problems. now some analysts say brown was wise to be so vague. since he promised almost nothing there are almost no promises to break. all jerry brown said is it's going to be very tough. no magic solutions but i have the experience and the ability to make tough decisions. >> unlike whitman, he didn't detail proposed cuts and he said he would only raise taxes if voters approve. >> so would you be willing to pay higher taxes? >> i would, i would for schools. >> no. i think we already pay too high taxes. >> reporter: how might brown get people to pay higher taxes he would have to call for a special election almost immediately. political editor randy shandobil, ktvu news. outgoing oakland mayor ron dellums will announce his outgoing speech online. in san francisco tonight, firefighters gather to remember the city's first minority fire chief joseph medina. he was born in solano county but raised in san francisco. medina was tapped to be chief. by the time he retired the organization was 33% minority and 6% female. medina died last month at the age of 75. it was warm out there today, temperatures warmer than yesterday. weapon we did in fact, set a record in san rafael. the white dot represent tide daytime highs. above average the temperatures there on the cool down. temperatures trend downright into the weekend. pardon me, with a chance of rain. as we go into friday night and into saturday. so big changes coming. it'll be kind of cool overnight but not freezing. i don't think there'll be enough frost. 54 in concord, 54 in freemont. san mateo will be a mostly sunny days, it's a gradual cooling trend. the uc berkeley community took a moment today to remember the victims of hate crimes. the universities transgender day of remembrance has been around since 1999. the goal is to raise awareness and celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of transgender individuals. the decision by the state's top court on undocumented immigrants and what they should pay at california's public universities. and a sea gull freeed from the confines of an abusive plant. where others have been spotted with similar collars. the california supreme court today ruled that illegal immigrants are entitled to the same in-state tuition rates than citizens many they attended a high school in california for at least three years. >> i think it's a way to evade the california laws. >> paying in-state tuition saves people $11,000 a year in the cal state system. the uc regents started a three day meeting in san francisco tomorrow to consider a plan to raise tuition by 8%. the proposal would increase the annual tuition by 189,000 to about $11,000 next fall. that was double what tuition was just six years ago. cu berkeley students are expected to protest. new numbers show pamela harris doubled her lead today. the race between the san francisco d.a. and republican coley has been neck and neck since election day. but the latest batch of numbers show harris opened a lead of 26% of the votes. also today the fair political practices commission confirmed it's investigating whether there was any wrong doing on cooley's part. harris' campaign reported possible wrong doing. and the state treasurer today called it poor fiscal policy and bad for taxpayers. the sales expected to raise about $1.3 billion. last week the legislative analysts office released a report saying the sale will actually end up costing the state more than $1.4 billion over 35 years as the state leases those buildings back. on wall street, stocks finished mixed as the dollar rose. a late slump of offset early games spurred by a jump in retail sales. the dow industrials picked up nine points while the nasdaq lost four. general motors wants to higher price to ask for boosts to $33 a share up from $26 to $29. there's word that chinese lawmaker icis may buy a block of gm. -- back in 2005, the museum restructured $120 million worth of loans. the museum has not responded yet to our request for comment. you don't know what your brother is saying. knocking on doors to crack down on drunk drivers. how one county is going after repeat offenders before they get back on the roads. think you are being green? think again. the death threat we found when we put some reusable shopping bags to the test. a san quentin prisoner is accused of killing shaffer. today the marin county district's attorney says frank souza has been charged with killing the shaffer. police are knocking because this petaluma man is on probation after four duis. >> they haven't checked on me for four years. >> is he drinking tonight? >> yes, i have. >> this is targeted enforcement. >> the ones that are not to possess at all any alcohol or consume. >> reporter: and cops from all over sonoma county are making surprise visits on probationers who are most likely to drive drunk again. >> we're going to come check again and if you're in violation we're going to put you in jail. >> reporter: this is vigilance far beyond traffic stops and check points. officers stake out offenders at home or work and they cruise bars parking lots. trying to catch the habitual driver drinking again. >> they are very slippery, very hard to find. and just they know, they know how the game works. >> they don't have a license. >> no. >> they have court orders against them. >> in and out of rehab. >> all the time. interlock devices, probation it doesn't stop them down. >> reporter: conventional tools only goes so far. fines, jail, aa, loss of a driver's license and once they are sentenced, there's no real follow up which is where this new court comes in. every week in the special dui court, repeat offenders report their progress with detox and counseling. >> a yearlong program to get to the root of their drinking. >> i'm learning how to deal with life. >> reporter: this court is no hand out, they go through their time and they work harder than anybody else. >> reporter: offenders know a slip up will send them straight to jail. >> i wish we could send everyone through a dui court. >> reporter: veteran dui attorneys credit sonoma. they know an alcohol is not making the decision to drive. they go out in their garage and they're in the car and they're gone. >> reporter: many offenders admit they drove drunk countless times for each time they were caught. >> i always considered myself a trained drinkers, of all dui i've had i passed all road tests. it's the breathalyzer that's tough to beat. >> reporter: this offenders doesn't remember crash, just waking up in jail. >> once you sober up you realize what you did. >> sonoma tracks down enforcement, tracks people with warrants while dropping in to catch drinkers off guard. >> that guy we've checked. >> alcohol is usually forbidden while or on probation so the man who admits drinking is cuffed in his own kitchen. >> after blowing a. 29 on the breathalyzer. >> i was watching football. that's what i was doing. and i drank some beer. i know what i need to do. >> reporter: what is that? >> keep going to aa. >> reporter: for so many sobriety is a long road. debra villalon, ktvu. oakland police say they plan to step up dui enforcement next year. they received $240,000 from the state for it's anti dui operations. they will use money on check point, more patrols and other options. highway patrol officers may be writing fewer tickets during this year's click it or ticket campaign. their twice a year seat belt enforcement started today. a record 96.2% of all drivers and passengers are wearing seat belts. that is up slightly from the previous record set in 2008. an animal rescue group today caught a sea gull and removed a beer can collar that someone had put around its neck. volunteers used scissors to remove the collars and then released. six sea gulls have been spotted. governor arnold schwarzenegger today opened his third and final climate change summit. the governor started by giving the golden state a pat in the back. >> environmental laws, california is now 40% more energy efficient than the rest of the nation. >> the governor says fossil fuel is threatening the economy and plaguing the country with war. the new principal owners of the golden state warriors hosted an introductory luncheon. the new owner said they bought a franchise that has a great fan base in oakland but like any good businessmen they want to keep their options open. >> is there a day in the future when the team could wind up being in san francisco? it's possible. we all know there's no sense hiding it, the lease expires in seven years. we're going to like any good business people we're going to evaluate our opportunities. majority owners will be live tomorrow on mornings on two. it killed more than 50 people and sent many more to the hospital. and it's going to be cool out there in some locations, i'll have your overnight forecast and we're going to look at that rain. we'll tell you when we have rain in our forecast. can the beetles be coming to your i tunes account? we'll explain. the sonoma county invest bay tors remain tight lipped -- investigators remain tight lipped over a shooting. downs were if fesant hunting with two men and a friend. -- pleaded not guilty to the charges today. cynthia barraca died after being attacked. in news of the world tonight in china, at least 53 people were killed when a fire destroyed a high rise building in shanghai. the fire burned the upper part of the 28 story building. thick smoke prevented helicopter from rescuing those on the roof. chinese state broadcasters say it appears the state was started by unlicensed welders working on a scaffold. indian officials say at least 61 people were killed. the building apparently gave way because it's foundation was weak from water exposure following this year's heavy monsoon rains. and in saudi arabia more than 2 million muslims are making the high pilgramage to mecca. the saudi authorities say they have improved safety in the recent years. it's not just about networking anymore. facebook is introducing e-mail. users with a e- mail address will be able to send and receive messages from friends via text message, chat, existing facebook messages or nonfacebook e-mail. >> out of reach of e-mail and they want to get it on chat or im that should all work fine. and with the new product it does. >> the new service is expected to be available to facebook users worldwide in a few months. apple says it will make a major announcement tomorrow morning and tonight there are numerous reports siting sources that beatles music will soon be available on i tunes. the beatles are one of few recordings not available on you tube. there are calls tonight for a federal investigation into these ever popular reusable bags. i'll explain why next. and a series of changes in our weather, our chief meteorologist bill martin is back with how it's going to affect the week ahead. there has been a big push for people to ditch plastic bags. in san francisco plastic bags are banned in grocery stores. ktvu's heather holmes joins us now, she's live in oakland with this story, heather. >> reporter: julie, chances are you probably have one of these bags. they are available just about everywhere. it's an unwanted feature in some of these bags, lead that has at least one federal lawmakers calling for a federal investigation. they are the new green accessory. >> i think it's just a waste to get new bags and take them home and throw them away. >> reporter: but some reusable bags have tested positive for harmful levels of lead. we wanted to see if bags vail here in the area contained the unapprovalled lead level. we took bags to the center for environmental health in oakland. each bag was tested and the good news, almost all were clean. >> wow,. >> reporter: expect for this brown and green bag from rite aid. >> what we're getting is about 600 parts per million. so that would be around twice the federal standard for lead in children's products. >> reporter: researchers carolyn says lead should not be found in consumer products at any level. lead has been tied to heart attacks and strokes in adults and learning disabilities in children. >> it's stored in your bones and to a lesser extent in your blood. so every little bit of lead you are exposed to is not a good thing. >> new york senator chuck schume today called for a federal investigation. now frank and julie, our tests were completed after hours so we were unable to reach rite aid for a comment today. reporting live, i'm heather holmes, ktvu channel two news. for more details on lead testing and toxins in other products, we have posted a link on our website. just look for the web link section of the price of gasoline is on the rise not just in the bay area but across the country. aaa says the national average for a gallon of regular is up 8% since labor day to $2.89. as usual the bay area is paying a lot more. the most expensive gas is in san francisco where a gallon of regular averages $3.28. the city of san francisco held a ceremonial ground breaking today for a new bochy ball courts. they are goingen in on a grassy area across the street from the train station. they will be open to the public, wheel chair accessible and free to use. and one honolulu couple thought it was the perfect day to go ice skating. while they were happy on their time for the ice, those at the rink spent a lot of time cleaning the water melting of the ice in the hot weather. it definitely was warm today. we show you one record today. down a few degrees, what i'm tracking is a cooling trend, the cooling trend comes from the gulf of alaska slowly but as this system approaching us at the end of the week it's going to bring rain to the bay area. a cold rain not a drenching rain. we had frost, this week we had mild overnight lows. now today we had low 80s. we had those records. tomorrow a few degrees off. instead of low 80s see temperat- 70s. still warm but cooler. and cooler again as we go into wednesday. cooler as we go into thursday and more clouds on friday. here we go today. the winds were offshore. if it weren't for the rain we had, these last 72 hours we were in a relatively dry area. the high pressure is migrating out of here kind of slowly that's why it's a slow cooling trend. in this system is a cold one. cold systems don't -- or cold air doesn't hold a lot of water as much as the tropical moisture. this system will not be a huge rain producer. there'll be snow in the west slope and your bay area weekend into early next week is going to be one of those not really great. certainly not like last week, you'll be using umbrellas. you may have to cancel a few outdoor activities especially on friday. timing is going to change on then, we can come back tomorrow night and have four or five hour change on this actual schedule. friday afternoon, here we go by saturday, saturday afternoon it's raining good up north but that's light showers but they're cold showers. forecast tomorrow, you that's that's down the road. tomorrow is tomorrow right away. temperatures tomorrow will be in the 70s and 60s. 70 form, 73 in vallejo -- 70 tomorrow, 73 in vallejo. you have time to prepare for this. it's going to ease us into the week. it's not like it's going to go straight to rain. it's like a diver coming back up so you don't get the bends. we're not coming back up quickly, we're going to slowly cool down. >> a lot to look forward to this next week. rigorebto menchu addressed bay area residents. >> she speaks spanish so an interpreter spoke to her. she received noble price for her work for indigenous people in her native guatemala. the awards just keep oncoming for the giants. what happened to giant star buster posey hasn't happened since -- was on the team. [trumpet playing "reveille" throughou let's support the small business owners getting our economy booming with the first ever small business saturday. on november 27th, shop small. it's going to be huge. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence nasa engineers preparing the submit space shuttle discovery for its final mission has run into another snag, they found a fourth crack. the law launch was first delayed on november 5th since they made repairs. nasa says it now hopes to launch discovery by december 6th. okay mark is here with sports. another big award for the giants. >> yeah, remember a couple of years ago we told you buster posey just sounds like a ballplayer when they signed him. and yeah, he is. in the full sense of the word, the giants were a team but that doesn't mean there isn't a little room for individual talents. of course buster posey is the rookie of the year. and he ran up some good ones considering he was called up may 29. .305 batting average. the voters knew his value. posey receiving 15 of the possible 32 votes. beautiful gesture tonight by the new warriors ownership group. everything half price, tickets, food, gear. however the team getting too much into the spirit. they only played half the game. they were able to limp into history. we'll just show you the good stuff as they were watching front row. ellis pillar to postand the warriors on a spur early against the pistons. they fall here, they were making it happen on defense. curry no look, back to monte who hit from the corner 27 but he ran into big foul trouble which contributed to foul trouble. 32 point lead but the pistons actually cut it to two in the final moments, the warriors hang on 101-97: they won the game. six goal feasts for the sharks tonight. you might call it their best game of the year so far. the sharks own the division early. but tonight team heal serves a warning, it's a long season. dan boyle on the ball play situation, his shot and patty marlow picking up the garbage in front. adding to it danny heatly comes on with a one timer, his seventh goal of the year. 5-3 sharks lead. they needed them all because the court king -- because the kings keep coming. best offensive output of year so far for the sharks looking good. monday night football, eagles doing a little prekick off social networking. then the eagles get to administering a butt kicking when the game starts. first play from scrimmage, michael vick, goes long. jackson out of cal 88 yards. the beat down was on. and it got ugly for the washington red skins. what a night for michael vick. on the evening, get this six touchdowns in the game. two on the ground and he had four throwing and you see the final 59-28 the eagles annihilate the skins. kind of an interesting subplot to that game. few hours prior to kick back. mcnabb signed a $79 million extension. that's the sporting life. >> thank you, and thanks for joining us tonight. good night.

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New York , United States , Solano County , California , Shanghai , China , Germany , Oakland , Alaska , Sonoma , Honolulu , Hawaii , Guatemala , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Marin County , Berkeley , Sonoma County , Saudi Arabia , Mecca , Makkah , San Quentin , Spain , Petaluma , Californians , Saudi , Spanish , Chinese , German , Frank Souza , Amber Lee , Dan Boyle , Arnold Schwarzenegger , George Leong , Patty Marlow , Ron Dellums , Ken Wayne , Pamela Harris , Rita Williams , Carlos Valentino , Michael Vick , Joseph Medina , Heather Holmes , Jerry Brown , Russell Murray , Todd Keiser ,

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