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Youre going to die. This guy doesnt want you to be sad, so he does this. Whats happening . Meet the man who gives a whole new meaning to doing a happy dance. Keep that video. Something is stuck. Something is an animal. That animal is a big coyote. They say he is still alive. He is trapped up in like a wire fence. Clearly the coyote was trying to jump over the fence and got his leg wrapped up, and these legs are wremplged. When these guys get close, the coyote is motionless. He is obviously in a lot of pain. The coyote is upside down. Almost bent backwards. You can see that leg is wrapped in one of those squares of the fence. Oh, this makes me so sad. So heartbreaking to see. Watch it, man. He might be [ bleep ]. This thing is probably just exhausted. Tired, dehydrated. All the blood rushed to his head. Yeah. Oh. Really theyre trying to get some separation there, but watch. Oh, it worked. He ran away fine. Running away. You think his leg is broken. This guy is in trouble. They get him free, and the thing just takes off. Nice job, guys. Surely his leg probably doesnt feel good, but judging from the video, i would say the coyote is probably okay. Animals are tough, resilient. They live in the wild. I do like the guys wrote in the description. The roadrunner won again. Thats why it was kind of chicken instead. It was hungry. Its safe to say someone is probably going to get in trouble for this because you dont normally see this at a swearing in ceremony. This is in russia wra for the 83 rt brigade. A big demonstration is going on, and these soldiers get sworn in. Rounds going off because theyre celebrating. Watch what happens. What are they doing . Someone just rammed lou that line of troops. It looked like he rammed into the line of troops. Look at it from this angle. The camera pans inside and is following the armored carrier. Did you see that . Sfwlool he ran over somebody. Watch what happens next. He gets back up, but then he collapses again. Heres the thing, this guy only suffered minor injuries and abrasions. The next day when they went to visit him at the hospital, he was smiling and joking and saying he was bored out of a shirt. Rough translation saying his clothes saved his life. These Armored Vehicles are incredibly sturdy, heavy vehicles, and there are a lot of tires that ran over that guy. Specifically a 13. 6 tons the armored personnel carrier that ran over that kid. 18 years old. He jumps back up from only minor bruises. Those russians are tough, arent they . An investigation is underway, and they say they will be checking the driver to see if theres any he has not had a single fracture in his body. This video is not a good whered. They say it is dangerous, but its kind of awesome. First thing youre seeing in the footage out of canada. Thats a hooded burglar coming of the front deck, the front porch, of a nice couple named rob and niom in and starts stealing things that are not his. They say this happened over and over and over again. Thats why they these surveillance cameras. Thats why they have built that fence around their deck. Most of the time most officers say is that what they tell you . Thats not not a solution at all. Rob and nicole came up with their own solution, and it was called a camera. You see the guy fitting through the gate. Watch that front door fling wide open. And theres rob. Yeah. And robs got a gun. A paintball gun. I saw him coming around with the bicycle. Rob started to shoot him with the paintball. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. He has the cameo pants on and everything. Just psychs him up. He hit him with a few of those paintballs, and guess what, this dude has not been back. They dont want to hurt him, but at least this guy knows he is being watched. Police say not a good idea to engage this guy because he could be dangerous or under the influence of something, but now theyre safe. I would prefer we never had to do this, but we had to do something. We cant just be a victim all the time. Who needs toys when you have a perfectly fun door to play with like this boy in china . Doesnt it look fun. He is opening it and close it. Catch a finger. Not no, he is not going to catch a finger, but this little boy over here just might. Oh, no. Watch him walk over. Believe it or not, its not the hinge that gets the little boy. The other side of the frame of the door has a gap just big enough for his tiny little fingers, and thats what he stuck. It was so smooth. It was almost like he watched just a little guy. Watch. We know that rescuers in china are really fwood at what they do. This do this all the time. In this particular rescue theyre going to use this hook to smash the glass. They tried a number of times. Theyre going to bust out the whole entire window . [ screaming ] oh, my gosh. That was the part that actually freaked them out, but glass is gone. He is safe. His fingers look a little smashed. The crowd that gathered too. All those people. The boy was, like, im sorry. Now the place that they were at has no glass. Talk about a real charmer. Theyre about to have a suck face with a venomous snake. Dude comes in for a smooth landing. He takes off all his gear and starts to washg walk oh, boy. Wait a ser. Why his next landing isnt so nice. Oh. Ththisis i is s mamark. At work. Fofor r ththosose e whwho o wy their days. Not just get t thrhrououghgh t. Nenew w onone e a a daday y vih energy support. Ththe e ononlyly c comomplpy multivitamin ththatat s supuppoportrts s enel alertness. Nenew w frfromom o onene. Think of your craziest high school experiences. Its going to be nothing like this. The dude gets on a Mountain Bike and decides to do this. Oh, boy we found this one on video. Those are great yeah, he goes down. Hang on. Youre going to die. Youre going to die. Once he comes back looks like he is riding on a balance beam. Yeah. Doesnt even look like a trail. I wouldnt even call that a trail. Its right on the move. Its an athlete that goes by the name of jaws. Is he in the french alps, and appantly he blazes this trail. I think even he is surprised he is able to pull it off. This snake charmer is a deadly crate. It is highly venomous. Look where he bites the snake. Thats very close to his fangs. Thats not very nice. The snake didnt like it either. The snake wraps his body around the guys head because that is a defensive move for the snake. If you are bit by a deadly band i had crate, you could get vomiting or respiratory failure. The snake hasnt been devenomized. Thats the scariest snake of them all. Theyre about to have a kiss fest. A kiss . Watch this. What are you doing . Why . Watch as he pushes the thing on the ground. He gets that thing to lay down. Gets back up. Hen they get facetoface. I dont know if he is using his knee to charm that thing. Why would you do this . Thats mouth to mouth. Its crazy. Theyre milking this thing. They get the venom out of it. Milking the snake. Its kind of interesting. Look how thick and slow that is. Oh, my. How do you even get this job . How do you train . Where do you go to school . When do you decide you want to do this . I think i can predict how this guy might die, kick the bucket. Look at these guys. No big deal, rate . The guy in the front who was the passenger here, he gets up, but he takes off all his gear and starts to oh, boy. Wait a sec. He is rumbling, bumbling, stumbling. A little wobbly. That looks like it hurts. The guy who posted said go ahead and laugh. He didnt suffer any major injuries. He was suffering from something called postadrenaline shock. Which makes sense. While one person is falling over, to another is quite different. This is apparently a french feminist protest. Basically saying that girls can also do this challenge of jumping in the water. Which means go girl. Lets go, girl. Go girl. She can fall like a man. Women can do anything. She cant even jump in a lake in her heels. I think she didnt realize her own power. The best part about this is more people are going to hear. Hopefully she got her sign back. Dude gets a visitor from the brown bear just walking up on the situation here. See how the situation is even scarier. Oh, wait a minute. Theres like and the killer clown is at it again. This time they rm get ready for good oldfashioned nightmare fuel right this minute. Oh, thats so horrible. Scary. . nn;n; closed captioning provided by snou. Go. Go. This is so fun. Theyre really Close Encounters with animals. Two different outcomes. Start in alaska. This is in the river state game sanctuary, and that is a brown bear just wandered up on the situation here. Hey, there is an inhabitant of this area. That would be drew hamilton. Posted the video of 2012 and its just now going viral, and i can see why because this bear just walked up on him. Now, drew hamilton works for the Alaskan Department of fish and game, and he is in an area so remote he has to be flown in. Why isnt he making any kind of noise or strig to scare this thing away . Drew does make some noise eventually. Hey, hey, hey, hey. That explains why the guy wasnt panicking or freaking out. He has obviously quite a bit of knowledge. Wait a minute. Its like a herd of bears. At Krueger National park its a baby right now wroe that gets up and close. This is cute and adorable. Thats the funniest thing i have ever seen. Theyre viewed as it skampers away until it comes towards because they realize, you know, wronk its playing with us. Lock at that. Look at that. It doesnt, but think about it if this thing is fully grown. Mom is somewhere. Mom has to be close by. Not so cute when they charge your vehicle. This is one of those honestly i cant believe the prankster isnt dead yet before we get off. You remember the the italian prankster d. M. Pranks. He is scaring people in parking garages and mashing dummies with a mallett or something. Thats exactly the one. Millions and millions and millions of views. Why not bring it back . This time in 3der. This is playing on many of the irrationale fears that people have of clowns. Some people think clowns are the scariest thing. Even if you are not clown fair tied already, you will be after this. Filmed in the city in italy. This unsuspecting man is walking up while the clown is digging a grave with camels and everything. The man spots the clown. Clown spots the man. With a shovel. Okay. This is where it gets really creepy because he gets one of those toys, and he winds it up. Oh, boy. Watch. The guy walks out of the elevator into the hallway. Looks like a parking garage. Catches his attention. Look at gary. Then the lab, it is terrifying. Horrifying. They did happen to see what would you do. Watch this. He sets up his music box again. Watch as he walks down the stairs. Oh, theres oh, there was blood out. This is like next level. They have raised the bar. Whats the best way to turn that frown upside down . Doing this. Find out exactly what this is next. Ooked like it is just then restatened out. Dale long. I think positivity begets positivity. Thats a guy named michael, and he has goals. You do it by doing this. Alice in chains. Whats happening . Oh, my god. Isnt that awesome . Thats michael. You can go to his twitter account at no more sad 2014 or the website no more sad. Tv, and you can leave your name and your Favorite Song, and then meeblg will create a personalized video where he says your name. Then he dances willy nilly to your Favorite Song. Baby love, my baby love, i immediate you, oh how i need you improv dancing. I like his face. Its kind of like this modern improv never been done before. Is he doing moves ive never seen. How could you not laugh or smile . We have michael via skype. Right this minute. Welcome to the show. Tell me about this project and why you came up with this concept to do this for just random strangers. You know, you would be hard pressed find people who are theres very few people out there that are really being a proponent into happiness. One day my friend is feeling down, and i just started doing weird dance moves, and i thought, well, maybe this is a good idea. I just created like an ad on my website, and rob, dont be sad. How many of these videos do you think youve done for people so far . Ive done 273 so far. Wow. Christian ordered a sandwich today. She got mayo instead of mustard on it. Whats your Favorite Song . By gloria estefan. Do you have it . I have it. Hey, everybody whoa you have made me very happy. Thats it for right this minute thanks for joining us. See you next time. Hi, everybody. Weve got the best videos of the day right this minute. A pricey camera system is lowered under water only to be snapped by an 18 foot great white shark. Now hear about the big reward for anyone brave enough to smach it back. A bus comes crashing full speed into a bar. Just as those people are running out, watch this. See how it aint over until its over. Plus, shes the

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