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Onto a bus and when the driver hears why she starts screaming to this man get out of my bus. What led to a disturbing scene of street justice. And some attack puppies want a piece of those pants. It is delicious. See who is worried about the sharp little teeth. That one is danger usually close. Take a look at the debris trickling off the cliffs, the cliffs of normandy in france. It almost looks like waterfalls of stone coming down little by little. People have been warned to stay clear of these cliffs and here is why. No. That entire cliff side is coming down. No way. What do they think caused this . Theyre saying they cant trace it back to one singular thing. They have had lots of rain over the last 12 months they believe may have helped erode the section. Collapses are common and they just think, you know, little by little it is just erosion. Thats all it is. There are nearby towns in the area here and people have been warned to stay away. This isnt out in the middle of nowhere. In fact, in the sequence of photos taken by a French Geological photographer, it is a bit wider of a shot and you can see people standing out in the water watching this and expecting it to collapse. You can also see in this sequence of photos people turning and running from that collapse. It is so spectacular to see such a huge piece of earth falling down. It makes sense because of the material it was made out of this would happen but still so huge. 30,000 tons of rock, clay, and chalk. You never know what you will get on live animal feed and this is going viral which was caught on the explorer. Org live animal cam at brooks falls in alaska. You can see mama with three bears. Like the beginning of a story and what a story i have for you. You have nine bears in all. This looks like a cartoon. Too perfect for you . Yes. This is really good footage theyve got. Watch as the action begins. You have three bears. And then peril starts. Two of them go for a ride. Moms jump down and go after the babies. Then a predator approaches. Another bear. Mama gets in a fight with another bear as she is trying to rescue her babies. The video skips and you see the third bear, i dont know if he jumped out of sympathy for the other two but the cubs eventually are rescued by mom. Thats the sweetest show of emotion from a bear to watch her little worried face as her little cubs get swept down the waterfall and then she goes bounding in. This is a cartoon. She really sprung into action quick. It is understandable why it has gone viral. This is the live feed we captured. You never know how many bears you will see. Right there you can see four of them sitting there. Like at a spa. You can see where we get the phrase dont mess with a mama bear and her cubs. This video is on a Public Transportation bus in olympia, washington. At first glance you see a man running towards the bus. You think he is running late. A few moments later you see several other men running towards the bus and they stop right in front of the bus. Theyre at the door and start slamming on the windows trying to get the bus driver to open the door. Apparently theyre screaming things like that man just stabbed someone when she hears that she starts screaming to this man get out of my bus. Get out of the bus. Now. The doors open back up. He grabs his bag and starts running towards the back of the bus and does actually end up exiting. There is another angle that shows us what ended up happening after he got off the bus. You see a group of men beating on that guy with the white tank top. Theyre pulling on it. He manages to get back up on his feet and something that is very dramatic and this could be very difficult for some people to watch is that as the video progresses and we see more of the beating, you see that his shirt starts developing a dark spot in the that is because at that point he has been stabbed. Was he the stabber or not . Maybe they were trying to get to him and claimed he had done something wrong when they were trying to do something wrong to him . At this point there are no details on whether or not the claims against the man in the white tank top are true. State patrol is still investigating this case. Right now theyre looking for the men that ended upbeating the guy in the white tank top. What happened to this man in the tank top . Do we know how he is doing . He was critically injured and now police are trying to identify the other people to figure out what exactly happened. As far as public Basketball Courts go, this looks awesome. It is in toronto. It has a nice surface to play on. Police in toronto got caught up by chance chasing a suspect down and the chase landed them onto this Basketball Court. This was caught on video. You can see police car, a number of officers, and then eventually look at this, a police car on the Basketball Court right there. Going to ruin it, right. It is. Cop car in the Basketball Court. Ripping up our brand new Basketball Court for the kids in the community. You saw the before. You got photos of the after here. You can see the thing just torn up, chunks of that all over the placpa d we spoke to the Toronto Police department and they told us that it is unfortunate the officers had to go on the court to chase the suspect down. The suspect was apprehended. They said stuff like this happens. City property, unfortunately, does get damaged in instances like this and it will be fixed and you can imagine how some people upset because, think about it, maybe it is saturday morning and you go outside and try to hit up the courts and it looks like this. Theyre in pursuit of a is up. Sure. They have more important fish to fry in the moment. Toronto streets are safe, everybody. It is a new ad campaign where the women really open up. I was doing that with the lights on. Well reveal the product behind the edgy advertising. And some dudes meet a llama. It is rather unfriendly. Looks docile. He is quite aggressive. Looks docile. He issofa. Desk. Ve. You know what . Why dont you go get some frozen yogurt. I got this. Youre so sweet. You got this, right . I do got this. Let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home. Sofa. Desk. You know what . Why dont you go get some frozen yogurt. I got this. Youre so sweet. You got this, right . I do got this. Let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home. Ready for some edgy advertising in a space where you dont normally see edgy. I saw saw a dude naked. I was doing the river with the lights on. You Say Something . No. I heard cow girl. Not happening. Just when i am twisted up like a russian gymnast it would be nice to look like a russian gymnast. Still there . Cow girl. Lets get up, mom. Talking to mom. What . You dont talk like that to mom. Talking to mom about the reverse cow girl and looking like a russian gymnast in the bedroom. This is a slim fast ad. If you go back and look, you can see the slim fast shake bottle there on her bedside table. Slim fast is getting edgy and trying to use, they say, liberating humor to appeal to the women and men who are wanting to slim down for all kinds of different reasons. Slim fast, huh . Now we have two moms walking in the park together. Yeah. Wanted to lose the baby weight. And not hottest milf in my area code. The hottest milf in the area code, get what you really want, slim fast. Doesnt matter the reason. Everybody has the reasons for wanting to shed a few lbs. These are honest ones. I have to be so comfortable to have my leg over my head with the lights on. The group sunday fun day likes to go out and enjoy life. They were in peru when they came upon a llama. This llama appears to be somebodys pet. It is domesticated but rather unfriendly. The llama preparing to spit. Theyre known to spit. I need to cover my face. At this point they are just tolerating the guy walking by. Looks very cuddly. He looks docile. He is quite aggressive. Cant help but want to go up. Bear hug. That was spit. Oh and it starts making these weird noises like it is something from star trek. This one sounds like he is hocking lugies. Look at this sweater he is wearing, like it came straight off the llamas back. No wonder he is getting spit at. Maybe the owner of this home using the llama as a lawn waterer and he is watering that area with his spit. Yeah. Or a guard llama. Rookie magazine is a website for teenaged girls and they have a Running Series called ask a grown man or ask a grown woman. Theyre very interesting because these teenaged girls, high school girls, get to ask a person advice on random things. In this case they had chris and ezra, members of the indy rock band vampire weekend. Answer questions that the teenaged girls have submitted. I think you can love someone and still look at porn. I dont think it is a reflection of how he feels about you. Porn is not a person. Porn is a thing. You can love somebody, love baseball, yeah, yeah, love porn. This is like love line all over again. There is a guy i really like, he is a cool dude, and he is really nice, and he writes songs about me sometimes which is freaking sweet. I think he only likes me as a friend, though, because he tells me about hs s ucfor 20 years. Bummer. When i was a teenager, i was sometimes talk to girls about other girls i had a crush on when really i had a crush on the girl i was talking to. Such a classic. Better to be honest if you like somebody. Just tell them. Imagine we were in high school and a girl came up and said, hey, you seem cool. I want your number. I would have loved that. It would have been amazing. Awesome. If you want to see the entire video and hear all of their opinions, head on over to right this minute and click on best of rtm or watch it on the mobile app. You are watching right this minute. Lets get social with it. Were talking three videos, a girl takes out a thief. Just dropped him in the family jewels. And can you figure out what is going on here . Or here . This is messing with my head. It is. See the videos and find out real or fake. [ male announcer ] you know that sizzler grills the worlds best steaks. But did you know weve also mastered three incredibly craveable pastas . Sizzlers new incredibly craveable combos for just 10. 99, right now. And soon well be ending alzheimers disease. And thatll be big. Grab your friends and family and start a team today. Register at alz. Org you guys ready for real or fake videos with matt dradle . Whats up . Youre watching right this minute. Lets get social with it. That belongs on a tshirt. I like it. Get to the first video. Standing up against the wall, dude comes around the corner and yanks her stuff. Looks a little choreographed to me. Yeah. She just dropped him in the family jewels which is pretty effective. I am not buying it. He didnt take off so fast and she grabbed his arms and he whipz around. It is fake. Fake. I believe there is a 10 possibility this could be really but a 90 possibility it is fake. What do you say, mac. Definitely fake. You can tell when he walks away. He is not running. Video number two. What is that . Looks like paprika. Or cayenne. A volcano. How cool would you be . No. An octopus growing out of it. It just turned fake. What is that . I still say it is real. It is like the snakes, remember the snakes, the fire crackers, a can of worms. They probably buried them underneath and lit it on fire and you get them growing out. Totally real. Love it. It starts out a small pile and had then expands. I like the person titled this how to create a portal to hell. What do you say. I think nick was on the right path. I doubt they buried the little snakes in there. This is probably material that makes the snakes and last but not least video number three. Oh. [ bleep ]. Oh, thats creepy. He has a costume and it looks like he is cut in half and carrying his own leg. Oh, my. That is cool. Love this. That is a killer costume for a costume party. It is messing with my head. I dont know how he does it. Little a real illusion. Definitely not somebody carrying around their leg. This is crazy, though, he starts out up right and then drops into the costume. People are freaking out. I love it. This poor girl fell. What did your users say . They think it is cut in half. Like the video. Boss coversus the windshield wipers. Get it, roscoe. Good boy, roscoe. For his bachelor party, 338, shooting a volkswan jetta. Most like to go out with a bang. This guy does it with a 42 pound bang. We have a Volkswagen Jetta at 300 yards. They loaded it up with an explosive and the you see the man of hon zor this is a bachelor party. Like his single hood going up in flames. You got it. I am ready. Are you guys ready . Ready. Send it. Yeah what . What the just one piece flew way up into the air and took 10 minutes to float back down. One shot sends it into the shredder of heaven. Look at the craters. 42 pounds of tannorite. Thats whats left. Especially shredded and vaporized. That car has pieces everywhere. Parts of it all over this field. Not much left of the car. And the best man needed a ride home. Yeah whoa the sas squauch spotted again. We have sound on this one, guys. Is hearing believing . The piece of proof this video you hate to see video of arson but i like what the poster wrote on this video. Some dummy set a fire in a dumpster outside of my apartment complex. It is an act of arson. The guy started filming the fire and of course eventually the Fire Department had to come and put this thing out. It is a tough job being a fire fighter. You have to go to houses. You have to respond to calls like this and save a bunch of cats and this guy had the toughest job. He is walking over that like netting up there. It is not the most stable base, and watch what happens when he has the hose. Whoa. His buddy kicks did on and you know he is trying to get his footing. It is like a cargo net, an obstacle course. These fire hoses have a ton of pressure. The water coming out is a lot of force. No wonder he fell backwards. It would knock anybody backwards, even if you had steady footing. Yes. Sometimes puppies dont want a chew toy, they just want a nice pair of slacks. Oh, theyre really grabbing on. Strong grip. Now one is getting danger us only close. After he gets his leg part of the way out of this area theyre in, now theyre after the flipflops. That is really cute, though. The guys behind the cameras are loving it. Normally this cat would think this bird is delicious. Who growled . What is it . Duke is the dog who is nearby and duke is not happy that this little bird has dropped by to pay a visit to this cat. The cat loves the bird, hanging out with the bird, chilling with the bird. This is all kinds of stuff. The dog is not chasing the cat, the cat is not eating the bird. They dont seem phased by duke and his bark. Eventually the bird flew away. They do wonder if it will ever come back to visit the cat again. Lets hope so. Doubt it. All right. He is back, guys. Sasquatch made another appearance. Judge for yourself. Huh. This is a group of Chinese Tourists in missio columbia in canada. Why not keep the camera on the alleged sasquatch instead of keep moving it over to show all of these people. We get to see people every day. If you think it is a sasquatch, keep the camera on it. Very good question. Apparently they really do believe they are seeing sasquatch. This would mean that the elusive sasquatch has decided to make an appearance at a tourist lookout. Yeah. I think this is the place that sasquatch avoid. You know that sasquatch videos are all bad. There is never any clear footage. One thing we logic never get is sound. We have sound on this one, guys. Is he talking . Like post that on my twitter. Did you hear that . It sounded like a growl, like the sasquatch scream. Or a dog barking. That really freaks everybody out and they start running away. Maybe these people really do think theyre seeing sasquatch and theyre just being pranked by a dude in a costume. He is probably on a little weed because he is in the forest. And wearing a costume. The legend of sasquatch has been solved. It is a bunch of weed growers. I am not growing weed, that was sasquatch. The Investigation Continues into this particular sighting. Thats our show, everybody. Well see you for the next edition of right this minute. [ female announcer ] for the freshest produce, you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. [ rooster crows ] thats why safeway works closely with local growers. The folks whose hands are in the soil. Planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered to safeway every single day. Fresh from our farmers. This week, fresh local sweet corn from g s farms is just 8 for two dollars. At safeway, ingredients for life. At safeway, ingredients for life. Williams show. Today hilarious whitneyco spin on the hot topics. Chef eliana de las casas back in the wendy kitchen cooking upxab fourth of july favorite and a showstopping performance by r b superok star joe. Now, heres wendy [ applause ] wendy yeah. [ applause ] wgne1

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