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how to deal with snakes at work when you know she want to bite you. >> and three baby bears are stuck in a dumpster. >> crying all night. >> see the ingenious solution to get the cubs back to mama. >> i love this. i absolutely love this. beautiful vo from a glacier north of greenland. guys are out there on the boat taking in the scenery. beautiful. eventually you start to see some bits and pieces, some dust, chunks of the glacier coming down. before you know it, those little tiny bits and pieces turn into huge chunks. >> oh. >> we have seen this before, it's called caving. this turns from beautiful to scary quick. in seconds. it's almost like a tsunami. a huge, huge rush of water coming for these people in the boat. >> oh. >> the people in the boat start motoring it out of there as fast as they can. look. you see water makes it inside the boat. the cameraman turns around, we see the waves and debris from the glacier right behind these guys following them. >> this is as scary as it is magnificent to see what a huge wave that created, though what would you expect to happen with that huge slab of ice just rushing into the water? >> you want to think it's just surf and water coming at them, but you know it's full of chunks of ice and debris that could have swamped the boat and damaged any number of things. >> right. >> terrifying. >> mother nature doesn't play around. >> this is the wildest thing i've ever tried in my life. >> once they're safely away from harm, listen to what this guy says. >> i've never been this close to dying. >> by the end of it they're out of harm's way, but that was a close call. >> this next one will leave you scratching your head. i got this story from wftv. officer jose otero, a melbourne, florida police officer took his duties of investigating prostitutes maybe a little too far. officer otero is accused of having sex with prostitutes while on the job, while in uniform, or parts of his uniform, in a marked police car. here's video. you see otero talking with a woman. it's in daylight. this other video you see what is believed to be otero's cruiser pulling into a secluded video at night. this is officer otero getting out of the car with his shirt undone or off. investigators have taken otero's hard drive from his dash cam which shows his police car in a neighborhood known for prostitution and otero's car approaching different women of the night. officer otero is married, 42 years old. he's been on the force for four years. >> maybe he was doing extra research on the crimes in the area? >> maybe he was in an undercover case? >> no word about what he was doing. the melbourne police department does believe he may have been up to no good. there is an investigation going on. the videos released do not show any sex acts or exchange of money. officer otero is facing six counts of prostitution related charges. it's happened again. the british can't stop their kids from trying to ste the yet. this is anna, she is from poland and came just to run for the torch. look at what happens as she's about to hand it off to the next guy. >> that came out of nowhere. >> it did come out of nowhere. that was a 17-year-old. he was taken into custody and questioned by police. >> in this case it looks like security did their job an reacted quickly enough. the last one we saw, everybody stood there flat-footed like who is this kid. this time around, they were like, no, this time anybody tries to grab the torch, we're swamping it. there's enough people there, you will get arrested. >> i hope this doesn't ruin the torch run for the future. i hope it doesn't turn into something where you need a bunch of security. >> like you said, where are you going to go with it? thousands of people are lining the route. >> this is like streaking at a baseball game. it may be cool for a second, but you're definitely going to get in trouble. >> when we grew up we were taught to help our wise senior citizens cross the road, right? cross the street. give them a hahn. >> respect your elders. >> but in russia -- >> you can't expect that in russia. >> dash cam video at a crosswalk in russia what do you see? >> this is bad news. >> cars going in both directions. >> she's thinking this car will hit me. >> we have seen people run over old ladies in russia before. in front of this old lady, you see an suv, stopped, waiting for her. gets out of his car. not going fast at all. >> what's going to happen, you guys? >> he's going to argue with her. run her over. give her the finger. wave a pistol at her. ♪ >> oh, good move. good move, buddy. >> look how nice he was. he actually got out of his car, walked over to this lady and gave her a hand. helped her finish crossing the street. >> i was freaking out because i thought he would punch her. >> we've seen stranger things in russia. >> he put himself in danger, too. he was right in the middle of the intersection. >> i was so relieved when i saw this guy help this old lady instead of punch her in the face. >> good job. not bad for some former comis. >> applause to that russian. good job. the fight is on. >> between a 6-year-old and a 7-year-old. >> the controversy surrounding mma fighting between tiny fists of fury. and it's the newest toy for lovers. if you were to kiss this thing like this -- let's say welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. when the weather turns bad, most people take their boats and get out of the water. guys who go into the water are the u.s. coast guard. the guys in the u.s. coast guard in oregon show them going into places where we don't want to go. into crazy weather, bad environments. look at some of the conditions they encounter in their bode. >> we see a lot of these videos. the coast guard rescues never seem to amaze us. >> most people would freak out on the water. to them, it's just another day on the job. >> look at the swells at the bow of the boat. every one has their own personal handle that they grab on. a lot of the rescues are the helicopter with the dry line, they make it look easy. these guys are getting into the thick of it. just neat to see. i imagine hearing ing "baywatch theme song. >> "baywatch"? they never performed a rescue like this. >> nobody is out there with a red buoy and short red shorts like david hasselhoff. i love hasselhoff, but these guys are a little tougher. >> these guys put themselves in dang danger. you know what is at the top of their skill list? >> tell me. >> brave. >> they don't hesitate. they hit it, no matter what the weather is like. i want to preface this video by saying i do not condone what i'm about to show you. this is mma-style fighting in the republic of armenia between a 6-year-old and a 7-year-old. this contest was put together by the armenian fighting championship. the little fighters you see, 7-year-o the 7-year-old and the 6-year-old. you have the rer in the m opponentey start sparring. it's so strange to watch. >> they're doing some har-core wrestling-like moves and punches to the side. >> i feel like i'm watching something illegal. >> is it illegal? >> not in armenia. >> in this country, there are young kids doing wrestling. they're not throwing bunches. >> very different. >> i don't condone it either. the wrestling in the states for kids this age, the majority of what we're saying would not be allowed. the talk in sports the last couple of years has been all about concussions. limiting concussions in contact sports so people don't have long-term damage late in life. then there's this, an easy way for a grade-school kid to get a concussion and potentially cause permanent damage. when is it okay for a kid to start? i would never put my kid in it. >> i would say around the age of 18. then you can say, okay, i'm an adult, i'm making these decisions for myself. one of the other disturbing parts of the video, the winner climbs off the cage that surrounds this ring. watch what he does. >> like a burial. >> that's exactly what he does. he imitates burying this guy. digs the grave, puts him in, pats the ground down. >> that's weird. >> we want to know what you think about this. message us on our facebook page, >> like the song says -- it. >> two of them decided to get busy, then this other -- >> he's trying to pick up some tips here. he's interested in this guy's move. >> i think he wants a -- >> we did not come to busch gardens for this. >> it's long been said they are -- exhibitionists. >> they're hot to trot. >> they don't care who sees. do whatever they want in front of everybody. >> they got some stamina. they need to build a -- house. they need to build some -- houses in this area so these guys can have privacy. their friends should not be watching this. >> this is a private moment. when this is going on between two -- you don't want somebody else going nice move, jerry. >> hum? >> porn. >> to get your dose of the birds and the -- go to our website, and see the whole show. ♪ do it ♪ doing it ♪ doing it all the time it's time for a little real or fake. so -- >> plug into the highway. >> three great videos of friends helping friends -- sometimes. can i please point out the bad friend that just sat there and watched? didn't move a finger? >> real or fake. see what you think. >> don't forget, "right [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪ prepare yourselves, everybody, it's time to check in with matt. what's up? >> plug in. let's go. >> let's dive in with our first video. would you ever play with this toy? looks like it's a dragon mouth with thumb tacks in it. >> wait. i have played with this toy. >> is it like a russian roulette thing? you push down on a tooth and -- >> and it snaps shut. i played this as part of a drinking game in japan. they have them at the bars there. this one is modified with thumb tacks. mine did not have that. >> oh. >> that's awful. i would never play with this. >> ever. >> you get tetanus. >> or a blood borne disease from the person you're playing with. >> if you played this game, you will get aids. >> i disagree with that. >> that's weird. >> matt, would you play this game? >> definitely. looks fun. >> next video. duck stunt. >> okay. >> you know that hurt him in multiple places. >> oh. >> he gets shinned, crotched, beaned on the head. broken spine. >> yeah. >> he's going to the hospital. >> that's real. no denying that. >> can i pleaspointout the bad friend that is o t watched? didn't move a finger. >> he didn't even react. >> no. >> that's called not a single [ bleep ] was given that day. >> yes, you can say that. >> last video. aggressive grandma. >> not moving too quick. >> poor woman. >> somebody that to help her. >> now she thinks she's getting robbed. >> they came to help her. >> you know what? i think this is fake. she's too slow. >> i'm with gail. i think it's fake. i don't. i think it's real. the referee sneaks behind. i'm going fake, too. >> what do you say, mac? >> i think i've also been convinced this is fake. plus i don't think there are footlockers in russia. >> yeah. true. just chilling in the woods. ♪ ♪ who needs skype and who needs facetime when you can use this? it's called the kiss me. it was developed by a singapore-based company. i found this on it's basically an egg, smaller than a human head, with some lint attached. this thing allows users to wirelessly send kisses to another person who also has a kiss me. the lips are made of pressure sensitive soft plastic that contain pressure sensors. if you were to kiss this thing like this -- the lips on the other kiss me egg will mimic what i just did. so then it is as if you are kissing -- >> i'm afraid to ask. does this thing have a tongue? >> no tongue. it's still a prototype. they did come out and say we're trying to minimize the creepiness. >> they didn't try very hard. they stuck a pair of plastic lips on something worse than a potato head. >> if you are walking in the mall with this egg how weird will you look? >> i think it's kind of cool. >> there's so much more to kissing than lip to lip. there's touching of the hair. >> you can rub that egg's head. >> it's bald. >> so you don't like bald guys? >> i like hair. >> bruce willis does not have a shot with you. >> i could make exceptions. >> there are three bear cubs trapped in the dumpster. how then to get them out. >> look at that. >> what a smart, elegant solution to a very dangerous problem. >> see how not ♪ [ ukulele strumming ] ♪ [ folksy whistling ] [ man ] quitting is a fight you can't let yourself lose. it can take many tries. but keep trying, you will beat smoking. honey, you okay? yeah, i'm fine. ♪ [ ukulele ] look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes. what's that bedroom over there? that's your husband's dream bedroom. whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store. it's always special when you're out hiking to see some wildlife. robert meyer was hiking at whiting ranch wilderness park in southern california when he saw a coyote. he noticed the coyote acting pretty strangely. the coyote was barking, yelping, had its tail between its legs. before he knew tshit, he realiz what the coyote was howling out. >> wow. a mountain lion. >> the coyote was trying to scare off a 100-pound mountain lion. once the mountain lion comes into the frame, the coyote is like i will take a step back. department of fish and game were able to capture this mountain lion. they are still trying to decide whether to euthanize the cat or transfer it. the park was the scene of another fatal attack in 2004 from a mountain lion. this is not first time mountain lions have been spotted in this park. good place to go hiking, you never know what you might see. th iso. the people that this mama bear is camped out at this dumpster because her three bear cubs were inside crying all night. >> oh. >> so some good samaritans come along, they will try to help them out. mama takes off. somebody takes a ladder, sticks it into the dumpster. >> that's brilliant. >> what a great idea. oh. the bear didn't go far. the bear was right up there. she kept a safe distance, that's for sure. >> get that? >> yeah. >> good. >> all three of them were stuck. >> look at that. >> what a smart, elegant solution to a very dangerous problem. >> yeah. >> i love this. i absolutely love this. what a beautiful video. what a beautiful story. what a great, smart thing these people did to help this mom. >> imagine the talking to that these three bear cubs got when they got back to the cave. mama wasn't happy. >> you're supposed to take the trash out. not play in the trash. >> yeah. any time you think about complaining about your job, remember this -- check out this guy in this video that i found on live lead. this guy is cleaning a cobra pit with roughly 200 cobras in it. >> they are all perched up like this ready to snap. >> what does that mean? >> they're not happy. >> no, they want to bite you. >> does anybody believe in steel tip boots when they're doing work like this? >> he's not even being super careful. kind of slinging them around. >> i don't know if this comment is accurate or not, but that same poster also said these cobras -- >> is this for a tourist attraction? >> definitely. you can hear a lot of people talking in the video. >> it looks like he went through all the laundry, these jeans are clean. these ones aren't. >> did he just smack that one? >> right in the head. >> i don't know if this is normal. i never handled cobras. i feel like there may be a little roughness going on here. >> i hope this guy gets paid more than minimum wage. >> i'm sure he doesn't have workman's comp either. >> i just know that will never be me. they would sense how nervous i am and i would have 2200 cobras. >> that's it for today's "right this minute." see you next time. ♪

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