A toddler, struck and killed while he was in a cross walk with his mother. Now, months later, his mom is on a mission to make streets safer. Good evening, im ken wayne and hello, everyone, im heather holmes. It happened at the intersection of vine and oak street in san jose last november. No well walker is live there after speaking to the boys mother. Reporter a cross walk should be a safety zone, but for elijah, its a danger zone. Now, to make drivers Pay Attention and help save lives. Whenever there is a free moment, karena men doze disa goes to visit her son. He would have been four years old. Reporter the super hero legend lives on in wilted balloons and rain soaked toys a growing memorial to elijah, hit and killed while walking in the crosswalk last november. I just want to start crying. Because, it does hurt. It hurts a lot. Reporter scene take time on your driving, dont be in a hurry. She points out other people have cried crossing bay area streets since her sons death. We are not safe. Reporter preventable accidents she doesnt want another parent to experience everyone is in a hurry. It seems like people dont care. But they should care. You never know if it will happen to them one of these days. Reporter while we have been here, other people have told us there are other pedestrian accidents at other cross walks in this area. The take three to see campaign has launched in other states. Elijahs mother is hoping her sons name and his story will help it launch here, too. Blue skies out there this afternoon, but this is all going to change. Heres a live look at the bay with the sunshine a few clouds out there. We have Team Coverage tonight. Kristina shows us how homeowners are baltimoreleing the drought. We begin with mark with much needed rain that is heading our way. Hi, mark. The last day of march, we are talking about another storm. As far as the rainfall totals, you can see the numbers beginning to add up, especially in parts of the bay area toward oakland. Over an inch. San francisco, 1. 31, not as much for concorde, mountainview and san jose, but everybody will be picking up more rain tomorrow. In the sierra, this has been a big producer. Basically, five feet of snow over the past week with this system moving onshore. We do have more snow in the forecast for the sierra as well. We are not completely dry. Here is the latest on stormtracker, rain focus on extreme south bay. This is mostly on the light side, but we could have a few downpours around 101 and morgan hill. Here is the wider perspective. Lingering snowshowers toward the sierra. Well widen out the view, here is our next storm approaching the coastline. Right now, distance tracker on this, 200miles to our north and west. By this time tomorrow, we are talking about more rain working its way back into the mixture. Coming up, the heaviest rain will effect one commute and we are talking about low snow levels. Ill let you know how low they will get coming up at 5 20. To californias drought, despite the rain heading our way, california is in one of the most drought in history. Scientists fear fish and other wildlife wont survive and food prices will rise. Reservoirs are much lower than usual in many areas across the state. Tonight, one group is helping residents be as drought fend friendly as possible, by showing them how to make their yards less water dependent. Kristina is live reporter thats exactly right, now we are at orchard nursery in lafayette to show you an example. This is the california lilac. Drought resistant and a native to the state. That means more people are willing to plant this throughout their lawns. Piles of black mulch, replacing sheets of green grass for people who are replacing the way they think about their lawns, Michael Johnson has been chipping away at his yard for decades. We have been here 40years. We have been through the fourth drought and the worst one. Reporter thats why he knew his lush lawn had to go. He volunteered his house to cathy kramer to hold a workshop on his property. We figured the right thing to do is to get rid of it. We love the look of natural plants. Reporter kramer and a group of volunteers spent the day figuring out how to treat the yards. An hour and a half, we have removed the lawn, here. Reporter kramer said people can plant drought resistant or native plants and it significantly cuts their water use. They require less water and no pesticides. Reporter kramer hopes to plant a seed in peoples mind about grow agnew kind of garden, drought or not. Its getting away from the Pesticide Use and excessive water use. There is a much better way to garden than that. Reporter the homeowner in lafayette said he is getting a rebate from east bay for doing what he is doing. That is something you can ask your water provider. If its too drastic for you, you can always start by widening your water beds. We have a special section on our website showing reservoir levels around the state in real time. As well as how one water agency is helping their customer fix and find leaks. The family of andrew silva on his motorcycle in freemont last tuesday when he was hit at the intersection of dakota road and freemont boulevard. The driver of emeryville has been charged with murder. Silva returned from afghanistan just a little more than amounted ago and leaves behind a wife and young twoyearold son. Mountain mikes pizza is donating a portion of their sales to silvas family. A series of Memorial Services are planned beginning with the mass tomorrow at Saint Vincents Church in san raff yearold. Deplays at the Computer System that customs uses to process people coming through went down, causing a major backup at the international terminal. No word on what caused that glitch yesterday. Officials say they switched to a backup system and they tell us everything is running smoothly, today. To continuing coverage of the deadly mudslide in washington state, there seems little chance of finding any victims alive, but the governor said, today they are hoping for a miracle. Searchers looking for any mow men toeses of loved ones they can give to the families, 30 people remain missing. That number dramatically lower from original estimates. 18 people are confirmed dead. The catastrophic mudslide broke out last weekend, burying 49 homes. More than 50 people pack homes. Erics are musen was the only tv reporter that joined parishioners inside of the church explaining why there was more hope than despair today. [ church bells ringing ] your outside of the orso community chappel, the sound of church bells. Ininside, more than 50 voices singing a song called 10,000 reasons eight days afterred devastating landslide. People are resilient, ready to do what they can to help and move on from her. Reporter to de. Church leaders asked all cameras to remain outside. Audio recording was allowed, enough to hear a bible paysage that seems meant for this community. This is so big and we are so little. You know . And its just moving. Reporter cory was among those giving thanks at this service. He said his 19yearold son joined the orso Fire Department two months ago and has spent almost every day since the landslide working through the debris looking for victims and survivors. Today, he said he had to force his son to take a day off. He is literally falling down. He is just that way. Reporter in church, there are people that lived in orso their entire lives, but there are some that came from very far away to be a part of the services the pastor told the congregation, we may be knocked down, but we are not knocked out. San mateo juror says what is new, the caller demands the victim pay fees to a green dot prepared debit card. If the victim doesnt pay, the caller threatens arrests. The Sheriffs Office said they would never threaten arrest for failed jury duty. Searchers, what they have discovered in the missing malaysian airliner. California lottery has a new proposal to boost sales. How it could change a routine activity for people that dont what lies ahead for state senator leeland yee after his arrest on federal corruption charges. 0 ockn . coxo . n cnnncvxqx . nnn . oioy what. Could. Be. Better. Than. Slice. After. Slice. Of. Americas. Best. Sharp. Cheddar . Nothing. Tillamook sharp cheddar, tastes better because its made better. Flames coming from a 250,000 square mile area, searching for the missing malaysian jet airliner. Now, now objects have been discovered and they could be related toed missing plane. Scott thompson explains why authorities are optimistic that the items could finally lead them to the wreckage. Reporter new hope in the search for missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370. An australian crew spotted new objects floating in the indian owing. An area, five nautical miles which included at least four orange colored objects. Reporter Authorities Say they dont know if the objects are from the seemingly doomed flight, so the new lead is promising, because so far, the other things they found are not related to the missing plane. The area has been marked and ships will head toed location. Back in may leshia families of those onboard are fed up with the uncertainty. A few of the chinese family flu to the location translator we want malaysia to apologize for the information that caused confusion, delaying the Search Mission and we want the malaysian government for irresponsibly announcing the plane had crashed. Families say they want proof that the plane has crashed. Many believe that are some survivors. Gathering at Fruitvale Plaza called a coming out of the shadows rally. Its a chance for people to come together to share their stories for living in the u. S. As undocumented youth. Speakers from the east bays Youth Coalition told the crowd there was strength in their university. We are not only latino, we are here from many parts of the world, here to proclaim life matters. Some families are torn apart while some are deported while others remain in the u. S they say the immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed. We continue to push for immigrant rights. Speakers called on president obama to stop deportations. Happening now in san jose, people are lining up to see what will likely be the last show at the historic dome theater on winchester boulevard. The lease is up for the century 21 complex and some preservationists are hoping it will be granted hand mark status. Can landmark status. Demolition is pending. Tonights show is sold out. You can see its still clear out on the bay. It looks like a nice day to be out there. It does, changes are heading our way, lets check in with mark, our meteorologist, more rain is coming. Pretty active weather pattern. Today, we had a a break a few scattered rain showers in parts of the south bay. Tomorrow, we are tracking gusty winds and eventually some thunderstorms. The time of the year we track more thunderstorm activity. Right now, on live stormtracker, still some lingering rainshowers across the northern portion of the state. Winter storm warning has expired for now. That will be changing tomorrow. Heres another look at the live Doppler Radar sweep. A little activity in parts of the south bay. Around morgan hill and gill roy, showers, wet run ways around 101. Closer inspection at butterfield, in the morgan hill area. We have the other system developing on shore. Main feature for weather tomorrow. We thought things were cooled off. Currently, 60 degrees. Santa rosa, 57 and downtown San Francisco reporting 57 degrees. Wind speeds, abetted of a a bit of a bay out there. Santa rosa, concorde, winding out of the west an northwest. A few northwest observations to add to the mix. Mountain view and sf o, wind, 12miles an hour. Next storm moving in tomorrow. Details you can expect. Rainfall expectations will be a half inch in the south bay up to over an inch for the north bay. Possibly a lit more for the coastal hills. Heaviest rain to our north. Winds do pick up. No wind advisories, but winds will be gusting 3040miles an hour. No snow levels with the cold air moving in. Snow levels 3,000 to 3500 feet. We could have a little dusting of snow in the bay area hills, most likely into tuesday as the coldest air moves in. Overnight lows, mostly cloudy skies, temperatures in the 40s to start out the day, a lot of cloud cover. We have a chance for a few scattered showers, the main activity, heaviest rain moving in tomorrow afternoon. Heres the eventual track for tomorrow. Rain develops, gusty winds out there. We talk about a cold front and the cold air, area of low pressure, approaches, a sure sign of instability. With that, we increase thunderstorm chances monday night and tuesday. We talked about the low snow levels in the bay area. Here is the forecast model. You will see this in tomorrow morning. A few popup showers, 2 00 early, and sock as well. Look what happened into the afternoon hours. Could be moderate to heavy at times. Afternoon and evening commute. The rainfall will be an obstacle. Chance of a shower, 7 00, rain picks up by 12 00 and temperatures in the upper 50s, to lower 60s, more rain in the forecast for tomorrow. Look ahead. Fiveday forecast, tuesday, possibility of showers and thunderstorms, chance of a shower wednesday. More clouds by thursday, slight chance of a shower into friday. Coming up in 20 minutes, well look at your weekend forecast. A new study on heart attacks shows they can be spotted much earlier with a simple test researchers have come up with. Supposed to be one of the most closely guarded structures in the country. But people keep getting in Police Still Searching for clues after this tree falls on a driver. Witnesses describe why they felt helpless. We now know the name of a driver that was killed when a tree limb came crashing down on his car. Travis chapman. The accident happened sun rise boulevard in citrus heights. The passenger was hurt and another car crashed into the driver hit by the tree and had to be taken to the hospital. Witnesses say there was nothing they could do. His car landed on a median. When i came out, we couldnt do anything but call 911. Part of the roadway had to be shut down while cleanup crews worked to removed fallen debris. New research suggesteds that a simple blood test can help determine if someone with chest pains is actually having a heart attack. Swedish researchers say an immediate test that shows a heart muscle has been damaged is a good indicator of whether or not a heart attack is happening. Usually, its administered three hours after heart pain starts. U. S. Medical experts say more study is needed to confirm the findings. It is back to court for apple and samsung in a brand new showdown on patent rights. The last time apple sued samsung, but this time, they are suing for five alleged violations on newer products like the galaxy s3 and tab 2. Jury selection tomorrow in san jose. We look closer at the case of state senator leeland yee. What is ahead for him in court. Who is calling for him to resign all together. Lottery officials have a new plan to buy tickets its not where you can buy them, its how. How they think the small change will boost sales. Was fridays california earthquake a preview of a bigger one . Scientists weigh in. Download the ktvu app to get video of breaking news, any time, anywhere. State senator leeland yee is accused 0 of arming traffic, involving two dozen people. Yee could enter a plea as early as tomorrow when he is scheduled to appear in federal court. Kristin is live at the federal Court Building with a look at what we can expect tomorrow. Reporter senator leeland yee facing a court battle and political battle. He is facing a chorus of politicians calling on him to step down. He is set to return to federal court monday morning, charged with exchanging political favors and conspiracy to traffic in firearms. Today at his sunset district home, no one answered the door and no one came or went for hours. Friday, his fellow state senators voted overwhelmingly to suspend him. He will continue to draw a paycheck. Thursday, he withdrew from the race to become the secretary of state. It seems more and more, i have to agree and join the governor and senator feinstein and others that he should make that independent determination to resign. Its one that i think puts the Public Interest in mind first. Reporter also due in court, raymond shrimp boy chow. Arrested on wednesday, chow is currently in jail in dublin. But updates have continued on a facebook account attributed to him. Among the postings if you want to post something on my facebook page, keep it positive. Although 16 defendants appeared in court last week, none have entered a plea so far. Four people included in the charging documents are still at large. Yee will be back in Court Tomorrow morning at 9 30, ktvu will be here, you can expect updates on your mobile devices on line and here on the air. And we have dedicated a special section to this story on our website. You can watch the raw video of the state Senate Debating to suspend him, and you can read the entire criminal complaint against him. Deadline to sign up tomorrow, for health care. But people who need help can go to one of several workshops. Can you sign up online today. If you need help by phone, counselors wont be available until tomorrow. Anyone that does not sign up could face fines for not having health coverage. If you start the process before tomorrow nights deadline, you will have two weeks to finish. Another earthquake, this one in Yellowstone National park. A register 4. 8 that struck around 6 30 this morning and it was felt 20miles away from the epi center. Near the center of yellowstone park. There were no immediate reports of damage. Major earthquakes that quake as much smaller in Southern California friday night, magnitude 5. 1. Scientists are facing questions if these quakes are a preview of what is to come. A seismologist with the u. S. Gee logical service said that is unlikely. Usgs said california has a 46 chance of magnitude 7. 5 or larger quake in the next 30 years. It would likely sit Southern California. A recent varietiual virtual earthquake study once they are in the basin, they get amplified and they cause stronger shaking. Reporter one seismologist said technological improvements have allowed them to find but they are difficult to predick. Whats in store for ukraine that is in the middle of a much bigger tug of war. Reporter its awe memorial and a call to action. Ukrainian, at the end of the 40 day mourning period for protesters killed with rallies, marchs and prayers. The square that saw much of the violence, a vigil that doubled as a campaign rally. Most important step now is the election. And that it be fair. Immediately afterwards, we demonstrate that we can provide necessary reform. Reporter airports across ukraine, 500 musicians performed in trib to the demonstrators. Representing a prayer calling for people to stay united and saying spirits dont die. This event was organized as a call for ukrainian people to become one nation united by a Strong Spiritual idea. Meanwhile, in paris, they tried to get the democratic process back on track. John kerry is meeting to try to find a common ground. There are alot of things that have happened and one has to be very realistic about it. There was an expressed will of people leaving crimee. The russian government repeatedly denied that they have plans to send more troops to occupy eastern ukraine. More details on the meeting between kerry and his russian counterpart. Both men agreed to find a diplomatic solution for ukraines future. Kerry wants the u. S. To be involved in the negotiations and the u. S. Troops on the border are not helpful. The russian Prime Minister said ukraine can function as a unified state. A new york senator calls for better security at one World Trade Center after two recent trespassing incidents. You might remember seeing this video taken by a base jumper in september. A few weeks ago, a new jersey teen snuck into the building and got to the 104th floor before he was caught. After living through the september 11th terrorist attacks, new yorkers expect the Freedom Tower and this whole site to have topnotch full proof guards in place. He said the government has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on security for one World Trade Center. He wants to be sure the money is being used effectively. Finding contra band in a very unusual spot. Where his nose lead him. Help that usually goes abroad staying here at home. Why students decided to give back here in the bay area. [doorbell rings] hey. Hey. Whats this . Its uverse live tv. With at t uverse. You can watch live tv from your device. Hey. Hey. Anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. Hey. So you wont miss a minute of ncaa march madness. Call now to get a uverse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. Guaranteed. Springtime is a time for planting. On this spring weekend, it was a time for giving back to those in need for Bay Area College students. Students from San Jose Mission college. University of San Francisco spent this weekend putting in a sustainable garden at a nonprofit shelter in san jose. The garden was sponsored by united way Silicon Valley. Organizers say they usually do this in different countries, but this year, decided to do something different. Why not do something locally . The 45 volunteers planted three beds that included a number of seed lings and herb garden and 11 types of tomatoes. Many of the volunteers said they had so much fun, they hope to come back and volunteer again. Only they signed up for the first day, coming back saturday and sunday. We had so many unexpected volunteers come back because they wanted to see the final product. We couldnt have asked for better volunteers. Family Supportive Housing shelter receives a grant from Silicon Valley. For those woe are interested in volunteering, but missed out on todays opportunity, united way Silicon Valley say they have events throughout the year, including a school beautifying project in june as well as other mentoring opportunities. One day, you may be able to buy a Lottery Ticket at the gas pump. The Lottery Commission is looking into ways of makes more money, where customers can buy a lottery card while they fill up with debit cards. Players could only buy tickets for Mega Millions and super lotto plus. People we spoke with today have mixed feelings i rarely go inside unless i need to get a water or something. Yeah, that seems like a good sale. Certains regulating it. I wouldnt want my daughter, who is 16 to buy lotto tickets with the credit card i have given her to buy gas with. Plans call for a 5 minimum purchases with a dollar fee for the gas station. Lottery officials are hoping to test this later this year. 150 stations in the sacramento and los angeles area. On this, the eve of cesar chavez, birthday, a ralliy cry he made famous for workers rights. Standing before the congregation, the children ledged to be compassionate and thoughtful citizens. The priest discussed how chavez followed in the foot steps of jesus christ, laying out the injustices of the times and defending those who were oppressed. Chavez foundedded united farm workers or ufw. A lot of talk about our weather, lets check in with mark who said another storm is heading our way. It has been a productive week. You will want to keep the umbrella nearby for the next couple of days. In terms of shower active across the northern part of the state, some showers to our north and toward the sierra, here is the radar loop for the past three hours. Some activity looks like the hills to the east a closer look 20 minutes ago, we were tracking this one shower approaching way out to our east, but basically, the bay area dry, scattered showers popped up in the south bay earlier this afternoon. For tonight, partly cloudy skies, a bit of a breeze with winds 1020miles an hour, here is our live camera looking toward the golden gate bridge. Pretty good size swell out there. Waves easily good 68 feet. As far as tomorrow, the rainfall redevelops, our next storm moves on shore, tuesday, we are tracking cold showers, with that, incriesing the instability. Thunderstorms as early as monday, better bet into tuesday. Home opener tomorrow, play as playing cleveland. Especially leading up to the first pitch, weather could be a factor for tomorrow evening. There is a chance we could have showers decreasing after the 7 00 hour. Keep an eye on the home opener with the as tomorrow. Heres the next storm, the cold front moves on shore tomorrow. Part one of the system, part 2, an area of low pressure, the cool air moving tuesday. Rain develop us tomorrow, especially by the afternoon hours, gusty winds out there as well. No wind advisory, winds approach 3040miles an hour. Tuesday, the chance of showers with the cold air, showers likely, but the chance of thunderstorms and snow levels coming down to 3,000 to 3500 feet. This will be a producer sugar bowl. More snow in the forecast tomorrow. Winter storm warning continues, potentially 612 inches. Look at the snow levels coming down to 3,000 feet in the sierra. Forecast models, tomorrow morning, the chance of a few scattered showers out there, but the activity increases during the afternoon. Especially for the afternoon. Evening commute at 4 00 and then at 7 00, scattered rainshowers, possibly a break developing after 7 00, a shorter narrow window because the activity moves back in late monday night and into tuesday. We are tracking more thunderstorms as well. Forecast highs tomorrow will continue to cool things off, upper 50s. Warmest loaf indications approaching the lower 60s in san jose, morgan hill and gill roy. More rain into the afternoon and evening hours, gold showers with a chance of thunderstorms tuesday. Chance of a lingering shower wednesday morning there is a slight chance friday. Forecast models are kind of backing off on that. Well keep an eye on it. The commute could be a challenge, especially tuesday, one of the deals where it is sunny, go for a walk and get drenched with the heavy rain and hail. Steams like we get more winter in the spring than in the winter. Ncaa time finally has its final four teams. Stanford women try to stay undefeated at home and reach the elitele. Sports wrap is up, next. Good evening, welcome to this early sunday evening edition of sports wrap. Motivated group for the regional game today against penn state. We have nor winning than everybody else. We are so much stronger. Dont be fooled by the size. Tonight is about to be over. Today, a team that trailed by four in the first half, not for long. They force a turnover to lilly and passes to bonnie. Stanford would go on a run to end the half. Easy hoop after the long pass from thompson, stanford led by 14 in the first half and coasted in the second half. Taking matters into her own hands, finishing with 29 points. 83rd double double of her career. Her older sister likes it. Stanford wins 8257 with a win on tuesday would move into the final four for the 6th time in seven years. The face we associate with stanford, but she says the team is much more than that. I told my teammates we are great players collectively and individually. I want to be an after thought. I want people to be aggressive. I think thats what we saw. Im so fortunate to have such unselfish teammates that pass to me all of the time. We want to play when we feel good about playing. Today was a great moment. Stanfords coach, the fixture on the Bay Area College basketball scene, the same is true for cals Mike Montgomery who is said tonight to be pondering his future. There is a scheduled meeting. The main topic whether or not montgomery plans to retire. 67yearold montgomery coached for 18 years at stanford and finished his sixth season at cal. He has won 677 games in his 32 year college career. Florida, wisconsin, u conand kentucky, final four. Kentucky against michigan. This one was a thriller, michigan trailed by two. Derrick long with a three pointer, he misses, but jordan morgan get it is back and they are tied at 72. Kentuckys turn. The wildcats worked the ball to harrison for a long three. Harrison on the money. Michigan, letting it fly from midcourt. Kentucky wins 7572. All freshman starting lineup is heading for the final four, the 16th time kentucky will be there. Michigan facing the 7th seeded u con. Valentine eventually hits the three. Michigan state, leading. Huskies went on a 120 run. Ryan wont get the layup, but he did make both freethrows after the foul valentine going hard into the cameraman, both were mine. Uconn, 23 of 22. Huskies go on to win and earn their shot in the final four. Still to come, two of the biggest names in tennis meet with a sony championship in florida and one look at his car showed up who got the better of a nascar battle between kurt bush and brad kozlowski. In nascar, kszlowski running into kurt bush. He said he needs to make a statement to bush, who for his part, he got away pretty clean. The fact that bush avoided for contacts. He pushed past jimmy johnson. 83 for bush, stop two men in tennis. In the finals of the sony tournament in key biscayne. Nidal number one, but never won here. 63, the score. Now, again in control, he needs to work for this one, but he takes the set 63. Win number 4 for him. Major League Baseball season resumes tonight in san diego with the padres hosting the dodgers. L. A. And arizona have played a pair of games that counted two weeks ago in australia. Dont forget to catch our two baseball specials. Followed by featuring the as, tv 36 at 8 30. Well have the late sunday sports wrap at 10 00. Speaking of baseball, we have action tomorrow. And i guess, mark, it depends on the rain. The forecast will be sensitive, increasing rain, especially leading up to the 7 00 first pitch. There is a chance there could be a window of a break. Giants on the road in arizona. That shouldnt be a problem. First 50,000 fans with plungers would be a marketing jean use. Coming up tonight at 10 00, mans best friend suddenly in some serious trouble how a trip to a north bay beach leads to a surprise for a puppy. Thank for choosing ktvu. Well see you tonight at 10 00. The holes in tillamook swiss cheese are actually little black holes. Never. Ever. Stick even your pinky finger into one of them. Yay tillamook cheese slices, tastes better because its made better. Playing will you please turn your shirt off . What . Im giving myself dramatic entrance music. People will know im awesome and to be feared. Right. Theres nothing more awesome and frightening than a man whos got music blasting from between his nipples. turns music off hey, stuart, whats going on . Well, you might want to mark your google calendars. Stan lee is coming to do a signing on thursday. Did he finally write a sequel to his autobiography . Im sure ages 79 through 87 were just actionpacked

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